The Wingham Advance-Times, 1969-10-23, Page 16• 2N.
ham Afivance-Tirnes, Thursday, Oct. 23,, 1969
ss Public Rally on Tuesday
To Prevent Cancer in Women
"One of the most important
qaMPalfins to be waged against
cancer at this time." That is
how Mrs. Joseph McConnell,
Seaforth, education chairman
for the Huron Unit of the Can-
adtari Cancer SeeletY, described
Wqman to Woman Week which
is being observed by a mam-
moth rally at the recreation
centre, CFB Clinton on Tues-
dfq. evening, October 28 begin-
ning at eight o'clock.
The objective is to reach
every woman in the county
with pamphlets of vital interest
about cancer of the breast and
cervix, the greatest causes of
women's deaths in Ontario.
"And yet these types of can-
er can be beaten," said Mrs.
McConnell, "through early de-
The officers of Huron Unit
have issued a special invitation
to husbands and men to attend
this rally, 'so they too can be
educated in the prevention and,
cure of cancer.
A panel of cancer experts,
headed by Dr, Kenneth,' I.
Mustard, Dunnville, medical ad-
visor to the Ontario Division of
the Canadian Cancer Society,
will give talks and answer
questions from the audience.
Other panel members are Maw -
ice J. Grimes, executive direct-
or of the Ontario Division;
Sister • St William, London, co-
ordinator of education of, the
Ontario Division, and Dr. G. P.
A. Evans, Huron County's Medi-
cal Officer of Health. Panel
moderator will be Don Gray,
educational TV, London board
of Education.
The evening will not be all
cancer talk. For entertainment
the Sisters of St, Joseph Con-
cert Band of London, will pro-
• vide orchestral and band music,
and also -vocal entertainrnent.
The education chairman Mrs.
McConnell stressed that there
would be no admission charge
or collection at this information
and entertaining evening on
Tuesday, October 28 at the
CFB Clinton.
Lakelet Personak
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wright
visited on Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Syd Thompson at Wing-
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Harp-
er visited on the week -end with
Mr. and Mrs. Del Hickling at
Tercet°. Mrs. Harper remain-
ed for a longer visit.
. Visiting with Mr. and Mrs.
Laverne Greenley on Sunday
were Mr. and Mrs. Brian Clarke
and Ronnie f Mftchell.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Greig
Of Palmerston visited Mr. and
Mrs. Warren Zurbrigg on Sun-
day. They also visited her fa-
ther, Mr Willlath Boehler, at
Wingharn and District Hospital.
Congratulations to Mr. and
Ms. Steve Pornery ( Evelyn
Ferguson) who were married
October 10th..`
Mr. William Breen of Mus-
• ,koka, former owner of the
Lakelet Store, called on Mr.
and Mrs. Elmer Greenley.on
Tuesday. • •
Mrs. Harvey Heimbecker
and family visited on Sunday-
with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Green.
ley. •
Mr. and Mrs Bruce Kreller
returned from their trip through
the western provinces last week,
end. Rodney Wright also re-
turned from the west on Thurs-
BELGRA.VE—The fifth meet—
ing was held on 1onday after
school in the'commtinity rooins.
The roll call,. "Places the chain
stitch could be used", was an-
swered by five Members. Min-
na Walker read the minutes and
the girls reviewed the colour
schemes. Everyone did a sam-
ple of the lazrdaisy stitch and
the fly stitch. '•
WITH KEEN INTEREST, drivers and navi-
gators that had participated in the Wing -
ham Car Rally Sunday, crowd around Del
Burkhart, rally organizer, to see the results
posted on the scorek, board. The weather
made the course rougher than anticipated,
but turnout and enthusiasm were both
high.—A-T Photo. '
GORRIE- - The fourth meet-
ing was held at the home of
Mrs, Mac Newton's on Octpber
16 when all members answered
roll call with places the feath-
er stitch could be used. Min-
utes were read by Lauranne San-
, derson. -It was decided to meet
October 22 at 'V p. m. at Mrs.
Newton's. Mrs. Newton and
Mrs. J. Ferguson demonstrated
'the chain and daisy stitches.
Industrial ball league
at, trophy banquet.
The end of a most enjoyable
softball season was marked on
Fridayevening when 9t
bers and supporters of the Wing -
ham Industrial League gathered
for a banquet at the Legion Hall
to sit down for an excellent din-
ner and witness.the presentation
of trophies. ,Jim Swan acted as
master of ceremonies for the
event. • ,w
The participating teams thfs.
year were: Machan Hardware::
Stanley -Berry Limited, Westeri
Foundry, . yinghain Business Aii't
soc1ation .and Lloyd -Truax Li
The Machan Hardware team
walked off with all the hopors.4t
Howard Machan, one of, the
sionsors, received the .River-,
view Drive -In Trophy, present -t
ed by Don Rae. This trophy is
awarded to the play-6ff win -
ners. The same team was pre-
sented with the beaver Lumber
Trophy by, Clarence Duquette
for winning the top 'place in
regular league play thrOughout
the season. It was also accept-
ed by Howard Machari.°
League president Philip Ad-
ams expressed appreciation to
the ladies of the Legion Auxili-
ary, who catered for the ban-
• quet,, as well as to the team
sponsors, players and the public
'for their Interest and support of
tsl / whvo, r of
• , ,
Following the dinner a social
time and dancing to the music
of the Twylites of Zurich com-
pleted a most successful even-
Valued at $1.79 sq. yd. with the purchase of
WINGHAM .•PHONE 357-2002
The most memorable thing
in the Frank Sinatra Jr. special
is probably the fact that all of
us who have been fans of Sinat-
ra Sr. for so many years can re-
lax, for his place in show busi-
ness will be held foi sometime
to come!
We have not seen Frank Jr.
for awhile, and he has become
even more like his Dad in his
looks and his King -styling. Now
in fact, his voice is a little
clearer, a little fresher than the
old master's, still lacking the
character, of course, because
Frank Sr. has lived much of ,
what he sings. but nevertheless,
a Sinatra voice with exception-
al quality and feeling.
His show was filmed in and
around the fun -town of Las
Vegas, Nevada, with his guests
performing either at various lo-
cations (Hoover Dam, Nellis
'Air Force Base, etc.) or in the
dabs where they were featured •
headliners; luxurious places
like the Sands Hotel, Caesar's
Palace, and the new Interna-
tional Hotel. His special guests
were his father and his sister
Nancy who is also a star.
Nancy is not a fabulous sing-
er --after her divorce from her
first husband, Tommy Sands,
she tried to resume a mediocre
career but went nowhere. Then
a fellow named Lee Hazelwood .
told her to bleach her hair, gave
her a new song -style and a new
song about 'Walkin' Boots' and
she was on her way. Thp name
helped a bit, but Lee did most
of the work. Frank Jr. will
never be a teen idol for the way
he sings,' but he'll be around
for awhile for the Sinatra kind
of music never goes out of style
with many people.
Frank and Nancy are chil-
dren of Frank Sr. 's first mar-
riage to Nancy Sr. ; there is a
third child, 21 -year-old Chris- '
tina. All the Sinatras are free
now—Frank Sr. with two other
broken marriages (Ava Gardner
and Mia Farrow) behind him;
Frank Jr. a broken engagement;
and Nancy,her broken -marriage
to Sands and a broken engage-
ment to producer Jack Haley Ir.
They ought, to be. masters at
Singing the blues songs,
0- - 0- 0
A somewhat different show
was presented on CBC Radio last
Saturday the llth. Not often do
I report on radio shows but this
was so out-of.;the-Ordinary,
thought you might like to hear
aboUt it.
Last spring, Tommy Hunter,
-The Rhythm Pals. Debbie Lori
Kaye, Al Cherny, and French
singer Daniele Dorice entertain-
ed at the request of pen offici-
als, at the maximum .security
penitentiary at Kingston. It
was the first time in five years
that the 600 inmates had been
together in one room at the
same time, and they were one
of the greatest audiences the
troupe has ever encountered.
The program was taped and pre-
sented on the "On Stage" series
last week -end. Needless to
say, it was enjoyed as much by
the cast as the audience, and,
quite an experience for the lis-
tener tool
0- -0-0
The Wednesday movie series
is proving to be quite interest-
ing. Sony I didn't tell you
about this sooner, but you who
read this on Wednesday -have a
chance to see tonight (the 22nd),
the Canadtan film "Isabel".
Filmed in the Gaspe, it is Paul
Armond 's award-winning film
which starred his wife Gene -
vieve Bujold and led het to het
latest role opposite Richard Bur-
ton. Next week, the 29th, the
first musical of the season will
be seen—the story of Louis Riel
in opera form. starring Bernard
TurgeOn in the title role. Both
shows begin at 8:30 p. m.
a I •
• . gr. Is*. *. ts.
A.. -
Mr, :Ian has returned
home, following an extnded
trip thrOutO Western Canada.
Mr. and Mr * David McKee
Of Walkerton have purchased
. the biome forriterly heloneng. to
Prian Sanderson. Fox the ben
fit of Old friends, that Is the
former Harper home. located
In the village. Another addi-
toz to, the, COXIMPtlity 14 that
of Mr, and MP. FranoiS $gbaef,
er and family, who have moved
into the I. ,Q. Stokes home on
the Wroxeter road., Mr. Schaef
er i,s employed at Forrnosa.We
welcome both fannies to the
• community.
MeMbers of the 1<nox PreS"
• byterian W. M. $, were a busy
group last Tuesday, in the af-
ternoon they were represented
at the St. Andrew's W, WS,
Thanicoffering in Wingharn, as
guests' of that 'group. In the'
evening some attended the
Tbanixoffeiing 'held in Bluevale
at the invitation of the Bluevale
W. M. S.
Mrs. Thomas Abraham spent
the week- end in Petrolia visit-
ing relatives there.
Mr. and Mrs. John Baxter
and.son of Philadelphia, U.S.A.
andIvir. and Mrs. Russell .Mac-
'<erste and Mrs. JaMes Halliday
of Wingham were Saturday
evening dinner guests of Mr
and Mrs. Fred Doubledee.
Mr. WilUam Leeson of ititch
ones spent the weak -end at his.
me in the area.
Mr. -and Mrs.'Murray Mulve)
ent 4attOrday in Guelph, where
theyattended the reunion of his
1956 0. A. C. 'graduating iciaSse
• If you have trouble findin
soinething to do on Monday
evenings, we have 04 ideal liop
your ,041; and zap over to Bel'
more for some funi. No,we're
• not servingpancaJoes and Ins*
syrup this time]. We'reholding
euchre parties in the institute
Room at the Community Centre.
411 all are welcome. They rost
*so* by the coimnwiity,
and are held every two wee
There was one thisweek, the
20th, so that makes the next
one November Ord. See you
there? ,
Mrs and Mts. Fred Double -
dee and Mr, and'Mrs, Hany
Mulvey were Sunday evening
dinner guests of Mr. ,and, Mrs.
Walter Woods",
A joint meeting of the Bel-
MOM-MeV* 'Presbytetlan
Young People, was held in the
local church on Sunday evening.
at the;
Stp.tion. 11004: .1111(irti.iir.
Doris & Uoyd
Country Girls
Spareribs, Sauerkraut and Barbecited•
Chicken served Friday and Saturday Nights
I IN laitit
DAA niff
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to sclve today s omplIcdted washing problems'
For only
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A hidden -Value
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