The Wingham Advance-Times, 1969-10-16, Page 7b9s r Ar .1 ts b N-1 W ►J ' . -The fourth. e g wig; held;at the borne eet a •Adams on SO' 1100,Y* The minutes were read Susan McMichael, The nine members. answered t. rollca call � by *Places the feather stitch. could be d" They then went over the uses of the, feath- er 'stitch to. put in the record hook and teamed :+t W q n e w stitches, the chaff stitch and lazy daisy stitch. ..Mr, .lea Rddaviay and Mrs. Kay Drumm of Flint, Michigan, visited at the home of Mr. C. R. MagKersie andylvirs. James Halliday this week. .P' "!lf WICH•' * T `..t ion' 'and dance were held itriday night in the Fordwich commup,. ity Hallin honor of Mr. and htita AndyMillet who were maxi recently, , . JIM Douglas react, the address and the /young couple was presented nted ith 'a china cab- inet and a purse of money-,, for which Andy and Shirley Anne thanked everyone, Sheldon Mann's orchestra supplied music for dancing and lunch was serv- ed, --Mr. ',and Mrs. Wilfred Ho- gan of Pon Malls visited over., the week -end with Mr, and Mrs. . W. G. White and family. NOTICE DUE TO THE FACT THAT GOVERNMENT HAS MONOPOLIZED MEDICAL INSURANCE WE FEEL OBLIGED TO STANDARDIZE OUR TARIFF ACCORD- ING ' TO THE ONTARIO MEDICAL ASSOCIATION. THE PERCENTAGE OF THESE FEES UNPAID BY THE GOVERNMENT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY, UNLESS . YOU INFORM US OF FINANCIAL NEED. MEDICAL STAFF Wingham and District Hospital Is svung.. EQ1 '4 --Ther' fternoon Unit of Fordwich C• W. held lesT4a, n wing. ;Mereting, in : the Sunday School room. The worship service , was taken by Mrs. WaarrenZirbrigg and Mrs, Wray Cooper by a very approp- riate' worship centre consisting (*fruits * • vegetables, and flow - es centred' with a candle. The Scripture was read by Mrs. Cooper. The meditation on "Gratitude" was given by Mrs. Zurbrigg, assisted by Mrs . Cooper, Mrs. B. Agla and Mrs, L . Kelly. The program on the Thanks- giving therne was given by Mrs. Sam Johnston, reading "Mary Jane's Thanksgiving", and in contrast, "Billy's Thanksgiving Mrs, Bert Wylie read a de- votional challenge .. "Giving Thanks". Mrs. C. Carswell gave the history of. Thanksgiv- ing from Moses' time. the Thanksgiving of the Pilgrim Fathers and: traditional customs of Thanksgiving. The business period was pre- sided over by Mrs. William Wilson. The roll .call was an- swered by a Thanksgiving verse. It was decided that the two units •hold an executive meeting to arrange for the ba- zaar and tea on November 8th. A motion was passed to cater to the ball club on October 25. Announcement was made of the Regional U. C. W, in Wrox- eter on October 22nd. During the afternoon the la- dies quilted on a fancy quilt. The •annual Fall Than fex' Ing of St ,Andrew's W. M. S. was held on 'Tuesday. IMP C. lsbisster and Mts. E. Nichol ar ranged the programs, Mics. i. Conn was pianist. Guests' from Wilitephuxch and Eeimore AO - Wades xIliades attended. Mrs, . Thomas Currie, predi- dent, gavel, a Thanksgiving irk, vocation and opening prayer,. The Scripture from Luke, .hap - ter 17, and r'heditation based do the Ten Lepers • and the Thank- ful han-ful Samaritan- was given iy M. Young. •Mrs. M: McKey led in the devotional prayer The September minutes and the roll'call were given by the secretary, Miss M. Deans, 'two meetings of Maitland presbyter- ial were announced: At Ripley on October 29th at 2 p, in. • and at Gorrie, October 30th at 8 p. m. Mrs. G. Godkin gave the treasurer's report. Eight cards mailed, and 57 visits were reported by the Friendship and Service conven- er, Mrs. M; Murchison. The offering was dedicated by Mrs. L. Palmer. A solo, "Thank You Lord", rendered by Mrs. E. Beard was very much enjoyed. Miss Hanna Wilson, a valued. member of St. Andrew's W.14 S, was presented with a Life Mem- bership. Miss V. McLaughlin made the presentation. The guest speaker, Mrs. Rev. John Bell. Walkerton, was in- troduced by Miss C. Isbister. Mrs. Bell presented her mes- sage by using com arisons:OPe �' 'Week's day to day living in this[ bountiful land as eorpared' to conditions encountered while on a trip to countries of the Middle ast , inclzd : the Holy Land. (land ig • there ar eas where :not rain for a p e r i o d of ten years. let us reinembarithit as I we witnessdt1ie xefreslxingr &sow- ers that fall on our beautiful and bountiful land. 'Mrs. M. Murchison thanked ;• the speaker. The Lord's prayer was repeated in unison and Mrs. W. Nichol closed with the ben- , • ediction. A time of fellowship was enjoyed when the social committee served refreshments. uild bazcar gl,V -The October Ins,.of the Ladies' Guild vaibeld at the home of Mrs. Clare Van Camp with twelve members in attendance. Mrs, .4awrence vannan led in prayer. 'Scripture was read . by Mrs.. Archie Montgomery, Mutes .of the last meeting were read by the secretary. Mess. Van Camp. Plans were made for tire bazaar to be held early in November. Dues were paid, the apron and birthday box pass- ed and the raffle was won by Mrs. Alex Nethery. Miss Nora Van Camp read a story. Mrs. Vannan played a piano selection and. Mary Isobel Nethery read a poem. Roll call was "A New Hobby I'd Like to Try" The; president closed t h e meeting with the benediction and lunch was served by the hostess. N,NNNNN.N►NNNNNN, Korean, Indian nurses guests B&PW meeting The regular dinner meeting hof the B &P W Club was held at the home of Mrs. Robert Ahara, Diagonal Road. In recognition of International Night, guests were welcomed from Asia, who are now employed as nurses at the Wingham and District Hos- pital. Miss Zina L. Hopwood, dir- rf•f.fv%;,T• %y>r'f•.. Y•9.:,f `Sf,.•f: f%/ffSfil{',':f/.; .,>;:: •::•H,/f.sf +.J:r..:;ir;:/.:M1::•r:r,...,,...f%s..{:l:i+:}Y.Y:'.i...fi.•/•• f.;4L:.Y}% •:% .'!t �:;f•�SH}. /6 •l. . i::. -.f ,' ""`':?•YrC:o-ffw.3/��r$<.•:•o:'y. ;'y+..+•f.' •:�%u• ::0:.+ YOU ALWAYS SAVE MORE at... zm. Fk.f{:::4+.. WITH MONEY -SAVING REBELLION PRICES TO LOWER YOUR FOOD COSTS WITHOUT SACRIFICING EITHER QUALITY OR SERVICE! • LEG QUARTERS ,. • (back attached) • BREAST QUAR�ahs rio (wows attached) r bHICKEN HALVES' • CUT UP CH1CKEN , •••••••••• OFF YOUNG CANADIAN PORKERS l Fresh Picnic • Shoulder Roast Lb. Pork Butt CRoost • Lb.. Butt or Shoulder PORK • Lb. CHOPS• 1.b. KRAFT16-oz. MAYONNAISE .. A jars LIPTON'S (chicken noodle 41/2 -oz., turkey noodle 2 -oz.) pkgs.$l TOP CHOICE 72 -oz. Egi DOG BURGERS • . Pkg. Lag FRUIT FLAV. or JET -PUFFED WHITE KRAFT. oz. MARSHMALLOWS J T1-pkgs. LIBBY'S FANCY48-oz. TOMATO JUICE 3 tins i ALLSWEE'r 1 -Ib. Porch. " t Pkg. SH)RLEY GAY /x'24 -ox. oat RAISIN PIE pies RIGHT GUARD NTI•PERSPIRANT SPRAY DEODORANT Tin r SOUP MIX Wq 'enervs:lrl +: rlaPit to ttrnit::,; quantltiieit Prieto* affective Wad., 04t0-111. to Sat., oc1. ie. • igaluatit• lop VaIu Recon. Swt. Asst'd FRUIT 48 -oz. JUICES .: Ci . s i 1 one 16.0:. Jar °PEANUT - FREE • • •BUTTER With every purchase of 4 West- bs (49. 60,e 100 extra watt)fe forlight dnlyb1 1644. Jom Liquid Javex. Bleach Plastic (15" x 26") Boot Tray R p or Strawberry 24 -oz. jar Top Valu88ig 128 -oz. Pias. jug 790 Lg. size each I I 1 REMINGTO.N'S I.G.A. 'STORE Repeated by popular request 1 Esmond "Windsor" BLANKETS $3.49 each with every 3.00 IGA food purchase 72" x 84" fully guaran- teed machine wash- able, shrink resistant (assorted colours). GREAT SAVINGS ON ELEGANT TABLEWARE on display at IGA now -- join our new IGA Layaway Club today • 20 piece starter sets • 9 piece completer sets All crafted of fine stainless steel, magnificently plated in silver or 'gold. By Rogers Cutlery Company, a product of She International Silver Company of Canada. TO RE- ERVE YOUR SILVER OR GOLD FLATWARE --- PICK UP A RESERVATION CARD AT IGA TODAY. • -4 ,0,,Wti ••e04 c.,'�.? tib\ ., \ \ ector of nursing, introduced Miss Kim from Korea, and Miss Cherian and Miss Varughese from India. Wearing their na- tive costumes, they added much color to the evening. These young ladies were interviewed by Miss Hopwood, who spoke in glowing terms of their services. All three are graduates of hos- pitals in their own lands where the teaching and examinations are conducted in English. They have been in .1inngham just a few months and are already taking a valued part in the life of the community. President Mrs. K. Forgie conducted the business. A mo- tion was carried ,to .present a bursary to a high school girl in Occupations. Mrs. K. • Murray was named second vice-presi- dent. She is to be the dele - gate in the regional conference in Walkerton, October. 26. Gerrie couple celebrate fortieth wed0141.1iitiv ary't • Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth °Hastie, of R. R. 1, Gerrie, celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary October 9th when their immddiate family of two sons arid three daughters enter- tained at a family dinner Satur- day evening at the Blue Barn, Listowel. A family portrait was taken at the Russell studio to commemorate the happy occa- sion. A `family gathering at the Hastie residence on Sunday in- cluded the couple's 14 grand- children. Mr, and Mrs. Hastie received lovely gifts and cards from their many friends and rel- atives. Chili Beef with frozen french Fries 1 ib. ground beef 1 tablespoon shortening 1 cupcoarsely chopped onion 1. talespoon flour. 11 to 2 teaspoons chill powder • - (optilnal) 1 teaspoc,n salt 1/8 teaspoon pepper 1 cup catsup or chill sauce cup water 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce q 1 lb. or 2 packages (9 oz. size) frozen French fries Lightly brown beef in hot shortening. leaving meat in large chunks.' Add onion; cook • 3 minutes. Blend in flour. chili powder, salt and pepper. Add catsup. water and Worces- tershire sauce. Covert simmer about 15 minutes to blend fla- vors. Heat and brown French fries as directed on package. • Serve beef mixture with hot crisp frozen French fries. Serves 4 to 6. Western style crab salad A popular.. west coast salad combination is crab with avo- cado. Place avocade halves which have been brushed with lemon juice to keep them from darkening. on individual let- tuce -lined salad plates. Fill with a crab salad. One cup of cooked or canned crab meat combined with I. cup of sliced celery and moistened with 3 tablespoons of ionayonnaise will fill4 avocadohalvesand make 4 servings. Win m ay,:; le. —Mrs and Mrs. Mac Abram and son Vem of Kitchener visit,, ed on Sunday with ..!.,,, for's sister, Mrs, Rohr. Colley and Mr. Golley of Morris Township- -Mrs, lip McMillan of Lueknow and her brother, Mr. Hugh Sinnarnon of Minnie Str- eet, spent the week -end motor- ing to Nova Scotia and visited with Mr. and Mrs. George Web- ster and family of Halifax. -Mrs, Ezra Welwood of Ed- ward Street is visiting for a few weeks with her. sister, Mrs. Mar- garet Steward of Winnipeg. -Mr. James Falconer, a pa- tient in Victoria Hospital, 1.0n - don was able to return home one day last week. -Mr. and Mrs. John Madill and Mr. and Mrs. Michael Stonehouse of Toronto spent the week -end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs.. Wilson Thornton of Bluevale and the ladies visit- , ed with their grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Colley of Mot- Tis. -Miss Jane Cruikshank is taking' a special university course ori recreation work at Conestoga. Miss Julie Cruik- shank` is doing research.work for the Alaska University among the Eskimo people in Alaska, and is stationed at Fairbanks. Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Wel- wood of Orangeville spent last week -end with their sister, Mrs. Arthur Cronin of Victoria Street. —Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mc- Clinchey of Auburn visited on h their silt Mrs. er, with Sunday i J. C. Robinson of Shuter Street and Mrs. b. J. Williams of London, spent the week -end with their mother, Mrs. Robin- ` son. -Mr. and Mrs. Dick Scan of London spent the Thani s - giving holidaywith his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Scott and with her parents at Conn. -Mr. and Mrs. Marvin An- toniak and children of Guelph, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Keeler and family of Mitchell and Mr. and Mrs.. Peter MacKinnon of St. Clair Shores, Mich. , spent the Thanksgiving weekend with Mics. Peter MacLeod. —Mr. and Mrs. George R. Scgtt ,and W. ane • Mrs. Andy Scott attended the funeral of their brother, Dean A. Scott at Woodstock on Saturday. —Mr. and Mrs. Doug Mur- ray and family of Waterloo spent the week -end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Alex- ander and Mrs. W. C. Murray. —Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Aitchison attended the funeral on Saturday of their sister-in- law, Mrs. Lorne Aitchison of Mitchell, . -Visitors on the week -end with Mr, and Mrs. Harry Bryd- es and Mrs. William, Bry. ee g were :Mr. andMrs; Harvey Tay' ;.e M.4 and M , LaWrenCe Taylor of Londesboro, Mr. and Mrs, Ken Downie and family' of Penetang, Dr. and Mrs, 'T; G. midges and: family of `Wes- 'ton, Mrs.' Sill Johnstone. •Ken., Allan , • d Tom of Luc ow. --Mr. and Mrs. Eric swizzes' and pebble of Clinton.•: Mr. Mrs, Doug ,Slnnamdn and 13111y of Kitchener. Mrs. Anne Strud- wick of Toronto visited over elate. week -end with Mr. and. Mrs. Ken Sinnamon. -Miss Nancy Casemote.. nurse -in -training at Hamilton Civic Hospital, visited her • grandmother, firs. Vera Ara, strong over the week -end, --Miss Neil HutcIson off` Tonto !pent the Thanksgiving week -end with her sister, his; N. T. McLaughlin of Patrick Street, ,and with other relatives': here: --Mr, and Mrs. Stanley Smith of Guelph spent the hOliC-, day week -end with her sister, Miss E. Musgrove. centre St. --Mr. and Mrs. Ross Vogan of Streetsville and Mr.,:°ard Ronald Vogan of Kitchener :visi ted with Mrs. W. D. Clark on the holiday. ° --Miss Dianna Morland of London spent the week -end with her parents, Mr; -and ivirs. Wail- lace Morland of Gordo, Heating baby food quickly. You can heat different kindsat byo the same timeuslia a ` ' or three -cup egpo a her. When food is warm, lift it°froia tray and feed Baby directly . from the cups. RHEUM��� Rumacaps cap* give proven' rely Rumacaps are specially formu- lated to give you.fast relief -the very first day—from nagging rheumatic pains and aches.:Also proven effective for relievinglum- bago, sciatica, headache and neuritic pains. Ask for new Rumacaps--a' diatsnctive,,blue' and white capsule of soothing • comfort—at your local druggist's., Rumacaps are capsules of soothing comfort! F ]f�T:�1,NpY]117R.Ib1l. N.' fJ►T /f ijimacapS- St. PauI's Church (ANGLIrAN) WINGHAM REV. T. K. HAWTHORN, Rector Twentieth Sunday after Trinity — October 19th 8:30 a.m. — Holy Communion. 11:00 a.m. — Morning Prayer, Sermon and Church' School. We. Most heartily welcome our new Rector to. St. Paul's Church this morning and to our community. The Service of Induction for Mr. Hawthorn will be held in 'St. Paul's Church on Thursday evening, October 30th, at 8:00 p.m. Everyone is cordially invited. to attend. Remember the fall supper to be held in the.Church Hall on Wednesday, October 22, from 5 - 7 p.m. Visitors are always welcome at St. Paul's. NOTICE 1 To Nydro Consumers In Wingham CHARGE FOR RECONNECTING HYDRO SERVICE HAS BEEN INCREASED TO $5:00. No re -connection will be made until all arrears and charges have been paid. WINGHAM PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION 16.23.30b