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The Wingham Advance-Times, 1969-09-11, Page 5
.US PO YOUR LAY �` ,► ' `r.. Don't be a slaw to shirts, table cloths and othiyr timrKonsoming laundry jolts. Call on us for laundry services. CUSTOM CARE Wows lute,, .da rap.. w... Professional Service by People who Care ion: Li 11 . `►W of licndon, Ml's, Charles - 00! ofnf,Detrolt,tpent the 'week- end leolth Mr, 444 Mr$1 Andre$ Capt. con Saturday they were calx, at the Pawson'SLterwood wed,dtag, at' Mile United Church. Mrs. WillIarn Rutherford is Winding a few days at.Meaford with Mrs. Mary Taylor. Mrs. Taylor has visited with her St. Helens cousins the past fi v e weeks. Murray tvieWhinney left this week for the Peterborough dis Wet where he is employed at the Wib Donaldson Shorthorn Farms. Barbara P do n , who has taught the past two years in Pres; ton, is this year teaching at Lincoln Heights in Waterloo. After .completing a summer course in Special Education at Seaforth, Charles M©Quillin en- ioyed a motor trip east. He vis- ited the Eastern States, the Maritimes and Newfoundland. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Grewar and Bradley of Montreal have been slating her parents, Mr. and Mn. Harvey Webb. Nancy Grewarhas spent the summer holidays on the farm with her grandparents. • and MA. Malcolm New. ton and .family Waned Sunday atthe h meofMr. and Mtna Edward Taylor, BMWs, Mrs. lames Jd, Jerry and Jill of Stratford are spend- ing some time with Mr. and. Mr. Russell Adams. Mr. Ed- monds is attending the -00P. P. College at Aylmer. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Wat- son of Goderich spent ' Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. oeli Pow- ell. Mrs. John Currie and family of Wingham visited.Sunday with Mrs. John Strong. Mr. and Mrs.. Wallace Mor- land, David and Douglas, at- tended rite Western Fair at Lon- don and spent the weekend with relatives. lvijt. and Mrs. James Warreli, Fordwich, visited Mr. and Ws. Wellesley Strong on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs.Cloyne Michel spent the week -end with Mrs. Velma Vodden of London and° also attended Western Fair. Mrs. Sam Patterson and Mrs. Fred Dowdall of Toronto spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hyndman. Mr. and Mrs. James~Doig of Wingham were guests one day last week at the same home. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Morrison of Teeswater and Mrs. Mar y Nedegly of Richmond, B. C. , visited Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Mclnnes. MAC ALLAN of Wroxeteire, owner and driver of this 1937 • CheVrolet Deluxe, watches as Cpl. Ron Zimmer putsthe safety sticker on his car. ,:griginally pur- chased by the late Georgi r Allan, Mac's father, . in 1937, the car .failed to get a sticker when it went thrQugh the safety 1968 BISCAYNE, 6, Auto., radio 1968 PLYMOUTH 2 -Dr., V8, Automatic. This car was a Wingham Detach- nient .police cruiser, serviced regu- Iarly and in lovely _ shops. It's yours for only $1,475 and carries dealer warranty. 1967 FORD- Custom 4 -Door Sedan, 6, Automatic, and' radio 1967 •CHEVY 11 4 -Door Sedan, 6 cyl. 1966 ,CUTLASS OLDS, auto., radio 1966 CHEV BEL AIR,.6 Auto., radio 1966 PONTIAC Laurentian Sedan, V8 Auto.radio 1965 PONTIAC, 4 -Door Sedan, V8, Auto., radio - 1965 FORD Custom Sedan, 6, Auto, radio 1965 VALIANT Sedan, slant six engine 1965 RAMBLER, Model 330, 6, Auto. 1964 STUDEBAKER, 6, Standard ' 1964 CHEV Biscayne, 4 -Door - Sedan, new motor 1962 MERCURY '/s -ton Pickup, ng box cCLURE MOTORS ."WHERE CUSTOMER SATISFACTION IS PART OF THE 'BETTER DEAL" wiNpmeitTARio - D 3a? 60 EnioI Now For ONTARIO HEALTH i,.P SERVICES INSURANCE PLAN THROUGH THE OFFICE OF CO-OP HEALTH SERVICES OF ONTARIO 82 ALBERT -ST. CLINTON, ONT. PHONE 4824477 (FORMERLY HURON CO-OPERATIVE MEDICAL SERVICES) AND RECEIVE THE FOLLOWING SERVICES AT NO EXTRA CHARGE • Local Office for Billing and Premium Payments. • Claims Settlements and Adjustments. • Name and Address Changes, Recording of Births. CHSO WILL ALSO PROVIDE YOU WITH • Collector Services . for Ontario Hospital Services Commission Premiums and Blum Cross ( Semi -private) Premiums. • Supplementary Health Plan — Covering ambulance charges, appliance purchase and rentals, home nursing, prescription drugs and insulin purchases. There is an annual deductable on this plan. • Prescription Drug Plan — Covering prescription drugs dispensed by a licensed participating pharmacist, with a 50c deterent fee for each prescription received. For more information about enroling In OHSIP and/or one of the other plans men- tioned above, please forward the billow coupon before September 20, 1969. YOU MUST BE ENROLLED IN OHSIP BEFORE OCTOBER 1 1969, IF .YOU WISH TO HAVE CONTINUOUS' MEDICAL INSURANCE COVERAGE ✓ NAME I ADDRESS 1 maiseirm Marital Status ❑ Single ❑ Couple 0 !sanely Please send me 0 Information 0 Application Forms Re the following: 0 OHSIP 0 Supplementary Health Plan Prescription Drug Plan THIS COUPON DOES NOT OBLIGATE YOU IN ANY WAY 1 1 11 check last week, due to some necessary repair work: Adjust brakes, $1.00; one... muffler clamp, 45c, plus 2c tax, and $2.00 for labor. Total $3.47. The Tight spot"on the fender is the reflection of clouds overhead which gives an indication of the condition of the finish. A -T Photo. AN Woo Robert Son spent two weeks at the Iomc of fir at Stanley Mlssion, Sisk Mr. and Mrs. Carl WM.' more. Mr„ and Mrs. trdon. Coulter a;.. Ken, Mr;, and Mor. John E. Brown and Mr.. and George Brown and ,Jean afte ed the Old Car Festival he"' t Greenfield Village, Dear 'Mich. Mrs. Harry Hassle under- went surgery in a Kitchener Hospital on Saturday; Mr. and Mss, C..edil. Grain. ger are visiting relatively fad*. western provinees. Lakei,t. Mr. and Mrsw Stats Pennis of Goderich visited recently with Mr, and Mrs. Robert Wood, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Cook,;. of Clifford spent Sunday with Mrs. Saar Webber and family Mix, Kurt Kminlandand,the children returned to Aia,F on °Monday.after spending .theses* mer at their home Jiere. Miss Valerie Hay of .C'''ord visited Sunday with Miss Evelyn„,. Ferguson. v --Mr. Ross Robinson of Au- burn is a patient in. Alexandra Marine and General Hospital, Coderich. BeIgra.v:e Personal Notes Mr. James Coultes of Bur-,, wash spent a few days at the home of his parents, Mr. and • Mrs. Norman Coultes. The September meeting of",' the Women's Institute will be, f �; held Tuesday evening, Septer;,, ber 16,, at 8:15. p.m. This is �� the grandmother's meeting wit Mrs. Robert Purdon and -M, c . 4, Herb Wheeler as conveners. Mrs. Albert Coultes will give the ad- dress. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hibbe i and Mr. and Mrs. William Boehler visited on Labour Day ;1": with Mr. and Mrs. Warren 2pri" brigg of Clifford. Mr. Boehler remained for an extended •visit.=i Mr. Cecil Bowman of Staff041 was a recent visitor at the home, of. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Rinn and. John. vis ted'on tie wee kr enc relatives in Detroit and Chat- ham. Little Katherine stayed with her grandparents,_ •14r. and Mrs. Joe Martin, of Grey. .. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hibberd visited with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ken- neth Lichty of Milverton, on Mrs. - Sam Pletch appointed leader , BELGRAVE-- The Evening Unit 'of the U. C. W. held •its September meeting at the home of Mrs. James Coultes with fif- teen members present. Mrs. ; Coultes opened the meeting and minutes were read. Mrs. William Coultes and Mrs. Annie Cook were named delegates to the Sectional meet- ing in Wroxeter. Penny collec- tion was received and six homes and 12• hospital visits were re- corded. The October meeting will be held at the home of Miss Annie Cook with Mrs. Lloyd Freethy in charge df thepro- gram, worship, Miss. Annie Cook, and lunch, Mrs. Norman Cook. Mrs. Sam Pletch was ap- pointed leader in place of Mrs. Lloyd Freethy who will be mov- ing away. • The program was led by Miss Annie Cook. She introduced the topic "What's with the fam- ily?" Mrs. Ross Anderson acted as moderator with Mrs. jack Taylor, Mrs. Harold Roberts and Mrs. John Roberts forming a court opinion. The moderator asked the opinion of the panel on such questions as, "Are teen- agers today irresponsible? Does TV interfere with family life today, etc. ?" Mrs. George Johnston read "What Makes a Successful Fam- ily Tick", and Miss Annie Cook closed the program with an ar- ticle, "Help Is on Its Way". Mrs. Norman Cook opened the worship service with "So God Created Man in His Own Image", folloyed by a hymn. Mrs. Norman Cook re ad the meditation followed by Scrip- ture read by Mrs. Sam Pletch. "Happy the Horne when God Is There', was sung and prayer was offered by Mrs. William Coultes. Mrs. James Coultes closed the meeting with the benediction and Mrs. L l o yd Freethy's group served lunch. Saturday and attended a shower for the bride-to-be, Glenna Tomlinkof Harriston. Mr. Ricky Orr of Wiarton called on Belgiave friends on Monday on hit way to Stratford Teachers' College. . . Miss J9an Bosman of London, who is taking a hairdressing course, spent the we.ek-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don Bosman. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hunt- er of Troy visited on Monday with Mr. and Mrs. James Hunt- er and family. Miss RhoiIa Fear left this week to attend Teachers' Col lege at Stratford. Mr., and Mrs. Don Poole, Melody and Tena moved Satur- day to Kitchener. Don has ac- . &intaN s 1br? >flier , < Our-,. . beak- w h gof v iii iherr; • ,4rr•. and' Mrs. William. Gauss, Billie and Kathryn of Listowel visited with her fa t h e r, Mr. Charles Nicholson on the week- end. Mr. Douglas Coultes com- menced teaching mathematics in Ripley District High School. Miss Margaret Nicholson left Saturday whereshe commences work at Grace Hospital, Wind- sor. • ' Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Rinn and John and Miss Janet Adams of Blyth were d inner guests Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. El- vey Rock and 'family bf Monk.- ton. onk-ton. Mr. Charles Procter spent the week -end with friends at Port Perry. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Delbert -Nixon o tratford, on the arrival of th 'r daughter, Cheri Lynne on Aug st 31. Mrs. Richard Iter, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Procter, Marj- orie and Maxine visited on Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Ron Hill of Bright. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Rinn vis- ited on Friday with Miss Rebec- ca Hill•of Huronview, Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Leitch and Julie Ann of London spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Grasby and Mary. - Mr. George R. M. Johnston left this week to commence studies at Fanshawe College, London. Mr. and Mrs. James Baker, of Toronto, visited on the week- end with her parents, Mr. and Jr. Auxiliary BELGRAVE--Donelda Lamont led games at Saturday's Junior Auxiliary meeting. Minutes were read by Laurie Stackhouse and the treasurer's report was given by Patsy Scott. Bonnie and Cathy Walker collected the offering and Reta Lynn White recited the offertory prayer. Rose Marie White will be in charge of games at the next meeting, Ruth Anne White will lead the singing and Karen Scott and Donelda Lamont will be responsible for clean-up. The girls worked on stripe work. Janette Johnston taught the girls a game entitled, "Put It in the Rickshaw". The remain- der of the time was spent on handicrafts and Brenda Nethery led the sing -song. Mrs. George Michie. Mr. Murray Elston leaves this week for Western University, London, this being his 'second year. Mr. •and Mrs. Keith Cart- wright and Donna of London spent the week -end with her mother, Mrs. Harry Rinn. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Norman Cartwright and John visited at the same home where a birth -- day party was held for John who will be two years old this Thurs- day. Ronald Taylor and Ian Scott commence studies at the Uni- versity of Guelph on Thursday. Mr. and Mr's. Mark Arm- strong attended the wedding of their granddaughter, Patricia • Craig to Donald Nolan on Satur- day. and' Mrs. '.fack ` VanNiek erk of Barrie spent the week -end with her parents , Mr. and Mrs. Stan Hopper. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Taylor, Ronald. and Mary Ellen, Mr. and Mrs. Robert 'Taylor, Miss Maril- yn Taylor arid M'r. Nelson Dus- ky were guests at the Craig and Nolan wedding on Saturday at St. Ambrose Catholic Church, Brussels. - Coverfvergthi»g WITH SIMPLE, LOW COST INSURANCE Are YOU lead,/... for the Big Risk of .Fre' It's time to do ebmething about Fie'" •- ,Insurance to cover the full .replace ment value of . your home, right now ... before it's too late. ' Get the. Facts ii.siirwiet Co. sa. W. B. Conran. C.L.U. INSURANCE AGENCY, 'Complete Insurance Coverage Agents for—Manufacturers Life Insurance Company 5 JOHN ST. W, WINGHAM PH. 357-2635 L -..„ N... -,s. ...._ ^,,_ ^...., -...„ .,_ ....._ ..,_ _..._ _.,, ,_ _„ ..„ _„ GIFT 'PROPOS .. ...... / / / / / / / / •/ • • / �� for TREE LAMPS ,c The "put anywhere" lamp in styles to match any decor. Two handy shelves to hold reading material, ash trays, etc. FROM $44.95 TO 559.95 MAGAZINE RACKS $1.49 to $6.95 TV TABLES SMOKERS PLAQUES PICTURES MIRRORS STEP STOOLS TOSS CUSHIONS TABLE LAMPS POLE LAMPS DRESSER LAMPS COFFEE TABLES END TABLES PLAN . A.. ROOM BOOKSHELF OR DIVIDER LJNITS Design any arrangement from basic units. Beautiful walnut finish lithographed km metal shelves. Three, four, five and six shelf units in lengths of 30" and 36" by 9" wide. $9.95 „ 515.95 PLANTERS at $6.95 NESTING STOOLS Set of three, assorted colors, fully padded seats 510.95 Other models priced From $11.95 to $14.95 ALVD HOME FURNISHINGS IOSEPHINE Si. 3i1-1d304�� JOSEPHINE ST. 351-1430