HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1969-08-21, Page 8Mva119041100$, Thursday, August 21, 1969 ,4,0140 os1011•••• map u CILAmisoS,1PIiRiEa �► FOR SALE STRAW Or Side.Phone 357- 1171. 21b MADE- ,AD,E. XH1 textbooks for sale, Ph. 35397, Brussels.^21p EiI,i,EPLACE. WOOD for sale, bard, maple, split. Phone 357- 426, 21b 1970 SKIDOOs are here. Come in and see them at Lynn Hoy's Enterprises. 21b • BINDER for sale, horsedrawn or tractor, $55. Contact 11. Hayden, Palmerston, Ont. 21-28-4b 5 -PC. CHROME kitchen set for sale; kitchen china cabinet; electrolux. Mrs: Nora Moffat; R. R. 1 Bluevale.. • 21p BABY BUGGY for sale, in good clean condition; baby walker, like new. Phone 357- 1479. 21b 19" GE PORTABLE television for sale, new. Phone 357.2 2 2p. OIL STOVE for sale, nearly new, been heating 6 . rooms; 20" copper pipe. Phone 357- 3089. b. GUNS bought, sold and ap- praised. ABC Sporting Goods, B. Jenkins, Minnie Street. Jne26prrb MODEL D CASE tractor for sale. Good mechanical condi- tion. Priced reasonable. Phone 357-3282 daytime. 21b PROMPT radio and television service. Licensed technician. Repairs to all makes and mo- dels. Pattison Radio and Elec- tric, phone 357-2262. 29rrb VACUUM. CLEANER Sales & Service for all makes. R. K. Peck, Varna, dial 1-262-5350. D26rrb GEORGE WHITE. No. 6 sep- arator for. sale, with 100' belt; set of canvas for 7' Mil bind- er, all in good shape. John Askes, R. R. 3 . Wingham, 21b 3574271:. VACUUM CLEANER SALES & ..SERVICE—Vacuum cleaner bags and filters to fit all -popu- lar makes, G.E., Westinghouse, Hoover, Eureka,, Singer, Filter Queen, Airway, etc. Replace- va- ment and hose complete service. PattnRad o and Electric. 29rrb ALLIS - CHALMERS combine for sale, PTO; 1958 Buick; borsedrawn manure spreader; horsedrawn cultivator; Int. 45 baler.° Phone 3574848. 21p EAVESTROUGHINGon Rooq' 'or barn. Metal flashings. repairs. CHIMNEYS built. Free estimates. Morrison Bros., phone Lucknow 528.2546.. F2Orrb • 'AUTHORIZED DEALER for Simplicity garden tractors, till- ers and . lawn mowers. Agency for . Bolens garden tractors, lawn mowers and tillers. Also reconditioned used lawn mow- ers. Call Earl Jenkins, 357- 2683. - Wingham Lawn and Garden Centre, 257 Shuter Street. FOR SALE—McKee Harvester. grain adapter, pipes, self un- loading wagon; haywagon with racks: ' 710 :John Deere tractor (200 hrs.); New Idea 7 -ft. mower; 422 Cockshutt 8• ft. combine .16" John Deere trip bottom plow: 10 -ft. 3 -point hitch . cultivator; 4 -bar rake: 44 can bulk milk cooler: Univer- sal pump. 4 units; table cream separator; automatic washer; dryer: double bed: mattress: Swings; rabbits and eases. Ph. 392-6501. James MacDonald, or drop in and give .us an of- fer. , DO IT YOURSELF? USE PLASTIC PIPE See PERCY CLARK for all Plumbing . Needs! With every order receive free —Prepared layout —When job . conipleted any unused materials in new condition may be returned —All goods guaranteed —At competitive prices Money Back Guarantee For Fast Service and the Important' Extras see PERCY CLARK Plumbing & Heating Supplies Edward Street — 357.3080 3rrb CARS FOR SALE 1967 BEAUIIONT `for sale. 2 - door hardtop. automatic. Ap- ply Bridge Motors. 21b 1965 RAMBLER for sale, Clas- sic 550. Excellent condition. Phone 357-2560 or contact Ken Clerk in Stedman's. 21b LIVESTOCK FOR SALE FOR RENT SMALL APARTMENT f o r rent. Central. Phone 351-2365. 21b FURNISIIID bachelor apart- ment for rent. Phone 357-3435. • -21b • FOUR - ROOM APARTMENT for rent, with refrigerator and stove supplied. Phone 8 2 b Wroxeter. 3 -YR. -OLD RIDING horse for sale, gelding,, albino. Phone 357-3263. 21b FOR SALE -1 Arabian filly, .Canadian and American papers, available; 14 half Arab. fillies 'and colts. papers avail- able: 4 brood mares. Stock re- ducing auction sale, Septem- ber 1. 1969, Chester Cunning- ham. Walkerton. Ont. 21-28b 14. PIGS FOR SALE. 17 chunks. Apply Elgin Johnston, 357- 2927. 21p AT STUD --- Quarter horse, Floy d's Bailey II. Apply' Geo. Cameron. FOR RENT — 2 -bedroom elec- trically heated house. close to Wingham. Immediate .posses- sion. Phone 357-3208. 21b FOR RENT -3 -bedroom house with bath. in Bluevale. Teach- ers preferred. 585 per month. Ph. 759-0004, Brantford. 21b STONE HOUSE for rent. fully modern, on open school bus road, close to Highway 4. be- tween Teeswater and Wing - ham. Ph. Keith Fitzsimmons. Broker, 357-1117. 21b 2 SPACIOUS apartments for rent in former post office, 3 and 4 bedrooms. kitchen, bath, large hall, Oil heating;. ample room in basement. Write Alice Legge, 141 8th East, ,,, Owen Sound. 8rrb SALES HELP WANTED. START IMMEDIATELY. Serve Consumers with Rawleigh Pro- ducts in rural area of Wing - ham. Experience unnecessary. Write Rawleigh Dept. H-453- 406. 4005 Richelieu St., Mon- treal 207, Que. 21b MALE HELP WANTED MALE IIELP WANTED — Young man with driving li- cense to work as helper . on trucks. Phone 357-3241 or 357- 3482,. 21b HELP WANTED ADMINISTRATIVE assistant is wanted for the Huron Coun- ty Public Library. Applicants must have at least Grade XIII education and ability to work with people. A driver's licence and . location within commut- ing distance of Goderich are necessary. Apply in writing to Miss C. Croke, County Li- brarian, ` TheCourthouse, Go- derich, Ontario. 21b FEMALE HELP WANTED BABYSITTER° WANTED Part time, Monday, to Friday. Con- tact Mrs. Robert Deyell, 357- S67i ii' a -f ter . 5 PAW, ' , ill r• f+i bt HOUSEKEEPER WANTED Between the ages of 35-50 for widower with two girls, 9 and 12. Full responsibility. Phone 347-2755. 21-28b EMPLOYMENT WANTED ANYONE wanting outside painting done call 357-1625. 21b BABY SITTING. wanted in my home by day or week. Phone. 357-3268. 21p • I WILL babysit in my home by the day or by the week; children age two and over. Ph. 357-2567. 21p WANTED. WANTED—Quilt pattern, Cen- tenial "Maple Leaf" also Royal Cameronian Dinnerware: Write P.O. Box 51; Lambeth, Ont. 21b FARM WANTED Are you considering retirement within the next two years? Sheep farmer. wishes to buy , farm 'of large acreage now, with pos- session on or before Septem- ber 1. 1971. Please send de- tails. full price and dowilpay- ment required to Campbell Farre. P.O. Box 460. Erin, Ont. Reply is guaranteed. . 21b WANTED DEAD STOCK Fresh dead stock; cows dead, $12. each; dead horses. 520. each. 'over 500 poun*..accord- ingo to size. Collect 369-2410, Durham. Lorenz Removal. Jn l6rrb'70' EMPLOYMENT OPENINGS ARE NOW AVAILABLE IN OUR PLANT for both female and mak applicants. Please •aapply in person to LLOYD-TRUAX LIMITED John' Street, Wingham, Ont. 21-28b DEAD STOCK REMOVAL LEGAL MORTGAGE SALE OF VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY — 100 ACRES Under and by virtue of. the powers of sale contained in certain mortgages which will be ptioduced at the time of sale there will be offered for sale by Public Auction at, the subject property at R. R. 1. Dungannon, Ontario, Township of Ashfield, County of llurctn, on Friday, the 5th day of September. 1969. at the hour of 2:00 in the afternoon the following property namely: ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land, situate lying and being in the Township . of Ashfield in the County of. Huron and Prov -ince of Ontario and being com- posed of the following: The south half of Lot One (1) Concession Seven (7) West- ern Division. Township of Ash- field, ' containing 100 acres more or less. • This .property will be sold subject to a • reserve bid. TERMS: Ten percent of the purchase money to be paid down at the time of sale and the balance in thirty days from the date thereof. • For further particulars and conditions of sale apply to - MESSRS. DONNELLY AND MURPHY, 18 The Square, Go- derich, Ontario, Solicitors for the Mortgagees, or to LESCO MACHINES LIMITED, 480 Richmond Street, Chatham, OJntario. 21-28-4b • MORTGAGE SALE OF VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY — 150 ACRES - Under and by virtue of the powers' of sale contained in a certain mortgage which will be produced at the time of sale there will be offered for sale by Public" Auction at the subject property at R. R. 1, Dungannon, Ontario, Township of Ashfield; County of Huron, on Friday, the .5th day of September, . 1969, at the hour of 2:00 in the afternoon the following property namely: ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract.of land, situate lying and being in the Township of Ashfield in the County of Huron and Province of Ontario and being com- posed of •the following: The south three quarters of Lot One (1), Concession Seven (7) Eastern Division, Township of Ashfield, containing 150 acres more or less. This property will be sold. sub'ect,to a reserve bid. MS: Ten percent of the purchase money. to be paid down at the time of sale and the balance in thirty. days ' from the date thereof. For further particulars and conditions of sale apply to MESSRS. DONNELLY. AND MURPHY, ' 18' The Square, Go- derich, Ontario, Solicitors for • the Mortgagees. or to LESC.O. MACHINES LIMITED. 480 Richmond- Street, -Chatham, Ontario. 21-28-4b for frsh dead, disabled .cows and horses. For the most " prompt and courteous service In this tract PLEASE CALL COLLECT MARLATT BROS. Phone 133 . Brussels. Ont. 24-hour service -4 days a week License No. 390-C-65 • MORTGAGE SALE OF VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY — 450 ACRES Under and by virtue of the powers of sale contained in certain mortgages which will be. produced at the time of sale there will be offered for sale, by Public Auction at the subject property 'at R. R. ,1, Dungannon, Ontario, Township of Ashfield, County of Huron. on Friday, the 5th day of September, 1969. at the hour of 2:00 in the afternoon the following property namely: ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land, situate lying and being in the Township of Ashfield in the' County of Huron and Province of Ontario and being com- posed of the following: PARCEL 1: The west half of . Lot Two (2). Concession Seven (7) Eastern Division Township of Ashfield. containing 100. acres more or Iess. PARCEL 2: Lot Two (2). Concession Six (6) Eastern Di- vision, Township of Ashfield. less the east ha'f of the east half of the lot. containing 150 acres more or less. PARCEL 3: The north half of Lot Three (3), Concession Seven (7) Eastern Division, Township of Ashfield, contain- ing 100 acres more or less. PARCEL 4: The east half of Lot Two (2), Concession Seven (7) Eastern Division. Township of Ashfield, save and except the following part: COMMENCING at a point on the east limit of said Lot distant One (1) rod or 16.5 feet south of the point where such easterly limit would be intersected by the line divid- ing the north and south halves of the lot: THENCE west parallel with the south limit of the said Lot sixteen (16') feet; THENCE north parallel with the east limit of the said Lot to a point twelve (12') feet north of the Creek crossing the lot: THENCE east parallel with south limit of Lot sixteen (16') feet to the east limit ,thereof; THENCE southerly along the east limit of the Lot to the place of beginning, containing 100 acres more or less. This property will be sold subject to a reserve bid. TERMS: Ten percent of the purchase money to be paid down at the time of sale and the balance in thirty days from the date thereof. For further particulars and conditions of sale apply to MESSRS. DONNELLY AND MURPHY, 18 The Square, Go- derich, Ontario, Solicitors for the Mortgagees, or to LOCO MACHINES LIMITED, 4110 • t C Richmond Street, . hathain,2 Ontario. 1.2$-4b NOTICE TO CREDITORS 41144101144144, NOTICE TO CREDITORS 1N THE 'ESTATE OF ALMOND JAMIESON ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above mentioned late of the Township of East Wawa - ,nosh, County of Huron, Con- struction Worker, who died on the twenty-third day. of May, 1969, are requested to file proof of same with .the under- signed on or before the 23rd day of August, 1,969. After that date the executor will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have had notice. Dated at Wingham this 21st day of July, 1969. CRAWFORD, SHEPHERD & MILL, Wingham, Ontario. Solicitors for the Exe uto . • • NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF ETHEL MAY 'WILLITS. ALL PERSONS having claims against the - estate of the above mentioned, late of the Township of Turnberry, in the County of Huron, Housewife, who died on the fifth day. of May, 1969, are re- quired to file proof of same with the •undersigned on or before the thirtieth of August, 1969.. After that date the Adminis- trator will proceed to distri- bute, the estate having regard, only to those. claiths of which he shall then, have had notice. -Dated at Wingham this 23rd day of July, 1989. CRAWFORD, '- SHEPHERD & MILL, Wingham. Ontario. Solicitors for the Administra- tor. 31 -A21 -28b AUCTION SALES NORTHERN FEEDER SALES EXPECTED OFFERING SOUTH RIVER --Fri., Aug. 22, 500. sale .time.:1 p.m. TON Thurs.,Sept. 4, 3 sale Che I0' a:n::'WIARTON Thurs., Sept. 18 3500, sale; time 10. a.m. 'HESSALON-- Wed., Sept. 24, 1000; sale time 10 lam. MANITOULINThurs:, Sept. 25, 3000, sale time 9:30 a.m. LA SARRE, P.Q. -(Sale • at Dupuy), Wed.; Oct. 1, 900, sale time 1:30 p.m.. NEW LIS- KEARD—Thurs., Oct. 2, 400, sale time 1:30 p.m. SOUTH RIVER—Fri., Oct. 3, 1300, sale time 10 a.m. WIARTON -- Thu s., Oct. 9, 1500, sale time 10 a.m. SOUTH RIVER --Fri., Oct. 24, 400, sale time 1 p.tn... For further information write S. MacDonald, Advertising Manager, Box 130, Huntsville Ontario. 21&S8b CARDS OF -THANKS Dr. Wilkins wishes to thank all his friend& and patients who so kindly sent him ;flow- ers low•ers and cards during his re- cent illness. They were very much appreciated. 21b Thanks to all- my friends and relatives for cards, letters' and visits, and to nurses on second floor and to Dr. ,Mc- Gregor while I was in hospital. —Charles Showers. 21b MISCELLANEOUS INTERIOR PAINTING and CARPENTER REPAIRS GRANT McLEAN Tel. 357-1054 21b THE DECOR' SHOPPE Floor Covering Sales — Installation Harding Carpets - Draperies Murray Gerrie '. 357-2002 - Wingham FRASER'S FARM SERVICE Complete. farm machinery re- pair for all makes of . tractor and farm machinery. Phone 3573282, Wingham BILL FRASER 21-28-4-11b DEAD ELMS ARE DANGER- OUS! Let us 'remove them and other trees safely. Also tree pruning and custom sawing. CaI'I ROY'S TREE SERVICE at Teeswater 3924069. 31-A21-1&3emtillDc. FOR YOUR Insurance Needs in Automo- bile, Farm Liability, Accident and Sickness Home Protection Call your Co -Op Agent — LLOYD MONTGOMERY 53 Maple Street, Wingham Dial 357-3739 SEE GEORGE BROOKS at Stratford Cemetery Memorials Ltd. for Memorials of Distinction Lowest prices in the area 38 Avk.ndale Avenue STRATFORD Phone 271.6736 Collect 40/1ENTS Mr, and MO. . James, Irving of LiVerpeol, England' an- nounce the forthcoming mar. riage of their daughter, Dilys May, to Mr, ,garry" R. Chap- man, son of Mr. and,,Mrs, Rus} sell Cha man o£ Whitechurch. The wedding will take place in Whitechurch United Church. on Saturday, August 30. 1969, at four o'clock, 21b Mr. and Mrs. Mel Craig of Bluevale, . announce the en- gagement, of their daughter. Patricia ' Ann, to Mr. Donald Austin Nolan, sorb of Mr. and Mrs' James Nolan of Brussels. The wedding will take place on Saturday, September 6, at 3 o'clock in St. Ambrose Ro- man Catholic Church, Brussels. 21p The engagement is announ- ced of Margaret Elaine Kir- ton, daughter of Mrs, Eldon Kirton of. Wingham, and the late Mr. Kirton, to Mr. Wim def)oer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Simon deBoer *of Lucknow. The wedding will take place in Knox Presbyterian Church, Bluevale, on Saturday, Sep- tember 13, at 2:30 o'clock: 21p CARDS OF. THANKS The family of the late Daniel F. Cassidy would like to thank their friends, neighbors and relatives for all thekindness shown them at the , time of their recent bereavement: Special thanks to Drs. Leahy, McKim and Corrin, Fr. Moon- ey, nurses and orderlies at the hospital. 21b The wife and family of the late George McKay wish to ex- press sincere thanks and ap- preciation to relatives, friends and all neighbors for floral tri- butes, messages of sympathy, and the many 'acts of kindness. To, the Town of Wingham, town employees, PUC, Police Dept. Huron County employ- ees, Wroxeter, for floral tri- butes. To . Capt. J. Fearnell, the Home League, ladies of the Salivation Army,pallbearers, flower bearers and the R. A. Currie & Son funeral home. Also thanks to Drs.. McGregor and Black, nurses and order- lies of MS West," Wingham end District Hospital and to all. who helped in any way.—Em- ma ay: Em- ma McKay and family. 21b Just a . little note of thanks to all our many friends and dear ones who helped us cele- brate our golden anniversary. -,-Herron. and Ella Irwin.., 21p • I ,would -like to k thank raga; n, tives. friends and neighbors for flowers, cards, treats, gifts and visits while a patient in Wingham and District Hos- pital. Thanks to nurses, Dr: Bozyk. also Rev. Mr. McCar- roll.—Mrs. Fannie Riley. 21b Sincere thank ' you to all those, who sent cards and gifts or visited me while I was a patient in Wingham and Dis- trict Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. J. K. McGregor, Rev. Barry Passmore and the nurses on second noon.— Mrs. Nor- man Keating. 1b Dr. and Mrs. Wilkins wish to, thank all their + friends for the manv gifts. flowers and cards for their new born daughter, Diane Dennise. 21b I would like to thank' all those who were so kind to me while I was a patient in • the. hospital. for cards. flowers and treats.. Special thanks to Dr. Crawford and nurses on sec- ond floor. your kindness will never be forgotten. •r-- Mrs. George. Currie. 21,13 I would like to thank ev- eryone for cards. gifts, flow- ers and transportation while a patient, at Listowel Memorial Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Rutherford nurses and staff on second floor.—Burns Stew- art. I would like to thank all •my friends -and neighbours for cards. flowers and visits while I wag a natient in Wingham and District Hospital. also thA Wineham Pubile $ehonl staff for the beautiful plant. Spac- ial thanks to the nurses in In- tensive care. area and second floor. Also Dr. Leahy. Rev. B. Passmore and those who visit- ed me from the PPnteeoatal Church.—Norman C. Heal. 21p IN MEMORIAM ELLIOTT—In loving memory of my dear husband, Weir Elliott, who passed away August 20, 1968. God's greatest gift, remembrance. . —Always remembered by wife, Kate. 21b KIIOHN—In loving memory of Ronald Krohn, who passed away one year ago, August 8, 1968. You are not forgotten Nor ever shall you be. As long as life and memory lasts We shall remember you. --Lovingly remembered by uncle Stu, aunt Reta and cousins. "2ib TOPTING----In loving memory of a dear husband, father and grandfather, Chris Toft- ing, who passed on seven years ago, August 24, 1962. We often sit and think of him When we are all alone For memory is the only thing That grief can call its own, —Sadly missed and remem- bered with love by his ifs and family. .,#040.•011 1,1 4 1400.,Ili!A,Asto..,,f11.1,MAM•,t,A,.00,41..40001M1!',10ftoM.,,01001Al,.iOtol, 00.,0MARKA0,1/;AI “44#0,..11ORf,1,AM,4l4.Aii°" RECEPTION For Mr. and Mrs. Alex Craig Piano Coultes) in the White- church Community Nall, Fri, day, August 22. Music by Tit. fin's orchestra. Everybody welcome, Lunch will be pro- vided, 21b OPE���GOSPEL DtIE,IN SERVICE one law north of Winglo m on Highway 4 at 8 o ck every Sunday evening during July and August. Speelal speakers and. music. Everyone welcome, J3-A31b DEATHS ,,., 04 In CAMERON --At St. Joseph's Hospital, London, on. Wednes- day, August 6, 1969, Master Warrant Officer K. A, Camer- on, Royal Canadian Artillery, of 1164 Guildwood Blvd., in his 52nd year. -Beloved hus- band of Tietje (Bos) Cameron, . and dear father of Michael, Christopher and Michele Cam- eron, all at home. Funeral mass at St. Christopher's Chapel, Wolseley Barracks, on Saturday, August 9, 1969, at 10 a.m. Interment Mt: Pleas- ant Cemetery. VYSE—At Victoria Hospital, London, Wednesday, August 6, 1969, Florence I, (Greer) Vyse . of 348 Stratton Drive, London, in her 63rd year. Former resi- dent of Wingham when Mr. Vyse was employed here with the PUC. Beloved wife of Fred P. Vyse, loving mother of Allen of Thamesford; Russell of Lakeside, and Douglas at home. Also surviving are three grandchildren. She rested at the McRoberts' funeral home, Ingersoll, where funeral ser- vice was held on Saturday,. , August 9. Interment ,in Inger- soil Cemetery. SHOWER AND, { DANCE, lrl Wroxeter Bali, Friday, August 22. for Mr. and Mrs - Stanley Ridley. Mann's orches- tra, Ladies please bring lunch. 21b FLOWER SHOW ,SATURDAY The Wingham Horticultural Society presents its- annual flower show on Saturday of this week in the Public School auditorium, (Entrance off Frances Street). Entries close at 12 noon and show opens at 3 Refreshments served. Admission 25c per -'person. All welcome! 21p ff BIRTHS S.CHWARTZENTRUBER — In Wingham and, District Hos- pital, on Thursday, July 31, 1969, to Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Schwartze ntruber, R. R. 4 Wingham, a daughter. GREEN In Wingham and District Hospital. on Thurs- day, July '31, 1969, to .41r. and Mrs. Donald Green, R. R. 3 Teeswater, a daughter, GRASMAN--In Wingham and District Hospital, on Satur-' day, August 2, 1969, to Mr. and Mrs. Bert Grasman; R. R. 2 Auburn, a son. SCOTT—In Wingham and Dis- trict Hospital, one Monday, • August 4, 1969, to Mr:. and Mrs. Murray Scott, Wing - ham, a son. SJAARDA In Wingham and District Hospital on Tues- day, August 12, l'969, to Mr. and Mrs: Harry Sjaarda, R. R. 3 Wingham, a son. STRONG - - In Wingham and District Hospital, on Wed- nesday, August 20, 1969, to Mr, and Mrs. Alec Strong, Wingham, +a daughter. rpt. Hyd�� tc Ontario llydro rebuild 4,1 -mile Bruch Township road,. to provide accessto the l;rucQ nuclear power complex under . construction on •the Lake i-iuroll shoreline, laid way between Port Elgin and Kincardine. The road, running west from Highway 21 between 13rnee Tom. Concessions • 1 and 5, will be de signed and rebuilt to facWtate trucks and heavy construction equipment travelling to -and from the complex. • - Hydro will pay the entire oast of the road rebuilding and -. assume responsibility for main., tenance during the construction period. The -road will he turn- ed over to the township When the 13rucc complex is tornp'let- cd in 1078. It is expected tenders will be called in late August with completion scheduled for the summer of 1970. Minor football The Recreation Department in Winghain hopes to start some minor football shortly after school begins. However, they need interested persons to coach the boys and to set down some rules. There will be an organi- zational meeting of all those who are interested in giving this opportunity to the boys. Please come out to t h e meeting Tuesday. August 26, at 7:30 p. h1, at the town hall. Whitechurch Personal Notes Miss Karen Rivett of Dungan- non was a week -end visitor with her friend, Miss Ruth Elliott. Rev. and Mrs. Horace Brad- en were Sunday dinner guests with Mr. and Mts. Ira Wall and,. family. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Elliott and family attended. the Elliott reunion Sunday afternoon at Lurgan Beach, held at C am MacTavish's cottage. Around 40 relatives gathered:: The main attractionfor the young fry was the water while the old- er folks enjo yed f.renewing ftie4idsliips' arrd^ ca.tiyliing' up on - the news rt'thenews of each familyt Visitors last week with Mrs. E. Dow were Barbara .and George Snell and Muriel Tay- lor; all gf Westfield; Mrs, i#en . McClenaghan is . still a patient in` Wingham: and District Hospital. Those attending the Forster picnic, held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Murray of Holyrood, were, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Forster of Palmerston and Gail Forster and Bill Anderson of Kingston University, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Forster and family, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Robertson and family, and Mr. and Mrs. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE or rent -A small' house in Wroxeter beside the Anglican . Church. Mrs. Chas. Lawrence, Gorrie. 21b LARGE BRICK FAMILY HOME FOR SALE ON GROUND FLOOR ---Liv- ing room, dining room, den, kitchen, 2 pc. washroom, utility room, large panelled family room with modern fireplace and beams, and French doors to backyard. UPSTAIRS ---Four bedrooms, 3 piece bathroom, combination aluminum storms and, screens. OUTSIDE - Double framed garage, lot 66x132, surrounded by trees. LOCATION—Close to public and high schools, located two blocks •east of main street. N. A. SHEPHERD Crawford, She herd & Mill, Barristers, ingham. Phone 357-3630 or 357-1443 J31rrb WILLIAM S. REED Real Estate Broker and General Insurance Dial 357.2174 WINGHAM, 'QNTARIO COMMISSION RATE - 3% ON HOUSES IN WINGHAM 100 -acre farm, 80 acres workable, 2 -storey fully mod- ern 8 -room solid brick house, 2 barns, one a pig barn, large - implement shed. well situated. Full price $16,500, fall pos- session. 125 -acre farm on highway, 6 -room house with bath, large oarrt with straw shed, large implement shed water on pressure, drilled well, 115 level, workable acres. Im- mediate possession. Several houses for sale in Wingham and Lucknow. 3 -bedroom house for rent on highway, 4 miles from Wing - ham. Rent reasonable. 21-28b Ronald Forster's family. Around 40 . were present and during the ' afternoon Miss Gail Forster, bride-to-be, .was honored with a Miscellaneous shower. On Monday afternoon Mrs. Alex Robertson; Marilyn and' Nancy Anderson and Mrs. Ron- ald Forster attended a trousseau tea at the home of Mrs. Cecil Forster of Palmerston, in honor of her daughter Gail, bride-to- be. Misses Rhonda, Mary Jo, Jane and Maureen Perron of. Goderich are holidaying with Mr: --and ivirs; .Walter Elliott -- while their parents attend To- ronto Exhibition. Week-end'visitors with Mrs. Ezra Scholtz were Mr. and Mrs. Dolton Scholtz of Tillsonburg and Mr. and Mrs. Sid Poppins and family of .Silver Springs, California. They attended the Johnston -Schultz wedding at the United Church on Saturday. Miss Beryl Elliott of N e w Liskeard visited Wednesday with her cousin, Mrs. Clarence Ad- ams. Mrs. Mabel Hoffman of Toronto spent a few days last week.with Mr. and Mrs. Clar- ence Adams and family and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Adams and fam- ily. Congratulations to our Sat- urday newlyweds, Mr. and Mrs. Johnston (Linda Schultz) and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hawkins (Betty De Bruyn). Miss Margaret Robertson and • Miss Joan Currie are holidaying this week with Mr. and Mrs. Business and Professional Directory C. W. CASUCK LIFE ,- HEALTH BUSINESS INSURANCE 50 Patrick Street East Wingham Representing IMPERIAL LIFE A27-lyr CAVILLER & COMPANY Chartered Accountants Resident Partner J. E. Kennedy, C.A. Dial 881-3471 - Walkerton. Dave Sanderson at .St. Catharines. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Tif- fin, Mrs. Cecil Falconer and Mrs. A. E. Purdon.were Sunday visitors with Charlie Leaver and Nvliss Florence Leaver. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ross of Kitchener spent the week -end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Russel Ross, and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Millen of Teeswater.' They attended the reception for Mr. and' M r s . George Conn on Friday evening, Jacques Favillier of Brussels. Belgium, spent a fejt days fast week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Conn where he. visited with his s is ter, Mrs. George Conn, and attended the ,,reception on Friday evening. He left for Toronto Sunday evening from where he would go by plane to his home. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Hunter of London spent the week -end with their relatives here. Jim Falconer of Wingham is a patient in Wingham and Dis- trict Hospital., Hugh Poole and son Alexis, of Toronto spent Sunday at their lot, here. Mary Falconer of Glamis, daughter of Charlie Falconer, 'and little Christena Cronin of Orangeville, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cronin, are visi- ting with Mrs. Art Cronin.of Wingham. Mrs. Don. Martin is a patient in Wingham and District Hospi- tal. Crawford, Shepherd and Mill Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. J. Harley Crawford, Q.C. Norman A. Shepherd, M.A., LLB. Alan R. Mill, B.A., LLB. WINGHAM, ONTARIO Dial 357.3630 Chiropractor R. BRAY, D.C. 256 ,Centre Street Phone 357-1224 Wingham WINGHAM MEMORIALS° GUARANTEED GRANITES CEMETERY LETTERING REASONABLE PRICES Buy Direct and Save Bus. Ph. 357-1910 Res. Pn. 357-1015 Frederick F. Homuth Phm.B., R.O. Carol E. Homuth, RO Mrs. Viola H. Homuth, RO OPTOMETRISTS Phone 330-2712 HARRISTON - ONTARIO 0 J. T. GOODALL • BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY, ETC. Office — Mayer Block WINGHAM DIAL 357.1990