HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1888-12-13, Page 2t blished 1877,
i'sZ =JIM:
Trans -sets tt gl.M01111.batik1ng business,.
lteeeives, the ttecounts of morehauts end
Qi favorable terms.
• offers Wren" e i1i,tionC01,1SUiVat. vjUi
Zie and conservative Winking mita:Soles.
• Vire per %mt. interest ;tamed ou deposi ts.
Draftsissued sayable at aux sae() of •the
lqesettants Dank.
4t, r
'1, ,t'rr 3111t),I'l
THURSDAY, Ler:ember 13ths 1858.
The area of Anstralasia is • ,4075,000
square miles, while that of the 'United
States is about 3,550,000. While Awe-
trirlia has a vast area the peps:da-
tion only slumber , 4,500,000. ;Tha.
produetioe of wheat in late years' has
been as follows : --
Bushels. . I3eshe1s.
1883.. : -45,000,000 1886... , • .22,60000
1884.....37,000,000 1887, ... ,35,009.000
1885. , -.37 000 000 1888... , „30,000,000
,The home reqUirements- tt:re u.ow
about • 25,000,000 bushels, and the
average exportsabout 12,000,000. •
toria and South Australia are tlevti
provinces that prodisce' the greater
portion of yla a wheat croli,and it 'is In
these that ..the drought has l been ,'the
most severe. ' In' New Zealand, ,Wilich
produces about (1116:sixt1i, part of, the
whole, the crop is well ,spokert of.,
' •
The revenue of the Dominion for the
month of November ,' reached $3,024, -
514.21-froat the following sources: -
Customs, $0..1131,455.10 excise, t623,-
262.15 ; , post office,. 4200,000 ; public
works, including railways, `:$283,194.04;
maiscellancous 8204,002.0P.. Under all
the foregoing 'heitcls there is an increase
compared with the 'returns for Novem-
ber,' 1887, With the exceptionsof customs
Which show a. deorease of .83,166. The
• revenue for the four months of the fis-
cal year 1888-80,, ended :31st October,
amnuated. to ,$12,049,0,53,52,„ making a
total re.vetitte ftn, the fit's month e- end'ed.
30th November : of $15,973,507.73 -an
increase over the corresponding Sive
months -of 1887-88 of $1,383,727.01.. .
The expenditure fcr Novembe'r
amounted to 83,752,310.86, which sum
added to the expenditure of the -previous
four 11-16.:11ths-85,„850,041s04--makes a
total expenditure for the first 5 months
of the 6=1 year 1888-89 ::. of 812,007,-
, .858,80, against $12,820,768.25 for the
, corresponding five' months of 1.887-s8, ,
,Deductims the S12,607,358.80* expen-
.... .
diture from the $15,973561.73 revenue
for- the five months, the excess of rev-
enue over expenditure for the. period is
$3,3b,16,208:93:,. which is it very Satisfac-
tory exhibit. ' ••
THERE has been much talk ,over the
resolution "intreduc 1 ,in the UntitScl.
States Senate by S or "Blair to
•Lt-estigate the citizen" is' of IsTuie 'Reit,
leader of the- labeitalf=breed‘ rehellion.
It is surmised that the purpose isto
impugn thelegality of his trial and.
ecution. Messrs.- Robin sdn, and , OSI er,
Queen's Counsel and Crown .eounsel at
'the trial at :Regina, say :the idea that '
Riel was'im properly tried is ridiculous. ,
•He was indicted on six. counts • and was •
' es:rain-nal for high 'treason as a subjeet,
,of 1fer IVIajesty, and also as one, who,
being a resident of Canada, owed ° tem-
porary allegiance to Her Majesty. '
TEE .growth of the Ontario •chec'se
trade is wonderful within' a few years.
The exports of the Dominion 'noW
amount in value t� o'er$7,-000,000, and
the season "just eloied shows; the largest
business on record., The shipment
from Montreal this Season were 1434,-
449s/bosses 1C'as-ainst 4 104 005: boxes
last year, 507,016 in • 1880 and 359,252
in 1874. Of this season's exports
409,801 boxes went to Liverpool, 140,-
,394 to Gliasgow, 235,176 to London! and
259,383 boxes to Bristol, In striking
contrast to this statement is our foreign
trade in, butter. The expOtts this
season were only 40, 528 packag,es, as
against 60;353 last year, 194,366in 1880
and 80,200 in 1874. Of this year's
shipments some 20,014 -packages went,
to troland 20,258 tO Liverpool .,
. -----
Although it is rapidly 'nearing the
time, When a' change inour municipal
legislators is supposed to take 51ace, up
to the present very little interest has
been excited. Exeter. people though
as a tide, can enthuse - very' quickly
when they set. about , it, and itis" just
possible that no time may have ,' beers
loSt. There is not"hing , rerntsiskable
about the present council that would.
give them a very prominent plape in
the toWri',s ' history, and yet, they have
conducted' the aftairs of the corporation
with all due precideness and • considers,-
tiotf. All money spent , during -, the
year, was we believe, judiciously placed.
The roads are in good'order and we
can justly claim t,o have as good If not
bettor walks than any town in western.
06tario. For tit* two purposes con-
siderable money has been spent, but
• outt rate of taxation , Will • be no ,higher
in ,coniequenee. There has no one
positively antsouneed himself yeb as a ,
ostidiclate fey' the Reeveship, .Rove
'Rollins' /Mlle has ,be'en2suggested, and ,
it is thought in ease Of opposition
that ho Wettla poll a. 'strong vote,. The
• names of several' pi:obi:bre candidates
for. blto roeveship. 11 aye 'boon Mentioned,
autonkrist which we. • hear more ,o(ten
those of Mr, 'L. 'fitardy; , W, Or. 'Dissdtt,
ThoS, 13: Carling and others, 'Fb-s• as
-(4,spety.reeveshipno , one In paytienlai.
see* to beaspirt lig. ,, Occasionally the
natrics'Arealsomention,ed of Air. Oar,.
. .
ling, 1,./r, Mill, Mr. ,McCallttur, and a ,
. fe,w others,. li!or : councillors theta aire
none signifyinv,theirintentions'of en tev-
illg Orr& field, bot we believe. tneto '$tre
. sovorat in the bacfr.g.i'atitid Whe Will tots
Up Serenely int'ukt.-, (en= inatibil,.' 'As
vo have sod there is nob ' Ms yet any
eXcitemont along this" line' ; but Id del, I,1
the nomination will disclose many dark
. ,
and hidden n'e0rot3.
The DairYing Indu4try.
,• ,. • ,
„. , , • •
„4. sCM-0,0 Workin4:
fariner. gyeRati,g.,teelf wkln
lia tvtitesids hls aiinnalaesodiatiOn7nteetinge,
wisely 'ainobines pleasant kieliday
exeursions with, excellent_ wOriging,Cest-
ferenees. 1:Vhile. works,, trav'e)s,,
while he .trarels be fettits, , while:he, feasts
and 'Piies'etintiOt'retl
wIneli be eqoys. most., lint the 'English.
man does enjoy bimeelf, even stiles), face
to face"vith prelilemik that are -Worthrof
wisest -heads: ,e,urt..hravest hearts,,.4The
first 'point Of .tO 'Canadian
the British (lair 3imeri, Was the Probability
rmoiss pis 1/,...i,1a11?-, 0005
the, water, tO,Ltesn't'In'e°N\till' th 'e‘o1"11;
.It hose boon on "this, . sides,ssf
than of elSistinimis a foothold in, the, British'
market ;for out' butter produotS:is tlfe
gnestion of ottalitY. :,""We,,,,liavelseeM, say.
ing LJ. along Oat 110,1 -,we have to do tti
Make tnn, hatter, prorInctioli -,profitable, ; is
te.nsait Sth of,o ,1)1*0:etl:),•• `4110
1. sin, of tho blatish, coumuilor., No dottlh
t4At, t,wo 1.;equikoment. is Itho 1rst auci rdost
imperative need of ostr :butter ,,industrys
Isst it, does nots"depseetate its. •'ituportatee
to.say: that, it is not the,whele ueod. The
teachings , of, ',the conference ;:stiggesttsti
aeother „and impertauttproblems :Abe ex-
istence of which was:litter "corifirinecl, bya
careful; cognirys into the state " 61 tha
Englishistaskettlto great market . of:the,
, It was! s „ ,•
X110i3LE.111 '01.4 °ITEM,"
Prof.l Long, stated tit' "the' ce'isfei.esiee.
hist bt aystlinit; '6X -deist' in' 'fevered
good batter Was slot tstntls: ore that :pc)
cents a poundsand 51 semb
• This may be said to be pretty nearly tlii3
botto splices for s'13'esVISSit ter in • England
in any season,. but the 'priee May rule at
about this figure fos months. 1 take it
that Prof. LOug,referrecl'' to the "priees,
receiVed lay the -farmer; practi6itliy,Whole:
sale prices.•As• to 'retail pric'eS, •-1 Saw
gs-ced butter in the .shdpst.sat•st loWet 'price
than 22 cents,, and- thesleominoner', priee,
Was 2.1 :cents.' ',P.St1N1' 'displayed',813- soma
of the shops daring thb ..surniner;,. butte
rttegiug.at prices so high as 24 to 30 csiits,
retail, but these appeared to' dye the top
priee of the s.eason .for the -finest, goesls.
1 -think • these price'.ewouIdfOLly .jastify,
Pia. Long's stathurent1,.. tratle'circhlar
now before no, dated: ,Jrily,'•81st, 1888,
gives. farther 'ooxifi rnuttion . This' circu-lar
quotes for "butter ',landed,' a ',rafigor''',Of
prices from lo -West :Swedish; 'French 'Or
.D,u tell,: at. 1,7 cents, to:. igkest
;Swedish; ,encl. ',Ores Meries"s 28' - "cents.
The above may.4ite amdcleis ‘sbi, the' •Sons -
titer prices whichwe may obtain for butter
in :England, if we can' place it in the
Market, in: the fresh condition, !which
characterises' alitlee butter,eaten there .isa
the sentiner seaeonss; these' -psices,
when allowance is made-fortransporatien
charges, •• will not strikes the ,•Cituadian
farmer as enough better, .th au 'home . prises
tohe. very premising Of profit. It is true
that lam speaking only of the • saintlier
season, when the large 'bulk ,ofefreslismade
butter depresses themarket, tp itis . lowest
figure ; but nothing that.I dould SGe,gn,ve
Much eneeuragement tosshope .•-fos "very
high, psiees,, as a rule;, at, any season in
the years to coine.There;are, indeed,'
kGA2,81ST tnoit Sitscafs.
'Said u13r1stdl bu,rer': ','If fii4,c.reionery
aibeola fdr 02. tc3 OS hflijugs (abOtit-
20 to 21 centS) for eurriMer'S' 'make, and
for 102'1°4° "108 s1uiilngl ,;(alsOut22 te, .23
'eente),fer, fall: inak6, it can' he 'Orcl, ;here.,
W hen It goeisqb° '116'4i -flings:" talficirit.', 25"
'cdr0J.,AV nie,liOgq•e thffluult to' litendle; and
-it g.ets hIPeked otieer the' inlirket:bY,M&i:L- ,
Warine 1)4126 of butters.!'
made; 7;eitra ;: to
'1:14"/Tobit j'i'that
qoiAtt>; Of . butter', inhyl ,teach
hieb priceS,. the. Intl le of thebuttes.: 'Made
-Must he'§eld LAT -price the'sineasis
of the : average •oonsu'rner, 'Oa:el:Viso the'
•coi-Milinptiiin"itelrivilf be cheeked' by "the
'tis'e of a stihgtitifte. qiieted,
&Sallee:is itireiShes 0.te, enConstlging,'san
Ontlocik as Can :rVitediiiihly. hoped- 'ter,
Since °'• „ • ;, •
rnr. bostri:rriaoit'Wn a4a ±,skr,sfst:
11) the, neat feture,ii, likely to 441,-. .ra,ther
thauto sb aspen, the,edges, yen sof, the; losv
place Whisk „llaye yitlecisin:the near., past.
' it pay Us to sen4, butter:to .England, ?,
mete,abron8d, this ve):-y, praetical
query csiteri thrnek upon ,ese loost
• forcibly, . s'n d so se, ethsies th . sWer„ssem.
ed clonhtfiil: 1essem tlie , :opinion
ecastidenitY expresSedhy othets ,that 4±115
1111115011' thab We'ShOl. again be able to'
atid Initter to the Ilioglishmarket psofit
.ably. The reasons: glVen,s howeves, for:
vi'sSts were • not to, myselt oral- '
cluslye, ,Notwithstancljeg , a., somewhat:
uppromising , oublooI4 there,. were ,few
weigh ty consirterations, which :lead sae to
talset somewhat :hopeful view.of
UiLtWll 7r1(e,re, are really 01311' to sesious,
• barriess in the way ,of our finding, in, Eng-;
lEitirl a possible ,f141(1:pecifitAlge market for:
These barriers, ase, first, the itnperative
demand for a, higlier quality".thau eharac7
ssrised,ous .shipments -these late syeas
and, seeepd,, this faete" ins( i:efesrecl te, of
probsble ipw pttictesin the fUtuse, Assum-
ing', fov. the , nionisn4, tbatwe shall: yet
succeed- in improving!the., csaislityisis
pow, deal onlywith.the . other diflieulty
that of which- .sye,li ate just , been writing,:
lOw„ Prices'. . • .0 ,
To -encourage Shipment's of, ,prodnee
abroad, the ,, foseign, 'pvicess,meect: te -be
enough higher than hetpepeleesto afford
a tiracle nargin Nw, „Mar own • maaket
offers ler butter, , for home consumption.
priees verynearly sas.hight,as whist we
have:just -seen have", been ruling in Eng7
land. Sosnepf one daitymen,..where
now writing (Eastetis Tossnshins). find its
Ilontreal at. this , moments (0ctober) an
easy, market . for the, firsteelase sbattes
Which theY lnalicsat: 20 eehte, ; ifor,
clion tal)les. It: is . not ',easy to, sse,ihow
shippers' l3411 risk buying ,this buttes, at
this pries for, the Eogliskilna.s1et6
of eourses is salt otte paoked, in tabs
Take ptint butter„ larostie county ferias
ors li ate . been en.joYiliss it , Market* itt Mon-
treal for fine pant, batter; ,a,5.4i paiee
se high as 45. cents.. The .price inks fallen
someWhat„ 1311±1 'halfwits, it emits:
eten yet.,; fit wottld appear
that our home priries for 13eet ,1:1121-6titg re1111
80 elosely tipOta 44.1010 pricet.. ruling
abread.that the, .marAinifee,nrefit.',wrltttlt
not , appear:to, be :Copettraging ::tes,ehip
ip,'spfte- PC the 'POO, ,
sore ;reasons :fps the fr0Pef51,1S1ot,',W4101 1.
,"IqP4'ts, •
,t11tit P.' titatit)(1 •
of'allsoil,r' hatter ,•Willt n,daessftrify ,lbetVe.,.
tendency to lower stheissiees, Air, best'
•butter higher lreeatiSe of f,1s iltoll
'cososAtatrvelflittle'of.L outs,Whole maltels
good oheugh to."" entoes )•vitit th a' hest
When the bettntiffil inin.t.luttter'ef 13renre
0Unty,Sp,11.1. for 36 CekitS itwa heeause.
'iliiolto.,rs'a stiff deMandr440
'The.: high •stiain;lata
p',1,,n,d.t4ttion; and Soetr tbi 01)10 ',wail, reore:,,
t.41004,4td the deinancl,
oents. 1± is Atnte likely' to fall
,t4'10.''Okr.er, say to %-tclexttS.,2, gad ".P5.1:
Platter been Choice, 0160 Of 35
Cente"Would net have been 'possibl jakt#
r.14,7(34.041. amid 14,
PriAfrt1a best'sn9 Wealten,'s,:'92ltis foot
48 not se,unsatisfeetery„. „spent at
'first-Sigfirt, le:Wes . pleb for . the best,
du e tounpreventeia-ip quality Of -tho.'sei,t;
„may teems, al./el:ter avOrage,pric,"4:1••• the.
whole, Te ,illastrate:ss ,fitie ptelsts
Linitter„fiehanse the it le' :Market
nine imokages Of infetios hotter to every,
-cents per pournl,,,;Thec,improvement 111
tibe qoality of the ' hale lot whieli Would
5111)5 (12-,111},thepetee ot the stegia.paelsage :
. . , .
tti,;say 13"eent§,sycinid tbe,
pride nIn'eLptteliiiggeirlse'rinSpe, frdtp
i5contkie ” e-ents, 'ft ettelipackage
istsigUed'501bss'S'IllielliggreAssie„raters., so.
Ilia lire -6 os Weithl isis 'the
1090110 risei90, klun
by iin-
5)03 10 qt-i.it1iy.,bg'L$12.59,.,...c..,4 ho
01, 811 average gait) Pi
• t..
oje 1.00,Vsest.soseign prices •
for isornI bitties,and the'r'is,sit'seS di our, ,beet.
Vuttor, liat'e;th'ef § le.14.16'in51511t? thetss.i.
fcifeign prices ait1 the PrpOS her,c
tliWer'-gades .df ' When ,Osis , beet
bittter eofinitesids :20 t625, cent:Si-Ler 5i6131o.
tb.b6 ivill be`foiind .poorer, qualifies of
bates tiltering tsyssis” '112' to '15 cents'
18 denrsbUt for, ' ii,lyd'41.16
ander -Mi. hotter ''1d411t11'I11411,1111 0.14,1.0.35411±
ttatle:titaissifit„' '11;•,..t1terefol•o; beeanse at
ntrugild'for,Out hesti, butter; ;the
Market feisit; 'ship
Pur 1etves4pviceslli1)ttersif only its spiality
were: s,;idoct dtfoith 1;0'; Niqtri,.ki.iit the trttile 0(8
dote 13solet it be reniemberecl'' that
ain dealing -With tltresteetion Of prices
only, se affecting a -.1-Sas8i1Sle future trade,"
net with that Of cstiality." Of cousse the
futur± trade he ve': claim ett to 1)0 poVsible
ttitlt116 spialitY of "'the leWes
graLleS, of ein'• make be. Olney ie.-Troy:id;
which' as'essie, '810 shall see;' :that We
itnproVe* our thethode of ' teaSnsfactaril;
paelting, 'ShiPping; .ett's; phases the
StllljE(Cb ta nd'' trsated 'Lai iiiiiths6titieiit
Idttcrs!' Al here vve May patted '17.0
react *cm -the `,Oltiantities cif ."stin,,, padked.."
butter: that hag, been sal d. 'eter, is". I ow ^ 118
ten c,r'-4tWolve cents; svhieli Might ba've
bcei1 sold for eighteen emits and 'utoWarclli,
sf- only it hatl,-beep friltde and p01181811151 a
Way"' ta.cOnrintterls$te in tli Eugl,iish
'market! ' ' • '7.- ' • ' • "'
.Third•Bertring uPen ',.this•tittegitin is
'the pro'haldlity, 01, rather,'
that fponi ands On :' • • '''" '
: 1B01513O25 318 3381IOW".
Multiplied production arid stiff honi'peti-
tion surely' bTifigil:3,g„ tip .vt).
iiribes. of all filrin pi*lticie 7 ;may
well sell butter as' anything else at as'Iors
prices deed ;' 'When we consi der • • , the
gdnerLd 'ecenensi;' advantages of buttes
prodreetieb, s've trimy he led :to prefer to
prOths ce4liutt Pr. at lbw' prices„to prcidnbing
lotv-psicedsiVlseat'br bsef, or 'even cheese.'
The following extract from Prof,. BsSbett-
:son, rxf Guelphs'.. Seitliliow: sense of the
eessnornic atiVanatgee° of -eli•eese•tnaking, ;
protect by aetual results, and .those of
butter,inaking are even greater.. "Dairy '
,fartning,snotably iri. connection with., the
establishment. ,of cheese factories,' tuts
sav:ed WliOiC districts from the fate, of ,
Speedily,' beepming unproductive: It has'
largely increased the productive ,capacityl
eshaustecl :lands and Lidded!. 'to • -their
yearly . earning Ise web: , countries
have been. tnaole • wealthy:by the increase;
in • the fertility.: of setiii-exhausted soils.
Were this animal . ,restinsi froththis-extra:
„earning power, capitalized at..d: per -cent.
.it would rept esent over. ' thisty, :million,
dollars.", ,Let it be ,undesstood that tbe
.production of butter,. is urged ,. as Liassan-
,stas,eemas notsto .supplant . that of cheese,
Ant rather to supplement it. ss ' ,
• , Ag,ain,:whil'e-IOW prices .roill.be ;general,.
a. question if 'lmitter will not hold up
more stiffly then 'alit -test any ' othef- farm,
'product; slime Mary her *hands ' de
ailed' for °sin:et:Safi*manufaeture'lese
and. skills' In ohe Of the papers
read at,the conferenee (by, -11Tr.
was 'stated 'sclairy. prodapte - had
fallen iu'valuethiseftlian ,*arty ether cPfii-
' '''Fclastli,',..--Pfieee. for butts -iv .can hat -41Y
. • „ .
p12n11i1ne81ly: toe io ' .i'slasicl' to
allow as to etimpete with the' British ttntl!
European producer, AgainS;;'intelliOnco
enterpriSe we,,,malit to be able to
bring like qualitiesVauchwith new world.
vigor.' Against distance to market and
.perhapsslearer lams We have here
estissalsas,A s'sns IttPts. '
411,0 n ytin tibiis of 'model:Si gns h tvc a.
te0:0V18y"..et6 'LlistanCes, ',.Tlie
Or the Old' Wisrld has a
tendency te increase Ibe : costs and. rep ts
'of i81nc1,13axes; Ofc„ 1t lye Oannet inak0. a
fair,profit Out' of,pribes, at .Nvhich,„the
lihitepean (lentil...it-Les toprossItiee, it
wjTl l'Oulittees 1112 becatts,e , we, employ,
faulty:. Methods. .1 hear t stiim oin•g, both
' in Franco lSpd Etightull'abont:
less''. prices', of the dLty, .and 5i1W stituels
sticlerme that prieee are already 'nearly or
quite as testi, European psodueer
.aan coMfortrbly livc apent.,
may, again .otiote Pref.; ,Psoliertson,
titan wiican..:illslro° le no I/0 ter Lip thoric y o31.
tliis stilooets- on the, f tete prieSs of CheeseL
"'Elleiproepset. for nigh prises for 'Cheese.
1011 4)0)0 is not tory bright. . Per-
• haps mi,alverage 5,1eight ecmie pe.r. lb' may
he a1l W0 eso, ?81000h 01± any rate, Our
!fat:triers slieuld try sesisodnee milk Oscan
cnengh teo, 4,i,1.4 to sell at that price at
profit:, Ne, can produce cheeSe., at as
low a cost as any eountry ;' Rad, if severe
Comp,Mitien nenfee ,sviif not be the firt
,foseethout of the Markets.",
To, ;Ann 'the. Platter, s we may: he
110508111 411' a.possible foreip market.' 11-nt,
to %wetted in the ,000)potis100 alicadef 130
0.0,11 1,0 :find, spelt 11 msrket pri-eitable
ons, it; will be :neoessary. fer 210, beeides.
lettiMingqo 13111111 111, Superior quality,- of
prodnor,,io study the . "
:k511113401; 01? 7,!:4010ttOTr0l1,
DanOtile., 0,tte. Dec, 61,11, 5.888
..g.utolf?',; who -recently Made
11113 Millions in .a. few 11ours,.1 iS 0000-
otiticl 31,411101
±1,141 refnlies to pay ,15
:Coritti for a, shaere,: tirlion: he:, Canget
,sliaYed .for.. 10 cents at', phtee,
the 1110ts.03? ..tvit,lt which
-he.?!..tiftl'ecZed Unfoirtlitiate
ore0. offt -• of the 'cliincs. and , half,
.'dinres tht!ied 111 ilie‘ early cl4.s.
• Watialteei. Crocles, and Jo 181wy ut 1.
Ximitaltatic. Give. Ilitrx 110101, •
of the irpdorsi quo, Lot 9,,e0m410
Stephenon er,apent 1t D
•,`0 ',031001 03111iliVY'0"`•`0,1i4
stnae.t-, .0rovingAroPerty and paying (Poinu;',
Seq., Mt reclon, .0'1;
IN-? salaries or oommiSsion pahl to tile sight
110"±?81T".Pcl0941:l1rtt'5:s0.:iv1,oigg0goo'Kit tolies
o mt 451'456t 309a
nooa apply, 50not delay if yen decide to join
us, es delays 111 clanger(pis. 1)011' with ro-
f q1eini4S, 'MAY. liBUT1-111118,
, xurserytnens'
Ileeuester, N Y
).0 a rd of , h a n ks
Atitn41-149:11,1),tea-iiire i.P.,teturniag, thanks- to
Court llittniony Ito, 01, Canadian "Order of
rss for it119,.PPla-kl lia3°0/4lalt 9f,t1se. sem
of One Tninisand,ifollarsoneingAinotfatof
clownient 1 he ine`00 tholcath of my- late ho-
lland,' 13MM
iii;rdher- ITUsintass
„•, .
T41e1J0)de,rs15uP4 ef,fera fere-ale:Ails pronertY
in Oroili ton, tionsisting. of a sprograncl-tvinilf
frame houserWith: butcher shoklittachod, and
i• acre lot, There is, egood sta1ko1 also good
ard d Sof t 'water on (1110 45011118013; A good
blkSin098. yoo i:ottsons for selling. 72urther
ptienlars on applioation Terms eaesr--
ost cARTI.311Orklit 64;
Oreditorr,Dee. 13,-1898.
biSsolut'anos Parinership.
Notice is heseby'kiVeri that the partnership
heretofore oxisting between the undersigned
1114 biltelless clotLig buSiness. in the: Villag.e of .
paqdttoo, timuship of Stephen, CtnintY 01
11131on0.ulder, the ' firm Muiie; of lildwarns 11
Sims,•was disselred olv'thil 1St day' n`f Obtober
bi,mUtuareonsont. Joseph.
Edwards,rotjring from Kid busiuo5s,, which
will lio'c'ontinued by Sinis &Iirokeushirc, who
have assinned the 'anci''Wills e'olleet
tho outslaadings of the late firtn.
„Dated lt t'p Stephen this 10thtlay of 1.),edoan-
her A.. D.:1885.
- „Signed
alsaBY EILEE1.3,., Jos. ED-wART)S.
ogi4s1,•!IrL'Ex.eker,,, P41 thth ,
;ancisstansit by', lib naniret, opilie., Any
sent feet ;
furn'uoie0as to 114.4116011841511±14 w111ko43"
-11 ot'ts , ,
. 0.'0't\TNIXG, . Grantee.P. 16,
)fl rQ110E1-
be received 3)0.4111 new of '
7111.11l4DA,Y,20t6 inst., 'for the ,sex,tonshairef
the'lgain-St Ajethadist ehureholu(1ios to be9111 ,
,Titouttrs'ist,1880, Applicants to state±1)0,salarv required. Reoretarx will give oartion-
,lars if asited.,,,Xn,beiralf,of,trustee '
. ,
e, 7-11.
-TolintieS951" 11111.4fitir, Ore3,, anol
Brno() to sell and sot Welsk's,Patent'Venti-
later-the pertidtSfage
1050(11 Towo, tmiuslilp• otOennty , malts for '
Sale. orders leftsivith°,1lissett
treeekcy-premPt attention. 'Addretsa'
peo.othos8s. ,
he k;ppen MI1 Is
Tun fatty° )ailis take the , load gris tin g.
and ohopoing• GiVe us a trial, ,aidi you will'
be convinced that this is the -right' place ±11 ,
,set year issistiogs done, ;Everyone ge1)$ lOs '
flnr mitnufactured from.' 'their 'own wheat,
Choosing AMY,. live. con ts,lilour an51.
feed kept constantbsen- hods:
W 0 • 1
:.TnwinicleisignMI:WIR-ktien'OnItit 8',
Dtkiqspro,„,zi by,,Geo,yrooti, .valAyjoi [6,, ,,,..o, tp-,,v 3
Usborne, mem, 3y..kulsolseil„.'„V.W.oser Slile!
M0,11 0,18 pia, IMahiV, to hi S We:50006" kUr, .
"RblNetaken 4 .trr$ Prins, and 1. sCenna, as
11,7ed boar, Xhe other 14 7 mouths old; and
brother to hisOirst prip,sewainci,sirlidfisy his .
first name qecVboar.T.41,0-,N,71AtS4 taken 13' first
nrizen fur nig under Oil 0,, Year, 11001 ; 1111111 a:
reg.,podigree. vlip1)4--61., etr,b0•AMlid44',U,Iilo
Of servi e e,iw i Or ptivile.te -of return -n-10 ilfM
OSSMW, 22-11-2in 11. DEL,1311ID51IE,
LES$ attitlide•of' e.xPectatcy to
one �f happy realsz,ations for the
-133 biS time has .corne.. when your
fondest drealnls thay be realized:
Our 1111111 14e08111410 arrived. and we dis-
' '' 0 ' ' 1' play the ' • “ '
Things, ,
Ever Offered by' the trr'L'ae , in. ti -he Way' of
Sbaple , • ,, .
KaP-CY ' roceil
‘; ,-;‘-compaIsnro--: 4. • 4 '
FRUITS. -Raisins,'' Otri'antS,
Peels, Dates, Figs7O18anges,' Lemons, at
the Lowest pri&Sa 'rim& in our purchases
we have not forgotten the boys and Girls,
for we ,havo Oandies• ,and • Nuts 'of 4111
„ kinds for theth. ,
and be'deligtttud by the - variety
and extent of our -great collection
Crockery Glassware
Fancy Goods, Lamp Goods, Hanging
Lamps, and Fancy Stand Lamps,
Cheap as the Cheapest. Opine,' see, and
haedle for yourselves.
E 11013E11MS.
-Poultry, Butter and Eggs taken in
clutime for goods. •
key &GeQse
wanted a.t Once
—He will still continue
on the Toad.,
I care nothing about Commer-
cial ITniOn th the t S., but
1 do clos_ire lialion with the citi-
Zerie of Exeter an d firtirrotuding
co-u.latry. • '
Owing. to the groat depression,ofAliernan
'tots 1 have boon anle -to purchase.lnY, steek
intioli below the segtil.a.r ; wholesale pricesr
asset Will giste,isiy elute/hers, the h(%efft of
srocx. 'oeNsisujs,ov-
Goodh. 6P000l'ie34 'Brictsv
T[I(Y 1)11000 el 51)1e1; are in no wtty
erl'.hy customs dutios .1)r. Other .tax 1534.40-
01(1000, .„1“ , • , 4
' I do.'net 01013 my, , geods , hut aellr
thein liI iltolowest flour() ernasistent with
good businosS principles,' Parties -in want
et goods wilt eonsult theit ewn illtoreste ;by
esomining,nly itteeit'botore--iatti-ebasi)g olge-
*Ixpro,. 'items-n-6'er. this'll; nevi, stoelr. /Ito
troribre• to ahem?
•• •
Pah), proilti4p.flareo a1 131121810±4141554.
Ono a•96rh61111,i f Towot attar B.X0.4,04 '
, .
TI -118 -.YEAR'
On each PLIJO and P.4S.0K41:
'when I say Oultm I clo not rrietM hlere.191
Stop them for a time, u1 d then have them re.',
tutu again. itis.a.).LoAL foolati, ,
Thave made tire disease of - '
YeAjr.ittive, ,
A 1 ife long itiA.Tate.n1fl tenkaly te?
Ot.thri the worst cases. Because others h0('‘
failed is no reason for not 110NY receiv ing a cure:
Sendpitt onoefor a.treatiseandp.Irstuu,Botir.,Eg•,
of tay'ilitliAritillsrx 'a.rtitz•nrxki.',4.3ive Itkoress-
and, ,Post Office. Ifoosts you nothing Xor
trial, and (181 7111 cure,yOu:,
319 G, A00,m, 87. Ironge St,"., Toronto', ant,
F4 ST; :,
. . .
, .
" /Int C."4.4
.1! b
*a,y- down m ribe,
LIT ec-;gK7-l$1: •
.41; t..,1
Bread, Blips, Cakes, and all kinds of 11ost-
13', Stilflake the
e f3,44-0,0,tpx, fcifOblf e 0 ti 'n •
3 s/.: c• ./ -
f:,e, • •
—GALL 4.11'SJEC81..--•
Stove and Hardware Det
And examine the Largo Assortment of
Cook Parlor Hall and Caal Stove.°
, ,
As large and fine au' assortment its is to be
found in Iluron Co,, and at prices slightly
above cost,'
- --
Tinware of ;Ail' Rinds, Lamps and 'Lunn
Goods, always on hand. Coal 011 (11311 Machin°
• oil at low priees.
Sole agent for this locality for Lawrence's
celebrated Spectacles. 3141 grades ; all sights.
It is the Best Spectacle in the Market to -day.
tall and ggt a Surprise. Pi•oduce taken as
Cash. , • , •
1-X IT "TO tng
Tho follosvisg are-f-few.2-of° th:e lines in:
Toy Boolta!,,Christranspook§,
Peepleis E 'Stan drird Fiction,
Poets, Photograph Albums,
Autograph Albums:3,
,Thotograph Alb ins
, Stepp „4.1buinti,
1-71 ro
sAsitherns G
Clegg, Walleis, sPocket Books, and tile
firMst Assortrcieht of an, the Veiy Latest
St,y1Ps of LadieS' Purses (woe shown in
174.4 BO,.Q1s:
And i 11161 List of Miseollaneons I3ooks
,Vyrifing Papersi
. Pcnoild.
011 ItirAN
&tie 8
131.14 • r$04,TIN101/. • tit101,tii,T011„ ,
" – —ANP .
LiveTstock Association
• qIncorporatedi)
Home Office -Boom D, • ArcadCrToiAa,
In the life department this Association pro -
lidos indemnity tor sickness and accident, and •
•sitletantial oesistanecte'tbe relatiVes of "
ceased members et teynis available to all. ,
In the 4,ve stook detiarinient two,thfrils in -t
delimits tor'loss of Live Stock 01 114 members':
Applications fur Agencies invilech Send for
prespect•ses, claims paid, Sze. •
• • • ,.:Vir,ILLIAIII-JONES, •
Managing Director,
avennes of ty0
,,:136*.iatra; Kidneys and Liver, Tarry11
ing off, gradually without weakening tide
.system, all ' the impurities ana foul
lio-mars of thosecretions; at the Same.
time ,Correct4ng .4.cfctity of the,,
Stomach, curing, Biliousuess,, Dys.% ,
pepsia,- Headaches,- :Dizziness,-
,,,Hearthar.a,, Constipation', Dryness
Vision, Jtrundibe, Salt ii,lieum,
Erysipelas, Scrofula, Muttering of
t he-,Beart, NervOusn'ees,
Debility.; all thee and riasity
othpr, 0,14arr 1,:lomplain1s yield to the
htippi infAilenee of • 231311DOCIg
T. Jot/I'm-Ps, Torouttl,
DR. Washington
Throat & Ling Surgeon,
01 Torooto, will he !„at th.e„C, tr al Ho -
T'' Latotki,'
-Catarr11,11'Vrolnoilli5iti9s',c1.°86tilit thin'
etc, permanently, and effectually cured.
'few Prominent Testimonials
orPernianent Cures' :
Mrs. J:ohn McKay, Kingston,. 04t.,
•tind,ConSumption. • ••• • ' •
Jahn hicKelvy, Kin gston,,o`p t., catarrh
Mrs. A. Iliinning, KingSt,on; laresche
Oes p ti an., •
511,13 Scott, Kingsten; 'head
'Lined tb Sterey;Br; or fhb l'Arin, of
&, so n Afi ton yo,Mannfolair
Cis; alO Picaidenlbl0419faet51r,tif4' 'Assoc ititior
'- Ironge37oronttY,
la. assure You I feel grateful for
the radical cure You have effected in ,inv throat
tretrille;., anti though Lclisli ke 610'91113111,3, 3114100lt,i,npeii,trit,Connectioli with the testimonial
In'ess, Yeti having, regard for those, 'Who are
• 8111'010.1 3,,,affected• tis 01041 4(9 6001115,11 1160)3-12 to
reetlimikt, 6t 1211(18114±0 ,rolirtreittitient Ima,ke
1n 4111? Prior to'iny ilectimitit-
ance with Sten, r 1,3 suffered for two Ydltr0
from repeated, tieks,of, catarrh al ,sore throat
• each 81,sec:edit ttaelt b0i± mere prolonged
and violent r the former,' At these ti tinepr'
Ilan *latent -r tkl1 thlUghlnJ(,. arid 'would .
ohargelargii. ilutrutitica of inoopng,,
)tlaa•Med,•,11),tongIrt berit • hd Teal kil
- .0,1)104in mut:lime tett • Sinieiallsty;a4d
to#Ir al Mos t, oven.? thi , it o oWn to medic's; el
wittioirexDOrionailigthvarbeld of Last
spfin Wetitte,hlurene, change did me
goal. ut,on rota tri the old trouble wee re"
new,pd.," .5•1e6ing Jed igktiSea , to- Visit :'this
l,plaec; eensull, sou although '
• l'eonfessWittOlot Innen ofro' ving ;•
benefit. Tio,Wovor, 1 w‘ fa voittb (54354854(t
451±11 yeti's candor., Rue reoelved yob*, .
,tryttirkorit , '1 h 0 roolilt. tAnpny to) '
ihtorni you, is a dottreltto „ nee. so
tnarlted in its eh tiradtti tut . • iso both my
soils:tilt 5130&4i letotr h.': .5( 0012)- itsoft# •
joine 50010 125 adapted tt, itiv,eatie anti goVe re-
0,taititituted ntlitengli the Meat 'inrifaterti,
lief% .1n,t0-0 moe,I•wesenitt•ely well OMIT:1:6
6*.bitit*O(116 ausilier knit enuttirloo410.4op,
to ru,476f 1,S;C: an 0400:T0 :anon, to,11q,7i ityltv1:0,11,...,111,1y3:1;010:0 noir/
iYeasili. Years yet,y
14'15, . •