HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1888-12-13, Page 1PRACTICAL
Watch -Maker & Jeweller
• rel. the FineStock ana (jheapeet
Good,S tO fennel, in Ontario Call on
WaiSh:111,,k or, JeWeller
Fine Assort
verware, Be
all kinds
stttisfaet or
work Sent to
Parkhill. A
ment of Sil-
pairing of
promptly Sr
ily done No
the eities,
hut all exe eeted in his
own establishment, under his personal super-
Spectacles of all sizes to suit all sights
1 H. DICKS(Th, Barrister, Soli -
o tater of Supreme Court Notary,Public
Conveyancer Q0nInlisaiOnEr. &o. Aroney to
°Elide in Fanson's Block, Exeter,
arrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Etc.,
OfficeSamwelleaBlock Hall's old office.)
?Solicitor jt the Supreme Court of Ontario,
CoUveYalleer,Coremissioueri ckc., ,Sze. Special
attention given to the collection of laims in
the United States: Patents procured, money
to loan at lowest nttes. Office: Opel ,House
Block, St, Marys, Ont.
Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public,,
Conveyancers &c, &c.
ta'MOney to Loan at Loweet Rates of
OFFICE: OVeY 0,./rEltL'S Hanle
• Nitrous Oxide Gas for Painless Extraction.
SantwelEs Block, Main-st, EneteTs
• Extracts Teeth NVith011t
by giving Vegetable Vapor. Gold
'Filings and all other dental
work the best possible. Goes
eo Zumon on last Thursdey in
each month. ,
• Officeat hisrosidence Exeter
w. 13.1.3,OWNING M. D., M. (3
,• P. 8 ,G r mallet° Victoria Quiver s ity.Oel ce
tndlresidence,DencipionLaborator v. Exeter
T)R. D.YNDMAN, coroner for the
County of Huron. Office, opposite Mr.
. Carling's store,Exeter.
o. •
Office, Main Se.Exeter,Ont.Resideu
o e houseracently occupied by P. McPhillips,
tionoor for flay, Stephen, and McGilli:
rray;Townships: Selesconducted atmoderalie
:ates. Office—At Post-offiee.Orediton, Ont.-
TOHN GILL, Auctioneer for the
U Townships of Stephen, Hay and Uaborne
and the Tillage of Exeter. All sales promutly
attended, aud satisfaction ,guaranteed. Sales
arranged at thie office.
Tennent & Tennent
Graduates of the Ontario Veterinary College.
Orion: One door South of Town Hall,
per cent, $25,000 Private Funds. Best
Loaning Companies represented.
learrister, Exeter,
Establishedin 1803.
`This comeany has been over Eighteen
S'eare in successful operation in Western On
Anddentinuee to insure againstloss or
damage by Fire ,Buildings ,Merchan di se ,Man-
uta,ctories,and alt otherdeseriptioneoflinsur-
able property. Intending insueers have the
option of insuring on the Premium Note or
Cash System..
,During the post ten years this Company
has issued 57,000 Policies. covering property
o them rnou n t of ;40,872,038 ; and paid inlo ss -
e a lone 709,752,00
AssetS, $176,109.00, coneisting of Cash
n Bank, G.OVernmentDeposit,and tit e unites -
wised Premiere Notes on handand in force. 3,
W., WArmrre M. D. Presidei.t. 0. tf. TANLoR,
Secretary. J. B . Hudetue,Inspector. CHAS.
NELL Agentfor Etetera.ndyieipity,
!rho Great Engligla Preseripticalt.
' A successful Medidine used over
80 years in thousands of cases.
Cures Sperrantorrlica, Nervous
Weakness, Emissions, _Impotency
and all diseases caused by abuse.
femme) indiscretion, et -over-exertion. Semen]
Six packages G uaranteed to. Cure when all others
Fail. Ask yotir Druggist for The Groat Xcitilsk
Prescription, take no substitute. Ono package
$1. Six $5, by mail. Write for Pamphlet. Address
lienrelea Chemical Co.. Tretrolte
Barber Shop,
A. Hastings, 'Prop
Shaving aoil Hair cutting in the lateat styles
of the art.
Everyattention paid he cUtting
Ladies and Children's Hair.
Publisher pored Proprietor
Sallee ,eeease, 16 grand Love Stories, a paekeifel
• of goods worth two dollars bo man -
lira et tire, anda large 100p picture book, that
will betely put you on the road to a handsome
fort ape. Write quickly, and send sesilver to
help pay postage.
A. W. ICINNEY, Yarmouth, N S.
Eyes Tested
Practical Optician,
Gra uate Oiotic School 1\1'.7%
Eos tested.; defective sight restored by the
aid of fleoglasses. Large assortment of the
finest 81/Wes on hand. A call solicited.
4o9i.riceotostrole-p-swe London.
Davidson. Eros.,
Build ars d' Contractors
Shop one door.east of Parsons' Black-
smith Shop. Manufacturers of Sashea, Doors
and Blinds. Buildings eontracted for. Plans,
estimates and specifications. furnished if re-
quired, ' .
Front their past experience in the building
lino they guarantee satisfaction. All Work
done with promptness and dispatch. Season-
ed lumber always on hand.
—You do not buy your --
Fall -azid Winter
leAl;hers, Felt Bo 'Ots, .&c.,
,Weseloh. !
Tlp Boot and Shoe Man,
Oppose Reynold's - Hotel,
anti bargains for all who require good goods
cheap. My motto is :—Small profits
and Vick returns.
Only place for hana-made Boots & Shoes
Felt Boots, Rubbers'imil Felt ,Socks.
Ilensall Roller Mills.
Tim. Undersigned' would respectfully in-
form the community that he has leased the
above mills, and has refitted same with the
latest and most improved machinery ; and will
A Large Stock of Flour and Feed
Always on Hand.
Gristing & Olioppin g
Promptly Attencised To.
A. Trial Soli ited.
11.22-6.m, HENSALL.
Jewelry Store
Yon are invited to come and see
Our Elegant Holiday Stock
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver-
ware, Noveltite, Fancy Goods, &e.
fifis far Old Noting,
:Rep a,iri ng D epar trn'
We make a specialty of welch find jewel-
ry repairing. Jewelry mended and re-
poliehed so as to look like new. All Work
Our motto : Neat, prompt and reiiable.
Demon:11)er the stattd, opposite McDonell
& VVangli's HerdWare rc
J. 0, Stonoma• n,
. ntlisAtt, owe,
BY Our own correspond -eats, •
One Sunda z about two weeks wben Ole
family of Mr. Samuel Hicks were at chetah,
a hungry fellow entered the house, filled
himself with the good things in the larder,
and quietly left by the cellar vtiedovr. tiis!
same way he clone in. Ide wen not or
greedy, as there WEIS two hundred donate
in a clock ,on a shelf, a watch in a VIS4
banging on the wall, and other valuable*,
in the house, winch were not molested. ,
A grand minical and literary entertain,.
ment is to be given oo Frivay evening 14t1
ink in sichool Sec, No. 3 Maple Lodges,
Tbe teacher Miss Hodgins and, seieril
committees are sparing no pains in the,
preparation, Wad are offered of its tontine
they having centered talent from -Anse
Craig, Winfield (Paterson Bros.), Ildertote
(Capt. Robson), and other places, which
naeansfirst-class local talent. Doors opeti
at 7.30, admitmien 15cts.
Some ;person or petsone were led by
some setonspirators, a week ago to take eff
two nuts that held on the wheels of Mr.
John Sherrett's buggy, while he end dais
wife were in meeting. He had a wild
horse and if he. had not noticed what had
been done both might have been killed.
Last week Mr. A. M. Wilson received fie
a personal gift from Mr, .T. J. Woodtionse,
Cor, Sec. dr Treae. of S. S. A. Toronto, 'a
parcel. containing 74 library books and 1
doe bibles, for Shipka S. S. They were
received horn the same genileroan who
sent, last winter, 42 library books, 3 dos
hymn books aiad 2 dos bibles ; worth in all
about $45, for above named school, This
was the result of an aoquaintenee formed
by our delegates at the 5. S. Convention
held in London in 1887. So much for the
S., 5, Association. •
To the Editor of the Exeter Times.
Could you enlighten one of your sub-
scribers by answering the following, (melee
tions:—The townehip engineer win rigneekt-
ed to examine a certain watercouree, Oen
certain date ; he did se. About 3 moo"this '
after he filed his award. His award we's
that the applicant ancl,all below him should
construct a dram ofit certain size, buethat
a drain of less theft one -halts said size
would leoquite suiciept drain apoli.
cant's PaMperty; and that of all below hien."
But the larger drain:waif- awerded for the
benefit of parries -above applicant, though
these partres.were not in any way included
in the award. Applicant wishes to know
if he innst obey the award, and if the par-
ties above him can drain their surface
water on him.—SUBSCenten.
`[Subscriber'is searcelyexplicit enough •
his query. Chemins. ances very often ma-
terially alter cai-,es. He says the Eugineer
mnde an award in which was embodied a
certain sized drnin. but that the Engineer
(vernally, we se ppose) claimed that a drain
of less than one-half size would be quite
stifficient to drain applicant's property, dm.
,If the applirant dug the drain the smaller
size, -and uot in accordance with the profile,
then he is at fault find eau be compelled to
enlarge the same to accomraodate:the larger
and properly prescribed drain of his neigh-
bors to the north, or as the case may be,
and do such eutirely at his own expense; or
on the other hand, if 'Subscriber' made the
draiu am per profile his neighbois cannot
enter said drain unless they pay him an
ailment proportionate with the benefit de-
rived from entering such drain. -Ed Tinter]
BRIEFS.—THO annual election of officers
for L. 0. L. No. 501 took place on Tues-
day, 4th inst, County Master Robt. Berry
Presiding. The following brethren were
elected to fillthe'offices for the ensuing
year :—W. M., Luther Switzer '• D. M.,
Edward Shier; °hale, Capt. W. H. Paisley;
i•ee. fiec.. Geo. L. Money ; fin. sea.; John
Somerville ; treas., Robt. Robinsondir.
of ceremonies, Wm. Hannah ; net., 'Sam.
Switzer ;eom., D. W. Drilmage'E. Ken-
T. ollingsbead, Robinson. J.
Doupe ; tyler, James Beatty ; auditors, E.
Kennedy, W. Robinson.—Mr. W. M.
Leigh, school teacher, • of Kirkton, has
Purchased the farm of Mr. II, Roadhouse
for tile BUM of 11.7,650.— Rey. W. P. Ire-
land, M. A., incumbeet of St. Paul's Epis-
copal church, has returned to his labours
after a sojourn of three Ines. in the olcl
land. His pariehionere all give him a ,
hearty welcome home.—D. W. Dulmage
who has been indisposed for eome time
past, is gradually improving.- air. Salter,
qt St. Marys; is conducting a singing school
every Weilnestlay evening in the Presby.
tnah church. It bids' fair to be success-
ful, 53 having become membere.—Pros-
peas for building during the corning year,
in alio vicinity, aro good. A number of
our well.to•do farmers are already draw-
ing meterial for the erection of fine resi-
dences,—The reputation of H. Brown of
Winchelsea as au auctioneer, is being wide-
ly spread, he having received great credit
for the manner in which he conducted the
exteneive sale held at Mr. Roadhouse's on
Thursday last.—The "Term" is the popu-
lar local weekly at Kirkton. Now IS the
time for the reading community to sub-
scribe for a really good paper. The Tiaras
from now till the end of 1889 for $1,--0ur
°slimmed friend Geergo rays ho dine not
require Sir John'e buei, but he would like
to see Sir John hint. lionaiuiseeneee of
soliciting subseriptione for the El:111)40.-
1115.m M. A. Stinson of Carberry, Manitoba,
who has been visiting Melbas here returns
home during the eresent week.
Toe° tip the syelem ancl linplove the
t't b t I* 2-1 ' '11 It
pe y a ting yer s fireman a,
will make yeti feel like a note ..peeson.
Theusitede hove foiled health, atina.rellOf
froth (differing; by the uefoef thut •.groat
blood PUrifier, when all othefeleaus Mild
Bernrs.—Hon. Sir Elugh Cunningham,
our worthy shoemaker, took a notion that
be would get married, and so he did ; but
on his way down to Kippenf to the Timis -
tee.), Sir Hugh, who ia not an apt driver,
and who woe taken up too much by his in-
tended mistress, let go the lines, and the
purapmaker's horse (for suoll'it wee) took a
erip into a farmer's barn yard, and around
the straw Mack, and might have been im-
itating the 'wandering Jew' if some one
bed not come to the rescue in the nick ot
tiine. Hugh thinlia he will here her home
to•day, His reasone tor not bringing her
hobae sooner was tint he had not got a Y
stove pipe to heat both kitehen and par-
lor. We wish him happitess in his new
underteking.—There svill be mute a change
in this viciuity ore long, as quite a number
of our young !Oka are making a change.—
Dnficau. our blacksmith, has had eo
much to do letely that he cannot attend to
the wauts of all his • customers. "It does
not take much to keep Wm. going."—Look
on* for weddings from this out. Take °ere
o youreelf John. --Mr. M. MeTaggart aold
two fume of 100 acres each, in the Town -
ohm of Stanley, to Menne, Morrison &
Dinsdale, respectively, for the sums of
$6,500 find §6,000.
Boners.—Pork is bringing V per cwt.
In this place.—Miss C LDent, one of our
teachers, has been engaged in Mitchell Pub.
tic School at a salary of $225.—A eumber
'of our villagers went to Brucefield Saturday
last to attend the funeral of the late Mr.
Rattenbury.—Jno. McMillan, M. P., ad-
dressed his ecustituente here on Tuesday
even.—Hensall etation is the one from
which then should do their shipping if they
wish quick forwarding. Messrs. McEwen
& Ellis shipped a carload of poultry from
here to Winnipeg, and it took only one day
longer than a Teen Inc passenger train would
tame -Peace explain the difference between
"'Unrestricted Reciprocity," "Commercial
• Union," end "Free Trade."—The following
• is the:standing of the pupils in the junior
depertment of S. S. No. 1, Hay, for the•
month. of September. ae based; on regular.
ity a attenaance and proficiency in studies:
Jr 3rd cless—Willie Elder. Alice Caldwell,
Bella Bifuthroxi. Sr 2nd—Mirian Mor-
tison, Annie Troyer; Walter Cosworth. Jr
• 2nd—I4ilie Blatoliford. Mary Peart, Gar -
.net Sinalliecombe Sr est—N Shaver, .A
• Sonthron, Robert Hell. b. let-LLouie
blocartleur, Perm, Carlisle, Bonnie Cald-
'people in Bincefield, or along the London
Road, were better known than the late John
Rattenbury. The news of his death Will be
receired With genuine regret, as ,he wee
highly thought of by alt who knew hint.
He had reached -the ripe age of 82 yrs„ and
10 days, and until the past year has enjoy-
ed the best of health, in the midet of en
active and busy life. He came to this
country from Devonshire, England, when a
youth, and settled in this county when it
was a forest:. He passed to hes rest on
Thursday morning, 6th Mat. His funeral
on Saturday morning was one of the log.
est ever seen in this section. His Temaine
were laid to reat in Baird's cemetery, a spot
selected by himself. He leaves to mourn
an irreparable loss a widow and 5 children,
all in comfortable circumstances.
R. T. or T.—The following officers were
elected to Brucefield Star Counnil No. 219,
Royal Templar% of Temperance for the en-
suing six months: bro Wm Bell, 5 0 ; bro
Wm Forest, V 0 ; bro 5 3 Penick. Chap ;
mister Janet Mustard, II S ; mister Annie 7
Ross, A le S; sister Mamie McIneosh, F 5;
sister Mrs 5 J Polliok, trees ; bro James
Allan, herald; bro J Lonclesberough, sent;
Pister A J Roes, organiet ; Rev J 11 Simp-
son, rep. to Grand Coencil.
St. Mary.
BRIEFS.—The annual concert of the
Collegiate institute will be held on Fridan
evening, Dec. 14th, and every effort has
been put forth by both pupils and teachers
to make it the grand concert of the seamen.
— While Gordon Coupland, the four year
old son 01 CbaS, emplane, was playing
around the shaft which drives the Arum
press, his clothes beefone fastened to the
conpling, and he was whirled round the
led several times before the machine could
be stopped.; though severely injured, the
doctor has hopes of hie recovery.—Rev. A,
M. PhilipsrB. D., of Toronto, preached
the ethicational sermons in counection with
the Methodist church' last Sunday evening.
— Mr. J. Beam, manager of the Si Marys
office of the Great North-Western Tele -
math Om, has moved his lightuing machine
to Joe Stafford's now block, -31. Ohmic s
Hardy, of Anderson, whe, last winter, went
to seek his fortune and feel the soft breezes
°flies Punk slope, has returned home.
Mr. IL gives a glowing account of his trip,
and of the Provincee of British Columbia
and Manitoba, and other Provinces and
territories throogh which he passed. --W.
Jamieson, of the University Colic.go, has
returned home to spend his Christmas va-
cation. Wes is looking well. --Mr. John
Clarke, of the laiv firm of Smith & Clarice,
has, for the pas week, been confieed to his
room from an attack of inflauirnation.--0.
ClarkeSof Trinity Medical College, has laid
aside books, &c, for a few weeks' reereation.
--The young people of Kure cherch gave a
very intoreetnag entertainment in the above
church hot Monday evening. --The ensiling
foes of the two Exoterites will be missed
in St. Marys soon, es the firm with whieli
they are engaged hat closed beshiese here.
---- —
To THE I.:preen ;
PlOiLSO inform your readers that I have a
poeitiee remedy for the above named dis
cam. Ily its timely use thousands of
hopelees ernes have been permanently
Mired, 1 shall be glad to send two bottles
of my eemede. ruen to env of yOur readers
Whet lave coteutription if they will send
'roe tlaelr IfIxpress and P. 0, acldrce3s,
goomottutiy, DR. T. A. SLOCUM,
orento,. Ont. 31 Y000 swot
Bnieirs.—The regular quarterly meeting
of the Evangelhal church .was held last
Sunday ill the Goshen Line eloareb,
wail crowded to in utmost. Rev. Mr.
Rauch, presiding elder, was present. Rev
Mr, Umblich, of New Hamburg,
occupied the Even. pulpit Sunday evening,
in the &ermine of Rey. H141101E—Mr. Robt.
lb:Lowell mad syife, of Goderieh, is at pres-
ent visiting friends and relaiives in this Vi-
cinity. Mr. and Mrs. B. ere old Zeriehites
and we are pleated to see their smiling
faces amongst us ageirt for e seasons—Mr.
A. Wambold, of Waterleo; wee the guest of
her parents this week.—•One day leaf week
Mr. D. Sieinbaoh went out on rt7rabbiting
expeditious and before he was iu the bnidi
20 ruin. was lucky enough to knock over
three no big tallovt% We consider this
good work, Nest ?—Mr Latta ie snaking
good progrem with the School Library
Concert. The programing by ell accounte
will be a good one, end we on expect a
night of fun and amusement OA Fnday,
21st inst, Everybody tome, as it ia in
aid of the eahool library: Admission, 10
and 15 cents,
• Crediton.
PERSONAL.—Mr, Donald Patterson re-
turned on Monday from Marquette, Mich.,
and ,called on his numeroas friends here.—
Miss Bertha Gebauer has again returned to
London.—Rey. Mr. Fife is stiffening some.
what froua ill.health.—Mr. AL 3. White of
THE Trams was in town lest week.—Mr. 3.
Talmo, Eggratm, is again "111104 to 1118
bed, mid is in a low condition.
Binere.—On Sundeyerrg. last some per.
sous maliciously broke the brackets on Jr.
C. Kibler's verandah, andwe andentaud
Mr, K. is offering a reward for the prime -
elision of the offenders. We hope he may
discover the tniscreants;—T11ei same night
aortae evil -disposed party put .now and dirt
into the night letterebox at the poet office.
and as there was 'consideeable mail matter
contained therein, such was Lunch moiled.
The p. m.ifi anxious to discover the guilty
eadrties, mad it leendsthey *ill be Famished.
Young RIM OMNI discintine lieteg boys,
end hold therneelves , goof ;of their petty
practicea.—As we writethat we hear of may-
oral weddings being on dit, but which aree.
to be contracted at aaheur too late to rend
er their publication in this. week** Maze.=
—The trustees of Our echoed hive, engegeil
Mies Halse. of Exeter, to take Awe of the
junior department of the.schisol, for next -
year. They have not se yet engaged an
assistant for her. Mies Hattie is 'known
among us, having tiMglat herd previously,
for some tinide-44, Larepork had a valu-
able horse: die, leek wattle ; mends: an over-
dose of fooerrhiehttprocurtiaishy-hreiltitig
loose.—Mr. Wm, Anderson haw eelne back
to Crediton, after is very successful engage-
ment with the Gale Sulkey Co.. at Walker-
ton.—Wednesday morning we were appris-
ed the death of Mr. Samuel Redden, of the
4th eon. Stephen, which occurred Tuesday
evg„ he being aged 48 Tian, -1 mos. and
24 days. Mr. H. had been itt poor health
for some time, but deathwas not somected
to enfille at so early a date. He as highly
ropected and hie wife awl family hers the -
tympatily of all in their bereavement. The
funeral will take place ou Friday morning
at ten o'clock from his late residence, for
lite Exeter semetery.
01=11.1one—thi8 *Seek vs chronicle the
death of one who hat dearted from onr
midst, and who has left;epiany eorroWing
friends and acquaintances; Wei refer to
Mr. Frederiik Ccuntz, 'whoe ao mentioned
before, had worked for My. W, Ele -Weasel,
of this place, until the pain spri'nge The
young man haring been the possemor of
a sarong physical nature,WudlOsirieg to
aim for himself a bright future, formook
horoe, friends and fatherland in order that
he might accomplish his purpose, aud in
1883 canie to this country. Finding him-
self without mean% he determined to visit
the only relatives ha haa in America. Mr.
Jacob Couutz and family, of near Dash-
wood. whose hospitality and kindness he
had since enjoyed, at close intervals. He
Bemired employment with Mr. Wenzel soon
after his arrival, and continued in his ser-
vice for over four years, during which per-
iod Mr. W. over found him to be a man of
sterling qualities, full of good will, and al-
ways attentive to business. 1Ha soon made
warm friends and associates, and was re-
spected by all who came in contact with
him. He was a worthy and efficient mem-
ber of the band, as of several other organi.
zations. His prospects soon became bright
and by practical economy aud diligence he
had accumulated considerable money. Last
sprints, lie engaged with Mr. L Handford, of
Exeter, in whose employ he was at time of
=keens. When taken ill about four weeks
ago he Ives removed to hie uncle's residence
near Dashwoed, wlaere eyery possible care
owl attentiun was givezi him; but to no
,avail. His sojourn here on mirth was to
end, and after three week's illness of
typhoid fever,supplementedwith an attack
of inflammation on the lunge, he died on
the 41h inst. at the age of 2 i years, 8 mos.
and 16 days. The news of his death was
received hero with profound regret by all,
_the respect for the deceased having been
exceptionally great aud general. Even
little ehildren were brought le tears by the
untimely news. Ilia remains were interred
itt the Lutheran cenaetery, Dashwood, ou
Friday, Dec. 7tli, and a large number Irani
here attended the funeral to pay their last
sad tribute to a beloved Mewl. The band
attended in uniform, having their Matra -
wants draped and drums ;muffled, and at
the grave discoareed several appropriate
selections of music, as did file° the Exeter
band, of which he rasa late member, After
viewing the commie our band boys removed
their badges ou which wag printed
bye Cornrade," and dropped thorn on the
coffin preparetory to its being covered.
The ceremonies over, both bands rendered :
" What a friend we have in Jesus," and
with heavy hoartsleft the cemetery, feeling
that they had, indeed, lost a very dear
friend. Tho young man loaves to mourn
their loss, a father, step -mother ancl hair
brothera and istets, who reside in the pro,
vinee of Alsace, Gentiany, and his uncle
and family at DashWood, besides numer-
ous frietols and acquaintances,
.1'en Cry for Pitcher's Castoria
The IVIolsons Bank
(011 A ATER s le 13Y OA ar,IABI.p.:N p,isee)
Paidup Cutpital Sq,000,0
ltest Fund „, 1„.000,00
ITead. afilee, Montreal.
20 branch offices in the Dominion. Agencies
in the Dominion. V,. S. A. awl. Europe.
• Iceter J3ranch,
OPen'overy lavrful day, from 10 a, m. to 3 p. m
SATIJRDAY,S, 10 sera. to 1 p. m.
3 Per Oent. Per annom allowed for motion on
Deposit Iteceipte and Savings Bank.
• R. E1. .ARCHER,
• 1889.
ne.rper's. Iftag aZil% e
Roper sr.'1$11: t gl a rineIs tlsomst3:: f41, en-
teetaineig, and heautiiul portiodical tbe
world, Among the ati,ractionsfor lass wil?
he a new novei—an American story, entitled
"jupiter TAghts“—by Censtcmce P, Woolson;
il,ustrations of Shakespeare comed,ies by E.
A Abbey; it series (if articles on Resent ; ,
lustrated by T De Thaietrun; panels on ti2e,
Dem.bion of Canada, and a olutraoteriebie
canal by Chance Dudley Warner; three
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The Woodstock Sentinel Review says:—
The medical brofeesion haVe much to be
thaukful for. A few days ago a wan was
brought before the magistrate at Galt
cherged With practising metlieine without
having a proper diplome. He pleaded that
he Ortla a natural boru doctor ; bat the
plee was net entertaimed and he writ fined
$25 .na costs. It is for the protection
thus afforded that the dector shotild be
thankful. A. fetan may pose and practies
as a naitral born poet, a natural born
philosopher, :ft natural born editor, or a
natural horn crank ; and there 18 110 r0.
dross-4.at least no legal redress. But he
eannot be ft natural born doetor.