HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1969-07-24, Page 11JOSEPHINE STREET , '►O'E WINGHAM 3574 4 for :livery benef ii you rev, . ;ceive a responsibility ,ity levied. rte. the Obsena�on Post Y DRt1VE*IN THEATRE ,C LITO N Pox(*Ice Opons sl' 1,00, p.M. ALL DOURL1 TEATIME SHO THURS, andHi1, July 24 and 25 "LADY 114 CEMENT" THE OW GUNNER This was supposed to be a quiet week: The GMT .course is off to Cedar Springs fair field craft 48 414. field firing and basic training,. We understand sit rained tate first three days and the boys areliving under can- vas., It will be a bit damp, The mosquitos are very thick and are feasting. ott the young lads. Another six personnel left for the unit for courses this past Saturday. 2/Lt. H. L. McIver Showing at 9.15 p.m. (Adult Entertainment) — Starring Frank Sinatra Raquel.Welch Dan Blocker Set in Miami Beach, this "Tony Rome" sequel' races through The further problems of the tough detective. In Color — — PLUS. "BEDAllLED ff (Adult Entertainment) At 11" p.m. StarringPETER COOK and . RQUEL WELCH Color Cartoon SAT.. . MON.. TUES. • July 26-28-29 "BANDOLERO" usrowa DRIVE-IN THEATRE THUR. 24. FRI. 25 -SAT. 26 Doris Day • Robert Morse Torry Thomas • Patrick O'Neal -In 'Where Were YOU When The Lights Went OW!' -- Also — Rod Taylor •. Claudia Cardin- ale • Harry Guardino in (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) Showing et 9:15 p.m. ' • Starring DEAN MARTIN .lames Stewart and Raquel Welch In Color — — PLUS "DID YOU HEAR THE ONE ABOUT. SHE TRAVEL'NG SALESLADY" Showing Starring PHYLLIS DILLFR Color Caret:ion WED., THURS., FRI. July 30-3i; Aug. I. 'The DETECTIVE' Showing at 9:15 p.m. — Starring AAAA ??AWE Frank Sinatra RESTRICTEDTO MISONS Leis Remick ° nw, a Aa a oYu Ralph Meeker Inr-Color — PLUS "JUST DON'T STAND THERE" Showing at 11:00 p.m.—Starring. 4, ROBERT WAGNER and ,MARY TYLER. MOORE Color Cartoon TH( H�L with HEROES LATE SHOW, SUNDAY 27 Show Starts at 10 p.m. from Palmerston went on the Part 2, Lt. Qualifying Course. Bdrs. D. A. Elliott, G. E. Ross and M. G. Ross, all of .99 Bat - tory, Wingham, are off to CFB Petawawa on.the Sr. N C O Course. Gunners R. B. Elliott, 99 Bty Wingham and 1. M. Har - ds, 97 Bty Walkerton are on the Jr NCO Course at CFB Peta- wawa. Next week some of the per- sonnel who have left the first part of the month will be re- turning. We hope they all qual- ify. Transportation has b.een a real headache this year, prim- arily caused by personnel fail- ing to notify the Orderly Room of their preference or mode of travel. Example: Train tick- ets were obtained for certain people who at the very last min- .ute took off in their automo - biles. Then there are others who in, the past have used their own automobiles; They appear- ed on . the scene asking for train tickets at the last moment, ob- livious •to the fact that transpor- tation has to be reserved. well in advance. and has to be requisi- tioned from London by mail. . However, they all got to their destinations and are on a qualifying course, which is the name of the game and the urs= portant thing. DONNYBROOK. The children, of Donnybrook who went to Bible School'held at Brookside School this past week were Jane and Ellen Thompson, Debbie, Brian, Dor- een and Baarry/Jefferson.. This week Jane Thompson, Joyce Chamney and Debbie,Jefferson Int to Menesetung Camp for the week. Mr. and .Mrs. Harold Mc- Clinchey, Doreen, Doug and Glenyce of Auburn visited last Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Jefferson and fam- ily. FRED OEHM of •Hanover, presented the Carling Trophies last Wednesday at the local tournament. On the ;right is Gerry Kesselring of Kitchener -Waterloo with the low gross trophy. Gerry was the overall winner for his second consecutive year. u 11.SE HEADLIGHTS BEE supoomni lust before and just after sundown is perhaps the most • dangelrvus time of the day for drivers. Drivers are in special danger if the car abead and the car behind are using lteadh014 and: your car I not iUuminat . 'The space you occupy may look like a safe gap to either a pedestrian or another driver. wishing to cross the highway from a sideman. Be safe and be sem, 'use rur Iteadiiights freely and be certain they are in proper 'working o►rdetc and fully adjusted so as notIO blind oneorxting drivers. • Entertaininent at the, Station HOW, SNI%%dma HONEYMOON of HORROR Colour -- Plus -- HORROR CASTLE: . Starring Rossano Podesta - George Riviera . Chris. Lee Adult Entertainment MON. 28-TUES. 29-1NED. 30 ,1obert Walker - Diane Varga Dick Clark KILIERS THR(( Adult Entertainment -_ Also — ADMITTANCE RESTRICTED TO PERSONS 1$ YEARS OP Aol. • OR OVER BORN LOSERS Starring Tom ,Laughlin • Whitechurch team play six .games •On Tuesday evening of last week the Whitechurch and Luck- now Bantam softball teams played at Lucknow with the host team winning by a score of 14-2. The Whitechurch Junior C team clobbered Neustadt on • Wednesday night. The score, was -4''": Two games were played Thursday. The Whitechurch Bantams went to Brussels where they were defeated by. Brussels in a close game resulting in a 6-5 score. The Junior C . team was more fortunate in the game with Elmwood and .,came out on top of a 3-2 tally. Dobbinton and the White- church Junior Cs played atChes- ley on Friday evening. Dobbin- . ton defeated the local lads '7-3. The Junior C team played • again. at Ayton on Saturday night and in that game defeat- ed the Ayton squad 10-3. With the unlikely title o f "Miss Patricia's Phantasmagor- ical Presentation of Songs and Things"; a new summer series from Vancouver has rrtade its debut, with Canadian singer, Pat Hervey as its star. We be- came friends with Pat Hervey when, as a teenager, she guest- ed a few times on The Tommy Hunter Show. She was so pop- ular that in 1965 she became the regular girl singer on the show. That same year :she was, married to television director David Pears and in 1966 they moved to Vancouver where she/. has made guest appearance's on network and; private productions This sunimer she replaces her old friend Tommy in a series produced by Al Vitols, the musical direction by Van- couver's Bobby Hales. Her pro- ductions, or those we have seen, have generally n a hodgepodge o ues who real- ly could have ,gotten to come! Pat, -on the_ other hand, has developed intoa fine en= tertainer and a good hostess. Vancouver, . and her life as de- voted wife and mother of two. kids, seem to beagreeing with her. She looks better than. she ever did, trimmed down to a petite little figure, back to her ' natural brunette, and she is singing extremely well. An added attraction on hershow is the location taping of some of her numbers. Where the ridicu- lous title of her show originated, I'll never know; THAT. she could do without! Last week saw the debut of another summer series,, the re- placement for Red Skelton-- Liberace, in a series co-produ- ced by CBS in the U.S. and ATV in Britain, and filmed in London, England. Liberace has been on the go longer than he would want to admit, but some- how doesn't receive the recogni- tion he deserves. Clubs are his main line of work, with some television, but his• one movie " Sincerely Your', bombed so badly that he never made another. A great actor he'll'never be, and he ought to leave the dancing to others too. But he's a good host, for he will .try anything and can succeed in much of it. He gives the -- • impression that he always places the interest of his guests first and thinks of them before him- self. On his first show with old pro Jack Benny, he was as a straight -man as you would want to find. Where he does fail, is when he is placed' be- ., fore the carttera albfie' atid'theile is no one but himself to worry about, and you would give any- thing to wipe that silly grin from his face! But despite his shortcomings, the boy can play the piano as well as he ever could. ' The show is directed by Ca- nadian Norman Campbell; reg- ulars with Liberace are Richard Wattis and Georgina Moon who play the butler and maid and the Jack Parnell Orchestra pro- vides the musical background. On .future shows guests will in- clude, horn England, people like Engelbert Humperdink, Terry -Thomas, Jack. Wild, star of °Oliver', Tessie O'Shea and Shani Wallis; and American. stars Phyllis Diller, Eve Arden, Minnie Pearl,. Nancy Wilson, Eva Gabor, George Gobel and, Dick Shawn. HWY. 8 GODERICH AT CONCESSION RD. 4 PHONE 524-9981 A "Mustang" Theatre Watch for "Gimmick Night" on Monday ct Tuesday 1131111/11E ROB RAS IIVEGAIS HARRISTON DRIVE-IN THEATRE 'BONNIE & CLYDE' In Color — Stars Warm Beatty and Faye . Dunaway - "THE. FAMILY In Color Stars IHaylay Mills and Averill Angers A really heart-warming adult comedy Adult Entertainment SATURDAY, JULY 26 ONLY "633 SQUADRON" In Color — Stars Cliff Robertson "McLINTOCK" The big fun Western—gtars John Wayne and Maureen O'Hara Cat IN MR ROM WEN 1108.-SIVEN MIS 46 11116111C01011•1WIAVISION6 (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) (ADULT ENTERTAIiIMENT) Every Wednesday is "Family Night" at The Sunset. Carload, Truckload or Busload—Admission is Only $.1.25 per vehicle. Coming Next: Thurs., Fri., Sat. ---July. 31, Aug. 1-2 "HELL'S BELLS" "GHOSTS" "MADIGAN" In Color — Stars Richard Widniark • Henry Fonda *- Inger Stevens "THE PINK In Color — Stars Jamas Garner • George Ken- nedy • Nigel Green Adult Entertainment Gord Sports .defeated. by Machan The Machan Hardware team of the locals Industrial League played exceptional softball Saturday evening in Goderich, and defeated the Goderich Industrial team, Gord Sports 12-7. Excellent all-round play by every member of the local squad kept the action tied un- til the -last innings when they drove in: the extra runs. Two substitutes played fine two-way ball, Jim Taylor .making several d a z z l i.n g. catches at his second base po- sition, and Tom Gower had many good hits including a 'home run.. Alan Carter and Bob Foxton combined to provide a fine de- 4ensive battery with Al strik- ing out severaI of the Goderic'fi; batters. .The team was very excited over the win and say thanks to the players' wives for the vocal support. Machan Roster: Foxton, C; Cartery P; Gower, 1st; Taylor, 2nd; Browp, S; •MacLaurin, 3rd; Machan, RF; Saxton, CF; Post, LF. Lakelet FRIDAY NIGHT Helen and Guest SATURDAY NIGHT Dans and: Uoyd Spareribs, Sauerkraut a "� Airbag's/idChicken served Friday and SaI'tviiday Nights CALIFORNIA CIRCULAR TOUR THREE DEPARTURES — 21 DAYS NO NIGHT DRIVING LEA VE SEPT. 6th - RETURN SEPT. 26th LEAVE SEPT. 27th- RETURN OCT. 17th LEAVE OCT. 18th -- RETURN NOV.. 7th. TRAVEL IS BY DELUXE MOTOR COACH CHICAGO. RENO - SAN FRANCISCO LOS ANGELES y LA GAS . ST. LOUIS GRAND CANYON - HOOVER DAM - DISNEYLAND Those from the community attending the Miller -Bender wedding on Saturday were Mr. .and Mrs. Albert Dettman, Mr. ' and Mrs. Leroy Dettman, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Dettman and Reval and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Demerling. The wedding was held at Grace Lutheran Church, Kitchener, and a dinner and re- ception followed at the Cones- toga Hotel. DONNYBROOK Mrs. J. C. Robinson of Wingham, Mrs. Herb Dainty and Linda of Petawawa, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Dainty and • Billie of Toronto who had attend- ed the Robinson reunion visited over the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Edward Robinson and fam- ily. . TOTAL COST OF TOUR INCLUDING * Luxury Motor Coach Transportation. * 20 Nights Hotel and Motel Accommodations.. * Bellman's Gratuities where Service Available. .fi n PERADIPERSON. s OJUILUU TWIN OR DOUBLE ($75.00 Extra for Single) FOR FREE BROCHURE CALL LISTOWEL TRAVEL BUREAU 163 Main St. . Phone 291-4100 radio '66 BELVEDERE, 4 -Door, 6 Auto. '65 FORD, 6 Auto., radio '65 CHRYSLER .4 -Dr. Hardtop '64 PLYMOUTH, 6 Auto. '63 FORD, 6 Standard, radio '63 CHEV. STATION WAGON, 6 Stand. '62 PONTIAC 4 -Door, 6 Auto., radio '65 GMC '/2 -ton Pickup in A-1 shape, long wide box '65 FARGO.D500 Dump Truck '64 D500 Chassis and Cab 'S8 D300 with racks, 4 -speed trans. CRAWFORD MOTORS CHRYSLER - DODGE PLYMOUTH Coming Next: "WAIT UNTIL DARK" "COOL HAND LUKE" BILL STEPHENSON, chairman, congratulates Elmira, on winning the low net trophy at tburnament last Wednesday. John holds Trophy. A -T Photo. John Hunt of the Wingham the Carling WINGHAM ONTARIO PHONE 357,-3862