The Wingham Advance-Times, 1969-07-24, Page 7Blast off to now Saving Heights at TRIANGLE
Open Daily 9 a.m, to 9 p.m. -Sunday Noon to SCix.
SUPER size
Rog. s�.s� 7T'(
Reg. 75c
17 -oz. SIZE
Reg. $i•69 99'
held llho ►mp of
'FOP' on
lt~onor of
Rog, $1.13
with the purchase of
The savings 'are out of
this world!
�c�nomist, 4-H
n W. Institu
Bi R►' Tke PAY me0t.4
lag of the Women's '
in Beigrave t una
was held lot Tuesda : .ev
Centre with 15 member; may.. go'
visitors present, The
was " What I likebit from .'
freezer and how to prepare ft.
This home economic :me
was arranged, by the convent
Mrs. Stanley Black, and me
bens of the 4-H. Homemar
Jr. Auxiliary
BELG ;VE--Belgrave Junlor
Auxiliary met at the borne of.
Mr. and Mrs, Clark Johnston on :
Saturday. Games were led by
Mary Isabel Nethery. The toll
call was answered and minutes
of the last meeting were read
by Mami Walsh. Patsy Scott
gave the treasurer's report, Pat-
sy Scott and Laurie Stackhouse,
collected the offering and R
Lynn White received the offer--
ffer--tory prayer.
The next meeting will be •
held at Mrs. Gertrude Tiffin's
home in Wingham on July 26,
9:45 a. m. to early afternoon.
The sing -song will be led by
Janette Johnston and clean-up
girls are Shirley Johnston and
Nancy Johnston.
The girls brought a sister or •
a friend to a Sisters' Party. The
guests were welcomed and then
Janette Johnston led in a sing-
song after which lunch was serv»
ed. ,
Clubs participated in the pro. --
gra M.
Miss Susan Heard, home
economist for .Huron spoke on
"Horne Economics" and t h e
different courses available to
young women at Macdonald In-
stitute University of Guelph.
Miss Barbara Muilwyk sang a
'solo entitled, " What Have
They Done to the Rain?", ac
companied by Mrs. G e o rre
Johnston. 4-H Group 3 whose
leaders are Mrs. Clarence Han-
na and Mrs. Leslie Boltpresentt-
ed their demonstration on the
last sewing club, "Cottons May .
Be Smart". Barbara Cook was
J4 the commentator for this group
'<and explained tliesuitablestyles
for different figures. Several
)members had their cotton dress-
es on display.
The food club, "Meat in
• the Menu", was demonstrated
by Group 2 led by Mrs. Glenn
Coultes and Mrs. Alex Robert-
son. The demonstration was
entitled " Take a Pound of Ham-
am-burg". Barbara. Pattison was
commentator and Margaret Rob-
ertson and' Marian McGee show-
ed what could be done with a
pound of hamburg by making a
stuffed meat loaf and chile con
carne. .
Group 1 whose leaders were
Mrs. Clark Johnston and Mrs.
Herson Irwin had their record
books and various other articles
made In their clubs on display
at the meeting.
The Institute takes pride in
12 to 14 -os. tins
Prices effective
July 23-26 incl.
•We reserve the
right to limit
IGA presents a Grand Array of fine Red. Brand Beef for you
to save on. SuPerb choice beef that its personally selected
from the finest Hereford Steers. i• Most important, of •
'' • course, is, ale thatu� c nteba4gomplet < Otte 1- u�
�,° � ,� :3 u3'T 'see ,<. � ... �... �.. '..::
(action wiri ors of oppef ;appeol• , ,
Beautiful p r i ret a -rib
roast with all the flav-
our and tenderness you
expect when you buy
the very best. Save on
our special low Rebel-
lion Price. --- ' reg. cut
— 6 to 7th rib.
Flavourful, Prune Rib Roait
table ready trimmed for reel value 1
(1st' thru Sth rib)
Tender, flavourful Rib Steals, sura te
go over big with your hungry crowd.
Try -several on the grill Ali week f
Selected frac the very
float things that grow.
IGA's fresher by far"
these young lathes and is very
grateful to the leaders. Barbara
Muilwyk _concluded this part of
the nieeting by singing °Turn
Around,"accot anied _. y
Brenda Johnston.
Mrs. Ivan Wigbttttsn presid-
ed for the busine, •'Tbe tt-
iittes were read and the fin}cial
statement given by the :ecru
tary. It was decided to order
15 F. W.I.O. badges at this
time for members. The bus
trip will be to Toronto Exhibi-
tion on August 20. Anyone
wishing to go on this 'bin Irp
getin touch with Mrs. Lorne
Jamieson or Mrs, Clarence Han-
na before August 10.
Lunch was served by Mrs.
John Roberts, Mrs, Albert Vin-
cent, Mrs. Cliff Logan and their
Shower held for
Patricia Harris
FORD WICH--Miss Patricia
Harris of Fordwich, bride -lo-
be of August, was honored at a
shower one night last week at
the home of Mrs. George Ash-
ton. Co -hostesses were Mrs.
Samuel Johnston and Mts. James
Pat was presented with an
ironing board and T. V. tables
from the neighbors and friends.
Pat thanked everyone for their
ldndness and a delicious lune
was served by the hostesses.
That's what you get when
• your hair dries without shampoo-
ing after your daily dip. Bring
it back to 'life with we, eklyhair
cone tinning treatments Simple
Bub In the luscious stuff;
stick on a bathing . cap for half
an hour; then shampoo. out.
Regular Lorelei locks!
Pleats, plunging neckline,
a deeply fringed . waist -wrap-
ping aash—alt expressed in
black shiny satin of Qiana
nylon—explain why Anthony
Muto is one of America's
most successful designers in
stating young, °modern fa-
GORRIE--Mr. and Mrs. Ron-
ald Bennett (Barbara Henry),
newlyweds, of Gorrie, were
• honoured at a presentation in
the Gorrie Community Hall on
Friday evening. Mrs. John
Brown read the .address and
Peter Dinsmore presented agift
of money on behalf of the com-
munity. Lambkin's Orchestra
supplied music for dancing.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M9nt-
gomery, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Armour and Robin of Toronto
and Mi. Montgomery's grand-
son, Brent Irving of Chatham,
are vacationing at their home
Jor, ani
J14y t, "'MU115., Misty
Marshall were
ceremony at of the
late Mr.. and,,, John
Cool, Win .fit. The late
J. W. bofthe
ChW'ch officiated.
nitric)** yens later day
returned to Wingham. • '"
Mrs.' Marshall, whano w Hie
Hamilton,, SPentEansdaYiliOt
at the WingliaM Motel and on
SundaySunday:morning, attended sem,
ice at Wingham Vatted chi
where Mrs. Mum had been
it choir Me `. They saw
quite a few t atlea In thetown..,
Margaret Tibbs was, book,
keeper for the Blelds Brothers
for several y and wor
cashier in John Kerr!s stow;
some time. . Maigia+11i;
a candymalcer. lHe operates
his own candy store and sold •
smaliwares in the bOldiing
which formerly stood on the
present site of Manna's •Mend
and Boys' Wear: Eh heat wile
died while be lived in wing"
ham. He later moved to.. Blyth
where he resided at: the time
of their marsIage.. -
To celebrate their *nniver•
sary, which was Monday of tai
week, Mr. and Mrs. Marshall
took the nostalgic trip to Wing,»
ham and then went on to Sea-
forth and Drumbo to visit friends
and relatives.
N When you go swimming,
leave the lashesat home. You
just might come back minus,
otherwise. Try• a big brush
cake mascara, which is as wa-
ter -proof as you can. get. Creme
rouge, Eye shadow stick rather
than shadow dusters. And on
your skin, a' flattering magic
lotion that covers up tiny flaws,
Nice to count on in the sun' ,
Bride designs wedding go
and writes nuptial service
Trinity" United Church,
Smithi Valls ;Was, dtedrated l ith d
baskets o p1hlt'tadd white'gladi-.
oli and Sweet William on Sat-
urday, July 5th, at 3:30 for
the marriage of Eleanor Lavenia
Beaton of North Augusta and
James Lyle Ward of Wingham.
Rev. Murray McBride, former
colleague of the bride at the
Arnprior United Church, offici-
ated at the marriage. Wedding
music was provided by Dennis
Punter on the organ: A choir
0.14 girls from. Grace -St. An-
drew's United Church, Amprior,.
under the direction of Mrs. Rob-
ert Nugent, sang the hymn' "Be
Thou My Vision" and the choral
prayer • "Coyne Holy Ghost".
The choir also led the congre-
gation . in singing the hymns
"Praise to theLord" andz "Now
Thank We All Our •God ". The
wedding service was written by
the bride,patteraed from the
wedding service of,Firit-Lehr= •
munity Chinch, Columbus,Ohi4
Given in marriage by cher
father, Mr. Wilfrid Beaton,
wearing the tuxedo he wore, at
his own wedding, the bride wore
a floor -length gown, fashioned
and designed by herself,, ,of star-
light white crystalette over
white peau de sole with empire
waist andscooped neckline,
the bodice, short sleeves and
front dress panel of embroider-
ed guipure lace highlighted with
seed pearls. , .The sheer cathed-
ral train,' attached at -the waist,
was appliqued with lace high-
lighted with pearls. She wore
a matching lace petalled head-
piece with buffant veil. Her
wardrobe Swiss watch was a gift
from the groom. She carried a
cascade of pink roses, heather,
whitecarnations and ivy.
The bridal attendants were' d .
Mrs. Barbara McBride,of tCantavi
ata; friend of the bride, Mrs.
Evelyn Markell, of Prescott,
sister of the bride and M,rs..
Margaret Bresie, of Ottawa.
cousin of the bride. They were
dressed alike in gowns fashion=
ed by Mrs. McBride of floor-
length lavender crystalette over
taffeta with empire waists and
short sleeves gathered at the
band with magenta velvet rib-
bon through white lace. Bows
of the 'contrasting magenta vel-
vet and lace with ties fell from
the waists. Their bow head-
. pieces were ofthe matching
trim. They carried cascades
of white fugi mums with lav-
ender touches.
The flower girl, Miss Kirit
Ward of Haliburton, niece of
the groom, wore a floor -length
gown of white swiss cotton eye-
let, scooped neck and b e 11 .
sleeves, with magenta velvet
ribbon trim. She carried a
basket of pink sweetheart roses,
white button mums and heather.
• Mr. Arthur Ward of Ha1i-
burton, brother of the groom.
acted as groomsman. Mr. Rich-
ard LeVan of. Wingham, friend
of the groom. and Mr. Edwin
Mackell, Prescott, nephew of
the bride, were the ushers.
Before the reception. held in
the church hall, the guests were
received by the bride's a n d
.groom's parents and the bridal
party. The bride's mother was
gowned in a soft pink ensemble
,of worsted silk with scooped
neckline, rile sleeves and bodice
of the dress adorned with Venice
lace. The groom's mother wore •
a coat and dress ensemble of
aqua -green with lace coat over
the crepe dress.
Following the wedding and
reception the couple left from
the bride's home in . North Au-
gusta. the bride wearing a coat
and dress ensemble of turquoise
brocade with white velvet hat
and white ,accessories. Her cor•
sage was of pink sweetheart
roses and heather. The couple
left by motor and visited the
Thousand 'Islands area of the St.
Lawrence River before cottaging
on/Lake Huron. They will re-
ide in Wingham, where the
groom is the recteatioh 6 direc-
Guests .present were from
Arnprior, Deep River, Smiths
Falls, Montreal, North Bay, to
ronto, Iroquois Falls, Wingham,
Ottawa, Switzerland, Carlen,
Place, Prescott, Athens and
North Augusta.