The Exeter Times, 1888-12-6, Page 8•'WJ1RNST ifiLLICIT ACTT:1NT F011.
ot Toronto ; also for 'the PRCEINIK,
1U1SNSCSIANOle COMPANY, tat alenalost,
England;the IWYAL 0ANADIAN, of N'Con.
treal,ard. the BRITISH EasiPIRD LIVE AS
SIIIiANOE COMPANY, of louden, aingland.
establiehed 1847. Meseta over aS,00e,000;
olainis and bonuses paid. over $10,000,080,
4.00.1.L 8 kai heAappy to re.
aetete g t att timee, from any part of the
• County, items of karat nous , such, as at: -
e tdoetts,or any otterestin# incident tvIrats
, eve r,from a.ny of our suheeribere or reads
ers generailyfor ,t he 2.rut pose of public
Bhp exgttv
Fresh oysters a Geo. Sade' by the
quart, or served up by the plate, cooked
or raw. Just look at our stock of con-
fectionery, and sporting goods. All fresh,
.new and first-claes.
• Social.
A Nut Social will be given in the laialo
,Street lIetbodisl Parsonage on Friday
evening a this week at 7.80 o'clock. AU
• are bavited. Admission 15 cents.
`the Best Yet,
To THE PUBLIC. —Now as cheapness is
theorder of the day, the endersigned is
going to dispose of his large Stock of
Harness, Boots and Shoes. at remarkably
low prices for the next 30 days, as he
purposes retiring from business. Be will
also sell or rent the premises he now
occupies. CHAS'. EACRETT.
'Take Advantage of it.
There is an amendment to the munici-
pal act that the Exeter village council
might avail themselves a. -under the
old system municipal nominations had to
be held m the middle of the day, when it
was hard for the majority et the rate.
payers to attend. Now, all 'nominations,
those for councillors, as well as for reeve
and deputy reeve, can be held ia the town
hall ou the evening of nomination day.
Let us have this done in Exeter. Muni-
cipal affairs can be discussed, the whole
town can have a voice in the selection of
all candidates, and the effect should cer-
tainly prove satisfactory.
A good Joke.
A Stephen township farmer recently
'perpetrated a ludicrous joke on some of
the Exeter nimrods. He lives in a locality
in which game abounds, and while in town
the other day he was asked if there was
anything in the line of game in his neigh.
boyhood. He said he had seen seyeral
wolves the day previous, near his place,
and thought they were there still. The
sports grew anxious and next morning a
band. of these wily gents 'paid Mr. farm.
er a visit and. asked him to give them
directions. He said that Mr. Chas. Wolf
and family lived across the way, and that
if they deserved annihilation he thought
they were home. It is needless to say
the sports fainted.
A large Issue,
The TIDIES this week issues 2,000 extra
topies as samples which are sent into the
majority of homes in the various locali-
ties in this section. This copy is a fair
-sample of what the paper always is, save
the large adv. of Messrs. White de Co. 'of
St. Marys which appears only in to -day's
, We wish to increase our circula-
tion and if those to whom this copy is
-sent, choose to join ourlarge list, we will
be pleased to add their names. Do not
yeturn the paper; keep it. It will not be
:forced upon you. The price is $1 from
now till January 1890. We enclose you
a supplethent in which will be found our
clubbing rates—the lowest of any other
paper published. Let us hear from you
at once.
Miss IVIcDonell, who has been sojourn-
ing in Chicago for some months, the guest
.of an uncle, De. 'Vic Donell, returned home
last week.—Mr. Wm. Alcleworth, of lia,y
township,left the ,other day for Ashland,
Wis.—Mr Wm. Drew, who has been suf-
fering from an attack of paralysis in the
face is getting better, and. he is able to be
around—Mr. James Sanders of Stephen;
is the victim of a serious attack of nusleria.
His recovery is anxiously loolsed for.—Mr
Wm. Cunningham of Parkhillas in town
,erecting Mr. Hutchins barley cleaner.—
Mrs John Taylor spent Sunday in Park -
'Ian' with her mother Mrs. Shinner.—Mr.
Wm. Hodgins, of Parkhill, who was arres-
ted vecently as.being an accomplice in the
'burning of D. D. Wilsons barn Seaforth,
and who was liberated for a few days, on
hail, passedthrough Exeter to Goderich
on Monday morning to stand his trial.—
A Thousand Dollar Competition.
There is excitement over the announce-
ment of a reward of one thousand dollars
by the publishers for the best letter of
suggestions for a Christmas soavenir to
..excel the corning Christmas Number of
the Montreal Sean, Last year the pub-
lishers paid four hundred dollars for the
best thildren's criticisms, This year's
••CilitISTMAS STAR is .,wonderfully pretty,
just the very pink of perfection for a
Christmas souvenir or present to absent
friends The orders received for copies
to send to friends in England, ScothAd.
and Sealer(' Is the largest on record.
Those who cannot procure them at a
pews -dealer's may get theni direct from
the peblieher, Montreal, by eeinling the
aanoent of 40 cents, the ernell price
at whieh the Cernestaras Suet is publish-
ed, Postage stamps of one or three cents
will be accepted,
The town of Goderich has just been
•'showing what can be done in the way of
patting in an electric light p/ant. The
• town has seatired a 75 light plant, eon -
:giving of two dynamos of 35 light powei,
irriles of civetrit and 60 lamps, foe the
sum of $1,500. Power is supplied from
tho town waterWorks. If 75 lights were
usei - that is a Dumber equal to the n orn.
Anal capacity of the dynatnos—the total
cost of the plant Would he increased to
•.46,000. And we are informed, that if the
tosaUsdul not have power of its own, en.,
gines and a good brick building for the
same ou1d be pet in for $4,000, In
other words, the town conld have a com-
plete electric plant with brick bifild.
ing, first-elass engine, two dynamos, 70
lighte and 10 miles of eirtinit at the MAX -
'mum figure ref 410,000. And Goderich its
not en isolated case. Electric light plants
arc being put in all over the country
equally cheap, and guarantee te give
pormanerit reetlite egad to' the best 'Cleo -
:16c light en the 0Ontinehi,
The council will meet on Saturday,
De. rth at 7 o'elock sharp
Snew-balling was freely indulged in by
the sehool, children, on. 'Tuesday and Wed-
The planet Mercury ia mow visible
the eouthseaetern horizon at six a. m
'rids is a star whioli is rarely seen.
Foxes are troublesome in Stephen town-
ship: RecoutIy many • fowls have been
cart...led away feotn barns pear Sharon. ,
The tax collector is prosecuting his
labors almost to a finish, TaXce have
been received, aotnewhat slowly, this
Santa Claus will be here three weeks
from Tuesday past, as will also the all -
festive season of the year.
Mr, A. McDonell has purchased a very
fine black driving mare from' Mr. 1. Hand-
ford, paying a handsome price for ber.
The Ottawa 'City Council has issned a
circular to, all, rautiicipalities in 0etaiio
urging noised efforts to abolish all ex.
emptions from taxation,
Wiggins hobs up again to announce an
earthquake for next February. Has no-
body in Ottawa got nerve to turn the hoSe
on that crank,
liemember there will be au eclipse of
the sun on the 1st January, Itwill be
visible from Exeter, though possibly not
totally so, ,
Wheat is reclining in price. On Satur-
day last, at the farmers' market, Toronto,
wheat brought $1, the lowest figure re-
ported for about three months.
Messrs. Colcmhouu, Dow & Willis have
old a half uterest in the celebrated
stallion, "Freedom" to parties M Cincin-
nati and the horse will be taken there,
A great many applications have al-
ready been received by those appointed,
from candidates who ieteed writing at
the next entrance examinations.
Mr. Fritz Ountz is very low at his home
in Stephen with an attack of •malaria.
He had been working in Exeter recently
and his recovery is anxiously looked for
by ell who know him.
Several of our citizens have lately re-
ceived "green goods cinders" from
parties in New York, offering counterfeit
tnoney for sale. Of course the idea is to
swindle if they can get parties to "bite."
The handsome new organ of the Trivitt
'Memorial church was erected into posi-
tion last week. It is a handsome instru-
ment and emits a stout, full, yet strong
tone. The instrument cost $1,530 and is
a credit tothe ladies of the eongregation.
Canada's champion smiler, William
O'Connor, of Toronto, who defeated John
Teetner for the championship of America
at Washington, last week, will be taken
to Australia to row for the championship
of the world, with Searle.
Special sale on for the next 13 days at
the big Bankrupt Store. Stock must lee
reduced, wonderful bargains ; good grey
cotton for 3ic, print for 3ic, all wool
grey flannel for 160.
A series of parlor socials are to be given
by the ladies of the Main-st. Methodist
Church, at various peints throughout the
town, in order to raise funds to pay for a
furnace that is being put in the parson-
Christmas trade -will soon be in full
rush, and the wise merchant is he who
lets the people know in what time that he
is prepared to supply their wants. This
is the time to advertise -not on Christmas
The big Bankrupt Store is the spot for
all kinds of wool goods, lovely fascinators
and wool shawls at 50e on the $. Gloves
and hosiery half price ; hoods and toques
away down; and childrens' wool
gaiters and leggings 25 per cent. off.
Come quick for some of the big bargains.
The Brandon (Man) Sun comes to hand
this week greatly enlarged and corres-
pondingly improved. It is excellentle
printed, contains eight large pages of
seven columns each and shines with spicy,
well.written articles,
We have received. from John Lovell, of
Montreal, a snap of the Dominion. It is
a specimen of the maps to be issued with
Lovell's gazetteer and history of the
Dominion. Itis a splendid weeds, clear
and distinct, and said. to be very correct,
Remember you will have only a few
days more to secnre a Persian Laanb cap
for 2.50 or a $10.00, one for 45,00, as the
stock at the big Bankrupt Store will soon
be out and can't be duplicated. again.
Get one, quick, prices in stock, $2.50,
$3.00, $4.00, $5.00, and $6.00. These are
the cheapest goods in the country.
It would seem an Ontario law inhibits
farmers from fetching fowl to market
without being "drawn" Among our ex-
changes we noticed parties having beee
mulcted in fine and. coats for disregarding
the :statute referred to. Farmers had
better take warning and avoid placing
themselves in the clutches of informers.
, The big Bankrupt Store, will, for the
next 18 days, offer the cheapest, choicest
and most elegant lot of white and cream
lace curtains ever shown in Exeter. Love-
ly curtains bound with tape, for 90e per
pair, worth $1.50. Twenty-five different
styles to chose from.
Snow has been falling for several days,
and. the merry jingle of the sleigh bells
will soon be heard with which comes brac-
ing and invigorating weather ; and the
heart leaps in the anticipation of a few
months lively business and pleasure for
pleasure seekers. There it something
beautiful in winter' and. whypeople choose
to elude its robustblasts, is something
One of our enterprising grain, Merchants
Mr. L. Levett, has recently sold a great
deal of barley. Besides large shipments
of a few' weeks ago, he last week cold 82
car loads of barley to be shipped to the
American markets. • This is only apart of
the barley handled by Mr, Levett this
season, while Mr. Hutchins has handled
equally at much. rhis is a good showieg,
and cannot be beaten by any snarket in
the neighborhood, and is good evidence
that Exeter market is the best.
• The anniversary services of the James -
at. Methodist chut•ch will he held on Sun-
day and Monday next, On Sunday, ser-
mons will be preached by Rev. A. Courticat
13, D., of Toronto, and at 230 a Andrew!
mass meeting will take place. On Mon-
day the annual tea will be served, after
which there will be a platforin ' meeting.
Addresses are.expected from nova. A, C.
Courtice, and S. Sallery, Lucan ; and
resident ministere. Admission, 25 cents ;
children, 15c. '
Messrs. Verity St Son have had a
dpacious engine mud boiler house erected,
at the rear of' their formdry, for the ac-
commodation of the new steel 100,horse
• power engine which was espectaIly built
for thenr by Hamilton neanufacturere, It
is A habdeome picee ' of maehioevy nsi
stagure well with other new and powerful
machinery recently added, as also with
their vastly increasing business, Thei r
firm, is tits enterprising one and as it hs,i
been it boon to the town ht past years, it
'I promises th be still more so in the year4to
comer, • The • engine is. 'said. to he the
I largest in Ontario-, ,
• ,""""' ' • "'"'" " '"''' "' ' ." ' ' ''"' ' r""' " "- , • ••• •
• , • •,
. , • ,
• • , • , • • .
• • ,
' •• •' • ' • ,
The Giobc'e chritttleas Tionaper,
New type, fine piess-work and beauti-
ful illastrations will eoinhine to make the
fortheoming Chriattnas Number of the
Globe, the handsomest production of
the book -makers' •art ever yet pat forth
in Canada But these will be only a part
of its good featuree Tide nem bey proud -
sea to be a literary treat as well. The
foram* men in literary eirciee in Canada
have contributed sketches stories and
poems, dealing mainly with Canadian
licences and Canadian characters, Nor
will this be all. A ocompanying the num-
ber will be three presentation plates, the
principal one being a faithful copy of a
magnificent picture, the latest of the
great works from the brush of Mr. L, R.
O'Brien, whose paintings of the Saguenay
and other melee has made hie •name
known throughout' the world, The
edition will neeessarily be limited. Per-
sons desiring to secure copies should write
to The Globe not later than 1st December
or if more convenient order through a
newsdealer. The price of this handsome
speeiai edition is only twenty-five ceuts
per copy.
The Market, ,
Adpetition aaving for its purpose the
moving of the market from the present
site to the town hall is in circelation, and,
the promoters at the scheme fled it some-
what difficult to get signatures outside
time more directly interested in its re-
moval. Many look upou the move as nn -
necessary and impossible to acomplish
from the fact that the market as at pres.
ent located is established, besides its
being in the centre of the town. We
hear talk of grain from this neighborhood
being drawn to Heneall. This we do not
credit. But if the market were removed
to the town hall, as is desired by some,
then grain would certainly be taken from
the northern neighborhood to Hensel],
as the latter ina,rket would be as close as.
the presaged one for Exeter, Take the
fall for instance, farmers would be reluc-
tant to (and many would not) drive down
town a distance of one half mile, sell their
grain and drive back over the same
ground to the station, and again drive
down town for their money, or goods they
may wish to purchase; whileavith the mar-
ket situated as at present such trouble' is
obviated, besides it is in a good location
and convenient to the station. Our con-
tentions are based on facts, and not ad-
vanced for summary purposes as we have
more at stake at the south than at the
north. But we do believe the proposed
move to be detrimental to the better in-
erests of the town. When Exete- becomes
sufficiently large to establish and main-
tain a generalifarmers' market it would be
unjust to the northern residents to have
them walk to the south end of the town
to make purchases at the market. And
if any priyilegee are to be had the north
and people must be considered as they
pay taxes and are as deeply interested in
the welfare of the town as are any othel s.
The market as at present situated is suit-
able to all intents ancl purposes and we
judge the people wrongly if they consent
to have it moved.
Highest price for all- kinds of Farm
Produce at the big Bankrupt Store. 4
pounds of 50ct Tea.for $1.00.
Evening parties continue in fashion.
Social gatherings are anightly occurrences
in this neighborhood.
A. carload of draught horses the piek of
the neighborbood was shipped from this
station Tuesday to Pennsylvania by an
American buyer.
The New Orleans Jubilee Singers will
appear in Exeter tinder the auapices
of the choir, on the Evg. of
the 21st December,
50 per cent. off all black goods at the
big Ele,nlez•upt store, a magnificent lot of
lovely black- dress goods and Cashmeres.
Black Satin rettrves, and silks all 50 per
cent. off regular prices.
While training a horse in the Agricul-
tural grounds the other evg. Mr. Alex,
Dow lost a purse containing a large sum
of money and. valuable papers. He found
it eater a long search.
There is a hole in the road on Main-st
opposite Mr. Wm. Howard's residence,
that requires the attention of the commiss-
ioner, before an accident results.
Elsewhere in this issue we report the
serious illness of Mr. Frecl'k Curttz, as
member of the Exeter band and a late
employee of Mr. I. Handford. He died
Tuesday at the residence of an uncle in
Stephen, at the age of 23 years.
That ancient and aggravating habit of
. people, who send to the editor communi-
cations without the writer signature as an
evidence of good faith is not materially on
the wane. Weekly we receive such letters
and have now in possession scores worthy
of publiention• but they cannot be put in
to printuntil the writer's names are forth-
A manufacturer's bankrnpt stock of
boots, shoes, and overshoes, just in at the
big Bankrupt Store. This is the best
stock of foot wear we have ever offered.
A fine range of ladies' and mines' felt and
lined goods ; the , whole stock must be
closed out quick. You are sure of bar-
gains --yes . wonderful bargains for the
next 13 clays.
It is estimated that 75 per cent. of the
lady achool teachers get married af I er they
have taught for three years ; 90 per ceet,
at the expiration of five years ; 95 per
cent at the expiration of ten years, and
5 per cent. remain free from matrimonial
cares to the end of the chapter, Probably
no other profession, contributes so largely
towards thinning out the ranks of the
bachelors. . ,
At the, regular convocation of Exeter
Royal Arch Chapt. Masons, helsi in the
Masonic Hall, on Tuesday, 4111 inst., the
following officers ware eleeted : Ex -comp,
IL Speakman, 1st principal Z a comp. B.
S. O'Neil, 2nd .principal J ; comp 1.1 &un-
well, 3rd principal II. ; comp G. A. Me-
teor', Scribe 111 ; comp GSainweIl, Salim
X ; comp -M. &Lovett, P, S. ; W. Brooks,
Light ofthe:Brotherhood of the Sons
of England, of 'London, visited Exeter on
ISIonclay evg. %at, and conferred upon the
Exeter Brethreh the "White Rose" de-
gree. Later they were eetertained to at
oyster supper at the Central hotel. Sev-
eral new members were initiated the tome
evening. The Order is now in a flourish-
ing condition, .,
J. A. Stewart, the great baultimpt
'stock eleaha,.bas just opened up a large
bankrupt otock` of,de clothing„
which was bought for 60c 00 the $ ; teens'
and boys' suits, mous' end boys' overcoats,
odd pants,,,tiaa vests. All must go Tack.
Listen, while we give yen a pfinter, Boys
suits, beantiful goods, only $2,00 ; boys,
overtoattrfor • 43.00, well worth $5,50 ;
r mene' overcoats reditoed from 46,00 th
3.75 f men& overcoats for $5,00 and:
', 0,00, worth 46.00. and $10„00, Rernern,
ier this is a ehance of a lifetime, good
fresh goods, for a little over half price at
the big Pankrupt Store.:
. ,
Childron'try for Pitchor's Oastorhl
• • ,
Absolut Iv Pure.
This powder never varies A marvel orpur-
ity, strength and wholesoinent:se, More eeon-
oroieal thanthe ordinary Itinds Ind cannot
be sold in competition with the multitudes of
low test, short weight, alum or phosphate
powders. Sold only in cam—ROYAL BAK-
ING rOWDER CO .106 Wall street IT
OHN 1\leOURD3, Kiritton, Is -
P1 suer of Marriage Licenses, Agent for
Canada Life Assuranee and Other Loan Com-
panies, Agent for Huron and` Middlesex Fire
Insuramee Company. Commissioner for Perth
To Let
Apply to the undersigned.
,Tune14.— L CARLING.
Came into the premises of the Undersigned,
Lot 21, South Thames Road, on or about the
301h of October, two ewes, one aged ram, and
a ram lamb. The oweer eau have the same
by proving property and paying expenses.
THOS. M. KAY, Farquhar.
For Sale.
Three first-oliss farms -100 acres each—Lon.
don Road, within one mile of Exeter.
Solicitors, sac., Exeter.
Dress -Making.
Mrs. Dickey, of Orediton, begs to inform the
Public that she has moved hor business, and
will now be found one door west of Mitehell's
Store. Dress -making done in the very latest
styles: Outtingand Fitting by the new tailor
system. MRS. DICKEY, Crediton,
Wishes to inform the ladies of Exeter a,nd
vicinity that she intends continuing the Dress
and Mantle Makin a up -stairs, Ranton's Old
Stand. Mantles and Dolmans cut by the new
tailor system.
W •
ell Digging.
The undersigned wishes to inform the pub-
lic that he is now engaged in well digging.
lie will dig, brick up and bore 25 feet for
$15 • 25 cents raise on every additional ten
feet". Atrial solicited.
THOS. SMALE. Elimville P. 0.
Our Specific No, 9.8 permanentlY restores
and G ENF,RAL D EBLLITY when other treat-
ment fails. Sencl 6 °orbs in stamps for our
Tree tie° an aDirections for borne cure. To-
=IWO MEDICINE CO., $13 Spe.dina, Ave., To-
ronto. out.
Thor& -Bred Berkshire
The Uundersigned will keep for service on
Riverside Farm, Thames Road, Usborne, a
thoro'-brecl Berkshire boar, for the .in3prove-
ment of stook. TERMS. --$1, payable at, time
of service, with privilege of returning.
1Preparea young mon and women to support themselves an
This is s.DcEsTultegOsITorEBITiliEnssl
Locumulato :wealth. Sand Tor mots to
lichool of Shorthand, School of Penmanship, and ineiglish Trait
jig School. /accent Catalogue frp.oto applicants.
Young inam you can't invest money better
than by getting a thorough business education
and you can't find a course elsewhere in On-
tario equal to that of the Forest City Business
College, London, Ora:, which has a soceial
course for those who intend to remain on the
farm. Catalogues free. Westervelt & York
_J 11.J.P1, 8
Ilavc just received direet frorn England
a fine assortment of .Ladies' Walking J'eat-
ets, Dolmans, and 'Olsten, also a Fine As••
sortnient of Sealottes, Imitationlaamb and
OtirStook is Ooniplete
karket Sql.a.are
General Store
The uudersigned would inform the pub-
lic that he has just received his
The subseriber,wouSd respectfallg anneal:tee' ,
te the public that he heat AQIV on. hand a large
stock of the varieus kinds of W09(14n Plin1P0 '
and tlAt be has added fartiiities,liy whigh 110 •
eon supj)ly ordered work ontlie very „shortest •
notice. ' •
HIS 1'U)1 _ PS ARE AtiRVAVOItAilidt
. Arin nionnins No nAtintrzOngttp... •
—INOLUI)ING--• Well -digging for fifty, gents a foot for 30
feet, 25 cents for eva,ry extra ten feet,
A 0611 telletted. „
Exeter, July.1888. on„Street.
A full line of Dry -Goods, Hats ck Caps, and
Crockery, Boote and Shoes.
Those wishing anything in my line will
find. it to their advantage to call and ill
speet my goods and prices,
Rigliest prices paid for But• ,
ter and Eggs and all
kinds of produce.
•j. P. Ross.
If you want the Best Value
and the Most Goods for your
Money, Eggs and.Eutter,
Lloupe & CO's,
See their Ladies hats at 25 cents,
See their Fancy Velvets at 50 cents.
See their Fancy Plush'at 75 cents.
See their Mantle Cloth.
See their Shirtings.
See their Dress -Goods.
See their Silks and Satins,
See their Tea, at 25 Cents per pound:
See their tea at 10 cents per pound.
See their 4 -bladed knives at 25 cents.
*et the witondplut Nar-
4ainz for Oeudyful
Clearing Sale,
Cheap Store Crediton
For the 'next 60 days at cost, consisting
Dry -Goods, Bofe & Shoes, Felt and Straw
ktats (ab vtt 400 to select from.)
Having secured shop license to sell all
kinds of
I have decided to clean out some of the
above lines at or, below cost for cash
and ready pay, to make room for
a large stock of
Don't forget as it is no, humbug. All
accounts due 1st October, 1888.
Cheap Store Credit=
Everest's Cough yrup:
Try it and be convinced of its wonderful
ourative properties. Pries 25 eta •
(Trade Mark,)
For Diseases of the 'liver, Xidueys`,34o._, and
Purifying of the Blood; Price SI. Six
km,ttles, 55, For sale by all drug- •
gists, Manufactured only by
G. M. EVEREST Chemist, Forest
The royal roan, passenger and ireighi roue
between Canada and Great Britain.
Direct route between the West 'ttnelVil the
points on the Lower St. Lawrence d Bale
de °henna, also New Brunswxel, 2•Thva
Scotia,Prince Edward Island, Cape Breton
tzw0.burret sleeping and day
caravan on through express trains.
PAssengers for Groat Britain or the conti-
nent by leaving Toronto by 8 p,m. train on
Thursday will loin outward mail steamer at
Ra Saturday.rior
elevator,-warehouse and dook se-
oommodation at Halifax for shiproeint of
grain and general merchandise.
colonial, in connection with steamship lines
to and from London, Liverpool and Glas-
gow to Halifax, to be the quiekest freight
route between Canada and Gres. t Britain.
Information as to passenger and freight
rates canbe had on application to t
Western Freight &Passenger Agent
931essinHouseBlook,York 13t. Toronto •
Chief Superintendent.
Railway °Mee. Moncton. Isl. B..I,Tov. 20, '813.
Furniture Unde r,taking
For Finely Firdshed Pliptqb" • of ' ajes
from small albumsitle•toSlIselsief;:t,
from life f try. •
He has also an elegant display of Photo-
graph Frames. izee 8x10,
11x14 and 14x17.
wi I be to the advantage of those
having pictures to frame to examine his
stock of Picture Moulding. ,
Get prices before purchasing elsewhere.
taaller3r Opposite Post -Office.
In returning thanks to our numerous
customers, for past favors it affords us
great pleasure in stating that-wedoave got'
nicely settled iu our'new and. commodious
premises, and are prepared, (if quality
and selection of stock, and horteet dealing
will do it) to supply the wants of the
people of this distrust, in the furniture'
and undertaking line, with goods
The finest stook in Huron county to Choose
from. For proof positiVe as to the
extent of our stock and; he
low prices at which we -
• sell,
We publish no clap snip nonsense, but
produce facts, which can be verified in a
practical way
Our Etooll of undertaking goods is very
complete, embracing funeral furnishings ,
from the highest to the lowest grades, and
at prices far below any in town ,
An insPection of our goods is respectfolly
(Successor to 0. dt S. Gidley)
July 88.
Summer Silks, Dress Goods, Muslin,s, Prints, Gingliams
Laces, 4i1Dbp..p.s.,Ilisiery, Gloves, tinderwear,
Corsets, ,P,a,Oti7ao1s, 1VIillinery, litinanaings, etc ,
At Greatly Reduced Prices.
Y, •
Grnd Barglias Evory
ta'TittaldSt 110 120i 'thigd tbide otly o 1b ii'hentygoo40fitt'tho, 001,0dr1b6e,biitf,.
mae Of the fittest stOblis in thb otelio$ p!ftg,,
, ar,