HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1969-06-26, Page 11Page it DQN'T MISS ANY 01! THE EUNI Fiesto Days in Wingham Tlwrsday, Friday, Saturdc.yJt 3, 4, S 4 GOODYEARS WIN IN HANOVER Hangver.oa Thursday nI,ht the Brophy Goodyears shut- out the Halltover Merchants 4-0 in 2”hit pitching by Ed Daer. George Skim hit a home run in the 211d inning and Ed Dae r hit a 3 run homer in the 9th. Wingham:'s next borne game will be on Friday, July 4 at 8.30 when Elmwood'will supply the opposition., • Goodyears 010 000 003 471 Hanover 000 000 000 022 Batteries: Wingham, Ed Baer and George Skinn; Han- over, M. Falkingham and L. Litt. . Recreation department presents its firstdance recital On Friday, night an audience of 275 people watched the first annual dance recital presented by the Recreation Department. The dancers were students of Amy Johnston of Chatsworth. Although all but a handful of the dancers have had only 20 lessons this season all perfortned *ell to an appreciative aud- ience. Several of the cast have. been travelling to Kincardine each week forover a year to take lessons from Miss Johnston. At the request of several of the - mothers classes were started BROWNIE?S DRIVE-IN THEATRE -i- CLNTON Box Office Opens at 8.00 p.m. THURSDAY He's back again—James tt Showing at FROM Showing (Both Features PLEASE NOTE: 9:15 RUSSIA at 11 are Adult "Rachel, ,. & FRIDAY p.m. --AND-- p.m: ,Entertainment) Rachel" at Bond '— -= and a later Starring Starring date. JUNE. Connery — will 26-27 feature » IConneryT . -Cartoon be shown -- in WITH - "Countdown" a big double Sean LOVE" Sean In Colour SATURDAY, and TUESDAY BIG DOUBLE "Rosemary'sa ADMITYANC! SUNDAY, June MONDAY 28-30, July 1-2 IN COLOUR y . MIA FARROW and Ruth Gordon 9.15' p.rn. FEATURE — . :Mille =--41 —, Plus a Ca ee ,. �F -- , FEATURE Starring Cassavetes Showing at SECON9 - TEXASSTYLF and , John RESTRICTED I. yes or ! o1 oYu John ,,,. . "AFRI A C tarring:- iugh O'Brien Coming Thursday and Friday, July" -7- r -,fir. r • A Big Country Mus4c Double Feature "GOLD GUITAR" ' and "A TIME TO SING" . here in Wingham. Over 40 stu* dents participated an d it is hoped that the classes will re- sume in the fall. To help with the program two girls from K i n c a rd in e danced several numbers in the evening's entertaining show. Nancy Gardner from, Wing- ham, who has been a pupil of Miss Johnston for several years danced the award dance and Seann Triubhas.-. Pupils participated as follows: Lollipops: Cheryl Beattie, Machette Campeau, Brenda Chambers, Lynn Chambers, Jan Fryfogle, Cheryl Gavreluk, Lisa Hamilton, Cheryl Goodyear, Sara Haly, Karen Johnston, Deb' ora Merkley, Lizanne Morrison, Jayne Philips, Connie Stretch, Heather Stretch, T a m m y Thomas, Casey Turbitt, Ruth Taylor, Anne Marie Webster, HARRISTON DRIVE-IN THEATRE WED. 25 -THUR. 26 -FRI. 27 "WHERE ANGELS GO TROUBLE FOLLOWS" in Color — Stars Rosalind Russell -- Plus — : "FRONTIER HELLCAT" . in Color — Stars Stewart Granger. and Eike Sommer SAT., JUNE 28 ONLY `DON'T RAISE THE BRIDGE, , LOWER THE RIVER' in Color Stars Jerry Lewis — Plus --. "MYSTERY OF THUG ISLAND" in Color •— Stars Guy Madison SPECIAL SUNDAY HOLI- DAY SHOW—Dusk till Dawn SUNDAY, JUNE 29 No.' 1 - "THE SHUTTER ROOM" No. 2 "VENGEANCE OF FU MANCHU" • No. 3 "THE\ GLORY STOMPERS" No. 4 "MANHATTAN NIGHT OF - MURDERS" ADMITTANCE RESTRICTED TO PERSONS - 1• YEARS' OF AG! OR OVER MON. 30 - TUES. July 1 "THE COUNTER- FEIT KILLERS (Adult Entertainment) "The CHAMPAGNE MURDERS" in Color Stars Anthony Perkins Both in Color, Mary Anne Bernard. • A Polka: Sally LeVan, Mrs,. sley Currie, Lori Coodail, CAP; olyn McClure. Puttin' On The Ritz: Barbara Chambers, Stephanie Scott, Anitra's Dance; • Louise Al' cock, Anne Balser, Karen Bell,„:, Sylvia Beard, Pam Gerrie, Bon*"' nee Sue Haferrnehl, Jackie Me." Whirter, Tracy MacDonald, Lori Thompson, Ragtime Cowboy Joe: Cheryl Beattie, Brenda Chambers, Heather Stre,ich, Connie Streleb, Casey Turbitt, Karen Johnston, Lisa Hamilton, Brad Wright. • Gavotte: Joan Huether,, Lynn Williams, Barbara Johnston, Norma VanDongen, Carol Wheeler. Exactly Like You: Tammy Thomas, Danny Thornas. The Sailor's Hornpipe:- Fran- ces Johnston, Mary Anne Davey. Tea For Two: Sally LeVant,; Ansley Currie, Lori Goodall, Carolyn McClure. . ,I Know That' You Know: 1 a- chelle Campeau, Lynn Cham- bers, Sara Haly, Jan Fryfogle, Cheryl Gavreluk, Jayne Philips,, Debra Merkley, Lizanne Mord«•. son, Ruth Taylor, Anne Marie Webster, Mary Anne Bernard Cheryl Goodyear, Tammy Thomas, Danny Thomas. The Highland Fling: Janet McGee, Carolyn McClure, Lori Goodall, Sally LeVan, Ansley Currie. . Blue Skies: Louise' Alcock, USTOWEL DRIVE -1N THEATRE COUNTRY . MUSIC FESTI- VAL . — FRI. 27 - SAT. 28 - 3 Big Features • Roy Orbison THE.. FASTEST. • GUITAR ALIVE -=- Also — SECOND FIDDLE TO A STEEL GUITAR - Plus -- Your Cheatin' Heart .11 Starring George Hamilton Susan Oliver - Red Buttons - Arthur O'Connell LATE SUN. SHOW—June 29 Gates open 9:30 Show at 10 — Two first run hits - (Adult ' Entertainment) The Hired Killer — and — THE VULTURE MON. 30 - TUES. July 1 - WED. 2 Sammy Davis Jr. and Peter Lawford as 'SALT & PEPPER' — Also — Gina Lollobrigida "Buona Sera, Mrs. Campbell" (Adult Entertainment) • rCLIP OUT PROGRAM AND KEEP AS REFERENCE First With The Finest Ih Motion Picture Entertainment Illllu�h a_ - P THEATRE GODERICH ON THE SQUARE Show times—Sunday through Thursday, one show only starting at 8 p.m., Friday and Saturday—two shows night- ly, first show starting at 7:30 p.m., second show ap- proximately 9:10 p.m. SUN.-MON.-TUES., June 29-30, July 1—"THE BROTHER- , HOOD", (Adult entertainment), Kirk Douglas, Alex Cdrd, Irene Papas. Inside look at organized crime. - R -SAT.-SUN.-MON.-TUES. WED.-THUR. F July 2 to 8 "WINNING", 'Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward. 1 WED.-THUR.-FRI.-SAT., July 9.12—"AFRICAN SAFARI." SUN.-MON.-TUES.-WED., ,July 13.16 --"HARD CONTACT" (Adult entertainment), James Coburn and Lee Remick. THURS. to WED., July 17.23 ---"WHERE EAGLES DARE" (Adult entertainment). Richard Burton, Clint Eastwood and Mary Ure. Intricate action -packed espionage tale is brilliantly performed. .� v THURS. to WED., July 24.30 --"CHITTY, CHITTY, BANG, BANG', Dick Van Dyke, Sally Ann Howes, Lionel Jef- fries. Colorful, tuneful fantasy for family audiences. rr.+---'rrwrs inewro r. _ -..-.r. ..r..-... is .,, .rune Balser, Karen Bell., Pam Petrie, ,,Sylvia Beard, Barbara., Chambers, Joan Huether, Bon- nie Sue Hafermehl, Barbara Johnston, Tracy MacDonald, Jackie McWhirter, Stephanie Scott, Lori Thompson, Norma VanDongen, Carol Wheeler. Lynn Williams. Just Step Dancin': Mar y Anne Davey. Waltz Fantasy: Carolyn �'rV1CClure, Lori Goodall, Ansley Currie Sally LeVan. Flora MacDonl'ald's Fancy: ;prances Johnston, Mary Anne 1Davey. Viingham takes seventh straight s Bill Hotchkiss struck out 18 (and gave up only three hits Sun- day as he pitched Wingham toodyears to a 7-1 Western 0 tario Athletic Association In- termediate League softball •win `fiver Walkerton Hartleys. - The victory was Wingham, s ''venth without a loss and kept ;them atop the standings in the x.10 -team league. It was Hotch- ss' first win of the season. Ed Daer, Bob Higgins a n d otchkiss all had two hits each r the winners. Daer hit for a iple and double. ,�•, Willard Lang went the dis- ,•„once on the mound for Walker - Lon giving up 11 hits. Walkerton >i,•&cored its only run in the eighth inning. Walkerton 000 000 000--133 ;1/gingham 010 130 11x-7110 : Lang and. Fritz; Hotchkiss. (1-0) and Coultes. 1portsrnen hold 4hiIdren's : derby The W i4rtamen.'s Association! 'heel its annual fish - ...lug :derby for !mentally hand i - ,capped children on, Sunday. iildren from Wingham's Gold- en Circle School, and the Mid- western Regional Centre at Pal- merston took part ,in the event. A number of 10 -11 inch speckled trout were caught by the young anglers; as well as a few that got away. A feast of hot dogs and pop continued throughout the after- noon and a joyous time Was had by young and old alike. Prizes were given out for yar16us catches. and one boy caught four 10-11 inch fish. • The Sportsmen were thanked by the children for sponsoring the afternoonand it carne from the heart; for they all thor- •oughly enjoyed themselves. The children were a plea- sure to entertain since they were all very mannerly and contented. They were a credit to their families, schools and. teachers. The Sportsmen are grateful to all who helped organize and supervise the event, and to Bob Irvine's Supertest, I. G. A. and Red Front, Don Rae, •Pepsi and Coca Cola companies, Finni- gan's Grocery, Montgomery Motors at Lucknow and anony- mous donors for their contribu- tions. The . next regular meeting for the Sportsmen will be on July. 7 Playgrounds to- open on July 1 To prepare playground lead- ers for their sunimcr work Jim Ward left on Sunday with his playground staff to the Lake Huron Zonc,playground leaders' training courscat Camp i lencsc- tung on Lake 11 u r on For a number of years the directors of recreation from this arca have trained the leaders at •this site. The staff comprising of Sandra Tiffin; Wendy Crcwson, Prances Ducharnnc, and Connie Slosser will return Friday after having studied and practised arts and crafts, drama, yuict and active games and storytell- ing. They will have leamcd some child psychology and have to plan regular programs and ap- ply them. Setting up such ac- tivities as mock track and field day and penny carnival ,will be part of the integrated program. To deal with the public comes GRIM DETERMINATION and powerful • young muscles gave Doug deBoer a mo- mentary victory and a record breaking Isar, 5 ft. .4 in., in the standing broad jump competition at the Turnberry School Industrial L�agu.e Monday night in Wingham can be very entertaining. For example, two games that would have had the entire crews at Mission Control in Houston can- cel their launching in order to b see the reaults. In the first game, the Wing- ham Businessmen defeated Ma- chans Hardware 10-8. Th e whole game centered around the.pitchi'II$.b.No,>ritLLen;... nan. Normwas outstanding the entire night, thus enabling his team to just edge out the tough team from Machans. In the second game, Lloyd - Truax was robbed -of a victory when they lost to a strong team from Stanley -Berry. For the Berry Door team, Jim Bain was the hero. Jim smashed a home - run near the end of the'game, the result being three :runs driv- en in: Unless .you have something better to do like getting involv- ed in a snappy game of chess, or building a bird house, or • even carving a portrait of your sweetheart from butter, Itrhy don't -you turn .out everyn- day or Thursday night and be a part of a baseball game? (Late for Last Week) In the first game on Tues- day night, Machan's Hardware edged out Western Foundry in a under publicity and public re- lations. All of these subjects are a part of a very intensive week of training for approxi- mately 75 leaders from the area. A summer of fun and games is anticipated for the children of Wingham this year. T h e playgrounds will,run over a six- week period from July 7th to August 15th and will be open from 9.30 to 4.30. Leaders will be present at all times ex- cept when special events may take them away. Mayday. His victory was short lived • asq: two of his classmates posted pumps cif'` 5 ft. 6 in. The previous record for thea-.: Kindergarten, Grade 1 and Grade .11 stand. ing; broad lump was A ft. 2 in. -4 T;Photo.,, NNNNNNN/$SINNIosose N/5NSNL IN OASA TOURNAMENT The Goodyears have entered in a O. A. S. A. tournament to be held in Owen Sound Friday Saturday and Sunday, June 27, ' 28, 29. The final game will be at 8.30 Sunday night a n d games are played all day long. close battle, 9-5. Outstanding. players in the game for Mach-, .an's we're Ian MacLaurin on 3rd base and Terry Nethery in left field; both putting forth a fine effort to enable their.: team to defeat the. Faugdsy.3. - . _: For the Foundry,` Bill Dauph- in in centre field played , bril- liantly. In the second game of the night, Stanley -Berry recorded another win, this time over the Businessmen by 101 ` For. Stanley -Berry, Tom Gower playing short stop and Philip Adams, catcher, were both out-' standing for the night, slam- ming home runs to guide their team on to trictory. For the Businessmen, Lynn Hickey and Clarence Duquette both gave 1000/0. effort, Lynn at the bat, and. Clarence in his short stop position. Lakelet • Mrs, L1o1rd Jaques, John and Glenn left S iturday on, a tour through the western provinces? Mrs., Margaret Horsburgh, Mrs. &inerson Ferguson and Ev- elyn left Wednesddy to attend the Darling -Boyle' wedding on'' .; Saturday at Geraldton. Evelyn was one of the bridesnitaids for her cousin. • Congratulations to Mr: and ,Mrs. Gordon MacDonald and,,,, Mr.' and -Mrs. Werner Stoll who each had_a.son of r:Jm'e 18th: ;” a ui • :Miss Marie McComb had acr ; cepted a summer job at Lloyd Truax in Ww, gham. WINGHAM DAY 3574423. *JERRY'S TAXI Owned and operated. by GERALD - McLEAN LOCAL and OUT-OF-TOWN 24 -Hour Service Night 528-2647 No toll charge from Wingham Entertainment of the Station Hotel, M,ldmvy FRIDAY NIGHT Helen and Guest SATURDAY NIGHT Darin and Uoyd Spareribs, Sauerkraut and Chicken ,nerved Friday Barbecued y and Saturday Nigh it's the Lord Simcoe Hotel in Toronto. You'll find your party. banquet or meting more enjoyable and successful when you bold it at the Lord Simcoe. Friendly service that caters to your every wish at sensible prices. Call the Simcoe ..'. We get in the spirit of things. it's the ur'ci rtflC'L' University and King Streets, Tel. 362-1848 �lf GODERICHv� SUNSET II INS la ORrvE•SN DRIVE-IN THEATRE THEATRE O CLINTO . ARLOW C.I. MOLMEs- VILLE HWY. 8 GODERICH AT CONCESSION RD. 4 • PHONE 524.9981 • A "Mustang" Theatre, • THURS., FIRST • DRIVE-IN PARNOUNT k OM10 JANE FRI., PICTURES presents NflIS !FON& SEE SAT. -- -June 26-27-28 SHOWINGS—ALL. COLOR SHOW . T. - - i _ -._ - -_ DONERTNINGI _ 'TSCHNICOLO ' - - (Adult Entertainment) PLUS SECOND FEATURE PARAMOUNT PICTURES presents ROBTAYfflR . ERN[STB13RNINE:. ? • ,..,-,:t.;....,,...‘.. .,,,,, JLHNMIUL ..._ 4:y ♦'r �,.,,. r A RODI.OR Production • APARAMO! 'acture ...... DA71_ __. •N /Tib .......1.y. . --- * • • * 3 BiG HORROR HITS . June 29—Starting at 10 p.m. "MILL OF STONE WOMEN" (Adult .Entertainment) Starting at 10.00 p.m. "STUDY IN TERROR" (Adult Entertainment) r Starting at 12.01 a.m. "DIE, DIE MY DARLING" (Adult Entertainment) Starting at 1.33 a.rii. Wnteh for "Gi;ninic1; Night" on Monday cC Tuesday MON., TUES., WED.—June 30, July 1=2 DEAN MARIN and GEORGE PEPPARD and JEAN SIMMONS in "ROUGH NIGHT IN JERICHO" (Recommended as Adult Entertainment) Plus Second Feature on the All Color Show „..•HENANDOAH" Starring JAMES STEWART, DOUG McCLURE and GLENN CORBETT Evert! Wed;nesdail is "Foinily Night" cit The Sunset. Carload, Truckload or Busload—Admission iR9nN$1.2r perrchicle, here in Wingham. Over 40 stu* dents participated an d it is hoped that the classes will re- sume in the fall. To help with the program two girls from K i n c a rd in e danced several numbers in the evening's entertaining show. Nancy Gardner from, Wing- ham, who has been a pupil of Miss Johnston for several years danced the award dance and Seann Triubhas.-. Pupils participated as follows: Lollipops: Cheryl Beattie, Machette Campeau, Brenda Chambers, Lynn Chambers, Jan Fryfogle, Cheryl Gavreluk, Lisa Hamilton, Cheryl Goodyear, Sara Haly, Karen Johnston, Deb' ora Merkley, Lizanne Morrison, Jayne Philips, Connie Stretch, Heather Stretch, T a m m y Thomas, Casey Turbitt, Ruth Taylor, Anne Marie Webster, HARRISTON DRIVE-IN THEATRE WED. 25 -THUR. 26 -FRI. 27 "WHERE ANGELS GO TROUBLE FOLLOWS" in Color — Stars Rosalind Russell -- Plus — : "FRONTIER HELLCAT" . in Color — Stars Stewart Granger. and Eike Sommer SAT., JUNE 28 ONLY `DON'T RAISE THE BRIDGE, , LOWER THE RIVER' in Color Stars Jerry Lewis — Plus --. "MYSTERY OF THUG ISLAND" in Color •— Stars Guy Madison SPECIAL SUNDAY HOLI- DAY SHOW—Dusk till Dawn SUNDAY, JUNE 29 No.' 1 - "THE SHUTTER ROOM" No. 2 "VENGEANCE OF FU MANCHU" • No. 3 "THE\ GLORY STOMPERS" No. 4 "MANHATTAN NIGHT OF - MURDERS" ADMITTANCE RESTRICTED TO PERSONS - 1• YEARS' OF AG! OR OVER MON. 30 - TUES. July 1 "THE COUNTER- FEIT KILLERS (Adult Entertainment) "The CHAMPAGNE MURDERS" in Color Stars Anthony Perkins Both in Color, Mary Anne Bernard. • A Polka: Sally LeVan, Mrs,. sley Currie, Lori Coodail, CAP; olyn McClure. Puttin' On The Ritz: Barbara Chambers, Stephanie Scott, Anitra's Dance; • Louise Al' cock, Anne Balser, Karen Bell,„:, Sylvia Beard, Pam Gerrie, Bon*"' nee Sue Haferrnehl, Jackie Me." Whirter, Tracy MacDonald, Lori Thompson, Ragtime Cowboy Joe: Cheryl Beattie, Brenda Chambers, Heather Stre,ich, Connie Streleb, Casey Turbitt, Karen Johnston, Lisa Hamilton, Brad Wright. • Gavotte: Joan Huether,, Lynn Williams, Barbara Johnston, Norma VanDongen, Carol Wheeler. Exactly Like You: Tammy Thomas, Danny Thornas. The Sailor's Hornpipe:- Fran- ces Johnston, Mary Anne Davey. Tea For Two: Sally LeVant,; Ansley Currie, Lori Goodall, Carolyn McClure. . ,I Know That' You Know: 1 a- chelle Campeau, Lynn Cham- bers, Sara Haly, Jan Fryfogle, Cheryl Gavreluk, Jayne Philips,, Debra Merkley, Lizanne Mord«•. son, Ruth Taylor, Anne Marie Webster, Mary Anne Bernard Cheryl Goodyear, Tammy Thomas, Danny Thomas. The Highland Fling: Janet McGee, Carolyn McClure, Lori Goodall, Sally LeVan, Ansley Currie. . Blue Skies: Louise' Alcock, USTOWEL DRIVE -1N THEATRE COUNTRY . MUSIC FESTI- VAL . — FRI. 27 - SAT. 28 - 3 Big Features • Roy Orbison THE.. FASTEST. • GUITAR ALIVE -=- Also — SECOND FIDDLE TO A STEEL GUITAR - Plus -- Your Cheatin' Heart .11 Starring George Hamilton Susan Oliver - Red Buttons - Arthur O'Connell LATE SUN. SHOW—June 29 Gates open 9:30 Show at 10 — Two first run hits - (Adult ' Entertainment) The Hired Killer — and — THE VULTURE MON. 30 - TUES. July 1 - WED. 2 Sammy Davis Jr. and Peter Lawford as 'SALT & PEPPER' — Also — Gina Lollobrigida "Buona Sera, Mrs. Campbell" (Adult Entertainment) • rCLIP OUT PROGRAM AND KEEP AS REFERENCE First With The Finest Ih Motion Picture Entertainment Illllu�h a_ - P THEATRE GODERICH ON THE SQUARE Show times—Sunday through Thursday, one show only starting at 8 p.m., Friday and Saturday—two shows night- ly, first show starting at 7:30 p.m., second show ap- proximately 9:10 p.m. SUN.-MON.-TUES., June 29-30, July 1—"THE BROTHER- , HOOD", (Adult entertainment), Kirk Douglas, Alex Cdrd, Irene Papas. Inside look at organized crime. - R -SAT.-SUN.-MON.-TUES. WED.-THUR. F July 2 to 8 "WINNING", 'Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward. 1 WED.-THUR.-FRI.-SAT., July 9.12—"AFRICAN SAFARI." SUN.-MON.-TUES.-WED., ,July 13.16 --"HARD CONTACT" (Adult entertainment), James Coburn and Lee Remick. THURS. to WED., July 17.23 ---"WHERE EAGLES DARE" (Adult entertainment). Richard Burton, Clint Eastwood and Mary Ure. Intricate action -packed espionage tale is brilliantly performed. .� v THURS. to WED., July 24.30 --"CHITTY, CHITTY, BANG, BANG', Dick Van Dyke, Sally Ann Howes, Lionel Jef- fries. Colorful, tuneful fantasy for family audiences. rr.+---'rrwrs inewro r. _ -..-.r. ..r..-... is .,, .rune Balser, Karen Bell., Pam Petrie, ,,Sylvia Beard, Barbara., Chambers, Joan Huether, Bon- nie Sue Hafermehl, Barbara Johnston, Tracy MacDonald, Jackie McWhirter, Stephanie Scott, Lori Thompson, Norma VanDongen, Carol Wheeler. Lynn Williams. Just Step Dancin': Mar y Anne Davey. Waltz Fantasy: Carolyn �'rV1CClure, Lori Goodall, Ansley Currie Sally LeVan. Flora MacDonl'ald's Fancy: ;prances Johnston, Mary Anne 1Davey. Viingham takes seventh straight s Bill Hotchkiss struck out 18 (and gave up only three hits Sun- day as he pitched Wingham toodyears to a 7-1 Western 0 tario Athletic Association In- termediate League softball •win `fiver Walkerton Hartleys. - The victory was Wingham, s ''venth without a loss and kept ;them atop the standings in the x.10 -team league. It was Hotch- ss' first win of the season. Ed Daer, Bob Higgins a n d otchkiss all had two hits each r the winners. Daer hit for a iple and double. ,�•, Willard Lang went the dis- ,•„once on the mound for Walker - Lon giving up 11 hits. Walkerton >i,•&cored its only run in the eighth inning. Walkerton 000 000 000--133 ;1/gingham 010 130 11x-7110 : Lang and. Fritz; Hotchkiss. (1-0) and Coultes. 1portsrnen hold 4hiIdren's : derby The W i4rtamen.'s Association! 'heel its annual fish - ...lug :derby for !mentally hand i - ,capped children on, Sunday. iildren from Wingham's Gold- en Circle School, and the Mid- western Regional Centre at Pal- merston took part ,in the event. A number of 10 -11 inch speckled trout were caught by the young anglers; as well as a few that got away. A feast of hot dogs and pop continued throughout the after- noon and a joyous time Was had by young and old alike. Prizes were given out for yar16us catches. and one boy caught four 10-11 inch fish. • The Sportsmen were thanked by the children for sponsoring the afternoonand it carne from the heart; for they all thor- •oughly enjoyed themselves. The children were a plea- sure to entertain since they were all very mannerly and contented. They were a credit to their families, schools and. teachers. The Sportsmen are grateful to all who helped organize and supervise the event, and to Bob Irvine's Supertest, I. G. A. and Red Front, Don Rae, •Pepsi and Coca Cola companies, Finni- gan's Grocery, Montgomery Motors at Lucknow and anony- mous donors for their contribu- tions. The . next regular meeting for the Sportsmen will be on July. 7 Playgrounds to- open on July 1 To prepare playground lead- ers for their sunimcr work Jim Ward left on Sunday with his playground staff to the Lake Huron Zonc,playground leaders' training courscat Camp i lencsc- tung on Lake 11 u r on For a number of years the directors of recreation from this arca have trained the leaders at •this site. The staff comprising of Sandra Tiffin; Wendy Crcwson, Prances Ducharnnc, and Connie Slosser will return Friday after having studied and practised arts and crafts, drama, yuict and active games and storytell- ing. They will have leamcd some child psychology and have to plan regular programs and ap- ply them. Setting up such ac- tivities as mock track and field day and penny carnival ,will be part of the integrated program. To deal with the public comes GRIM DETERMINATION and powerful • young muscles gave Doug deBoer a mo- mentary victory and a record breaking Isar, 5 ft. .4 in., in the standing broad jump competition at the Turnberry School Industrial L�agu.e Monday night in Wingham can be very entertaining. For example, two games that would have had the entire crews at Mission Control in Houston can- cel their launching in order to b see the reaults. In the first game, the Wing- ham Businessmen defeated Ma- chans Hardware 10-8. Th e whole game centered around the.pitchi'II$.b.No,>ritLLen;... nan. Normwas outstanding the entire night, thus enabling his team to just edge out the tough team from Machans. In the second game, Lloyd - Truax was robbed -of a victory when they lost to a strong team from Stanley -Berry. For the Berry Door team, Jim Bain was the hero. Jim smashed a home - run near the end of the'game, the result being three :runs driv- en in: Unless .you have something better to do like getting involv- ed in a snappy game of chess, or building a bird house, or • even carving a portrait of your sweetheart from butter, Itrhy don't -you turn .out everyn- day or Thursday night and be a part of a baseball game? (Late for Last Week) In the first game on Tues- day night, Machan's Hardware edged out Western Foundry in a under publicity and public re- lations. All of these subjects are a part of a very intensive week of training for approxi- mately 75 leaders from the area. A summer of fun and games is anticipated for the children of Wingham this year. T h e playgrounds will,run over a six- week period from July 7th to August 15th and will be open from 9.30 to 4.30. Leaders will be present at all times ex- cept when special events may take them away. Mayday. His victory was short lived • asq: two of his classmates posted pumps cif'` 5 ft. 6 in. The previous record for thea-.: Kindergarten, Grade 1 and Grade .11 stand. ing; broad lump was A ft. 2 in. -4 T;Photo.,, NNNNNNN/$SINNIosose N/5NSNL IN OASA TOURNAMENT The Goodyears have entered in a O. A. S. A. tournament to be held in Owen Sound Friday Saturday and Sunday, June 27, ' 28, 29. The final game will be at 8.30 Sunday night a n d games are played all day long. close battle, 9-5. Outstanding. players in the game for Mach-, .an's we're Ian MacLaurin on 3rd base and Terry Nethery in left field; both putting forth a fine effort to enable their.: team to defeat the. Faugdsy.3. - . _: For the Foundry,` Bill Dauph- in in centre field played , bril- liantly. In the second game of the night, Stanley -Berry recorded another win, this time over the Businessmen by 101 ` For. Stanley -Berry, Tom Gower playing short stop and Philip Adams, catcher, were both out-' standing for the night, slam- ming home runs to guide their team on to trictory. For the Businessmen, Lynn Hickey and Clarence Duquette both gave 1000/0. effort, Lynn at the bat, and. Clarence in his short stop position. Lakelet • Mrs, L1o1rd Jaques, John and Glenn left S iturday on, a tour through the western provinces? Mrs., Margaret Horsburgh, Mrs. &inerson Ferguson and Ev- elyn left Wednesddy to attend the Darling -Boyle' wedding on'' .; Saturday at Geraldton. Evelyn was one of the bridesnitaids for her cousin. • Congratulations to Mr: and ,Mrs. Gordon MacDonald and,,,, Mr.' and -Mrs. Werner Stoll who each had_a.son of r:Jm'e 18th: ;” a ui • :Miss Marie McComb had acr ; cepted a summer job at Lloyd Truax in Ww, gham. WINGHAM DAY 3574423. *JERRY'S TAXI Owned and operated. by GERALD - McLEAN LOCAL and OUT-OF-TOWN 24 -Hour Service Night 528-2647 No toll charge from Wingham Entertainment of the Station Hotel, M,ldmvy FRIDAY NIGHT Helen and Guest SATURDAY NIGHT Darin and Uoyd Spareribs, Sauerkraut and Chicken ,nerved Friday Barbecued y and Saturday Nigh it's the Lord Simcoe Hotel in Toronto. You'll find your party. banquet or meting more enjoyable and successful when you bold it at the Lord Simcoe. Friendly service that caters to your every wish at sensible prices. Call the Simcoe ..'. We get in the spirit of things. it's the ur'ci rtflC'L' University and King Streets, Tel. 362-1848 �lf