HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1969-06-26, Page 8ibghaan Advance -Times. Thursday. June 26, 1969 0 .-1 •141 iLI%i!1�:RE�Re? "s' FOR SALE RABBITS for sale. Ph. 35/- 3007 after 6 p.m- 26p 7 -FT. TRAIL TYPE mower; hayrake. Phone 357-1771. 26p GUNS bought, sold and ap- praised. ABC Sporting Goods, B. Jenkins, Minnie Street. Jne26prrb 7 -FT. NEW IDEA mower for sale; 2 steel farrowing crates. Phone 357-3263. . 26p AGRICOL 40 corn spray oil for mixing with your Atrazine. Phone 357-3570, Ernie Merk- ley. 5-12-19-26p 1967 175 cc. HONDA for sale. 'Priced for quick sale. Call 357-3088. 26b PROMPT radio and television service. Licensed technician. Repairs to all makes and mo- dels. Pattison Radio and Elec- tric, phone 357-2262. 29rrb ANTIQUE quarter cut oak kit- chen -cabinet for sale. Phone 99, Wroxeter. 26p OLDER MODEL refrigerators for sale, in good working con- dition, for cottage use or fqr cooling farm separated cream. Phone 357-1639. 5-12-19-26b 3 -PCE. CHESTERFIELD suite for sale, and other household articles. Mrs. Nora Moffat, R. R. 1 Bluevale. s 26p VACUUM CLEANER Sales & Service for all makes. R. K. Peck, Varna, dial 1-262-5350. D26rrb COCKSHUTT 10 - ft. self-pro- pelled swather for sale. Glenn Schwartzentruber. 357-2608. 26-3p CHOICE DAHLIA tubers from Seibert Gardens, 10 varieties. Monday Special — Maxwell House Instant Coffee, 10 -oz., $1.49. Meyer's Meat Market, Teeswater, ph. 392-6827. 26b FARM WAGONS; with or with- out•tires. Twelve inch posthole diggers for 3 -point 'hitch trac- tors. Phone. Buipstead7 Metal. Fabricating, 357-2272. 26-3=10b VACUUM .CLEANER SALES & SERVICE—Vacuum cleaner bags and filters to fit all popu • lar makes, G.E., Westinghouse, Hoover, Eureka, Singer, -Filter Queen, Airway, etc, Replace- ment hose and complete va- cuum- service: Pattison Radio and Electric. - 29rrb CHEST FREEZER for sale, 6" .; long; - used twoseasons. eintzmanpia;tid b nch. hone 357-3895/After --- 26p VACCINATE — before calves go on range. Protect, them with Nixon Blackleg -Malignant Ed- ema Bacterin. Economical 2cc. dose. Vance's Rexall Drug Store, phone 357-2170. 26b WOR. SALE —r English and estern saddles, halters, bri- dles, . harness—everything for your horse. Cunningham's Tack Shop, 10 Victoria Street, Walkerton, 881-0740. =12-19-26-3b•. CAMPING IS A' DELIGHT in a . RIDE -LITE. Camper Trailer , Saps & ' Rentals from Somers A Richmond, phone Brussels 47J or 260W. ' - M-J&Jp ,SEVEN -IN -ONE PROTECTION •--- Just one vaccine protects ,cattle ,and sheep against all zeommonly - found clostridial diseases. Vaccinate with Nixon 1 in 1 Combined Clostridial 'Bacterin. Vance's Rexall Drug Store, phone 357-2170. 26b EAVESTROUGHING on house or barn, Metal flashings Roof repairs. CHIMNEYS built. Free estimates., Morrison Bros., phone Lucknow 528-2546: ' F2Orrb ELECTRIC FENCERS — We sell and service hydro and battery fencers. Full line of repair parts in stock. Prompt Service o,n your fencer when required. Hot Shot batteries, $4.35. Pattison Radio and Electric. 29-5-12-19-26b REPOSSESSIONS Vacuums, polishers, sewing machines, cabinet and portable. Must be sold by June 28. No reasonable offer will be refused. 20% off shop floor demonstrator mer- chandise. Call us collect after 6:30 p.m. Singer Co. of Can- ada, Wingham, phone 357.3730 26b AUTHORIZED DEALER for Simplicity garden tractors. till- ers and lawn mowers. Agency for Bole'ns garden tractors, lawn mowers and tillers. Also reconditioned used lawn mow- ers. Call Earl Jenkins, 357- 2683. Wingham Lawn and Garden Centre, 257 Shuter Street. 29rrb FOR SALE — A.C. Gleaner combine with 14 ft. table and 4 row corn head, 3 .years old, in good condition: interna- tional truck with 15 -ft. grain box and hoist: , John Deere 550 bus. portable corn and grain dryer. propane: 5 gra- vity wagons and 36 ft. 6 in. auger on wheels: M.F. No. 10 haler: 2 wagons and forage boxes: New idea 250 bus. PTO manure. snrender: Gehl PTO harnmermill. Phone 529- /278 Dungannon. 19.26p BIRTH STRONG — In, Wingham and District Hospital, on Sunday,, June -22, 1969, to Mr. and Mrs. Fraser Strong, R. R. 3 Wingham, a daughter. CARS FOR SALE '63 •CHEV. 6, automatic, for sale. A-1 condition. Phone 357- 3555 or 357-3460. 20p 1961 COMET 4 -door, 6 cylinder car, with good working radio. John T. Knox, 217 Josephine St. E. 26p '68 PLYMOUTH Sport Satel- lite 2 -dr. hardtop for sale, V8, 318, auto., bucket seats, posi traction, radio, one owner. Ph. 392-6985, Teeswater. 26p 1966 CHRYSLER sedan for sale, excellent condition. Would finance part for respon- sible person. Earl Thompson, 5W1, Wroxeter. 26p LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 25 , SUCKING PIGS for sale, 8 weeks old. Ph. 332J5, Brus- sels. 26p 50 PIGS for sale. Albert Cook, Belgrave, 357-3737. 26p . 60 PIGS for sale, 10 weeks old. Phone Wroxeter 581W2. 26b AT STUD — Quarter horse, Floyd's Bailey 11. Atiply Geo. Cameron. 15eowb HAY FOR SALE STANDING HAY for sale, Iot 20, con. 2, Kinloss. Phone 357-1117. 19-26b 40 ACRES of standing hay for sale, alfalfa and grass mix- ture. Norm. Higgins, Belgrave, 357-1567. • 26-3b #OR RENT ONE -BEDROOM apartment ' f or rent, heated. Phone 357-2031. 26b TWO -ROOM, heated apartment for rent. Furnished if desired. Available Aug. 1. Apply Box 20, Advance -Times. , • 26.3b' LOVELY 3 -bedroom home for rent, available July 15. Any- one interested write to P.O. Box 105, Wingham. • 19-26b FOR RENT IN BELGRAVE Nearly new brick bungalow with 2 bedrooms. ' Available September lst. Phone 357-3317 - or Brussels 437J6.- 19-26b 2 SPACIOUS apartments for rent in former post office, 3 and 4 bedrooms, kitchen, hath, large hall, Oil heating; ample room in basement. Write Alice . Legge; 14I11 -6th'' East, Owen So4nd:.:;i',, 9(1{''t . ., 8rrb-• TWO - BEDROOM apartment for rent; also bachelor apart- • ment, heated and utilities paid: Available immediately. Apply to Crawford, Shepherd & Mill. • 29 -ab APARTMENT for rent -1 bed- room; separate entrance, elec- tric heating, residential dis- trict. Phone 357-3895 evenings. 26p COTTAGE at Point Clarke for rent, available from .Tune 28 - July 4; July 12 -July 26; Aug. 17th on. Phone 357-2916. 26b APARTMENT for rent. avail- able July. 1st, .3 rooms and bath, separate entrance. Con- venient* th' shopping centre. Phone 351-1236. • , 26b • 2 - BEDROOM apartment for rent: three 1 -bedroom bachelor apartments{ newly decorated - withmodern conveniences. Will be available .on or before August lst. Location. ,main street in Windham. Phone 357- 2870 or 357-1015. 26b SALES HELP WANTED CONS ERS in Goderich or rue ocality around Wingham or rand Bend need Medi- cines, Spices, Flavorings, Cos- metics, etc. Start your profit- able business with famous Rawleigh Products. Write Rawleigh, Dept. F-453.501, 4005 Richelieu St., Montreal 207, Que. 26b MALE HELP WANTED MAN required to train in motor rewind shop, above av- erage mechanical ability, knowledge of electricity or electronics preferred but not essential, Apply in person to Burke Electric, 357-2450. 26b FEMALE HELP WANTED RURAL HOUSEWIVES Avon Cosmetics offer excellent earning opportunity for you— working in your own com- munity. Call 376-8368 or write Avon Mgr., 904 6th Ave. W., Owen Sound. 26b TENDERS WANTED TOWNSHIP OF TURNBERRY TENDERS WANTED Tenders will, be received by the Road Superintendent, Alex MacTavish, It. R. 1 Bluevale, for the Caterpillar D6 Tractor, bulldozer, blade, cab and snow plow and wings. This tractor is 1946 model and is in good condition. Tenders will be re- ceived until July 5th at 12 o'clock noon. Any tender not necessarily accepted. Tenders Will be accepted separately, if desired. Joh 'V; Fischer, Clerk. 26-3b PERSONAL The Wingham Horticultural Society prize list is now avail- able. Plan now to enter the flower show on Saturday, Aug. 23, at the Public School audi- torium. Any member or others interested who may have been missed in distribution may ob- tain, a copy from any director or the president. 26p WANTED YOUNG CALVES wanted. Ph. 357-3331. 26p TRANSPORTATION wanted, Wingham to London. Friday night, returning Sunday night. Phone 357-1048. 26b WANTED -A large size tri- cycle. Phone 357-3092. 26b WANTED -Young man would like place to board. Phone 366-2310. 26p 1 WANTED — Used swing set. Phone 357-2143. 26p ' WANTED — Someone to look after small dog, children's pet, from Jung 30 - August 26. owners going out of town. Will pay for keep. Particulars 357- 1862. WANTED DEAD STOCK Fresh dead stock; cows dead, $12. each; dead horses, $20. each, over 500 pounds, accord- ing to size. Collect 369-2410, Durham. Lorenz Removal. Jnl6rrb'70 .NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF THOMAS HARWOOD ABRAHAM, • deceased. , ALL PERSONS having claims .against the estate of the above mentioned, late of, • the Township of • Turnberry, in the County of Huron, :Re- tired Farmer, who died on the 2nd day of June, 1969, are re- quired to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the 14th day of • Julys. 1969. After that date the E:cecu-. tor will -proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which be shall then. have had notice. DATED at Wingham this 23rd day of June. A.D. 1969. CRAWFORD. SHEPHERD & MILL, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitors for th . Executor. ' rpm. 7. R 111? SFr, 4q c' 1 16.3.11015,-.t NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF LEON CLIFFORD CANTEL:N. ALL PERSONS h a. v i n. g claims against. • the estate of the above mentioned, late of the Town of Wingham, in the County of Huron, Retired Gentleman, who died on May 27, 1969, are required to file proof of same with the under- signed on or before the 15th day of July, 1969. .After that date the Execu- trix will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which she shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, On- tario; this 18th day of June, A.D. 1969. CRAWFORD. SHEPHERD &. MILL, • Wingham, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executrix. 26-3-10b NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE of Hannah May' Saint. , All persons having claims against the estate of the above mentioned late of the Town- ship . of Tuckersmith, in the County of Huron, (formerly of Wingham), who died on the 16th day of January, 01969, are required to filer, -..af same with the undersigned on or before the 27th day of June, 1969: After that date, the execu- tors will proceed, to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which they shall have then had notice. DATED at' Wingham, On- tario this 5th day of June, 1969. CRAWFORD. SHEPHERD & MILL, Barristers, etc., Wingham, Ontario. 12-19-26b NOTICE TO CREDITORS • IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MARY ELLEN WELLINGS, late of the own of Wingham in the County of Huron, Widow, Deceased. NOTICE_ IS IIEREIBY GIVEN pursuOt to The Trustee Act that all creditors and others' • having claims against the Es- tate of the late Mary Ellen Wellings are required to send particulars of their claims,. duly %Terified, to J. T. GOOD - ALL, Solicitor for the Execu- tors of the said Estate, on or before the 12th day. of July. A.D. 1969, and that alter such date the Exertitors will pro- ceed to distribute the assets of the said Estate, having re- gard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice DATED at Wingham. On- tario, this 19th day of June, A.D. 1969. Edward Marsh, Lenore Mc- Tavish and Ethel Aitchison, Executors of the •estate, By their Solicitor. J. T. G,OODAI.i,, Box 730, Wingham, Ontario. 201-10b *„u,a eve poomfieuaaaaal,k•�aaapar,nmoNsoif„ Coming Events CLOSING NOTICE Hafermehls Jewellery with be closed Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, June 30, Jure 1-2. 26b WELSH COUNTRY FAYRE In Belgrave Arena, June 28, 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. Fancy. goods, stalls, bowling, pony rides, etc. Supper and refreshments avail- able. Sponsored by Belgrave United Church. 19-26p FIRST TIME IN THIS DISTRICT You heard them at Expo, the music of Trinidad and Tobago. DANCE to the Pannuts Steel Drum Band, Teeswater Arena, Saturday, June 28. Sponsored by the Fire Dept. 26b FAREWELL CARD" PARTY ' Dance and presentation for Mr. and Mrs. Rowland Ballagh of the 2nd of Culross at Bel - more Community Hall, Friday, June 27. Ladies please bring lunch. 26b BRIDAL BALL At Royal Canadian Legion Hall, Brussels, June 27. Prizes for longest married couple and most recently married couple, etc. Des Jardine's orchestra. ' Adm. $2 per couple. Restrict- ed to persons 21 years „and over. 26b A SPECIAL BUS To Grand 'Ole Opry, Nash- ville, Tennessee, $59.00. in- cludes 2 nights hotel, tour of Nashville, autograph and din- ner party at Music City Play- house, ticket to Saturday night Opry; leave June 12. Reserve your seat now. Habkirk Trans- it Service Ltd., Box 700, Sea - forth, or phone 527-1222.• 8rrb 9, ea,aaa0r. CLOSING NOTICE Martin's Garage, !ordwich, will be closed from July 7 to July 28 for holidays. 26b WESTFIELD UNITED CHURCH ANNIVERSARY Will be held on June 29th at 11 a.m., in Westfield United Church. As this is the closing service of the church all form- er members are especially In- vited nvited to attend. 19-26b GARDEN PARTY In Fordwich United Church on Wednesday, July 2, from 5:30 p.m. to ?? Admission, adults $1.50; children 12 and under 75c; pre-school free. 26b DANCE To honor Mr. and Mrs. Joe Jeffrey, Airdrie, Alberta, will be held in Belmore Communi- ty Hall, Thursday, June 26. Tiffin's orchestra. Ladies please bring lunch. 26b OPEN HOUSE Mr. Roderick McKay of Brookhaven Nursing Home is celebrating his 94th birthday on Saturday, June 28. He will be at home to his friends from 2 to 4:30 at the Royal T in Wingham. 26b AT HOME Mr. and Mrs. -Walter Charles of Gorrie, will be at home to. their relatives, neighbors and friends on Sunday, July 6th, from 2-5 p.rn., and 7-9 'P.m, on 'the occasion of their 40th wed- ding anniversary. 26b 16 -DAY EAST COAST TOUR By chartered coach, leaving Saturday. June 28, includes "Boston, Cape Cod, New Bruns- wick, Nova Scotia. Cabot Trail, P.E .., Shediac Lobster Fes- tiva , etc. Write Habkirk Tran- sit ran sit Service. Box 700. Seaforth, or phone 527-1222 for itiner- ary: M29=J26b CARDS OF THANKS 4111111111111 I would like to express my appreciation for all the cards and visits while I was in the Wingham- and District Hospit- al. A, sincere thank you to all. —Mrs. Roy MacDonald. 26b' We wish to express our sin- cere thanks to our family, friends and neighbors forthe' .. catds and gifts, and mak'ng Y our 50th anniversary such a pleasant occasion. All added together , ►=made-iit-ate-day we will always remember.. Gordon and Florence, Higgins. 26p My .very sincere thanks to my old neighbors of the 3rd line of Morris, .also relatives and friends who gave such a lovely surprise' party and such lovely gifts and a very happy evening at the lodge rooms Saturday evening. — Mrs. Mil- dred Stewart. . 26p I would like to thank all my friends who 'sent cards, flow- ers and visited me while a pa- tient in the hospital. Special thanks to the nurses in inten- sive care, Dr. Hughes and Dr. Wilkins.—Harold Smits. 26b AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE of the contents of Westfield ° United Church will be held at the church site,_,on Concession 5, East Wawariosh, on SATUR- DAY, JULY 5th; at 2 p:m. • Offered at that time will be the church organ, piano, seats,' chairs and many other items including some antique furni- ture. Terms—Cash.. Auctioneer, Earl Plowman. Church Secretary, Harvey McDowell. 26-3b - AUCTION SALE at ESTATE MARKETING SERVICES 20 Water Street, Wingham on SATURDAY, JULY 5th at 1:00 p.m. Being offered are the furni- ture, furnishings and house- hold effects and antiques of Mrs. Ella Bond and Mr. Har- old Burrell. A complete listing will ap- p ar in next week's paper. ,Jack Alexander, Auctioneer. E.M.S., Administrators for thie proprietors. ESTATE MARKETING SERVICES J. A. Currie, Mgr., 351.1011. AUCTION SALE of property and household ef- fects in the Village of Blyth, Main Street on SATURDAY, JULY 5th, -at 1 p.m. Full line household effects: Chesterfield bed; (rocking chairs; dining ppom table and chairs; g(asTttbpboard; hall rack; library table; television; wardrobe with mirror door; Zenith' refrigerator with deep freeze; Clare Jewel propane gas stove; Beatty washer; bed- room furniture; dishes; rugs; bedding; drapes; garden tools; kitchen ,utensils; china. Property — 5 -room cottage; 3 piece bath, propane floor furnace, asbestos siding; excel- lent condition. " Terms -10% down, balance 30 days. Sold subject to reserve bid. Chattels—Cash. Prop., Mrs. Sadie Cumming. Auct., Harold Jackson. Clerk, Mel Graham. 26-3b .CARDS OF THANKS. We, the family of the late Mrs. Stewart Finlay, wish to thank our friends, relatives and neighbors for their help, kindness and beautiful floral tributes. Special thanks to Dr., Crawford, the nurses on sec- ond floor, Rev. Mr. Sach and Rev. Mr. Hird and the Moir funeral home at Gorrie. 26p - In the midst of our sorrow ,we wish to express our sip-, cere thanks'�t V'6ilp 1 1a1Eiiie ,��'" neighbors and friends for their - kind acts and expressions of sympathy shown us at the time of the loss of a dear ,wife and mother. Special thanks to Dr. Doorly, the staff of' second - west, Rev. Fr. Moynahan, Rev. Fr. Swaine, ' Lodge. funeral home andR. A. Currie & Son funeral home.—Dave and Pam King. 26b Words seem 'inadequate at this time to convey to our friends and neighbours of Wroxeter and Atwood our appreciation for so many acts of kindness shown to us dur- ing. our sudden loss of a hus- band^ and father. Special thanks to Dr. McGregor, Rev, G. W. Sach for 'their help and comforting words. Thanks also to L.O.L. 630, Howick Legion comrades, the United Church Women, and Wroxeter Wo- men's Institute. — Family of the late Stanley J. Lockwood. 26b I would like to thank friends and relatives for their cards and letters which I received while .in Victoria Hospital, London. — Calvin Robinson. 26p We would like to express our sincere thanks to friends and neighbors for cards; gifts and flowers, also those who visited us while we were pa- tients in Wingham and Dis trict Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Hughes, Rev. John Rob- erts and nursing staff on first and second floors.—Harry and Carrie McGuire. 26b My sincere thanks to all my friends and neighbors for their many visits, .gifts and, well wishes during my stay in hos- pital. Special thanks to Dr. McGregor, Rev. B. Passmore, all the nurses and orderlies who were so helpful and con- siderate in the performance of their tasks. Sincerely—Ion Rosenhagen. , 26p Many thanks to all who sent cards and gifts while I was a patient in both Wingham and Goderich hospitals. Also many' thanks to those who drove Wilma to Goderich every day. All was very much appreci- ated.—Ed. Edighoffer. 26p 1 like to thank neighbors, friends and relatives who sent the cards, letters, flowers and treats while I was a patient in Victoria Hospital, London. Special thanks to Dr. Street in Blyth, Rev. Cecil Jardine, United Church" minister in London, Rev. vanHeeg, Dutch Reformed minister in Exeter. —Mrs. Jacqueline Vanstone. 26p I would like to thank all my neighbors and friends for flow- ers and cards while I was in hospital. and all those who visited me. Special thanks to Dr. Ilarrett and . Dr. Hughes, Rev. G. L. Fish and all the nurses who were so kind to me in ICU and on second floor.—Mrs. Annie Nicol. 26b N MEMORIAM . ING In loving memory of Oiair King, who passed awm fly!,years ago, June ; Many a lonely heartache, Often a silent tear. But always a beautiful mens - 0 Of one we loved so dear. —Sadly missed but never forgotten by dad and Pam.. b LEDIET---1n toying memory of a dear mother, who passed away June 29, 1964, and a loving 'lather, who passed away July 16, ,1950, A silent thought, a secret tear Keeps their memory every dear. Tim* takes away the edge of grief, But metnory turns back every leaf. --Lovingly remembered by the family. 26b WICKS -,-In loving memory of my dear sister, Margaret Ann (Mrs. Harold) Wicks, who passed away suddenly in Midland June '28, 1968. Softly the leaves of memory 'fall, Sadly we gather and treasure therm all. Unseen, unheard you are al- ways near. So loved and missed and so very dear. As time goes by the memories stay As near and dear as yesterday. --Lovingly _ remembered by Sadie and family.. 26p WICKS --In loving memory of our dear aunt Margaret, who passed away June 28, 1968. Just as you were you will al- ways be, Treasured forever in our mem- -Sadly missed by Pat and Harvey. , 26b • REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSE AND 3 .COTTAGES-- ' Income property: Good invest- ment, year 'round home- and three summer cottages. Home could be .rented all year to teachers. Good road, near shopping and marina : extras. Restaurant and lodge on Balm Beach. Super location. Call Vera Lawson, 526-6627. ' 26b FOR SALE Duplex, modern, excellent state of repair, oil furnace, good lot, choice location. Early possession. Brick duplex, each unit self' contained, good repair, 1 block to main street, •excellent in- come property. Full price $15,- .000, with•• early possession. r n7j•'0.-4144;ri' qti 125 -acre highway farm, 1% - storey, 6 -room house with bath. Large barn "with attached straw shed. Drilled well, .water on pressure, hydro throughout. Implement shed 20x80 with cement floor. There is • 115 acres of level, tillable . soil, balance in bush. Early posses- sion. ' 70 -acre 'grass farm, 50 -acres newly seeded. Ample supply of water and shade." WILLIAM S. REED Real Estate Broker and General Insurance Wingham, ' Phone 357-2174 MISCELLANEOUS WEED SPRAYING FOR LAWNS Wingham Lawn and Garden Centre - EARL JENKINS Phone 357.2683 .17rrb THE DECOR SHOPPE Floor Covering Sales =-- Installation Harding Carpets - Draperies Murray Gerrie 357-2002 - Wingham FOR ROOFING, SIDING Small Brick and Block Work, Building and Repairing, Chim- neys — Call HARRIS BROS. R. R. 2 Bluevale, Ont. Phone Brussels 351-W-4 12-19-26-3p QUINCY'S PORTABLE WELDING Complete portable welding service All work guaranteed Contact Quincy Bridge Phone 357-3488 19-26p SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment used All work guaranteed Write: LOUIS BLAKE R. R. 2 Brussels, Ont. Phone 442W6 - Brussels A3-Jly3lp FOR YOUR Insurance Needs in Automo- bile, Farm Liability, Accident and Sickness Home Protection Cali your Co -Op Agent --� LLOYD MONTGOMERY 53 Maple Street, Wingham Dial 357.3739 SEE GEORGE BROOKS at Stratford Cemetery Memorials Ltd. for Memorials of Distinction Lowest prices in the area 38 Avondale Avenue STRATFORD Phone 2714736 Collect would like to . thank sin- cer'ely my, friends and relatives who sent card andflowers while 1 was a� tient in Wing, ham end' Hist�t Hospital. A special thanks i to all the' nurses on second floor for their kindness.— Mrs. Hazel Stacey, 20b ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. W. George Henderson announce the en- gagement of their eldest daughter, Janis Margaret., to Mr. Charles Brent Davidson, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Davidson of Wingham. The marriage will take place on July 19 at 4:00 p.m., in Wingham United Church. 266 Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Letty of Lucknow, announce the en- gagement of their daughter, Ann Marie, to Mr. Bevin Gene Tiffin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Tiffin of Wingham. The wedding will take place in St. AugustineChurch, St. Augus- tine, on Saturday, July 12, 1969,.at 2 o'clock. 26b EDWARD UM RRAI. OIfTATO OMR Telephonelit A - - Bu'. 3574590, Riks, 357.150 Three-bedroom frame, Mask ville aided home, living room with large therm window dining room and attatche+ 19ga68.rage. Possession August 15, Immaculate one and one-half' storey frame duplex on a large lot, two blocks from Iain street, three bedrooms on each side with separate entrances. New furnaces, new chimney and extra insulation. Oneside vacant for immediate posses- sion. Excellent income home. Three bedroom, 1/ storey brick, $9,000 cash. Available May 10, 1969. 400001010000.0.000.0 $8,900 buys this neat 5 -acre well landscaped property colt - tains a 1'/4 -storey 2 -bedroom frame home, a large well -kept • barn with attached shed. Situ- ated on a paved road and is now vacant. Immediate pos- session. Campbell Soup Co. Ltd. LISTOWEL, ONTARIO require a MALE SENIOR ACCOUNTING CLERK Applicants should have Grade XII or XIII education;, experience in accounting and enrolment in a recog- nized accounting course of study would be an asset although not essential. Successful candidate mustbe willing to continue his studies. Attractive pay scale and comprehensive range. of em- ployee insurance benefits available. Applications, by mail or in person should be address- ed ' to the PLANT PERSONNEL DEPT. A REPRESENTATIVE- of CANADA MANPOWER ::,=,CENTRE of J1 will be in WIngham Town Hall THURSDAY, 3 JULY 1969 1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES and EMPLOYMENT AND MANPOWER RETRAINING INFORMATION AVAILABLE Canada ManDoer Cenlre Department of Manpower and Immigration 125 Argyle Avenue North LISTOWEL, ONTARIO Business and Professional Directory C. W. CASLICK LIFE - HEALTH • BUSINESS INSURANCE 50 Patrick Street East Wingham Representing IMPERIAL LIFE • A27-1yr CAVILLER & COMPANY Chartered Accountants Resident Partner J. E. Kennedy, C.A. Dial 881-3471 Walkerton Crawford, Shepherd and Mill Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. J. Harley Crawford, Q.C. Norman A. Shepherd, M.A., LLB. Alan R. Mill, B.A., LLB. WINGHAM, ONTARIO Dial 357.3630 Chiropractor R. BRAY, D.C. 256 Centre Street Phone 357-1224. Wingham WINGHAM MEMORIALS GUARANTEED GRANITES CEMETERY LETTERING REASONABLE PRICES Buy Direct and Save Bus. Ph. 357-1910 ' Res. Ph. 357-1015 Frederick F. Homuth Pkloa.B., R.O. Carol E. Homuth, RO Mrs. Viola H. Homuth,120 OPTOMETRI$TS Phone 338-2712• HARR I STON - - ONTARIO J. T. 6000ALL BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY, ETC. Office -- Meyer Block WINGHAM DIAL 357-1990