The Exeter Times, 1888-12-6, Page 4aallaalag Established 1877. 07,VEiXiote IrdSkINTKER, EXETER, ON, ansaote genera) banking business, Reeeivee tlie accounts of merchants and others on favorabto terms. Offers every aecommodation consiatent with safe and conservative bunking principles. Five per eent. interest allowed on dePesits. Drafts issued Payable at any Oleo of the Morel:anti, Doak. NOTES DISCOUNTED, & MONEY TO LOAN ON NOTES ANI) 1VIORTGAGES, Qinttv trimeo. THURSDAY, Deeemberitith, THE ASHBOLTRNE ACT. By the Ashbourne Act the British Government undertakes, when the Irish landlord is willing to sell to his tenant at fifteen years' purchase, to lend the money for the purchase at four and a half per emit. Of this, the land- lord receives two-thirds, or three per cent., and the remaining third (one and one-half per cent.) goes towards the reduction of the principal, so that in forty years the tenant'syearly payments will have xuade him owner of the farm. The first ',appropriation (of ;25,000,000) under the Act has been exhausted, and the Government has asked Parliament for an additional £,5,000,000, Mr. Gladstone opposed the applica- tion on principle, and though he has been defeated, his objections are as sound as if they had prevailed. The • Act, he showed, was really for the benefit of the landlords, who sold to the Govermeent, while the Govern• ment, by making, a settlement of the arrears of rent impossible, would at least become the Irish landlord -a wholly unconstitutional relation, and one certain to multiply rather than to diminish the occasion of political trouble. Mr. Dillon said truly that, with the system of coercion, the ..A.ct was helping the landlords to raise the price of laud, while it was breaking up the combina- tion of the tenants, To every person withoot personal interests in the matter, the arguments of Mr. Gladstone would seem unanswerable, but Parliament re- jected the amendment offered, and the Bill passed its second reading by a vote of 299 to 242. This settles the ques- tion for the tune, but there is an appeal from Parliament to Parliament, as there once was from Philip to Philip. DECEMBER 9me will be "Charles Wes- ley Sunday" among the Methodists throughout the world. Wesley died one hundred years ago. DISTRICT DOINGS, orourruuoos of the Piker week 'Through out thN e eighborhood iu a concis a e Von, The December session of the Conety Council of Middlesex begin next fuesday, Rev. Mr. Telly, of Knecx Church, Mitchell, has given up :tatty° werle for the present becauee of heart trouble, P. Currie will get $25 more this year than last for teaching tbe Clancle- bove school. Twenty-four loads of cheese were taken from the Corbett cheese factory Thursday of lest week for vehicle an average of lOcts a lb was realized, A mati by the name of Charles Tob- in, Irene Stratford, sincided at Spanish River on Wednesday evening by out Ung his throat with a razor, Everest's Cough Struts is the best in the country -Duncan Puree!, Forest Mr. Wm.Duflield, of Blanthard, has sold.to the Americans two Canadian bred young stallions for the handsome sum of $600. At a meeting of the council at Em- bro it was resolved to offer an addit- ional reward of $200 for the conviction of the person who racently poisoned the cattle of Mr. Blair, West Zorra. the ditch. This Mr. Hemsworth did Forest is very anxious to secure a not see, and there being neitherlights High School, and Reeve Jones has nor fence of any kind near the ditoh, beet), instructed to use his best endea. he drove into it with the result stated. vers at the meeting ot the County On Thursday nigbt last atten o'clock Council to secure it grant for such an a young8man named George tfrick, 18 nistetution. • years of age, who was employed in the G T R yards at Point Edward, had been over at Port Huron. El e was re- turning via the GTR ferry Internation- al, and walked overboard when the boat was entering the slip. Although be kept himself afloat for about ten minutes, the men around were so much excited that they failed to effect a rescue, and he sank. The body has been recovered. No inquest was held. The Mitchell Recorder says: faA curiosity in the shape of a limestone weighing 3S pounds, was brought in and laid on our table this week. There is nothing very curious about the stone itself, as a stone, but when it is offered as a sampleof butter taken from the middle of a crock, it is a de- cided curiosity, being much solider than most butter at this season. The stone was brought to our office by Mr. Thos. Staten, of Logan, and had been packed in a crock of butter by a woman who was working for a sister of his, and who had been sup- plying herself with butter and keep- ing up the weight to her employer by adding stones. It was by mere acci- dent that the stone was discovered before the butter came to market." I had tried many (factors and was given up by them as far gone into con- sumption, but was permanently cured by using Everest's Cough Syrup. -Jas Simpson, A.berarder. Rev. G. Ronmck (Reeve of Cornwallis) The new Parkhill Presbyterian Church will be opened Jan 6,18M Wm. Herbert, table °emulated sat' mcie at Saginaw One day recently, ia the mune person who was ooncerned in, a rope case a few yeers ago et Clinton. The Stratliroy Post Office site has been selected. The Gevernment cheque for the purohase money, $2as 400, was paid over to the IVIelCiellar • estate a few clays ago, and it will be loaded on Frank street, Two little children of vrr, Bennett, of Galt, lead been indulging very free- ly in samteraut, which was in process of fermentation, awl Were shortly af- terwards seized with convulsions and vormting, showing all the symptoms of poisoning. Underskilful treatment the lives ot the little ones were saved, but it was a narrow escape, and Will probably serve as a lesson in that family, Patrick Elemsworth, of Dorehara, while driviug home from Ingersol, the other night, met with a serious Acci. dent, resulting in the death of his horse. Mr, Nancekivell, it appers, Was digging a ditch across the road, end had made a temporary roact around Andrew Savage, an employe ot the Patterson Works, Woodstock, met with a yery painful accident Thursday morning. By some means he got his hand caught in an iron planer, which tore the flesh completely off the back of the hand. "Everest's Extract of "Wild Blao k - berry never tails to cure diarrhoea, dysentery, &c" -the statements of scores who have tried it. 25e per bot for sale by allidruggists. The Liberal Conservative Association of the township of Bla,nshard, held their annual meeting on Saturday, Nov. 24th, at the township hall. The following officers were elected: -Presi- dent, William Robinson, vice-presi- dent, J. McCurdy, secretary, W. G. Glenn, treesurer, Reuben Switzer. Alfred Harrison dred at hia rear dence, Streford, on Saturday after• noon from injuries received about a month ago in the G. T. R. yard De- ceased was 57 years of age, and leaves a widow and a grown up family. He was a member of the A. 0, F. At the next meeting of the East Middlesex Farmers' Institute, to be held soon, preliminary steps will be taken for the formation of a Co-oper. ative Grain Association for the pur- pose of buying and shipping cereals from London. Mr. John Whyte, sr., and Mr. W. Thomson of Mitchell entered into a mutual agreement on Thursday to put in an electric light system in that town at a cost of $3000 and agree to submit to a municipal yearly audit and to hand all accumulated profits over and above ten per cent: on the capital it vested over to the town treasurer. No word has been received as yet from the old man Glendinning, who is supposed to be wandering somewhere between Seaforth and Forest. His son has been searching in this section for a few days past and intends to con- tinue the search across the country to Seaforth or until he finds his father. The remains of Richard Smith, el - deet son of Mr. Wm. Smith, of the second concession of McGillivary were interred in the Mar's Hill cemetery on last Monday. Tbe deceased had been working at Owen Sound, where he was taken sick and died after an illness of but a short duration. Mr. Samuel Biair, ot St Marys, got message on Monday afternoon from Haarlem river, New Yoek, to the effect that while boarding the 12.50 train at that plaoe, Master Freddy, son of the late W. A. Baley, station- master of St. Marys slipped and had both his legs taken off. The boy died and Ills remains were interred in St. Mary's cemetery Friday. William Herbert, formerly a resi- dent of St. Marys, and a son of Mr. Joseph derbert, who lived in the West Ward of that town up to about four years ago, on account of failure to get employment, and domestic troubles, took a dose of strychnine on Monday evening in Saginaw, Mich., and died in a short time afterwards in terrible convulsions. His father is now on the way from Seaforth to take charge of the remains. rived from this source for the three Mrs. Edward H annul was interviewed THE increased expenditure for new German war ships vvhich has been pro- vided for in the budget of 1889-90 amounts to 6,500,000 marks, a greater portion of which will be applied to the building of monclacls. 0 SIR CHARLES TUPPER received. a sim- ilar letter and from the same person as that sent to Sackville West, but the High Cornmiseioner was too old a politician to be caught. He sent a courteous reply, but of a very non -com- mittal character. THE, recent presidential election was a costly affair. The New York Herald estimates it to have been five hundred million dollars, and the American people are :beginning to think the Republican eystecn is even more expensive than the monarchical governments of Europe. -- Tele Treasurer of the United States reports that the net revenues of the Government for the fiscal year ending June 30th, 1888, were $379,266,074, and the net expenditures, R267,924,801. There was a net decrease of 874,788,920 during the year, in the principal of the interest-bearing debt. DURING the last few weeks there has been a constant drain of gold from New York to England. Lest week no less than four million dollars were shipped. It is required to supply a deficiency in the sleek markets, ancleis said to com- mend a handsome premium in both London apcl Berlin. -- THE complete returns show that the Dominion land sales in the North west and Manitoba for the fiscal year ending October 31st will far exceed the sales in the previous year. The revenue de - months from July to September last atToronto on Tuesday on the rurnor show an increase of $42,000 over the corresponding period of 1887. THE anxiety which has been felt in Europe as to the foreige policy of Em- peror William will be allayed by his speech to the Reichstag at its opening recently. In this address he empha- sized the pacific character of the Em- pire's international relations, and said that his recent victits to other countries were undertaken with the view of effecting an understanding in the inter- ests of pea,ote. He added that his efforts had been succeesfulin inepiring, univer- sal confidence in the maintenance of peace among the Power. Tho latter statement can.hardly be accepted as altogether correct, but it -is gratifyirig to know that- the German Emperor con- siders himself an instrument for the encouragement of peace rather than the promotion of war and conquest. Titz British Governmenb is said to be considering Ile advisability of ap- pointing a successor to Lord Saclesville the late ambassador to the United States, before President , Cleveland • vacates his office. A auccessor may poseibly be appointed hi December. Lord H. C. Vivian, the Minister at Brussels,' could hare the Washington Post if he wanted it, but it is believed he dotte not cleeire it. After him the choice rests upon either Me. Plimleett, , the present Envoy to'Japan'Sir P.' 0,, Iescelles, the Minister at Bucharest, or Mr. Mormon, the Minister at Athees. It is understood that Lorcl Saelceville will go to Madrid, and that Mn Ford the present. Minister there, will be traneferred to Vienne. Bancas.-agss Mabel Dent, of Mitchell, is visiting her mutt, Mrs, Sutherlatal.- Megers. MoEwen de Ellie sbipped i car- load of poultry to Beffalo.-)Ir. 13atayard, our new miller, has moved into his new dwelling. -Mr. D, McColl, apple dealer, IRB gone to the old country to look after tbe sale of his tipples. Mr. McColl has shipped 6 carlomis from Hensel], 6 oar- loacba •from Mitehell, 2 catloade from hmeter, for Liverpool ad other British ports.—Mr. Mullholland, of the 4th con, Hay, lost a valuable horse the other day. -While fl Stoneman of Chiselhurst, • was doing some business in oue •of the stores the other evening, bis horses became frightened aud ran away, but fortunately noserious damage was done. -Rev. J. S. Cook purposes holding revival eervioes in the eteth. church here in the course of a week or so.--Farmere are taking advan- tage of the sleighing, and buemess boomirtg.-John and May Gilchrist having seen 21i years of wedded life, determined to celebrate that event by inviting a large number of friencls and, relatives to their residence, on the evg. of Nov. 30th, :After partaking of a :suinptuous repatt, dancing and mimic were indulged in. The moceede lege being opened by Mr. D. Millar, who sang "Pea 8tra' " in a very able 'manner, Mr. Gilchrist then related a • few incidents of his past life -one being a good "ex -story' and another, the "Missouri Carver.. -A meeting of the Hansen curliug club held on Monday evening the following officers were appointed : Dr. nTeDiarmid, pres. ; R. 13outhron, vice-pree. ;11. Patterson. seet- treas.! It was acceded that the member- ship fee be a2.50 payable in advance. Brandon Hills P. ,O., gentleman, seers. "I arrived at leradon Hills, Manitoba, in the spring; of 1879, and by homestead and pnrchase secured 1,600 acres of land, affording a good farm for each of my four sons. On account of youth and inexper- ience they labored under a disadvantage, but succeeded in raising 900 bushels of grain the second year; 1,700 the third; 4, 000 the, fourth year and have thus grad- ually increased the atimuut until the pres- ent year, 1885, whee their return amounts to 14,000 bushels. We are well situated for wood., water and pasture, and possess a considerable herd of horses and cattle. We are greatly pleased with the country, and feel confident that an industrious farmer can make more progress here in one year than he can in five in any of the eastern provinces. -Brandon Sun. The above is a pretty good showing for a country that, is under the iron heel of monopoly and oppression; and which is said by politicians to be far in- ferior as agrain producing country, than Dakota. that the ex -champion oarsman intend. ed to settle in Australin. She admit- ted that he had written to express a willingness to do so, but denied, that arty arrangements for that purpose had been made. Blare is littlefor no excitement over Hanlan's defeat by Beach on Tuesday, the rising star of the new champion, O'Connor, throw- ing his waning light into the shade. About two years ago Geo. Munson, of Detroit and Ed Mines of Ailsa Craig got into a fight in Ailsa Craig. A policeman arrested Mines and was taking hies to the police station, when Munson pointing a revolver at the policeman's head forced him to release Mines. The two than left for Detroit, Tuesday morning Munson crossed to Windsor and wag arrested The autb- (males at Ailsa Craig were telegraphed and Munson was taken to London Wednesday to be Identified. Henry Elliot, of the towbehip of Stephen, struck town on Friday last in a drunken condition, and proceed- ed to hold forth on the street corher. He expressed his "loyalty," •and his hatred of the Pope of Rome inf very unparlismentary language and goner - ally concluded himself in a boistereus manner, l'he poline magistrate hap. pening along ordered a couple of by, standers (the constable being absent on other CIO ty) to convey him to the look,tip Mr. Elliot Stieri took down his ',filo surrender" motto and was marched oft to the ',dealer"' where he spent the night. Next day he Was fitted $5 and costa, amounting in all gho, and the P., J1f, told him that lie had a notion to make the the $25.- Mrichol1 AdVoeate. •1111011.111111•911•1111K Crediton. -- PnnsoNAL.-Mr. Mat. Chambers left on Tuesday on a short visit to sWoorlstoek.- The numerous friends of Mr. Fred Cuntz, who worked for Mr. Wm. Wenzel last year, and has since, and uutil his sickness, been working in Exeter, will be very sorry to bear that he is in a very precarious condition and that there is little hope for recovery. He is at present lying ill with a severe attack of typhoidifever at his uncle's residence near Dashwood. �e lams since died, -Miss Bertha Gebaner is home from London for a few weeks, on account of ill -health. ButErs.---Some of our sports have been out in the woods:near in search of game, but their efforts were not very successful beyond securing a few rabbits and. a partriage.-Mr. Aug. Hill is repairing • the eettral hotel to a considerable extent, and is bound to have everything convenient and comfortable for tho travelling public. -Mr. August Sweitzer of the flour mills has a very fine collection of insects ; some of them very old and others very beauti- ful, We venture to say that there are very few collections to equal his. He has also a fine collection of birds and animals, among which are two bitterns, a bird not often seen hereabout. -A young man near the east end, not long ago, was fined by our magistrates tor disturbing the peace, and was at the time warned not to commit the same offence again, as he would not get MI with a fine, next time. We under- stand this same young man has been repeating his conduct and would warn him to discontinue it at once as he is acting cletrinieutal to Ws own interest, and we are sure he would hot want to spend a• term in Goderich jail. -Some of our farmers are angry with themselvee now became they did not sell their wheat when the price was um -There have been numerous weddings near here of late, and by authentic reports we may again exited to hear the merry peal of wedding bells before long. -We may tepect to ham good Christmas festivals tide year, as the seholars of both Sanday schools are very busy practising for the effaire.-Now shim we have all brinthered our porkers, we aro prepared to entertain our friends riglat royally and can treat them to a course of neatirkraet and !meek," We would aim intiinnto thet out cider is getting strorig, and delay as dangerous to the equilibehen so we Wirth oar friends to come eocm This invitation, of, merge, decludee the editor. •-•• -4 (111.1..-.--• SALE REGISTER. Tunsmer, Dec. Ilth, Farm Stock, Imple- ments sro., the property of Peter MeDou- gal, lot 23, con. 4., Usborue. Sale at one o'clock. A. Bishop Auc. Eno:au:Deo. 7 t h. -Farm • Stock, Implements dte., the property of Dennis O'Connor, lot 4 can. 17, Stephen. 'Sale at one o'claela H. Mbar, Auo. MARRIED BURNE0.—LONsBoRonen. -At the residence of the bride's father, on the 17th ult., Mr. Robert Burns of Lieury, to Miss Victoria Lonsborough of the same place. AELIEL.—SneEnorrom.—By the Rev. W. Minter Seaborn, Mr. James Ardiel of the lltli con., London Township, on the 21st Mt, to Miss eMargaret Shoebottom, daughter of Wm. Shoebottom, Esq., of the 9th con. Of the same townehip. Yurm.-Wern.-At the residence of the bride's mother, on Thursday, the 15th ult.by the .Rev. J. A, Turphrill, B. A. L. L. B. kir. James Yide of Northumberland to Annie, daughter of the late William Weir, of Si. Marys. DIED. Swana-Iu Stephen, on the and inst., Tracy Blanche, infant daughter of Thom- as and Mary Sweet, aged 5 mouths. When Baby WWI sick, we gave hor Castoria, Whim sho was a Child, she cried for Castoria, When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, When she hail Children, sho gave them Castoria, W. • - AIRO.,4423:0"4004,44 Dissolution of Partnership, The partnership exietiug between II. mart Rea A Weseloh has this day been dis- solved by mutual eonseat. Ma Dantart will continue the business m his own name ana will pay all clekts of the late firm, and polleot all ma:omits. UMA1 T & WESELOR aarich, fact.lst,1888. ' BEST AND Ci-lArEST Orange - Land IN TH.E WORLD. For particulars and .4esoriptive circular ad- dress the BARTON LAND AND A'VATEll, 00. , LOS ANCalLZS, CAL. Pattie Estray. -Came into the \-1 Premises of the Undersigned. Con- 2, Lot 2, Osborne, on or about the let of Novem- ber last, four spring calves. The owner can have the same by proving property, and paying expenses. GEORGE BUSWELL, tisborne. The Kippen Tan above mills take the lead in gristing and °hopping. Give as a trial, and you will bo convinced that this is the right plain to get your gristing done. Everyone gets his dour manufactured from their own wheat. 0110Paing only five eents a bag. Flour and feed kept constantly on band. p.B. MoLEAN RIPPIOT, Dog Lost. -In Exeter, ()Utile i9th ult., a large collie dog, with two white front feet ; shorn from the shoulders back, and known by the name of collie. Any in- formation as to his whereabouts'Nyill be suit- ably rewarded. Apply to or to W OODS BROS. A GUNNING, Greaten P. 0. NOTICE T. Applications will be received up till noon of TilliBsDAY,201b. inst., for the sextonship of the Main -St Methodist church. ditties to be- gin January lst,1889. Applielints to state tho salary required. Secretary will give particu- lars if asked. In lathalf of trustee board, W- VERITY, Secy. —TWO ---- Boars For Service THE Undersigned will keep on Lot 8 Con. 8 Usborne, near Winchelsea, Taro Berkshire Boars, bred by Geo, Green, Fansvillo. Ono 18 months old, brother to his- sweepstake boar, Belga taken 4 first prises, and 1 second, as aged hoar, The other is 7 months o Id, and brother to his first prize sow, and sired by his first prize aged boar. lie has taken 5 first Prizes for pig under one year. Beth have a reg. pedigree. TERMS -al, to be paid at time of service, with privilege of returning if nec- essary. 22-11-2m • R. DELBRIDGel, "AIGENTS WANTED IN THE Counties of Huroa , Perth, Grey awl Bruce to sell arid set up Welsh's Patent Venti- lator-tho best made. Good percentage al- lowed- Town, township or County rights for sale. All orders left with Bissett Bros, will receive prompt attention. Address W. WE.L311, Exeter, Ont. Dec. fith,1888. Bev, Mr, Lengley, tend 'hie rdlo and cliolg1)(or, iiaa started Inctlurape,, The amount of 11.11)024r cut at Ottawa, this toasoa is estireatee1ef,480,000,000 feet, hotted measure, FELEEIVEA149S WOR DX POWD777,3:1&., Are pleasant to taco. Contain their own Purgative. Is a s -fa s•Ine. and ffectua/ IgeoCroyor of wormo in Children or A.dults FAR ER'S! Hen.sall Roller Mills' THE Undersigned would respeetfully in- form the community that he has leased the above mills, and has refitted same with the latest and most improved machinery ; and will positively GUARANTEE" SATISFACT'N TO ALL. A Large Stoblc of Flour and Feed Always on Hand. -You do not buy your - 'a.11 and 477itl.ter Gristin.g 8c Chopping Promptly Attended To. " Trial Soli:Ito& A. E. BANYARD, 11-22--6-m. EIENSALL. . o Provoat B John 6.Lroung, Rubbers Felt Boots, &c., UNTIL Y011 HAVE SEEN THE MAM- • -MOT a STOO1C OF- A. 1, eseioh —OF TPrF— Thle Boot and Shoe ' . • Opposite R6ynoldis - Hensall, BEST BOUGHT I TEE BEST GOODS and bargathe for all who require good geode ehoap. My motto ie ;--Smell proette • end quick retinas. Only ninon fee intnithniede Beote Shoes Pelt 13oots, Rubbers' met Felt Sooke, A.. WESPILOIII TUN 0 IIEAP STOW?, ,*,,,,oqtatramoodok14.roaw.-Ar.!.. THIS YEAR'S • CUT and PLUG Smoking Tobacco FINER THAN EVR., See IN BRONZE, On es,ch PLUG and PekCK4GrE. fds Mirk e'MfinteietteSte Veseisteigetal,eFedg CRE.DITON --- Stove and Hardware Dept And examine his Largo Assortment of Cook, Parlor, Hall and Coal Stoves. As largo and fine an assortment as is to be found in Huron Co„ and At Prices Slightly Above Cost. --- Tinware of All Kinds, Lamps and Lamp Goods, always on hand. Coal oil and Machine oil at Low Prices. Eltoll end get a Surprise. Produce taken as Cash. 701-IZT YOTTNC, CREDITON. OUR NEW -FALL AND -- Holiday Goods 'When I say Conn I do not mean merely to stop them for name, 6then have them re- turn again. I NEAR A RADICAL CURL have made the disease et. ZITS, Fan:LET'S:row FALLING SICKNESS, AM() long stud?. 1 WARRANT my remedy to OHRE the worst cases. Because others leave faliedi s no reason fornot HOW receiving a cure. Send at once 1 or a treatise and a, Fens lc, 13oamai of my IN.VALLIBLIG ItNNHBEDY. Give Express and Post Oates. It costs you nothing for a. mono:jai, and i tostwille,;areclituadmyou. riAdammaress Dr, G, ROOT, 87 'rouge Ste Toronto, Ont. M.1=LO-V-M3DJEUTT IXE -AND- Live Stock Association (Incorporated.) Home Office -Room D, Arcade, Toronto. In the life department this Associatiotaio- vides indemnity for sickness and accident, d substantial assistance to the relatives of e - ceased members at terms available to all. In the live stock department two-thirds in- demnity for loss of Live Steck of its members. Applications for Agencies invited. Send for Prospectuses, claims paid, &c. WILLIAM JONES. Managing Director. Coti.g n. The following are a few of tho lines in : Toy Books, Christmas Books, People's Edition Standard Fiction, Poets, Phutogtaph Albums, Autograph Albums, Photograph Albums, Stamp Albums, Playing 0e,rde, Cheekere, Dominoes, • Agthems, Combination 0-amos, Climes Wallets, Pocket Bemire, and the finest neeortment of all the Very Latest Styles of Ladies' Thames eve shown in Exeter. BIBLES AND- • -PRAYER BOOKS IN ENDLESS VARIETY, And a Eull Liet of Miscellaneous Booke Writing Papers, Envelopes, Pens, Pencils, Mnoiinge, Rubber Banag, Memo, Books, a., ao, -And all Iffilde of - Stati.oner's Sinrneds HE . DOMINION LABORATORY, J. WDROVViiING, Prop, WILL CURE OR RELIEVE BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, DYSPEPSIA, DROPSY,, INDIGESTION, FLUTTERING JAUNDICE, OF THE HEART, ERYSIPELAS, ACIDITY OF SALT RHEUM, THE STOMACH, HEARTBURN, DRYNESS HEADACHE, OF THE SKIN, And every species of disease arising from disordered LIVER, KIDNEYS, STOMACH, BOWELS `Ir BLOOD. MILBURN" & 00 `TVTEizi.T.o. DR. Washington) Throat & Lung Surgeon, te 01 Toronto, nto, will be at the Central Ho- tel,E '1'23:17/1S Dec. 20th., Until 5 o'clock p. Catarrh,Bronchitis, Astha, Consumption, ot, permanently, and effectually ourea. A few Prominent Testimonials of Permanent Cures: Mrs. JohnMcKay, Kingston, Ont., Catarrh and Consumption. John McKelay, Kingston, Ont., catarrh. Mrs() 0An.tumHoppptiionn.g, Kingston, Ont., Broneho Mr.alen datchortonaK.ingston, Ont„ Catarrh, head Read W. IL Storey's Original Testimonial, Catarrh Throat Cured. Listen to W itt Storey, Esq , of the rfirm of W Storey & Son, Acton, Glove Manufactur- ers, also President alanufacturers' Association DofeC.ne'Vlleasduai.eicenni,215 Yongo-sta Toronto, Daaa Straa---1. (1851.1re you I fecagrateful f the radical cure you hare effeeted in iny threat trouble., and though I dislike having my nainat appear in connection wi t1 the testimonial but - laws, yet, having regard for those who are similarly affected. as well as having a desire to recognize the results e mole treatment I make deparfere in this res,.. Prior to my acquaint- ance with ,yen, " suffered for two Yearg from repeated ;mks of catarrhal sore throat each succeed:: leek being more prolonged and violent 'urn the former. At those timesi had vim en t liset coughing, and would disr charge large talsaltities oi int:eons, Peeling alarmed, 1 sought thebost modioat skill &Imit- able, hieludiag ted Specialist, and took almost et cry thing known to medi din wibIioilt export:mei:ix apratiele dF relief. Last spring 1 went to au roio Ulie ehaugo dal me gooa, but onany salmi, the old trouble was re- noweda• aeoina yen advertised to visit this place, .1. 1,110,1101, I wn',tldcocifulhyou ditliotigh I eon foss with not, much hope of re,a ving ana benefit. If oweven1 iv le fa vereb? a:la:cased with mei r (sander. end resolved ;eve your treatment a taita, '1110 OnPOY to in ram yeti, ix a eon:Mete ..r.%) ono se - marked in its charnel -el eat . ise bath tny self and my friends. Exam tita at your mod - Mind seemed aclapted to Inv ,vists and gav,e,„ re- lief. In two mos. I was en! iroly well ,necl hate) se coati:mat through tact most unfaverabto 80480/5 of year, You aro n t liberty to Make what use yen please of 0:islet:at. anal 'Ann be olecteed to etaweente moultieerelet`we ±0 - my Mao. I' ouzel very 1,cruly3,, , Aeteb, dee. tel,11.1£187. War OONStrI,Tmrfelit imiM.