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The Wingham Advance-Times, 1969-06-19, Page 15
10, Ile a • ,y • s: ,o • r *► si Town Faibers -win donkey baseball game It happened again ! The Kins- men took it on the chin as they went down to defeat at the ) hands of the' Town Fathers in the donkey baseball game at the town park Friday night be- fore a "stand.ing-room-only" erowd or over 600 continually laughing fans. • ' It was just one laugh after another as the donkeys held the upper hand over both teams throughout the game. Even the players came dressed for the occasion which added much to the color of the game. Deputy Reeve Harold Wild, coach of the Town Fathers, was one of the most dashing players. His burlap sack garb did not detract from a very attractive pair of shapely legs and knees. For the Kinsmen, Elwood HARRISTON DRIVE-IN THEATRE WED. 18 -THUR. 19. FRI. 20 "ANGELS FROM HELL" In Color — Plus "PSYCH OUT" In Color • ADMITTANCE RESTRICTED - TO PERSONS 115 YEARS OF AGii OR OVER SATURDAY, JUNE 21 ONLY "IT'S NEVER TOO LATE" In Color Stars Paul Ford - Maureen O'Sullivan It's a real cute. comedy :Plus "KONA COAST" In Color— Stars Richard Boon Adult Entertainment SUN. 22 - MON. 23 - TUE. 24 "FOR SINGLES ONLY" ' Plus "THE WILD REBELS" Both in Color ADMITTANCE RESTRICTED . TO PERSONS Ili YEARS Of AW ORoVER. Corning Next: WED. 25 - THUR. 26 - FRI. 27 "WHERE ANGELS GO TROUBLE FOLLOWS" Plus "FRONTIER HELLCAT" Irwin, the John Ferguson of the Kinsmen hockey teanh, turned in his hockey helmet for a Mex., 'can sombrero. He took to the mound and was the losing pitch, er. Kin "cigar -smoking" Herb Watson with top hat gave a dashing appearance not usually found on the ball diamond. To give strength down the centre, Police Chief Jim Mill- er sent in two of the younger men of the force with Con - stables Ed Doer on .the mound and Doug Foxton incentre field. Jim Ward, catcher, donned a mop -like wig to keep the re- flection from detracting from. the game's excitement. The left side of the field was pa- trolled by the Carter family, father George and son Don. For shortstop and third, the Town Father's coach Harold W i 1 d featured a "Double Bill" act with Bill Harris on third and Town Clerk Bill Renwick on short. 'Speed and ability was inserted into left field with LISTOWEL DRIVE-IN THEATRE THUR. 19 • FRI. 20 - SAT. 21. Joseph Cotten - Gordon Scott James Mitchum. The Tramplers in Color — Also THE GRADUATE Starring Anne Bandroft and Dustin. " .Hoffman - Katharine Ross - Technicolor - Panivision Adult Entertainme t LATE SUNDAY SHOW 22nd Gates open 9:30; show at 10 the Viking Queen No man could tame her Bair- age airage passions — Plus THE VENGEANCE OF SHE MON., 23 - TUES. 24 • WED. 25 - THUR. 26 "COP-OUT" Adult Entertainment ,Color -T- and canciy TechniColor ADMITTANCE RESTRICTED TO PERSONS III YEARS OF AGE OR OVER Slitttirm7ovitrks' DRIVE-IN THEATRE HWY. 8 GODERICH AT CONCESSION RD. 4 . PHONE 5249981 THURS., FRI.. SAT.. SUN.. MON.. TUES. and WED.. -- June 19-20-21-22-2344-25 IN ACADEMY AWARb WINNER NOMINATIONS 111Cluidings kst Mfrs JOSEPHAQINITTANGE E ©r crwicrr.t Councillor John "Pitcher' ack" Bateson. Fun bench strength was found in that real slugger, Mayor DeWitt Miller, ,And as should be the case, second base* man Reeve Jack Alexander was Iii the midst of all the action. For the Kinsmen, the club was out in full force and al though outnumbering the Town Fathers, their team showed shades of "Good 01 Charlie Brown's team" as they went down to defeat, somgtimes on seat". DONKEY KICKS... Did you know some of the donkeys were 28 years old?....And dig those names; Hurricane, truly well named as an those who drew this demon found.out, much to their chagrin... And how about that Bertha? Guess who drew this one to ride; none o the r than Mayor Miller ! .. . Kin Des Brophy was caught unsuccessfully trying to trade his slow moving mule for one . of the speedier animals..: George Carter found it rather frustrating at first base when he missed the ball. It just seetned to always 1be' I out five inches beyond his reach and tug as he would, that man -maddening mule just ,wouldn't move... Caught the wife of one of the "Town Fathers" laughing until she cried as she watched her husband hit the ball, jump on the donkey and try as he would just couldn't get the stubborn donkey to move a muscle.. Also caught Jack. Alexander rid- ing one of the mules intrue "Calgary Stampede" style. He managed to take two or three bucking jumps of the donkeyan fine fashion but Jack was ready for one more jump than the donkey was going to make. A BROWNIE'S DRIVE-IN THEATRE, CLINTON Box Office . Opens at 5.00 p.m. THURS. and FRI. June 19 and 20 – DOUBLE FEATURE – 'Where Were You When TheLi!hts Went Out'. Starring DORIS DAY ROBERT MORSE & TERRY THOMAS Showing et 9.15 p.m. — to Color 'Sol Madrid' (Adult Entertainment) Showing et 10.45 Starring. David McCallum & Stella Stevens Color Cartoon SAT., MON. `bind TUES. • June 21=23-24 – DOUBLE FEATURE – 'THE GREEN BERETS' THE RULE BOOK was discarded when the town councilmen, the Kinsmen and a dozen donkeys got together .on the base- ball diamond Friday evening.. Bill Harris quick stop and a duck of the head by the donkey found Jack flying through the air. All that was missing was a band to strike up with the tune "He Flies Through The Air W -i tb The Greatest of Ease"..... Understand Jim Ward is still trying to find out who knocked him off his Mule when the lights went out. Jim found that the mule he recovered gave him an , extremely rough ride to home plate...One of the Kinsmen came out of thegame withavery badl ' br ised win& He wasore g;fron4'o'1ne., n 'td f ly hit the back of the mule In an attempt to fire the ball when the mule moved quickly and sent him into a backward flip, He fell heavily to the ground and as he lay there, he said he heard a bellow from one of the local ' garage owners, ."Leave him there and I'll go and get the wrecker". With this re-, mark the poor fellow struggled to his feet not .knowing whether to laugh or cry. Thus ended a /most success- ful event with the Town Fathers, a real .gangof fine sports, as the victors and once again the Kinsmen were the vanquished. Of course a sizable sum was .� raised for a start on much need- ed improvements at the local: ball park. • gave a disapproving look to Herb Watson for the underhand tactics he employed in getting his mount to remain on base. —Advance -Times Photo. Our Canadian star Monique I4ey�'r ac. certainly didn't . give her`best when she guested last w9k on Ed Sullivan's Show in New York. The Montreal song- s ek W9FAtt r}o4 g butPRise tkw 1 a ivi,i„ Vv i hef;>perfgrrnances. in h i s coo try and in France where sheas performed several times. But somehow, a Canadian al- ways comes across looking sec- ond-rate when they perform on a U. S. show.- . As when Denyse Ange made her appearance with Ed when she was at the height of her fame a number of years ago, Monique's choice of songs ' was not good, and her 'arrange- ments addled nothing; all of which added up. to ' a boring and mediocre piece of entertain- ment. If she never makes it on U:- television, she should still be busy:. She has just complet- ed her first movie rple. in Holly- wood, and is busy with club work Last week, for instance, she hopped back to Western On- tario from Ed's show, to play in (Adult Entertainment) Showing at 9.15 p.m. - Starring JOHN WAYNE, DAVID JANSSEN and JIM HUTTON – In Color. thubasco' Showing et. 11.00 pm.—Starring Susan Strasberg and Christopher Jones -- In Color and Caret -6Y' WED., THURS. and. FRI. June 25-26-27 He's back again . . . JAMES BOND in o Big Double Feature 'TNUNDERBALL' Showing' at 9.15 p.m. — Starring SEAN CONNERY —AND— 'FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE Showing at 11 p.m. — Starring SEAN CONNERY (Both Features Adult Entertainment) Irl` Color • • Cartoon - PLEASE NOTE: "Rachel, Rachel" and "Countdown" will be shown at a later date. Coming Next: "Rosemary's Baby" Admittance Restricted To Persons 18 Years of Age or Over — PLUS "Africa --Tetras Styli!" BASEBALL CAN BE a demanding sport. Add a dozen donkeys trained to do the wrong thing at the right time, and it becomes nearly impossible. Dick Bray found it was easy to climb aboard his mount but pointing it in the right direction was a horse of another color. ---A-T Photo. London on Thursday evening, and on Friday, the;l3th,' s h e performed at .the n e w Arts Centre in Ottawa. Wayne and Shuster 's .1 a s t bhotrettinreason had some change's. There was no Pro- fessor skit, which I missed.. There was no opening song, ra- ther an introduction to some of the hehirid-the -scenes w h o make the show possible, which was clever and 'original- There • was no female singer., rather, a young Toronto. singer R uad y Webb who began with • The Good Company and is now go- ing out on his own°(note the most exciting performer in the .coun- try ! ). The Don- .Gillies Dancers were not with them, rather a new group, the Wally Siebert Dancers, who performed ex - tremely well. Their main sketch was a takeoff on the story of Dorian Gray, who man- aged to retain his youth and good looks while his portrait changed. Not the best sketch they have done, nor the best show; maybe they just need a vacation! o--o--o Last summer, when Carol Burnett took her vacation, she presented hubby Joe Hamilton with a daughter! This summer she is presenting the world with a fine variety series headed by folk singer Jirrimy Rodgers. Jim- my will host the summer series "Carol Burnett Presents th e Jimmy Rodgers Show", and with him will be regulars of Carol's show, Lyle Waggoner, Vicki Lawrence, and dancer D o n Crichton. New faces will be comedians Nancy'Austin and Bill Fanning, and 'the Burgundy Street Singers from Kansas S tate University. Jimmy, you'll•, remember., • almost lost .his life a'Couple years ago following 'a severe. beating; brain sUr4ery and a lengthy rest in hospital saved hisin Now more blems in his personal life, prowith `the announcement that he and his ..wife of many years, Colleen, - will divorce. This series` 512010 do wonders for him career -wise, though; it sounds great and is a real boost from fellow perform- • er Carol. The TV E m.m y Awards were presented on Sunday even- ing. Among those that we see to win honors . were the follow- ing: "Get Smart" which was again named best comedy ser- ies; its star Don Adams who won as best comedy actor in a series; Hope Lange, best actress in a comedy series (she stars in 'Ghost and Mrs. Muir"; Werner Klemperer, best supporting ac- tor in a series (he co-stars in "Hogan's Heroes"); and Susan St. James, best supporting ac- tress in a series, as Peggy Max- well on 'Name of the Game'. Both 'Get Smart' and 'Ghost ' and Mrs. Muir' have been can- celled by NBC, but have been renewed by different networks and will be back for another season. 0--0--0 Not since Gary Cooper's brave fight with cancer, has a man received more good wishes and a world felt genuinely sor- ry, than for the courageous man who was Robert Taylor., Last • fall it sane ' I' *It tar Jot had inqs eancerl Jt bad nor - ex been a secrete to him. week, at 57, he lost the ,m ' Eor any years a movie ham, he is perhaps as wen known to. his appearat ox through , the TV series "The `Deteeetiveh' of the' early sixta.. He wO, formerly marlried to A!0"144 Barbara Stanwyck (she 9petlite4 with him in several movies one oa Channel 43's Late Sbior only a few weed ago), liethen Wed German actress U esu is 'leis, who survives, with tWq. ehildren. Miss. Theirs appeared wittatim in the TV series. When motoring, it's goad sense to banish the small fry to the back seat, says The Canada Tan National Institute fpr tate # Blind. Otherwise. the child Up. front can easily be . t h r o wtt. against the dash by a sudden step, A blow like this to the face may cause double vision. •K . WVINGHAMVI DAT. 357.1423 JERRY'S TAXI Owned and op rated ' by GERALD MaLEAN LOCAL and OUT-OF•TOWN'. 24 -Hour Service Night 528.2647 No toll charge from WinolOns WINGHAM RECRE.1 DEPARTMENT PRESENTS — FIRST ANNUAL DANCE RECITAL (Tap .Ballet - Highland) by PUPILS OF AMY JOHNSTO k Member of the British Association of Teachers of Dancing a • PUBLIC SCHOOL AUDITORIUM FRIDAY, JUNE 20TH 8:00 pm. EVERYONE WELCOME! ADULTS — 75c CHILDREN 35c WINGHAM RECREATION AND COMMUNITY CENTRES . BOARD SUMMER Swimming Classes —REGISTRATIONS WINGHAM TOWN HALL SATURDAY, JUNE 11 9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. PRE -BEGINNERS —, Minimum Age 4 RED CROSS BEGINNERS — Junior, 'Intermediate, Sr." ROYAL LIFE BRONZE — Award of Merit ADULT BEGINNERS - ADVANCED CHILDREN ---$5,00 TEENS AND ADULTS—$10.00 FAMILY—$15.00 THREE SESSIONS — June 30 to July 18; July 21 to August 8; August 11 to August 29 SEASON'S TICKETS FOR SWIMMING CHILDREN—$5.00 TEENS AND ADULTS—$10.00 FAMI LY—$15.00 CASH BING AUSPICES ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION, BRANCH 180 AT- THE WINGHAM LDo�f � 3p�*n Wednesday, June 2-5 15—$10.00 GAMES 2—SHARE THE WEALTH 1—SPECIAL $50.00—MUST GO JACKPOT LINE