HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1969-06-19, Page 7ntractors
in teiltchell
st1 Itattlett, of
rebel:I, away suddenly
Iser liokrse She was the- torm-
1010 flogg of wing.
She is survived by her 040.
tel Mrs. Murray (Bernice)
1040 of Wiagbara and Mts.
Arnold (1Aaersoa fof st,
Marys; five grandchildren and
her sister. Mi.. Thomas
and a brother, Pere)? 110/300t11
of Winghain, She was prede-
ix,ksed by her hixibarid.. two
brothers and one sister.
Services were 'eohauctediliy "
Rev. Wallace Murrayat 2.30
p.rn. on Sunday at the Heath -
Leslie funeral home in
with interment in the Presbyter -
Ian Church Cemetery in Mitch-
Sarvice to All Melon
1/6 h.p. - 5 h.p.
Single Phase
up to 50 h.p. 3 Phase
„ .
Word Was •ree1ve4 here of
the.404; of Mr& Soil H. Robb
.ofeIivffle,, la hospital In tbat
city ea Saturday, lune 14. She
was *her 19th year.
The former (lady*
Brooks, daughter of the late Mr.
and Mn. John stooks of Blue.
vale,' war born In Tyr:Merry
and later Moved to the lit line
of Wats Towrolitp. She rook
an Active part in the Bluevale
Methodist Church where she was
organist for a time.
In 1910 she married Neil
Mutter Robb, son of the late
Mr. and Mis. Joseph Robb of
Bluevale. They farmed, for a
short time and then took up res-
idence in:Stratford where Mr.
Robb received his papers as an
engineer for the Canadian Na-
tional Railway. He was later
with the CNR at Bellville where
he retired. Mr. Robb died in
J=1960. ,
Mrs. Robb was a member of
sussiewsummosswom s sss 1111118$11141111 ssssss mo oo o • o wommossomolimmurtmismumuilimpeasispotoomisi
line of
*Sales &
Wingham 357-2450
Service and Quality
Our Service Dept. is open
6' days a week for your
May be donated through your
local funeral director
Placed in Hotels, Schools,
Hospitals, Prisons
Nov is the time to choose your building site. We.
have an excellent selection of serviced lots available at
the present time. Whether you are thinking of building
now or later, you will find any one of these lots a sound
A 'nicely landscaped lot ,provides the setting for this
attractiVe full two-storey brick home. There is lots of
roonh fbr your family to 'be comfortable in the modern
lqtchen, dining room and living area, also ,a porch
atrd,10filitya roam; ,v,Upsttaire are three bedrooms and 4
piece bath. Full basement has concrete floor, heating is
by oil furnace. Garage and storage building. This pro-
perty has been extra well cared for and is a real bargain
at only. $12,500 full price.
Situated on a nicely landscaped lot in an ideal
cation close to schools and shopping. Being of brick con-
struction and in extra well cared for condition, the home
consists of a brand new modern kitchen with .tile floors
and ceiling and ceramic walls. Dining room measures 13x
15- and living room with big picture window measures
13x18. A cosy den has brand new broadloom and 2 pc.
built-in bath, or for the larger family a luxuriousmaster
bedroom. On the second level are .3 bedrooms with
closets plus a store room and •3 pc. bath. Full concrete
basement. The well'insulated home is economically heat-
ed by a modern oil furnace. A new sun deck has been
added and there is also a garage.. For the family who
wants to enjoy a comfortable way of life this home repre-
sents excellent value for the low asking price of/Only
176 Diagonal Road, Wingham, Phone 357-1117
ummaammilmillmilmalm""11.11111.1111!", 1mm
THOUGH THE HARDEST part of the rodeo course was be-
hind him, Bernie Wehrneyer still found it practical to
listen to instructions from Bill Johnston. A port/ion of the,
course contained a traffic signal and crosswalk.—A-T Pix.
Funeral Thursday
for Mrs. D. King
A daughter of the late Mr.
and Mrs. John Bushell, she was
born in Kincardine Township on
August 10, 1917. She graduated
° from Stratford Teachers' Col-
lege in 1936. On August 14,
1946 she married David King '
who survives along with On e
daughter Pamela, at home. She
was predeceased by two sons,
Donald in 1967, and. Clair in
, They resided in Culross
Township until moving to God-
erich in September, 1968. She.
was a member of the Catholic
Women's, League at S a c r ed
Heart Church, Teeswater, and
e Women's Institute at White-
Also survivingrare two sisters
and Ifire13`iatheri;ifis:Ifilvin'"
(Katherine) Coiling of Huron
Township; Mrs. Douglai (Lyda)
Johnson; John Bushell and James
Bushell , ali of K lac ardine
Township; William Bushell of
Ripley; Harold Bushell of Gull
Lake, Saskatchewan; and Fred
Bushell of Scarborough.
The body rested at Lodge
funeral home, GOderith, until
Thursday morning, when Sol
emn Requiem Mass was sung at
Sacred Heart Roman Catholic
Church, Teeswater, at 12 0'-.
clock noon. Rev.\ Father F. J.
Swaine officiated. Burial was
in Sacred Heart Cemetery,
Pallbearers were nephews of
Mrs. King, Keith Bushell, Har-
ry Colling, Bob Bushell, David
Johnson, Bill Johnson and Jim
Martin. Flowers were-barried
by Ken Johnson and Don Mc -
Gregor, also nephews.
Sadie Gardiner King of 196
Hincks Street, Goderich, passed
away at Alexandra Marine and
General Hospital, Goderich, on
Monday. June 9, after a lengthy
Mrs. Wellings
buried in Lucknow
Mts. William T. Wellings
of Minnie Street died June 9 at
the Brookhaven Nursing Mime
at the age of 86.
She was the former Mary
Ellen Haines, daughter of the
late George Haines and Sarah
Jane Dyment of Culross Town-
ship. She was marred to Mr.
Wellings in December 1915 at
Holyrood. He predeceased her
In Mach 1947.
M. Wellings was a mem-
ber of Wingham United Church
and the United Church Women.
She was also a member of the
Wingham Women's Institute.
She is survived by one daugh-
ter, Mrs. C. E. (Lenore) Mac-
Tavish of Wingham, five grand=
,.. children-and...one'
lies Haines of Aylmer. • -
Rev. Barry Passmore con-
ducted service at the S.J. Walk-
er funeral home on Thursday'
afternoon with burial in Green-
hill Cemetery., Lucknow. Pall-
bearers were Neil Haines, Dave
Fleming, George Drehmann,
Andrew Bannerman, James,E.
Currie and Gershom Johnston.
The flower bearers were James
Drehmann and Kenneth Mac- .
JIMMY LAIDLAW found Corporal Ron Zimmer helpful
during the bicycle inspection at the Bicycle Rodeo Satur-
day. Corporal Zimmer explained that a loose saddle '
could be dangerous and should be fixed as soon as pos-
sible.—A-T Photo.
• m
Whitechurch News
On Sunday evening a large.
crowd gathered to see the pic-
tures shown by Rev. Harry Per-
cy, returned missionary from
Nigeria, ire Chalmers Presby-
terian Church.
Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Farrier
and Mrs. Gibson Gillespie were
in London on Tuesday and visit-
ed with Mr. and Mrs. Wayne
Farrier and family.
Mr. and Mis. Russel Gaunt
were in Owen Sound on Satur-
day and visited with Mrs. An-
nie Wright.
Congratulations are extended
to Miss Ruth Elkin and Janie
Laidlaw on passing their year
at' F. E. Madill Secondary.
School, without writing exams.
Victor, Emerson is assisting
Russel McGuire and sons to
buil a td—iffirffaise-;
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Tiffin
visited on Friday evening with
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Moffat and
family of Langside.
Week -end visitors with Mrs.
Cecil Falconer and Mrs. A. E.
Purdon were Mrs. Elgin Purdon
and her daughter, Mrs. Dave
Bellanger, Dan and Pamela of
Detroit, and Mrs. Lucy Hark -
ness of Brarnpton.
David Bean and friend of
Brampton spent the week -end
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Clifford Laidlaw.
Mr. and Mrs.' Tom McInnes
of Gorrie were Sunday visitors
with Mrs. James McInnes, Mr.
and Mrs. Orville Tiffin and
Russel Ritchie.
We are pleased to report .
that Albert Coultes was able to
return home from Winghamand
District Hospital on Sunday.
. Attending the trousseau tea
at the home of Mrs, Norman
McDowell, Auburn, in honor
WROXETER-rMr. and, Mrs.
• Ross Sanderson held a surprise
party on Saturday evening for
Mr. Melvin Finlay of Gorrie;
in honor of his 80th birliday
with a few relatives attending
and the evening spent in con-
tests. Lunch was served includ-
ing a: suitably decorated cake.
Mr. Finlay was the recipient
of many gifts and cards and he
is wished many happy, health-
ful birthdays. He is an avid
gardener which is his main hob-
Appearing in The Advance -Times,
which have been taken by our,
staff photographers, are avail-
able for those who wish to
purchase reprints.
of her daughter Gwen, bride-
to-be, were Mrs. Bob Laidlaw,
Mrs. Cliff Laidlaw , Mrs. Ken-
neth Laidlaw of London, Mrs..
' Raymond Laidlaw Of Wingham,
Mrs. Garnet Farrier, Mrs. Fred
Tiffin, Mrs. George Thomp-
son, Mrs. Dave Gibb, Mrs. El-
wood Groskorth, Mis. Rus.sel
Chapman, Mrs. Elroy Laidlaw,
Misses Annie and Mary Laid-
law, and Mrs., Ivan Laidlaw •
and Janet. „.
Miss Winnifred Farrier of
Long Branch spent the week-
end with Mr. and Mrs. Garnet
Mrs. Russel McGuire and
Mis. Victor Emerson attended
the workshop for secretary -
treasurers and public relations
officers held on Monday in. the
-Beryie W.I.
Mrs. Charles Tiffin visited
on Sunday with Mr. and. Mrs.
George Young and family.'
Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Sim-
mons of London and Mr. and
Mrs. Clayton Scholtz, Karen,
Leasa and Kenton. of Goderich
were Sunday visitors with Mrs.
•Ezra Scholtz.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Coultes,
Debbie, Kevin and Blaine of
Barrie and Mr. and Mrs. Wil-
bert Schwichtenberg, Lori and
Kerry of Port Elgin, were Sun-
day visitors with Mr. and Mts..
Albert Coultes.
EINBODEN—In Wingham and
District Hospital, on Friday,
Juhe. 13, :1969, to Mr. and
Mrs. John "Einboden, R. R.
2 Bluevale, a daughter.
WATTS—In Wingham and Dis-
trict Hospital, on Monday,
June 16, 1969, to Mr. and
Mrs. Max Watts, Brussels,- a
BRIAN REID found the course a little tougher than it look-
ed. Although the tires were placed a fair distance apart,
they seemed to be a lot closer together when he got near
the end.—A-T Photo.
She Is survived
A-U*9r WeIMP and Prvit of
'Belleville, and five grsndch11_
diem two sisters., Mis. Ruby
Bosom, and 1141. *Lester
ina) Falconer„ both of Teeaura.
ter; sister and brothers-*-laW., '
M. lean Bolton Of Iloo‘Iet,
Sask, Mrs. 'Ainia04 1,aws0
Stratford, Mr. and Mo. Harry ,
Robb, Kitchener and George
Agar Stratford,,
144. Robb was predeceased
by a daughter Merle *19444
two sisters and One *Other.
Funeral ilerviee was held at
the Thompson funeral chapel
Tuesday afternoon wItli Rey,„
Robert Crooks officiating. la-
terment was in Belleville Cern.,
Mr. and Mrs, 13111 Cral'g
Toronto are vlsitlng with her!
sister, Mts. Robert Rote;
One -storey 3 -bedroom home in Corrie with 3 pc. bath
on lot 68'x135'. This insulated home has aluminum sid-
ing, new roof, hardwood floors, kitchen cupboards, drilled
well on pressure4 partial basement with bil furnace and
low taxes. Price 59,000 with 30 -day possession.
10 acres of land, domplete with home and barn, in
Turnberry Township close to Wingharri. 6 -room insul -
brick home with 4 bedrooms. Barn is 361x55` with open
stabling and cement silo. Price 510,500 with early pos-
. I
12 acres of land, complete with 9 -room homei on
outskirts of Wingham. Located on asphalt road, home
has 5 bedrobms, 3 pc. bath, good roof, J -M siding and ,dug ,
well on pressure. Price $15,00b, with half down, balance,
on mortgage at 8%. .
- '
160 -acres with home, 2 barns, 2 spring creeks, a
spring pond. Located on- Highway 86, just east of Luek-
now. Aluminum sided 7 -room home has 3 bedrooms with
3 -pc. bath. Well fenced land includes 140 acres workable,
20 in bush and is an ideal beef set-up. Price $45,000
with terms.
t h .45.1woIrkabl e, 15.busha-w44;.***
orchard. Loose stabling for beef and hogs Barp 50"x"
54'; 50'x36' with drilled well on pressure. Large
solid brick 7 -room home, four bedrooms and bathroom on
each floor. . Located close to Wroxeter on ,paved, road.
Price $21,000. •
JOHN F. BRENT Phone; OffRe:7 :5577:111418
• 111111111181 00000 issistimmimmsemmiso
Property fp'. Sale •
$5,000 for your own home in the country. This is.a
school house converted into a home. A good 11/2 -storey,
white brick with a basement. It is equipped with alumi-
num storms and screens, oil furnace, hot water tank; and
septic tank. There are 3 bedrooms, a living room and
100 -ACRES — $21,000
Here are100 acres level, having 90 acres workable,
• balance bush. The barn which was new in 1953 is set
up for loose housing. - The 11/2 -storey insul brick sided 5 -
bedroom home has been completely renovated. Water
supplied from a drilled well. This farm is in good state
cif cultivation and located on a'few minutes' drive from
100 acres of bush and swamp, with good hunting on
and around this property. Very good fishing in surround-
ing area.. Located on a good, all -year around road, ap-
proximately 25 miles from Lake Huron. This is an ideal
retreat property \kith building sites, for you to.build
week -end home of your choice.
100 -ACRES -- $17,900 ' •
11/2 -storey red brick home having 4 bedrooms, 3 pc.
bath, living room and kitchen. Heating is by a coal and
wood furnace. The barn measuring 42x24, has hydro and
water on pressure. There are 85 acres workable, balance
bush. The land which is light sandy loam, and self
draining, is in -good state of cultivation.
Don Hoist Real Estate Ltd.
"Rural, Ontario Specialists"
"For Best Results Photo -List Your Property With
Don Hoist"
• • •
Dan Marsdin, Mgr., tiff. 357-3840; Res. 357-1014
Jake Jutzi, Rep., Wingham 357.1570
Gary Stevenson„ Rep., 357-3840; Res. 357.1048
Barry McDonagh, Rep., Lucknow 528-3423
Cecil Mahood, Rep., Teeswater 392-6952