HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1969-06-19, Page 5•
eld, for
somoitg A shower
WAS he/41 Monday evening in
the eornmunity hall in honor of
Mn Marie 1444, bride-to,he.
hes arrival /YUJI teddy
WAS 11Silered, to a Oat decorated
with pink andwhite streamers.
Seated beside her were Mrs.
Douglas Tiffin and Joyce Tif-
A short program ,followed.
Miss Shirley Tiffin sang a solo,
accompanied by Miss Joan Tif-
fin on piano. 1,4isses Marie and
Anne Boyle gave a, number.
Miss Ursula McCourtney sang a
solo, accompanied by Mrs.
Boyle, • A contest was conduct-
ed by Mrs. Royle with Miss SW -
ley Tiffin as the winner.
The bride-to-be and her as-
siitants opened the many gifts
among which were blankets,
sheets, dishes, cookware, quilt
and pillow cases.
Miss Leddy thanked everyone
for their gifts and kindness in
remembering her with the par-
ty. "For She's a Jolly Good
Fellow" was sung and lunch was
served by the sponsors.
• ••••••••
Rate with Your Date, Dining Out...
Join Us for the Tops in Eating
Our varied menu offers a taste.full se-
lection of the best in cookery ... our deft
service, relaxed. atmosphere assures a
gala evening. Prices are reasonable.
The Blue Barn•
Batman Palmerston
and Listowel on
Kona Llitoivel 291.1580
Mak. Resiervations Nowt
--Visitors at the week -end
with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mc-
Kinnon were Mr. and Mrs. John
MacTavish of Brantford and
John MacTavish of Kitchener,
Mr. and Mrs. H. Spence Mc-
Kinnon and family of Niagara
--Mrs. Alex Rintoul is visit-
ing this week with relatives at
Hensall, Sarnia and Leaming-
ton. -
Allormoon uflit„
mot last wook
134,Gmvg,,,mrs, ta4
down had charge .01* June
meeting of the afternoon unl
of the Eelgrave U. C.
Wednesday of last week
was an attendance of thirteen,
The meeting opened with,
the singing of “.Conte Let 1,1$
Sing of a Wonderful Love”.
• Minutes (were read and treaanr-
er's report given. Offering was
received and dedicated arid vi*'
its to sick and shut-ins record,' -
ort, •
Mrs. Elizabeth Leslie gave,
the worship commentary ftoln
"Lessons front China" entitled
"Dedieated Thinking", and led
in prayer. "Guide Me 0 Thou
Great Jehovah" was sung.
Ms. Willard ArmsnonggaVe
the mission study, "Culture in
New China" by Ray Wylie and
his wife who went to Shanghai
to teach English. Mrs. Ear I
Anderson led in a study of' com•
parisons between Christianity
and Cornmunisra and Mrs. 001
Procter read verses from Acts.
The leaders of each, namely
Jesus Christ and Mao;rwere
ooinpared. Mrs, Earl Anderson
read quotations from Mao 's
Red Book after each of which
were read Scripture passages.
--Mrs. Rutherford Reavie,
Mrs. Harry Wright and Mrs.
' Lloyd Montgomery were, on the
Habkirk bus trip to Nashville
the past week -end where they
enjoyed the tour of the city,
"Minnie Pearl's" chicken and
the Grand Old Opry.
4d! .
The 39th annual Irminexty DPNQJThe June
reunion was held Saturdiy , meetfng of the TLC, W. Was
the Winghain town hall with 60 held Tuesday afternoon in the
relatives present, The. Wo's! United Church with a good at.,
men's Institute steed for an tendance. Mrs, Sam 'Amp*
excellent dinner which, wasserv, son had charge of the meg,
ed at noon. gave the Can to worship and led
A meeting was held after 111 prayer.
dinner. J. D. Dunkin wasPre". Mrs, Edward Robinson took
ident, assisted by his aunt, Mrs., charge of the study book chap"
Agnes Tichborne of Ooderich. ten. MrS. Morley1012110011read
James McIntosh gave an address Scripture from St. Matthew and
▪ welimme. WilliamXennedy Robinson_read Scripture
*has been secretary -treasurer from Colossians and then both
for some years. • led in prayer. Brian Johnston
During the afternoon Mrs. teceived the offering.
Tichbome had cont es is and Mrs, John Hildebrand took
gave eat prizes. Mrs. Jean • charge of th,e bushiess. Mrs.
Farquharson of Kamloops, B.C., Stuart Charnney gave the min-
utes of the previous meeting
and had roll call. It was voted
to have a hobo tea next week.
A thank you note was read from
the Children's Aid Society for
a $20.00 donation to the Camp
Fund to help send an underpriv-
ileged child in Huron County to
camp. Mrs. Thompson read a
poem, "Thankful". '
A review and discussion on
,Regional Government was held.
Mrs. Thompson. gave a prayer
and after singing "God of Mer-
cy, God of Grace", closed the
meeting with the benediction.
Lunch was served by Mrs. Sam
Thompson, Mrs. Wesley Jeffer-
son and Mrs. Morley Johnston.
came the farthest and received
a prize. Her. sister Mrs. Robert
Figures and Mr. Figures were
present from Sault Ste. Marie.
The oldest man, the oldest
•couple, the youngest child and
others received prizes.
Relatives were present from
Marlette, Michigan,, Harrow,
London, Mitchell, Guelph,
.Goderich, Lucknow and White -
At 3 p.m. they toured
CKNX. Everyone enjoyed the
reunion with relatives.
Mrs. Jean Farquharson, and
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Figures
spent the week -end visiting rel-
atives. •
--Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Mc -
Charles of Ripley and Mr. and
Mrs. Edwin Smyth of East Wa-
wanosh visited on Sunday with
Mr, and Mrs. Samuel Smyth
of Mitchell.
•:••• •
• • -.‘ **** •
• • ••• • • • • • • •••• •••"'
. • • • " • "
• ••,..••
igh Liner (frozen) Fine
HADDOCK 14-0.. Agit. WHITE
•'n' BATTER ' Pkg. II 31.
Nabob (fresh roasted)l
Liquid (twin pock) Pkg. of SUGAR
24 -oz. Eng
GROUND COFFEE 18, 62 Mir Detergent Plas. Btl. S-lb.Bag
Shirley Gay (enriched white) St. Williams (asst'd)
SLICED BREAD 24.:z. 2i Jan n ims ,
arlintiltles 5 1:: 1flc
Kroft Canadian (singles) Colgate 100
Cheese Slices3 1piz: 1,00 Oral Antiseptic 'Z.' 1.00
Shirley Gay
RAISIN PIE2 24Prers. 89
Gillette Super (stainless steel)
Good so many ways
and so easy to prepare
U.S. No. 1 Salmon Flash
Golden Yellow No. 1
We at IGA are ex,
tremely careful about
the way we make
ground beef Careful
because we sell a lot
of it ! We make it
right—to taste good,
lust so we can con-
tinue, selling a lot of
it. Try several pounds
this week!
Haa,snoot was hostess for a pre-
nuptial miscellaneous shower
at her home last Wednesday
night for Miss Cheryl Baylor
who will be married this month;
Games and contests were
enjoyed after which four young
girls carried in many lovely
gifts and presented them to the
bride-to-be. Cheryl thanked
everyone and a dainty lunch
was served by the hostess, as-
sisted by Mrs. Don King and
Mrs. Roy Hunt.
ISTROXEITR"4"The Fatheei
Day Servtee at the United
'Church was highlighted with an
interesting children's storyabout.
a horse of Northern India called
Danny Boy.
ReV. G, Sach said that Dan- °
ny was ,taken to store OPOTatOt
when he was old enough and
sold to a doctor who treated
leprosy.patients. tit, master
was a kind man and Danny had
great adventures. Sometimes
he swam beside his master's
canoe in crossing the d v pr.
While crossing' a suspension °
bridge his. leg went through a
rickety board. Once a 'boulder
fell in front of hien on a nar-
row ledge. Always his master
thanked God for saving them
from barn during narrow es -
The junior choir sang "Pilot
Me 0 Gracious Saviour" with
•descant and chorus.
Th a Father's Day medita-
tion the minister spoke on a
father's failure and a boy's dis-
aster. Adonijah had fascinat-
ing ways but his life was a fail-
ure and he died a traitor's death,
His father had never checked
him and his charm became a
snare. He was the product of a
doting father who was getting
old, feeble and nervous.
"We often fail to give the
real reason for failure, " Mr .
Sach said, "but we can't cover
up with excuses ..before God. "
People want the easy way.They •
neglect seeing that children at-
tend Sunday School and neglect
the vows taken at the baptis-
malliving examples for others," he
said. service. "We must be
Mr. and Mrs, Clarence •
White and Lucille of Toronto
spent the week -end at their
home here.. Mr. and Mrs.
White are remaining for the
14g.:S.. Met ,on $100.1,
at the honle. of Mro
Amer SpOtts, Simon Po 104
presided ancippened the Meer.'
ing with the call tO V01,1141).
"The Logi is My Sbephetfi, was
sung. Scripture was, read by •
Iantee Wail and Capgyn. MC*
led *prayer,
The rell'eall, WAS.
by IA members With a$OrWUSO'
verse with the wprd. "followsr.
cliff Mann received the offer..
Jog 141.0 was dedicated
prayer byllob.McOnlvary.,
Plan' were madefor social'.
evening at tile lake *Aato
June. ;.;
Murray Kong show* films
and led a discussiorton diugy?
"Standing in the Need Of l'ray*.a.
er" Was sung and therneeting,:.
closedwith the lifizpithlvae-
dictioe, Mrs. Scott served
lunch, and Murray Moffat. gaffe
the courtesy retnar,10.
The June meeting of the Wo-'
men's Institute was held on
Thursday with Mrs. A. 1. Lock'
ridge presiding, The Meeting
opened with the ode and Mary
Stewart collect.
The motto was taken by MP,
O. Holmes and she also gave A
poem. The guest speaker was
Allan Mill, lie spoke on Mak-.
ing a will which was interesting
to all.
The report of the district an-
nual held ••in Goderich was giv-
en by Mrs. Lockridge after
which lunch was served by Mrs.
V. Armstrong, Mrs. W. Agar
and Miss M. Simpson. '
The 63rd Elliott 'reunion was
held at Agincourt Community
Centre on Saturday. Mr. and
Mrs. Charlie Ivlathe4s.aild Mu •
and Mrs. J. J. Elliott? Harold
and Larry Elliott attended.;
David Stewart presented his.
Western cowboy show. He is a
resident of Agincourt and 'a,
well-known television artiste -4.,
Wanda Mildred Spading
Edward James Roth we
Wanda Mildred Sparling,, •
,daeghte$ pf uk4er s. 1,4:41arinice, ,
parlittg atorlIwicill raid 'Ale
late Mr. Spading, was given
in marriage by Gordon Pike of
R. R. 3, Palmerston Saturday
afternoon when she became the.
• bride of Eaward James Roth,
son of Mr. and Mrs. •Almon
Roth of R. k. 4, Harriston.
Rev. George W. Sach per-
forined the double -ring cere-
mony at Gorrie United Church
which was decorated with can-
delabra, baskets of yellow and
white. mums and mauve pew
bows. Miss Lynda Johnston was
organist and Miss Vickie Lem-
mex of Atwood sang 0 Perfect
Love, Wedding Hymn and Wed-
ding Prayer.
The bride's semi -fitted A-
line gown of peau de soie was
made by her mother. T h e .
yoke and elbow -length bell
sleCtIeis NW/9 f. gllAbAlide0
bridal rose lace with scalloped
edging. The detachable chap-
el train was of the same lace
toppedwith a bow of peau de
soie. Her elbow -length veil of
net in double tiers,held a crown
of Capure lace petals trimmed
with pearls and crystal beading,.
She carried a cascade of mauve
orchids, white gardenias and
mauve pompon mums. She
wore her grandmother's gold
bracelet. •
Mrs. Donald Gedcke of R. R.
1, Gowanstown, sister of the
bride, was .matron of honor.
She wore a floor -length. sleeve-
less A-line gown of dark mauve
peau de charm with empire
waistline? The waist andneck-
line were trimmed with cut
crystal corded trim and mauve'
ERIC McGREGOR, five-year-old son of Dr. and Mrs. J. K.
McGregor, won a special award at 'the bicycle rodeo for
the excellent way he handled his pint-sized bike. He re-
ceived his silver dollar prize from Dawson Pollock on
Monday evening.—A-T Photo.
fl• owers adomedher hair. She'
carried a white crocheted bask-
et ofyellowand' 'hit e othigtv
pon mums with mauve streak*
The bridesmaids were Mrs. .
Ervin Roth' Of Woodstock and
Mrs. Wayne Roth, R. R. 4, Har-
riston, sisters-in-law of the -
groom. Their gowns, head-
dresses and and flowers were ident- •
ical to those of the matron.of
Wearing a gown identical
to the senior 'attendants, Laurie
Roth of Listowel, niece of the.
groom and flower girl wore a
small ban4 of yellow flowers in
her hair and carried a crochet-.•
edbasket of Pinochio yellow.
and white. mums. . Sandra Ged•-
cke of -Gowanstown, niece of
the bride, was also a•flovier
girl. ,Her 'short dress of yellow
ripple terylene had a gathered
skirt with high yoke, large col-
lar and puff sleeves trimmed
• with white lace. She wore a
yellow barret in her hair and
carried a small white crocheted
basket of Pinochio mauve
Danny Roth of Listowel was
ring bearer. He is the groom's
Ervin Roth of Wpodstock was
his brother's best man and the
ushers were DonalciGedeke and
Wayne Roth.
The reception was held in
the church parlor. The bride's
table was decorated with a four-
tier„wedding cake and candles.
The bride's mother wore a
navy ctimplene suit withnavy
accessories and corsage of pink
and white feathered carnations.
The groom's mother chose a
light blue crimplene dress with
black accessories and corsage
of pink carnations.
Guests at the wedding were
the bride's grandfather, •Harvey
Sparling of Gorrie, and. .the
groom's grandparents. Mr. and
Mrs. Daniel Roth of Preston.
The couple left.on, a wed-
ding trip to Northern Ontario
arid Kingston. The bride .%/ore
a sleeveless dress of yellow
peau de tharm with embroider,
ed lace coat wikhelbowc.length
sleeves, lime green •and white
• accessories and c o r s a g e of
mauve -mums.
The bride is a graduate of
Paul Poque Hairdressing School,
Mr. and Mrs. Roth will live
in Gorrie.
Mr. and Mrs. Vern Clark
were in Toronto for the week-
end where they visited Mr. and
Mrs. Lyle Brothers.