The Exeter Times, 1888-12-6, Page 1rItAcyricAL
Watch-Ifiaker & Jeweller
For the 'Einest Stook and Oheapest
Goods to be follnd in Ontarip call on
er, Jeweller
Parkhill, 4
went elan.,
pairing of
promptly &
ily done. Ne
the cities,
outod in his
own einablishmeut, under his personal super-
Spectacles of all sizes to suit all sights
146,' 644..444.091.411141T52=941%444.3...6104.041424041.11
& , Ontiedrul,
liana Asort
Verware. tO
all kinds
L satisfa etor
work sofa to
but all exe
H, DICKSON, Barrister, Soli-
-1-4. (lacy ef Supreme Court,Notary Public
Conveyanoex Coinmissioncr, &c Money to
Officein Pansen's Block, Exeter ,
Barrister Solicitor Conveyan1 cer Eto
1 ./
llgETER, - ONT.
Oirteegainwell'sBlock Elalrs old. office.)
S011oitor in the Supreme Court of OntariO,
Conveyanoer,Commissioneri &c., &c, Special
attention. given to the collection of &aims in
the United States: Patents procurece, money
to loan at lowest rates. 0 dice : Opera titouse
Block, St, Marys, Ont.
Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public,
Conveyancers &c, &c.
Money to Loan at Lowest Rates of
OFFIVE: over o7..rE.ILIS Ban&
• Nitrous Oxide Gas for Painless Extraction,
Samtvell's Bieck, Maht•st, Exeter,
Extracts Teeth without pain,
by giving Vegetable Vapor. Gold,
Pilings and all other dental
-work the best possible. Goes
o ZI7RIOIt on last Thursdey in
each. month:
("1 LUTZ,D. M.,
k..) • officeathisresidence Exeter
V • P. 8 ,GraduateVictoriattniversity.Office
ndiresidence,DomadovIaboratox v, Exeter
DR. RYNDMAN, coroner for the
County of Huron. Office, opposite Mr.
. Carling's store,Exeter.
D R. J. A. ROLLIN , M.O. P. S
0. Ogles, Main S..Exeter,Ont.Itesiden
De ous er e oentiv occupied by P, McPhillips,
- tioneer for Hay,Stephen, and McGilli-
vray:Townships: same conducted atmoderate
:SAM Office—At Post-offiee,Orediton,that.
TOHN GILL, Auctioneer for the
GP Townships of Stephen, Hay and usborne
and the Village of Exeter. All sales pronantly
attended, and satisfaction guaranteed. Sales
arranged at this office.
VOL. XVI. NO, 9.
Tennent & Tennent
Graduates of the Ontario "veterinary College.
Oemeon : One door South of Town Hall.
School Report.
.The following is a oorreet report of S. S.
NO. 9, Hay based on, punctuality, attend-
ance, conduct and diligence of the pupils.
The names are in order of precedence :—
Fifth --Alfred Eacrett. Sen Fotirth—jno
Chapman, John Oarnpboll, Auks Murray.
Jun Fourth—Jas Campbell, Homer Rus-
sell,- Willie Murray. Third—Chas Chap-
man, Ellen Shirray, David Shuray- Sem
oncl—Kate Chapman, Charles Blackwell,
Aggie Shirray, Sen. 2nd part—Mary Jack-
son, Alice Gould, Nellie O'Brien. Junior
2nd part—Maud Buseell, Beatrice Warren,
Jessie Hawkins. First part—Ralph Chap-
man, Nellie Gould, Nellie Northcott.
1 1.
pee cent, 825300 Private Funds, Best
Loaniug Companies represented.
Barrister, Exeter,
rnliE WATE RL 0 0
Established in 1863.
This clean:any has been over Eighteen
yeare in euccessf el operation in western; On-
ectrio,andoontinues to insureeageensteois or
damage by Fire ,13uudings,merchandise,nan-
ufactori o e And all °the r do seripti OUS of linsur-
able property. Intending insure -re home the
option of instring on the Premium Nebo or
ash System
During the past ton years flits company
has totted e7,000 Policies. covering property
o the emou tet o e40,872,088 ; and paid Jul °es -
e s a lono$709,75'2,00
A.ssetS, itittoo,loo.00, consisting o± Cash
n dank, Government Deposit,and the un ass -
e ssec1 Preuiium Note s on handend in force. J,
W ,WALBEN M D. Presicloit 0. t. TAYLOR,
Secretary. 3,8. HVOIT , Cusp octor CHAS.
NELL egontfor Exeterandytoinitv,
) 'rite Great Rum Prescrtiorg.
A successful medicine used over
80 years in thousands of eases.
• Cures Spermatoreheo, Nervous
7T7eaketess, Emissions, impotency
and all diseases caused by oblige.
(anyone -I indiscretion, or over-exertion, [AFTER]
Six packages Guaranteed Go Ouretehen al/others
Pail, Ask your Druggist for 'Pie neent English
Preoeription, take no sabstitute, One package
$1. Six Vs, by. mail. Write for Pamphlet, AddreSS
)8urektt Chemical Clo., Viettroit. Mich.
arber Shop,
A. Hastings, Prop
Shaving and Aair cutting in tile latest styles
of the art.
nvoryattentien paid to cutting
Ladies and Children's Hair,
avg. irraBis II I 6.13tTO oltrui
Free 16_ grand Love Stories, a package
0 f goods worth two dollars to mau-
ufact ure. and a large100p picture book, that
will surely put YOU on the road to a handsome
fortune. Write quickly, and send so. silver to
help pay postage. ,
A, W. KINNEY, Yarmouth, N S.
Alma Ladies' College.
17 Professors and Teachers. Nearly 200
Literature, Langnagys, Music, Fine Arts,
Commercial Science, Elocution.
New Building, $20,000, ready in Septem-
ber. Sixty -page calender free.
Eyes Tested
.. FR. 1-0,E
4 —By ---
A.. S. .MURRA_Ir ,
Practical Optician,
Graduate Otic School N.7.
Eyes tested ; defeetive sight restoredby the
aid of fine glassss. Large assortment of the
finest glasses on hand. A call solicited.
.8.- S.1\ CET7-1.2,1=2,8"4":
419 1=LIC731N/Z01\TD -ST, Loudon.
Davielsoia, Eros.,
Builders d Contractors
Shop one door east of Parsons' Black-
smith Shop. Manufacturers of Sashes, Doors
and Blinds.. Buildings contracted for. Plans,
estimates and specifications furnished if re-,
From their past experience in the building
line they guarantee satisfaction. All work
done with promptness and dispateh. Season-
ed lumber always on hand.
Golcl and
Full lines
-- -Patterns
His Goods
will be sold
If your
you can
it to
will find the best assortment of
Silver Watches,
House and. Office clocks,
and Plated Gold and Silver
consisting of —
Lockets, Bracelets,
Brooches, Ear -rings,
Rings,all of which are of
Very Latest Styles
—ALSO --
of the Latest Articles in Sil-
of the most beautiful-
& designs. Violin-
Violins, and-
-Musical In S tT U--
suitable for presents, at_
have boon bought for Cash, am
at a close margin.
watch or dock requires repellent
have it properly done; by takint
0, StonercLam.
I care
cial Union
3: do
' country.
oroial Iluiri° a
ilig II
nothing about ConunSr
with the U. S., bu
desire union with the citi
of Exeter and surroundhif
By Our 015711 Correspondents.
Bniers.—Mr. G. W. Holman hag been
forced from ill heelth to give up sohool
teaching for a few days, and Mise Julia
Spicer, of Exeter; is supplying his place,—
Mr. Sleamon has been suffering from a
severe attack of inflanaraation.—Mr.
Smale, who speht the summer inBlanshard
township, retuned home a short time ago,
and has been practicing riding a bicycle,
Some steeds are very tame in front, but
dreadful will behind. But William's is
often entirely unmanageable ; in fact it is
a regular bucking broncho, and the daunt-
less rider often lies in the ditch.—The
threshers are finishing up their work on the
6th and 7th cone. this week.—Master An.
son Smale is laid up with inflammatory
rheumatiem.—The man, who, by his enter-
prise, is successful in improving the stook
of any township, whether it be horses, cat-
tle, pigs, sheep or poultry, is a public bene-
factor, and deserves praise and patronage
by his neighbors. Such a one is Mr. Rich,
Delbridge, of Winohelsea, who is now well
known as a successful pig breedete.and who
was awarded twenty-one first prizes, and
sloven second prizes for five of his Berk-
shire pigs at the fall shows. These pigs
are bred direct from Mr, Green's first
prize stook. Whilst on this subject, we
might also say that there is considerable
complaint among farmers regarding milk-
ing cows. The more they improve their
breed by using thoroughbred sires, the less
milk and butter they get in return, and
many'enave come to the conclusion that,
taken on a whole, the Durhams are not the
best kind, and a cry is being raised for a
trial of other kinds. Here now is a chance
foe the exhibition of a little philanthropy.
Let some one introduce a German Jersey,
Ayrshire, or Holstein -Friesian bull, as
any of these crossed with the Durhams are
said to produee good milkers. We write
this hoping that it may lead to discussion,
as the dairying interest is of great impor-
tance. Let the voice of the farmers be
Owing to the grent depression of the mar-
kets I have been able to purchase my stook
much below the regular wholesale prices
and will give my otistomers, the benefit of
Di'yOoods Grboeries, 'Boots, and
Suous, chtommity, OhnsswArtul &c.,
The prices of which are in no way meteene.,
ed by customs duties -or cao± tea inepo-
I do not give ,roy goods away, but sell
them at the lowest figure coneistent with
good business principles, Parties in want
of goods will consult theif OW6 interests by
es.tanitring my stock bolero purchasing else.
where, fternentber this s new stock. No
trouble to show goods,
produce taken at market prices.
One door north of Town hall, %Met%
BBIEFS.—Mr. Taylor, our looal harness
maker, shipped a quantity of first-class
harness to Winnipeg on Monday last.—
Mrs. .1. Doupe of Chatham, is visiting
friends here.—Mrs. Barclay intends leav-
ing for Dakota during the present week
where she will join her husband, who left
here eome time ago, and now success-
fully engaged in the farming industry.
—Mrs. J. B. Sperling and family also
intend leaving for Colorado the latter part
of this week.—G. L. Money takes part at a
concert in Cromarty bobool house 14th
inst., contributing seyeral comic songs.—
Mrs. G. Vickers has returned from visiting
friends in Stratford.—Mr. A. Doupe has
returned from Michigan. --We are sorry
to report the failure of Mr. Harris Road-
house of Kirkton who has assigned. The
farm and stock will be Bolden Thursday,
6th inst.—Rev. W. P. Ireland, M. A.,
failed to put in an appearance on Sunday
evg., and consequently divine service was
not held at St, Pauls.—Mr. C. Switzer
preached an acceptable sernaun on Sunday
last.—The Meth. church at Kirkton is
without a choir at present.
But hold! 1 do not mean to chide
Our little choir band,
They've with us grown, and still abide
To fill the choir stand.
They've done the best they can I know ;
Let's give them every praise,
May they in music stronger grow
And sing with might always.
CREAMERY PIEETING.—The annual meet-
ing of the patrons of Kirkton ereamery
took place in the town hall on 27th ult.,
a large number of the patrons attending.
Mr. T. Tufts occupied the chair, nnd Mr. S.
Burns acted as Secretary. The annual re-
port showed that 25,050 lbs of butter had
beeu made, and an average of Hi ots. per
pound had been pairi to the patrons- Mr.
Hannah offered to make the butter at
theesame price next season, if the quautity
manufactured exceeded 40,000 lbs., (the
price paiclbeing 311. cts per lb.) if not, to be
paid 4 cts. Tho factory ie also guaranteed
to run not less than 5 mos. Mr Hannalns
offer was accepted, hie price including all
expenses attached to the memufacture and
shipping of the' aforesaid, Security is giv-
en by tho proprietor for the financial de-
partment, The following resolution will,
no doubt, prove interesting to the surround-
ing farming community, and all others in-
terested in the dairying iudnetry : Moved
by W. jobustop, Esq., of Blanshard, sec.
by Jas. Halls, Esq„ of Eliamille, that this
meeting deeires to express their feelings
with reference to the Kirkton creamery, be-
lieving that the systeni upon which it is
worked is the ouly correct one for making
butter worthy of a reputation in foreign
and home markets, and though the aspects
O short Mine ago were discouraging, the
future success of the incluetry is decidedly
hopeful. At the same time we wish to
glow our appreeiatien of the honesty, in-,
tegrity, and practical business like manimr
of the pronrietor and manager, hfr. Han.
nab, of Seaforth, bespeaking eel' him the
combined support of his patrons. Also,
let everyone use their infitteoce and abili-
ty in scouting a ferther increase, thereby
helping to phi foe Canada in the future'
enoh a reputation for het butter as she a
present enjoys for hoe cheese.--Oarried
aneninioualy, The many advantages in
connection, and the position dairying holds
in OLIT industtial economy is sufficient to
encourage the farmers to give it their
hearty support, and help build up a future
prospoity to our country, whieh vi1l do
dealt to those ettgaged in the cense.
To elm enseon, t
Please inform your readers that I have a
positive remedy for the above named dig
oaso. 13y its timely use thousands of
hopeless eases have been permanently
cured, 1 shall bo glad to send two bottles
of my rAmoal Valtit t6 ant of your readers
who have consumption if they will gond
tee their illxpress And 1?, 0, address,
Respeetfully, Da. T., A, St,00t15I,
aeronte, Ont. 87 Yoga street
• Greenway.
Time Orangemen read with utter disgust
swill bosh as has appeared from the pens
of the expositors of Orenge sen-
timents, in an Exeter paper, It is a sect
indeed, to have the noble order
disgraced by persons, who, by their own
statements, prize the drunkard as they
should the teetotaller. Truly your corres-
pondent has beard the drunkard sing ;
but in words of vanity which are generally
accompanied by a terribly swollen head.
The vaponrings of the individuals who
disparage the (Odra's° of the Bev, Mr.
Houston are uharaderistio of a drunkard's
song, inasmuch as one is far from being
"Geel save the Queen" as the other is from
being in accord with the true principles of
Oraugeism. As regards the term : "Wolf
in sheep's olothing" 1 leaves that with
them ; but I can say that I am not a fax
rolled up in a lamb's skin, and if I attest
as to my loyalty I do so in a good and deep
seated spirit, not merely as an outward
embellishment decorated with ignorance.
I have been an Orangeman for over thirty
years and have not, either by word or
deed, soiled those colors of grandeur that
are so dear to me, as to all true members
of the order. Can these sparkling lights
referred to, truthfully say the same? I
have something important to put to these
youngsters, which I shall apply at another
time, when, possibly they will find that
your correspondent is not ao "wind-broken"
as is supposed. There are olattees in the
constitution which.require to be directed
to their attention, but not in public. Oh,
brother! it is time to awake out of carnal
slumber ; tee night is far spent, the, day
is at hand. Let us all put on a higher
colour—one that cannot be taken off on
the day of celebration by any earthly man.
In examining your cotem. closely, I find
that there are two against oae, but if these
propagators of the newly advanced funda-
ments of Orangeism, from Exeter and
Clinton, come out here with the expecta-
tion of enlightening the fraternity in such
line of argument as they have chosen they
can cousider their mission of lese import-
ance than the orange stolidity with which
they are imbued
el -rand Bend.
Bunemeer.—Mr. Wm. Follis residence
was entered, ou Sunday night, in the ab -
of the family, and 510 taken from
the till. No clue.
IP 1. 4
A Goon °sop or Tuatties,—This should
have been reported sooner. We claim Mr.
Oswald, of the Bronson, is about the best
turnip grower iu the county. From 2 oz,
of turnip seed sown he' harvested 6 wagon
loads, of 20 bushels each, or a crop ot 120
bushels of turnips. The seed was purchas-
ed from Mr. D. Steinbach, merohapt, of
AOCIDENT.—An accident ocourred Tues,
day of last week, which almost proved fatal
to oue of our oldest citizena, in the oerson
of Mrs. Bossenberry, sr. She was spend-
ing the afternoon at Mr. D. S. Faust's,
and while in the act of rushing to the front
door to get a glimpse of a passing wedding
party she mistook the door, and, opening
the one leading to the cellar, fell head
foremost down the stairs, receiving a terri-
ble gash on the head. We hope to see
Mrs. B. around again in a short time.
BRIEFS,—Butchering hes commenced
with a vengeance, aud our townspeople are
laying in their winter's stook of sausage
and speck.—"Dennis" was a guest at two
wedding parties recently, and reports hav-
ing had a good time at both events. We
would like to know when the next ia to
come. -111r. R. O'Brien, of the Sauble Line,
shot an owl one day reoently in the im-
mediate vicinity of his farm. There was a
for trap attached to the owl's foot when it
was shot. It was the property of Mr. O'-
Brien ; he having set it for a fox, some
time previous to the shooting of the owl.—
By all appearances "old daddy winter" has
set in, and 'blue noses' and 'bad colds' are
the order of the day. The jingle of sleigh
bells are again heard, and if the present
weather continues sleighs will once more
take the place of waggons. Boys, what
about the first sleigh -load? Leap year is
not out yet. We must not be in a hurry,
or we might impose on good nature, don't
yer know.
A NARROW ESCAPE.—On Sunday evg.
25th ult., a farmer who resides a couple of
miles north of the village, was very much
startled when a sharp knock came to his
door, and more so when he was met by a
pretty maid much out of breath, who wildly
exclaimed : "Help! helpl—Come quicely."
The farmer for a moment did not know
whether or not his neighborhood had, in
the nocturnal hour, been transmitted into
the wiles of Africa ; but by the anxiety
and impressiveness of her implorings, he
was soon moved to a eense of humanity and
befriandliness, and with lanterns set oat in
search of the wreck. The neighborhood
was soon alive, and after a short search in
the dark the explorers came upon a con-
glomerated mass of horse, buggy, robes.
hats, coats,. dm., piled in a deep ditch.
Things were righted as best they could, and
altar the unfortunate passengers had re-
gained their equilibrium and got a thorotigh
warming at a neighboring fireside, they
were sent on their way rejoicing, loud in
praise of the kind treatment of the farmer
to whom applioatiou for help had been
made. They reached their destination—a
lively German village to the north—safely,
but somewhat sore and troubled. As near
as can be learned, the accident resulted
not altogether through carelessness but
partially on account of their attentions
being solely given to the very sacred and
beautiful song : "Jesus'Lover of my Soul'
which they were rendering for the edifica-
tion of the community north of Dashwood.
But there was a sudden interruption The
horse was enchanted by the sweet music
and forgetting his ditty to the valued
Passengers, imagined ho was on and apple -
tree -selling expedition and turned suddenly
as it is supposed, into a gateway, capsizing
the buggy and precipitating the occupants,
cranium first, to the much harder terra
firma. It was a eau night, and the bairds
had ceased to sing, as had also, the un-
fortunate ladies, and they could not but
suffer injury in consequence of the episode.
Miss hi Bennett left Tuesday for Dakota
tojoin her mother who left last spring. -Mr.
John Hall, shipped from Exeter on Mon-
day a car -load of dried apples to the Eas-
tern markets.—Mr. John Wambolt, our
enterprisiug barber. opened out in full
blast on Saturday and reports a good day's
treelo.—Mr. Willert intends erecting a now
driving house next spring and is uosv
drawing brick for that purpose.—Messrs.
Rothermel & Hartleib have just cob:misted
the finest assortment of newest styles in
cutters and sleights in the section. They
are well gottet4 up, and besides having a
nice and stylish appearance, give evidence
of the greatest dutability. Auyone desir-
ing Huh dui do no better than to give
them a 0411 and be convinced as to the
truthfulnems of these statements. —It fella
to our let this week to record the death of
Mr. John Smith, which took place on
Saturday, Deo. let, of consumption frotn
which he heti been a eufferer for the past
year, Mr. Smith wag a promising young
man and was munh respeded, and hie
death Will bo regretted by, many, He
leavee te mourn their loss, a widow and
three small obildren, His remains wore
interred in the Letheran cancitety en
Monday last, the conoortrso of friends and
relatives being very largo, in all 65 ,vehiclee,
—Au Meni appeared , your gown, last
week in the Danswoocl news as follows
"Mr. Geo. Eilpatriolt and Mark Wilde, mit,
split rted piled 111 boras of Wood in one
clay reeently," Tide ie aline "streteher"
mid it would appear as though some wag
heti been imposing upon the culpability of
the editor, Persons in this vitinity who
have contraote mails line to let, hoe made
00 unsuecessful enquiry after the mon who
did this big work, Just linegite t
cords of svhocl in one day1"—The moVement
on, foot for some time With a Vie* to or.
ganiging a &AAA band here has to an eatent
culminated: Negotiations are in peewees
'tor the ptirelifted of the sinetnintents MA if
the tillage folk vill assist, a baud second
to none in the country eat easily be es-
HYMENEAL.—At the residence of Mr. H.
Ortwein, one of those happy events which
we appreciate took place, being tho mar-
riage of Mr. Ortwein to Mrs. Ann Troyer,
of Hills Green, on Wednesday of last week.
Tue ceremony was perforfned by Rev. Mr.
Ortwein, brother of the groom, assisted by
our popular bailiff. Mr. Ed. Bossenberry,
and wife. The wedding spread was a
splendid one, and all who were there did
atnple justice to the same. We take much
pleasure in wishing them much happiness.
—On Tuesday ot laet weelrone of our pop-
ular young agriculturalists joined the bend
of benedicts, We refer to Mr. J. Zimmer.
man, of the Goshen Line, south of here.
Sake has put on a bold front, and intends
to braye the storms and vicissitudes of mat-
rimonial bliss, and has chosen Miss Lizzie
Brill, daughter of our late townsman, Mr.
Chas. Brill, now of the Bronson, to share
the same. The cm emony took place at the
residence of the bride's father, Bev. Mr.
Hauoh officiating. The happy couple were
assisted by Mr. H. Wing, and Miss Lin-
field., We extend our hearty congratula-
tions to Jake and Lizzie, and trust that
their happiness may never end.
OYSTER SUPPER.—On the 22nd. ult. a
O grand concert was giver in this place by
the A. 0. F. Society, which, as preyiously
announced, was iu every respect an unpre-
cedented sucoess; and so successful and
satisfactory did the participants in the pro-
gram perform their parts, that the manage-
ment, to attest its appreciation of their
gratuitous services, tenderect an oyster sup-
per, to which members of the order, the
talent of the concert and tenvited guests,;in
all to the number of about 60 sat down.
After all bud done justice bo the oysters so
excellently prepared by the mine host of
the Commercial House the tables were
cleared and the gathering partook more of
a social character. Dr Buchanan was
elected to the chair and after making a
terse introductory address, dieected his
attention to the program of "toasts" for
the evening, and each MIS resnoutled to
in a neat oration as follows:—"The Queen"
by Mr. Daniel Dyer; "Canada and her
Melilla," by Mr. Jas. mein, Dashwood ;
"The Ladies," by Messrs. Wing ca MoNevin
"The A 0 F," P. Wagner ; "Mine host,"
by Mr. H. L. Paine. Neat speeches were
also made by Messrs, Bossenbury & Ban -
craft, "uncle Tom." 'The toasts were
imerepersed by excellent and appropriate
songs by Mr. Dan'l Dyer, Mr. Durstein,
Mr. Ed, Boasenbury, and Miss 13aird, of
Parkhill, and others. At the concinsion
of the bau pet, Mr. F. Wagner, rocs -Bede -
tau arose and read an address to Mrs.
Doan, while Dr. Buchanan, on behalf of the
society, made her the recipient cf a beauti-
ful aud costly library lamp, siniply as a
token of their appreeiatiod of her valuable
sermcos in niateriallv assisting the manage-
ment in prepariog the program, aucl other-
wise contributing to the success of the Into
entertainment. illre. Doan was Milton by
surprise, but being a lady of ninny talents,
and ever composed, made' a pleesant and
well-chosen toply. The affair throtighout
was characteristic of the motto of the For-
estic banner t—"Liberty, Benevole»ce and
Conoord," and while it Was greatly to the
credit of Court 'Zurich,' the tkatmeent of
Ur. Nine, the geniel host of the Commer-
del cannot be too highly spoken of. The
following is 5 copy of the address
Bismittek Lodge, A, 0, V., Zurieh , Nov. 80. '88
Mos. Do,—
On behalt of the above Society, the (lower
tominittee have invited salt hero this evening
to partake of an oyater SupPer, as also to ex-
press oue appredation eand gratitude to you
and the °Mime who so kitully helped to tnielto
up the progreen, on whieh depended the SUCCORS
Of our late melding, ; but more espedidly tdo wo
desire to domes our appreciation to yoareelf
for your untiring efforts in working tip the
program 10 001' entire satiefactionas well ne
to that of the audienoci, and wattle'. Mundelein
itelt you to anode t this librierY larel) (not as re'
ruunetittlem) simply its a token of our sineore
roped and hearts? amprocietien of your kind
Servieds in reanagite, encl taking part iti the
Wee, Sighed ;
H. rifts.•P. WI.GRall, See
Cry for Pitcher's Cattarii
... The- . .1V1..c)lso.ns Eank
(C1IARTER/1D E'Y P411,IAMENT,1385)
PAW up Capital ... Se,000,0
Rest Flied ... A .< 10009.000
Head Oface, Montreal,
0 branch effuses in the Ihnninlon. Agencies
in the Pombaion, IT, 5, A-. and Europe.
Exeter Branch,
Open every lawfel day, fretaID a.m. to 3 P. m
SATURDAYS, 10 a, m. to 1 p.m.
8 Per Oman per femora allowed for money on
Deposit Receipts and Savings Rank.
R. 11, ARCHER,
"A huge, but mean Joke" Ex-
As it is now certain beyoed a doubt,
that the artiole in your issue of Nov. 1st,
under the above caption, wits aimed at
me, you will kirally allovv me to explain.
At the urgent request of "general mer-
chant's" pastor, rny services were a free-
will offering to his church daring Sabbath
Oat. 21st. My entertainment woo pro-
vided for without reference to "General
Ilferchant," but at his cordial invitation I
spent a night in his home, where I was re-
ceived and entertained with princely. hos-
pitality • this was the first thine I eves ever
in his florae. Now read in the article
under review :—"The other day a clergy-
man visited town, and as is customary,
put up at a friends, who is a merchant."
Now for those "extensive purchases deo.", I.
quote again:—"The purchaser approached
his friend, the general merchant, a.nd
borrowed uf hint money, with which he
made exteusive purchases at the store of
the neighboring merchant." Here are the
facts had not thought 01 entering "the
store where the bargains were offered,"
until, on Monday morning, my attention
was called to the excellent value given
there, by a Christian business man of ,
your town. I paid the cash for all I
bought without borrowing money; nor did
I ask any one to lend me money for the
purpose. Up to that date I was exclusively
the customer of said "generel merchant"
so far as I dealt in any of his lines in
Exeter. Yours respectfully,
Stephen Council.
— --
Council met Deo. 3rd. All the members
present, IVIinutee of last meeting read and
signed. Moved by H Eilber, seconded by
11. French, that GB cut debentures be at
once signed, and remain in the Treasurer's
hands till further orders. Petition of S
Stanlake and others requesting a school in
Sodom. Moved by H Either, seconded by
D French, that the prayer of petitioners be
granted, and that T Coates be arbitrator
on the pert of Stephen. After passing the
folloeing orders the council adjourned to
meet ou the 15th met :--Resolved that the
following- orders be granted, S 0 Prouty,
rep bridge 75 de; W Brown gravel, $31.40;
M Zeller 25cts ; T Godsave $26 85 ; Mr.
Steeper gravel 513 35 ; W Wentzel 51 00 ;
J Z..narlie livery, 64 150; W Rush, drain,
52 ; D Stebner statute labor re -funded 67 ;
S Brokenshire 91h con., 54; J Wade, rep
bridge 53 ; J Beery work 8 B 52 ; R Cob-
leigh tile 54 25 ; John Holt culvert, $2 00;
0 Dorward gravel 512 70 ; R Cook, gravel,
$2 35 ; W Barsoff, relief 510 ; Yeager
Bros., lumber 510 70 ; C Christian 54 00 ;
Mawhinney, error, 80ote ; J Madden,
ditch llsh coin 52 W Baker ditching
$2 25 ; Star Printing in part, 55 ; Canada
Company, gravel, $35 35; J Mitchell, grav-
el, 539 55; R Hawker 0 R 530 ; W Hicks,
error in assessment, 51; J Rollins, gravel,
530 23 ; M hforlock, repmul 50cts ; J Wine
ditch 52 ; 8 Stanlake lumber 523 96 ; R
Webb ditch 51 ; P Baker lumber 51 50 ;
L Desjardine, culvert gl 50 ; P Farrel, two
culverts 5 1 ; P Desjardiue culvert 62 00 ;
J Granger rep cal 510 50 : 5 Sanders gra.v.
el $95 00 ; W Elliot dite.h 52 : W Huston
culvert $1 ; R Glanville, ditching 51 ; W
Hoemans, ditching, 52 ; London Hoepital
re Mr Bloomfield. 519 65; $ Hogarth, 55.
St. Marys.
Brimes.—Peter Dymond, of this town,
who, last week. attempted suicide, is slowly
recovering.—Rev. Mr. Barite, of Loudon,
occupied the pulpit of the Methodist church
of this town last Sunday.—Mr. John W.
Robinson, of tho Pleasant Home Stock
Farm, 'eburned home on Monday last,
from the Fat Stock Show bold at Chicago
during the first of the month.—R A. Rob-
ins, of the firm of Starrat and leleVittie,
Detroit, is at present the guest of W. H.
Graham.—The temperance people of this
town are having their spirits fired by Mr.
Doraney, the talented temperance lecitnrer
of Boston. ---Miss Magma White ancl Mrs,
David Spicer, of Exeter, paid the town a
flying visit last Sunday.—Jos. Gillies. bag-
gage master at the switch, has purcemeed
the dray business from T. Smith. No
doubt everything will be earried on in as
satisfactory a manner as formerly.—D. Mc -
Linty, one of OLIT 1310St respected, citizens, is
on the sick list.—Wm. Alexander, P, S. L,
has been visiting schools in the neighbor
hoodof St. Marys during the past week. --
Mr. Samuel Haines, ono of the early sett,
ler s on the Mitchell road, Blanshard, is
bout to retire from farming and MOVE: Into
town, lie has purchased some property
near the planing mill in the North Ward,
where he will take up his reeldence before
the close of the year, —W. H. Graham's
barn is uow complete, and a number of his
horses are already etabled there. Mr, Cr.
hes also let the contract for the erection of
O house, and the work is rapidly being
pushed forward. — The bachelore of
this plaoo intend holding their amine' ball
on Friday evening, and many are the in-
vitations which have been issued.—The
sidewalk at the front of the new stores cr-
eated by J. Stafford and Mesere. IS. S. and
J. O. Gilpiu is being re.placed, and the
etreet in front of the Motu, which, for the
past six mouths, has almost been impasse -
able, is being leared.-- The anniversary
in connection with the First Presbytedan
Churoh was held en Monday evening of
this week, mid proved a gram' suceess.—
Mr. J. M. Clarke, formerly of SG. Marge,
but now of Toronto will appear in this -
town before long, to a' dvaeate the cense of
Impel:lid Vecletation.—St. 'Marys now pos.
settees a debating club, as the result of a
mooting held ite the Mayor's! office lest
Friday evening.- -Twee in the month of
July that the fire Meg Visited St. Marya
with its wrath, sweeping from the uaidet ef
us, stores much the worse for vein', and
cleared the way for the magnificent htilid-
ings wbiob now ocoupy that site.
SootV8 nnitilsion of Paro cod
tivor Oil, with I-Tytmphoephiteet 14 not
only very palatable, but tho remedial power
of these valuable speniflel 18 greatly inCreaS.
ed, ant as It teinedy Clousiturption,
Serofula, ItMaciatioit, or where tliove
boss ot flesh Rua iierVe newer, it le remitrk,
teble itt its results, Take no other, .