HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1969-06-05, Page 3Chiropracf�r1 tl R. BRAY,. D.C. 256 Centre Street Phone 357-1224 Wingham 0 • a 0 s m s i rr . Hold vomit Conneli St., 611i11 Phone 513-9313 This Advertisement Sponsored by 'the Canadian National Institute for the Mind' Jnei la JIy3h Tasty Way to Surprise the Emily Treat Them to `.Eating Out' —Here Dine out with us.... it's a break.forMom, a treat for the kids. Everybody enjoys the delicious, hearty servings and pleas= ant service. Budget -priced, tool The Blue Barn datweAn Palni.rston • AMPLE and •Listowel on PARKING HIGHWAY 23 Phone Listowel 291.15110 Mak. Rosnr'otions Nowt 00 r ', and Ruud Mc Guise of Tt b r ry Tow ►ip, G Mr, and Mrs. Vietor E Orson were at 'lhornbury'on ay where Mrs. MO attend- , Mrs. Emerson , the W.I. Gey East district annus' meeting in the United ,Churchi- Mussel and Victor vis - ted. with hiz parents at their • farm home.. Mr, and .m Hugh Poole and son n# Toronto were in the village on Sunday. Mr. and. Mrs, ' Albert Coultes spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Coultes and favi,- ily of Barrie. Dave MacDonald. of Ketch, ever spent the weekend at his home here and on Sunday re. turned to construction work in the north, where he was last year. On Thursday Mrs. Victor Erneeson attended grey West W. f: district annual held in the United Church at Chatsworth. Grey -Bruce Area W, I. havehad 100% on conveners' reports this year. Mr. and ,Mrs. 'Eric Evans and Diane of Hyde Park were Sun- day visitors with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Evans, and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Donaldson of Teeswater, Miss Emma Richardson and Graham Moffat of Langside. Visitors on the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. George Fish- er and family were M r . and Mrs. Bill Fisher and Teddy of Cooksville and on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Perrin Lowry and fam- ily of Lurgan. • Mr. and Mrs. Clark Johnston and Janette and Mrs. Charles Tiffin of Wingham were Sunday visitors with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Brown of Lucknow., Victor Emerson on Tuesday took Mrs. Emerson to Mulock Church to attend the. Grey South W. I. district annual. Victor went on and visited with Mrs. Arthur Edge and Ellison at their farm home. Mr. and -Mrs. Calvin Irwin of Oshawa spent the week -end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Magoffin. On Saturday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Irwin attended open house for Mr. and Mrs. Howard Henrys of Ripley, celebrating a 50th wedding an- niversary. On Sunday they al - a wedding 4 of the ,debts, anid Mut Tont Allagottin ed home With 144 and .win ,for aweeles'vtsit. Mr, Mme. of Livonia. Michigan. Phe Week-eaid With Russel Ai. le and visited with s 'iffn.of w . ham, Mr*. and.. Fred Tiffin, Mr, attd `' Torn Morrison, Mr. and► Victor Emerson' Mr.. and Mrs.. 'Hord /t Clair,. Donna and DQnaldf M201 .91U/way of Toronto spent the' week -end with Mr. and, Stewart MacGillivray,: Eldon Welsh suffered a rtrok recently and is a patient in Kincardine Hospital. We wish; him a very speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. George 344, and family and Mr. andel Clarence Seitch of "KitOhiler visited on Sunday with ' 14141- coin' Brown, to celebrate his 1irthday. Mrs. Charles Robinson is vii iting with Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Coupland and family of Buri* ford. Plans have been made for the Whitechurch Women's In- stitute to tour the Ontario. Hos- pital at Goderich on June 19th. They are to arrive at 10.30 a. m. , lunch will be provided at 50¢ each and departure will be at 2.30 p. m. Transporta- tion will be by cars. Anyone wishing to go contact the com- mittee, Mrs. Don Ross and Mrs.. Jim Currie. ' Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Laidlaw were in Galt on Sunday and vis.,j iced with Mrs. Dykema and Mr. I and . Mrs. Jim• Bean. Mrs. Bean returned home with them for a few days' visit. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Weber were Sunday evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs. R o b e r•t • Chambers .of Harriston. Elwood Groskorth :was on holidays last week. He and. Mrs. Groskorth spent the,week at the Holiday .Motel, Tober- mory, and each day went on tours of the Bruce Peninsula. The best recipe'for a success." ful campfire is. to drown it with water after use, stir the ashes, then drown it again, to make sure it doesn't start a forest .fire. Every'Ghevrolet has Idmake It before we mark it. less • rr;• •,r I MARK OF EXCELLENCE • than Iastyear% Impala comparably equipped. Now more car really does cost less. Normally, you expect to pay more to get more. So you'd naturally expect Canada's favourite car, Impala, to cost more than a '68 Impala with the same equipment. Well ... the price spiral stops right here. Like an example? Take our Impala Custom Coupe, equipped with a . 300-11p Turbo -Fire V8, power front disc brakes, Turbo Hydra-matic trans- missiion, head restraints, whitewalls and wheel cov- ers. And we'll take $120.50*. off last year's price. *Based on manufacturer's suggested maximum retail prices, including federal gales and excise tax and suggested dealer delivery and handl ingPcharges. How come? Because this year we've cut the price on the 300 hp motor, the Turbo Hydra-matic trans- mission and the power discs, and we've made head restraints standard -equipment. So you save a bundle. And on top of all this, Impala's a better car this year. By now you . should be getting the mes- sage. More car, less money. Andyour Chevrolet dealer will be happy to prove it. . (;HF Vf2OL E T SEE YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED CHS EVROLET DEALER McLSJ! MOTORS i.IMITED • Pacesetter Values I15 JOSEPHINE Si., WI NONAM, ONT. PHONE 337737d0 ShOW4W V w qi -.A a ise* eellaneous ever was hell 'Fri+- .day night at the home of MIR Hauma Klaaseen for lis Wands Sparl, who will be mid this. month, Miss Masson was assisted by Mrd* Don R11tt041 During the evening •O nteitz and ganga were enjoyed. The bride -elect received many lovely gifts for which she thank ed her friends. Lune was serv- ed. re. FORDWICH--Mrs. Mabel Finlay, who is confined to the Fordwich Nursing Home, cele- brated her 96th birthday on Sat- urday, May 31st. Members of the; family vis- ited her and a picture was taken of five generations, her son, Oliver of Gorrie, granddaughter Mrs. Jim Hudson, great-grand- daughter and great -great-grand- daughter, all of .Hanover. Mrs. Finlay is very smart. `and in good health. Erussets Lodge rends seirvic• BLUEVALE-•A special serv- ice was held in Bluevale United Church. on Sunday morning when members of St. J o.h n's Masonic Lodge, of Brussels, attended in a body. Mr. Michael Ross gave the address, embodying the thought. of possession of spiritual power. George Hetherington, Master of St. John's Lodge, r e ad the Scripture and Donald McDonald of Walton sang a solo. Ho ttNNNttttNtNstNNtQsttttNNNN/N/tNNNttg tNNNttlNttttNNNNNNNNNNNNNetaN./IN/Ns.NNNN/NNseNNsNsNNs Fordwich Personal Notes Mrs. William Wainer under- went surgery last week in Listo- wel Memorial Hospital. ' Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Gold rich and two children ofGuelph were week -end guests with Mr. and Mrs. Anson Demerling. Mr. and Mrs.. Bruce Arm - `Strong visited one day last week with Mr. and Mrs. David. Schneider in Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Stewart, Douglas and Gregory spent the,. week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stewart at Oshawa. Mr. John Winters spent the week -end with relatives in Col- lingwood. • Mr. and Mrs. ' Glenn Johnston and Mr. and, Mgrs, Anson Ruttan spent last week at Dutton, Penn- sylvania, • where they attended a horse show. • Mr. and Mrs. Holger Espen - sen and. family spent Saturday at Grand -Bend. ' • Misses Jeanne and Marie . Brown of Toronto spent the week -end with their parents, :an.d M s. ;Peter Brown. n1e are sorry to report that several of our Fordwich rest - lent 'are confined to. hospitals. Mrs. Clarence Carswell is in Palmerston Hospital and Mrs. Cliff .Budd and Miss Lo u i s e Matthews are in Listowel. We wish them 'a speedy return to good health. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Durst and. family of Bay Ridges were week- end guests with Mr. and 'Mrs. George Ashton. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mulvey, Jeffrey and Cindy of Belmore visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sothern. Mr. and Mrs. John Tudan and' family of Port Credit spent the ,v+ieek-end at their home here. Mr. and ‘Mrs. Harold Mad- gette of Weston, spent the .week- end at their home here. Mrs. Earl Ridley, Mrs. Phyl- lis Bolander, John .and Don were week -end guests with Mr. and Mrs.;. Cecil Lynn in Orillia. Affend workshop at Peterborough FORDWICH--Mr. and Mrs. Dave Dinsmore of the Village Nursing Home attended the As- sociated Nursing Homes of On- talo workshop held at Cham - plain College, Trent University, Peterborough. Allan Cooper of Newmarket, president of A. N. H. O. , gave the opening remarks and Wil- • Liam Connelly, Ottawa, was °I, chairman of the educational committee. Among the many things cussed at the seminars were personnel policies for individ= ual nursing homes. Members were introduced to the metric system and informal sessions were held on the R, N: A. waiver examination and Resi- dential Home Organization. Financial Management was devoted to consideration of the application of budgetary prin• - ciples and practices to nursing home administration. F 11 m lectures and audience partici- pation were utilized in the,pres- entation of Environmental .and Social Needs of the Institution- alized Aged Person. The final panel on Nursing Home Legislation was chaired by Dr. J. Wong, executive dir- ector of A. N. H. O. Over 100 nursing home ad- miniatrsithrs from all over Ca- nada attended the workshop. • Mr. and Mrs. Ron McClem- ent spent the week -end at Port Elgin. John and Bill Carswell of Kitchener spent the week -end at their home. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Jordan spent a day last week with friends in Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Cooper returned home after a holiday in the Niagara Peninsula and . at Thorold on the Welland Ship Canal where the big ocean freighters climb to Lake Erie and places beyond. It was a delightful sight. Mrs. Stanley Bride attended Perth North District W. I. an- nual, held in Listowel last week Miss Sandra Allan left Mon- day morning to teach this week at a school in Georgetown. This is the school where she will commence her teaching duties in September. Sandra has'com- pleted her studies at Teachers' College; Stratford, as she pass - •ed on her year's work: with no exams 'to"write. •.• Mrs. •Mary Zella Stephen- son, Reg. N. , of Alliston, and Laurie, 'Lois and Allen visited with her parents, Mr.. and Mrs. INJURES FOOT FORDWICH--Mrs. John Tudan received a severe gash In her foot while cutting grass at ,:her home on Saturday evening. She was taken to the Palm- erston Hospital where she was attended .by Dr. Vanner. She was allowed to return home af- ter the wound was dressed. Brownies hold final meeting FORDWICH--The fin al meeting of 1st Fordwich Brownie Pack was h e 1 d 1 ast Tuesday evening , with the mothers in attendance. Nine of the Brownies were presented with their Golden Hands by Mrs. Irene Tupper., district commissioner. M r s . Tupper also presented 168 pro- ficiency badges with all 2 3 girls earning more than five each. The pack was pleased to have with them a few little girls who will be starting in the fall. The highlight df the evening for all the youngsters in attend- ance was the arrival of Gregory --.the Lion with his mistress, Miss Barbara Baumgarten. See you all on September 9. Willing Workers W ROX ETER- - The Willing Workers met on Tuesday of last week with Mrs. Doris Adams and -Mrs. John Fraser . in charge. Mrs. Adams read two poems, "Garden of Flowers" and "On the Wings of Prayer".. Hymns were sung and Scripture was read by Mrs. Ken Bennett. Mrs. Adams read the Flower Garden Psalm and led in prayer. Nine members and one visa - tor answered roll call with a verse containing the name of ,a flower; Mrs. Fraser took the study on China, "Man and His Work". - Mrs. Bennett conducted the necessary business and mem- bers were reminded of the sup- per on June 11. Quilting and lunch brought the meeting to a close. . Cecil Cooper part of the week- end on her way to London for the 20th anniversary of her grad• uation from Victoria Hospital in that city. • Mr. and Mrs. Wally Gibson, Mrs. Jessie O'Gorman, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gibson, Mr. and •Mrs. Garfield Gibson, Mr. and Mrs. , Ernie D'Arcy, Mr. and • Mrs. Carl .D'Arcy and .:two daughters, Mra. Barry D'4rCy and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald D '- Arcy and little daughter were Saturday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Welsch in Toronto, the occasion of their 20th wedding anniversary. Mrs. Petteplace of Kitchen- er spent the week -end with. her daughter and son-in-law,, Mr. • and Mrs.•" -Gerald •Martin. E A E-A reception for Mr. and Mrs. Larry Martin (formerly Mary Craig) was**' . in the community hal on F- d y evening when a large of friends gathered to do honor to .the bride and groom, Following; the reading of an addressby Douglas Gam, pressing the, good willof the community Clifford Brewer presented a purse :of' money. Dancing to the music ,ofVP. tin's, Orchestra was enoyed by *11. Vic tut`(' '(itirkwit �►�tir�il��; .111 'tie/v1 Step-up to big quality with *fl Ariens Fairway riding mower„. You've never seen a riding mower that gives such on -the -spot per. formance and power where it counts. • Start enjoying riding mower com- fort and dependability with the Ariens Fairway. CHECK THESE FEATURES; I/ FIex-N•Fieat, ta.scalp ming forward, reVerif 4peedsOeSaictrc r stag „ ✓ ' arge .chute. 1/ Bucket seat .with buck Rat I/ Turf saver tits i/ 511.P. or S H.P. engines Stop in today and discover how easy it Is to operate :..:easier yet to own. • MIGEE Ault) El�cfric Wlnaham • ial 3574636 foraily�ur INSURANCE NEEDS It's our action number. We're independent insurance agents, and we're ready to put our sound knowledge of insurance and local , conditions to work protecting you. Being independent means that we will select the coverage, and the company that meets your needs. For home, automobile, or business insurance dial our action number today. W.B. Conran, CLU o INSURANCE AGENCY Complito Insurance Coverage Agents for--Manufaeturors Life Insurance Compel*. 5 JOHN ST. -W. - WINGHAM .PH. 357-2636 business and Professional Directory C. W. CASLICK LIFE - HEALTH BUSINESS INSURANCE 50 Patrick Street East Wingham Representing IMPERIAL LIFE A27-lyr CAVILLER & COMPANY Chartered Accountants Resident Partner J. E. Kennedy, C.A. Dial 881-3471 - Walkerton Crawford, Shepherd and Mill Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. J. Harley •Crawford, Q.C. Norman A. Shepherd, M.A., LLB. Alan R. Mill, B.A., LLB. WINGHAM, ONTARIO Dial 357.3630 WINGHAM MEMORIALS GUARANTEED GRANITES CEMETERY LETTERING REASONABLE PRICES Buy Direct and Sava Bus. Ph. 357-1910 Res. Ph. 357-1015 Frederick F. Homuth Phm.B,,_ R.O. Carol E. Homuth, RO Mrs. Viola H. Homuth, RO OPTOMETRISTS Phone 338-2712 HARRISTON - ONTARIO J. T. GOODALL BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY, ETC. Office -- Meyer Block WINGHAM DIAL 357.1990