HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1969-05-29, Page 13"Thee ale 30 stib=species of white"tail deer in North Amer- carp 'Sox SSM °poi++, at .#.00 FIRST SHOW AT D41It (Adult Enterthinment) Starring JASON ROBARTS, BRITT EKLAND and BERT LAHR Showing- at 8.59 Only -- And Showing at 10.30. Only Santis Davis Jr. & Peter Lawford Both Features In Color Cartoon "HANG 'EM The Wingham Recreation and (=watt Centres dW, ' trounces that plans are well .ttn- der way forboth, the Summer'' Playground Program and .also fot swimming lessons and other swimming at the pool. ; Because operating costs of the swfmniing pool proved to+ be higher then anticipated: the committee has had to take measuresto try to keep within its budget. 'The, steps are„ne- cessary and the committee is hopeful that tkJey will oat cause any undue hardship.: The first step was to reduce the number of summer staff and the second was to increase the • admission charges for swimming The summer staff will be as follows: Playground Staff: Sandra Tiffin, Wendy Crewson, Fran- ces Ducharme and Connie Mos - ser. The Summer Playground program will cover a six-week period, beginning on July 7th. Swimming Pool Staff: Doug Mowbray, Co -Ordinator; Guard - Instructors, Jim Graham, Edith Austin; Paul Fleury, Mary Aust-. in, Mark Fisher, Hugh Sinna- • mon; Maintenance, Ted Ahara, With Alan Alda -- At 10.30 both Features in Color — Cartoon WEb. 28 - THUR. 29 - FRI. 30 - SAT.• 31 Academy Award Winner Paul Newman as Sho 3.r a tlluq. G. -ii'iit"'atw ttt ` 0 imnec Deborah `Kerr an° David Niven :Bruce l enry; Cash ers, , A ,Gibs, n -and Judi Adrinissio;a w• ill "be: 'Season. 'ieketS :children $5.00, teens ana' adults $10,00; f'a'n it y '$15, 00. - Single Admission:. children 200, teens and, adults 5Q Fee for lessons: Children $5. 00. teens and adults $10..00, family $15. 00 --All. lessons for family. during same instruction- al period, Swimming Instruction will . be conducted during three per- iods. of 3 weeks each. More information about any of the programs may be obtain- ed from the Recreation Director, Jim Ward, phone 357-1208. The last two' episodes' of "Wojeck", entitled ''he Cold' $mile of Friends', introduced a new Canadian star, Jennifer Leak, who played the role of the young girl, Gale Fietchet, Following her performance in.' that episode which was o$gin ally filmed in 1966, 'Jennifer went on to greater things in Hollywood. Her biggest break* came when she was• given the role of Lucille Ball's o l d e s t daughter in the comedy movie, • "Yours,- Mine -and Ours". This was the true story of the Beard- sley family, witha widow with eight children marrying a wid� ower with ten (or it could have been•vice versa!). Playing the been busy doing preparatory work for the Bty Competition at CFB Petawawa. A dry de- ployment for the Bty, or should we saymany dry deployments will •be done on Sunday,. May '25th. .This is to sort out the kinks after all our infantry train- ing, although we 'Cannot forget that. phase either. This is car- rying a double load. Certain- ly we are proving our worth as overall soldiers and better gun- ners. The unit received word of another' stocktaking coming to the unit the week of 9 -13 June. It •would be nice if they would ” break up these stocktaking ex- perts and -put each of them in a unit to look after the account- ing continuously. The need for stocktaking by teams costing cons! era le of the, taxpayer's do11a u ` eliminat 4 ed. E'i` '.o`a ` Abt that mil- itia personnel could do these (Adult Entertainment)' Showing at 10.30 — Starring Anthony Perkins b Tuesday Weld. Color Cartoon The Sunset Drive -In A "Mustang=' -Theatre - Now Open Every Night DRIVE-IN THEATRE a�ro HWY. 8 GODERICH AT CONCESSION RD. 4 •PHONE 524-9981 Starring BARBARA McNAIR and RAYMOND St. JACQUES — Plus 'Second Feature - Parents; Because of certain revealing scenes, we suggest you see : "Helga" first!! Adult Entertainment PLUS — Senta Berger - Yu! Brynner Jack . Hawkins - Omar Sharif Marcello Mastroianni - Angie Dickinson - Rita Hayworth Hugh Griffith Trevor How- ard and other international stars —. in accounting tasks if they could be°sent o n the accounting courses, Furthermore, they. (the militiamen) must havesuf ficient. time available. to per, form this task. Time of course is the enemy of the militia. Like civilian industry, time is meney. The militiaman whose ability would permit him- to take this type of training, is the very same chap who has ,a civil- Tan job which is also very de- manding. Therefore - his civil- ian job requires his first alleg- iance, , Hence this unit has made , on several .occasions., represent,- .ation to the various higher,auttr Crines to have suitably quali- fied Regular Force men attach- ed to the unit on a permanent basis to perform this .task. 'Ac,- tion on our requests so far have been .negative. x• ,�, „`The uniO4,1 .:plhcement °iwholin Van..for.the one which was condemned in March. This vehicle •is most welcome. Now if we had two more we could rest easy about our winter transportation com- mittments. This week will see the com- pletion of our GMT course start- ed at the mid winter school , break. The personnel who quali- fy will . then be able to go to summer camp. • Personnel who have not com- pleted GMT will not . be per - mitted to attend summer camp as the training to be conducted is very advanced and will in - clude considerable live firing. There is also some . jungle train- ing with live firing, consider- able scouting; tracking, ad - vance to contact, night patrols, etc. This week promises to be one of those gung.ho types of training. Hope all you young chaps have been w a tching mouse patrol (The things y o u don't do). After this week's training you will be "ex- .tremely critical of most Amer- ican war movies and TV. (Adult Entertainment) A Spy Story Starring ROY TAYLOR and CHRISTOPHER PLUMMER This week's driving tip: Watch the child 'chasing that ball - By Vonni Lee widower's (Henry •Fonda) ,Oldest len, was a young actor, Tim ' Mathieson, and the picture. was the beginning of great things r Tim and Jennifer -if not career -wise, at least in their personal lives. They were mar- ried about the first of the year in Hollywood. 0--0--0 If you 8ould cram your en- tire family onto a yacht and -take a holiday c r -u is e, you wouldn't heel any more at home then the King family makes you feel when you join their holiday. (Saturday evening, '17th). The King Sisters, Von ;tile, Alyce, Luise and Marilyn) their other sisters Maxine and 'donna, husbands, c hi ld r en, nieces, nephews,, etc., enter-• tain royally, every member of the family having more talent then you'd think would be pos- sible. Yet they act like any family you would invite into lour livingroo m and you can't help but wish their visit could last all evening! 0--0--0 I guess it's time I said my ¢ worth about Don Messer and ' ;the proposed axing of his shor next season! Personally, „ I can't see what all the fuss is ;,About; I prefer "Singalong flee" any day. But there seems to be a large number who disa- 'gree with me and who am I to say they're wrong? .These peo- ple should have their say, I a . suppose; goodness knows the CBC has been pushing rubbish ,down our throats for years so we have a right to complain When we think we're losing. Something good. Let's face it though --they never listen when We want the rubbish junked and they. will not,likely listen this timeeitherv, FTe,,, o4 g as et tell,. commercials are •appAtentIy • me tiing -their Waterloo so who knows, maybe things ARE look- ing up! • 0--0--0 All of us probably sat and filled our faces with popcorn, while we watched last Tues- day's ues-day's "Seven Days to Remem- ber", never imagining the dan- ger involved in providing us • with the hour-long story o f events in Czechoslovakia last August. The film was made out of the country, and o u r CBC version was the first time it was seen anywhere. Russian' troops still attempt to keep all reports of the invasioh.quiet. but •with this film, it has be- come e-come available to the world. Narrator. of the film, is Holly- wood actor George Voskovec. LORI GUEST dreamed up tales last Thursday and group of children held a at the Nevery home on some wonderful Friday when a Penny Carnival Diagonal Road. Lori was the fortune'' teller "andTrudy:,'' Holmes seems quite pleased with her palm reading. The proceeds 'went' to the Sift? vation Army. ----A T Photo, tutu uun*emu apissis uusii} NnlNNuuui nil! WOAD schedule set for ,hives' , May 26 May 27 -May 29 June 3 June 5 June 6 June 8 Mildmay at Harriston Nile at Blyth Harriston at Nile Nile at Wingham Wingham at Harriston Blyth at Mildmay, Harriston at Mildmay 2, o'clock lune 10 Mildmay at Wingham June 12 Harriston at Blyth June 13 Blyth at Wingham June 16 Mildmay at Nile June 30 Wingham at Nile July 1 Blyth at Harriston 2 o'clock .1 • July' '7 Blyth at Nile July 8 . Harristgn at Wingham July 10,, , Nat att,.l�ii'ld pay .1 J��a ..a v.J a S.,.lai....: July IQ,. •W}ngha,m at Blyth July . 15 Mild may at, Blyth July 15 Nile at Harriston July ,17 Wingham at Mildmay Nile will be a Junior entry with home games in Blyth. All games at '8.30 unless marked as 2.00 o'clock. Horne team supplies both umpires. Play-offs-- Top team has choice of who they. p1 a y in play-offs. First round will ' be the best 3-5 series. ' The final will be the best 4-7. The following is a list of the contact men for each team; Harriston, Herb Winkler, 338= 2444; Mildmay., Ray Kraemer, 367-5555; Blyth, George Hag- gitt, 52.3-4291; Nile, Reg Brind- ley, R. R. 6, Goderich, 524- 8069i) Wingham, Tom Deyell, 357-2912. Home game or results for Wingham must be sent to"Con- vener Ivan Gardner, 357-1060. bingo winners Regular Games: Mrs, - ,Ed Rich, Wingham; Mrs. Matleen'Spit - zig, Chepstow and Mrs. LaRose, Kincardine; Ed Scott, Listowel; Mrs. Ferg Riley, Wingham,Mrs. Irene Leitch, Kincardine; Mrs. Harvey Reidt, Wroxeter, Mrs. Fred Ohm, Wingham, Mrs. La - Rose, Kincardine, Mrs; Vien- neau and Mrs.. Cruickshank, both of Wingham. Mrs. Schmaltz, Mildmay•and Ed Scott, Listowel; Mrs.' Sylvia Gowing, Listowel and Mrs. Leitch, Kincardine; Mrs. Bill Schill, Formosa; Bob Mont - gomery, Wingham, Mrs. Gow- ing, Listowel; Austin ,:{Ste. YJMarie, ' winghai;•e Yi,'LiJr�''W towel; Mics. Helen Woods, Pal- merston, Mrs. Bates, Harrison, Mrs. Riley, Wingham, Mrs. Obright,` Wingham, Mrs. Mel, Beattie, ListoWe1; Mrs* G erald Wagner, ,tueknow. • "Share -the Wealth' 1. Gib Arnold, Mildmay; 2 5. Reg Anderson, Wingham Special: Mrs. Don Milligan,,'.'' Gorrie; Jackrpot consolatlolt plus bonus:. Mrs. Bates, l+Harris* ton* Door prizes: Mrs, K. •Edgar, Wroxeter, Mrs. °bright, Wing harm. Miss Betty Lang, Mad - may andMrs. Ohn;; Lucky draws: Carl Wagner, Woodstock, Bob Montgomery, Wingham, Mrs. Verlie Toman; Kitchener and Tracy•Cassivy; Li'towel: SATURDAY NIGHT Doris & LIOyd Spareribs, Sauerkraut Chickenserved Friday ,e . and• Barbecued Saturday Nights 1111 NOW PLAYThe.. A „MUSTANG'- FRISAT., gm SUNSET DRIVE-IN THEATRE ., Li Itstartd �utisa PICN •• But before it. was over, 37 men. were dead. r! one had GUTS.. .000 had GUNS r ...THE GAL THEY HAD BETWEEN THEM! WM MI N Wit WALKER•VARSI.CLARKJABER1 our on rM• . rr� as non May 30-31, PHONE 524.9981. OPENS AT 8:00 P.M: WED, 28-THUR. 29 -PRI. 30 "The AMBUSHERS" In Color — Stars Dean Martin — PLUS — "A TIME FOR KILLING" In Color Stars Glenn Ford - Inger Stevens (Adult Entertainment) SATURDAY, MAY 31, ONLY "PRESS For TIME" A comedy. in Color --Stars Norman Wisdom --T PLUS THE WESTERN "UP THE McGREGORS" In Color—Starring ' David Bailey SUN., June 1 -MON. 2-TUES. 3 "BORN WILD" — PLUS — "THE TRIP" ' Both in Color ADMITTANCB RESTRICTED0YEOR A TO PERSONS G! OA OvIA IN LAW PRICED LATE MODEL '67 CORONET Convertible, 8 Auto., radio '67 FORD XL, 2 -Door Hardtop '66 BELVEDERE, 4 -Door, 6 Auto. '65 FORD, 6 Auto., radio '65 CHRYSLER 4 -Dr. Hardtop '65 DODGE, 6 Standard," radio '64 PLYMOUTH, 6 Auto. '63 FORD, 6 Standard, radio • DRIVE-IN THEATRE HWY 8 GOOERICH AT CONCESSION RO 4 Coming Next: WEb. 4 - THUR. 5 - FRI. 6 "THE GREEN BERETS" plus 'ilii 'TRIPLE CROSS!' '63 IORD, 4 -Door, 6 Standard '63 CHEV. STATION WAGON, 6 -Stand. '62 . COMET, 4 -Door, 6 Auto. '62 PONTIAC 4 -Door,- 6 Auto., radio '62 FORD, 6 Auto., radio '65 FARGO 1)600 Dump Truck '64 D500 Chassis and Cab CRAWFORD MOTORS CHRYSLER - DODGE - PLYMOUTH WINGHAM ONTARIO PHONE 357.3862