HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1888-11-29, Page 7MIN re 13 to ie eS th is It- is re n. '5 be he he ei- its 80 a rd ,er he ke it )01 lay In - of mt- nal ess. tas ifle at- nt. are file in in ein tot HOUSEHOLD. Woman, a .Fount of Blessing. As woman is the most complex of orgento beings aud the most richly endowed in fac- ulty, ea oho is the last M be developed, she mutat heroelf demonetrate and measure her power. Peuetrated with the divine truth of wornenhood, prizing and dignifying every relation, especially that of Motherhood, Intel- lectual and artistic vulture and spiritual growth will prevail and isooiety recover from its grievcom woueds, Not through arbitrary and conventional law, but through spontan- ecnus raction to the diviaest and holiest, will woman reach her true position in the world of ethics. Daring long age.of struggle and conflict she has been ad hit 4 troubled dreams Now that man gives hek loth freedern and co-oper- ation she is entering into the promised land. The pathway thereto lies through an un- selfish diflasion of a pure and high affection within the oirole of her infiaenoe. It muat be directed by reason and kept steady through self,reliance and oelf control. Thelinforrning Deifie spirit within must shape external con. ditious. When that gams tne mastery then has the true civilization become actual Then will there be aspiration joyously working through obedience to the laws of our being, laws which will be reeengnMed as the beats of happiness and harmony. Woman's inti. tion shad lead in ethics as in manners. Health, purity, ;ewe, industry and social order shall replace degradation, corruption andsuffering. This is the " Pnilosophy of Livbsg. " The heroic in woman is already a acknowledged quality. It needed no weetern storms to show how easy it .is fo the motherly protective instinct even i young girls to 'souse them to forget their own dangers in saving those intrusted to their charge. For hours young women fought desperately with death in such oontests'as would have appalled the strongest and wiliest of men. After ohafing the hands and feet of her pupils and sheltering them frotn the cruel western wind, Ella Lamar clasped the feeblest in her arms and wont to sleep Us wake no more on earth. In the same wild elemental storm Minnie Free- man trained her little flock to fight the fury of the blast in which so many perished and at immense odds came out viotor. Wher affection or duty leads the way Woman 01.face danger and death smilingly. "Ther is a Minerva in every household as well a a Mars." No, it is not in great emergencies tha women fail, nor is it in ethical purpose. In mental discipline and moral independent° together with that sense of comradeship which would enable us to work shoulder to to shoulder for divinest ends, we need growth in crder to mallet the true Phi losophy of Living. Forever that growth begine at thet"benter. Do not all hardy plauts grow from the interior' In th order ot Providence is not the inner, essen tial life of things hidden within the outer husk? In mental freedom, moral stamina and united efforts, women need not abate one jot of whatever is feminine and lovely. The true balance between the affections and the reason ill give her the secret of life. An exoess o effeminacy has been her bane. It has often reduced a " brio- as brae religion" in which emotion governs instead of ()envie • tion of truth. The time has come for her to brush the mists of slumber from her eyes and awake to action. In the words of Mrs. Whitney, "Be a link in the divine chain and feitN the joy and the life of it. . . Real work disposes one to believe in a real God." Who but she, arising in the majesty of purity, can extirpate those roots of intem- perance, prostitution, greed and dishonesty which are the shame ot Christendom? Pulsations from the tender but mighty woman -heart shall send their life currents though all forms of activity, -not as coerc- ion but inspiration. In the all embracing affection of sisterhood and motherhood, not ono poor, debased man or woman bat shall feel her soft, enveloping sympathy and be aroused to a higher life. And that inspira- tion, that fountain of social purifioation and developmeat begins in the Home. There is the source of all good influence as of all happiness.• by saving plates or tampers whenever they are broken -in but two or three pieces. Pat together with liquid glue It will dry in a few houra, and ehen the ortiole (tan be 'salut- ed. to suit any fanny. If it is gilded firat and painted with a epray of room, is handsonae enough for any room. A loop of ribbon may be glued upon the baok. When it is upon the wall it will hardly be distill- guished from an expensive plaque. A glass tumbler may be pointed for a flowe t vase. .Paint in any color, shaded from dark to light; while wet, mark all over it in waves or lines to represent the crackle work so fashionable jut now. Common bottlee of any neat shape with large rnouths may be painted pink dr blue, and finished with small landscape, tor toilet bottles. Pine uone Card Receiver. Any lady who has access to the pine woods. can secure the material for a dainty card receiver. The cones can also be bought at fauoy stores. Also get &wooden plaque and decorate it with ribbon bows (scarlet, brown and gold, foe instance), or paint a Nene frora the pine woods on it. Bore four holes in the middle of the plaque and also in the base of the cone, and fasten the two seoure- ly with narrow ribbon. Gild the tips of the cone scales, and you have a thing of beauty that will be a joy for a long time. Laxative Foods. Oraohed wheat, oatmeal and Indian meal gruel, Graham bread, bran bread (three- fourths flour, one-fourth bran) new potatoeo green corn, turnips, mime, apple -sauce, n cranberry sauce, rhubarb and gooseberries, stewed prunes, honey, molasses candy, fresh r fruits (oranges, apples, pears, peaches, plums, n apricots), dried fruits (raisins, figs, prunes, dates, tamarinds, dried apples, etc:), Wad oil, porter, ale, cider, mineral water. Seasonable Receipts. COCOANUT SPONGE PUDDING -Stir togeth- er two cupfuls of dry sponge cage crumbs and two cupfuls of boiling milk. When nearly mild, add the yolks of four eggs beat - ten stiff, one cupful of grated ommanut, one cupful of sugar, one teaspoonful of rose water and one glass of sherry. Bake and spread with the whites of four eggs beaten stiff, tare tableopoonfuls of powdered sugar, n 1 one -hall of a cupful of grated cocoanut, one teaspoonful of lemon juice. Brown. Moo a Ttrwrau Sotre.-Boil two calves' t feet fled one neats' foot until very tender, then cub them in pieces, put the bones with e I some beef gravy or stook into two quarts of water, a bunch of aweet herbs • two large onions chopped email, the rind of one lemon, one anchovy, and half a nutmeg grated; boil this until it comes to three pints ; then strain it off, and put the feet, with the gravy, into a stew -pan ; add half a pint of a medeira or sherry, twelve oysters; then . simmer for an hour; season with cayenne pepper, thicken if not sufficiently thick, with a little batter rolled in flour; just be- fore serving add the j aloe of one lemon. How to Treat the Minister. In a recent talk to laymen Biehop iincent of the American Episcopal Methodist church said some sensible, practical things, among others thefollowing adviceastothe treatment of the minister. "Brethren of thelaity," he said, I beseech you to note a few things that I now name, so you can remember them: 1. Bo cautious: 2 Be just: 3. Be generous: 4 Be prudent. Under these heads this short amplificetion : Be careful how you talk about your minister. Oae of the worst things a man eau do is to make adverse criticism on his minister. The reputation of a minister was as sacred in my tether's house as was my mother's. Give your minister a house-warming. Send your best, most genial men to meet and welcome him to your town. Pay him all you promise. You owe it to him. You are dishoneat if you do not pay every cent of a respectable a lary. And remember a minister °linnet live on the average salary of a business roan. He has bills to pier, in order to make yaur church stand in its proper rank, that you cannot understand. Fix up your church; make it clean and bright. Lt no grass grow on the side walk. People will then say as they pass by, 'This is a live0hurch.' Do not disoourage 3 our minister in taking the benevolent collections, but help him. It is your duty. You promised to do so when you joined the Church. Let every men, woman, and child pay toward the support of the prodding elder and pastor. I beg of you, do not be satisfied with that religions emotion that spends itself in singing and crying. Support the vhurch 011 ite religous aide. Go to prayer meeting; go to class - meeting. Take part, if you only quote a text or hymn. Tell them you want to help or be helped. Go not becatute you feel like it, but front principle. , Thimbles. The thimble was originally called a thumb bell by the English, because e'er° on the thumb, then a thumble, and finally its pre- sent name. /t was a Dutch invention. and was first brought to England in 1605. Thinn bles were formerly made only of iron and brass, but in comparatively late years they have been made of gold, sneer, Steel, horn, Ivory and even gibes and pearl. In China beautiful carved pearl thimbles are seen, bound with gold and the end of gold. The first thimble introduced into Siam was a bridal gift from the king to the queen ; it is shaped like a lotus bud, made of goli and thickly studded With diamonds arranged to spell the queen's name. A Source of Beauty. a lady oan paint 111 oxl, she hag a ileVer foiling source from which to draw beetity for her houtie. Plaque are haedy M tad, but a dollar disappeare very Qtliekly in buy, big them. A good substitute oan be Made WINTER Pee Soon -Boil a pint of split peas with a small bit of soda, until they are quite soft and will pass through a sieve: I put to them some beef, veal, or any good broth in which you have boiled plenty of •vegetables and onions, rah all through a fine hair sieve, warm it up, season with teaspoonful of essence of anchovy, half a red herring, salt, cayenne, and a little dried mint. EGG SAME FOR SALT FISH, ET0.-..rE dl five eggs ton minutes, when cold chop small, put them in a saucepan, with a pint of melt- ed butter and a little pepper and salt; stir the sauce on the fire, and serve very hot. Lmator MINOS Prn,- One cupful of boiled starch, one ouptul of suffer, One cupful of mole:less, one-half of a pint of chopped rais- ins, one half of a cupful of sliced citron, juice of two lemons and the grated rind of one. . Bake in two crusts. NEAPOLITAINES.-One pound of flour, one- half of a pound each of powdered sugar and butter, yolks of six eggs and one teaapoonful of vanilla, Mix together, and if too skiff, add a little milk. Leave in cold place one- half hour. Roll thin, cut in any shape, and bake. Ice, while warm, with boiled icing, and almonda. FRENCH TEA AND COFFEE. - A noted French chef makes coffee by pouring boiling water on the ground berries; after filtering, GOLDEN GRAINS. It takes all °dr learning to iXttilre things Plaiing any one thing welt -even netting stitches nod plaiting frills-puto a key into one's band to the opening of some otnor quite different secret and we oan never know whet; may be to come out of the meanest drudgery. No life le so title as that one which culti- vates itself far the good of ibe follow -men. Saoh a man is Saved from etifi. ihneee and conceit. He stands in a peoulier relation to the work' of ideas end the world of action, and is demended by both. When you feel the fierce epirib rising, do not speak until you can speak oalmlv, what- ever may be the provocation. Words do lots of mischief. Resolve, as God helps you, that you will imitate our Sevier, who was always gentle, end whoa he ve.is reviled, reviled 110 gain. Sam Jones says many say there are two roads, one to heaven and one to hell. I say only one road. It leads from heaven to hell. The only difference is the direction you travel; if you are travelling to hell and want to go to heaven, all you have to do is to turn equarely around, renounce your dna. and start to heaven. God is a good paymas- ter and will keep His promisee, giving each his due whether good or bad. He tells you what to do and what He will do for you if you obey Him, so don't be afraid to take Him at His word or try to get possession of the wages before the work is done. Have faith." California. Ask for tickets via the old established and favorite Overland route comprising the Chicago and North Western, and Union and Southern Pacific R til ways. Two feet trains leave Caioago daily with unrivalled accom• modationa for first and second olasa pas- sengers. Rates no higher than by other lines. Baggage oheoked through. Full in- formation' covering rates, etc., with time tables andmaps given by J. H. MORLEY, Canadian Patutenger Agent, 69 Yonge Sk, Toronto, Out. . To pommel who have taken a prejadioe, every word is miaunderstood, every look offends. A GOOD LIGHT is indespensible to the comfort of a family during the long winter evenings. Poor coal oil is next thing to bad bread. Housekeepers who cennot have gas should use "Carbon Safety Oil." Sold by dealers everywhere, If you want to get cold facts oub of a woman, contradict her and make her mad. It fetches the truth every time, but usually it isn't complimentary to you. A ewe rer Drunkenness.; The opium habit, deposmanla, the morphine habit, nervous prostration caused by the use of Tobacco, wakefulness mental depre nion,sof eninr pt the brain, etc., premature old age, lost of vitality caused by over exertion of the bmin, and lossof natural strength from any cause whatever. Men -young, old or mid. dle-aged-who are breken down from any of the above causes, or any cause not ntioned above, send your address and 10 cents in stamps for Lebon'e Treatise, ie book terra, of Diseases of man. Books sent sealed and secure from observation. Address M. V. Lunn, 47 Wellington street East, Toronto, Ont. In the United States the telephone is used 595 times, the telegraph 136 times in a minute. Coff No More. Watson's cough drops are the best in the world for the throat and chest, for the voice unequalled. See that the letters R. St T. W. are stamped on each drop. A. P. 425. MTS1.27116:12410.113,1MPINGSISMILIIT.1.311113.617,..1012.1=SAMEMICIOCI moN Ey:ToILOAN on Farms. Lowest Rates. .No delay. Correspondence solicited. E. W. D. BUTLER, Financial Agt., Established 1860. 72 King-st. E., Toronto. ONTARIO VERERINARY COLLEGE - OVER J five hundred students in successful practice; fees fifty dollars per session: Beesion 1888.9 begins Oc- tober 201h, Principal, Prof SMITH, V. S., Toronto. AGENTS I UNEMPLOYED We handle only standard specialties, of whioh no rtherfirm has a right to sell in Canada. Write us. Tarbox Bros., Toronto, Ont. TEE CSLEBRATED AMERICAN CORN POPPER, just the thing for lcng winter evenings, candy pulls, pop corn balls. By mail, post p,id, on receipt of 25 cents. Address, C. W. DENNIS, 337 Yonge S.., Toronto, the water is again boiled and again poured ' en the coffee; and finally a third time. He mina BORER INSPECTION and Insuir• does not boil the coffee and water together, .1_ some company ot Canada, nor put the ooffee in cold water and let it Consulting Eng4n4lens and Solicitors of Patents. oome to a boil. To make good tea, he says, G. 0. ROBB Chief Eng sa Stacey-Treas. Engineer. NI: ?As you must pour boiling water on it and throw it dilt immediately. Then pour one- third of the boiling water required, put the pot over a steaming apparatus and then add another third, and finally the last third, re- peating the steaming, in order to let it draw without boiling. Pane Rios PUDDING.-Soald two teble- spoonfuls of rice to remove the earthy taste. Add one quart of milk, a little salt, half a teacupful of white sugar, one teaspoonful vanilla, a small piece of butter out in bits awl scattered on top. Bake in slow oven two hours. Half an hour before it is done pour over it half a teacupful of cold milk ; this will make it oreamy. • Not Low Enough for That. Woman (to tramp, kindly) -How would you like a pair of my husband's old shoes? Yours seem to be dropping of your feet. Tramp -I do need shoes ma'am ; what sa busineis your husband in 2 Woman -He's waiter at Delmonioe's. Tramp (promptly) -No, ma'am; I would look more genteel barefoot. I may be a tramp, but I haye still some respect for my personal appearances. A Bad Break. "1 made an awful bad break this morn- ing," said the hotel man. ‘ A friend in the country sent me a bag of chestnuts, and what did I do but put them on the table for dinner." "Well, what was wrong about that ?" "I had a minstrel company stopping with me." Imitation Is sometimes called the Sineere form of fiat tery. This may account for the number of imitations of the original and ontir positive corn oure-Putnam's Painless Corn Extrac- tor. All such fail to timeless equal merit, so When purchasing get the genuine "Put. num's." Safe, sure, and painless. All druggists. The mausoleum of the Bmperer Fielder- iok, of which the corner den° hat just been laid at Potsdam, will be a reproduction of the Sepulchre Ohurth at Jar:Is:dent Virtimese-The preemie° of this faoulty, when very large, la indicated by a lorige broad (thin. Piot-them is eyrionyttioull with wilfulneed, perseverance and stability. ANADIA N BUSINESS UNIVERSITY, Ii_iPublio Library Buildings,Toronto. Students from British Columbia, California, Kansas, Illinoie, and quite a number of other States and Proyinees, no% 10 attendanee. Write for Descriptive Circulars. THOS. ZENGOUGH, CHAS, 11. BROOKS, President. Sec's/ & Manager. SAUSAGE Finest ainericsn Hog Casings. iCmAnSoltr e:alti n -e Sorg gl Uri; eNe pesw, Orders filled for any desired quantity. Write for prices. • 'JAS. PAINE et 845.N, 41 to 47,Lassrtnos Menet St.:Toronto. ,aminommosigiooss a IT MAY HAVE ONE!! Just send your name ancl address, and loc. for postage, and receive by Mail a HANDSOME BILKHANDKERCITheMagicNeedle! Aetonisheseveryone 1 Addresa,WhitanNoveltst Co., Toronto, Ont. • ial el M Artificial LIMBS. For Mr l . re'SON, Toronto, Ont Leatherelting a REST VALUE IN THE DOMINION. F. E DIXON &GO, MAKERS, 70 KIND ST. F, TORONTf Send for Price Lists and Discounts., TO LOAN MONEY.REDIFONCIF.It FRANCO . CANAOIEN. CAPITAL, $5,000,000. HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL. OFFICE ONTARIO Div11001f, WELLINGTON ST., TORONTO. TWO Company is pre- pared to make advances on the security of Goon PARE PROPERTY at lowest current rate ot to - tercet, and on favorable terms. MORTGAGES PURCHASED. For informatiouappls to the Local Agents of the Company, or to W LONG, Manager, Toronto, Ont. Stained Glass FOR CHURCHES, DWELLINGS, AND PUBLIC BUILD/NOS, MUUSLAND & SON, 76 King St, W., Toronto. ' Young Men SUFFERING from the effeate of early evil habite, the tosnit Ignorance arid folly, who find- themselves weak, n0010116 end exhausted ; also Iiirente-knen ahd OLD MEN, who are broken dowis from the effecte of abuse or over -work, and in advanced life feel the eonsequences of youthful excess, tend foe find tend hi, V. tetboras Veneta on the Disearmeof Men. The book Will be feint imaled to any arldreitS eh receipt Of Wo 30. steams, Address Lull011, Wellington 86. 12, T rode, On6. Rattlesnakes as Food. It was said of a strong political parVz in that he would swallow rattlesnakes if party interests demanded it. Ib is only man of this sort who, without, protest, swallow the large, old-fashioned pills. Sensible people, requiring medicine to cleanse their systems, vAriably use Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. Tutly are unrivaled in all derangements of the liver, donna% and bowel. In England the poorest working girl would not carry a cotton umbrella. She met have silk. "A, Word to the Wise is Suffiaient." Catarrh is not sitnely an inconvenience, unpleasant to the sufferer and disgusting to other -it io an advenoed outpost of ap- proaching disease of worse type. Do not negleot its warning; it brings deadly evile in its train. Before it is too late, use Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. It reaches the seat of the ailment, and is the only thing that will. You may dose yourself with quack medicines 'till it is too late -'till the streamlet becomea a rotation torrent, it is the matured invention of a scientific) physis clan. "A word to the wise is suffisient." Braiding is the garniture par excetience% No one can go amiss who decorates her gar- ments with this trinuning, whether in fine °horde or heavy appligne patterns. Style. • the hue of health, awl it will never go ea ot style. Its shades and tint are various, but all of them are exceedingly becoming. It is perfectly astonishing what a change is being daily wrought by Dr. PierceFeverite Pres- cription in the looks of sickly women. Suf. farers from any sort of "female weekness'' or irregularity, backache or nervous prostra- tion should give it trial. All druggists. FARMSFOR SALE or RENT. Am Bine, 01008 and PRICES. Some Special bargain., H. S. MITCHELL, DRAYTON, Orrr. H. WILLIAMS & CO..1111 ROOFERS MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN Roofing Felt, Slaters' Felt, Deafening Felt, (larpet Paper, Building Paper, Roofing Pitch . Coal Tar, Lake G Office: 4 Adelaide St. East, Toronto ST. PAUL. MINNEAPOLIS —AND--- ANITOB RAILWAY. • Comineacing on Saturday. Nov. 10th, there will be a da•ly first -elan through train !service between St. Pant and Botta, Mootana, oomprised of Draw- ing emm, Sleeping Car, D y Coaches. Divine Car aria ."t Colonbt Sleeper. Equipment new, modern and aqua% .,- the beet. Leaving e. Paul every morning, and running direct'y throes, Butte. Tao only line with= ont change undo ,only line via it? t. 13nrord,F1 Benton, Great Falls mid Helena. For particulars, apply F. L WHITNEY, J. M. HUOKINS, Gan Pass & Tk't AO, Travel'g Pass Ag't Sr. Peel!. 4 Pahner ROUSH Block, Toronto Et-1.3LS/Oln pi? • , .... r 7 , , i i , SCOTT'S CONSUMPTION SOROFULA BRONCHITIS COUGHS °OLDS Wasting Diseases Producer. not a, secret Hypophos- Cod Liver neing largely Physiciatm AS litil9LIC. 50r. a ud N,, , ii tlt.X1 . remedy. Oil, in-. all over $2.00. Di CURES Wonderful Flesh scott's Emelsion is Cootaining the stimulating phitet and Pure Norwegian the potoacy of both ci eased. It is used by the world. PALATABLE Sold by an D141 f IgiSt8, it to)) ..40,...„. . eta.. &P • wese ex . .._ r/ J i 1 _. 7:-. : 7 : .„--- . We are children who ckeerfitily join in the chorus When Breadmaker's Yeast is the subject before us - Alumna tried all the test, So she knows it's the best, - [lightest, 'Cause her bread is the whitest, her buns are the .And we eat all the ,aneakes she dare ret beforeus. BUY THE BREADMAKER'S YEAST. PRICE 5 CENTS. N a r %To us Debility. DR, GRAY'S Specific has been need for the fifteen years with great Guiana, in the treatment, o Nervous Debility, and all diorama arising from es. ceases, over-worked brain, less of vitality, ringing Is the oars, palpitation, etc. For sale by all druggists Price $t per box, or 6 boxes for 65, or will be sent ty mall on receipt of pride. Pamphlet on appitaatiot T riE GRAY IYIEDICINE (C)" Toronta THE TORONTO SILVER PLATE CO Manufacturers of the Highest Grades SILVER - PLATEDAARES. S P . .."... TRADE ciA17 MARK. ea • 2' e, teens . FACTORIES AND SALESROOM; 420 to 420 King St, West, TORONTO B. G. 04010;IER;71,.i, C. COPP, Manager. • S02.-freas. I . , , , y . t ,:f voir,o0ROBPBELL.5 .... Et. CHATHAM, • ,• .., 1 )7 i • .... It. ONT.I,. i 1 . . ik ' t A ; , .i 'i • ri" , tisr, St. ACTS AT Titz 114810 TintiE 014 THE NERVE'S, THE LOVER, THE BOWELS, andthe KIDNEYS This combined action, gives it won- derful power to cure all diseases. Why Are We Sick? Because we allow the nerves to remain weakened and irritated, and these great organs to become clogged or torpid, and poisonous humors are therefore forced into the blood that should be expelled naturally. pAllirsf CELERY COMPOUND wiLL CURE 33lEI011SZIESS, prtzs, CONSTIPAT/07. AIDNEY 001I - PLAINTS. 811112A11Y DISEASES, PErdAr,EwEAENEss,ntau TISM, NEURALGIA, AND ALL NERVOUS DISORDERS, By quieting and strengthening the nerves and causing free action of the liver, bowels, and kidneys, and restor- ing their power to throw off disease. Why suffer Bilious Pains and Aches/ Why tormented with Piles, Con atipationl Whs. frightened overDisorderedKidneyel Why endure nervous or sick headaches! Why have sleepless nights; USe PAINE'S CRUM( COMPOUND and rejoice in health. 11 is an entirely vegeta- ble remedy, harmless in all Cases. Sold by all Drunirts. Price Sz.00. Six far $5.00. WELLS. RICHARDSON di. CO., ProprIetom, MONTREAL, P. Q. CANADA PERMANENT Loan 86 Savius Uompally INCORPO RAM) 1855. Head Office Toronto St, Toronto, Rubric:rib Capital, Paid Up Capitat Total Assets $ 4.800,000 0,550.000 30,0110,000 The enlarged eap.ltal and resourees of this Company, together with the increased faoilities L has recently acquired for eupplying land owners with oheap money, enable the Directere to meet with promptness and at the lowest current rate of interest all requirements tor loans upon satisfactory real estate security. Application may bo made to either of the Com. pany's local Aopraisere, or ti J. HERB 111Ai0N MmapegDirector, Toronto. STANDARD CHOPPING MILLS. USES BEST FRENCH BURR MILLSTONES Lim, 801%.180 %Tr PLATtEAS IN 111014M1)L5 CiANALD 0*.-eeavort4se of steaviRtnas, eallIntr weekly iiotween Montreal and Liverpool. Selena tickets, Montreal to Liverpool.. Silo, 00 and VA Return tIcilreta, 90, ORO aad $110 awending to eteatrier awl accommodation, later. Meniete, Ole ; Round rip tiokete, 400. Steerage, 420; siseat trip tickets, IP ir turther .particolare and 4ecnre' birth 1, apply to Er. lktURR AY, Gonave,. Maileger, 1 Custom Heim Square, Montreal, or 10 the I oi!al Aeeete In t'oe differene T )M111 eel 015158. H P. DAVIES „ . 81.1173,SM/1' to ULIAS. RoBINSON & GO. BUDGE & COLUMBIA BICYCLES,. Bove' VelOCIpries, Slizetrd Tohoggana, ShoWshoett Eto., at reduoed pr des. PO thane, Jerseye,atip- plied to clubs at spuolai discount,. i KJ '70 RITZ) siezatves AT RSOCIOND PRICES 12 CHURCH ST., TORONTO. Merchants, Butchers, and Traders generally, We want a GOOD MAN in your locality to pick up CALF SKINS For us. flash Furnished on satisfactory guaranty Addresa de Ea. efe.GrEi, Buz Perot, Vermont, U. 8.. Allan Line Royal -Nail Steamship Sailing riming whiter frost Portland every Thursday %ad Halifax everrilsturdav to Liverpoel, and in sum !aer from Quebec) every Saturday toIlverpooLoallhis at Londonderry to land matte and passengers fat Scotland and Ireland; ale° from Baltimore, via Ma fax and St. John's, lc, F., to Liverpool 'fortnightly during eummer menthe, 'The steamers of tlie Celeite• geW sluaa Sail during winter to and from Haas's Portland, Boston and Philalelphita and during Burr mer between falifegow atid Montreal weekly; Ole gow and Boston weekly, and Glaegow and Platted° phia fortnightly. For freight, passage or other information apply A. Schumacher a Co., Baltimore ; S. Odnerd Cc Halifax ; Shea is 01., St. John's, NftL, Wax. Thom. eon& Co., St. John, N. B.; Allen is Co., Olden( Love0 Alden, New York; H. Boruller, Torontf Altana, Rae 00., Qu ; Runkle, Pleibede phia ; A. Allen Portland, Boston, Montreal. "The Racer' Thin Back, Lance -Tooth, Cross -Cut Saw STONESWILL LAST A LIES/IME o *ra 4'1,8 o•R %apns ri • E.W. Gc.t-BRARTFOP.D, CANADA erlisrs run D EEF THE GREAT STRENGTH GIVER ,tvi,..AlwRoiaFRETmdiTIENF'sGOI c064140 puTRITIOUSOEVERAGE A-PowEsn.li. iNvi,s0f/A•79s The Maple Leaf Racer and Lance Cross -Cat saws aro new sold in all p .rts ef the weed. The quality of these saws is unequaled. Taeir excellence is wholly due to their s apsrior temper, the p100858 01 whicheis kept a pr ef and secret by Slimly& Theerich, the nazaufacturers of these saws. One of the best evideneee of their superior quality is that other saw manufacturers pat on tne mArket nee° se ao imitation of these s .ws as they are able to produce, alai repre- sent it to be as grid au the M Lisle Leaf MM. They run their saw upon one name until the p ublio become familiar with its inferior quality, then they change the name, in order to humbug the public another sra•on, all of which is the very beet evidence of the superior quality of the Maple Leaf saw, as it is not the eastern to conaterhis a poor article. These mount rfeits are sold far a much lower price than tne lItple Leaf saw can be bnught for : the dealer, of o wee, endeavors- to sell them at nearly- the Same price., thereby realizing a larger peak. And some of the more unprincipled dealers, in order to sell the counterfeit SAW, Will till untruths of various kinds regarding the quality of both the genuine and the counterfeit. Good goods are always °neap ; poor goods are dear at any price. A saw, like a knife, will not cutlfast unless it will bold a keea cutting edge. Prime $1.00 per foot. Manufactured only by SHUR! & DIETRICH) SAW MANUFACTURERS, itOnAll..1CAR30, BEST FOR FAMILY USE, CARBON AFETY OIL ASK DEALERS FOR It Wholesale Depots : ONTARIO -Taimyr +, 20 Front Street 12181. OTTAWA, 28 lparkitreot. s; BELLEVILLE, L W. Yeomans 8c Co. eunen0-ssiotainate10 O.Wa agh. .314RITIME nnovniOnS-Sr. JOHNS, Jos. Bullock et Sens. MANITOBA and N. W.T.-B &expos, W.Johnston&Ro Sufi Rogers & Co.; Toronto; Canada. Exh.austed Vitality. Recovery from this distreesicig condition is often sought by having recourse to tonics or meclicinel treatment which only eerves to agg avate the trou les. The system DIThIeNDS eitiTitiTtow that can be easily digeSted and thoroughly sedmilated by the weakest stcmach. Johnston's Fluid Beef Supplies THIS DEMAND nneetTsE a perfect food and contains all the material necessary for renewing the tissues wasted by disease. It readily puma into the circulation and produces lima mu. cle and nerve. THE GREAT STRENGTH GIVER. 't.1)4,ll5Ve ,l•r""1.`1,,fiq Capital and Funds now over $3,000,000.. READ OFFIICE, . - 15 TORONT 4* ST., TORONTO. A Monte Conapany, Established October 1871. To this Dote, Ocitober 31, 1887, there has been returned: To tho heirs of Polley holders (death -claims) ....$140,249 Oo To the holders of matured Endowment Pefielee 20,492 68 To Polioy-holders On eurrender ot Pollefee A 98,650 00 To Polloy-holders for Cash profits (including those allocated and being 01W,- 432,544 02 To holden at Annuity Bonds. .. Mae 84 82,264-98 Looted to Polloy-holdere On the Security of tholr role:stet 81,806,174 47 Policies in Porce over 10,000. Anionnt over$15,60U,000 PRES/DENT-Hon. Sin W. P. Hovrtenos C,B., VICE-PRESIDENTSW' - get/OTT, ESQ.; ttsWARD HOOPER, ESQ. 3. IL MACDONALD, Managilig Mirector, Policies Nontorteltsble after 2 Years And Indefeaelble after 8 yeere, RELY ON HOP ITTERS. A WONDERFUL NERVE 'TONIC. A Medicine, not a Drink. Cure All Diseases of the Stomach, Bowels, Bleed, LIVery Kidneys, Urinary Organs, Nervousness, SleepleStness, Female Complaints, DRUNKENESS, It may Save Your Life, WW1 ,000 Reward paid for a case they Will not cure.