HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1969-05-22, Page 7their Mel Of Mark Arrreo e weddhlg of ter, M .Mary of Mr. and Ma, Ly Martin, sou Mrs. wilUani Mart- irs,nn VrIdaY, May 1S in the Widnlay Church. quiet wedding took plaCe- in St. �rtew #s United Chordh, Sault Ste.,_ Marie on April 21 When 1,ynne Marguerite Olsson, daughter Of Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Olasol of White River and Max Winston Pletch, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Pletch of Belgrave were united is marriage, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Stone. - house motored to Toronto on Saturday, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Harry McGuire who spent the week -end with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hill and fam- ELECTRICAL Contractors s� *Industrial s*Com- mercial *Homo & Farm Wiring MOTOR REWIND *REWIND *REPAIR *SALES Service to All Makes OVER 150 NEW MOTORS IN STOCK 1/6 h.p.. 5 h.p. • Single Phase up to 50 h.p. 3 Phase HOUSEHOLD. APPLIANCES *Largest complete dine of Appliances *Sales & Service ;BURKE ELECTRIC Wingham 357-2450 Service and Quality GUARANTEED Our Service Dept. is open 6 days a week for your convenience. yn 17414.9t Nin Deraky-Of Kat( Mr, and .MT. Jack Taylor. at tended to graduation of their niece. Mia Judy Taylor. daugh- ter of Mr. and Ma. Lloyd Tay- lor of Sarnia, The"graduat on exercises we weriS held. At Convo- cation Hall, Toronto.. Judy is graduating from Toronto Gen- eral Hospital, Mr. and Mn. klugl} Laivol- eppe and family of Scarborough. were week -end visitors with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herson Irwin. Congratulations to Mr. Ira Campbell who marked his 91st birthday on Friday, May 16. Mr. and 'Mrs. Albert Vin- cent accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Ralph McCrea and family of Blyth on a vacation this week- end and called to see Mr. and Ivies. Murray McDowell and Heather of Cookstown. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hender- sou and Miss Ids Johnston of London spent the week -end with Mrs, Richard Procter and Joyce. Mr, Charles Fraser and fam Junior Auxiliary met on Safurday RELGRAVE- -Janette John-; ston led the games Saturday morning when the Junior Auxil- iarymet in the Belgrave Orange Hall. The usual opening exer- cises were followed by roll call and minutes were read by Marni Walsh. Patsy Scott gave the treasurer's report. The offering was received by Beth and Patsy Scott and dedicated in prayer by Reta Lynn White. The next meeting will be held in the Orange Hall on May 24 with Laurie Stackhouse in charge of games. The sing- song will be led by Karen Scott and clean-up girls will be Bon- nie Walker and Marni Walsh. Janette Johnston continued the story from the study book, The Golden Coin". Ro s e Marie White led the singing and. Janette Johnston conducted a I}ng-song after the closing pray- er. ALASKA CRUISE I r 8 DAYS $188.50 LISTOWEL Travel Bureau 291-4100 FOR .SALE ABSOLUTE CONTENTMENT Brick bungalow situated on• a VLA lot in an, excellent location. This immaculate home has. seven rooms plus baths offering 2000 sq. ft. of enjoyable living. Big pic- ture windowscreate a cheerful atmosphere and conven- iences are everywhere. Walkout basement contains 3 finished rooms plus bath,apart from furnace room, laun- dry and storage area:, Being an attractive home construct- ed less than 10 years ago it could not be replaced today from many dollars more than the owner is asking. NEAT AND COMPLETE Only $8,900.00 full price for an attractive 2 bedroom bungalow well located, giving a pleasant view of the Mait- Land River. The home has modern kitchen, living room and dining room,. utility room and* 3 pc. bath. Full con- crete basement and oil furnace, garage is attached. Situ- ated on a double lot. This home offers good value for a very moderate price. PROPERTY SOLD IN APRIL MAJOR , LAND SALE — ASHFIELD/ TWP. Our agency is pleased to have been selected by the Livingston Brothers of Brampton, to act as their purchas- ing agent in acquiring a 2,000 -acre tract of land in Ash- field Township. The purchase of 750 acres has been. completed, a further 900 -acre parcel is pending. Persons making up the properties in the completed transactions are °Mr, and Mrs. Warren Zinn, 400 acres; Lorne Philips, 150 acres, and Alvin Collinson, 200 acres. The Livingston Brothers plan to carry on a beef and hog operation along with a cash crop program. We have sold the home in Bluevale owned by Mr. and Mrs. James MacDonald of Teeswater, to Alphonse Felix of Toronto. • 100 -acre farm near Bluevale owned by Mr. and Mrs. Harry Montgomery to Robert R. Cook of Milton. 150 -acre farm, Turnberry, owned by Mr. Glenn Apple- by of Oro Station, to Mr. Bos, Walton. 100 -acre farm Kinloss Township, owned by Mr. Robert Foreman to Mr. Reitknecht, London. 100 -acre farm East Wawanosh, owned by Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Cook to Mr. and Mrs. W. Marks of East Wawanosh. 100 -acre farm Greenock Township, owned by Mr. Robt. Foreman to Mr. Hunter, Kitchener. i y frgineardine, V 611.4 on Sway hi* laughter and sou,fulataw', M. and Mara. •l elth Pletch. Mr. and 'Mrs.. Mel Craig, R. R. 4.. Wingbam, Mr. and Mrs. W. T, Armstrong Of Lpn7 don, r. and Mrs. Jack Taylor and Mr, and Mrs. Mark Arm- strong rmntrong attended the funeral of the late 4s. W. H. Thompson of Gorier/eh last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Galbaraith, who have spent the past two years in the Bahamas, are now holidaying with their parents, Mx. and Mrs. Clem Galbraith of Listowel and Mrs. F to yd Campbell. Mrs. Americo Arnr.ida and Maria of Toronto spelt a week's holiday with her mother, Mrs. Cliff Logan. Afternoon unit meets at Belgrave BELGRAVE--Thirteen ladies attended the May meeting of the afternoon unit of U. C, W. on May 14. in the church base- ment. Mrs. Herson Irwin was in charge of the opening wor- ship, the theme of which was "Lessons from China" and open- ed the hymn "In Christ There Is No East or West. Mrs. Irwin led in prayer and read a shorts article, "We Are Not Our Own': Mrs. Harold Procter read Scrip- ture with Mrs. Irwin giving a commentary. Minutes were read and ap- proved. Mrs. Earl Anderson announced the general U.C. W. meeting for May 29 with Rev. Anne Wightman speaking. The afternoon unit will be in charge of the worship service. Mrs. Stewart Procter gave the study on China, "Religion and China Today" and an artic- le on standards of living. Mrs. Earl Anderson conducted a questionnaire on China. 'Sick and shut-in visits were recorded. YeP . meeting at Moffat home evale Personals Mr. and Mn. Jack Orvis, Dianne andSharon of Sudbury returned home ou IsiOnday after spending the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hall and Wing- ham relatives.. Mr. and Mrs, ' Rex Richardson of Detroit and Mrs. PM: ha.Mac- Millan of Lucknow caned on Mr. acid Mrs. !Gordon Hall on Sunday. Those from a .distance at- tending the funeral service for Miss Ruby Duff were Gerrond Duff, of Cayuga, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Douglas, of Toronto; Mrs. John Thompson and Mrs. Wilfred Scott, of Seaforth, Rob- ert S. Aitken and Robert M. Aitken of~Teeswater, Mrs. R. J. McMurray and Mrs. Guidon W HITECHURCH- -Longs ide Y. P.S. met Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Moffat with an, attendance of ,. 17. Nancy DeBoer conducted a sing -song prior to the meeting. Simon DeBoer gave the call to worship. Carolyn MacGil- lvary told the story of the hymn, "Stand Up, Stand Up, forJesus", which was then sung. Murray Moffat read Scripture and Si- mon DeBoer led in prayer. Roll call was answered with a verse containing the word "praise". It was'announced that be- cause of anniversary service on May .2 5 the next' meeting will not be held until Jane 1. A film on smoking and drink- ing was shown and Doug Wall led a discussion on the subject: The Lord's My Shepherd was sung to guitar accompaniment and the hostess served lunch af- ter the benediction was pronoun- ced. KEITH FITZSIMMONS REAL ESTATE AND BUSINESS BROKER ANNALISA FITZSIMMONS, Rep. 176 Diagonal Road, Wingham, Phone 357-1117 WROXETER Mrs. W. T. Houghton of Etobicoke, Mr. and Mrs.. Don Schofield and daughter Heidi of Georgetown visited Mrs. John Vose of Wroxeter over the holi- day week -end. VOLUNTEERS FROM the Wi#10bam Legion Auxiliary served refreshments tp the blood donors at the ,high school .pn Tuesday. Miss R. Duff mourned by community. inossjirqo BLIJEVALE--Rubena (Ruby), daughter of the late Robert N. Duff and Anne Jane El li o t t, died in Wingham and District Hospital on May 9th, after a • long illness. She was born in Bluevale. She was a graduate nurse of St. Luke's Hospital., Ithaca, N. Y. , and spent 12 years in hospital work in New York State, ori the staff of Corning General ` Hospital and at the infirmary of Cornell University. Later, returning to Ontario, . she was engaged in private nursing and in Toronto hospi- tals. She was .head dietitian at Women's . College Hospital for 28 years. Miss Duff retired to Blue- vale .in 1950 where she has been. active in community affairs. • She was a member'g the United Church and the U.C.W. , a member formerNpresident of the Bltievale Women's Insti- tute and a member of the Blue - vale Public, Library Board. She devoted much time to helping to establish the'new library which was built in 1954. She was everybody's friend and will be greatly missed. The funeral service was held in the family home with Rev. W. O. Mathers of . 51 y't h in charge and Mr. Michael Ross assisting. Pallbearers were Colin Fingland, Raymond El- liott, Donald Street,' George Thomson, Bert G a r n i s s and George Hetherington and flower bearers, Roger Oke and Gordon Hall. Interment was in Blue- vale luevale Cemetery. Above are Mrs. Bill Walden, Mrs. Roy Hastings and Mrs. Andy Scott.. —Advance -Times Photo. Tribute paid to deceased member ST HELENS Grelg, of Palmeot , i l R DoMap* al* . 10ertaMott f Wsxter s Mr. and Mrs Cionion;v Jt4 ed witf t Mr. and Mgr. W. f, Masters and ,Ma. Olive Oaf. .ghes Qf l'ar'd 90 Toa y*. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Miner of ,London were Sunday visor* with Mr. ,and Mrs* Percy VIA - tent. Mr. Ken Grewar of Montreal was a week -end visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Webb. Mrs. Grewar, Nancy and Bradley, who spent the° week with her parents, returned to Montreal on Monday. A, Mr. and Mrs. AndrewGaunt were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sherwood at Car- low. The Bluevale Women's In- - statute met at the home of Miss Emma Johnston last Wednesday with Mrs. Jack Nicholson in charge. Mrs. Nicholson gave a. report of the Area Conven- tion, Guelph, which she had attended. The roll call of the meeting was "What.I would like to see in the Tweedsmuir History Book". Mrs. W. J. Peacock, • curatdr, gave & reading by a local boy, "Picking Wild Rasp- berries". A reading was given - by Mrs. J. Johnston from the Huron County. History and also one by Mrs. Charles Mathers. The following tribute was paid to the memory of Miss Ruby Duff who wqs buried on Mondayafteinoon of last week and for whom the entire com- munity feels a sense of loss. "I would like to pay tribute t this time to. Miss Ruby Duff; ne of our faithful •members who passed away and was laid to rest this week. We feel a great sense of loss in our W.I. organization as well as in our community and church. She will be missed by all who knew her. "Her life was long and full and she used it to help and serve • otherrs. "What makes possible a re- cord ,like this? A quotation from Ethel Chapman es book, From a Roadside Window. 'The length of life could be due part- ly to a physical toughness in- herited from sturdy pioneer stock. •But the fullness of life? The persistent mental activity, ' the spirit of adventure, and a • TO. ATTEND CONFERENCE IN PENNSYLVANIA Great -West Life's Eastern Ca- nadian . and United States branches will be on hand for the sessions. Mi.. Dobson is associat- ed with the London branch of the company, which is under the management of D.C. Scott, C. L. U. Mr. Scott will also ac- company Mr. Dobson to Buck Hill. G. L. (Peter) Dobson. of Lis- towel and formerly of Wroxe- ter, a representative of Great - West Life Assurance Company, has qualified to attend his com- pany's three-day sales confer= ence being held from June 2- 5 at the Buck Hill Inn, Buck Hill Falls, Pennsylvania. Leading representatives from E. E. WALKER of Wingham, left, presided for the final meeting of the Huron Tuber- culosis and Respiratory Diseases Associ- ation. The gathering was held at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church last Wed- nesday evening. With him are D. M. Rae of Stratford, guest speaker, and Mrs. Edith Brothers of Stratford, the president of the newly -formed Huron -Perth Association. —Advance -Times Photo. zestfor service and the seren ity born of a. religious faith and a warm family life. " These had a part in Ruby's life: A courageous spirit Smiling and kind What precious memories She left behind. Donnybrook Mrs; Jim Leddy visited sev- eral times this past week at St. Mary's Hospital, IG.tchener, -with Jim,, a patient there hav- ing undergone surgery on Tues- day. We hope he will soon be .home again. Mr. and Mrs. GeorgeReeves of Toronto spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Hilliard Jefferson and family. Miss Mary Jefferson of London and Miss Sharron Jefferson of Sarnia also spent the week -end at the same home. Miss Lucy Thompson of Oak- ville spent the week -end at her home. ' Mr. and Mrs. Frank Camp- ' bell of London visited Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jefferson. Baptismal service was con- ducted Sunday morning at the Donnybrook•United Church for Diane Irene, daughter of Mra and Mrs. Wesley Jefferson. ladies guests at Hacker's Church DONNYBROOK-- Two car loads of ladies belonging to the. U. C. W. enjoyed a special meeting at Hackett's United Church on Wednesday evening, Miss Clare ,McGowan showed pictures of her trip to the Holy Land which were very beauti- ful. Miss Corinne McDonald sang two solos, "Mother" and "Happy the Home when God Is There". Doug Cameron and Miss Wil- ma Hackett played several vio- lin duets. The ladies of the church served a lovely lunch and a social time was spent to- gether at the close of the meet- ing. --Mr. and Mrs. E: J. Litt and John Walsh of London visit-. ed with Mr. and Mrs. Barry Wenger at the week -end. Now Shower held at Coultes home WHITECHURCH--A miscel- laneous shower was held Satur- day evening at the home of Mis. Ronald Coultes for Miss , Jean Ann Maynard of Innerkip. A large number of relatives and neighbors were, on hand to honor the bride -elect, who was seated in a chair enhanced with pink and white streamers. Gifts included dishes, cookware, towels, blankets and pillow cases. Miss Maynard was assisted in opening the gifts by her mother while Mrs. Wallace Conn read the cards. Mrs. Lewis and Mrs. Coultes conducted contests and M r s . Conn gave a reading. Miss Maynard thanked every- one for the lovely gifts a n d those who had sponsored, t h e shower. Lunch was served by the hostess and her helpers. Put your money into our guaranteed investment . certificates now paying the never-beforeinterest of eight per cent. WCWRL4 VG TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1809 Listowel, Ontario. E3651R AS LOW'S •Fingertip. Handling . "Magnesiu� Light" . . .` easy to handl$! , Fingertip Height Adjustment for .1" to 3" cuts. ; Fingertip Attachment catcher bag snips* on easily. STAINT(N HARDWARE, (WINGHAM) LiD: PHONE 357-2910 r IIIrIIirIInIIrllguSilrllontinInInIIrmailrllialflrlllrllirintil Property For Sal.. HOME AND 30 ACRES Here is a home and 30 acres located` on the outskirts of Lucknow. The 1'/2 -storey cement stucco home has a full basement. The main floor contains a kitchen, pantry and a living room. Upstairs there are 3 large bedrooms. There is a barn measuring 54x74 in good condition. All the land is workable, plus there is a pond on this pro- perty. This would be an ideal hobby farm, as the low asking price is only $12,000.00: 150 -ACRE PONDEROSA Enjoy your spare time .on your own 150 retreat. Fish in your own stream, or tiunt in your own woods, or just relax in the sun and let the rest of the world go by. 100 acres on this farm could be worked, as there is a large "L" shaped barn, and • a 5 room home on this property. Balance of land is rough pasture and woods with a fair si±ed• pond where the ducks like to land. The buildings are equipped with hydro, and buses run to both schools. This farm is located about 6 miles from the town of Wingham. Full price only $11,500.00. COUNTRY LIVING -- LOW TAXES Now you can enjoy living in the country in this 1 - storey frame home located only 1 mile from downtown shopping. • This home contains a cosy living room, with a picture window that enables you to view the country side, a modern jcitchen, 4 pc. bath and 2 bedrooms. Heating is by an oil furnace. This is a pleasing compact home that you could be relaxed in, at any time. Full price only $5,900.00. For the convenience of the public our new office hours will be from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday to Thursday and 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., Friday and Saturday. Don HoIst Real Estate Ltd. REALTORS -- WINGHAM "Rural Ontario Specialists" • "For Best Results Photo -List Your Property With Don Holst" 1• Dan Maradin, Mgr., Off. 357-3840; Res. 357-1014 Jake Jutzi, Rep., Wingham 357-1570 Gary Stevenson, Rep., Wingham 357-3840 Barry McDonagh, Rep., • Lucknow 528-3423 Cecil Mahood,- Rep., Teeswater 392-6952 Ilirlll*IIIIlIIMI IIr11Il,flRI IIIUINII Iililrl llAllirlll■l ila1IIRIIIR11(Rah/111R1Ih*111,