HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1969-05-22, Page 6Win am Advance -Times, Thursday, May 22, 1969 WANT Tp SE4sm••.@11y . FtEN CIii_SIPIE .Nmep 060 IDS FOR SALE PUREBRED Beagle puppies for sale, b weeks old. +none 357-17.53 after six. 15-22p GENDRON baby buggy for sale, blue and grey. Phone 357- l1Qt 22b BAMBOO DRAPES installed, assorted colors. Estimates. Cali Currie's Furniture. 22-29-5b GUNS bought, sold and ap- praised. AIS; Sporting U000s, B. Jenkins, Minnie Street. Jne26prrb MOBILE HOME for sale, 46x 12. Across from Royal T, Ph. 357-1477. . 22b CCM MUSTANG bicycle for sale, in excellent condition. Phone 357-3482. 22b VACUUM CLEANER Sales & Service for 'all makes. R. K. Peck, Varna, dial 1-262-5350. D26rrb FRAMES — Made to measure. Brfng reproduetion or oil pictures to Currie's Furniture, Wingham. 22-29-5b CAMPING IS A DELIGHT in a RIDE -LITE. Camper Trailer Sales & Rentals from Somers & Richmond, phone Brussels 47J or 260W. - M-J&Jb RUGS with foam back, con- tinuous filament nylon, any size. 9'x12'; size $69.95. Currie's Furniture. 22-29-5b COMPLETE SET of Grolier Encyclopedias for sale, plus bookcase. 357-1916 morning or evening. 22p 20 -FT. TANDEM travel trail- er for sale,fully equipped: Parked on. sady lot at Intree. Phone 357-2740. 22rrb EAVESTROUGHING on house or barn. Metal flashings. Roof repairs. CHIMNEYS built. Free estimates.. Morrison Bros., phone Lucknow 528-2906. F2Orrb SORE UDDERS—Relieve sore - ,tress and inflammation associ- ated with mastitis with Nixon Udder Rub. Soothing and pene- trating.. Vance's Rexall Drug Ste: e,. phone 357-2170. 22b FOR FUIL LINE of Simplicity lawn an garden . equipment, also agency for Bolens equip- ment, contact Earl Jenkins„ 357=2683, Wingham Lawn & Garden • .Centre, 257 Shuter Street 15rrb ,TRAILERS for sale or rent— Large :.election of Travel 'r 'lure Aid Tent Trailers on kliselay. indoor showroom. Book now fol" summer rentals. Morrv's Trailer Sales & Rent- ' als, Walkerton, .881.0406. 15-22-29b FARM EQUIPMENT LIQUID MANURE storage tanks', built to any size; solid concrete steel reinforced; drive over with any farm equipment. Contact William Fach, R. R. 2 Alma, phone Elora 846-5449. Mylrrb ' LIVESTOCK . FOR SALE TWO - YEAR - OLD Hereford bull for sale, and 3 one-year- old Hereford bulls. Bruce Roy, Londesboro, phone 523-4237. 15-22b 35 PIGS for sale.. Phone Wrox- eter 581W2. 22b 35 WEANER PIGS for sale. phone 252J, Wroxeter. 22b FOR RENT FOR RENT — Bachelor apart- ment, heated, utilities sup- plied. immediate occupancy. Apply to Crawford, Shepherd & Mill. - 22b 2 SPACIOUS apartments for rent in former post office, 3 and 4 bedrooms, kitchen, bath, large hall, Oil heating; ample room in basement. Write Alice Legge, 141 8th East, Owen Sound. 8rrb f MORTGAGES FOR RENT—Four-room redec- orated apartment with refrig- erator and stove, other furni- ture if desired. Available im- mediately. Phone 89J1, Wrox- eter. 22b SALES' HELP WANTED START IMMEDIATELY. Serve consumers with Rawleigh Pro- ducts in Goderich or rural locality around Wingham or Grand Bend. Experience un- necessary. Write Rawleigh, Dept. E-453-406. 4005 Richelieu St., Montreal 207, Que. 22b EMPLOYMENT WANTED STUDENT WANTS ' lawns to cut. Phone 357-3578, Richard Wall. 22p GRADE IX Conymercial stu- dent (girl) wishes•summer em- ployment. Will consider any type of work. Phone 357-2289 after 5. 22p M Phone Collect 364 2577, Hanover MILLER J LESLIE MILLER' Professional Spray Painting Sand Blasting Brick Cleaning and Sealing Quality Work Guaranteed A174nei2b 24 HOUR APPROVALS 2nd & 3rd Mtges. Arranged in the convenience of your home. LOW cost. You can call to 10 p.m. today for helpful court- eous ourteous service. Prompt Invest- ment Corp. Ltd., 62 Richmond St. W., Toronto. 366-9586, EVGS. 239-4913 8-15-22-29b MALE HELP WANTED NEED MONEY NOW? Don't borrow—Start earning in your spare time with the Ontario Automobile Associa- tion as a membership enroller. Experience not necessary. For full - free information without obligation contact Charlie Lee, Wingham, phone• 357-1383. 8-15-22b HOSPITAL ACCOUNTANT $144.00 - $168.50 per week The Ontario Department of Health has a vacancy for a Hospital Accountant at Gode rich Psychiatric Hospital. • DUTIES: To supervise and direct all accounting functions of the hospital, administer and control inventories, co-ordinate the budget and prepare finan- cial reports. QUALIFICATIONS: Must have successfully completed at least three years of a recog- nized .professional accounting course or equivalent training obtained through accredited extension courses; several years of progressively respon- sible accounting experience, proven' supervisory ability. BENEFITS:, Include pension plan, medical and health in- surance, attendance credits, etc. Apply to: Business Admin- istrator, Goderich Psychiatric Hospital, Ph. 524-7331, , Gode- rich, Ontario. ' . 22b vommtmlimisima WANTED WANTED — Allis - Chalmers roter , baler in good working order. Phone 357-1098. 22b WANTED — . One bedroom apartment, furnished if pos- sible; L -required by hospital technician immediately. Please call 357-3673 after 6 p.m. 22b WANTED — Old records 78s; maps, books, etc., on the his- tory of Huron County and Wingham. Phone 357-1763. 22-29b WANTED DEAD SYOCK Fresh dead stock; cows dead, $12. 'each; dead horses, $20.. each, over 500 pounds, accord- ing to size. Collect 369-2410, Durham. Lorenz Removal. Jnl6rrb'70 MISCELLANEOUS GARDENS TILLED OR PLOUGHED Weed Spraying for Lawns Wingham Lawn and Garden Centre — Earl •Jenkins Phone 357-2683 17rrb THE DECOR SHOPPE Floor Covering - Sales - Instal- lation - Harding Carpets - Draperies Murray Gerrie 357-2002, Wingham SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment used. All work guaranteed. Write: LOUIS BLAKE R. R. 2, . Brussels,. Ont. Phone 442W6, Brussels Ap3-Jl.y3lp FOR YOUR' Insurance Needs in Automo- bile, Farm Liability, Accident and Sickness Home Protection Call your Co -Op Agent — LLOYD MONTGOMERY 53 Maple Street, Wingham Dial 357-3739 SEE GEORGE BROOKS at Stratford Cemetery Memorials . Ltd. for Memorials of Distinction Lowest prices in the area 38 Avondale Avenue Stratford Phone 271-6736 Collect NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF HUGH ARTHUR MIDDLETON STUR- DY. ALL PERSONS having Claims against the estate of the above mentioned, late of the Town of Wingham in the County of Huron, Glove Cut- ter, who died on the 28th day of March, 1969, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the 31st day of May, 1969. After that date the Executor will proceed to distribute the Estate having regard only to the claimsof which he shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham this 7th day of May, A.D. 1969. CRAWFORD, SHEPHERD &, MILLWingham, Ontario. Solicitors for the Executor, 15.22.29b AUCTION SALES ESTATE AUCTION SALE of furniture, dishes, antiques and other items for the Estate of the late Morley Aylsworth at Fordwich on SATURDAY, MAY 24, at 1 p.m. Tom Morrell, Auctioneer, Clifford. 22b AUCTION SALE v of property and household ef- fects at 209 Albert Street in the Village of Brussels on SATURDAY, MAY 24, 1 p.m. 21" Admiral television; wal- nut finish dining room suite, table, 6 chairs, buffet, china cabinet; 3 piece chesterfield; occasional chairs; tables; drop head Singer sewing machine; electric lamps; mirrors; kitch- en set;' 3 pc. walnut modern bedroom suite; wardrobe; gramaphone; trunks; cedar chest; walnut bedroom suite with vanity and bench; scat- ter catter mats; quilts; bedding; al- uminum lawn chairs; mantel clock; electric clock; setting of 12 Austrian china; mantel radio; dishes; antique china;, silver tea service and tray; flat ware; Kelvinator frigidaire; 4 burner electric stove; electric appliances; frying pan; toast- er; mixmaster; 2 cupboards; vacuum cleaner; step ladder; 32 -ft. extension ladder; seal- • ers; Maxwell lawn mower. Property — 7 -room asphalt shingled house; new roof; 3 bedrooms, bathroom; oil fur- nace. Excellent state of repair. Terms -Chattels, cash; pro- perty, 10% down, balance 30 days; sold subject to reserve bid. Further particulars ap- ply pply to Harvey Dennis, Brussels. Mrs. Archie Wintle, Prop. Harold Jackson, Auct. Mel Graham, Clerk. 15-22b Very Interesting ESTATE AUCTION SALE' •at ESTATE MARKETING SERVICES , 20 Water 'Street, lirigham MONDAY, MAY 26, 1:00 p.m. for the Estate of the late Jen- nie R. Sherriff on directions from the executors, Canada. Trust. Some appropriate ad- ditions are included- in the of- fering: Fry & Blackhall ches- terfieid suite; Westinghouse range; dressers; beds and mat- tresses; wash stands; com- plete bedroom suite (dresser, vanity, chiffonier bench, bed, spring and mattress); trunks; pine blanket boxes; excellently crafted oak' carpenter's tool chest; several odd chairs; 2 Boston rockers; 2 parlor rock- ers; antique rbund walnut liv- ing. room table; large cherry cabinet; oval end cherry ex- tension table; crib bed; pine divan • frame; vanity mirror; bonnet bureau; pine chiffon- ier; pine cupboard base; bar- rel churn; apple dryers; spool beds; wooden wash tub; com- plete wooden well ' pump; very . early radio receiver, complete with earphones; cherry dress- er; hand crafted, folding wool, winder; several old sealers; old postcards and books, many of interest to the collector; brass kettles; old wooden puz- zles; wash sets; oil lamps; candle molds; china doll • heads; 'butter molds & prints;• antique snuff box; 2 brass ° powder flasks; powder horn; shot pouch; pictures and frames; a few pieces of glass • ,and .chinaware, plus several other items of interest to the lover of early and antique . housewares. This entire offering may be pre -viewed from 9:00 Monday. Jack Alexander, Auctioneer. Canada Trust, Executors. Estate Marketing, Adminis- trators, 357-1011..22b AUCTION SALE Clearing Auction Sale for Harold Casemore, lot 24, con. 11, .Township of Turnberry, TUESDAY, MAY 27, 1 p.m. Cattle — Durham cow • and calf; Holstein heifer, bred Feb. 25; Holstein heifer, bred Mar. 20; 10 yearling steers; 9 Hol- stein= yearling heifers, one reg- istered; 6 steer calves; 4 Hol- stein heifer calves. Pigs ---2 York sows, with 12 ' pigs each; 2 York sows,bred; York hog, 1 year old. Machinery—A.R. J. D. trac- tor; 40 J.D. tractor and load- er; New Holland baler with threshing equipment, (like new); Mildmay threshing ma- chine, 32-46, equipped ,for bale threshing and belt;J.D.7-f J mower (new); J.D. wagon and rack; New Holland wagon and rack; Int. 7 -ft. binder; Int. 13 - hoe drill; Int. 4 -bar rake; Int. 3 -furrow plow; Ferguson 2 - furrow plow, T.P.; Int. 7 -ft, cultivator; Int. manure spread- er; Int. hammer mill and belt; M.M. double disc; smoker ele- vator with motor; J.D. one-way disc; 2 sets drag harrows; cir- cular saw; Partner chain saw; scales; hydro electric fencer; hydro battery fencer; fanning mill; scrap iron; tools; vise; Surge 2 -unit milker. 6 -,can cooler; oat roller and motor; 32 -ft. aluminum ladder (new); forgo and anvil: syrup' enuip- trient; woven wire stretchers: Int. cream separator: steel posts: colony house; -brooder and feeders; Lange shelters; trailer and +Ark; Aet sleirhq. Grain ®- 500 bus. mixed grain; hay and straw Some hous1 hold effects in- cluding Wingham Clipper stove (nearly new). �r Not responsible for any acci- dent day of sale. Terms—Cash. Farm sold. L. G. Bryce, Auctioneer. 22b CARDS OF THANKS We are deeply appreciative of the many kindnesses shown to our sister, Rubena Duff, and to ourselves. For the kind. ly services of doctors and nurses, the helpfulness of neighbors and friends and the memorials received we are truly grateful. ---M. Alice Ait- ken, Eva J. Douglas. 22p I would like to thank friends and relatives for cards, visits and treats while a patient in the hospital. Special thanks to the doctors, nurses and Rev. B. Passmore.—John Ward. 22p I would like to take this op- portunity to thank my rela- tives and friends for flowe"rs, gifts and visits while a patient in the hospital. also thanks to Rev. C. F. Johnson, Dr. Mc- Gregor and the nurses. --Percy Hogg. �*. 22p I would. like to take this op- portunity to express my thanks to relatives friends and neigh- bours for flowers. cards and visits while I was a patient in Wingham and District Hns- nital. ,' Snecial thanks to Dr. Leahy, Dr T. nurses and staff in ICU. This was all very much appreciated.—Mrs. John Gaunt. / 22p I would like thank my friends and relatives for cards, treats nd visits while I was in the spital. Sneeial thanks to Dr. ' eahv and the nurses on second floor.—Mrs. Charles Sewers. 22b REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSE FOR SALE 9 -room brick at Gorrie, 11/4 baths, oil furnace, drilled well, 2 acre lot. Contact George Gregg, 26 Henderson ' Ave., Willowdale, Phone. 416-889-5239. 22-29b NOTICE OF SALE Howick Farmers' Mutual. Fire Insurance Company Of- fice for sale by tender. High- est tender not necessarily ac- cepted. Bids to be opened June 3, 1969. . , 22-29b FOR SALE [DVIARD A. ELLIOTT REAL ESTATE BROKER Telephones: Bus. 357-1590; Res. 357-1555 .........�... r , A.MiNliege REAL ESTATE FOR SALE • FOR SALE Duplex, modern, excellent state of repair, oil furnace, good lot, choice location. Early possession. New 1 storey brick home, attractive living room with picture window and hardwood floor, 3 bedrooms, 4 -piece bath, ultra -modern through- out, full basement, electric heating. Located close to schools. Brick Duplex, each unit self contained, good repair, 1 block to main street, excellent in- come property. Full price $15,000.00 with early posses- sion. Well situated 11/4 storey, 6 room house, hardwood floor throughout, 4 -piece bath, good basement and oil furnace. Ear- ly possession. Fully modern 7 room, 11/4 storey immaculate home with new oil furnace, in the Village of Teeswater. Well situated, attached garage with work shop, two sun porches, land- • scaped lot. . Possession April 1st. Three-bedroorn frame, Mans ville sided home, living room with large thermo window, dining room and attached J� garage. Possession August 15, 1969. Immaculate one and one-half „ storey frame duplex on a large lot, two ' blacks from main street, threebedrooms on each side with ' separate entrances. New furnaces, new chimney and extra insulation. One side vacant for immediate ' posses- sion. Excellent income home. Three bedroom. 11 storey brick. $10.000 cash. Available May 10,. 1969. • Three bedroom, 11 storey frame, large lot with barn, $8,000. cash. • Possession July 1, 1969. • ifisINTEE t, c !f �•' i T c n WINGHAM, ONTARIO FOR SALE Scenic 100 -acre farm over- looking Maitland River. 9 -room red brick home with 5 bed- rooms, dining. room, living - room and large kitchen,., This immaculate home has drilled well on • pressure with oil forced air furnace, and is lo- cated just off . Highway 86. Property has a barn and 35 acres of bush. Full asking price $16;500, 100 -acre farm, 11/4 miles west of St. Helens. 7 -room' red brick home in good condition,. complete with 4 bedrooms and a 4 piece bath. Barn is 40'x 50' with silo and surrounded by 75 acres of workable land plus 25 acres of bush. This corner farm is a` real bargain at $16,500. ATTENTION FISHERMEN! For sale -50 acres of cedar, soft maple and partial swamp bush with trout stream run- ning through property. located on the outskirts of Wingham in Turnberry Township. Low price $3,000. Now featuring "Photo Listing" JOHN F. BRENT Phone: Office 357=1344 R"es. 357-1418 OEAD $TOCK REMOVAL for fresh dead, dlaabled cows and horses. For the most prompt and courteous service In this dis- trict PLEASII CALL COLLECT MARLATT BROS. Phone 133 - Brussels. Ont. 9A -hour service --7 days a week License 'No° 390-065 125 -acre highway farm, 11/2 - storey 6 room house with bath. Large barn with attached straw shed. Drilled well, wa- ter on pressure, hydro through- out. Implement shed 20x80 with cement floor. There is 115 acres of level. tillable soil. Balance in bush. Spring possession. . 70 acre grass farm, 50 acres newly seeded. Amply supply of water and shade. tLLIAM' S. NEED Real. Estate Broker and General Insurance ' Wingham, Phone 357-2174 HALF-PRICE FILM PROCESSING BLACK & WHITE 8 Exposure 58c 12 82c KODACOLOR 8 Exposure $1.90 12—$2.49 By - pass "middleman / storekeeper," send .DIR- ECT to processing plant and save 50%1 Send film, cash, cheque or money order along - with this ad to: CLINTON PHOTO SERVICE CLINTON, ONTARIO BIRTHS !YWingham and District Hospital on Friday, May 10, 1.969, to Mr. and Mrs. John Kennedy, R. R. 1 Qlif ford, a daughter. STEFFLER -In Wingham and District Hospital, on Wed- nesday, May 21, 1969, to Mr. and Mrs. ' James Steffler, Wingham, a son. DEATHS HAMILTON, Rev. Herschel, 59, Wingham, rector of St. Paul's (Anglican) Church, Mon- day, Wingham and District Hospital. Survivors: wife for- mer Jessie Ewing; daughters, Mrs. A. D. (Audrey) Notation, Minneapolis, Minn., and Mrs. A. M. (Anne) Krikorian, Tor- onto; mother, Mrs. Thomas J. (Annie L.) Hamilton, White Rock, B.C.; brother, Dr. Har- vey S., White Rock, B.C. Ser- vice was 1 p.m., . Wednesday, St. Paul's (Anglican) Church, Wingham. Greenwood Ceme- tery, Owen Sound. S. J. Walk- er funeral home, Wingham. DOUGLAS, Mrs: Robert T., 89, Winghai%, formerly Luck - now, Monday, Brookhaven Nursing Home, Wingham. Widow. Former Eliza Mae MacDonald. Daughters survive, Mrs. A. W. (Marjorie) McCart- ney, Ajax; Mrs. George (Win- nifred) Fowler, Mrs. Gordon (Donelda) Davidson, both of Wingham. Service was 2:30 p.m., Wednesday. Johnstone funeral home, Lucknow. South Kinloss Cemetery. ENGAGEMENTS GEDCKE - NOBLE Fona • Valdeane ' Neble and Ray Elmer. Gedcke plan to marry Friday, June 6, 1969, at 7 p.m., at Wingham United Church. Parentsof the couple are Mr. and Mrs. Roy Noble of Wingham, and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Gedcke of R. R. 1 Ford- wich. 22p Mr. and Mrs. George May- nard of Innerkip, announce the engagement of their daughter, Jean. Ann, to Mr. Murray Ed- ward Coultes, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Coultes of Wing - ham. The wedding will take place on June 7, 1969, at In- nerkip United Church. 22b The engagement is announ- ced of Mary Ruth, ' daughter of Mr. Ivan Haugh of R. R. 1 Wingham,. and the late Mrs. Hough, to Mr. Wesley James Laing, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Laing of Welland. The wedding will take place on Saturday, June 14, in St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Wingham, at 'twelve o'clock. 22b Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hamilton, Trowbridge, wish to announce the engagement of . their daughter. Sudyth Mary, 'to Mr. Robert Charles Mathers. son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mathers. Bluevale. The + ar- riage will take place in the United Church. Trowb June 27, at 7:30 p.m. / 22 W. R. 11AMILTON OPTOMETRIST Josephine Street WINGHAM FOR APPOINTMENT • Phone 3574361 ()mono H•.I PR,100q ,41, !l1l1I.,AIA/Rtyl1 0gP11,116,011“1111!!!!!!}N4b4!Ml. !!!0!l4+lA0114, ff1.41!HOOu!!t}i1►.M104.01.0! DANCE Legt9n Hall, Friday, Ma Kelp Wilbee's orchestra. $1.00 per person. Must be over 21 years. ANNIVERSARY SERVICES At Chalmers Presbyterian Church, Whitechurch, on Sun- day, May 25, at 11 a.m. and 8 p.m, Rev. R. T. A. Marshall, ° Strathroy, guest speaker. Mon- day evening, May 26, at 8:30, colored slides of Ethiopia will be shown by Peter Klassen. Program and . lunch. 22b FASHION SHOWCASE You are cordially invited to attend "Fashion Showcase 69,” to be presented by the home economic studenta of F. E. Ma- dill Secondary School, Wing- ham, ingham, on Thursday, May 22, at • 8:30 p.m., in the school 22 RUMMAGE SALE The spring rummage sale sponsored by the Ladies' Aux- iliary to the Wingham and Dis- trict Hospital will be held on Saturday. May 24,. in the arena at 2 o'clock. Phone Mrs. W. J. Adams at 357-1853 for pick- ups. No calls or pick-up can he taken on Saturday the 24th. Phone arrangements are pre- ferred on Thursday. Please take your own sale artieles to arena if nossible as truck time is limited. 15-22b A SPECIAL BUS To Grand 'Ole Opry, Nash- ville, Tennessee $59.00 in- cludes 2 nights Motel, tour of Nashville, autograph and din- ner party at Music City Play- house, ticket to Saturday night Opry; leave June 12. Reserve your seat now. Habkirk Trans- it Service Ltd., Box 700. Sea - forth, or phone 527-1222. 8rrb COLD MEAT SUPPER 1h Bluevale United. Church, Wednesday, May 20, from 5:3(k 8. Adm., adults $1,50, child- ren 75c. 10.321 RECEPTIQ „ M For Mr. and Mrs. George. Townsend (Ruth Mathers). in Bluevale Hall on Friday, May 23. Tiffin's orchestra, Ladp please bring lunch. DANCE In Wroxeter Community Hall, Friday, May 23rd. from 10-1. Sheldon Mann's orches- tra. Proceeds for arena. ZZb HOWICK !.IONS BINGO • Will be held on Friday, May 23, at ,8:30 p.m., in Wroxeter Community Hall. Adm. $1.00- 12 regular games for $10; two "Share the Wealth", one 59.5 Special; Jackpot of $85 in 60 calls; door prizes and Luekv draws. - 22b ADVANCE -TIMES WANT ADS PAY CUSTOM BACKllOEiNG LOADING, BACKFILLING and EXCAVATING Call Collect 527-1065 Seaforth Contact: JOHN ROCK, R. R. 2 Seaforth Phone 527-0497 or JIM ALEXANDER, R. R. 4 Walton at .the above number already listed 22.29-5,12b Business and Professional Directory C. W. CASLICK LIFE - HEALTH B"uiSINESS INSURANCE • 50 Patrick Street East Wingham .Representing IMPERIAL LIFE • A27.1yr ° CAVILLER & COMPANY Chartered Accountants Resident Partner J. E. Kennedy, C.A. Dial 881-3471 - Walkerton Crawford, Shepherd and Mill Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. J. Harley Crawford, Q.C. Norman A. Shepherd, M.A., LLB. Alan R. Mill, B.A., LLB. WINGHAM, ONTARIO Dial 357-3630 .- Ciropractor. R. BRAY, D.C. - 256 Centre Street Phone 357-1224 Wingham WINGHAM MEMORIALS GUARANTEED GRANITES CEMETERY LETTERING RElkSONABLE PRICES - - Buy Direct ,and Save Bus. Ph. 357-1910 . ` Res. Ph: 357-1015 • K�^a kir -...; �.,s4 ' itN tr7{j: a Frederick F.' iomuth ' Phm.B., R.O. Carol E. Homuth, RO Mrs. Viola H. Homuth, RO OPTOMETRISTS Phone 338-2712 HARR I STON ONTARIO J.\ T G000ALL BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY, ETC. Office — Meyer Block WINGHAM DIAL 357-1990 UT STUDENT POWER TO WORK FOR YOU STUDENT LABOUR IN THIS AREA IS IN VERY LOW DEMAND AND MOST JOBS ARE TAKEN BY OLDER. PEOPLE OR UNIVERSITY STUDENTS. The Wingham Teens have set up an Employment Bureau to help themselves and the people of this area. There must be some jobs around your home or' business that you need done or help with that a capable student can do. The supply of student labourers is at its peak this year. Workers are avail- able for the following duties: . BABY SITTING. MOTHER'S • HELPER WAITRESS OFFICE CLERK GROUNDS KEEPER COTTAGE ERRANDS' CONSTRUCTION There ars enough students available FOR FURTHER IN FACTORY LAWN MOWING PAINTING . GENERAL. REPAIRS GARDENING AGRICULTURE (Farm Work) GENERAL LABOUR OR DESTRUCTION to fill all these positions and more. FORMATION PHONE 357-1208