HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1888-11-29, Page 5DISTRICT DOINGS,
Oeourrauees of the fast week Through
out the Neighborhood in a Doneleo
The Ray Council will meet on Sat-
urday Deo. 15th instead of Ist Dee.
the date to which at tact meeting it
was adjourned.
Everest's. Cough S}ru.i is the best
in the country --Duncan Puree;, Forest
The Goderich Star says that build-
ink operations to the, extent of $37,-
000 have been completed in that town,
this season. Exeter can, we believe,
beat this record.
Mr, Joseph Bell has sold his farm
on the 3rd concession of Stanley to
Mr. Wm. Graham, hisneighbor, for
the suns of $6,000.
On eanesday 14th inst., Mr, Wm.
Haile wood, of Kirkton was married to
Mies Bella Davis. Rev. Mr.Bridgman
of Hensall, pertomed the ceremony in
presence• of the h'iends , of the con-
tracting parties.
Mr. R. H. Rogers, of Fullerton, who
has been away on a trip to Glasgow
and other large Cities of Scotland, re-
turned home on Friday last.
Mr, George Mills, of Kirkton, has
purchased from Mrs. B. Sperling the
property in the village now occupied
by her. Mr's. Sperling and family go
to Denver, Col., some time in Deoem-
1 had tried many doctors and was
given up by them as far gone into con-
sumption, but was permanently cured
by using Everest's Cough Syrup.—Jas
Simpson, Aberarder,
On Saturday evening last Mr.
David Little; of Mitchell, accompanied
by his eldest eon, John, was on his
way home t3 tea, and when just about
opposite the Sigh School he stagger.
ed and fell off the sidewalk and ex-
pired without a word.
The prisoners Hodgins and Haas of
D. D. 'Wilson barn burning fame, were
arraigned before Judge Toms on
Thursday. klaas pleaded guilty and
was remanded till Tuesday, Deo. 4th
for sentence, but Hodgins pleaded
not gulity and was remanded until
same date.
Mr. James Martin, of Tuckersmith,
has rented the farm of Mr. Robert
Fannon, on the Mill road, for a term
of years at the annual rental of $280.
Mr. Fanson will retire.
Mr. Harris Roadhouse, of Kirkton,
who recently made an assignment has
liabilities of $10,000 and assets to
make over that amount. By careful
management the estate will pay one
huneleed cents or more on the $.
Mr. T. C. Cox, of Goderich township
bas an orchard of three acres, from
which he has sold I,360 barrels of
apples within the last four years, as
follows: In 1885 he sold 271 barrels;
in 1886, 260; m 1.887, 504 and in 1888,
255, making a total of ],360 barrels in
four years.
Iver. Oliver Johnston, of Clinton, has
disposed of his stallion, ',Tontine Jr.,"
to Mr.eEli Bateman, of Goderich town-
ship, getting in return a ',Copper
Bottom" mare, valued at $500, impor-
ted from Indiana last spring.
e Within the past week Mr, R. S.
Hodgins, of Lucan, paid as U. S. duty
on barley the sum of $1,280. The
duty being 10 cents per bushel, this
sum represents just 12,800 bushels, or
18 carloads of barley, which he has
sent over the border.
Mr. Wallace Graham, late aaitor of
the Windsor Record, and formerly of
Parkhill, left yesterday for a prolong-
ed trip to California, accompanied by
his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Graham will
pass seyeral weeks in journeying along
the coast of the Golden State, enjoy-.
rug its beauties and noting its points
of interest.
The friends of the family will regret
to hear that John Farrow, mail clerk
on the L. H. & B. Branch of the G. T.
R, who has been suffering from an
absess in on: of his legs, will in all
likelihood lose the limb in eonse-
querce. He is now in the city hos-
pital, London,
A young daughter of Mr. S. 0.
Perry, city treasurer, St. Thomas, was
running across a room Friday morning
with a penknife in its mouth,when it
stumbled and fell and the knife was
driven into item mouth, cutting the
throat badly.
Mr. Alfred Barret, of Parkhill, who
has been absent on a six months trip
through the North-west, British Col-
umbia, California and the Territories,
o returned home Friday night. He
thinks in the North-west and British'
Columbia we have about as fine a
country as the sun shines upon.
A Bayfield correspondent says :—
The present mail route is greatly con-
plained of. The greater part of the
business is done with London houses.
Now it takes three days to have a re-
ply. The mail leaves here at 10 a, m,
arrives in London about 6 p. m., and
is delivered next morning. If tbey
reply at once it reaches Clinton in the
afternoon, but too late to connect
with the stage. This causes business
men here great inconvenience,
e The Ontario Government has made
the following appointments:—William
C. Harris, of the township of Delaware
County Middlesex, to be clerk of the
Fourth Division Court of the said
county, In the stead of Charles G.
Mjiderson, deceased; John A. MoAlpib
of the township of Masa, County ldid-
dleseic, to be bailiff' of the Fifth Divis-
ion Court of the said bounty, in the
stead of James A, Watterworth, re-
signed; William Smith Ormislsn, of
Mitchell, Ooenty Perth, gentleman,
solictor of the Supreme Court of ,lud-
icaturo for Ontario, to be a nota'y
There will be quite a change in the
personnel of the teachers in the vicin-
ity of Kirk ton for the corning year.
Mr. 1', Gowan takes the piece vacated
by Miss Wray. Miisa I oGov an re-
mains at Wbodham, Mr..Baifoui. leaves
at Christina to pursue hes stud.es
further. Miss Somerville leaves the
Base line school. Mr. Doupe.renlains
Ut Fourth Line school With increase of
salary. Miss D. Cameron has resigned
her position at the Third Line school
and her resignation has been aeeept•
ed. Mr. Will Elaclsney remains at
Mount Pleiasanf, school with increase
or salary. Mr. Leigh renutins at Kirk -
ton, Mr. Peter Gowan has secured a
situation at Chains Roa•i school, es.
AcUEsoN.-1u Exeter, on the 26th inst,,
the wife of Thos, Acheson, of a diiuen-
ItereeeneiN—It'aL1n.--At the .reaidenee of
the br'ide's mother, Detshwoocl, by Ree. J'
W. Ortweiu, ou the 14th lust., aer,
Jacob Kellai nem to Miss Hannah Marla
GRAIL T1.arannse.—Iii Exeter, ou 'aVealuea-
day, Nov. 29th,, by the Rev. 13, Clement,
at the residence of the bribe's parents,
Mr. William Gray, of London, to Miss
Donnie, eldest daughter of ifr. Willem
BANIsx.—Wir rsxs•—At the residence of
,x Clinton, Dir, FI. . ilte'P
1 on the 22nd
Met., by the Rev. J. Ege, Mr. Robert
Raney, to Miss Amelia Wiltaie, daughter
of Mr. A. D. Wiltsie. all of Tucksrsmith.
STACEY.--CIIAPMAN.—At the residence of
the bride's permits, drd con. Hay, on
the 21st inst., by the Bev. E. A. Fear,
Mr. John Stacey of Hensall, to Miss
Annie M. Chapman, eldest daughter of
Win. Chapman:
HowARD—In Blauslrard, on the 19th root ,
Mrs. Eliza Howard, aged 60 years.
LANKIN—In Blanchard, on the 15th inat„
John M. Lankin, sou of Sohn Lankin,
aged 3 years and 4 mouths,
.lrl. c1 efield.
RETURNED HOME.—Miss Goodie Marks
has safely returned home from her visit
to Wingham looking hale and hearty.
PURCHASE.—Mrs. Peter McTavish of
Tuckersnrith has purchased one of Mr.
Charles Mason's lately imported fine hor-
ses to send to her son in the Northwest.
MOVING AWAY. —We are losing from
our village Mrs. John Young and family
who are moving to Egmondville. They
will be much missed by us, especially the
son William, 'vho is a fine promising
young man of good and careful habits.
Wilkie M. A. returned missionary from
India, gave a very interesting and instruc-
tive address on the missionary work in
India,undor the auspices of the Mission
Band of Union church, on Tuesday evg.
last in the Union church. Choice musical
selections were given by the church choir.
WEDDING BELLS —Our quiet village
was thrown into a little flurry of excite-
ment on Tuesday afternoon last by a wed-
ding party of no small dimensions driving
up to the Union Church manse where the
nuptials were celebrated by the Rev. J.
H. Simpson assisted by the Rev. Alex.
Grant 13. A. of St. Malys. The contract-
ing parties being Walter J. Stevens Esq.
of Hay, and bliss Margret A. second
daughter of John Tough Esq. of Stanley.
—These services in connection with Union
Church, were held on Sabbath and Mon-
day 18th and 19th. The sermons on
Sabbath preached by the Bev. Alex,
Grant 13. A. of St. Marys, were of the
highest order, and listened to by very
large congregations. The Tea -meeting on
Monday evening was a perfect success.
Excellent addresses were given by the
Revs. McCoy, Egmondville, McDonald,
Seaforth; Forest, Beyfiold; Grant, St.
Mary's; Henderson, Hensall, and Acheson
Kippeu. The music under the leadership
of J. B. Jameson, Esq of the church choir
was of the highest quality. The pastor
presided. •
PERsox. a —Miss Litt who has been
the guest of her sister, Mrs. Rev. C.
Staebler, has returned to her home in
Sebringville. While among us Miss Litt
made many warm friends who were sorry
to see her depart from our midst.—Miss
Kate Holtzman has returned from Grant-
on and will remain with us again.—Miss
Hill, of Detroit, was the guest of her
brother, Mr Angus H11 of the central
hotel.—Miss Mary Ewald, who has been
living in Michigan for some time, is visit.
ing her parent§ here. -.-Mr. W. W. Tait
is able to take charge of his school again
and is, we are glad to say, improvir g
nicely.—Mr. Sam'l Heclden, of the 4th
con., is very low, and his life is despaired
of.—Mr. Paul Link is also very poorly and
his condition is rather doubtful.—Mr.
Sam'l Gidley of Blyth, was in town• on
BRIEFS.—The Rey. W. H. Fife wishes
to acknowledge the kindness of Mr. C.
Beaver, who, this week, gratuitously pre-
sented hirer and family with a fine roast
of oenison Mr. Beaver and Messrs. Rutz
anti Silber have just returned from Mus-
koka bringing 4 fine deer. —The trustees
of our school, owing to the large attend-
ance, have secured the services of a third
teacher, who commenced duties on Tues•
day last.—Mr. Jacob Holtzman, our fash-
ionable tailor, is at present doing a very
extensive businesa and is assisted by a
Large staff of workmen and women. Jake
is up to the tines and has lately procured
at considerable expense, several new
cutting systems which he claims are sure
fit every time.—On Monday last at a
meeting of the Inspectors of the estate of
Geo. Metz, sr., insolvent, Mr. Motz's
offer of .t compromise of forty cents on
the dollar was accepted satisfactory.
Arrangements were -made with Mr. B.
Brown regarding a chattel mortgage, held
by him and the creditors will have ample
security for the above named. rate. Sev•
eral claimants in order to give Mr. Motz
a chance have withdrawn their claims for
the present, and will rank after the
balance of the creditors have received
their claims, The brick and tile now on
the yard will be sold, and Mr. J. 1ilber
assignee, will have the business to trans•
act for the sante .—A nnmher of persons
from here attended the opening of the
R. C. church at Offa, on Sunday last, and
they all say that it is a grand church and
reflets great credit on the comniunity.
Why can not the people of Crediton build
such a church? -Tho sportsmen have re-
turned, having met with very good suc-
cess They secured seVon floe '.leor and
of that number brought home with thein
two fine bucks and two does. They had
a splendid trip teed favorable weather, but
were unfertnuato in losing two dogs, one
baited stolen and the other lost. They
also had considerable trouble corning home
hit, hie missed the boats and consequently
hal to walk a long distance, and (lelaycd
thele two days longer. They have beau
very geuerous with venison, and all who
havereceived some have pronounced it
the finest they have ever oaten, --Mr. J.
W. (trent is at present ertgageil in buying
poultry through this section.—On Tues-
day last, at the residence of the bride's
mother, Miss Lona Brown, daughter of
of the late John Brown, to Mr, ;'red
Hn,fst. The ceremony wets performed by
R ov, itr. Staoblcr, and was witnessed by
a very large number of guests. Among
the numerous presents were some very
useful articles as well as some handsome
When Baby wee siok, we gay er Oastorta,
When site was a Child, she cried for Castoria,
When she became Miss, she :eleug to Oastorla,
When she hail Childrou, she gave them Oastoria,
Is o0o that is based on previous knowledge
or experience therefore those who use 13. B.
B. may reasonably hope for a pure beoeuee
the previous experience of thousands who
have used it, shows it to have saeoeeded
even in the worst cases.
A petition, bearing 3,600 signatures, for
a l oo t o t in Victoria
o repeal of the S t oV oris
113 pe
county, has been received by the Depart-
ment of Justine at Ottawa.
Tire most prevailing complaints at this
season are rheumatism, neuralgia, sore
throat, inflammations and congestions.
For all the* and other paiufnl troubles
Hagyard's Yellow Oil is the internal and
external remedy.
Hon. J. A. Chaplean is a sick man.
He is suffering from nervous affection, but
his condition shows some improvement to-
Out of the many possessed by Bnrdook
Blood Bitters is that it may bo taken at all
seasons of the year, and by either young
or old. In this way the three busy B's are
always at work and doing good.
The Duke and the Duchess of Con-
naught have arrived at Bombay.
Procure a bottle of Hngyard's Yellow Oil
from year medicine dealer, and use accord-
ing to directions. It cured Ida Johnston,
of Cornell, Ont., of that oomplaint, and she
reoommends it as a sure cure. For 25
years it has never failed to give satisfac-
Purnell O'Gorman, formerly M. P. for
Waterford City, is dead.
People who are exposed to the sudden
changes of our nothern climate have little
chance of escaping, colds, coughs, sore
shroat and lung troubles. The best safe-
guard is to keep Hagyard'e Pectoral Bal-
sam at hand. it is a quick relief and re-
liable care for such complaints.
The total receipts from the piecemeal
sale of the monster steamship Great
Eastern amount to $58,000.
Indications of Dyspepsiasuch as sour
stomach, Heartburn, their Headache,
Rising and Souring of Food, Wind on the
Stomach or a choking or gnawing sensation
at the pit of the stomach are fully met by
Burdock Blood Bitters which has cured the
worst oases on record.
An old physician, retired from practice,
having hadplaoedin his hands by an Fast
Indian missionary the formula of a simple
vegetable remedy for the speedy and perma-
nent cure !of Consumption, Bronchitis, Ca-
tarrh, Asthma and all throat and lung
affections, also a positive and radical cure
for Nervous Debility andall Nervous Com-
plaints, atter having tested its wonderful
curative powers in thousands ofoases, has
felt it his duty to make it known to his
suffering fellows. Aotuatedby this motive
and a desire to relieve hum an suffering, I
w•.1send free of charge, to all who desireit,
this xeoipe,in German,French or English,
with full directionefor preparing and using.
Sent by mail by addressing w ith stamp,
naming this oaper,W.4,NOYEa 140 Power's
Dior* Rccheater N
stop them say
a time and then h vmerely
them re
turn again. I MEAN* A RADICAL CURE.
I have made the disease of
Aiif°long study. I wArtRAx'J myremedyto
Cone the worst cases. Because others have
failedis no reason for not now receivinga cure.
Send atonceforatreatise andalorteL Senna
of my INFALLIBLE REMEDY. Give Express
and Post Office. It costs you nothing for a
trial, and it will cure you. Address
Dr. H. G. ROOT, 37 Tonga 131,, Toronto, Oct,
n", Jas
MBE ll Y
LE • A.
h olera. Morbus
0 Lr I C'a�a RAMPS
IA°'l11JS 'A
fed i f AZER
Walnut & i osewood Caskets
Arm Corr/Na or Evruv Desonrrrror.
A Complete Stock of Moos & Trimmings
Always on Band.
My stook of Furniture is un-
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria
(Oorreetodat5 o'olockp.m. Wednesday.
Fal1W'arho a 1
Spring erneat.:.
Clover S red
Timothy •'
Flour psr•bhi ...�.
potatoos,per bushel
Ap.i lco,perbag
DriedApplospr b
(nese per lb.
Turkey per lb
Pucks per pr
Ohiokonaper pr
E8ogs,ciressodperl0 -.
Beef .,.
dressed .
Sheepskins each
Wool per lb .,.
Woodyer cord
ST: erAnrs
00 to 1 00
., 48 to 53
,.. 081 to. O2
... 4 00 10 4 00
e 50 to 8 00
▪ 050to058
• 040to0.00
,.. 00to555
,.. 20 to 25
.., CO to 0 00
... 04ito04i
... 000to000
• 0 07 to 08
• 050to.065
▪ 026to080
... 5 75 to 000
• 50 to5,OC
... 0 40 t o 75
▪ 0 18.to 0 20
.,. 1100 to 12 On
• 2 5 to y 00
Fall Wheat 90 to 1 00
Spring Wheat 00 1 00
Bar.ey 48 (8
Glover Seed ...460 3012'
Timothy 130 2 00
Peas., .............. —........ ...... 58 58
Eggs 19 1(1
Butter..... ................................,......,18 18
Potatoes per bag 50 CO
Apples per bush .. 25 80
Woolperlb 20 2u
Haynor ton 1200 18 00
Bran per tou 14 00 14 00
Shorts ” " ,,, 20 00 20 00
Oatmeal per bbl,....., , 6 00 700
ADv1OE To MOTEEns.—Are you disturbed as
night and broken of your rest by a siok child
suffering and crying with pain of Cutting
Teeth? If so send at once and get a bottle
of"Mrs,Wiuslow's Soothing Syrup" for Chil-
dren Teething. Its value is incalculable.
It will relieve the poor little sufferer im
mediately Depend upon it, mothers : there
is,no mistake about it. It cures Dysentery
and Diarrhoea, regulates the Stomach and
Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the Gums.
reduces Inflammation, and gives tone and
energy to the whole system. Mrs. Winslow's
Soothing Syrup" for children teething is
pleasant to the taste and is the prescription
of one of the oldest and best female
physicians and nurses in the United
States, and is for sale by all druggists
throughout the world. Price twenty-five
cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for "Alas.
WINsr,ow's 9'"oTnrNe s"at' "and take no
°therkind ,
PRo v x 91n7•T =.SFE
Live Stock Association
Home Office -Room D, Arcade, Toronto.
In the Life department this Association pro-
vides indemnity for sicknoss and accident, and
substantial assistance to the relatives of do -
ceased members at terms available to all.
In the live stock department two-thirds in-
demnity for loss of Live Stock of its members.
Applications for Agencies invited. Send for
prospectuses, claims paid, &c.
Managing Director.
A Sew System
It will pay you to try my
Improved System of Bread Mak-
The Bread is sweeter and will retain its
moisture longer than any other in use. A
trial solicited.
You will always find the
Largest and Finest Assortment of
Pastry, Cakes, Confectionery, Or-
anges, Lemons, 8so.
TST mmcalimaeliet.
for enfants and Children®
"Castoria is sa welladapted to children That, aaetorla cures (lane, Constipation,
t recamrnend it as superior to sup QrescrIption, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea,; Eructation,,
known to me." B A., Aaansa M,. D. �varrns, gives sleep, and promotes di
est on
Without '
Y. � injurious m
j us ed[cation.
Tan CENTAoa CoamANy, 77 Murray Street, N. Y.
7:1•a� 12,Tily Wil,
' ! -I rtl°'i8ee aeere'etee0'' : ,w "'.i:r.t,eetettleyeise,:' t ... �.
Tho Undersigned wishes to inform th °public in general tha . he keeps
—constantly m stook—
Bell Stuff, Flooring, Siding, dressed—inch, inch -and -a -quarter, inch-aud-a
half and two inch, Sash Doors, Blinds, Mouldings and all Finishing Material
Lath, &c.
SHINGLES A SPECIALTY.—Competition challenged. The best and the
largest stock, and at lowest prices. Shingles A 1.
All dressed lumber thoroughly seasoned and ready for use. No shrinkage
assured. A call will bear out the above.
THE OLD ESTABLISHED. Jas. 'Willis, Main-st
—FOR --
The cheapest spot in, town for
Hardware, Stoves and Tinware, Paints, Oils and Glass, &c., &o., if you are, ; t
call at
We are now offering the balance of our stock of Axes,
Cross -cut saws, Lamps and Tubular Lanteins, at cosi
30 DA:Y.8 O]TI`Y ?
We would call your attention to a few of our specialties :—
A Handsome Brass Library Lamp,
A Large Glass Stand Lamp, naw design
A Good Tubular Lantern -
: A Good Axe and Handle
An A 1 Manure li'urk
And everything at Rock Bottom Prices for Cash.
$2 50
$1 00
$0 50
$1 00
1$o so.
A full stook of the following lines always on hand -.—Barb wire, Plain Galvanized,
calent and Viled wire, and Buckthorn Fencing.
Having purchased our supply of Binder Twine early we are now in a position to supys
at the lowest possible price.
A full stoce of tinware of all kinds alwa stook. Eavetroughing and roofing a epee
laity. Agents for the B & R Metalic Shin Roofing. Ask for prices. Agents for th
celebrated Raymond Sewing Maonine.
�e�uh y�{'a b�4\ae'a
e O 5 fi O 1
fie ° Got ct4 �e -.4 �°fi
)% 4' o4i' '
int �°
Overcoatillgs at any price ; Suit-
inlys at any price; Pai tltlgs
at any price.
Bost flrdorro Clothing. induced in Itetor
Gentlemen 1 leave your orders tatty, for
with the best staff of 'Tailors ; the beat
stock of Fine Triimnings, and the best
Cnttinq in Town, you are auto of satiable -
e e 3. 5Maf>dl, die i
�4b6, ° °t (1' cwt 1 el co,
G �a'
o °ise , ti
e v� �g,g �� ° Ct
•4 o . w CP
w .4 �P riot ew, yw, a
e 4' + t o fi
S ec G oA Sp, 9, ¢c,
4S> ooye.,4g _As
$ e4 Sw Go' ticc c�N
21amriactured only by Thomas Holloway, 78, New Oxford Street, '
late 585, Oxford Street, Loudon.
y' Purchasers should look to the Label on the. Boxes and L'et»
If the address is not 533, Oxford Street, London, they are spuoinus.
Now that House -Cleaning time is near, we invite your in-
spection to our BIG stook of Carpets, Curtains; and those.
Fancy Window Blinds, &o.
When baying Wall ;'aper don't forget that the OOld.
Established carries the Biggest Stook areal Latest Ar,
ericau Patterns,
Lots of Panay Ceiling.11_ ape` s wit
Corners to match
Window . liras alWPapox
ivnMd•gab.+tla1..:�,tiMs....iY.Wa•a.YkM1Mlawdu 1,... �a�rl.. 'winrtn.Ymii@b�'nN.}.t.n...l...:.N:eheirriF.Cmilmiww}tlYr;WFBYM.'