HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1969-04-24, Page 12Pane 2 Wingham Advance -Times. Thursday. April 24, 1919
Nobody is interested in your
troubles unless a woman is in-
Is That You,
It's okay, Arabella.
Our new name is actu-
ally "United Breeders
Inc.", but you can call
your technician "dear -
ie," or "handsome" or
whatever you like. He
doesn't mind,
Just as long as you
know where to call him.
If -your little black book
still lists Central On-
tario or Waterloo' or
Lambton Cattle Braed-
as,change it right now ,,
to United Breeders Inc.
Another thing, don't
forget to phone morn-
ings before 9:30. Your
technician -goes out ex-
tra early this time of,
year, because he's extra
busyreplacing a couple
of hundred of those
noisy, dangerous, fence
smashing bulls yocir.
great grandma used. to
talk about.
breeders inc.
21st Field Rept.
held exercises
in Listowel area
Members of the 21st Field
Regiment R. C. A. (M) held a a_
special exercise last week -end
to give the men further prac-
tice in their duties as a strike
About 55 men turned out for
the training which took place
on a farm to the northwest of
Listowel. The men were given
instruction on standing and rec-
ce patrols, in defensive forma-
tion and then went on to fire
and movement practice in at-
tack formations.
The exercise was lined up to
give the men training before
they go to Ipperwash for further
work later this spring.
The three batteries fr o m
Wingham, Listowel and Walk-
erton, which make up the 21st
Field Regiment, were all rep-
resented and were under the
command of Maj. J.R. S. Brown,
officer commanding the 100th
Battery in Listowel.
Other officers aiding in the
training were Capt. Allan Kiep-
fer of Listowel, Capt. James
Abbott of Palmerston, Lt. S.
Parker of Listowel and Lt. Wil-
liam Morris of Wingham.
St. Joseph's Hospital in Lon-
don will receive an $11,622 con-
tribution from the federal gov-
ernment's Heal t h Resources
Fund to p r o v id e additional
space for teaching and research
Approval of the contribution
from the. Fund was .announced
by Judd Buchanan, Member of
Parliament for London West, on
behalf of National Health and
Welfare Minister John Munro.
The money will assist. with
costs of renovations being made.
These renovations will provide
offices and facilities f o r ap-
pointees to the hospital from
the. Medical Faculty of the Uni-
versity of Western Ontario. The
doctors are involved in teaching
and research program.
Morrison's Garage
Whitechurch 351-319
17 -24 -lb
MEN OF THE 21st Field Regiment took to the field last
wee':-cnd to practise company strike action. This group
of men from the three Batteries in. Listowel, Wingham and
Walkerton are shown as they prepared to move out and
pture an enemy position.
—Banner Photo.
R. E. McKinneys return to
Mr.' and Mrs. R. E. McKin-
ney have completed their trip
during which they visited a num-
ber of countries, ending up at
Daytona Beach before returning
to. Toronto. Mac sent the fol-
lowing letter while they were
en route from Florida to Cana-
da. •
April 17, 1969
En route
Dear Friends:
Just to add a few highlights
to our trip we had every kind of
weather. Bangkok and Singa-
pore about 98 degrees when we
arrived, Hongkong 78 degrees
and when we arrived in Tokyo.
they had the worst snow -storm
on record—6 inches. Just a usu-
al snow -storm in Wingham but
they seldom get snow. Th e
schools were nearly all closed.
,They hadn't even a snow shovel.
They were using boards, sticks
and sharp pointed shovels.
Arrived on the Super Express
bullet .train 4.30 p. rn. on. Sat-
urday. I never saw such a . mov-
ing mass of people as was in the.
main railway station. I.thought
the 11.million people of Tokyo
were all there. Without .the
Cook's Travel agent meeting
our train 'don't know what we
would have done. He brought
a man with a type of human
yoke and straps to carry our two
large bags to a taxi. No bag-
gage cars on ktrains. Your bags
are stored in the end of your
coach and put on the platform
You take them from there. With
out help it would be terrible
and a .very long distance from
train to taxi.
Tokyo is by far the w ors t
place I ever s a w for traffic.
Taxi fare is extremely cheap.
Everybody uses taxis for even 3
or 4 blocks. They just shove
theirway through and get there.
Nevertheless we really enjoyed
Japan. They like Canadians.
I wore my Maple Leaf button
everywhere till we got to Hon-
olulu. .
After a short stay in Honolu-
lu we flew to the. Island of Maui,
•The Maui Lee Motel was fine
but we found it very .quiet ° and
only stayed a week. We rented
a rambler car, almost new with
automatic equipment. We met
friends there from Toronto.
People said we Must see the
big high mountain (over 10,000
feet to the top) and look into
the Haleakala extinct volcano.
It was 22 miles from bottom to
top of the mountain. So on
Sunday morning we went to the
mountain and up, up we went,
the, cliffs were terrible, the . ,,,,
road very narrow and practical-
ly no'guide fences.: Oli'tboy,
what sharp curves. and s tee p
grades. A real nerve tester. We
got to an observatory only to
find we were only 7,900 feet
up. Thecar was hot and stall-
However, we decided to go
to the top observatory, being
advised to move about slowly
because of thin a' r and not
enough oxygen atis height.
The view was wonderful, crater
Councils oppose
regional govt
'At their April meetings Mor-
ris and Howick.Township Coun-
cils endorsed a strongly worded
resction being circulated by
Tuckersmith Township opposing
Are you financially, able to stand a total crop Toss this year? If not, you need '
crop insurance. To get low-cost comprehensive coverage on your crops, you
must app/y for insurance by the deadline dates listed below, or 10 days after
seeding -- whichever comes first. Call your local Crop Insurance agent today.
Forage Crops: Apply by May 1st.
Spring Grain: Apply by May 15th.
Soybeans: Apply by June 20th. -
Whits Beene: Apply by June 25th.
Parliament Buildings, Toronto 5, Ont.
Grain Corn: Application deadline dates
run from"May 21st to June 1st —
depending on area.
Check with your Agent for the deadline
date in your district.
Crop Insurance derails anti application forms available from:
Sax 299
BLYTH, ONTARIO Phone 523.9217
regional government as it is now
being planned.
Claiming that regional gov-
ernment was taking representa-
tion out of the hands of the lo-
cal people, the resolution said
that it would result in people be.
coming "apathetic" towards
government. As an example,
Tuckersmith Council said that
voter turnout for last year 's
county school board members
was small except where muni-
cipal representatives were also
being elected.
The resolution also expressed
the opinion that centralization
would increase the cost of gov-
ernment and place an unjust tax
burden on rural residents.
Stressing the probability of
higher costs, the township coun-
cil stated that in 1968 assess-
ment costs for the County o f
Huron were approximately $50,-
50,-000 while under provincial take-
over in 1969 it will cost an esti-
mated $200,000.
For these reasons, the resolu-
tion stated that it hoped the
"subject of regional government
will be given long and serious
consideration". As presented •
now, it concluded, it is being
opposed for Huron and for all
of Southwestern Ontario.
Local er Out -of -Town
PHONE 357-1423
Residence: 5284647
Canada after world: tour
circumference 21 miles and
2000 feet deep. • As we started
down I saw a narrow road turn-
ing up to the peak. There were
no signs to say not to go so fool-
ish me, I was going to the very
top when I was so close.
That's where I was so wrong.
We went around the sharp steep
curves for at least.2 miles. past
3 extremely large„ metal saucers
and landed abruptly on an as -
phalt pad about 22 feet wide
and 45 feet long. The l i t t l e
white dome at the end, that was
it. To look out we,were above
the clouds. Miles away we
could see the Pacific Ocean ands
one d(rection through openings
in the Clouds w e could sec the
city of HisktIau airport 30 miles
away. I never was so scared
and the car stalling continually.
No personaround and I know I
had to get turned around. I
couldn't look beyond the little
asphalt surface for fear I'd faint
I don't know yet how, but I did
get turned with Muriel's help.
Next day I learned we had
no business being there. at all„
It was only used by men with
small cars and was the satellite
tracking station. A few days
later I met a lady in Honolulu
who lived on Maui Island. I
told her where .1 had gone. and
she said, "Oh my! You should
not go up there. You. can't tum
your car". I said, "Lady, please
don't tell me, I had to , turn!:".
The reason the car was stalling
was lack of oxygen. • Down at
the observatory s e v e r a l cars
were stalling. I had never
thought anyone could get into
such a terrible predicament.
We returned tO Honolulu for
another w ee k or so and one
• Morning it was dull =41 said
to Muriel, "How would you. like.
togo to Florida for a week?".
She said sure. ..I think she
thought I was kidding.. I went
to Pan Am (they were.being
picketed re pendingstrike) and
changed our tickets. We left
Thursday evening arid were:'in
vi dam. Arrived •
3Q a ¥rI
Oa y atsyed' a W d 041,
round 'our the McQ1,
had ler the day we left Hong*
1311411. ; ire vilite d with other
k1 returned via "l am a
And Air Ca a
We had a'wonderful :trip4► Es'
hayed it all very much .although
it was Strenuous. You can''t go
through 2?. plane 0014 bts plus
trains andbeacawithout a great
deal of effort and preblemis... 1
only wish OW yoflng • p+ o p l e
could see these other cout.tries
We sur. e would have much less
discontent„ As for me, there's
just no -place like, Huron County
and I like Daytona Beach.
Mac McKinney
800' lb. Heref Ord or. Angus
. ROSS GREGORY, Phone- 769i2255s
R, R. 2, Port Stanley: FINGAL, ONT.
Salurday, May 3rd, 1:30 p.m,.
800 HEAD consisting. of Calves, Heifers
and Steers
For Consignment Contact:
482-7511 234.6200
Auctioneers: Hector McNeil -Larry Gardiner
We specialize' in a complete line of
Sales and Service
Phone 365-W-6
Brussels y
or • 527-0245,
There are people who shoot themselvesc Others take poison. Some drown themselves. These
are the traditional ways of committing suicide. They are quick.
There are slower ways of cutting a few years off one'iS life and thousands -- about ten thou-
sand Canadians a year take this way of leaving their ' family and friends prematurely.
They smoke a package or more of cigarettes daily.
They do this despite the urging of medical societies, voluntary health agencies and very often
`" their personal physicians.
For at least 12 years these warnings have bee'i quite. clear. One of the first, the Doll -Brad-
ford Hill Report was published in 1957 in the British Medical : Journal, surely a sufficiently
august paper to impress anyone. Next came the report of the Surgeon General of the United
States, an even more extensive study. There was nothing uncertain about the findings. They
pointed out that smoking cigarettes increased the danger of • cancer of the lungs, cancer. of the
bladder, heart disease, emphysema and chronic bronchitis enormously.
These studies have been followed by a flood of others in countries dotted all over the world,
rich countries and poor countries. They all came up with theeame answer. No matter where
you live if you smoke a package of cigarettes or more a day, you are more likely to die prema-
turely of the diseases listed above than if you don't smoke. The reply of the smokers almost
uniformly is "Well, you have to die of something."
The Canadian Tuberculosis and Respiratory Disease Association has something to say in reply
to that. You may have to live with emphysema, which means living, but struggling for every
breath, for years and years. There are people with emphysem# living in wheel chairs. There
are people with emphysema who must be waited on like invalids, month after month. It isn't
pleasant for them or those around them. In fact it is pitiful. Eight out of ten of the victims
of -this disease have been cigarette smokers.
To anyone who smokes habitually the Canadian TB - RD Association says "Go to the nearest
TB - RD Association and get a pamphlet EMPHYSEMA : THE FACTS or YOU'RE
And quit smoking. 4
Tuberculosis Emphysema ---- Air Pollution
Huron . Perth
Ts ar,J RD
121 WelIIngt n Sf.
01.1 V1.7308