HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1888-11-22, Page 7LATEST FROM EUROPE, White°'lapel Again—King Milan and; AuS- tria—The Empress of Austria. There is little new and nothing important to add to add to the deeeile a the letest FACT AND INCIDENT, King Milan's Diyoroa, . Xing Milan ef Servia ett last has! obtained IsIaney Edgerly, oi GVolfboro, N. is 105 years old and netter had a physician Egi: tegit37° 97.fihaedgiTtGarielfyromhwi itgt ptoetigutet: gge but ewe ia her life, and then threw the having beea found either too slow or timer - medicine away Miss Louie Hiatt, a 16 yeemme 'ewe tein as regarde the result, the Servian enh001 gid of Crawfords eine, Ind., has meeetterIP:xUlaenee' traBe4gbrilhialiPe "by virtue a el the taken the stump in favor of Cleeland. deoted and Thurmwhiom. Much of her epetch is e°43515/"i"1 IlutbritY" has pronotumeel elTiettStehapel herrele The %mete Maile bY vte the twat, ch She handlee Kin Mllatee Marriage diesolyed. Tne the police Monday night amount to neughti * Queenhes declared that this act of the prim:d- in an able inettitleer Charles Warren confess a his utter helpless. residence anew on West End avenue, New York illegal and voiet—Pre it probably is. Bub ries deep rm. Sir Gennt's widow lida perchaseelpel dignitary of the Servian etete church is The mytery is as ever, C . Gra the question for the pretreat le one er Nem City at a cost of $163,000. Two of her rather than of right. Servie is the least Imes in the ease by publiehiug a promise of pardon to any arcoomplioes who may csoneent to turn infermer against the principal murderer, and then reeignieg his position. This is al the more absurd since every de- tail of the nine murders of the same type go to show that the assessin had no aocom- pike. His latest esortpacie, however, peeves that he is a shrewd man, and not above changing his tantics. Knowing that the streets are closely watched, he lures his victims to their rooms. So long as he follows out this plan there is no limit to his opportunities for crime, and he will probsbly not be caught unless by some. blunder of his own. An important fact has been pointed out which star be a new and gate probable theory as to the murders. It appears that the cattle boats bringing live frieght to London usually come into the Thames on Thursdays and Fri- days and leave again for the Continent on Sundays or Mondays. It hes already been a matter of eminent that the revolting crimes have all been committed at the end of the week'and an opinion has been formed by some detectives that the murder- er is a drover or butcher wisp eye d on ene of these boats, of which there are many, and that he periodically appeare and disappears with one of the iteamers. This theory is held to be of &itch importance by those en- gaged in the investigation, who believe that the murderer does not resideeither in White- chapel or even in this country at all. Is is thought that he may be either a person em- ployed upcn one of these boats, or one who is allowed to travel by them, and inquiries have Once some time been directed towards the following up of thie theory. sons and their wives will live with her, and Mrs. Sartoris is expeefed fre make long vieits. Mrs. Grant !suffers much from aethina. Brown and blue are deoidedly the popular colors of the season in women's dr ess and house decoration. Leaving out the sky there is lees blue in nature than any other color. It is peculiarly a "heavenly"color. and Madonnas have always robed in it. Mies Wheelock, of Milwaukee, founder of the first purchasing agency of the Wait, is among the busiest of women. For now her business is suoh that each day she and her agents buy and ship tons of goods, and, in addition, she teaches a whiet clues, and has had in tore years or less 199 pupils. Mrs. Cynthia Leonard, the candidate for Mayor of New York on the equal rights ticket, has ordered 20,000 posters and 500,- 000 ballots bearing her name to be printed for the coming election. It is just possible that she will not need so many as she haa ordered, but like a prudent stateawoman she prefers to be on the safe side. In one of the courts recently in the 1Vlidland Counties, a woman was teetifying on behelf of her son, and swore that he had worked on a farm ever since he was born. The lawyer who cross-examined her said :—" You asserb that your son has worked on a farm ever since he was born?" "1 do." "Whet did he do the first year?" "Be milked," she replied. The whole court laughed heartily, and the witness was questioned no further. It is annotruced that the mpress of Aus- tria intends to go over anl look at the United States Her trip is based really on her desire to be rid for a prolonged time of her husband, whom, as everybody knows, she thoroughly disliees, and also in the hope that a change of air may lessen the rheuma- tism to which she is an absolute mertyr. The only way in which she obtains any re- lief is by having two strong females con- stantly in attendance to treat her by mas- sage, and, considering what the massae nreeess must be like ro one suffering from violent rheumatism, it can easily be under- stood that the poor Empress does not enjoy life. Austria is beginning to worry about King Milan's sincerity. Havieg stood. by him through his divorce troubles and induced Germany to expel his wife from the country and to give up the Crown Prince, his son, it id now painful to notes the Servian King's tendency to lean upon R1.18Siti. It is hinted that his majesty King Milan, tired. of divor- ces and trials, marts to abdicate in favor of his son, but this is extremely unlikely. It is much more probable that he will continue reigning, an occupation which seems ta suit him, and to play off Russia on one side against Austria oa the other for his own benefit, The French :are very much worried about the he ilth of the King of the Netherlands. Reliable information reports that his recov- ery is hopeless, owing to a fatal complica- tion of diseases. The fact that the Duchy of Luxemburg at his death passes to Ger- many is the circumstances which accounts for Frenchmen's anxiety. important of European Oates that bear the title of kingdom, aild has emerged from semiebarbariam only in the present century. The sovereign's authority is constitutionally restricted. t ne moral prestige and Wiliam° of the crown have been nearly destroyed by the king's weakness and folly and the domestic scandal that has divided the people into a party ot ths king and a party of the queen. The Oarenovitch dynasty rose from obsourity in recent times and its righter of sovereignty are still disputed by a pretender family. The king is only thirty- four years old; but, if his wife were dead, he could not expect to marry a princess of one of the old royal houses which do not recognize ihe family reigning in Servia as their equal. The cc untry obtained full in. dependence only ten years ago. The mot - arch assumed the title of king in 1882 and ootained from it prompt recognition by the great European powers. Milan's preepects of a long reign are by no means good. Revolutions have frequently occurred in Servia and an unpopular ruler has every reason to fear attempts against his life. The king has one child, Crown Prince Alex- ander, twelve years of age, whose education is said to have been neglected in conse- quence of the estrangement between his parents. The moat remarkable pedestrian feats that that has been recorded for several years was recently performed by Mrs. B. M. Kimball of Providence. Mrs. Kimball is 83 years of age, and is summering et Bethlehem. Not- withstanding her fourscore years and three the other day she climbed, with no further assistance than an Alpine staff afferds, to the summit of Mount Agasrez. The ascent shoots up very steeply in places, but the en- ergetic octogenarian made every obstacle succumb to the wieohery of feminine pede 5. triansm. The medical squabble over the late Ger- man Emperor's disease stol goes on in all its unseemly bitterness. It Is very likely that the fault does not all lie on one side. But this is evident that, by their own cen- fession, those medicos knew very little about the very matter on which they claimed to be masters. And is this nob the case with a great deal of what comes under the range of the doctors' work? Doctors of to -day laugh at the crude empiricism of their pre- decessors of thirty years ago, and it is as certain as anything in the future can be that before another thirty years have pass- ed the present medical oracles will be equal- ly discredited. They have a charitable organization in Philadelphia which might be copied else - Vital Wicks, "The iga are three wick? to the lamp of te man's like: brain, blood, and breath." Thus writes an eminent Annerican author. The meet frequent derangements occur in the blood and in ti e liver, by which, when in healthy Condition,. the blood is purified Looh out for the termble chain of disclaim that owe their inception te torpid liver and consequent impure blued. When the symp- toms of liver and kidney troubles, immune. ptiou( Lung scrofula), bronchitis, and dropsy, make their appearance, the system is in imlaediate need of a course of De. Pierce's ltien Medioel Dieeevery. Its marveloue effects have been re sled and proven in the cure of tens of thousands of easels, It puede. fies and enriches the lslood, reatores lost vitality, and effeetaally eradicates the seeds of the worst maladies that biddict menkind. Pastor—" Thomas 1 Don't you think yonr yorents would feel very sore if they knew you were fishing on the Sabbath ? Thomas " Yes sir; but not half as sore as I'd fuel if they found it out." Is mirthful meaeures, warm. and free, I sing, dear maid, and sie g for thee ! Bat I think I would be performing, a greater service to you and your sex by sing- ing not in measured rythm but by setting out some strong truths in simple prose. It you or any of your female friends are suffer- ing from ulcerations, displacement, bearing - down sensatione, or unnatural discharges, use Dr. Pierce's Favorite Presoription, whioh is mire to eradicate therm complaints in a short time. It is the only medicine for women's peculiar ailments, Nold by druggists, "under positive guarantee," from the manufacture ere, that is will give satisfaction in every case, or money witl be refunded. Thia guar- antee has been printed on the bottle -*rap- per, and faithfully carried out for many years. In the United States the telephone is used 595 times, the telegraph 136 times in a minute. .A Prince's Philanthropy. A good deal of comment is made in the German press on the singular bequest—and the still more singular way in which the same was carried out —of the recently de- ceased Austrian Prince Schwarzenberg, who leaves a fortune of upward of 120,000,000 gulden (250,000 0001.) at the lowest estimate. The above-mentioned bequest to the poor of Vienna, the city in which he was berm and where he had resided during most of his lifetime, was -1,000 gulden 1 This munificent (?) bequest was announced to the municipal council of the Austrian capital by the son and universal legatee of the deceased in a letter, in which he says that, "prompt- ed by the desire of expressing also his per- sonal sentiments and his attachment to his native city, he has given orders to his treasurer to pay over the amount without any further delay." Noblesse oblige. The succession tax alone amounts to upwards of 6,000,000 gulden. The immense estates of the deceased—scattered through Bohemia, Austria proper, Styria, Salzburg, Franconia, etc.—cover an area larger than that of the principalities of Lippe and Waldeck com- bined, and have frequently been designated as the "Prince Schwarzenberg Empire." His Little Mistake. A few weeks ago a fashionably -dressed where with advamtage. It is cane the Brooklyn lady entered a New York book - Visiting Nurse Association, and it is in its store in search of a volume for her husband. essence, if we understand aright, an association of ladies who give their seivices gratuitously at the bedsides of those who need skilled nursing but who cannot afford to pay for professional attendance. It ap- pears that the hospital accommedation of Philadelphia, liberal as it is, is overtaxed, and this means has been devised to fill up the deficiency. There can be no work more consonant with the whole spirit of the life of Jesus of Nezereth than just such humble, self-denying work for the poor who are made in his image, and in whom it is com- forting to think, He is still especially in- terested. Could any more helpful way of giving a cup ot cold water in His name be devisee than this of nursing those whose sufferings without such ministrations would be more intense. Another step in the more rational treat- ment of soldiers in the British Army was taken about the beginning of 1887. Courts martial were directed to be more lenient and discriminating in their sentences and a greater latitude was given for treating many delinquencies as minor offences instead of having them sent to a court martial. The results as given in the lately published re- turns have been most satisfactory. The number of courts martial have fallen off 15 per cent, while the "minor offences" instead of showing a corresponding increase all fell cff 10 per cent while the general tone of the army was higher than it had been ih the past. This is every way to be rejoiced in. it tells how enlightened leniency and fair treatment will by and by effect the most ignorant and brutal and how there is a way by which every man's honour owe be touched and for good if it can only be discovered and followed. All of the lower animals can be tamed by a process of kindness and fair treatment. Is it wonderful if British sol- diers also feel the power of such a proceed- ing? It would seem all but certain that Stanley has come to an untimely end in his efforts to succor Emin Bey, or whatever else he may be called, and to open up Africa. If so the whole civilized world will be sorry, for though Stanley was a somewhat bragging, blustering Yankee, the very type of an im- pudent interviewer, yet there were a great many good points about him and he ham left a name indissolubly associated with Africa, and with all of the best which has been done for that dark continent. To all appearance he never was more needed in the interests of civilization and Christianity. But this is never to be lost sight of, that no man is in- dispensable, and that God can always carry on the work even when He buries the work- men. It will be a matter of infinite sage - faction to us if at no distomt day we hears tell of the reappearance of the hardy explorer and though thing e look rather dark at present, yet there is hope for the best tee beg as there is not certainty of the worst. Occupation in Heaven - The enterprising " interviewer " of the "New York Herald" has been improving his time by extracting information from eminent divines on what may be the way in which people will be employed in Heaven. Instead of honestly telling the young man that they did not know, and that idle corjectures on the subject were both profttless and perplex- ing, the reverend gentlemen visited talked over the whole subject with all the readiness and all the confidenoe to be expected in a discuosion of the rooms and revenues, the duties and delights of the old homestead in which they had lived for sixty years. Dr. Talmage was specially copious in his remarks and cofident ha his descrintions. He evi- dently carries a ground plan of the entire place in his vest pocket, and there was not an incident in the home life of all these upper regions with which he was not entire- ly familiar. Who told Talmage that the scholar "would know more in a second after getting to Heaven than Faraday or Newton ever learned during all their earthly lives ?" Who told Dr. Paxton that there would be "no eternal loafing round the throne ?" The fact of the matter is that all such oracular talk is idle trifling. The Bible has a better plan. What it says of Heaven is more by negatives than in any other way, and both reporters and divines might be better employed than in mooning, dreaming and speculating about that of which, beyond the few hints given in the Scriptures, they know and can know positively nothing. The Peasant's Joke. On a recent hunting expedition the Aus- trian Kaiser and his friend the King of Saxony had strayed some distance from their comrades of the chase, and coming up with a peasant's cart they asked the occupant to give them a lift. The latter did not recog- nize them, as they were both attired in Styrian dress, but readily acceded to their request. On taking leave of him the Em- peror told him who they were. The peasent Smiled ineredutously, and. said : "Well, friend, if you be the Emperor of Austria and yOur companion the King of Saxony, I had better tell you who I am. My good fellows, I am his Holiness the Pope l' With thie he drove off, delighted at having, at he thought, the beet of the joke, My Toothaohe Is an eitclamation heard every hoer in the day. Toothache is the most common ail- ment of young and old, and in the aggregate initiate more suffering than perhaps any other tingle complaint. A one minute mire is just What every person deeircs to pOSIEleee, Nervilite—nerve pain cure—acte almost ins stantly in relieving the agony and as a earn - pie bottle affords a quantity enfidoient for 100 applications, 10 cents fills the bill. Poi- son's Nerviline is the only positive remedy for toothaehe arid all terve pail% Sold by all dealers in medicine. The head clerk inquired of her whether her husband was grave or gay, scientific or philosophical? The lady retorted with the air of a woman not to be 'trifled with: "Het, a wholesale butcher." "Buy him Lamb's Tales,'" inadvertently replied the clerk. It is hardly necessary to add that the sale was not effected. 111s, Wills, and Pills. An odd mixture of words, but the sufferer from constipation, indigestion, impure blood biliousness, and other such Ws, can be cured if he reels, without taking the horrid, old- fashioned pills. These are superseded in our day by those wonder-working, yet tiny, little globules, known as Dr. Pierce's Plea- santi Pellets. No griping, no drastic purg- ing; do not cause cost iveness afterwards, as the old-style pills do. One little Granule a dose. An Englishman recently stated in court that he married at are age of 16 because he was out of work Will Not Leave Us. It having been rumored that Mr. W. H. Riddell, the able and popular Secretary of the Ontario Mutual Life, had accepted a similar position in" Toronto, we are author- ized to say that the position of Secretary of the Manufacturers' Life Assurance Com- pany and Manager of its Head Office, was offered to him, but for reasons not necessary to state here, he refused at present to be- come an applicant,notwithstanding the fact the., salary would be very handsome and that other very tempting inducements were held out to him. While we would be pleased bo announce his preferment we but voice the unanimous feelings of our citizens when we say his departure from Waterloo would be sincerely regretted, not only by the Company he has so long and efficiently serred, but by a host oifrieuds and acquaint - 10 whom he has endeared himself during a residence -of seven years in their midst, by his genial and obliging disposition and other qualities which go to make up the successful business man and worthy et :Nen. —[Waterloo Chronicle, Nov. 1st. The housekeeper ot the preeeht Eatl Warwick died recently mid. bequeathed Mi.- - OW to her erriployer. Plaint y the accemidae The Nineteenth Century has entered on a erutiade against the present system of eX. aminations, as ono that fosters mere "cram" and ia prejudicial: to true education. The attack is partioipated in by numbers of quite notable people). Theta has been a sition for some time back to look with A. P. 424. CANOES. "WM. ,:rie4lEfailirl.1.Catalogue.cler tou ro, Ont. DIATENTS procured, Patent Attorneys, and exper. r Est'd 1867. Donald C Iiidout at Co., Toronto ACHUIES FARMS .E; _11.'9'18ailaPPEnt°L. tottlriNeirep'eciat.Lbt4,8,1arn:: II. S. MITCHELL, DRAYTON, ONT. TUM.0.7.LS, ULCERS, SCROFULA, CANCER etc., cured permanently withouo , the knife. Apply to DR, W. L. SMITH, 124 Queen Street E, Toronto. GENTS 1 UNEMPLOYED I We handle only standard epecialtiee, ot which no rtner firm has a right to sell in Canada. Write us. Terbox Bros., Toronto, Ont. 66 riiiuu DANDY" PATENT BAGHOLDER, je which every farmer wants now, costs only 75 de., and it there is no local agent, may be obtained (free by express or mail), on sending price to C. W. ALLEN Ss CO., World Building, Toronto. California. Ask for tickets via the old established and favorite Overland route comprising the Chicago and North Western, and Union and Southern Pacific Reilwerys. Two feet trains leave Chicago daily with unrivalled accom- modations for first and second class pas- sengers. Rates no higher than by other lines. Baggage checked through. Full in- formation covering rates, etc., with time tables and maps given by J. H. MORLEY, Canadian Passenger Agent, 69 Yonge St., Toronto, Ont. Sunday school teacher—What makes you feel uncomfortable when you have done wrong? Scholer—Pa's trunk strap. A very red-headed citizeu of Atchison, Kan., aays that when a boy he had the scar- let fever snd it settled in his heir. Coff No More. Watson's cough drops are the best in the world for the throat and chest, for the voice unequalled. See that the letters R. & T. W. are stamped on each drop. Sara Bernhardt's latest " creation" is a dreier of salmon -colored satin, trimmed with silver passementerie. A merely fallen enemy may rise again, but the reconciled one is truly vanquiehed. ITCHIND PILES. SVIdeeMes—Moisture' Intense itching and etInging• most at night ; WOre10 by scratching., If allowed to continue tumors form, which often bleed and ulcer- ate, becoming very eore. SWAIM'S onermerer stops the itching and bleeding, heals ulceration, end in many cases removes the tumours. It's equally efle. melees In curing all skin dioceses. DR. SWAYNE & SON, Proprietor*, Philadelphia. SWAYNE'13 GINTAtENT ETOLO e No la 14 55, jaCuorFrisrplcartn.d;ewest Rates.e Eslebtishecl 1860. 72 King -SO. E., Toronto. A TTENTION 1 AGENTS t—Ledies or gentlemen .e-&. girls or boys, The best 250 selling article in int! world. Somethin< new and needed in every hoesehold. Sells like het cakes. Sample by mail, post paid, with tull particulars, on receipt of 15 ceets. Address, C. W. DENNIS, 0 Yonge Street Arcade, Toronto, Ont. 4 4 BEAUTIFUL STORY" AND GOLDEN GEMS of Religious Thoueht, by J. W. Buel and T. De Wit Talmage, D.D.; beautifill illustrations, color- ed and plain; handomely bound ; lerge quarto hook; plain type and just such a book that takes the eye at a glance; terms to agents extra, liberal. WILLIAM BRIGGS, ublishar, Toronto. ean be Obtained of druggists. Sent by mail ter 50 eyee of trofrrendly criticism upon eXtuninei ciente. tions. The method has been pushed, to ex A Goon Unlit IS indospensible to the ceps, and what should Mtge beea kepb strictly stiltordinette, has been exalted to a position of honour. Examinations hold a useful place in any scheme of education. It is not easy to see how they cotild be done Withont altogether, but they may easily be - dome an end rather than a moans'. It is to be feared that thit is now too much the carte in neatly all countries in the erltication. al systetios of Which oertinatitive examilia- tious aro itt voguo. They foster at undue regard for mere memory, and lead to all amount and kind of mental effort, which in many oases is hortful to heelth, and which in no ease really protnotes, the- highest kiha thin Of fees from visitors to Ararwiok Castle, of intelleetmal activity. Brilliant! Durable! Economical! totG PUoRi_ En G. • .ThE SIRONGAST.PUGEST:Aid Besi; FLAVORING E XT RAC T$..ORE , ifiEll,PIE EUSENESSi COLLEGE, Guaiple , VI" Ont.—The Fifth Scholaetie year began Sept. tesicetu tiThori settee,. Of education pursued is at once ins and eminently prim ioal, meeting in4 very marked degree the requirements if this prom0 sire and commercial age. Few, if any, of the gracile, ate% according to the thowing of peat result, need be lt no unemployed, To u.ention their taming sehool, 18, as a rule, a passport, to eligible and lucra- tive situations Address, 1.1. MacConatea, Principal. Diamond Dyes excel all others — • Leather 4 elting BEST VALUE IN THE DOMINION. F.E.DIXON &CO, MAKERS, 70 KING ST. E, TORONTO Send for Price Lists and Discounts. in Strength, Purity and Fastness, None other are just as good. 13f,- I ware of imitations, because they I are made of cheap and inferior materials, and give poor, weak, crocky colors. To be sure of Success, use only the DIAMOND DYES for coloring Dresses, Stock- ings, Yarns, Carpets, Feathers, Ribbons, Szc., &e. We warrant then.' to color more goods, pack- age for package, than any other dyes ever made, and to give more brilliant and durable colors. Ask for the Di anzond and take no other FOR A Coat Colored A Dress Dyed Garments Renewed J CENTS. A Child can use them! At Druggists and Merchants. Dye Book free. WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO, 111ONTREAL, P. Q. ANADA SHIPFINI4 CO.—Beaver Line of Steamships, sailing weekly between Montreal and Liverpool. Saloon tiokets, Montreal to Liverpool, $40, 850 and 860. Return tickets, 280, 890 and 2110 aceording to steamer and ,accommodEtion. Inter- mediate, $30 ; Round rip tickets, $60. Steerage, 820; Round trip tickets, 840. For further particulars and to eecure births, apply to H. E. MURRAY, Genera. Manager, 1 Custom House Square, Montreal, or to the Local Agents in the different Towns and °hies. ORONTO CUTTING s1101.—Gentlemen desirous of acquiring a thorough kuowledge of garment cutting should visit us. Scientific and reliable systems taught whereby perfect fitting gar- ments are produced. Circular with full information on application, S. CORRIGAN, Prop , 122 Yonge et., Toronto. FREE.-1EVEYVD?L°41PoN,t,!'otid'T: air LJIG o o ds. Ladies' Wigs, Frontpieces, Waves, Wigs. Wigs, etc. Gents' Wigs. Toupees, etc. Send for circulars and prices. You can get these plods a. eattsfaetory by mail as by personal selection. If you are Bald peetect your head by one of Doren - weed's Undetectable CON metres. A. DORENWEND, PARIS HAIR WOBKS, 103 and 105 Yonge Stree 4, Toronto, Ont., elan. ful Needle 1 requires no threading! to all who send us 10 cents silver for postage, etc. We make this great oder to introduce our good. into every home. Address at once, WO.ITON MANF'G CO., 501 Queen St W., Toronto, Ont WESTERN MACHINERY DEP" TMNIENSE STOCK of Machinery to select from. Send for Lists. W. PETRIE, Brantford, Ont. ETO LOAN efiteEKT FONCIER FRANC° • CANAkellEN. CAPITAL, $5,C00,000. Helm ORRICE, Moseeeee, OFFICE ONTARIO DIVISION, WELLINGTON Sr., TORONTO. This Company ie pre- pared to make advances on the security of GOOD FARM PROPERTY Dt lowest current rate ot in- terest. and on favorable terms. 1114911tTG&GES 141111C11ASED. For informationapple to the Lecal Agents of the Compaey, or to W E. LONG, Manager, Toronto, Ont. glljgAgE itntszreon—ss:f..11nnzliBV8S—h pe ‘sv, Fineet Americ in Hog Casings. Orders filled for any desired quantity. Write for pricee. JAS. PARK at MON. 41 tu 47Lawrenbe Margret St.:Toronto. coMfort of a family during the long winter mieniegs. Poor coal oil is next thing to bad bread. Ilousekeepere who cannot have gad ehould use " Corbett Safety OIL" Sold by dealers everyWherm A Cure for Drunkenness.: ffThe oplum habit, deposmania, the morphine habit, nervous prostration caused by the use of Tobacto, Walrefulnessonental depression,eef "ening o f tile brain, dee premature 1d ogre, leo of vitality caused by over exertfen a the bran, and nes of flatting strength frogs met Nome whatever. Men- 3:Ming, old Or 'ad. dle-aged—who ars broken down from any of the abeve muses, or any eause not mozitoned above,flOttfl your address and 10 cente in damps for /mben Treatise, le beak fortre et Ditsctses of ilittiL 'Books tenteealed and secure frim eb,,erVatien. Address M. 11, LIMA 41 We lingfon street Bad, Tetonto, Ont, OF PURE COO LIVER OIL AND HYPOPHOSPH1TES. utleseeset= Almost as Palatable as Milk. So diognised that the most delicate stomach can, take it. Remarkable as a PIRS.13 PRODUGER. Persono GAIN sap - idly white taking IT. SCOTT'S EMULSION is ecknowledged by Phy- sicians to be the FINEST ancl BEST preparatien of its class for tho relief of CONSUMPTION, SCROFULA, GENERAL DEBILITY, Wasting Diseases of Children. and CHRONIC COUCH& SOlci by art Drugoists, s0e. and $1.00. LADIES, LOOK: BERLIN WOOLS, all colors, Sc per oz. OHETLAND AND ANDALUSIAN WOOLS, Se per De" oz. ; Sexony Wool, all colors, 10c per skein ; Ice Woel, beet quality, 10c per ball ; Embroidery Silk, every shade. 10c dozen skeins ; Arrasene, all colors, 30c dozen skeins ; Filoselle, best quality, 46o and Mc dozen ekeine : Macrame Cord, 15 colors, 10c ball • Felt, extra quelity, 2 yards wide, 21.00 per yard% Woolen Java Canvas, all oolore, 450 yard ; Always ou hand newest materials for faecy worke at lowest prices. Letter ordere have prompt and care- ful attention. Goode can be sect to any part r Canada hy post. Write for price list. A trial solicit- ed. HENRY DAVIS; Importer, 232 Yonge Street, Toronto. Neese mention this paper. CANADA PERMANENT Loan 86 Savings Company INCORPORATED 1855. Head (Moe Toronto St,, Toronto. Subscribed Capital, Pain 110 Capital Total Assets $ 4,500,000 2,550,000 10.0110,000 ELAYS ARE DANGEROUS. Don't wait until you are burnt out or robbed, buy a Safe now and sleep easy and be sure and get prinee, etc., of theNew Champion Safe. S. S. 1/1110113A.LL. 577 Craig St, P. 0. Box 945. Montreal, E. q, The enlarged capital and resources of this Company, together with the increased facilities it has recenNy acquired for supplying land owners with cheap money, enable the Directors to meet with promptness and at the lowest current rate of interest all requirements for loan, upon satisfactory real estate security. Application may be made to either of the 100m. pany's local Appraisers, or to J. HERBERT MASON Manageg Direotor, Toronto. . 11 lig Men SUFFERING from the effeets of early evil habits, the result ignordeme end folly, Who flnd themselves weak, ner V0118 arid exhausted; RASO MIDDLIE•AORD and Ote Mae, who are broken down from the effects of abuse or over -work, and in advanced Ole teel the conseqtences of youthful excess, sencl for and read M. V. Lubon's Treeitse on the Diseases of Men. The book will be sent sealed to any addrese on receipt of 30. tither. Ad4rees f St T to to Oat M V I.) BON, entne on . , . Allan Line Royal Mail Steamship Sailing during winter from Portland every Thurediey and Halifax every Saturday to Liverpool, and in sum. neer from Quebec every Saturday to'Liverpool,calling at Londonderry to land mails and passengers for Scotland and Ireland ,• also from Baltimore, via Hall fax and St. John's, to Liverpool !fortnightly during summer months. The steamers of the Gle.e. gow tines sail during winter to and from Halifax Portland, Boston and Philadelphia; and during sun mer between Glasgow and Montreal weekly ; gow and Boston weekly, and Glasgow and Phdade phia f ortnightly. For freight, passage or other information apply A. Schumacher si Co., Baltimore •' S. Cunard s Ot Halifax; Shea & Co., St John's,Nfid., Wm. Thom, son & Co., St. John, N. B.; Allen & Co. Obleagr Love & Alden, New York; H. Borulier,' Toronte Aliens, Rae & Go., Quebee ; Wm, Brookie'Philade. phis; H. A. Allen l'ortland, Boston. Montreal. tained Glass FOR CHURCHES, DWELLINGS, AND PUBLEC BUILDINGS. inAUSLAN & SON, id King St, W., Toronto. imsogOiciAPBEI.V. CHATHAM, ON DELICIOUS AND NOURISHING Manufactured only by Ellis & Keighley, - Toronto. rw. LA.161 ..,elbress and.liantle,Cuthng by new and improved TAILORS' SQUARE. Satisfaction guaranteed to teach ladies the full ort of mating all garments worn by ladies and children. PROF. SMITH, 349i Queen St. W., Torouto. Agents Wanted. Waley, ROY00 Cl/ 283 Yonge Street, 'Toronto. The Cheapest [place Canada for BAND INSTRUMENTS New and second-hand Agents BESS and "ire IQ M BAND & ORGHESTR • Mum. Repairing of Band In struments a specialty. Send for Catalogu We are children who eheelpyjoin in the chorus. When Breadmaker's Yeast a the subject before vs-.. Mamma trieei all the rest, ,. .5o she knows it's the best, '1/4 [Wiest, 'Can,se her bread is the whilest,..her buns are the And we cat all the fianeakes she aare set before us. BUY THE BREADMAKER'S YEAST. PRIDE 6 GENTS. Nervous Debility. DR. GRAY'S Specifie has been used for the fifteen years with great oucoeue, in the treatment 0 Nervous Debility, and all diseases arising from ox. cesses, over-worked brain, loss of Vitality, ringing in the care, palpitation, do. For sale by all dregetiets. Price 21 per box, or 6 boxes for 85, or will be sent by mail on receipt of price. Pamphlet on. application THE GRA.Y MEDICINE CO.. (Combo joHpisTO-NS rtulDULEF CrHE GREAT STRENGTH GIVER Pi PERFECT Foon FOR TM SIM .14i WARMING & pilTRITIOCSOEVERAGe . POWEREUL „JIVIGCRATpil A Perfect Food for Children, Because it supplies all the MIT111111TION nceded:to meet the physical demands of GROWING BOYS ND GIRLS. It Produces Firm Muscle and Nerve. uraseunisteressnireuario=amumernmeuiatersainst anialieteinettemetlintenttenswareatteestereemiesiaigan Duro All DiseiaSes of the stomaoh, Bewels, Bloed, Liver, Kidney, Urinary Ovgans, NervouenottN't Sleeplessness, FeYriale tlaorAplainto, DRUNKENE: S. oi 1 0000 Reward paid fo t cassthe-ywffl aot zure. graantuttaniartillaantalt===aartz . aumarimaamtbrmroarr.tasva