HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1969-04-24, Page 4a`a e 4 -- Wingham Advance -Times, Thursday, April 24, 1969 features from The World of Women Y INTER -CLUB MEETING—Presidents of dis- trict Kinette Clubs exchanged ideas on club activities when they held their annual get- together. Left to right: Mrs. Wayne Lamb of Shelburne; Mrs. William Mulchinock of Mount Forest; Mrs. William Hanula of Wingham, and Mrs. Donald Munn of Lis- towel. The meeting was held at the Blue Barn, Restaurant, Highway 23, last Thurs- day.—Banner Photo. Institute .dondtes$50 for flower pot maintrnce. Mrs. A. J. Lockridge was elected president of the Wo- • men's Institute at the annual meeting held in the council chamber. The attendance was down due to the inclement weather. Mrs. Robert Powell, presi- dent, extended a welcome to Mrs. W. Colclough, district president, of Clinton. The sec- retary, Mrs. Charles Shiellread the minutes of the previous meeting. and the correspondence; Fifty dollars was again voted to the Wingham Town Council for the maintenance of the flow- er pots on the, main street. After mucirdisctission, plans were made for the b ir t h d a y party the W.I. will host at Hur- onview, Clinton on May 21:° The year's reports were giv- en by the conveners and the new., slate of officers was presented by the nominating committee. Mrs. Colclough took charge of • the installation of officers for the coming year. She then spoke .briefly on In- stitute work and the duties of each officer. She also pbinted out how important it is that programs throughout the year be interesting and entertaining. The new officers are: Past president, Mrs. Robert Powell; president, Mrs. Alf Lockridge; first vice, Ivlrs. William' Elston; second vice; 'Mrs. Oscar Holmes; secretary -treasurer, Mrs. Charles Shiell ; public relations, Mrs. THE ELEPHANT PANTS - JUST AROUND OUR CORNER. P, ELEPHANT PANTS,JEANS and J CUT OFFS FOR BOYS AND GIRLS By Knickerbocker and . Playline — Sizes 7-12 ELEPHANT PANTS and SLIMS IN PRINTS AND PLAINS —. Sizes 2-6X The Elephant Pant styling is the current fashion for Children of all ages. SEE THEM TODAY AT .. . e/e/ rn/(5,#Q8 INFA NT'S AND CHILDREN'S WEAR . W/A/GHAA.1 04)T. A MOTHER'S DAY CONTEST .,STORE G. Gannett; branch directors, Mrs. Jardine, Mrs. A. Halliday arid Mrs. R. 'Galbraith; district director, Mrs. 0. Boss; pianists, Mrs. ''N. Keating, Mrs. Carruth- ers; good cheer, Miss J. Murray; auditors, Mrs. G. Day and Mrs. R. Hastings. Conveners of standing corn- mittees: citizenship and educa- tion, Mrs. R. Galbraith a nd Mrs. McBurney; agriculture and industries, Mrs. M. McKinn y, Mrs. L. Gowdy; home economr ics and health, Mrs, O. Boss, Mrs. 0. Haselgrove; historical research and current events,. Mrs. M. Nicholson; resolutions, iVlrs. ,Ra E. cT, aJp•,a)1d .ittrtAs i . Keating; c, tor, s.,M,§imp' son; assistants, Miss M t 1 e Johnston, Mrs. J. Halliday and Mis. A. Hastings; nominating committee, Mrs. Hastings, Mrs. Haselgrove and Mrs. Gannett. Following the meeting the ladies enjoyed a tasty lunch. The hostesses were Mrs. L. Pat- terson, Mrs. Nellie Cameron, Mrs: M. Galbraith, Mrs. Mc- Laughlin and Mrs. Moffatt. Sheila Gibbons will live near London Easter lilies and spring flow- ers decorated Sacred Heart Ro- man Catholic Church for the noon wedding on Saturday. Ap- ril 1,2 of Sheila Joanne Gibbons of London and Robert Edward Cuillerier of Crediton. T h e bride is the daughter of Mt -s, -and Mrs. James P. Gibbons of Wing - ham and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cuillerier of Crediton. , Rev. J. G. Mooney, parish priest, officiated. Miss Barbara White was organist and the Sa- cred Heart Children's Choir was directed by. Mrs. John Day. The hymns were Aurora, For Thy Care We Bless Thee, Qh God of Loveliness and On This Day, Oh Beautiful Mother. Mr. Gibbons gave his daugh- ter in marriage. She was at- tired in .a formal gown on simp- le skimmer lines, the fabric in crystal pebble peau trimmed with guipure lace. The neck- line stood away from the face and the sleeves were lily -point. The gown was trimmed with guipure lace from the neckline to hem and a detachable train completed the gown. Her four - ,tiered veilof silk illusion was draped from a bridal crown of seed pearls. She carried a cas- cade of pink roses with trailing ivy. The bride's attendants were her sister, Miss Ruth Gibbons ,pf London as maid of. honor; Miss Julie Dauphin of London and • Miss Mary White of Guelph as' bridesmaids; and Vicki Anne, ., and Francine Gibbons, nieces: of the bride from London, at" • junior bridesmaids. They wore identical formal gowns of pebble peau in spruce green. .The dresses werede- signed with simple skimmer skirts and elbow -length sleeve. Sitler -Errington Mr?. Frances Errington and Linton Sitter were married Ap- ril 4 at the bride's ho me in Wingham. Rev. W. Lester from . Wiarton officiated. The bride's daughter, Mrs. Gert De Jong, was matron of honor and his nephew, Robert Sitler was best man. A family supper was held at the Pentecostal Church in Wing - ham. Mr.and Mrs. Sitler are liv- ing on the 14 Con. of Culross Township. On April 11 people from Sal- em held a reception in their honor and presented them with a purse of money. Prior to the marriage Salem ladies and Turnberry neighbors held shower at the Sale m School. WII%II1dIW..J MEAT MARKET THE BEST MEALS BEGIN WITH SMART MOTHERS AND WINGHAM MEAT MARKET SIRLOIN STEAK SIRLOIN TIP ROAST ROUND STEAK ROAST RUMP ROAST WING STEAK A MOTHER'S DAY CONTEST STORE LB. Matching; guipure 1 a c e trim from neckline to hem was high- lighted by a tiny tailored bow at the empire waist. A drape trimmed with the matching lace fell from the yoke of each &Own. They wore snatching hats of fine illusion petals with ratline veils. Dennis Lamport of Crediton was best man. The ushers were Frank Gibbons of London and Warren Weber of Stratford. The wedding dinner was at the Legion Hall and a reception followed at the home of t h e bride's parents. In addition to Wingham and Crediton guests friends and relatives attended from Denver, Col.. Jamestown, N.Y. Detroit, Toronto, Niag- ara Falls, Kapuskasing, London, Stratford, Walkerton, Teeswa- ter; Alliston and Ingersoll. The bride's mother wore a navy-pattemed lace over taf- feta dress with navy and white turban with bubble crown. The groom's mother chose a baby blue silk shantung se with jew- el neckline, baby blue pillbox hat and navy accessories. Each wore a white ,orchid with yellow throat. For the wedding trip to the Southern 'United States Mrs. Cuillerier travelled in a powder blue, Fortrel suit with navy ac- cessories arid corsage of pink carnations. They will live on the groom's farm near London. • Prior to her marriage Sheila was guest of honor at a .miscel- laneous shower in the staff lounge at London Life Insurance Company,. attended by co-work- ers. o-workers. Hostesses were Miffs Grace Bell and, Mrs. -Lynda Hoomick. " wrA farewell dinner was given by the typing section of Life Claims, held at the Country. Fair Tavern at which the bride - elect was presented with a set of TV tables. Miss Mary White and Miss Barbara White were hostesses at a miscellaneous shower at the home of their mother,_ Mrs. Wilfred White on April 9, at- tended by Wingham friends. Many lovely and useful gifts were received. The bride -elect was also pre- sented with a three-piece con- sole set from Life Claims de- partment on her departure from • the company. Shower for bride -eiect BLUEVALE-.A shower for Miss Mary Craig, dal ght r of Mr, and M,rs, i"el Craig, was held 1i the school room of the 'United Church on Friday even.. big. Attending with ?gin a n y friends were Mr's. Craig and Mrs. Martin, mother of the pro- spective groom. Contests were enjoyed• one being a musical quiz with Mrs. Keith Nicholson at the piano. A miniature tree, decorated with ribbons from the gifts, was a fine display to be given to the groom. .Frtendi of the br141P194e1• among theme ,Physis Grant,' Miss Die Elston, lkAtio.Com- ford Brewer ohoand 'Mrs, PPS Nich- .n, looked aftef, the program and displaybd the gifts. M Cra gr eXPTesse4 her heaty�appreciitien of the ldad- ness Shown her -Mrs, Milson Thoroton and Ciaady;af Siuerrale spent Satur- day with the fortner's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Robert golley of Morris. ..-Mr, and Mrs, Jaarnea Wight - Than of I,Dtowel visited with relatives in this district on Sun- day. • We know what MOTHER wan molterra .wearable Tvoriyive AND WE HAVE IT .. . THE GREATEST POLYESTER. STORY EVER 'TOLD! COMPLETELY WASHABLE "Just hang and drip dry" REGULAR SIZES 10 -20 LIGHT, LOVELY DRESSES— PETITE SIZES 7 ...15 ' HALF SIZES ' 141/4 -.241/2 All carefree because they need no ironing! SUITS AND ENSEMBLES— ( DRESS AND COAT) in Washable For. trels and Crimpelene P-LUS.--- DYED TO MATCH. SHORTS AND TOPS • — DYED TO MATCH SUMS AND TOPS hive wash .end popinto dryer" ' "Just m ry t Also in URSES' UNIFORMS by "White Sister" and Lacrosile. Uniforms in stock from Sizes 10 to 22'/a. . b See, the fastest selling Washable and No hon Fabrics for Mother in matching GOWNS and DUSTERS — "Satilene" LINGERIE, "Manhattin" and. "Essentially Yours" BLOUSES and many more gifts now at PANT SUITS . FORTREL— 5 i t'r-sir O OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS A MOTHER'S DAY CONTEST. STORE ................. mui 6141.114.111111.44,1104 kineffes attend inter-cIubdinner Kinette presidents of eight clubs from Zone B, District No. 1, reported on club activities at a meeting held last week ai the Blue Barn, Listowel. The Listowel°lKinettes hosted t h e inter -club dinner meeting which was attended by 124 women. Mers. William Hanula re- pos d for the Wingham Kin- ettes. Other members of the- local club who attended were Mrs. Stewart Leedham, Mrs. Fred Templeman and Mrs. John Strong Jr. Decorations were on a Mex- ican theme with sombreros, pot- tery, ponchos, hanging baskets and other items from Mexico on display. Head table guests included four district officers fromWood- stock, Mrs. Phillip Scalisi, Mrs„ Howard Pursel, Mrs. Glen Smart and Mrs. Laverne Holland. Gary McClement Of Listowel, hair.styltst, spoke on the use of wigs and krait pieces and gave demonstrations. WilliamSlight, comedian, served as auctioneer for a Chinese auction. --Photo by Strong Antique furniture displayed at W.I. BLUEVALE--0n Thursday af- ternoon a special Women's In- stitute meeting in the comt'nun- sty hall featured an address by Miss Armour of the Women's In- stitute Branch of Agriculture. She spoke on antique furni- ture, describing the French and English periods of Canada and the Victorian period of furniture manufacturing. Well illustrat- ed with colored pictures and a film, it was a very interesting study. She also advised about the refinishing of old furniture. A good display of antiques was shown by local members. --Mrs.' 1. E. Morrey and Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Fielding repro- sented the Wingham Horticul- tural Society at the an nu a l meeting of District 8, held in Brussels on Saturday. Mr. Field- ing was re-elected assistant - director for the district. --Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Skinn and family of Kitchener spent the week -end with their parent:. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Skim and Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Vollmer. How much home_ are you missing through outdated wiring? When this house was built it was hard to imagine all the wonderful ways in which electricity would be serving us today. That's why the wiring in so many older homes just isn't adequate for today's needs. There are many signs. Fuses blowing. Lights dimming. Appli- ances performing sluggishly. Cluttered extension cords. Not enough outlets. So, if you're planning to mod- ernize your home, think first of the wiring. Have a qualified elec- trical contractor check it. You'Il. be surprised at how easily and inexpensively it can be updated. The Hydro Finance Flan makes it easy to get started right away. Just ask your Hydro, The Name of the Game is Electrical Living. 1i 0 N • a