The Wingham Advance-Times, 1969-04-17, Page 14Page 6 -- Wingham Advance -Times, Thursday, Aril 17, 1969 Whitechurch Personal Notes Mr. and MTs. George O'Dell of Qu'Appelle, Sask. , visited last week at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Masan of East Wawanosh. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Evans at- tended the banquet he Id at Holyrood in honor of the Holy - rood Butchers' hockey team who were the cup winners.. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Scott of East Wawanosh attended the fun- eral of her uncle, the late Ol- iver Stakes on Sunday afternoon., at the Moir's funeral ho Gorrie, with burial at Wroxeter Cemetery. Mr. Stokes, son of the late Thomas Stokes a n d Margaret Query, was the last of a well-known Tumberry fam- ily of five sons and five daugh- ters. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Muir and Mrs. Norman Muir of Don Mills were among those from a distance attending the funeral. Mr. and Mrs. Rpnald Coultes and family were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lewis of Wingham. Mrs. John De Boer arrived home from Holland by plane last Wednesday. She reports cold weather on her arrival there but fine weather prevail- ing at tithe of her departure. Chalmers W. M. S. will meet on Thursday at 2 p. m. at the home of Mrs. Johnston Conn of Wingham. Preparatory service will be held Thursday, April 24 in Chalmers Church and commu- nion will be held April 27 at 11 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. Johnston Conn were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Victor Emerson. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tiffin were Sunday visitors with Mrs. Charles Tiffin and Mrs. B i 11 Brown of Wingham. We are pleased to report that Mrs. Bessie Mullis was able to return home last Wednesday from Wingham and District Hos- pital. On Saturday. seven people of the village went to the pump house to be shown how to set the pumps to give the most amount of water in case of fire. Elwood Groskorth gave the in- struction. W.I. members attending the White Heather Scotch concert at Massey Hall, Toronto, on Thursday evening were Mrs. Fred Tiffin, Mrs. Robert Ross, Mrs. Russel Gaunt, Mrs. Garnet Farrier, Mrs. Ed Walker, Mrs. Bill Evans, Mrs. Frank Ross', Miss Mary Hehn, Mrs. Elgin Johnston and Mrs. Russel Mc- Guire. Congratulations to Mrs. Gib- son Gillespie who celebrated .her birthday last Wednesday evening when she invited a few long-time friends for dinner. ^ Miss S dra Hayden of Moles- worth was day visitor with Mrs. Charles Tiffin and Mrs. Bill Brown. Russel Ritchie left on Wed- nesday to spend the day with Mr. and Mts. Fred Fell of To- ronto. On Thursday morning he left Malton airport by plane. for Trail, B.C. , toattend the 50th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Johnston on Apt- ril 12th. He will spend some time visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Johnston. Chalmers C.O.C. will meet for the first time in 1969 on Sunday, April 20th, during church service. Visitors on Sunday with Mrs. Bessie Mullis and Wilford Olt perton were Mr, and M s, Nell Paw, Stephen and, S us .ata of Thorndale, Mr* and Ms. John Gloor of Bornholm and Jahn Clipperton of Thamesford. Mr. and Mrs, Jim Ross of Kitchener spent the week -end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Russel Ross and her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Millen of . Teeswa- ter. Mr, and Mrs. Wallace Conn spent the week -end with Mr. . and Mrs. Herb Hunter of London and'on the way home on Sunday called at Huronview to v is i t with their° aunt, Mrs. Sam Hutchison who on Saturday cel- ebrated her 90th birthday. This community extends congratula- tions for health and happiness in the years ahead. Mrs. Hutch- ison was a resident of the vil- lage many yeas ago. On Sunday at 10 o'clock, Rev. W. O. Mather of Blyth, will conduct communion serv- ice in Whitechurch United Church. Mrs. Millan Moore visited a few days last week with h er daughter, Mrs, Qarl•y Duncan and Mr. Duncan of Fort credit, and with other relatives at Too. ronto and Oakville. Mrsi Ben McClenaghan visit- ed Monday with Mrs. George. McClenaghan. Ben Moss of Plattsvflle and Miss Brenda Mighton of Clifford were Sunday visitors with Mr.. and Mrs. Carl McClenaghan and Mr. and Mrs. Ben McClenaghan, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Laidlaw and Janet and Mr. Herb Laidlaw were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Clayton -Alton and family of,Ashfield. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Smith and family of Toronto spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Russel Chapman. Mrs. Chap- man who visited with them last week, accompanied them home Sunday afternoon callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. An- drew Gaunt were Mr. and Mrs. John DeBoer, Mr. a nd Mrs. George Erdington and family of West Wawanosh, Mrs. Robert Ross, Mrs. Frank Coulter, Nits. McQuillan and Mr and Wetor Emerton. Mrr, and .Mr's. Erie Evac and Melvin of yde; Path were Sun* day visitors with 'his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Bill Evans. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Parrott and family of Goderieh. were Sunday visitors.with her sister, Mrs. Walter Elliott, Mr. Elliott and farni,y. Charlie Falconer and Mary of Glammis were Sunday va ors with Jim Falconer of -Wing - ham„ Mr. and Mrs, George Currie of East Wawanosh were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wes- ley' Tiffin. Miss Alma Conn returned home from Guelph University on Thursday. The exams are over for this term and she is in London this week with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Hunter, seeking sum- mer employment. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Con- ley were Sunday visitors with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Caslick. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Woods and Sylvia ofgtandvle and • hi mother, Mrt. v0(10, Were Sunday visitors with her parent. r .fid' Mrs. Penthom iuh ton of Wunghaa? (4) DEDICATE GIDEON BIBLES AS A CONTINUING MEMORIAL May be donated through your local funeral director Placed in Hotels, Schools, Hospitals, Prisons The Wingham Advance -Times, Thursday, April 17, 1969 KRAFT CHEESE WHIZ� ,.F 69' MAGIC BAKING POWDER.. ,��.... 45� NABISCO SHREDDED WH[AT 18s . 2,'83C MIXED VEGETABLES CATELLI SOUP MIX ETIES SPONGE PUDDINGS ENO FRUIT SALTS.a . ��=Fo��o_,� oFF_ 3z.a.. PALMOLIVE DETERG(NT$9C DOVE BAR�soaP z 55_ CIGARETTES CARTON OF 200 SWEET PICKLED TUR EY, CHICKE EF WALLACE MEAT PIES .. PKG. 359' BIRD OCEAN PERCH FILLET Ts.35 MIXED VEGETABLES 1/39C Link Sausage ..... L6.65c Ring Bologna..LB55,C 6 VARIETIES � 6.0:. •2155C FRESH SLICED pCooked Meats.... - � Pork � liver �8. �3r WIENERS ...PKC. AF 8 39' C�lby cheese LB.69t APPLE ORIN WESTON'SSPIE i i1 h II►. WHITE OR COLOURED 0 A, t