HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1969-03-27, Page 54 6� • C. E. MacTavish Limited,' distributor' for Petrofina Canada Limited products for Wingham and the surrounding area is pleased to announce the appointments of Jack Salter as general manager and Ray- mond Hogg as tank truck salesman. Jack and Ray Zook forward to the opportunity of serving you in their new positions. They can be contacted at the main office, tele-, phone 357-2841. G. A. W!LLIAMS, 0.0. Optometrist 9 PATRICK STREET W. WINGHAM Phone 357-1282 When you're sick, your family suffers! Adequate health insurance for you and your family is a necessity. Help pay your future medical , expenses now, with low- cost premiums. Inquire:! W. B. Conron, CLU / 357-2636 INSURANCE Complete Insurance Coverage — Agent for - Manufacturers Life Insurance Company r S John St. W. - Wingham Belmore Personate Word was received in the • village last week bf the passing of Mr. John Reid of Milton. Mr. Reid was a former resident of Belmore, and funeral service was held in Wingham on Tues- day. Flowers were placed in the Belmore United Church, in Mr. Reid's memory: Sympathy is extended to lite family. Mrs. James Crawford of St. John's, Newfoundland, visited on Thursda.y with Mr. • and Mrs. Harry Helfenstein and family, on the 2nd of Culross. Mr. John Abraham of Don Mills was a week -end visitor . with Mr. and. Mrs. Thomas Ab- raham. With the beginning of spring last week, we enjoyed some lovely weather which brought many things and creatures back to life. Some robins were no ticed around the 2nd, which always makes for a welcome sight. Not quite so welcome is a large wolf.that has been seen in the same neighbour- hood. You fellows on the 2nd had better look out whenyou to "walking your b a b y back home"! She just may wind up being some'nice wolf's dinner -or appetizer! Sunday's nice w ea t h e r. brought put some, Sunday driv- ers, and many stopped at our SugarShanty for a peek, and stopped off at the arena for a, pancake supper; Things 'are really humming these days, with, 'vittles' being served ev- ery day, 5-10. If you haven't Ei,v) DEDICATE GIDEON BIBLES A S A CONTINUING MEMORIAL May be donated through your local funeral director Placed in Hotels, Schools, Hospitals, Prisons paid us a visit yet, hop in the jalopy and buzz on over. Mr: and Mis. Donald Hilde- brand and family of near God- erich. visited friends and rela- tives in the area on Sunday. Jeffrey and Cindy Mulvey spent the week=end with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Sothern, near Fordwich. The sympathy of the com- munity is extended to the Scliiestel brothers; Ed and Law- rence, of our area, on the death of their brother Herb , last week -end. Church News BELMORE--Afternoon service was held in Knox Presbyterian Church as usual, with Rev. E. R. Hawkes in charge. A worker from a leprosy mission was guest speaker, with special music being a duet by Margaret and Douglas. Jeffray.' In the United Church, Rev., Wettlaufer spoke on the 'Suffer- ing Faith' of Christ as He ap- proached the Cross. Mrs. Carl Douglas, Velma and Lavonne Ballagh sang a trio. The Belmore United Church has elected three new elders, John Rutherford, Carl Fitch and Murray Mulvey,, to join Wil- fred. Johann and Rowland Bal- lagh. During February, McIntosh United Church added two elders to the session, Bruce Harkness and Oliver Dustow, who join Walter Renwick and Alan Dart- - /1 EUCHRE PARTY •FORDWICH--Seven tables of progressive euchre were in play at the Fordwich Community Hall, sponsored by the Ladies' Orange Lodge. Winners were high lady, Mrs. Russel Nickel; high gent,* William Jonas;' con- solation, Mrs: Florence Wilson and Herb Jones; mostlone hands, Mrs. Ruby Foster and Clark Ren- wick. ti{{f:ti�51{4;�n'.'4i''{k:}•},t'f?�L�.,:{tiAY �i�'':1:^'...:\1'•1j�t\': Ott*,•, 4. •y Y•'a� ,iy'r.:: ti{t. : •t "<'•: titi::`:Xk\ : i l\x.•1:4 • • Auto., '66 CHEVY II Station Wagon, 6 Auto., radio '66 D(3DGE, 6, Auto, Power Steering '65 FORD Convertible, Galaxie XL, power equipped '65 CHRYSLER 4 -Dr. Hardtop '65 DODGE, 6 Standard, radio '63 PLYMOUTH 4 -door 6 standard • '62 FORD GALAXIE, 6 automatic, radio '67 DODGE WAGON, 8 Auto. • 19 '66 BELVEDERE, 4 -Door, 6 Auto. '64 METEOR, 8 • Auto., radio '64 DODGE, 6 Automatic '63 PLYMOUTH, 6 Auto., radio '65 DODGE D500 Dump Truck. '64 D500 Chassis and Cab CRAWFORD MOTORS CHRYSLER - DODGE PLYMOUTH WINGHAM ONTARIO PHONE 357-3362 Wonen's InsN meets at school FORpWICIF Tl a WOMetil Institute met in rhe111Piary,Of the Howie. Central school. toes Loughran, a convener Of 't . education, presided fn meeting welcoming memo rs and guests. Devotions were rah - en by Mrs. Bruce Agia on, the theme, "Our Christian respond* bility in regard to the use of ,off time". The motto, "Watch your footsteps for someone may fol. low them",• was prepared by Mrs. Earl Moore and read by Mrs. Clarence Carswell, The, roll call was "A program °art I'd•like to see and one I'd like to see taken -off". It was decided" to try and send the incoming president, Mrs. Scott Clarkson, to the Guelph Conference for leaders, April 29th to May 1st. An an- nouncement was made that Achievement Day for "Meat in, the Menu" will be April 19th. Mrs. John Craig, chairman • of the nominating committee, presented_ the slate of officers for 1969-1910. Mrs. Clare Harris, library teacher at Howick School spoke on -how libraries are set up. She explained the numbering• o f books by the Dewey Decimal System, showed the card cabin- et and outlined how classes are conducted for the different grades when they come into the library for 40 minutes ea ch Afternoon Volt BELGRAVE -The Marek 'meeting of the Afternoon Unfit of the U.C.W. was held on March 12 with 12 present and '" Mas. Stewart Procter in charge. "11) God of Bethel" was sung and Mis. Procter led in prayer, The study by Mrs. Procter was letons from China on` Unity. Mrs. Earl Anderson read Scrip- ture and Mrs. Procter offered prayer. "Jesus the Very Thought of Thee" was sung. Mrs, J., M. Coultes read an article, "Sea- son of Self Denial". Mrs. Wal- ter Scott had charge of the study on China which was "Man and His Family". Mrs. Earl ' Anderson announced the U.C.W. Easter Thankoffering will be the last Sunday night in March. Rev. Barry Passmore will be the guest speaker. Mrs. Walter Scott outlined the program committees for the year. A hymn and benediction concluded the meeting. Hard -cook eggs by poaching, then cool and use chopped in* salads, sandwiches, s a u c es , etc. week. A contest, "What let- ters are equal to words", was prepared by Mrs. Harold Pol- lock. Lunch was served in the teachers' room by Mis. Bruce Agra, Mrs, Roy McDougall and Mrs. Harold Pollock. • MIKE HOLDEN, grade 13 student at Stratford Central, experimented with the shape of aerofoils -used in aircraft wings to determine .lift and drag_, He won second prize in theboys' physical division at .the Science Fair. MURRAY LEGGATT of F. E. Madill S.S. entered an exhibit on water pollution in the Science Fair.—Stuckey. BOB' WORRALL and Mary Teresa Kieffer were both mem- bers of this year's Science Fair Committee at F. E. Madill Secondary School. Stuckey. vjnce'T1 JEFF. ,1..00KRIDGE presented the consola- tion trophy for; th;e new C class in the Walter 'Lockridge Memorial Midget Tour- narnent to 'Joe LQbsinger, capte n of the Mildmay team, on Sator0ay.. Keith 'Camp* bell, right, Is' the toacb,--A-T Ph to, ugw�n."."i"i 4 6.444 4 1 Na0111H1•1••••••M•Olk 4..4•016;1Hr. Not before the children Various persons and oxan14a- tions -are at present making a' pitch to have cigarette advertis- ing tut off televisionland radio. A good' many'people are i'ttclin- ed'to say "Why?" because though they pay: no attention much ,to the commercial they • know it pays for the program • which foliows. They- p u t u p with the coirimercial for the sake of, the• ptograYri. One reasooh- for theeder'nand that. cigarette cominericals be banned is that they are d l n•n a d: into the ,ears oaf pre'schoo1: chil- dren, day in,and,day.out..PoFs this matter? If a child is .taught some-_ thing until he is school age . it„ j , hard, it may be impossible, too overcome his acceptance later. - ,Area4th' workers -in' ghettos know how• hard.. , • . • ' • .The' co►mrhercialson cigarette sin b ki ng teach . a chid to as- sociatesmoking with what is - pleasant and rich'-beatftifully furnished roomt , camp 1 i r es',, lake' tesbrit, luxurious cars; lobbies of. theatres, beautiful cld _� - rri lusted o#rfh rib= ' pier Thg'iar' ag tS 61i EOM! morning to night.` Even the Child' of parents who don 'tsmoke is subjected to the barrage: -day after day. He sings cammericals Fordwich Friend's of Mr. Holger Espen.:- sen spen=sen will be sorry to learn that a piece of steel fell on his foot while ' at work' with Peel Con- struction at Brampton. For a few weeks his foot will be in a cast but he will be able to get around with the help of crutch- es. Mrs. Mary Zella Stephenson and family of Alliston spentsev- eral days last week with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Coop- er. Mrs. Jim Fitzmorris of Lon- don ' also spent a day last week at the same home. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Johnson of Listowel spent a couple o f . days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mann. o Mr. and Mrs. George Ashton.- were entertained to a dinner party at the home of their youngest daughter, Mrs. Ross (Shirley) Durst and Mr. Durst and family at Bay Ridges on Saturday, March 15th on the oc- casion of their 45th wedding an- niversary. Also present were their son Everett and Mrs. Ash- ton and family of Prescott and their eldest daughter, - M r s . Art (Eleanor) Wells and Mr. Wells and family of London. The couple have 10 grandchil- dren., when he doesn't; anon what they rnean As far as adults are concern- • ed the commercials are the to- bacco companies' way of keep- ing their namrs' its competition with others,' bht'as far as chil- dren*are concerned, snake no mistake, they are educated to smoke cigarettes. Briefs on cigarette smoking are now bring presented to the government committee by vol- untary health agencies and in- terested persons. A conspicuous number want advertising ban. ned. They don't want smoking made attractive to children too young to know what it's all b. t. sRs 4P'`Tt METR Josephine Street' WINGHAM "FOR APPOINTMENT Phone, 357-1361 PUBLIC NOTIC The Wingham Business. Association wishes the shopping .public about the chin inter Alt Wingham stores will observe the', . 11,0101 commencing March 21, 1969: OPEN EVERY FRIDAY --9.00 ami. to 9.4 .OPEN MONDAY, MARCH 31 ONLY CLOSED ALL DAY GOOD FRIDAY CLOSED ON MONDAYS • . •, rif .r.I. ;: -;, U 1t3:2O27 1' Itgupai'�itecd hist crtificaiics today's best investment from THE TION STERLING TRUSTS CORPORA ilmor TORONTO - 372 Bay Street BARRIE - 35 Dunlop Street O R I LLIA — 73 M ississaga 'Street, East (or see your local agent) Member: Canada Deposit lnsuiance Corpbration ;Make tracks as °quick as a Bunny to READMAN'Y' CLEANERS & MEN'S WEAR • for the finest in dry cleaning.. 'Hop on down today" or caul 3574242 for free • pick-up and delivery. '<':H We wile` clean everything but the huhny and your bonnet and have it ready in time for the big parade • r.;