HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1969-03-27, Page 4ftset 4 -I. Wingham Advance -Times. Thursday, Miuch 27, 1969
We Have No Choice
There seems to be no end to the, pleas
for our assistan* Every month, indeed
every other week brings its own bundle
of requests that, we share our wealth.
That, however, is exactly as it should be
in a day and age when we are enjoying
unprecedented good times and prosperity.
Many of the "worthly" causes to
which we are asked to donate receive our
. assistance because the average citizen is
well aware that it is his responsibility to
help, even though the benefits accruing
from the funds may never be enjoyed in
any. way by those who contribute. It is
a fivorable sign of our development as a
civilized people.
There are other collections, however,
to which we should give concentrated at-
tention and whatever extra we can dig up
in a monetary sense. One of the most
important of these is the Cancer Fund—a
fund-raising venture which is of vital im-
portance to every man, woman and child.
The annual campaign opens on April 1st
and the,target for the Wingham area is a
minimum of $2200. The national as-
sociation hopes to raise $3,200,000.
There are many disease* which medi-
cal science is still battling to control, but
cancer is the one which strikes instant
fdar into the heart of every person. O'er -
hops the reason for this particular em-
phasis is the fact that a -majority of cancer
victims suffer intense pain before the
disease has run its course.
Cancer, of course, is vulnerable. Al-
though it still takes too many lives, science
has learned a great deal about the dis-
ease, and there is good reason to believe
that within a few years it will be control -
able. That is, if we who are on the battle
lines continue to support the fight.
So much is provided today out of
government funds that we tend to think
that all the necessary money for cancer
research will come from Ottawa or Tor-
onto. That is simply not true, nor should
it be. It is you and I, the possible victims
of this ,scourge, who have the most at
stake in the battle, and it is only right
that we should contribute directly and
positively to the final defeat of this enemy
of mankind. Remember this when the
canvasser calls at your door.
Grabs You, Doesn't It?
eur readers no doubt noticed in last
week's paper, the picture of a baby in
•need of adoptive parents. The column is
titled "Today's Child", and is an open
appeal to the emotional instincts' of those
potential mothers and fathers who have
rooin in their homes and their hearts for
• one of -hundreds of children who have no
natural parents.
The same column has been running
in thei'daity papers for several years and
has been _notably successful in bringing
together children who neeito,love and hope
•and, adults who can .provide for those
..needs. Personally, We are rather proud
' t•P'4
of this achievement, for it was originally
upon our suggestion at a meeting in To-
ronto that this form of publicity was in-
At one time there was a tremendous
backlog of children in the city welfare
establishments, waiting hopelessly for
homes. Knowing that there ,were thou-
sands of couples who would welcome ad-
optive children, we urged a campaign of
advertising to bring them together. We
are pleased that the column has . been
made available to The Advance -Times and
other weekly papers in the province.
Not Too Surprising
' A hundred time.s during the past year
you have heard someone deploring the
violence Which has disrupted American
and Canadian cities and the campuses of
great universities. Many people profess to
be deeply shocked at the ease with which
civilized :people turn to arson and blood-'
shed. The common thOught is that it is
all pointless—why do people do 4. •
V;Tkliel'Ettuth is that despite our veneer
of civilization, the screeching savage lurks
11PP—far beneath the surface in a good
' many supposedly sophisticated peoplea
Many- of us still violence for its .own
Standing in the Wingham arena on
Saturday afternoon we watched one per-
(od of the Midget hockey tournament.
Within 30 minutes no less than four fights
Ottike out among the Young hockey play -4,
Op, one of them anasty affair in 'which
the blood was flowing freely. The re-
feree and linesmen restored order, but
not before dozensofadult spectators Were
yelhig encouragement to the bloodied
players,cfrom the sidelines. Those grown-
OpsIgave no thought to the "sportsman -
Ship' that » hockey is supposed to instill..
They were» screaming for violence—the
bloodier the better.
, •
The »organizers of the Lockridge Me-
morial Tournament deserve» a »Ggood deal
of credit for the effort that has gone into,
• this major sporting event. It does seem a
shame that a tournament which is intend-
ed to bring out the finer qualities in
young people should, in fact, see public
demonstrations of the worst in human
Nor do we blame the 'player's entirely.
Naturally they tend to behSve as the older.'
folks demand. When the adults who ac-
company the teams scream for more vio-
lence and less hockey the boys have little
• We believe it »i high time that all
minor hockey rules be reviewed and fresh
emphasis placed on the fine points of the
game: stick haradling, skill in shooting; bet-
• ter skating and the physical fitness that
the game should demand. Referees should
be instructed to clamp down on the rough
stuff right at the outset and clean up the
game. •
Perhaps some of the maniacs who get
their kicks out of fights between teen-
agers would be disappointed, -but the bet-
ter type of hockey fans might enjoy the
gamea little more.
This Right Must Be PrOtected
• A few years ago this writer was stay-
ing in a quaint hotel in the city of .Soest,
Nest Germany. • Coming into the small
bar late one evening we saw several
people sitting over their beers, patrons of
The place whom we had seen before. With
them were two men in dull grey uniform;
• Who stopped talking to their neighbors as
soon as we came in: Gulping,the last of
their drinks they slapped on their caps
and hurried out of the' place.
When opportunity arose we asked
the young hotel owner who these two men
• were. He said they were members of a
• train crew from East Germany, waiting
fOr the return of their train to the other
side of the Iron Curtain. Selected because
they ,were particularly trustworthy,, these
two fellows refused to stay, in the same
ro0M- with an English-speaking Canadian
for fear of searching questions should the
news of their contamination reach their
superiors in the east.
Doestn't sound like a partitularly free
or satisfying existence, does it?
The »arrest and imprisonment in Mont-
real last week of CBC reporter John Smith,
because he refused to divulge the name of
the person from whom he 'learned facts
about recent terrorist activities brought
• this episode in Oermany to mind. Thou-
sands of people all across this land would
agree with the authorities that Smith
• should be forced to tell where he got his
information—% suffer the consequences.
The reporter has chosen the second alter-
native because he has an understanding
about the basics of freedom in a democ-
racy whichour laws have failed to acknow-
ledge. •
-» Smith; along with „all other journal-
ists worthy of the name, knows that the .
curtailment of his freedom is not a blow
at the "press" as much as it is at the right
of the public to be informed by the news-
papers and broadcast media.
•If this reporter should •weaken and
tell where he got his information about
• criminal activity, he and all other reporters
would find it impossible to gain the confi-
dence of informers in future. When he
managed to get someone to -"sing" about
'terrorist activities he no doubt gave his
promise that .he would not divulge the
source of his infor,mation and he is living
up to that promiie by spending a week in
jail. ••
Surprisingly enough,- the solicitor -gen-
eral agrees with the CBC man and plans
to bring legislation before the Quebec
House to guarantee the immunity of re-
porters under similar circumstances. There
are limits, of course, to such immunity,
but in each case the deciding factor ought
to be the -interest of the public:
' Fortunately, we don't live in East
Germany. We should retain our full right
to talk with whom we please and to refuse
to repeat the conversation if We wish t0.
do so.
Dear Sir:
Your editorial,. "Freedeink
For AU, " dated March 20, 1089,
is an infuriating document.
In the first four paragraphs ,
you openly praise the MacKay
Comrnitte& Report on Religious
Education for its recommenda-
ttons to eliminate, from the.
Public School system, religious
instruction. You concede that
Canadians have the right to
religion of their choice; that the
thousands of students in Ontario
Public Schools today, of varied
religious backgrounds, neces-
sitate the elimination of Chi/A-
lan "indoctrination" from the
I most emphatically agree
with you! If you had only end-
ed there. You persisted, how -
,ever,., with:
"If Cluistianity is to be prov-
en a worthwhile faith, a faith
to which others will turn for
ultimate. truth, Surely there is
no need for enforced indoctrin-
ation at the Public School level':
What, or who, gives you the
authority to assume that the
"others" (whoever the poor un-
fortunates might be) .WANT the
."ultimate truth?" Further, as-
suming that the "ultimate truth"
is a sought-after commodity,
are you so confident it lies in '
Christianity? Why does it not
lie in Buddhism ,or Judaism or
I suggest, sir, that -you are a
victim of the system of indoc-
trination—the system which in-
discriminately rams Christian-
ity down the throats of the un-
sespecting children --Jews, Mos-
lems, Hindus and yes, even
Christians! Your missidnary at-
titude is the Christian disguise
for arrogance and narrowmind-
Freedom of religion (or non -
religion) is a fundamental
RIGHT otevery -individual. It
is nota PRIVILEGE to be be-
stowed half-heartedly by Christ-
Marcil 24,1969
Wingham, 9nt,
Yours truly,
Victor Nerenberg
4,etrotrow,....."0,~4.... •
X would like to congratulate
Mr. Crawfotd,„D ougl a.s and
CKNX radioahd TV fo r
stand they have taken regarding
our ,"World Hockey Team' No
longer does this channel sweep
the efforts of these boys under
Publish/ at Wingham, Ontario, by Wenger Bros. Limited
W. Barry Wenger, President - Robert 0. Wenger, Secretary -Treasurer
Member Audit Bureau of Circulation
Member Canadian Weekly Newspapers 'Association
Authorized AS' second class mail by the Post Office Department, Ottawa,
and for payatent of postage in cash
Subscription Rate:
1 yr. $6.00; 6 months $2.75, in advance; USA rim per yr.; Foreign rate $7.00 per yr.
Advertising Rates on application
the rug, sO WI Weak, but bring
them out in. FRONT, where
they beleng, failures as well as
wins. Our sometimes dismal
showing in this field.of Sports,
is, by no means the fault of the
boys involved entirely, it is
however, for the most part, the
fault of our government, plus
the complete apathy of Cana&
ians in general and certain news
rueihad a letter one time, from
one of the executives on our
National team, who stated, and
quite truthfully that, "These
' boys are beaten by Canadians
themselves, before they go ov-
er to play". I ask in all sincer-.
ity, what the hell has happen-
ed to the "Real Canadian Spirit".
over the last few years? Why
aren't the Canadian people de-
manding publicity, for a better
deal, for our National team?
Apathy, plus extensive brain-
washing is the answer. The
powers that be, will tell you
that the government of th
country can't afford to pay out
more money for this endeavour.
I say "hogwash". ' •
One example stands out in
my mind, and there are hun-
dreds of others. . Take the case
of a government official, nam-
ely Gillies Gregoir, an avowed,
seperatist, and dedicated to the
destruction of Canada, as such.
This man was PO.id in e cess of
$40,000 per year of your mon-
ey, to aid in breaking up your
country. I did hear he receiv-
ed a Centennial Med al. It
isn't funny, it's pathetic. A
self-proclaimed "clown" in
V ancouver, is awarded some-
thing like $5,000 per year, by
the Canada Council; and'so on.
The boys of our National
Hockey Team, have the guts to
go over and play Ultra -Profes-
sionals, men who are trained -
the year-round, well cared,for,
well paid, by their individual
governments, this is also true
of Sweden.
The people and the govern-
ment of these countries, are
damn proud of their World hock-
ey teams, the players are in
reality true ambaisadors to
their countries. In other words, -1
Canada and its people are judg-
ed by ow forts in World Fern -
Thebacking given to our
atheletes in this .field is dismal,
shrinking and a complete dis-
grace to Canada, our Country.
This lovely baby is Daniel, 7 months old, who needs a
Mommy and Daddy to help him grow up. As you see, he is
a handsome child of Irish, German and Negro background.
He is active and healthy, used to lots of company and
attention for be is living with a foster family of seven while
he waits -for a home of his very own. Daniel is a happy,
affectionate, good-natured boy, who chats away in his own
language, blews bubbles and is tireless about playing pit -a -
cake. He likes acrobatic games, especially with people a
good deal .bigger than himselfAwho are strong enough to
make him feel secure if they pietend to throw him around.
He is well nourished and easy to care for goes to bed at 7
and sleeps right through the night and can amuse himself
well when awake. To inquire about adopting Daniel please
write to Today's Chia, DepartMent of Social and Family
Services, Parliament Building, Toronto 5. For general
information about adoption ask your local Children's Aid
No effort should she Spared te
once again obtain the PUD E
'which IS Our true liglt1rA0E.
It our government officials have
lost it, whieh I suspect, we
should show the m that we
haven't. What can you do about
It? Raise the roof, take five -
minutes, and write Mr. Craw,
ford Douglas or Myself. Above
all, let's get with it for heaven's
P.S..-Better still, write your
Yours very sincerely,
Norm Pyra,h
147 Cambridge St.
Goderich, Ontario.
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Dear Sir:
Are Ontario farmers sleeping
while the rest of North Ameri-
can fumes watch what is hap-
pening to them by their Ontario
Government and its tune -call-
ing industrial tycoons? T h e
rural upheaval with no benefit
to any part of society in Cana-
da, could well,begin in the
next few months, unless farm-
ers accept as f'irst class citizens,
their responsibility to demand --
1. The right to a democratic
choice of organization, to repre-
sent them, including control of
their marketing boards. 2. No
interference by any parties oth-
er than fa • their indus-
arming, (This 1 udes
government bodies). 3. hat
an Ontario Farm Organization
be only a stepping -stone to a
Canadian Farm Organization as
soon as possible.
Anyone, farmer or not, who
is selfish enough to believe that
our Ontario markets and produc-
tion are a God-given right had
*better remember thatwe do
have a Dominion of Canada and
farmers as well as others have a
responsibility to one another
right across that Dominion.
Further, it must be considered
that only with a close affilia-
tion with the farmers of U.S.. A.
can we cOmbat the election -
paying, greedy corporations,
straddling the American -Cana-
dian border, who will continue
to exploit the Canadian and
American ,farmers by using each
others'. preduction against them
,...:, • ,. t:. , . . , — .
- tile member the Ontario ,Fed 4r-
ation of Agriculture's weakness -
and the Government's cheap
food policy that walked hand in
hand with it. So far the new
G. F. O. appears to .be a change;
in name only. If farmers ex-
pect to have another organiza-
' tion built for them, they will
have to expect the same Gov-
ernment Control, they had with
the last one. I would remind
you also, that fence -sitters get
picked off one by one.
Leadership is present in On-
• tario Farmers Union and Nation-
al Farmers Union, even in Na-
tional Farmers Organization in
US.A. that has never been .
ttthere before in North American •
farm history.. Public opinion
would have you believe that
'ese ldaders are rabble rousers .
o t to line their pockets. These ,
leaders are "Men of Unison"
who can see beyond one little
Ontario organization, promising
a very, very, short-lived relief.
. ,
How long can we expect this
• leadership to hold out against
industrial interests with unlim-
ited public relations funds? That
depends on whether we as farm-
ers accept our responsibilities
Yours sincerely,
Robert King, .
Rodney, Ontario
ANNE FULLER of St. Marys placed first in the girls' divi-
sion at last week's Science fair. Her exhibit was "Cor-
rosion of Steel", comparing acid and water to see which
is the more corrosive on steel and the ways of preventing
metal corrosion.—Advance-Times photo.
Spring is pure female
A couple -of weeks ago, I
sang a song of hate' in this
space. Since Spring, theoreti-
cally, is just around that cor-
ner which recedes steadily as
you approach it, the least I can
do is sing a song of love, and
ask you to join me. Everybody
loves something, even if it's
only his car.
Looking into the backyard,
it's pretty hard to get- all goofy
about Spring. The pile of snow
pushed up beside the garage is
now down to six feet. My cedar
lawn chairs look like a couple
of .matrons, buried to the waist
in blanc mange, their arms ex-
tended i)leadingly. The .picnic
table still looks like a freshly, -
risen loaf of bread. •
But the sun shines, day after
day, and .eventuallYthose arti-
cles must reveal themselves in
all . their scabby, Shabby ugli-
ness. •„ . » . •
Spring in Canada is pure fe-
male; unpredictable, perverse,
passionate, hot -or -cold, cruel -
or -kind. And completely unde-
pendable, as far as mood goes.
In this crazy climate, I have
lain on fresh grass .in March
and in love .and in sun that
'suggested the following month
would be July: And I have
gone fishing on the first of
May and had my line freeze to
the rod.
There. Having expressed my
mistrust of Canada's Spring; I
shall return to our theme:
• This is a favorite topic for
poets who can't think of any-
thing else to write about. Not
being a poet, I will avoid
trying to be poetic and thereby
save both of us a lot of embar-
• Some people think that love
is a potion, especially in the
Far East. You know: rhinocer-
os horn ground up in a mixture
of oysters, and celery. Actual-
ly, I wouldn't mind taking a
swig at it. Sounds jolly invigor-
ating, or something.
Love is not a potion; it's a
lotion. It warms the cold heart,
as analgesic balm warms the
Sore shoulder. It lubricates the
grinding nerves. It soothes the
tortured soul as olive oil does
the baby's bum.
It is an ointment (by the
way, Mecca ointment is good
for practically anything. Un-
paid commercial). And it is a
Mecca toward which you trav-
el, and from which you return,
rather wondering whether the
Whole trip was worth it. and:
and flies and heat. And ,nobe,dy.
else there but a mob of ex,
hausted, hot, tired and dis-
gruntled pilgrims like yourself:
That's love.
However, one mustn't wax
philosophical about love, evert
on a highly elevated plane like
this. Not in this country, id
this climate. Let's get down to
specifics. What do we love? -
, I love my country. Not the i
government, or the people,
particularly. The physical Can-
ada A. black spring stream rac-
ing between the snowbanks in
March. The ghostly mist of
green that slips into the trees
in May. The, Rockies, in mid-
summer, aloof, sneering at the
ants that crawl • about theit
knees. • The . sculptiire-8” bin j
white seascapes of January. .
' 'I love peace And lonelines ,
and they're dam' hard to come
by, now -a -days. Its beautiful. to
be alone, sometimes, without
the yelpand clamor, the stink
and garbage Of everyday living.
About theonly place you can
find it is in an inacessible
bog, with a fishing rod. The
outboard motor and the ski-
doo have seen to that.
And I 'love all growing
things: grass, flowers, leaves.
Except when they have to be
mowed, or cultivated, or raked.
And nearly all children. Ex-
cept when they grow up.
• And I love a good • poker
game, especially when the
cards are coming right. And a
good argument, . especially
when I'm right, which seems to
be nearly every time.
And I love my„ wife, but oh,
you kid. And I love my kids,
And I love to do a good job,
' whether it's writing a column,
or teaching a dumbbell" some-
thing, or finding a new gim-
mick in my tax return. It sel-
dom happens, but it makes me
Sometimes. I can even love
my' neighbor. as myself. It's a.
lot easier These days. He hasn't
an ox or an ass or A maid -ser-
vant to covet.
See? I've just begun. I hav
en't: even mentioned hot bon
. -
fires or cold beer, or a thou-
sand other things. Put down a
list for youiself, and you'll de-
cide you're not such an old
miserable after, all.
Man shelters for Bruce Trail
The Bruce Trail 'Association
this week announced a plan to
construct a series of log cabid-
style shelters -at strategic locat
tions along the popular nature
trail which extends all the way
from Tobermory to the Niagara
The open -front rustic shel-
ters will be basically construct -
."ed from cedar telephone poles
donated to the Association by
Bell Canada. Bell is removing °
Many of its poles throughout
Ontario as part of a continuing
program to place telephone fa-
cilities out of sight and under-
° First of the shelters, about
10 feet by 16 feet in size is ex-
pected to be completed by early
slimmer and will be located
near Meaford, Long rangeplans
call for shelters spaced about 10
miles apart along the length of
the trail ---a good day's hike
from each -other.
A Bruce Trail official stated
that while the gift of the poles
solves one major problem, oth-
ers remain. These include find-
ing suitable locations, addition-
al funds to over construction
costs and other material requir-
"However we forsee no ma-
jor difficulties in completing our
plans to have one of the finest
tourist attractions in the Prov-
ince, "he added.