The Exeter Times, 1888-11-15, Page 8•
PAN'S:,. of Toronto ; also for the 1'11cb;,TOi'IK
I'IB1. GNST71tANOlt COD:Ik'ANT, oc laoucloa,
England, the IluyAL OANA1vE N. of Mon-
treal, and the. BRITISH IkM1'11111 LIVE AS
8U1IANCi<1 OOML'.AIiY, of Loudon, England
established 1817. Assets over $4,000,00
claims and bonuses paid, over S10,O00,0
ir,O0.4L ?TR }VS.--WYcshallbehappj tore-
daive atoll antes, from any part of the
County, itents of local news, such as ao-
cidente,or any interesting'ltac'ident ¢a1ott¢¢-
ever, fram any of our s tcbscr bens or read-
ersgenerally for the purpose of public
riir tl'ndersigned would :announce to
th a public that he has'uow on hand one of
the best assorted stooks of harnese, boots
atnd shoes, t. e. in town, and would call
special attention to his ScotchCollars,
Children's Carriages, & Express W'i ag oris,
as they are the best in the markets nod at
prices to suit the times, Boot & shoe i°e-
vairing.prmnptly attended, to. Call
be convinced. C. FiACIaTr; Exeter.
The Spo3.1nien's Depot.
Go to the sportsmen's •depot at: Ge'o.
° Sanders' and see his celebrated powder,
the Wild'Rover and People's Favorite ;
-they- are the latest. A full suop'lyof
sporting goods. An inspection will 'con-
ear Clubbing Rates.
To -day we present to our readers a list
of the papers with which we club the
`fraises. We have placed the priees so low
that the only margin left goes to the 'sub-
scriber. We give two, and in several in-
stances three papers, for the prose of one.
Read the list carefully, consider your own
interests and take advantage of the offer
at once.
A. Splendid Fence.
Mr. Jas. Sanders, of Stephen, has just
made application for a patenton a very.
heat and s.tbstantial fence of his own idea.
It is ahead of other patent rail fences in
massy respects. It is more easily built,
costs less, is more satisfactory, and is
neater. Samples of the fence can; already
be seen on many farms • in this neighbor-
, Hood. Mr. Sanders will bepleased to have
X11 interested, call.
Where the Deer Go.
Farmers in the Muskoka territory re -
pop& terrible on slaughter on deer by
evolves each winter. Once the snow comes
these beasts play havoc with game.
Some inhabitants in that neighborhood
have on more .than one occasion found
from thirty to forty good-sized deer year-
ly killed by those ferocious beasts. The
government's' . grant of - $6 per head for
• eech wolf .slaughtered does not seem to
• have the,effect of inducing many to un-
dertake'the capture of these animals.
Our Markets.
When we notice the complaints of the
local press of neighboring towns concern-
ingthe low prices their buyers are offer-
ing for grain and produce, we realize ` a
deal of satisfaction in knowing that the
Exeter buyer's . aim to pay the highest
figures for cereals and in part. stake .their
reputation upon giving correct weights.
The:. complaints of the Journal make it
appear as though St. Marys business men
were bein§badly used at the hands of the
$rain merchants, in driving farmers away
from the town;
About Bonuses. '
The law passed at the last session of
the Ontario Legislature, and which came
intb force on the lst'of November, will
practically shut out the granting of bon-
uses by municipal corporations. p 1Vlirniei•
polities are prohibited from giving a bonus
to a manufacturer in•any town to move to,
another town. And a bonus by-law will
;in all cases for the future, have .to, be
carried by a two -third vote;. ofi.all the
•ratepayers on the roll who as'e ° eratftied to
-vote on such by law, ,and no aid in the
form of a bonus can be ted to a firm
if works of a simityr re are already
doing business in -Ws:.
The roller rink, it is said, will be con-
ver'ted. iuto au ice rink 'this winter. '.
gr. UughOke, of Usborne, is coining
to town to live.
The weather fertile past few days has
eels summer-like,
All Wool 'White Blankets. at Parkin-
son's for $2.50. .
The season for hunting deer with doge
oloses to -day, Thursday 15th,,
Meus,You'ths, .Boys overcoats for just
about half price at the big Bankrupt
The house and lot \Exeter North, of- "
ferred for sale, under mprtgage, last week,
was bought in. •
Mr, Thos. Rosve, of the London Road,
had a valuable colt di this week, sudden-.
ly. Cause uuknow1V
' Chicken thieves a e making eol1eotions,
of poultry in, the outheen part',of the
town, much to the- exation of the owners,
The ver } rice for all kinds of .
farm produce at"thebfg Bankrupt Store,
the cheapest spot on earth , '
The Ronald ateil.rtner qu• exhibition at
Lyth has been pluchased by that Tillage
The price paid was $20QQ. a ,,, '
A -spirited deg fight took,plaime on our
streets Monday, rind one of;tho dogs uar-
owly escaped being killed by the, other.
Yon make the greatest mistake of your
life when you do not buy your goods at
Parkinson's. '
Chief Gill daily receives apprisals of
horses or other property, being stolen
from parties in different sections. •
When will' wonders cease.- 25ct'-grey
all worl flannel for 16ots at the Bigi';Bank•
runt .Store. e.•
Several carloads of sheep wet% shipped
from Exeter to Buffalo, on Monday, by
the :Messrs. Wood Bros.
Mr. Huglt. Spaokriian has sola his young
drivinghorse to Yin Colqul}quh, for a good
um. .. t
Sealettes $5 to $$:at garkinson's; ;That
downs 'em all. •. -' •
A lively runaway occurred on Main-st.
on Monday erg. The horse _bee rged to a
Mr Towers of Usborne Wei i 'serious
damage resulted. . •
Owing to our. going to : press unusually'
early this week several of our correspon-
dent's letters were receifed" to 'late for
It is our wish that all may enjoy the
Thanksgiving turkey to -day, and that
there may be.many returns of the happy
event to every one.
While airing himself on the roller rink,
Tuesday night, our devil fell over the
railing and sprained his left wrist badly.
It rained so heavily in this neighbor-
hood on Thursday night last that the
streets in some places. were covered with
Mr. .A E Tennent has leased the 'stables
lately used by Mr A McDonell for livery,
and will keep his•stock therein during the
There wiU be service in Christ Church
this (Thursday) morning at 11 o'clock, to
be conducted by the incumbent, Rev. S. F
Have you a good solid . tea pot? If not
dont buy any of the 50ct tea for 25cts at
the big Bankrupt Store 'for it will burst
any ordinary tea pot. ' .
Mr. Glenn, of Blanshard, who had his
horse stolen one diiy last week, found it
next day tied to a tree in the vicinity of
Prospect Hill.
The'snit against J. A. Stewart, on the
plea of his being a transient:. trader, has
een dropped, he proving him'self'other-
. If you would not be out of pocket, get
your goods at Parkinson's, one door north
of town hall.
014 wall paper can be 'very much im-
proved in appearance by simply rubbing
it well with a flannel cloth ,dipped:in oat
' The grain.',merebants in` bxetei com-
plain of a seareity.of cars. It is possible
that where the"company bas opposition
the availablecarsgo. ' '
Who isms away flown at the bottom , of
the case between T. A. Stewart, the
: great bankrupt stock . dealer, and the
village of
Can't you guess? Try..
Tho present high .price of hay is re-
sponsible for the low valuations of horses.
The prominent horse dealers state that
horses are fetching from 20 to 40 per cent
Tbe Annual ':Anniversary > ersar Services o
the James St. Methodist ib Cha
eh wille\
held on Sunday, and Monday . Dec. 9th
and IOth. ,Rev A: 0 Co.urtice M
D. of Toronto will preach on Sunday and
address the' platform Meeting. on Monday'
evening. '
OnSunclay,, the,
25th inst., the Brother-
'liocrd of Independent Foresters, of Exeter
'land neighboring villages will attend divine
gervice in the' Presbyterian Church', at
10.30 a m. The members will meet'; at
the court room and form a procession-:
The entertainment of the season will be
given by • Coutts Exeter 1.0.1,, in the
course of a few weeks. Arrangements
are being completedl,"'incl trom the eharac-
tea of the affair it,gives promise of being
:a grand success. 'Dttie nMice will be giy
Mr.: T. Crowley, of theLoudoh' Rbad,
Usborne, whose farm was-
:iVir. John Ilawkshaw, 1ea1"ee ;:for London.
in a few days to ,permanently reside, Mr.
Crowley has been a resident of Usborne
for over 20 years. and he will be greatly,
missed by all: ' We wish hug' sitcom in
his new home. , ' • :`
Three years' ago the Ontario Govern -
`meet passed alew mnakingit a crime for
any person to hunt or destroy :any quail
until this fall This wee clorle to give the
birds a chance to breed, as they were be-
coming very .rare, and this fall theyare
very plentiful.
Rabbits are so plentiful iti'some sections
hereabouts that they will actually run
among one's feet. - :Recently', one of the
rodents ran nn to a squad. Of sports, and
so .thoroughly surprised Were they at
bunny's familiarity, that for some time
not ope of the mhrkanien could `sheet it.
Thirdly one of the 'sports, restored to his
equilibrium; severed the ,rabbit's body
with a good charge of buckshot.
John Heffernan, of'Eluron Co who was
committed at Guelph last week for horse
stealing, particular's of which were in the
Titres, has reeeived'his sentence, which
is two years in the Penitentiary. Many
are of the opinion that his sentence is ton
light. But when it is learned that at the
expiration of the term he will likely be
returned for two years more at the in-
stance of the Huron oflic'als for alleged
cattle stealing, such an idea will be cdie-
In a very:ehoet time people will be
thinking.of Chiistnitts souvenirs to send
to°friends all over°the world. Canada is
gning tofurnith one of the trios, superb
Christmas souvenirs'
ever seen on this
Caitfinent '.Cllr ,lvioivtttkat,DAMS( S'rAlt
le getting out a Christmas ntitrlher at
enorniOus expense chat.'Will be far ' and
hwey ahead of any, provioue effort. It
will be a grand paper to send to ft'iende
in other Iatido. The publishers have al•
ready' spent nearly twenty thousand
dollars in its production.
In ease an executor's aunouncetileut is
advertised three theca in a newspaper,
and you have a claim of „300 against the
estate, the law gives you no claim if you
don't see and take, heed of the notice
given and put in your claim within that
specified time. Its case you lose stock or
horses and they are advertised in the
paper, and yon do not see the advertise.
anent, you lose your atock.: If you keep
stook and don't advertise them tip law
does not excuse you, If you do not read
the announceutent of the Municipal Clerk
at the time such announcements are made,
and take heed thereto' in the specified
Eine, you may lose_ your vote, and apart
from news there are several things about
a newspaper which make it indispensable
in the country home, and yet there are
some people who grudge a dollar when it
often saves, ten. '
Thanks For Services
At a meeting of the board of trustees
of;,North-st Methodist' church, 'Goderich,'
held 11oys 5th, 1888, the following resole-:
tion wiA,- untunimously adopted: --Moved
by Mr. R. W Mackenzie, and seconded by
Mr Geo Acheson, Whereas Bro. S. P. Hal.'b
B. A., has occupied the position of leader
of the choir for the past seven years- and
a half, with marked ability on his part,'
and with great acceptance to the ;Heir
and congregation, and whereas, at our last
regular meeting Bro. Halls resigned lits
position, we, the 'members of the trustee
board, cannot allow this opportunity to
pass,' without placing on record our high
appreciation • of his valuable services so
long and so freely given; therefore resolv-
ed, that the thanks of this trustee board
be presented to Bro. S. P, Balls for his
kindness in serving the congregation,"
without salary, for so longa time;,and be
it father resolved, that we place on record
not only our appreciation of his marked.
ability as leader -of the choir, but also our'
confidencein his Christian character; and.
we pray that his useful life may be long:
spared; also that the secretary send him
a copy of these resolutions and furnish
copies of the same to the press. Mr.
Halls'was a former resident of :Elimville.
Mrs. (Dr) Cowan, who has been in Eng-
land for some time visiting her sou, re-
turned home on Thursday. Mrs. Cowan,
jr., who accompanied her, remained in
London, England, with her husband, Dr.
H. M. Cowan.—Mr. Alex. Colquhouu,
Who a few weeks ago took a couple of en-
tire horses to Manrtoba, has returned
home. Mr. Colquhouu speaks very high-
ly ,of the country, end says he is going out
again iu the spring to permanently reside.
—Miss Parr is visiting her sister, Mrs,
W. J. Clarke, in town.—Dina 4\`illiain,
the scissor griller, has returned to his
home in Mito eelll, to spend the winter.—
The deer hunters who left here last week
for Muskoka, have succeeded in killing
several, fine specimens of the forest.—Sey-
eral former Exeterites are home spending
Thaukse•iving.—Dr. Tennant was in .Lon-
don the fore part of the week, on business.
—Mrs. W. Allan, of Winnipeg is visiting
friends in town.—Mr. Wellington Allan,
has been moved from Winnipeg to Mon-
treal, by the Massey Mfg. •Co•, of Toron-
to in their interests. Mr. Thos. ;Allan
takes full charge of the Coy's business in
the former city.—Mr. Richard Blatchford,
of Usborne, has. moved into town and
taken up his residence on. Station street.
We welcoine you to our town, Mr. Blatch-
i rd.
A lot more New Goods at Parkinson's.
The monthlq meteorological report
shows last mouth to have been the coldest
October since 1376. -
Mr. C. Eartleib, of Dashwood, > grew 3
cabbages in his garden this season, which
weighed.respectively:-201lbs ; u0} lbs ;
17 lbs, or a, -hotel of 54*. Mr. H. would
like te. know who can beat this.
The Salvation Army •has purchased a
building of. Mr. Wm. "Drew, which will be
converted;into a barracks. It will ,•be.
moved ontb the propertyat the rear of Mr
l-ersey's premises.
«1Y didn't ,
t the big *bankrupt
s or
have to paythe$50, licese
? $imply be-
cause they; are a decided' 'benefit to the
'town. ill.goods-d,old for ,lees .than' actual'
wholesale prices.
No 'lace foes
Prices i
Parkinson's` alke
Messrs. T. Oke and Bert. Knight, each
received a curiosity in the form of a horns
edfrog, from. Mr. Pranl Ttnig1it, of Ont'o
Cal., last week. 'Protrticlfing horns cover
the -entire body.
On Sunclay, Nov. 25th, the Catholic
church, at Lrmeriek, Stephen township,
will be dedimated . The church is one of
the finest'ia.'Western Ontario, media alike
creditable to -Rev. Pathe'r .Melly and his
A northern' Ontario paper; in trying to
wake up tts.slou corresponclents, says :-' -
" entlemenalf you':are dead, please send
in your obitaariee for next issne." The
same will apply to seine of onr own i cut,
Commending the recent, 'action of the
tosvn;m reoitganizing its Board of. Trade
the Mitchell' Advocate says :--That' a
Board of Trade, properly conducted, is'
one of the hest institution; a town' can
possess there is no denying, .
The Lonclop (Ont) L+',i ening Times is no
more. It=was short hiedhating only
istarted a:fewinignths, ago. Tivo daily.
Papers are quite enough for London, and
adventurers will find a rough voyagein
competing with the Free Press and Ad-
The second marriage of a .gentleman in
town was celebrated on Wednesday et/;;,
Of last week by some of the boys .giving
the participants a musical entertaimn'eht.
The instruments employed •we.e novel, as
also Was the music, but the noise made
was charming, inasmuch as the serenaded
placed $2,50 into the hat, to recoup the
boys for the trouhle they had gone to
This (Thursday) evening there, is, to be
<an oyster social given in the basement of
the m am•-st. Meth church, It takes place
tinder the auspices of the choir and will
be the only social or tea held this winter,
the ofiictals having decided for there -
sent to abandon the practice of holding
the 'anniversary services, The proceeds
of the oyster social will be applied to the
fund for the purr•hase..of a new; pipe organ
For partioulars see general announceinennts
One or two important Changes have
been made in the Municipal Act. The
nomination .may now be held at 'seven
oeloek in the evening if the municipality
so chooses, This will give the working,
men an opportunity of hearing the candi.
dates' Opinion, without losing the after.
noon, as ab present, , Too little attention
is usually given to mmnicipal affairs by
'the ratepayers, and itis only by intelli•.
gent, thorough , riiseussiou, that a true
concepttra'n of the town's affairs can be
obtained Another' alteration in: the law
calls for meeting on or about the 15th
of December as a sort of wind-up of the
year's hueiness, and the Treasurer is to
furnish the ratepayers an account of•the
financial standing of the mtnticipality up
to date,
Call on G. A. H,fol;,Groceries
a, Teas;
" Spices
" Dashwood Scour
" Petty Hams and
" Smelting tobaccp a
five cent piece with every 3 plugs.
This powmer never varies A marvel asper-
ity, strength and wholesomeness. More actin.
conical thantlleordinary kinds and cannot'
be sold in competitionwith the m el titudes of
low test, short weight, alum or phosphate
powders. Soldonly in enna,—ROYAL BAI{-
INCtPOWDER CC. .106 Wallstreet N Y.
The roller rink will 1•e open this Thurs-
day afternoon and evening.. Band in at-
tendance,in the evening.
While, performing household - duties on
Sunday morning last, Mrs. R. Davis ac-
cidentally fell; eutting a deep gash in her,.
fd•rehead.Several stitches werenecessary.
to close the wound.
When Baby was siok, we gave her Ceetorla,
When:sho was a Child, she Dried for Castoria,
When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria,
When she had Children, she gave thorn Castoria,
Pen ;0 STUDIO,
For Finely Finished Photos of all sizes,
from small album size to 1 1x14
from life, try
s ,IJ 1..r1 I O V
He has also an elegant display of Photo-
graph. Frames. Sizes : 8x10,
11x14 and 14x17. •
It wi 1 be to the advantage of those
having pictures to frame 'to examine bis
stock of Picture Moulding. .
Get prices before purchasing elsewhere.
txallery Opposite Post -Office.
=-GREAT' t
More Crediton
For the next 60 clays at dost; consisting
of •
Dry -Goods, Boots & Shoes, Felt and Straw
slats (about 400 to select from.)
Having secured shop license to sell all
• kinds of
Ihaye,decided; to elean out some of tlie
, above lines at or below cost for dish
and ready pay, to make: room for
alarge stock of
Don't forget as it is no humbug. All
accounts clue 1st October, 1888.
'.ITC 3tL
Chea Store '
U 0 0 Crediton
anoll Pickard
"Have just received (Bred from England
a fine assortment of Ladies' Walking Jack-
ets, Dolmans, and Ulster's, also a Fine As-
sortment of, Sealettes, Imitation Lamb and
Our Stook is Complete
-Goo66Dr ds, Boots Shoes,
Dry -Goods,
Ready-made Clothing.
egar � _ _
0 Cosi.
Mill continue TWO WEEKS, when I
and -going to move my goods ; back ,
to my, residence . op Elizabeth
A street,and am prepared to,
sell cheaply. All accounts Must. be,paid
Eor Sale or Rent—Opposite town hall.
STRAY SHF,EP.—Caine :into
the premises of the undersigned on lot
13, cou.13. ijeborno. On or ;about rho 1st' of
Soptgmbor, otto We and two lambs. The own-
er can have the same by preying property and
paying cxponsos•,
J 01IN IItVIN, I(irkton P. 0.
Furniture'4Ui de rtakang
In returning thanks to our numerous
customers for past favors it affords us
great pleasure its stating that we have got
nicely settled in our new and commodious
premises, and are 'prepared, (ifuality.
and selection of stook, and honest Baling
will do it) to supply the wants the
people of this district, in the furniture
and undertaking line, with roods
The finest stook in Huron county, to choose
from. For proof positive as to the
extent of our stock and be
low pricos at which we
g ANE , I' O
We publish no clap trap nonsense, but
produce facts, which can be verified in a'
practical way
Oar crook of undertaking goods is very
complete, 'embracing funeral furnishings ,
front the highest to the lowest grades, and
at prices far below anyin town.
Au inspection of our goods is respectfully'
solicited. '
(Successor to C. & S. Gilley)
July '88,
$10 Reward , for
the Conviction
Eureka Cylinder, Bolt- •I .( McColl Bros. & Co.,
,,,Cutting & Wool Oils. For sale by all leading dealers. Toronto„,
EIS S T 13Z.0e ., Sole Agents, Exeter5
At TorontoVvery Barrel Guaranteed. This Oil was need on all machinery during the
Exhibition. It has been awarded HIRE GOLD MEDALS during the last three years
'See that you get Peerless: Itis only made by
r f T i7
a • d
r ltl
. . ° E .d 7.. A OL ° ' . Y
New- Type; New Press, Fine Paber, -rive' handsome Lithographed
Plates, • First -Class Illustrations, Original Matter
and Su
BEST perior tiVorlcxnansbl`p.
TIP!, 'LITER'AR1-• MATTER in the CllltXSTaMAs Gtonn ,will be entirely original
and : ill. 9nc'ude stories from the ablest pens in' Canada. The subjects treated
being Wholly Canadian.
FIVE HANDSOME LITIHOGRAPHED PLATES accompany the paper, the princi-
pal ono being a steno from V'dndotaver'Park, B.C.,. from a painting, b Mr. L.
R. b Y
O'Brien, the celebrated Canadian artist.
MECHANICALLY tho XMAS GLebe will be in every way first-class and no
eat .rise will be sparefj,.in Having it surpass . anything of the kind heretofore
published, in this country.
AS, THE DEMAND will be very great, we would advise intending puicfiasers
to leave their orders 'at their newsdealer's or send direct to this. office, not Iate
than the end of the. present month,' as the supply will necessarily be limited.
and wo cann.ot undertake' to print a second edition.
The price has been place& at ONLY 25 CENTS PER COPY.
It is intended to have the edition ready the first week in December in
order to allow plenty oftime for inailing copies long distances so as to"reach
destination before Christmas. `
THE WEEKLY GLOBE, the best,..,.family newspaper in Canada,
and TFT.:F R•URA.Y, C ANA.DZAN, the best agricultural paper in Canada.
Both from now to end of 1.889,only $1.25.
Summer Silks, Dress Goods, Muslins, Prints, Ginghams
Laces, Ribbons, Hisiery, Gloves, Underwear,
CoPsfitts Parasols Millinery, nery, Trimmings, etc
At -. r t: Reduced ; � eat Y Prices. ,
Drind Bargain: in !vry Do;aritiont
I'LAdies, do not misd ibis opportunity to bny cheap goods, as the subscriber him
ono of the finest stocks in the town to choose frotn , A call will repay ,yon,