The Exeter Times, 1888-11-15, Page 5ti'>`w4SLrCG•mv' DISTRICT DQINGS, Oconrrautce of the Plantwoelc 'trfironifli out the eisegbbor1ioteil in a goneistl 1 r fibrin. ar .B,verest'e Coo rh Syrup ;is the . best ',in the conal try.—Duncan Pursell For - .est.; Sheep•stealing is complained of in the vicinity of Granton, An effort is being made by some parties in Ailsa Craig to remove Mr, Bay irons the position of postmaster. • An eagle, measuring seven feet two inches from tip to tip, has been cap- tur'e'd near Hastings, ° It cost West Ntssouri $37 for. sheep killed by. doga recently, and the su:n was voted at the last Council meet - in . g 1�ir. ,lotto Mo'1'aggart, of the 14th coda., Hibbert, has rented his lapin and intends becoming a resident. of Stant. Mrs, Robert Linton, or Logan', a most estimable lady of 27 years of age, died on Tuesdav last, from in• flanimation of the lunge. It is rumored that the Government has Created a new office, that ot 'salt Inspector, and appointed Mr. Thos. Kidd, of Seaforth, thereto. Captain Francis of Fullerton town• ship,leaves, in Refers days, p► a, trip - td, then Old in We , wash him bon voyage and a s IN return: Henry Howard, a farmer living near Bayfield, was'thrown out'of his buggy about ten o'clock on . Tuesday night into a creek and inetanly killed. W. R., Meredith, Q. C.. M. P. P., leaves' London and , takes up his quarters in 'Toronto. 'Reis appointed Law•Agentand : solicitor for the ; Cen- tral Bank Liquidators. A daughter of Mr. James McDonald drayman, of Parkhill, nearly lost one of her eyes recently by haying a hair- pin run into It. The wound was a very painful one and the sufferer is not yet out of danger. A family by the name of Scott lives in Dawn Township. Scott was in the habit of getting intoxicated when. in town anct going home to abuse his, wife shamefully. Thursday night she shot hen fatally through the head. She is insane, "Everest's Extract of Wild Black- berry never fails to cure diarrhoea, dysentery, &c." --the statements of scores who have trted it. 25c per bot for sale by all druggisst Mr. W. D. MoD.. Allan, ot G-oderich, President ofthe Ontario Fruit Grow- ers' Association, and well known throughout the Dominion as an expert in horticulture, and particularly in poinology, was in victoria, B, C., on the 1st inst., on his way from the East. Artemus Bice, of McGillivray town- ship, was Monday morning again arrest d by Detective Graham, charg- ed with receiving the chest of tea and other articles alleged to have been stolen by his son Eli from the custody of the G. T. R. at Clandeboye, know- ing them to have been stolen. Be will he heard Saturday. The people ot Mitchell are quarrel- ing over the electric light contract. An "observer" who has carefully cal- culated the agreement asserts that the light will cost the ratepayers 33 cents each per hour, which is enor- mous since it is known that the regu lar price in other towns is 22e and 25c per light per night. The other day while llir, Dan'l Clark of Sol -dwelt, was returning from Eg- mondville, he was met by Mr, Cobias 'Nash, a farmer of MoKilIop; who struck him several times on the head and knocked him down. Nash was sent up for trial. The two parties en- tertained bad feelings toward. each other for some months, While Wm. Canning, N. S., Hod - gine and Chitties Pollakowsky of Mit- chell, were out shooting black squirr els in, Fullerton township, near Russel dale, on Thursday they espied a large. black hear, and after alarming the neighborhood, they succeeded in killing bruin after about an hour's hard work, Mr. Reub, Fax, of Woodstock, who left some time ago to study for the stage in New York, has passed a very successful examinatiee, being one of the eleven who passed out.of a eines of 300 at the Madison Square theatre. Mr. Fax will makehie debut on 'Tuesday next in a 2 month's en- gagement with Booth ancl' Barrett, at the 5th Avenue theatre. 'i'raveIlers through the rural dire triots report this season an unusual number of turkeys. The Cermet s are taking largely to this branch ot their business, which ought to be a vert profitable. one. These birds need little care in summer and tall, and if they require pretty full feeding a few weeks before Christmas, the price they bring is fair compensation , The manner in which gta?el is 'clumped on several of the country roads about London is scandalous, and will doubtless cause numerous accidents when the snow 4Conceals it from sight. Mr. Geo, Li ayes was up- set on Wednesday while going to London from Bianshard township, on the townline between London and iBiiidulph. His ankl3 was badly sprained, and tree goad was piled out, in the mud, The two barns and,hous,e belonging to Wm. Weteenberge, lot 6, con. 3; McKill tp' were set on fire by sonde miscreant in human form on. Monday teeming last, In one of the barns there were four horses which Were burned to dcesth—one being a mare valued at $200. In another barn there were 50 chickens burned to- gether with all his farm implements. i Iu the barns were 20 tons of hay, the; yield of 30 acres of 'oats and 22 loads of peas, some of the latter beteg. <©F the mummy variety. The farm belonging to the estate of the late Jas. Shaw, on the Babyt n line, Stanley, was sold ' by auction, recently,, to Wtn. Keys for $$2,1700, The farm contains 50 acres, The ad- joining fifty acres, belonging to the. estate} rel the .late Joseph 'Penipletott, was sold at the same time to lilt'. An- drew Keys for x;2,700, Un this lam theme was only a frame barn. 'Jho J'er'npleton hotieetetid,. Consisting 'ot fifty neves, was alsosolcl to Mr, Joseph Sid keld of .Goderiob '1'etvnel11p for $2,300. G. ,A,.. Sharman, harness maker? of Clinton, bas• atieigned, , J, FI,"I3o.d i.Ain S 4' fsa 111eda,calf , � . four zontha old the 'Other 'day "haat. dressed 360 pounds. Chas'Currie; of Pork hill, and John McPherson, of 'Sault. Ste, Marie, •'put; the shot for the championship .of' the world, at Toronto on: Saturday last, Me Pherson won by three ottt of five. McPherson says that no outer n'tfln i4 the '.world, excepting himself, gain heat Currie: While attending a funeral the other day Mr T. Robertson, of Hullett had a valuable mare "receive a serious puncture in the breast by the rig in front of, hint spddenly stopping and backing up. A sharpiron ' on the back ofthe forward riginffioted the wound. The St: Marys' Journal and Messrs. Carter, son ,&, C'o. are at 'present en- gaged,in'a, newspaper war, over: the priees•p"aid,' for grain in° that town. Reading the arguments advanced, by both sides we admit that Messrs,` Carter, Son & bo. are getting the upper hand of their 'adversary. D. McLaren, of St. Marys, merchant. tailor. had his store broken into Wed- nesday night andl, good, `tp the ,value r.of ,about:' $150;• Stolen., . rite' grioda consisted of one busineas coat, two• overcoats, five vests;' four pan's pants,' two shirts, two or three Cardigan jackets and four pairs of gloves. While Mr. John McKay, cutter,. of Ailsa Craig, was working at the sew- ing machine the other day,the first finger on his left hand got into the shuttle race and was badly . smashed., while three of the cogs of the machine were broken.' Mr. McKay has been unable to work since. Miss McGowan, a Canadian from Bruceleld, cpunty Huron, travelling companion for a wealthy Southern lady' from New Orleans, accidentally fell against the dressing table in her room to one of the leading New York hotels and internally injured herself. The young lady is said to be a heroine having two years ago, at the risk of her own life, rescued from drowning' at the Island, Toronto, a lovely young lady who fell out of a row boat, The man who fired Mr D. D. Wilson's barn near Seaforth, about a year ago has been captured at Oakville. On appearing before the magistrate at Clacton he pleaded guilty of the offence, and was sent for trial. It ap- peare that at the time of the fire Hawse, that is the marl's name, was engaged as hostler in one of the hotels in town. While drinking at a hotel in Oakville last week, he was over- heard to say that he had set fire to a barn between Seaforth and Harpurhey. which led to his arrest. He has since given information to Detective Greer, which that officer thinks will result in the conviction of the guilty men. Acting on the information obtained from various sources, Detectives Allen and Greer on Wednesdny night last arrested William Hodgins, a tailor of Parkhill, on a charge of arson. Both men have been taken to Goderioh jail for safe keeping, and as yet the detec- tives have made no futher move, There is a reward of $600 for the con- viction of the guilty parties, General News. Mr. A. R. Dickey, Sir Charles. Tupper's successor .in Cumberland, has admitted bribery by agents. Jack Ifehoe was found guilty of murder at Montreal yesterday, and sentenced to bo hanged; on December 14th. The Galops Canal contract has been let to Capt. Murray, of St. Catharines, and M. A. Ole)efand,'of Brockport, N. Y. Ayer's Sarsaparilla acts directly and promptly, purifying ,and enriching the blood, improving the appetite, strengthen- ing the nerves,and invigorating the system. It is, in the truest 'sense an alternative meflicine. Every invalid ,should give it a trial. • John Mu>rayhas purchased Mr. West• oott's farm, .concession 12, Howard, for $1,500. - James McCabe has sold his bush farm near Inwood, lot six, in 4th con., Brooke, for 1,700 cash, A REASONABLE HOPE Ts oue that is based on previous knowledge or experience therefore those who use B. 13. B, may reasonably hope for a cure because the previous experience of thousands who have used it, showsit to have succeeded even in the wort cases. '. There were 39I deaths in Montreal last month, of which fifteen were from typhoid and 31 from diphtheria: PREVAILING SICKNESS The most ptevailiug complaints at this season are rheumatism, neuralgia, sore throat, inflammations and. congestions. For all these and other painful troubles Hagyard's Yellow 011 is the internal ann external remedy. It is stated that in accordance with the. decision of the speeial Naval Committee the Government will announce an admir- alty scheme to build eight first-class men- of-war, a score of awift'.cruisers,and many torpedo vosssels. ONE GOOD POINT. Out of tits many, possessed by Burdock Blood,liitters is that it may be taken at all seas.ins of the year, and by either young or old,. Intim way the three busy B's are always at work and doing good. The trouble between the Rey,. qr. Jeffery of Toronto and some of his congregation:is not yeA fully settled, and contieues to 1>e discussed in the papery. To a perfectly disinterested out -siders. it looks niore like a cage of "iacompatatlility of temperament" than,auytliing else, but the public voutila, tion,of:suoli matters Is net edifying. II,poopia, troubled with colds, will take Ayai"s .Cherry Pectoral before going to ek'orch, •they• will avoid coughing. The .I°ectortil suothes and heals I,lie irritated tissues, and controls all .dispositiioti to foougb. The Windsor Council his passed a by- law for the benalit of the C. P. R. Com- pany, granting exemption, for ten wear's from at1 taxes, hit water',. school and local improvement rates, ou eoudrtion ilial, they build an independent lino from Londofi to Windsor before August. 1800, place their yards and buildings within the corporate limits, and build a brick or stens atetioli et or tanrth of boudoir street. RELIABLE RIilivI'D'Y for RHX U+iTATISM Procure a bottle of Raf,'yard's Yellow Oil from your moc1lcine dealer, and use Word- ing to diveetions. It mired Ida Johnston, oC Cornell, Ont.!of thu.t Complaint, and she recdtnuiiiucls it as a sure (lure, re .25 years it has never failed to give sahsfate Children tray for Pitcher' s'Castoria BORN I ee tees -:..In Debt/meen tXt•e,, ];Otlt a.uat, the wife of John Harness of a daughter. Hina'[ : xi1 Exetert on the 12th, tug;,, the Wife of John Muir of'a son. MAIMET) STL'WAn.,--••QAkf;'13DIaa.-At'tlie; t'esidet.oe of the brides father, 'Usborue, on, the 17411 ult., by theLey. J, A• 'Turnbull, uuolegf the bride, assisted by :he ,Rev; Colin Pletcher, Idr.. John Stewart, to Miss 13ella, eldest t aeghtwr ,of Mr Sinton' Campbell, all of tsber'ne. 14)niusoe.--Reen.—Op October 31st, 1iy the P.ev. Mas Richardson, tit the res'i- dinee of the bride's father, H; J, Morri- son, of Lake City, Mich,, to Mary, second daughter of Mr. Dave Reid, oQGoderioh, TUrTS.—Mertr,BY,—Ip London on'the 31st alt., by°Rev. Canon Biehardsou, Ili, R J. Tufts, of Loudon, formerly of Clinton, to Mrs, Sarah Mobley, of the Grand Union Flotel, Clinton. CORNISTe,-ltfrt;L,—At the manse, Bruce• frelcl,by Rev,. J. H, Simpson, on the 7th inst., Thomas Cornish, Esq,, to Miss • Ann Mill, all of Exeter, 'Erry,—.Buex.—On Wednesday Nov. 7th, by the RCM. W. ,T. Taylor, at the res- idence of the bride's parents, David Etty of the Huron road, to Jennie Buck, of the 3rd concession of Hibbert„ iM,,entiiC,a,Haasamx•—,fit the; resideneo. of .the;brir—le s father, on the 6t11 inst., by the. Bev. Father, O'Neal, Mr. Dennis Madder of St. Marys, to Miss Ellen, daughter of Mr. Daniel Heashen of Kite kora. A NARROW ESCAPE. People who are exposed to the sudden changes of our nothern climate have little change of escaping golds, coughs, sore shroat and lung troubles. The bast safe- gnard is to keep Haggard's "Pectoral Bal- sam at hand, It is a quiok relief and re- liable cure for such complaints. WILL BE ,FULLY MET. Indications of Dyspepsia, suoh as sour stomach, .. Heartburn; Sick Headache, Rising and Souring of Food, Wind on the Stomach or a choking or gnawing sensation at the pit of the stomach are fully nae t by Burdock Blood Bitters' which has (lured the worst cases on record. b •El 4 Annan To Mopanns.-Are you disturbed as night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth? If so send at once and get a bottle of "Mrs, Wins low's Soothing Syrup" for Chil- dren Teething. Its value is incalculable, It wilirelieve the pour llttie ,sufferer im mediately Depend upon it, mothers ; there is no mistake about it. It cures Dysentery and Diarrhoea, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind Collo, softens the Gums. reduces Inflammation, and gives tone and energy tothe wholesystem, ' Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" fo>; children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and. beet female physicians and nmrses in the United States, and is for sale by all druggists throughoutthe world, Ptioe twenty-five gents a bottle. Be sure and ask for '•Mits. Wrxsx,ow's a.o'raxxa seems "and take no other kind. CONSU1tIPaION CURED: An old physician, retired from practice, having hadplacedin his hands by au Fast Indian missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and perma- nent oure ,'of Consumption, Bronchitis, Ca- tarrh, Asthma and all throat and lung affections, also a, positive and radical curs for Nervous Debilityandall Nervous Com- plaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands ofcases, has felt it his duty to makeit known to his suffering fellows, Aetuatoclby tuiareotive and a desire to relieve hum an suffering, I w:,1 send free of oharge, to all who desiroiy, this recipe,in German,French or English, with full diroctions far preparing and using. Soffit by mail by addressing w ith stamp, naming this oaper.W.A,Nores 149 Powers Moot' Rochester N v , When I say Cons I do not mean merely to stop them for a timer and then have them re- turn again. I IIrIAN A RADICAL CURE. I have made the disease of • JEITS, SMILE :''SY or PALLXNG SECHNItsSS, Altt°long Study. T Vila/MA/TT myremedy to CURE the worst cases. Because others have failedis no reason for not now receiving a cure. Sonat once for a treatise and aFnr.t Boxxnn Di My INFALLIBLE REMEDY. Give Express and post Office. It costs you nothing for a trial, and it will cure you. Address Dr. E. G ROOT. 37 Yonge St., Toronto, Ont, T IE KEY TO E-ALTH, afi[ARKET RETORTS. nxtxrila (t7orreet4.dat5'o'eloe�kpern.Wodnes, '.V;' 1''ealli)rlt(ii,..1 `;.., •.:1 ' c„ . 1 70.'7 25 $priug woeat... 1 CO to .1 10 Harley •,r 0010 68. 0 92 .to 34 4 91r to 4"0Q. 254soft00• 056to050 0A()toli00 Clover S)'ad, ,Timothy •';; Peas, Coin Rggs. .. A0 17 do Q,.17 Butte'. ,' 17 to`0 20 lourperbbl,,. ,.,' 00to560 ntetees,d,or'bushel 20 to ;25•: ¢.pples,perbagc0 to 13 00 DriodApplespr b . 0 04 to 0 00,' t+oa e,perlb. . 0 Ot to 0'05,, Turkey per lb ... '007 to c%08 i)uoks porpr .. 0 45 to 0 50 Chickens per pr .. 0 20 to Q;09' Roge,d•ressedpera0.,, 0 80 to 7' 00 Beef 400to5Q0 Iidosxo u g$ • 4 5Oto G Q • dressed, POO to 00 Sheepskins ach , 0 40 to 75 Oaliskins . 0 60 to 0.70 Wool per lb ,. ; 0 18 to ,Q 20 Hayperton ,,.,1000 to 10 50 Onionsrxerbush 0 50 to 0 75 Woodpor cord 2 5 to 3 do 8T: MARYS Fall Wheat 1 12 to 1 15: Spring Wheat„.„,....„ ..... 1 00 1 10, Bar,ey ....................... 50 09' Oats 35 '36" Clover Seed,..... ...... 4 60 5 Oa Timothy ..... .. ...:..150 2.013 Peas 58 58 Eggs 17 37 Butter ..... Potatoes per bag 60 60 Apples per bust; 1... 25 QQ wool perlh. •,.. .. .1 20 ;2U° HaY ,.,t "12.00 13 QQ Bran per ton .. ,., 14 00 14,00 Shorts' " 20 00 20 00 Oatmeal per bbl 6 00 7 00 THIS YEAR'S yrtic ! CUT and PLUG Smoking; Tobacco FINER THAN EVER. See \\\CGI\�\\r for , lnfajtts;. and Children. •4castorialssowell adapted to.children that Castorf r l recomm a °Wes Coirc, Cotistlpctati end Jt as Iferfortoanyprescriptfpn Sour Stom'aoh, Diarrhoea, Eructation, (mown to me " Kills W 1� A o y 9.. stonma r>ns es ales .and promotes ores di D. gr P, u i So. Oxford Bt Brooklyn esti 0 a , >�N.Y , Witton Y. t + rnitwtous ?neateatioaa.. Tins CrsTAue Coait'Atry, 57 Murray Street, N. Y xeter Lumber. Yard The Undersig,pecl )wishes .to inform tli epublic ;in general.'the —constantly instool.=' ' lie keeps Al Kinds of BUILDING' MATERIAL DRESSED OR UNDRESSED. Bell Stuff, Flooring, Siding, caressed—inch, ineli-and-a-quarter, inch'ancl-e half and two inch. Sash Doors, Blinds, Mouldifigs and all Finishing 112xterial Lath, &c. SHINGLES A. SPECIALTY.—Competition chklienged. The best and tlia largest stock, and at lowest prices. Shingles A l: All dressed lumber thoroughly seasoned and ready for use. No shrinkage assured. A Cali will bear out the above.'' • -��` ^��- TIIE OLD ESTABLISHED. Jast� • Y �€ lis, JLM1 � LS b e a IN BRONZE, On. each PLUG and PACKAGE. Dr. CHASE Has n: world-wide reputation as a physician and author. ki is Mandrake Dandelion Liver (lure is a triumph. of medical skill, oaring all disease's oftlre Hindey and Liver, SYMPTOMS OF Kidney Complaint chesliafng > aches and. >. >ins itt the hack; a dull. pain or weight in bladder or base of the abiionien ; scald- ing urine often obstructed ; frequent desire to urinate, especially at night, among aged pereone; hot, dry skin, pale complexion red and white deposits-, drop dizziness, sour stomach, constipation, piles, liver sisal swellings, &e. SYMPTOMS OF Liver Complaint Poul er bla the Complaint, shoulder blades, jaundice, sallow complexion, a weary, tired feeling, no life or energy, head ache, dystep sia, indigestion, spots, pimples &o. HOW CURED Mandrake and Dandelion arenature'sliver cures, and who, combined with kidney rem- edies, as in Dr. Chase's Liver Cure,will most' positively cure all kidney -livor troubles. It acts like itcharm, stimulating the clogged liver, strengthening the kidneys aniinvigor- atingthe whole body. Sold by all dealers at one dollar. with receipt b ook, which alone is worth the money.' Kldll e Dr. Chase's Pills are the only 1 Eidnoy•LiverPills made ; they' Live f act gently yet effectually, May be taken during any employ P1llsmoat, They cure kictuey_liver troubles, headache, h'.,on$ness eostiveneso &c. OnePilla dose. Sold by all dealers. Price 25 cents. T. EDMVIfAi?11;UN CU., Bradfo Ont., ¥anfs. fashioaulo Sylol I Znlocks allthe dogged. avenues of the Bowels, Kidneys and Liver, carry- ing off gradually without weakening the system, all the impurities and foul humors of the secretions;. at the same time Correcting Acidity . of the Stomach, curing Bilibusliess, Dye- vaepsia, Headaches, Dizziness, "HeartburnConstipation, Dryness of the Skin,' Dropsy Dimness of Vision, Jaundice, ' Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Scrofula, Fluttering of the :Eieert, Nervousness, and Gen- eral Debility ; all these and many other similar Compiainta yield to the happy influence of 111JE>DOCI'a BLOOD BITTME! . Andra!,. 10, lyre»>r"s»9, 7oronta• JOHN BRAWN, Walnut & YRosewood Caskets ALSO COPi'INsOit' EVERY DlusOftlrTroN, A Complete Stook of Robes & Trimmings Always on, hand, FUNERALS PURNISRJ D ' CON': DUCTED AT LOW EATBS. KIT t 1f. of Purnittiro uri- J!Cygcic f°S excelled' ( i."✓1"IV.13,1121 A' CAL t 0 0. THE BEST YET ! Ta.E C ,EA.PEST YET THE BIG GEST YET► Overcoatings at airy' price ; Stiit- ings at any price ; Paiitirigs at any price, BOA 'thdered Clothing piodueed in Exeter Gentletnoui I leave your orders' early, for with the best stats of .tailors s the best sl;oolt of Fine Trimmings, and the best Cutting In ;sewn', yon Am sure of eatiefa4- tron, p r in" a t1 iF 4leirrrY. .The cheapest spot in to'w n for Hardware, Stoves and Tinware, Paints, Oils and Glass, &o., &c., if you are, : t call !Ise BISSETT BROS. We are now offering the balance of our stock of Axes, Cross -cut saws, Lamps and Tubular Lanterns, at cost fe 30 J .Y O:�"Z We would call your attention to a fervof our specialties :— A Handsome Brass Library Lamp, A.Large Glass Stand Lamp, new design A Good•TubularLantern - A Good Axo and Handle An A 1 Manure nil- And ibrkAnd everything at hock Bottom Prices for Cash. $2 50 til 00 wU 50 1 00 00 80 A full stock of the following lines always on hand'.—Barb wire, Plain Galvanized, calont and Vilest wire, and Buckthorn Fencing, Having purchased our supply of Binder Twine early we are now in s position to supp at the lowest possible price. A. full stow of tinware of all kinds alwa stock. Eavetroughing and roofing a spec, ialty. Agents for the B & r tletalic Shin Roofing. Ask for prices. Agents for th celebrated Raymond Sewing Machine. BISSETT BROS., Exeter, �• ssc ``.s• ' e se, Zs to y . is `'\ e.s i1 C ekes " ce,t� e' es.'" 'c° 'DC do ,pc` �. �'Jv A44440. o 1� �,e'J� tido nG�.pt' pis. ,t, e,b- �e,- Vii° �e •:; �� •h• e� �Sfse i,5 c� e5 is tie.c`;.b. 0 \,�` `� - p� `D• t.ci� �N'' • • A eiy•i4 ,c'�,"i��ee, off, e. 17 Ct'�14e;sN' b '4tr e5e AS N2 \o ?res eee Manufactured only by Thomas Uollowny, 78, New Oxford. 'Street, late 533,• Oxford Street, Loudon. Sgr Purchasers should look to the Label on the Boxes and Pets; If the address is not 533, Oxford Street, London, they are spurious. 1' FALL 1.358 IH1ALI Car's: ets. Curtains. Now that House -Cleaning time is hear, we invite 3rolrr gpection to our ,BIG-' stook of Carpets,; Curtains, aYid •those , Fancy Window BIinds, &c. Then•buiying Wall Paper don't forget that the on .`; Etta'b1ithed carries tllcBigest Stock and Latest Ar erican Patterns. Lots of Fancy Ceiling Papers Corners to Window lindsAMES P1 1