HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1969-03-06, Page 8fr JOAN REMINGTON, Queen of the Carnival, presents the trophy to Captain Jay MacLaurin of the Wingham Tykes just after they had defeated Belgrave Tyke team on Sat- urday evening.—A-T Photo. Presbytery hears report on new mission) prb jest The one hundred delegates of the Huron -Perth Presbytery met last Wednesday in Mitchell and heard a report on a new program of evangelism coming to the Wingham area, Aprill3th through 18th. The program is called "On the Spot T. V. Mission" and consists of a question and an- swer period dilly runs for one • half hour daily though the six days. The questions which range • from anything to everything, but which usually centre around the church, the Bible, or the relationship between religious denominations, come from a studio audience of 35 and view- ers who phone in during the broadcast. The answers • come from the Rev. Harold Burgess. of Hyde Park United Church, Toronto. Any questions not an- swered on the broadcast will be answered by letter by Mr. Burg- ess. • Mr. Burgess has conducted • such "On the Spot Missions" in • Barrie, Kingston, Sault Ste. Marie, North Bay and Peterbor- ough. The Mission will be fi- nanced jointly by the United Church's board of Evangelism and Social S ery ic e and the. Singtime Association. Sing - time is a half hour weekly T. V. Broadcast sponsored •by the area Presbyteries of the United Church of Canada on CKNX-TV, Winham, The Rev. Laird Stiri= ing of Lucknow United Church, Ev Smith, London Conference director of broadcasting and Bill Conron, program co-ordin- ator of Singtime made the pres- entation to the Presbytery. . Dr. R. B. Craig, the co- chairmari of the National Com- mission on Church Union gave a progress report on union be- tween the Anglican and United Churches. Dr. Craig said that the Commission which at one time had been accused of going too slow. was now being accused, of going too fast in its discus- sions. He suggested .the 'reason was that Church Union was now being faced as a very real pos- sibility within this decade. 19'12 is the date for a plan of - union 'and, said Dr. Craig, "we are right on schedule. " News Items fro Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Mat- thews of Clifford visited Wed- nesday with Mr. and Mrs. John Boyd. . Mrs. Archie Scott of Isling- ton spent the week -end at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Hector Hamilton. Mr, Carman Ham- ilton of•London was home for several days. Mr. and Mrs. John Bennett have returned by plane from Florida to Goderich. The annual meeting of the Gorrie and District Red Cross Society will be held at the home of Mrs. Norman Wade on Saturday, March 8 at 1 p. m. Mrs. Gordon Underwood spent last week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Fraser Pollock of Brockville. Mrs. Robert Brown of Galt spent Saturday with Mr. and Murray Edgar. v. Mrs. A. Ek Schaefer, Ford- wich, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Frank King. Mr. James Edwards was a • guest at the Klemp -Wagner wedding at Highland Road United Church, Kitchener, on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. James Doig, Wingham, spent Friday with The slow suicide There are people who shoot themselves. Others takepoison.. Some drown themselves. These are the traditional ways of com- mitting suicide. They a r e quick. There are slower ways of cutting a few years off one's life and thousands-- about ten thousand Canadians a year -- take this way of leaving their family and friends prematurely. They smoke a package or more of cigarettes daily. They do this despite the urg- ing of medical societies; vol- untary health agencies and very often their personal physicians. .For at least 12 years these warnings have been quite clear. One of the first, the Doll -Brad- ford Hill Report, was published in 19 57 in the tish Medical Journal, 'surely a sufficiently august paper to impress anyone.. Next came the report of the Surgeon General of the United States, an even more extensive study. There was nothing un- certain about the findings. They pointed out that smoking cig- arettes increased the danger of cancer of the lung, cancer of the bladder, heart disease, em- physema and chronic bronchitis enormously. . The reply of the smokers al- most uniformly is, "Well,you have to die of something. " • The Canadian Tuberculosis Respiratory Disease Association has something to say in reply to that. You may have to live with emphysema, which means living, but struggling for every breath, for years and years. There are people with emphysema who must be waited on like invalids, month after month. It isn't pleasant for them or those around them. In fact it is pitiful. Eight out of ten of the victims of this dis- ease; have been cigarette smok- ers. To anyone who smokes habit- ually the Canadian TB -RD As- sociation says "Go to the near - est TB -RD Association and get a pamphlet Emphysema: The Facts or You're Breathing Troubles!. " Mi. a.nd Mis. Harry Gowdy. . and Mrs, Gordon IvicQuarrie of Lefroy visited Sunday at the same home. Mr, and Mrs. ,Earl Cudte. Brussels, Spent the week» with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Na,y0 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hyndrrnw called on Mr. and Mrs, James Doig of Wingham on Saturday. Mrs. Selma Mogk, Stratford, spent the week -end with 414' and Mrs. Charles Koch. Mr,. and Mrs, Reuben Orth, Mrs. Norma Beyers, Miss Emma Wahl Provincial Polite inv�stigate three - traffic accidents • rIzsa Monday of last week at 11.10 p. m. Larry Zinn, who was driving west on Highway 86, lost control of his car on the slippery road. The vehicle went off the north side of the highway, breaking off two guide posts. The driver was not in- jured. Damage was assessed at $125. 00 by Prov. Const. K. R. Balzer, who investigated. The following day at 8.20 p. m. Donald Johnston, who . s driving south on Highway 4 met a vehicle driven by Anton Dykstra proceeding north. Both vehicles scraped left sides as they met. Damages were esti- mated at $ 700 and there were no injuries. Const. W. R. Belt investigated. • Const. Wittig investigated an accident on Wednesday at 11.30 a. m. when Peter Martin of R. R. 2, Brussels was travel- ling north on Huron County Road 12 and following a car driven by Clarence Elliott of Brussels. The latter signalled a turn into Con. 6-7 of Morris and in at- tempting to pass the Martin car skidded into the Elliott ma- chine. Damages were estimat- ed at $900 and Gerald Martin, a passenger in the car suffered slight injuries. Charges are pending. Euchre GORRIE--The Gorrie held a progressive euchre party in the Orange Hall last Monday, evening with nine tables in play. Mrs. James Jones was high lady, . Burns Stewart, men's high, and Burton Hubbard won the door prize. The next euchre will be on Wednesday, ;March 12. Policeman: What's your �r name? Truck driver: 'Tis on the side, o' me wagon! Policeman: It's obliterated. Truck driver: Yer wrong, of- ficer , it's O'Brien ! and0,W Listowel; Vilitte4 may at same: both» Mr. and Ik4rs, M fred ire* spent the'vie end 'with gr, and Mw .x er Matthew ;of Plnegrove Mir, and Mrs. Calvert Fal& Goner of Myth, spent Friday with Mr. and Mts. Thomas McInnes. Mr, Norris Hir, d and Stephen of Owen Sowed visited Rev. W. J. Hird ,on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Thornes Atthill of Kitchener spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Harris. Miss Beatrice Sheairer and Mr. Thomas Shearer, Wroxe- ter, .visited Friday with Misses Ernxna and Mabel Shearer. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Irwin, David and Darryl of Preston visited Sunday at the same home. Mr,. and Mrs. P. M. Bell of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs; Arthur Edgar, Wingham, and Mrs . Lewis Stonehouse of Belgrave visited Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Morley Bell. Among those attending the Ice Capades in Kitchener were Mrs. ,Archie Miller, Mrs. Jean MacDonald., Mrs. Albert Dus-• tow. Mrs. John Dinsmore, Mrs. Harry King, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Haskins, Mr. and Mrs. Burton Hubbard, Mrs. A. L. Stephens, Mr. Robert Stephens, Gregory :Debbie and:Cheryl, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Edgar, Dale and Dianne, Jan Fairies, Mr. and Mrs. David Neilson, Elizabeth and Heather. Mrs. Fred Hyndman were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Darroch of "Clif- ford. TROPHY WINNERS — Mrs. Clara McAr- thur's rink were the winners of they Eurlth Nesmith Trophy when they emerged in top place last Wednesday. The trophy is award- ed annually for the winning rink in the mid-season draw for the Ladies' Curling Cltib. From left: Mrs. Jean Hilbert, lett; Mrs. Jean Shepherd, second; Mrs, Marlene Leedhaim, vice, and Mrs. McArthur, who is receiving the trophy from Mrs. Ann Rosenhagen, president of the club. --Advance-Times Photo. uo",ao"oaououu"ononoo"o,o"0000wnoo""oun"000wolH"ow"wsuss „"""""""4M",u,0000h Donnybrook News Mr. and Mrs. George Reeves of Toronto visited on the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Hilliard Jefferson and other relatives. Mr. Eldo Hildebrand of Kirkland Lake spent the week- end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.' John Hildebrand and fam- ily. On Sunday they took him as far as Toronto on his way • back to Kirkland Lake. While at Toronto they.visited with their cousins, Mr. and Mr s . Bob Henry.. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Jeffer- son attended a farewell party Saturday evening for Mr. and Mrs. Brenton of Auburn which was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Norman McCl.inchey, Auburn, After an evening qtt cards, lunch was served by rife ladies. Mr. and Mrs Brenton were then pi ent with gifts. awn A college professor outlined, at length; the nature .of a rath- er brutal final examination. He concluded his iemarks by asking the class if anyone had any question regarding the ex- am..The class sat in stunned silence. Finally; one.brave soul asked, "Do you accept bribes?" Help continue the vital work being done by the Canadian Heart Foundation by contribute ing,generously to the Heart Fund. 1 SEs WHITECHURCH, ONTARIO 1 WHITE SWAN TOILET TISSUE 2 ROLL PACK $1.00 4 Pito: for BUY 2 PKG. LIGHT BULBS (2 BULBS TO A PKG.) AT REGULAR PRICE OP 63c A PKG. AND GET 5LB. WHITE SUGAR t GENERAL s STORE STORE HOURS — 8 A.M. -10 P.M. Monday to Saturday Inclusive SPECIAL PRICES END SATURDAY, MARCH 8 Anor TWO DOWN—Jake Jutii and Herb Watson of the Kinsmen tug-of-war team demonstrate how not ' to, do it. They were competing at the arena on Saturday night'during. the Winter Carnival. Despite youth and enthusiasm the Kins- men, along with the Legion and the Firemen, were out - pulled by the hefty Lions Club.—A-T Photo. ALL-WEATHER COATS Expertly tailored and elegantly styled by Posluns are now on display. You'll love the new "Rainsemble"--- coat, hat, scarf and umbrella perfectly matched for the smartest in spring fashion. Price —•$39.98 Other lovely models from 122.98 HATS Play an important role especially in - spring time and our collection is delightful. You'll be pleased with the many shapes and styles. $5.98 to $9.98 A CAR -TRUCK collision at 4 'p.m. Saturday at the intersection of Highways 4 and 86 resulted in the death of a college exchange student and extensive injuries to two other persons. All five occupants of the two vehicles were admitted to Wingham and District Hospital. —Advance -Times Photo. Round out your spring ward- •robe with e NEW .UMBRELLA You'll find a large and varied choice of smart styles Priced from $2.98 FOR THAT CASUAL TOPPER With Skirt or Slacks you'll find nothing finer than a BLAZER. Our new and smart selection includes White, Red and Navy at $22.98 SPORTS ENSEMBLES Are popular as ever and the new arrivals are sharp. They include Top, Skirt and Slims + $29.98 LOOKING FOR A NEW HANDBAG? You'll be certain to find the style of your choice in our large collec- tion. All shapes and sizes are here . . Why not choose yours Today? $4.98 sg.�a NEW DRESSE.S Our pretty new dresses will be of special interest to • you and the styles are presented In spring's glorious colors. Needless to say, the prices, will delight you too. EDIGHOFFERS (Wirsgham) Limited THE FRIENDLY STORE 7' 4, P. 4 ri • ,