The Exeter Times, 1888-11-15, Page 1pudicricAL,
Watch -Maker & Sowefler
For the Vineet Stook and Cheapest
Qoods to be found ill Ontarie call On,
Watph -mak er, !Jeweller
& Optician. Parkhill, A.
Fine Assort Anent of.5j]. Re pairing of
all lc i n ds promptly &
satisfa e t o r ily done, No
Week Bent tc, the cities.
but all exe euted in his
own establishment, under.hie PerSonal super -
Spectacles of all sizes to suit all sights
• .A•tri ar.solielted.
Ili LE GAL .
H. DICKSON, Barrister, Soli -
1 • Mem ef Supreme Court,NoiteryPublie
Conveyancer Commissioner, &e. Money to
Office in Fauson's Blodlc, Exeter,
Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Etc.,
OfIleeSamwel1e3131ock Hall's old. °Mee.)
Solieitor in the Supreme Court of °Mario,
Conveyaneer,Commissioneri&e„ &a. Special
attention given tette° collection a ellseins in
the United States: Patents procured',•
to loan at lowest rates. Oelee : °poise ,House
Block, St. Maxys, Ont.
Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public,
Conveyancers &c, &c.
IMoney 30 Loan at Lotveet Rates of
33. V. Immo'''. 3. nraeot.
Nitrous Oxide Gas for Pe.inless,Extraction.
SamwelVs Mock,, Exeter,
Extracts Teeth without pain,
by giving Vegetable Vapor. Gold
'Pilings and all other dental
work the best possible. Goes
to Zimmer on last Thursdayiu
each month:
CLUTZ, 1) . ,
• o fliceat hisresidence Exeter
j •.P. S ,G ro,duate Vietoriatiniversity.010 es
1,41residenee,DoreinionLaborator v. Exeter
T1R. HYNDMAN, coroner for the
County of Huron. Oce, opposite Mr.
. Carling's store,Exeter.
DR..J. A. ROLLIN b, M. C. P. S
, 0. Oftlee, Alain S.,..elxeter,Ont.Residen
oehousereeently occupied by Pe,NreElnDips,
HENRY EILBER, Licensed Auc-
tioneer for Flay, Stephen, and MeGilli.
vray:Townships: Salesooncluetecl camoderate
fates. Office—At Post-oftlee.Orediton, Ont.
JOHN GILL, Auctioneer for the
Townships of Stephen, Hay and 'Osborne%
and the Village of Exeter. All sales promptly
attended, and satisfaction guaranteed. Sales'
arrauged at this office. •
Tennent & Tennent
Graduates of the•Outario Veterinary College.
()emu : One door South of Town Hall,
/[ONE / TO LOAN AT 0 AND 6.1-
pe1 cent, S25,000 Private Funds. Bost
Loaning Companies represented,
L.15. DICKSON, .
13arrister, Exeter,
, Established. in 3,863:
This eomecinv has been' over Eighteen
Fearo 111411000SSfill OpCratinD in Western On-
ta,rio,ancicontinuee to insure against:ass or
damage by Eire ,Builclings,elexen au di Se ,Man-
utaotories,and all othe lideSeriptioneeill Mier -
able peoporty. Intenclin6 insurers have the
option of insuring on the Premium. Note or
Cash System. '
During tilepast ton yeaes this Company
has issned 57,096 Policies, covering property^
o thee emu nt of e 40,872,038 ; and paid in loss -
e s a lonee 700,759,90
AssetS, S1.76,100.00, consisting of • Cash
n iiiuk, GovernmentDeposit,am 3 the unass-
seed Premium Notes on han deed in force, J,
W WnniM D . Pe e side t . 0 . . TAYLOR.,
Sebretary. J.B. TIOGUES,Inspector, CHAS:
NELL Amnia or 'lexeteeisnd vicinity,
The Great English Prescriptien.
A successful Medicine used over
80 years In thousands of cases.
Cures Spermatorrhea, Nervous
Weakness, Emissions, Impotency
and all diseases caused by abuse.
feitirosuil indiscretion, or over-exertion, fee -real
Six packages Guaranteed,to Cure when ad othet's
Pail. Ask your Druggist for The Great English
Prescription, take no substitute, One package
$1. Six $5, by mail. Write for Pamphlet .Address
Eureka Cfilatimileftl Go.. Detroit. Blithe
Barber Shop,
FANsows 1:3Lo,oK.
A. Hastings, Prop
shaviiit, and. XIctir cutting in the latest styles
of tho art,
Every attention paid to cuttibg
Ladies and Chddren's Hair.
VOL. XVI. NO, 9.
TH1JRSDAY. MORNING, NOV. I5th 1888. ubfiWeNr :NM efisiSeUrs!
410111111.41/MMOVINIMINOSIMISMAISMIn 401.11.10...111111.
ore AA 16, grand Love Stories, a package
•"" `.".""`• of goods worth two dollars to man-
ufaet ure. and a largo 100p picture book, that
will SUrelY Put you on the road to a handsome
fort une. -Write quickly, and•send 50. silver to
bell, Par Postage. • '
A, W. KINNEY, Yarmouth, N S.
Dress- M aking.
Mrs. Diekey, of Crediton, begs to inform the
Public that she has moved, her business, and
will powbe found one door west of Mitchell's
'tere. Dress -making done ii). the very latest
styles:. OuttingandFitting by the new taller
system. • , 11/ItS.. DIOKEY, 'Crediton.
.4101s5.1avircet •
Wishes to.inform the ladies of Exeter and
vicinity that she i.ntendacoptinuing.the Dress
and Mantle Making up -stairs, Rantords Old
Stand:- Mantles and•Dolmans out by the new
tailor System.
Young man yoU ea,'n't invest money better
than by geStipg a thorough business education
and you can't find a course elsewhere in On-
tario oval to that of the Forest City Business
College, London, Ont., which hits a speeial
course for those who intend to remain on the
farm. Catalogues free. Westervelt & York
Alma Ladies' College,
17 Professors and Teachers. Nearly 200
Literature, Languages, Music, Fine Arts,
Commercial Science, Elocution.
New Building, $20,000, ready in Septem-
ber. Sixty -page Calender free.
Eyes Tested
—EY --
PraCtical Optician,
Graduate Olotic School N.Y.
Eyes tested ; defective sight restored by the
aid of fine glass••s. Large assortment of the
finest glasses on hand. A call solicited.
S. eVZ-0-mreme..A.-E-,
micpileerce yee-ep-sme London.
Davidson. Eros.,
Builders 4 Contractors
Shop One door east of Parsons' Black-
dmith Shop. Itlanufacturers of Sashes, Doors
Buildings contracted for. Plans,
estimates and specifieetions furnished if re-
quired, •
. From their past experience in the building
lino they guarantee satisfaction. All work
done with promptness and. dispatch. 'Season-
ed IP:Alia always on hand. .
fid enti al 1
Mr. GladetOne's Wife sa,ys that Mrs. Church
hill told her that She heard Sir Roper's wife
say that ,Mrs. Harcourt told her that Mrs.
Frith said it was no doubt true that Mrs.Selis-
bury said thet Mrs Bright thought that Capt.
Northcott's wife believed that Mrs. Morley
'reckoned positively that Mr. Balfour's wife
had told m rs. Dodson that her aunt declared
to the whole world that it was generally be-
lieved that Mrs. Granville had said in plain
teems that she heard Mrs. Bradiaeigh say that
hee sister Polly had said that it was well-
known in the neighborhood that Mrs. Argyll
made no bones in saying that in her op.inion it
was a matter of fact of great public interest
that Mrs. Dillon had said that Mrs. Derby had
told her thet LadyLymington did say that it
was hardly safe for any gentleman to trust
his hair or face to anyone's care but at
Hair Cutting 84, 'shaving
3—Doors North of Post -Office. -3
Jewelry Store
You will find the best assortment of
Gold and Silver Watches,
Alarm, Ifonee and Office clocks,
Solid,ancl, Plated Gold and Silver
--Jewolory, consistring of--
Charins, Lockets, Bracelets,
Chains, Broodiest Ear -rings,
Einger•Ringa, all of which are of
The Very_Latest Styles
Pull lines of the Latest, Articles in Sil-
-vorware, of the most beautiful-
-Patterns & design's, Violin—
ViolinS, and—
-ments suitable fer presents, at_
Ills Goods have boot bought for Oash, and
Will be sold at a olose margin. .
XI Your watch or °lock requires repairing
you can have it propetly done, by taking
it to
a. a stonezitalt
Scott's Emulsion. of Pure Cod
Liver Oil, with Hypophosphitea, n. con-
eumption and wasting diseases, seems to
possess remedial powers of great efacnoY•
lt heals the irritation of the throat and
lungs. •Makes pure blood and builds up
and fortifies the system against further
iuroads by diseaeo,. Take no other,
Market Square
General Store
The undersigned would inform the pnb-
lie that he has just received his
A full line of Dry -Goods, Hats & Caps, and
' Crockery, Boots and Shoes.
Those wishing anything in my line will
find it to their advantage to call and in
spect my goods and prices.
Higiiest prices paid for But-
ter and Eggs and all
kinds of produce.
J. P. Ross.
If you want the Best Value
and the Most Goods for your
• Money, Eggs and Butter,
—GO TO--
Doupe & Co's
See their Ladies .hats at 25 cents. •
See their Fancy Velvets at 50 cents.
See their Fancy Plush at 75 cents.
See their Mantle Cloth.
See their Shirtings.
See their Dress -Goods.
See their Silks and Satins,
See their Tea, at 25 Cents per pound.
See their tea at 10 cents per pound.
See their 4.1daded knives at.25 cents.
3t fhMiqutife0.4 Nar-
' for aouttyft0
To Let.
Apply to the undersigned. '
June 14.— I. CARLING.
For Sae..
Three first-eleas farms -100 acres ea:oh—Ione
don Road, within one mile of Exeter.
Solicitors, &c., Exeter.
Well Digging.
the undersigned wishes to inform the pub-
lic that he is now engaged in well digging.
He will die, brick up and bore 25 feet for
815 ; 25 cents, raise on every additional ten
f eet . A trial solicited.
THOS SMALE Elimville P..0.
Our Specific N o, 23 permanently restores
and GENERAL D EBILITY when other treat -
:client fails. Send:6 carts in stamps for. our
Tres tise 00 &Direc tions fel* orno cure. To-
noeee tlemoretn. Co., 348 Spadince dye., To-
ronto, unt.
vor Pi.ui
The subeeriberwould res leetfully announce
to the public that he has ow OD hand a large
stock of t io various kinds of wooden primps ;
and that he lias added facilitiee, by which he
.0911 supply ordered work on the very shortest
Well -digging for fifty cents a foot for 30
feet, 25 cents for every extra ten feet.
A call solicited.
Exeter, July, 1388. Ifuron Street.
it •
The direct route between the west and en
points on the lowei St. LRWPG000 and' Baie
de Chalkier, Pretence of Quebec, else for
New Brunswick, Nova, Scotia, Prince Edward
end Cepa Weton Islands, Newfoundland and
the popular summer Pea bathing and
it smog resorts are aleng this line,
New end elegnet Buifet Sleeping and Day
Oats run on theough Expreas trains. be-
tween Molitreal, Hellicix and St. Sohn.
Canadian European Mail and
J'asseno^er Route.
Paeitoegersfor'Great Britain 03' 140 Conti.
tient by leaving Montreal on Thursday, arill
Join ottwitrd 10011 steamer at lehnouski
the Seale evening,
The atteneion of shippers ie directed to
the el:peeler facilities offered bY,this route
for traesport of flour and general merehan.
die° intee dial for the Eastern Peovinees and
Newfoundlander:deo foe shipments of grain
mid proclueo intended foe the European
Tickets may be obtaieed and all informa-
tion about the route, freight and passenger
rates on application to
BOB MIST 13.31,1001)fle,
Westere Freight ia PROS en ge r Aeon t
03Rosein Reese Wool: ,York httort ilk>
Chief Supeeintondeet.
By Our Own:correspondents.
We regret to learn that Dr. McTavish
4f this place, las been foroed to give up
is extensive praetice here on account of
ii'on -tinned ill health. Pie has gone to Sea-
orth for the'protin
sent to he der treatment:
is many friends here will be glad to hear
f his speedy recovery. Dr. Nasinith late
Of Dashwood has already taken Dr. MoTav-
fsh's old stand. Our new doetur ha bad
4ohsiclefablo experience 0113 a good reput-
ation which he will no doubt be able to
tu, stain, .
Ailsa Craig.
BRIBRS.—M19. W. P. 'Kilbourne, ot Obi-
aago, and her two little girls, are visiting
hrs. A. Munro.--Oharles Bragg, at one
1,n3e machinist for Alexander Brothers,
gift here some time ago and settled in
pay City, Mich., Mrs. Bragg and family
$,embining here. They too left Thursday.
For some time past the Salvation Army
at Carlisle have been greatly disturbed.
One young man, Wm. Clarke, being par-
dionlarly troublesome. He with anothe?
eoung man, Duncan Gray, is now under
arrest for malicious damage to property,
there are 21 witnesses in tue case.
- '
Baxers.—Quite a hot time NVO had here
the other night, over the rumor that Mr.
'Hugh Cunningham, our enterprising shoe-
ataker, bad united himself in the holy
bonds of matrimony. However ,the rumor
svas not true and the boys not to be left
indeed they were," rattled their tin
Jiang, blew the horn and fired revolvers,
midnight, when to the, relief of the
,-iillagere they departed from the scene of
action.—Apple hauling is still the rage of
1110 day.—Quite a number of our boys lett
ou Mondy for the lumber woods, where
ihey intend staying for the winter.—Mrs.
,Scotemore, an aged lady of our village has
been poorly f3r some time, but we are glad
to hear she is recovering again.
BRIEFS. —Messrs Angus and Daniel Me -
Kinnon left for Algoma last week where
they intend taking np,land.—Mr. Green
from Parkhill, recently photographed the
-schoolhouse and scholars.—It is iumored
;that Mr. G. Connor is about to join the
Moble army of benedicts.—Mr. R. Hobkirk
bet a valua,ble mare last Wednesday -.He
had been out. to Seaforth with a load of
grain and on returning, when near the Red
tavern, henotioed the horse staggering,
and before it could be unhitched it dropped
dawn dead.—Miles McMillan's steam en-
gine has given out, and he is obliged to
lire one for the remainder of the season.—
Mr. B. 'Cook was lately summoned to
Clandeboye as a witness in the theft ease
which is taking place down there.
• • ill
Go clench.
A, dastardly attetTap—t ;as made to wrack
the mixed train dne at Goderida at 7.30'
Saturday night, by putting two square
sticks of timber between the rails. The
train was a heavy one, and the rails were
slippery on account of the ram, so the
engineer had slackened down' and the
train was moving slowly at the time.
Otherwise there would have been a terrible
disaster, as it seems that it was intended
to run the train do via Lie bank, which is
on 0 vary sharp curve about half a mile
east of the station. Had it been the night
mail train trotting would have saved it
from a complete wreck. The affair has
created. intense excitement in this quiet
community. Every effort will be made to
discover the fiends who attempted this un-
wonted Mime.
'Henry P. Romp, an engine wiper of tho
.G. T. B., was arrested here, Tuesday, Nov,
1311), charged with having placed the ob-
structions on the track that so nearly
derailed the 7:30 train en Saturday evening
last, The ease was worked by G. T, R.
Detective Chas. Spence, of Toronto, and
Constable Yule, of Goderioh. Rump, who
does not appear to be perfectly sane, wrote
a confession of having perpetrated the
deed, but assigus no CRUSE for his action.
When arraigned to -day the prisoner plead-
ed not guilty, but Mayor Seeger, after
hearing the evidence, committed him to
stand his trial at the first trial at the first
competent court of jurisdiction,
' Kinkton.
Shows are galore in Kirkton, and vicinity
at time of writing.
Mrs Dr. Irving is visiting friends in
Mr. A. Donne intends leaving for Mich,
during the present week.
J. Beattie Esq., of Strafford is visiting
friends hero at time of wt•iting.
Miss Hattie Harris is the guest of the
Mises Roadhouse.
His reverence has gone east and net
been since Tuesday last. Nothing unusaal
about Ora, Eh?
Mr Walter Hazlewood has returned
from Michigan. His many friends were
pleased to see him.
Bev. W. G. Ireland M, incumbent
of St. Pauls is expected to return from
England dnring the present month. His
parishioners will gladly welcome his return.
The ceremonies of dedicating the Meth.
Church during the past two weelcs are com-
pleted with theresult that the whole of the
debt acceued hag been provided for by sub.
scription. The Rev. Roberts, of Meeford,
who gave two exeellent clIsoeurees on the
4th inst, was highly approciatcd. The tot.
ftl cost of the edifice apart from free labor
end material of the old churoh amounted
to $4,834,45. The Oland is quite an ad-
dition to the towo and the building coin.
tnittee, trireme board, ete,,,deserve iroat
credit for the manner it which they have
'carried on "fthe Week.
The strtiggle 214 over, the Democrats
trettbeed, and the mat wile fired Sackvillo
ia now hinmelf boomed, • h
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castor's 6
The anniversary servines in connection
with the Union church, will be held on
Sunday, Nov. 18th, when sermons will be
preached both morning and evening by
the Rev, Alex Grant, B. A, of St• Mary.
Onthe following Monday a :tea meeting
will be held. Tea served from 6 to 8,
when addresses sill be delivered by the
Rev. Alex. Grant and the ueighboring
ministers. Music will be furnished by the
choir, under the leadership of Mr. J, B.
' Zurich.
BRIE/R.—Next Tuesday evening will be
a night of amusement for all lovers of a
good laugh. The A. 0. F. has secured
the best talent in town to fill the program
for their concert. which will be held in
Filene's hall, whioh has been thoroughly
renovated, and a stage has been erected at
the west end of the hall, which presents
quite n theatrical appearance, and is quite
capable of accommodating any comdion
sized theatrical troupe. We congratulate
Mr. Piene on the effort he has made, and
we take great pleasure in recommending
Piene's hall as the most suitable room in
town. for au- eatertainment of any kind.
The ooncert neat Tuesday evg. next con-
sist of a farce, entitled, The Rough Di.
mond' or the Country Cousins, for the lot
part, and vocal and instrumental music for
2n3 part. The programme will close with
O cantata entitled "Te Secret" which will
be acted by a number of little girls of the
village. Tableau. Tickets 20o, children
10o; reserved seats, 25o. The programme
ia a good one.—The present fine weather
has stirred up lausiness again, and the
roads are opee more passable.—If you want
some good bargains in boots and shoes, get
posted by reading Gottschalk's adv. bills
next week.
The Usborne Plowing Match.
The plowing match under the auspices of
the Usborne Plowing Association was held
on Mr. Geo. Blatehford's farm, Exeter
North, yesterday, (Wednesday) afternoon,
The weather was most favorable, as Also
was the land, being leyel and just dry
enough. There was a good crowd in at-
tendance. Following is the list of prize
winners :—
Extra Class.—Jas Hogartb, Robt. Ho-
garth, Jas. Connolley, Wm Delaney, Hib-
bert, Thos Welsh, Stephen,
let class.—Thos. Huukin, Robt Kydd,
Wm. Kay. 2nd °lass—Metal point—E.
Boys urrder 113--Robt
Boys under 16.--jas. Ballantyne.
Boys under 16—metal point—D Kydd,
Hodgert. •
Sulkey plow—Rieh. Hunter, Jno, Mc-
Collough, Louis Walper, The verity plow
was a favorite.
JUDGES.—D. McLean, Kippen ; F Orr,
Hamilton • Wm Jeekell, Usborne.
An excellent supper WAS served at Wal -
per's hotel.
Frank Leslie's Sunday Magazine
For December. This number closes the
twenty fourth semi-'aunual volume. It is
filled as usual, with the most entertaining
matter in prose and poetry, fiction and
fact. The storY "Genevieve" is constantly
increasing in interest. Among the more
solid articles are 'Grenoble and the Journee
des Tains,' with four illustrations, appeal-
ing to every Flarvardian, whether post-
graduate or unclergraduate ; 'A dash Miro'
the land o' Cakes,' by Noel Buthven, with
five beautiful illustrations of Scottish
scenery ; •A glimpse at Chinas Boat Life,'
with five illustrations ; and 'Adventures of
a Young Explorer, with eleven illustrations
A Christmas anthem, entitled "Uuto us a
Child is Born." composed by Mr. 0. Wen -
ham Smith, organist of Plymouth Church,
Brooklyn, occupies three pages, and is a
brilliant piece of tnusie, A sermon by
Dr. Talmage, en "The Vail of Modesty,"
appeals strongly to American women. Tne
different editorial departments are strong
' end interesting, and the number eontaius
the sonn-annual index, affording full proof
of the value of the volume here 0000103 13.
To Tn.% EDIT011. :
Please inform your readers that I have a
positive remedy for the above named dis
ease. 13y its timely use thousands of
hopeless cases have beea permanently
cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles
of my remed3 PRET,: to any of your readers
who have consumption if they will send
ate their Express and P. 0, address.
Respectfully, Dn. T. A. SLOCUM,
oronto, Out. 37 Youge street
• *es *
A Dictionary of American Poli-
Comprising; accounts of _Political Parties,
Measures and Laren ; Explanations of the
Constitution ; Divisions and Practical
Workings of the Govet nment, together Avith
Political Phrases'Familiar names of Per-
sons and Places, Noteworthy Sayings, etc,,
etc. By Everit 'Brown and Albert Strauss.
565 pages.
"It is for those who are more or less in-
terested in 'the polities of the United States,
but who have neither time nor opportun.
ity for seeking information in various and
out.° -e way placea. that this. book 1103ae
been prepared. The main facts in the
political history of the &floral government
from its foundation to the present moment
ale given millet appropriate headings and
in alphabetitill order. These are also
000003350 of the origin and moaning of
political siortg expressions, familiar names
of persons and localities, humus phrases,
A,nd the like."--Ahtbor's Preface,
Smatter Johu Sherman keys : IINVO
53 iteknowledgo the :receipt of a copy or
your "Dictientiey Of Aineriemr Politics."
I have looked one it, and rald it a very
excellent book of reference, which every
American family 14113115 10 have. The in.
troduetion of the important docutnents of
onr 1)28101)') liko the Constitutiou and the
Deolaration of Independence, and give it
'12001 value. It contains in convenient j
011N1 the elements of American litatory t
rranged in alphabetical brdor,
The Moisons Bank
(CHARTERED 13'Y PA A:54:14)ti1F,N9.14 1855)
Paid, up Culaktal $2,000,00
RestFund 1,000,490
' Heed Offlee, Kentreolf
20 branch aloes in the Dominion. AgeueieS
in the Dominion, 1J,S. A, and Europe'.
Exeter Branch,
Open every lawful claY', from, 10 a. ni.to3 p.zo
SATURDAYS, 10 a, m. to 1 p. m.
Per Oen t. per annum :snowed for money on
Deposit Receipts and Sayings Bank, •
To the E'ditor of the Exeter Times.
In your issue of Oct. 2511), your Luoan
correspondent attempts to give a report of
an entertainment held in Lucan under the
auspices of the Ladies' oirele of tbe Metho-
dist church. In his report he very strong-
ly condemns one of the speaker*. without
giving to the public: what the speaker said ;
thus becoming the sole judge himself with-
out giving the facts to the public and
allowing them to judge fog themselves. I
woulcl not refento this matter were it not
for the faot that the Rev. Mr, Kennedy is
misrepresented, and in his (correspondents)
report there, ate statements that aro untrue,
and believing in fairplay I think it only
right.that your correspondent should bis
shown up by givitigthe facts te the publics.
Now for the facts :—Bey. Illrfaennedy was
offieially invited to attend this entertain -
went and give an address on "Ireland and
the Irish." Mr. Kenuedy Aid not care
about the task, but to accommodate, coil- .
iented, at the same time intimating that
he did not know that he could give thena
satisfaction on tkat subject, bat their rep-
resentative was willing to risk that. He
first gave a geographical desoription of the
Emerald Isle. fle then spoke of its inhab-_
itants, saying that a large, proportion, per-
haps fourliftlas were Roman Catholic.
He then.went on to say that great -enmity
exists between the two Beets, that 'years
ago in some parts of Irelend the Protestants
were in eonstant dread of R0111411 Catholics.
liere he gave some instances. In politics
he believed the Irish Roman Catholics were
disloyal to the British Empire. He spoke
of the wars of Ireland and thought if the
people would quit wrangling and do as
they ought to do they would have plenty to
eat and be prosperous like the people of
England and Scotland, As a remedy he
thought if the Emerald Isle was freed from
the power of Roman Catholicism, order
would be restored to that disordered land.
He spoke of the Irish as being cheerful,
witty, warm-hearted and hospitable, Here
he paid a compliment to the Irish
people. He also said that Ireland was not
without its great men in the literary world,
but had not time to speak of them. The
above is an outline of the speeoh, the nom-
position.of which is a matter of history,
and statements fairly deduced from his-
tory. Your correspondent seems to inti-
mate that Mr. Kennedy took too much
time and says that he spoke 33 minute
but is not hoaest enough to tell that the
two preceding speakers spoke about 40 or
45 minutes each. When your correspond-
ent says that the speaker "all the while"
was heaping scorn and insult on a certain
eediaLietuel _.•fieete he erlyseieleat icumeeetrueee
Sufeleyour pondent cannot think
that the speaker was doing this when he
was giving a geographieal description of
Ireland and speaking of the people as
brave, cheerful, wifty, etc. If he does
sensible people know better, Again, your
correspondent tells ns that the speaker
"had been repeatedly wat•ned that he was
in Biddulph, and that the' audience was a
mixed one.” This is another untrue
statement. Mr. Kennedy was not "re-
peatedly warned that he was in Birldulph,
andthe audience was a mixed one." On
the contrary before the entertainment
began he spoke to the chairman and asked
hina whether the audience WAS likely to be
a mixed one. Just what that gentleman
aid to Mr. Kennedy I will not say, but he
did not warn him that the audience was a
nixed one and Er. Kennedy understood
bet the coast was clear. All that was
aid on this line was when the -chairman
ntroduceil the sneaker on t•Ireland and
he Irish" to the audience lie said in a
leasant jocular aray that the sneaker must
emomber that he wasin Biddulph and
erhaps added that he must he careful
hat he said, but did not add "that the,
udience was a mixed one." Now this
as no warning, and between a chairman
ncl speaker would be understood simply to
a bit of entertainment for the audience,
nd so the speaker on this occasion under-
tood it. So he WRS 110t, "repeatedly warn -
d" etc. He MIS not warned at all. Mr.
Kennedy did not know that the audience
vas a mixed one. in ech less that eonee
members of the religions sect referred to
y your correspondeut were on the pro-
em/me. Such a thing as B men 0415130.
ice being on the pi ogi anima he never
reamed of. One would not naturally ex-. n
)ect such a thing at a ethodist entertain- •
ment, and when it was so it was the duty
f the Lucan. people to have told him,
vheff the theme they gave him would
aturally lead him to &by something on
hat hnethey seem to be so much afraid of.
0 other speaker that evening stuck
loser to his theme the 1 Mr. Kennedy.
f anybody did wrong it was the LUCRE.
eople for giving him the theme they did
nd not tolling him they did not want hiul
o touch a certain question in that theme,
f they bad doue this, (him the speaker
ould have used his own judgment and
ould have been responsible ; but they
id not do It, and therefore the speaker is
'es:, vie wed from auy standpoint. Mr.
minedy i3 charged with bigotry, Every
arson wilo is really Acquainted With that
entleman knows that ehe,rge is untrtle,
our correspondent woold have a difficult
sk to find a man who has: bun Inore uni-
rsally popular and suileesful then Mi.
e0111)8213' anfong ate peoplcihelias,brirof
pointed to serve, during an tho
s ministry. Ile 18 ±04 from being a bigot
t be is a men of strong eouvietions, and
yes to give Ritter:Moo to hie convictiOne
oue who must give an account SO God,
not to man, I have never known a
ecedent to this case, A. people to inVitii
ininieter to serve them, ask him to sixak
o certain theme (gieing him the exact
rding of tho thm
ee) which he does, and
0118 closely to25, than for a correspond.
t from their midst to speak Of him as
ur correspondent has in his report, is to
or a gross insult, and can only be act-
unted for by regarding it as the most
table ignoratoo on She part of your eor-
spondent. This kind of thing only ftaaEl
of to the truthfulness of what the.,
°Aker said. Now Mt., Miter,
deavorecl to give (through you) the Aso
it is, to the public and I do n� tutond
erring to it again, 1 would hAve treated
e With sileet contempt oily that I
1413001.2) 1441(1
ten who woula like to, knot ,,"tho teak
ught aloe) wiiro 001110 NVIIO
t lio