HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1888-11-8, Page 8INSURAN0111• � ;> NSTtiLT.4ioT,AGENTFOIl T .1 1 � 1 � 3 � lily. 1Yl,S .7)11 >,.,.SU '� 1 • RA. C 7 t,CIU eelolY. of Toronto ; also for the 1?I OE NU. i[ E INSURANCE COMPANY, ar Loudon, ti staiatna,tlte IBUr,ei, CANADIAN. of tion, tremae., and the k3lUITISi 71 [1?11171 7,I1'P7 :15. SETH.•1NOE OOMVANY. of Loudon Epelaud, l'otataliehed 1547, Qssetn Dui $5,000,000; 4dserns and bonuses caid, over ele.0e0,000, GOC e N.&W.S,-We8hall bchap p, tor- .,.ae,tc at all times, from any pari of the c7,ounry, items of local news, such u.e ac- cidents,or any interesting incident what- eeoer, front any of our subscribers or read-. yrs generall ffar the purpose of public ".THURSDAY, NOVEMBER Sth 1888: LOCAL HAPPEHHNCS, _ "The S9pottm@ll'e Depot. Go to the sportsmen's depot at: Geo. slanders' and see his• celebrated powder, the Wild Rover and People's Favorite ; ie hey are the latest. A full suaply of eltortis>r goods. .An inspection will con- vince. . venues Classes. As a result of requests, some weeks ago the Mechanics Institute announced its intention of .inaugurating a series of even- ing classes to be continued during the winter, for the ostensible purpose of offer ins the industrious youth as opportunity evhereby be might improve his education, conveniently and cheaply. Several meet- ings were called for the purpose of de- oiding what branches of study were to be adopted and to receive into membership those persons desiring to avail themselves sof the golden opportunity ;,but strange to ;relate alone put in an appearance, and we :learn the scheme has fallen through. Weeds Remedying. Now that the cool weather is here, <cattle cheap and food scarce the probabil- ity is that a good many will be slaughter- ed for the market by the owners There is no fault to be found with this so long as the sales are made iu quarter lots but there is a serious wrong doue the town 'butchers where persons make a house to house canvass and dispose of any quantity desired. The wrong is here :-Our resi- dent butchers pay taxes to help run the town, they have to keep a supply of meat when cattle are clear and scarce and have .,iso to run the risk in the summer months of loss by heat, flies, &c. If there is a bylaw regulating the sale of meat it ,Should be put in force or a new one passed to ceyer the ground. This would not ex - dude the farming community from selling lbee;i by the ganrter but would place the Roca3 butchers in a better position than they often find themselves now. 9 Crops in Ontario. The Ontario Bureau of Industry has Just issued. a crop report. The yield of wheat has hardly reaehed a good average in any part of the Provinces, but the ripening season was so favorable that the grain matured well in respect of quality. `The drouth of June and July had an al- most disastrous effect on the spring grain. priug wheat suffered least, but oats, barley and peas were greatly stunted iti their growth. A great deal of the barley is discolored, and some of it is smutty. The yield of these spring grains as about an averaging one. Corn and reeans have proved excellent crops. Buck- wheat has suffered greatly from drouth, and the yield is below the average. The Inst part of the growing season turned e.mee meet favorable for field roots, and the yields of these are all above the average. tt ,lever seed is a failure, and fruit on the hole a failure too. 5 tersona7•. .l<Lr. H. Foliiek, who is attending the St. Marys Collegiate Institute, spent Sun slay with his relatives in Exeter. -Rev. P1..Roberts spent a couple of days of last emeek with his son, efr. E. Roberts of Iflixeter. Mrs, John Kelland is visiting Ler parents in Lucan.-Mrs. John Essery is e:isitieg Ler sister, Mrs. John Gilson of IL cezclon..-Miss Maud Dempsey has been re-engaged to teach N'i. 9 school, Bid- einlpli, at an advanced salary. -Messrs. J. n Hooper and Wash. Collins of St. Marys spent Sunday in Exeter. -Mr. Thos, Greg- ,os- ,has been re-engaged to teach the Ex- ,et-er public school for another year. -Mr. `Gee. Bissett, who has had an attack of In/alexia, is again at his post in the hard- ware .store, -Mrs. Taylor of Clinton is is the guest of Mrs. Manning, here, -Mr. Gee. 'Willis is very ill, at his home in Detroit. -Mr. Clias. Manning, formerly barberin Exeter, has left Emporia, Kan., rind gone to Dodge city, same State. -Miss Edith lyndmau, who ]las been in Scot - :land during the sunnier, returned home SSa:nrday last. -Miss F. Bawclen, of this plate, paid a visit to Clinton last week. - Get Their Walking Ticket. What is considered by the general pub- lics, as a mean and despicable action, is the:reoent conduct of the G. T. R. author- iitiestoward several of the most trust- wort'hy and affable conductors of the Company. It appears that the authori- ties became curious and suspected con - electors of betraying the reposed conli- eilenee of their employers, and it is said, placed detectives, ,in the persons of aged women, on the. road. We learn that these women, approaching the respective con- ductors, and telling a pitiful tale and attesting utter poverty, won their sym- spathy;(as certainly they would in any .case) and were granted free passage. It is fair to'presume that if the conductors svho,have teoeived their red tickets were 'of'the most stern and' incollusive, such ..stress being to fto Lr, u oull,-l-if a spark of humanity be left without them,-- Cudite a''liindly feeling and a disposition to ,rant the 'humbly -made requests of the apparently indigent women. The clecapi- ftated conductors are said to be Messrs !latteKay, Edrnonson,and Gilkinson, from the Toronto branch ; David Blunt and :M:. G. Mayne, from the Main Line of the Southern Division ; Condtietor Fhtvell, reeving from Woodstock to Port. Dover, wed. Dot dnctors Hoskins and Clarke, rnn- ningfrom Toronto to Stratford. The Brotherhood of Conductors, a very power - fat body, propose to assert their power by toy .enquiry into the matter. Piementber $2400 worth of goods for $1, a trfee big Bankrupt Store, Ttlateroads, for seine clays, have been in condition, grr,� co fur•kleved suggests that would be a cr emmentaahle move en the pin of the youth to farm a calisthenic club, this 'Wri'ter. Til w o special bargains at the big Bank. ri ;t'fftore. Real Persian Lamb rapfor ;2;01loautiful Wool blankets for $2.60 'Mien i alas and`iirawera for 2oct , good daa'tOryrlroliton for 3,icts. $revitles, Pickiud's grist mill isreentag night end day, at .resent, k'ive•eceths of 1SSS's days have depart ed. l estibnle Ora (xbeingp 0 *introduced 00 ,� .. T. i l the R, on the myna True, The weather prophets ere predicting a hard winter, as beach units are plentiful and squirrels are laying in large stores. Mr. Sam'l Bu4kiugham has coved into his new blacksmith shop uu Iluron street, east, It is possibly that urtion aervices will be held iu one of the churches in Exeter on Thursday next Thaeksgiying day. The ]rouse and lot belonging to Mr. John Ranton was of Bred for sale the other day. It was bought in at ,0'1,000, The main sewer on vIain-st became blockaded the other day, and consider- able labor was experienced in `elcaring the way," Horace Greeley said : "The darkest hour in the history of any young man is when lie sits down to study how to get money without working for it." Detective Gill received no less than four different postal cards, on Saturday night, aunouneing the theft of horses in various places in this district. Evening parties among the young folk ate quite popular at present, no less than five of which we know having gathered last week. Thursday, November 15th, will lie eh - served as a day of genet al thanksgiving, but as the anuexationists hale nothing to be thankful for, they will work as usual. A paper on "Agriculture" will be set at the High School entrance examination in July, 1889, but the subject will be option - a.1, and any marks obtained upon it will be added as a bonus to the others. We had not intended clubbing the Tunis with other papers, this season, hut the numerous solicitations to do so, coni pen our acquiescence. We present our clubbing rates to you ; read and remem- ber. The report that there are counterfeit $10 bills of the Bank of Commerce in cir- culation is unfounded. The bank gives it a flat contradiction, stating that the bills on which counterfeits were made have been retired. A new crossing is to be placed. on Main - street opposite Davis' butcher shop. The persons in the vicinity who expect to de- rive a benefit, therefrom, furnish material and the crossing is placed at the expense of the corporative. Dr. Wail -el -ward, a Jew, who lectured in the tllethodist churches here, recently has broken his engagements with the Baptist church, 13eachville, and a Metho- dist church in L;gersoll, leaving accounts for printing, etc., unpaid. A subscriber makes a practical sugges- tion which might be adopted by the boys and that is to make a little pocket money by offering beechnuts for sale. bots of people do not care to go to the trouble of collecting theta, .but have money to buy them. alar. R. A. Hagen, late teacher in Hay township, who recently left for Algoma,. has located at Sowerby P 0. He writes stating that he is engaged at storekeeping and is doing well. We are pleased to learn favorably of your new venture, Mr. Hagan ! Mr. Heffernan, the elder, of Tucker - smith was in town on Saturday last, get- ting signatures to a petition praying that the,sentence of his son for horse stealing. near Guelph, sometime ago, be,commutted somewhat. tie succeeded in getting four or five citizens to attach their names. Mr. Gregory Tom, who, a month ago, took a trip across the ocean, writes that he has had a splendid time, and notwith- standing his shott absence is feeling much improved in health. He has visited the principal cities, amongst which Glasgow, Ediubnrgh and London. He will return in the course of a rnontli. Buying advertising space in a paper is just like buying house property -it must be done judiciously and wisely. If you buy for investment you se'ect a good house in a good neighborhood, and you are sure to get good interest. Same in advertising. You select a good and suitable paper and nothing pays better. The Mitchell advocate, in effect, denies that Huron papers aro the best published in any county in the Dominion. Our contemporary surely hasn't the cheek to quietly assume that Perth county heads the list in this respect? Were our con- frere to discontinue the bluster of self -em- inence, the Advocate might pass ae a second-class paper. The Toronto Weekly News controls in Canada the etching of "Christ before Pi; late," 1Sin x 2.lin., a fac-simile of the famous painting by the Hungarian artist, Munkacsy, which has won him world- wide fame. The etching is a delicate piece of art work aucl would add value to aty collection. Times and news till Jan. '90 together with premium, $$1.75 run Undersigned would announce to the public that he has now on hand one of the beet assorted stocks of harness, boots and shoes, &c. in town, and would all special attention to his Scotch Collars, Children's Carriages, & Express Waggons, as they are the best in the market, and at prices to suit the tines. Boot & shoe re- pairing .promptly attended to. Call and be convinced. C. EACILETT, Eiceter. Matters in the municipal arena: are yet dormant, there being no new aspir- ants for seats at the Council Board. If a change in the personnel of the village leg- ' islatiye body is desired, there is generally no move made until the very last moment. We cannot then infer that the ' present Board is pleasing to the generality of ratepayers ; yet there is nothing indica- tive of its not being satisfactory. John Heffernan, a Huronite, of cattle- stealing fame, was found guilty at Guelph Friday, of horse stealing; and sentenced to imprisonment. This is the Heffi ream Who escaped from the police,atGa rer _ last fall. His trial occupieconsiderable time, during•whiuh several futile attempts were made to establish an alibi, The Huron authorities made application' for the prisoner, bat were refused, Forest now assuniese the dignity of a town. What's to hinder Lucite making' application ? Our southern high-toned' neighbors --Parkhill avid Forest, -are not chumps. Supposing they have, say a population of 1;500, each, they are bound to weer the garbs of a town, even if cone eiderable trouble is necessitated in scour- ing a speeial act of 'Parliament. Being email and feeling small is not to their lancing. The Lordou Free Press' are preparing a: grand Christmas holiday number. We ave been favored with one of the advance n Lf L it will be alll O earl sc Cl a V copies,-cw y y one of the finest mere ever 'issued in the Dominion, The lithographs and chromes, which embellish the pages, are perfect gems, the subj.eete being beau tiftll specimens of+art which will be prized by every person fortunate enough to pro. The letter press is of a high cure a copy. lr. order, curl the number throughout I s superbly grand., The ' roller rima. will be open this 1 (Thursday) and Saturday night. Mantle Clothe and Sealettes for just half price at the big '13airkrppt Store,. Guy Fawkes' Day passed off quietly fu Exeter.. In sortie of thie outside villages, entertainments were hold. • The "apple crop in IIitron county, this season, has been rood, Mid the number of barrels exported is inestimable, • Teal Tea! Teal 4 pounds of 50ct tea for $1,00 at the big Bankrupt Store. ` The'tax-collector, Mr. Creech, is now On his t ponds,• paying his annual uuappre, crated visits. Taxes are paid readily by the majority The eouulissioners appointed to exam. ins the yarious salt incite:ries throughout the country report those in Huron county as being amongst the best. Messrs. Verity re Son have purchased. the material for the $10,000 addition to their foundry, The annex will be extend- ed to Main street, Fat•tners bring along all your trade to the big Bankrupt Store. Tho cheapest goods in Canada. The Bishop of Huron and Mrs, 13n1 iwin arrived at Quebec in tha steamer a at isiart on Saturday, accompanied by the Bishops, of Japan, New \Vestmiuster atilt Saskat• chewan. The Messrs, Verity have removed the fence from the property on which is to' be built au annex to their foundry ; and the preliminaries in connection with erection of the sante have been commenc- ed. There are rumors of e beet and shoe factory starting in town, to give employ Ment• to 50 hdnds. if a few more manu- factories find their way into Exeter, the town will wear a still more lively appear-, A Wallaceburg girl, who refused an offer of marriage froth a young man, re- eently, sent him a cheque for the amount she supposed he had spent while he was courting her. Is there any young girl in Exeter who will follow her example. Ladies see those new French kid gloves at the big Bankrupt Store.' They are the newest make in the market. All colours. Just opened at the big Bankrupt Store fifty pcs more all wool chambley flannel for l6ets. Another consignment of Ladies best rubbers for 37icts, all Boots and Shoes 25 per cent below actual wholesale prices. Messrs. Ryan & Whiteley of Washing- ton, Oregon, shipped from Loudon Tues- day, 12 entire horses, which were purchas- ed in this neighborhood at a price avera- ging $300 each. The reputation of the Huron tract as a horse producing country is wide spread. Our respected townsman Mr. Henry Westcort whilestanding in front of Bissett's hardware store, Tuesday, was thrown violently to the sidewalk by rolls of heavy paper and tinware which he was stand- ing beside falling upon him. He was for- tunately but slightly injured. One night recently thoughtless boys (we assume that older persons would not do it) tied a string from a shade tree to a post, across the sidewalk end hid to watch some unwary pedestrian go "heels over head". ; but their fun wasspoiled, a couple of ladies breaking the string which was not sufficiently strong to trip. Miss Annie Towers, of Ribbert, near Exeter, who was injured by being caught in the shafting at London Fair, has placed the matter in the hands of lawyers in London who haye served the Western - Fair Board with a writ for damages. If Miss Towers succeeds in getting damages for the injuries she received, she will be fortunate, indeed ; the impression is that she having sat down where she had no right, the consequences rest with herself. At a meeting of the Upper Canada Tract Society, held in the Methodist church last week, of which mention has already been given, the following offi- cers were chosen, for Exeter :-Presi- dent, Mr, Dan Ross ; committee, Mr. E. Howard, to represent James street church ; Mr. Ross, Main street church, and Mr. John Grigg to represent the Presbyterian church. The Brussels 'grain buyers and ship- pers make great complaints of the way they are treated by the Grand Trunk Railway on account of the scarcity of cars to carry away' their grain and pro- duce. The buyers say this scarcity of cars at Brussels is owing to the strong opposition of the Canadian Pacific Rail- way at Wingham and Wraxeter, where cars are supplied by the G. T. R. when wanted.. A very valid reason ! Hallowe'en was observed in Exeter with loteof enthusiasm, while very little material damage was done, the juvenile population being the principal partici.- pants, artici-pants, and their operations, consisting of the removing of front gates and the overturning of water closets, were con- fined to the earlier part of the night.' The older.. of the peculiarly sportive youth concluded the depredations by exchanging signs and tearing down e verandah on Main-st. While they, no doubt, did it in a spirit of destructive- ness, the removal of the unsightly:ver- andah might be said to be a commend- able act. FRANK LESLIE'SPCPiJLAIt MONTH- ly. for Decembet. Mexico is so complete- ly an unknown land to most people, that it is well:to have a little insight into its history. ; `Our Neighboring Republic and its Presidents," in FRANK LrSLTxS POEM', AIL MQNTnxx for December, fully illus- trated, gives a connected view ani por- traits of all who have been at the head of the Mexican Republic from the days of Hidalgo. "The Silver King, by A. S. Southworth, will come as a revelation to some of ouranglers and sportsmen, who have lived in ignorance of that monstrous Florida herring, the Tarpon, and the sport that attendsits capture, "How 'Ameri- can Plate-glass"i s made" describes an iii• dustey in which our skill and energy have put on the market a beautiful and perfect article. In '`Tile Fairfaxes of > Virginia" we read of. One of the few titled families in the United States, showing that a real English baron of famous pccdigree is• an American by birth' and, ' feeling. Horace Townsend relate, very pleasantly, in Animals and their .Trainers," much that is9"nterosting about the way .'in which lards and animals aro broveht to act as performers. "1Iieh Lel Angelo.'" :by W. W. Storey, gives a true artist's estimate of the great senlptor and painter of Italy. Bald- wm't recent descent with a parachute gives occesion • to some ilhistratiols and description of that dangerous hiVention. In the line of fiction, ':Irtntt," a continued novel; `'Tho Woinan IIe hovel," by Rhttn E. Rexford; "Joycol t r , Memorable Stage -ride," by Mrs., Emma S Allen "Grace"; "The Romeneo of a Rug" and "The Hotted Opposite" aro all very eleven, and will interest each class of readers,, The young folk will he,rlo'ighted with the eotttitauatj:On of ',Daisy's Dilemmas:" Frank Leslie's .Popular Monthly, in oxeell- elide and went of Matter and illustration, is itnrivaled, Messrs. Bitilcwiil & prier one .day last week shipped two car loads of bulls tote old country, h _ speeial lineDarkGrey Stocking Yarn only $5 Dents per pot#rid at the Exeter Woollen Mills. Mr. Goo Metz of Crediton, has made an assignment for • the benefit of Itis ereditora, who are said to he numerous. Typhoid fever in Exeter is greatly on the wine, No new cases are reported and the sick ones are convalescing rap- idly. • 15 pieces Union Sheeting 36 and 72 inch, just made this week at the Exeter Woollen Mills, On Friday last dust flew as it does in July,' the weather being warm and sum- tner,like. The older residents say that such is an indication of a severe winter,. Blankets 2 yds. and 21• yds long, Un- derclothing for 25 ots. at the Exeter Woollen Mills. The London papers are censuring the city bakers, whom, it is claimed, . sell sb& rt -weight bread, in contravention of the city by-laws. • Mr. John. Hawkshaw has purchased a yearling "Tontine colt, which he claims will throw the' dust as quickly tis 'Tom Burke" is doing ; that is when lie attains the age of "Burke." An Italian girl favored the business places with some choice selections from a violin on Friday- The music was not sufficiently appreciative to the ears of the citizens to induce a favorable recom- pense- It has been found that a goose can stand the weather until the thermome- ter goes to 64 degrees below zero. Then her feathers won't save her. Wild ducks can go 12 degrees lower and come out on top. A subscriber asks if a council board can go so far as to grant an exemption from taxation to any business without first having a voice of the ratepayers on the matter? It can. Bonuses have to be voted upon by the freehold property owners, though. The nein organ of the Trivitt Mem- orial churcli was erected and placed in position' on, Friday last. It is a very •handsome pipe organ. It is thought that the church will not be ready for dedication before the latter part of De- cember- possibly, Christmas. • One night last week, Messrs Hurdon, Snell and a couple of other sports, with dogs, treed two large coons, the finest captured in this vicinity this season. Ln one instance the larger of the coons became piaster of the dogs, and clubs ere re, employed to accomplish the cap - At a meeting of the Canadian .Book- sellers' Association held in Toronto the other day, Mr. H. Fred. Sharp,' of St. Marys, was re-elected President. Mr. Sharp has held this honored position for a number of years which is an .at- testation of his popularity with the association. Would the Parkhill Gazette consider it a favor were the T.Iittis to furnish it with the Crediton budget of news and have the items appear in each paper simul- taneously, instead of our confrere clip - Ting Crediton correspondence from the TIMES and giving it the following week as the -latest news ? Nothing like being neighborly. Good girl wanted -general servant, apply to Mils. J. R. JAYNES. Absolutely PLire. This powder never varies A marvel of pur- ity, strength and wholesomeness. More econ- omical than the ordinary kinds 3,nd eaunot be sold in competition with the multitudes of low test, short weight, alum or phosphate powders. Sold only in cans,-BOYAL BAK- ING POWDER CC ..106 Wallatreet N Y ALL 1 1888 Samaell � Pickard Have just received direct fron England a fine assortment of Ladies' Walking Jack- ets Dolmans and TJlsters alto a Fine As- sortment of Sealettes, Imitation Lamb and, Ulster Cloths. FULL LINES OF DRESS GOODS. IN HOSIERY, GLOVE*:,S, AND STAPLE; DIYG04DS, Our Stook is � Co mplete A,ventsWani.Pd immediately Goon Wacens, STEADY Wont. R, L. 'HERRICK) & Co., -' Nurserymen, uiili#l' well,, rr. Y: A. �QRDM9�, Call on G. A. 1-1. for Groceries Teas '1 `1 Spices Dashwood flour " Petty (lams and. Bacon Smoking tobacco a five cent piece with every 3 plugs. 11 —GREAT— Clearin - Sale, -AT THE _ Cheap Store, Crediton of Dry -Goods, Boots & Shoes, Felt and Straw Hats (about 400 to select from.) +=x=x=+ Having secured shop license to sell all kinds of WINES andLIQUORS, 1 have decided • to clean out some of the above lines at or below cost for cash and ready pay, to make room for a large stock of GROCERIES AND LIQUORS. Don't forget as it is no humbug. All accounts due 1st October, 1888. J. MIT cazELL, Cheap Store Crediton For the. next 60 days at cost, consisting NOTICE To the Public at Large. I am offering my summer goods at COST PRICE, to make room for Fall Purchases -AS I HAVE RECEIVED A PAST OF— . My Fall Stock Please call and examine before going elsewhere. Organs for Sale at Cost Price. Douse & Lot FOR SALE -Opposite Town Hall �+ .DEAnINC laallery Opposite Post -Office. When. j3aby was siek, we geve her Castoria, When she was a Child, she erica for Cestoria, Whoa she became Mies, she clung to Coterie, • When she had Children, she gave finale Criteria, THE PIONEER 1 P,, 1 urniture e r � U d akin - g vv arerooms In returning thanks to our a nuierous .customers for past favors it affords us great pleasure instating that we have got nicely settled in our new and commodious premises, and ere prepared, (if quality and selection of stock, and honest dealing :will do it) to supply the wants of the people of this district, in the furniture and undertaking line, with goods AT ,ASTONISHINGLY LOW PONES. The finest stook in Huron county to choose from, For proof positive as to the extent of our stock and; he low prices at which we sell, WE INVITE AN EARLY INSPECTION, We publish no clap vrap nonsense, but produce facts, which can be verified in a practical way Our stook of undertaking goods is very complete, embracing funeral furnishings from the highest to the lowest grades, and at prices far below any in town. An inspection of our oods is respectfully • solicited. S. GIDLEY, (Successor, to C. & S. Gilley) ODDFELLOW'S BLOCK. July 88. —EXETER— !gin ©g® MDR For Finely Finished Photos of all sizes, from small album size to 1.1x1�l from life, try. Ve has also an elegant display of Photo- graph Frames. Sizes : Sx10; • 11x14 and 14x17. AT ALL PRICES ! It wi 1 be to the advantage of those having pictures to frame to examine hiss- -' stock of Picture Moulding. • Get prices before purchasing elsewhere. JOS. SENIOR, $10 Reward for the Cc33,viotion OF DEALERS WHO OFFER Ill c C o I I r INFERIOR OTHER AND SELL MACHINr} OIL. Eureka Cylinder, Bolt- I I McColl Bros. & Co., „Cutting & Wool Oils. For sale by all leading dealers. Toronto, 13ISSZTT limos., Sole Agents, Exeter. QUEEN CITY OIL WORKS At Toronto.Every Barrel Guaranteed. This Oil was used on all machinery during the Exhibition. It bas been awarded NINE GOLD MEDALS during the last three years It'See that you get Peerless. It is only made by • ►5.t.M V EL 1100FI`S crC CO., TOItO TO FOR SALE BY JAS. PICKARD. GREAT SUMMER SALE ISA AC C �RLiN G' IN ORDER TO CLEAR OUT HIS SUMMER STOOK WILL 'BELL : Summer Silks, Dress, Goods, Muslins. Prints, Gin hams Laces, • Ribbcas, Hisitry, Gloves, -Underwear, sasols Milliner Col•sets,;Pa , y, Tximmings, etc Greatly At Gr y R educed Prices. brand Dar!ain in Every Doparimont t 'Ladies, do not lniss *Ida op ortenit to buyohea �qoocts ad the subscriber. hits ono of rho finest stook§ in the town to eltooac from, A eon will repay yeti.`