HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1888-11-8, Page 51�. "NC, DISTR:CCP DOTI�TQS. Oceurl;auees iii' the Fast week 'i'lsroriglt out the Neighborhood lu tt Cosicise Komi. • Mr. J. 0, Klausen, of Ilensa1l, , is going to open a branch harness shop in Cromarty. Sheep sold at Mr, Kehoe'a sale in `Fiicisersmith the other day at $20 per pair. Ah exchange says that Christmas. comes on Tuesday. Looking rather far ahead! The ocntracthas been let for the Government postotice ut Goderich to a London firm, the contract figure being $13,000. A petition is being circulated asking that James McFadden be not reinstat- ed as coustable for the County of Mid- dlesepc. It was fruitless. The W ingham Times comes to band this week greatly improved. Mr. Elliott deserves support from 'the citizens of Wingham and community. Mr. G. G. Emery has purchased the wagon shop, and T. E. Handford the blacksmith shop, from Mr. T. Nairn, of Centralia. Mr. lerauk, of Hibbert, has a carrot with a bone top, or rather, a bone ring around it. It is. the first carrot we ever saw wearing a bone ring. Mr. F. L. Hamilton, blacksmith, of Cromarty, is at present troubled with lumbago, and has been unable to at- tend to usual businese. Everest's Cough Syrup is the beat in the country,—Duncan Pursell, For- est. Mr. Richard Kerslake, late of Dash• wood has moved to Ingham and embarked in the butchering business. The people of Wingham will find in Mr. Kerslake a person of honor. Mr. G. W. .Holman has been re-en- gaged to teach the Winchelsea school. Mr. Baker of Bayfield formerly of Luna. leyhas also been re-engaged to teach the Bayfield school for another year. The freight sheds have been remov- ed to the switch. This brief announ- cement of a much needed rearrange meet of railway facilities will be glad tidings to every business man in St. Marys. Mr. A. M. Polley, of Goderich ship- ped from Guelph Tuesday afternoon, fourteen heavy draught horses to Al- pena, Mich,, for use in the lumber woods, A man named Robertson, of Mit chell, while mounting a horse the other clay, tbe animal stumbled and fell upon him. He has been uncon- scious ever since. Ir,,.(3. Ivla Munro, a former well- kxfown Middlesex man was drowned in a flume leading from the canal to Gibson's Mill's, Morrisburg, one day last week. It is a mystery how he got there. A few days ago Mr. Geo. Buchan, of Bright, while out in the woods with his gun had the good fortune to shoot black fox, which is now a very rare Minimal in Ontario, The skin is said to he worth $100. Mr. James Dewar has bought- the 50 acre farm formerly owned by Mr. James Burley. East Williams, and Mr, R. F.Keir, 16th con., East Williams, has rented his farm to Mr. Duncan McIntyre, Mr. Joseph Atkinson, of Tucker- amith, has received the appointment of manager of the large stock farm in the county of Wentworth of Mr. Shaw the recently appointed Professor of Agricultural in the Ontario Agricul- tural College. The break in the Cornwall canal has caused a great amount of through freight, principaflt grain, to be trans- ferred to the railways from vessels at Sarnia and Windsor. The ca acity of the G. 1'. R. is tested to its utmost. A valuable grey mare, 3 years old, a top buggy and a set of single harness were stolen on Tuesday night from the premises of Mr. T. Glenn, Base Line, Blanshard. The stolen property was tracked westward for some dis-' tance, and then all trace disappeared. Mr. Thomas Seldon, the Mayor of Ingersoll and principal packer there, has sent to Europe already 23.000 harries of apples, and will send about 13,000 more. Low prises ai'e realized on them across the water. The apple crop in Canada has been anormous this season. ' An exchange, referring to the sentencing of Toni Buckley for brut• ally mudering his sweetheart, says that such characters should not be allowed to run around loose. The trouble in this case is that Buckley was allowed to run around tight too long. Rev. C. C. McLaurin, the popular pastor of the l3aptist church has re- cently received a call from Sarnia, and still another from the Ottawa dis- trict. It as not yet known what his intentions are in the matter, but his numerous friends trust he will not leave St. Marys. A serious accident:happened to bins. Wm. Wright, of West McGillivray, while returning home from Parkhill on Tuesday afternoon, Their borse became frightened and shied, causing the buggy to upset. Mrs. Wright re- ceived a severe kick from the horse's foot in her face, cutting a fearful gash. Mr. Wright eacaped.with a few bruises. It will he a surprise tosome to learn \that in some places in Quebec, the old Dunkin Aot is still in force at the time of the passing of the Scott Act; that Act did not repeal it, We novW lean that a vote for its repeal will be tale in Richmond County in that province on the 28th of next month, W. EI, Ryan,' Esq., of Biddulph, has arrived home after making a long, thy visit to the Turtle Mountain ,rise-- triet in the Northwest, where he has been visiting his on who located there some years since, He gives a glowing account of the country through which he passed and visited, and says ''it is the finest country he ever saw.'i CM, Coleman, of Seaforth, met with a painful accident halt weEk while in Montreal where he WAS on 'business. 'she Colonel was at his hotel told had odeeeion tri go to the basement of the builclin", and when descending the attain the gas light went out and he missed the atop and fell to the bottom' breaking his right atm ttad otherWise injuring himself, NNIQGCiiL^6FxC�.},s,1V..R' "Everest's Extract of Wild Black- berry never fails to cure diarrhoea, dysentery, ccse."—the statements of scores who have tried it. 25c per, bot. for sale by all clrugglsst The Ontario Legislature will meet at about the usual date toward the end of January, Another pioneer in the person of Mr. Alex Cathro passed away on the 29th inst. Over torty years ago he tramped into the wild woods of Mc- Gillivray :and settled on the farm which he occupied at his death. lie came from the city of St. John's, N. B. He was 66 years old and leaves a wife, soother, two sons and three daughters. Miss Hannah Boyd, who was arrested in connection with the Galt tragedy, has returned to Thorold, the lady in whose employ she was before her arrest having asked her to return. MissBoyd and her relatives there have been put to considerable expense, and much inconvenience and annoy- ance in connection with the case, and unless Detective Murray makes good the amount of expenses he will ne sued for damages for false arrest. I had tried many doctors and was given up by them as far gone into con- sumption, but was permanently cured by using Everest's Cough Syrup.—Jas. Simpson, Aberarder. W. T. hunter, one of the parties implicated in a rape case a few years ago, an d Samuel Beattie, a livery ke,-per, both of Brussels, who were sent for trial on a charge of reviving stolen goods from the store of Adam Good, came before Judge Toms at Goderich the other day. The charge was that they had procured the goods through a young lad employed to do chorea in the store, but the evidence failed to convict and they were dis- charged. The other night a young farmer by the name of Bolton was returning to his home in McKillop, after selling a load of grain:in Brussels, when he was attacked by a man who climbed into the wagon. After being struck twice be courageously grappled ,with his assailant until the seat fell backwards into the box, giving the sooundrel a chance to escape, When he arrived at Leadbury, he, presented such a dreadful appearance from the injuries inflicted by the bludgeon, that Mrs. McNamara fainted. The Moncton, N. B. Times reports that a Mr. D, Cameron, of Lucknow, Ont,, employed by the contractor for the Cape rormentine breakwater as superintendent of the stone quarry which is located near Port Elgin, went up on a derrick to unfasten some of the rigging, when it tipped, carrying him over to the ground, a distance of 30 feet. He died in a few hours from injuries received. He leaves a wife and family in Lucknow. 1.-•••••-.4 To the Editor of the Exeter Times SIR.—having received a copy of The Truss of Nov. 1st, I noticed an article in it referring to myself, as certain coieci- dents, lead me to believe. In reply I wish to say that as soon as the writer is prepared to make his statements over his own sig- nature, I am prepared to meet them in the same way. Meanwhile, I simply assert that, if I am the person aimed at rho ar- ticle is false in statement, and grossly misleading., Yours, CLERe'snsAN, [Ed Note—There is no one to blame in the cccurrence getting snob publication, save our reporter, who, having heard it in common converse, made a note of it ; but who is sorry that the item has ruffled the feelings of any. If the clergyman who writes the above feels that the paragraph does not apply to his ease, he ought to have allowed its significance to remain dormaut. There were no insinuations intended, the affair being chronicled mere- ly as one of the many noyel yet interesting news items,] • A QUARTER OF A CENTURY, For More than 25 yeas has Hagynrd's Yellow Oil been sold by druggists, and it has never yet failed to give satisfaction as a housohold remedy for pain, lameness and soreness of the flesh, for external and in- ternal use in all painful complaints. A terrific explosion occurred to -day in the Campagnac coal pit, in the Department of Aveyron, France. Eighty miners were killed. Forty-two bodies have been moose eyed, THE MODUS OPERANDI. The Mode of operating of Burdock Blood Bitters is that it acts at once and the same Brae upon the Stomach, Liver, Bowels, Kidneys and the Blood, to cleanse, regu- late and strengthen. Hence its almost universal value in Chronic Complaints. The German Government proposes to resume the building of large ironclads, which was stopped after the wreck of the Grosser Kurfurste, A. Bili providing a credit for the building of eightironclad% will be sent to the Reichstag, AMONG THE INDIANS. x, While my husbead was trading, in furs he came across an Indian who was taken to his lodge to die. He had inward pains and pains in all his limbs. He gave some Yellow Oil internally and applied it ester nally, and cured him. It also cured my husband of rheumatism, and I find it valuable for angles and colds, sore throat, et&." Mrs, A, Besaw, Cook's Mills Ser- pent River, Out, Several of the United States fire stations lay claire to having made the quickest hitch, but the record of the Hamilton fire. niep beats thorn. On Wednesday several wonderful hitches were made before a ntituber of eitizens, At tho central station the standing hitch was done iu three seconds, and the turn out on the street in 71 seconds, which beats the New Yak Oity eeoorcle by q secoucts, To reach their collars tho horses had to run 27 feet, At the King William Street engine house the standing kiteli was accomplished in two seconds. CONSUMPTION SURELY CURED. To Tint'liOTTOR t Please inform your readers that have a positive remedy for tho above named dis ease, By its timely ttso thousands of hopeless crises have been permloscntly cored. 1 shall be glad to send two bottles of.rny remedy 11)11)1 to any of your readers who have eonenmptiou if they will send Me tbefr Faeroes rued 1?. 0, address, 1teepeotfully, De, T. A. SLOCUM, rtoronto, Ont, 37 Yongo street for'lff:I, wl f� Oastorla 1)0 A:G General, News. James Duffy, of Straight Shore, N, 13. full amid in a pew in St. Peter's lto,nau Oatholie t Burch, St. John, yes erday. Air. ,tAdamHtid>;petl'l, el..P. . Iot South Victoria, forwarded samples of Canadian 'barley to English hrewers'for an oflioial report, Yin. Smith, of lot 5 eaun*ission 11, East Nissonri.,'slhot re wild geese receuely on the river Thames, This i; the first goose oaptttrod in that yleinity. VALUABLE 'Cil KNt71V , Consumption may be rnoro easily pre - Vented than cured. The irritating ana harassing cough will be greatly relieved by the use of Hagynrd's Pectoral Bassam that oures coughs, colds, bronchitis and all pulmonary troubles. A single bottle of Ayer's Sarsaparilla will establish the merits of this medicine as a blood pau'itier. Many thousands of people are yearly cured of chronic diseases by.the faithful use of this remedy. It is unequal- ed for the cure of scrofula, CURET) BY B. B. 13. WHEN ALL ELSE FAILED. Mr. Samuel Allan, of Lisle, Ont„lit states locality that he tried all the doctors m hie 1 6 1 n y while suffering for years with Livor and Kidney trouble ; nothing benefitted him until he took Burdook Blood Bitters, four bottles of which cured him. D. S. Campbell d; Son, 7th eon„ }tow- ard, sold off 25 acres of land 812 bushels of beans, besides keeping 25 buehels for Beed, realizing 01,250,50. This is a great year for Ontario farmers. Avoid the harsh, irritating, griping com- pounds so often sold as purgative medicine and correct the irregularities of the bowels by the ueo of Ayer's Cathartic Pills. They are invaluable as a family medicine. A child belonging to Mr. John Beer, of Mitchell, ran the point of a pair of scissors into the corner of one of her eyes one day this week. A RARE COMBINATION. There is no other remedy or combina- tion of medicines that meets so many re- quirements, as does Burdock Blood Bitters in its wide range of power over such Chron- io diseases as Dyspepsia, Liver and Kidney Complaint, Scrofula and all humors of the blood. ADVICE TO ItoTnERs.—Are you disturbed as night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth? If so send at once and get a bottle of ,Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Chil- dren Teething. Its value is incalculable. It will relieve the poor llttle sufferer im mediately lienendupon it, mothers ; there is no mistake about it. It cures Dysentery and Diarnccsa, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the Gums. reduces Inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physiciaes mud nurses in the United States, and is for sale by all druggists 'throughout the world. Price twenty-ftve cents a bottle, Be sure and ask for"MRs. WfNsr,ow's g o ING s -m w "•tnd take uo other kind. - CONSUMPTION CURED: An old physician, retired from practice, having had placedin his hands cyan Fast Indian missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for tho speedy and perma- nent cure !of Consumption, Bronchitis, Ca- tarrh, Asthma and all throat and lung affections, also a positive and radical cure for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Com- plaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands ofoases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actuatedby thiamotive and a desire to relieve hum an sufforin6, I wc,lsend free of obarge,to all who dosireit, this recipe,in German,Frenoh or .English, with full directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing w ith stamp, naming this paper, W.A,Novnn 148 Power's Bleak. KCOhestee ,N S' DR. FOWLERS .EXT: OF • -WILD. TAY HOLCURES EA hotera Morbus O Lr I C'e -' RAMPS I RH A YSENTERY AND ALL SUMMER COMPLAINTS AND FLUXES OF THE BOWELS IT IS SAFE AND RELIABLE FOR CHILDREN OR ADULTS. PI`ttii' 'When I say Oun z I do not mean merely to stop them for atime, and then have them re- turn again. I INMAN A RADICAL CURE. I have made the disease of =TS, EPILEPSY or FALLING SICKNESS, Alrfolong study. I w TtItlarrrayremedyto Cu12E the worst eases. Because others have failedisnoreason fornot nowreceivinga cure. Send at once for a treatise and anon u RorTLn of my Irrrarageoit REMEDY. Give Express and Post Office. It costs you nothing for a trial, and it will cure you. Address Dr. 11. q•, ROOT. 37 Vouge St,, Toronto, Ont, s; r>>tra i*.nn'4��ik:.ii✓�""1'ti'6-qi,rr.:1tE;"tl"u„,"+i.��+tr':i.nq�•'•i JOHN BRAWN, USDERTAItE 'A, & 1i�,A����������Y,b��•�l,o�,sd�by Walnut & Rosewood Caskets Arseo Corrn s 01' Evras D scxurrxozr, A Complete Stook of Robes & Trimmings Always on hand. FUNERALS FTJRNISEED 6.00N. DUCTED AT Low PATES. My ,stock of Furniture is un- excelled. r wGIVI: ML A CAVA, C 11A,RK'n ItP0RT$.. (aorreotodate o'ctoekp,m. Wednesday• Fa11Whoar „ 112 to 118 Spring Wheat ,. 1 10 to 1 10 t3wrley „ ,,, h5 to 00 Oats .,. ,., . 0 .139 to 34 Clover 5 seri ,.. ,,. 4 00 to 4 00 '1'inxotby ” ,. , 2 10 so 13 00 1'en,s .. 0 CO to 0 56 Corn ... - 0 40 to 0 00 Bgs ,,, .,. e17to017 Mittel .,, 18to020 Flourperbbl ..,, ., 0(310050 rotatoee,per bushel .,, .., 20 to 28 Apples,per bag ,,. CO to 0 50 DrioclApplaspr b • ,., ... 0 04 to 0 00 Goose per 1b, ,,, 0 06 to 0 06 Turkey per ib ... 0 07 to 08 Ducks per pr ,,. 0 45 to 0 50 Chickens per pr ,. ... 0 20 to 0 90 Et oge,`1ressedperl0 ,,, ,., 6 80 to 7 00 Beef „ ,. 400 to500 Sidesrouhg, .,, ,,. ... 5 50 to 0 60 dressed . ,, 6 00 to 6 00 Sheepskins Email 0 75 to 1 CC Calfskins„, ,,, 0 5O to 0 70 Wool perlb 0 18 to 0 20 Hayporton .,, 1000 to 10 00 Onionsuoi•bus'n , 0 00 to 0 75 Woodeer cord .., 2 5 to 3 oo ET: 1rARYe Fall Wheat 1 1.2 to 1'18 Spring Wheat. .......... . ...... .......,. - 1 00 1 10 Raney.-- ................ . ........ ..„..,, 50 03 Oats..... ..................................... 30 35 Clover Seed... ......... ...... 4 60 50C Timothy 1 50 2 00 Peas 58 00 Buts 17 17 ter 18 20 Potatoes per bag ......... ....... - 5 A0 60 pplesper buah......... ...... 0 60 Woolporlb 20 20 Hay perton0 00 10 00 Bran per 500(34 00 14 00 Shorts ” " 20 00 20 00 Oatmeal per bbl. Hay. Sonoo, ttmionr—The following is the monthly report for October, of the pupils of S. S. No. 2, Hay, based upon their at- tendance, punctuality, conduct and work. Names are in order of precedence. fith— Alfred Eaorett. San, 4th—Jno Chapman, Jno Campbell, Aggia Murray. Jnu, 4th— Honker Russel, Jas Campbell, \Viliie Mur- ray. 3rd—Chas Chapman, Ellen Shirray, Chas Aldworth• 2nd—Aggie Shirray, Kate Chapman, Fred Eaorett. Sen 2nd part— Alice Gsuld, Willie'Hawkins, Mary North- cott. Jun. 2nd port—Beatrice Warren, Maud Russell, Jessie Hawkine. 1st part— Ralph Chapman, Nellie Gould, Nellie Northcott, As soon as the threshing is done some of our young men purpose visiting East Saginaw in search of a loet treasure. Dr. CHASE Hae a world-wide reputation as a physician and author. His Mandrake Dandelion Liver Ours is a triumph of medical skill, curing all diseases ofthe Iiindey and Liver, SYMPTOMS OF Kidney Complaint, aches Distresandslug r. lies in the back ; a dull pain or weight in be bladder or base of the abdomen; scald- ing urine often obam:rated ; frequent desire to urinate, especially at night, among aged persons ; 'hot, dry skin, pale complexion red and white deposits,, drop dizziness, sour stomach, constipation, piles, ,liver sical swellings, &:c. SYMPTOMS OF Liver Complaint Pain under the s shoulder blades, Jaundice, sallow complexion, a wearl , tired feeling, no life or energy, head ache, dyspep sic, indi, cation,spots,pimples&c. HOW CUBED ' Mandrake and Dandelion arenature'sliver cures, and whet. com bin ed with kidney rem- edies, as in Dr. Chase's Liver Cure, will most positively cure all kidney -liver troubles. It acts lite acharm, stimulating the clogged liver ,strengtliei'ipg the kidneysaniiuvigor- atingthe whole body. Sold by all dealers at one dollar, with receipt!) ook, which alone is worththemoney. L13.i�ue Dr. Chase's Pills are the only Kidney -Liver Pills made ; they LIVET bettakenyduringet any effectually. pploy Pillssnout, Thoy cure kidney-live.r txoubles,headttcho,b ,iousness costiveness &c. Ono Pill a close Bold by all dealer B. Pride 25 cents. T. E DMANSON &Va. 00., • Bradfo Ont., Marais. P8flJb1 ! 0 0 0 CID �1 0 THE BEST YET I THE CHEAPEST YET THE BIGGEST YET I Overcoatings at any price ; Suit - jugs at any bice ; Pantings at any price. Best Ordered Clothing produced in Exeter Geitlernen 1 lease year orders early, for with the best staff of Tailors ; the boat stools of Fine Trimmings, and the beat Cutting in Town, you are sure of satisfac- tion. A. Jr0.311'20Z/2/. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorie 181 ��xaw.—.rxaa eeeleleeele t It ,'.:.i , , F;wl. ' tFj•+.NAt �wti k rlF i it'"r b+fix"'wk±k:S i;t 7: \• a forinfants and Children. "Criteria is so well adapted to children that Castorlo cures Colic, Constipation, 1recommend itassuperior toany prescripgou Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, ht. D„ Kills Worms, gives !deep, and promotes sts- to own to me." IIA, Miasma, 111 So. Oxford St, Brooklyn, N. Y. Without injurious medication, TUE CENTAUR COMPANY, 77 Murray Street, MY. !firi,Ry+lei`.i'h".iefe lrePr'iaffaZi 'iTer,,Yefft. Exeter b The Undersigned wishes to inform th epublie in general tha he keeps: —constantly in stock— Al Kinds of BUILDING MATERIAL DRESSED OR UNDRESSED. Bell Stuff, Flooring, Siding, dressed—inch, inch -and -a -quarter, inch-ssa- se half and two inch. Sash Doors, Blinds, Mouldings and all Finishing Material Lath, &c. SHINGLES A SPECIALTY.—Competition challenged. The best and strive largest stock, and at lowest prices. Shingles 'A 1. A11 dressed lumber thoroughly seasoned and ready for use. No shrink assured. A call will bear out the above. THE OLD ESTABLISHED. Jas. Willis illis, Main-st, • 1 The cheapest spot in toy; n for Hardware, Stoves and Tinware, Paints, Oils and Glass, &c., &c., if you are, t eel! ;3i1 B[SSETT B ROS, We are now offering tlie,balanoe of our stock of Asa, Cross -cut saws, Lamps and Tubular Lante,ns, at cosi fo 30 JDA.. S QITI Y ! Wo would call your attention to a few of our specialties ;— A Handsome Brass Library Lamp, A Large Glass Stand Lamp, new design A Good Tubular Lantern - A Good Axe and Handle An A 1 Manure b'urk And everything at Rock Bottom Prices for Cash. 52 50. $L 00 80 50 51 00 00 80 A full stock of tbe following lines always on hand•,—Barb wire, Plain Galvanized, ealent and Viled wire, and leuekthoru Fencing. Having purchased our supply of Binder Twine early we are now in a position to supe. at the lowest possible price. A full stoc,c of tinware of all kinds alwa n stock. Eavetronghing and roofing a span laity. Agents for the B & R Metalic Shin Roofing. Ask for priees. Agents for tbr, celebrated Raymond Sewing Macnine. BISSETT BROS., Exeter. Citi t- tib , sc:f7- � �.. bt tier ,J . ' _ .r.. t¢ t� vs.e+ •. -.rip `fid ` 6.`, .ov~�� •\e 4. s\ seat • .,OW c>,', �1ca 0a, ` a O �Z..- r m+ a ,ae t J O ti• NO $, al ,y e • SlcO, Ch ci ,(, �I, 044 os k °��w <4,§`.."� a,Y) ,Scow 0. �o.� " O,,b- Is,-°o p'4' e„r '1 �, g, 3e . ,swti\' e' 4 o ore \ •• - ee' Manufactured only by Thomas Holloway, 78, New Oxford Street, '}, late 833, Oxford Street, London. t -Purchasers should look to the Label on the Boxes and Pots If the address is not 533, Oxford Street, London, they are spurious. FALL 1588 FALI_ Carpets. Curtains., A. ID 1 : Now that House -Cleaning time is near, we invite your in- spection to our BIG stook of Carpets, Curtains, and those. Fancy Window Blinds, cc. When buying, Wall Paper don't forget that the O1 [ Established hed carries the Biggest Stock and Latest Alza-- erieall Patterns. Lots of Fa' cy CeilingPapers with Corners to match, ow i n S Waper ` JAMES PlCa4RD, . xeterA. •