HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1969-01-23, Page 6Times, Thursday. Jan. 23. 1909 DOUBLE KNIT 2 -piece wool- len ,suit for sale. Size 16. Ph. 357-2007. 23p • GUNS bought,, sold and ap- pj aised. ABC Sporting Goods, B. Jenkins, Minnie Street. J2rrb FOR SALE --- 1 used Norge clothes dryer; 1 used Frigid- aire 30" range. Pattison Radio & 'Electric. 23b `CLEARANCE 0 F DEMON- STRATORS—Save up to $200: Two Polaris Colts, one electric. Earl Jenkins, Wingham Lawn and Garden Centre, 257 Shuter Street, 357-2683. 23rrb SHELLED CORN for sale, $47 per ton. Phone Clinton 482= 7463 on the Clinton exchange. 23-30-6b Y....�AJAHA .23 hp- Twin Cylind- . er Snowmobiles, also oil in- jection Trail- a - Sled. Spark -1? lugs, oil Belts, etc., all ma- chines. Beatty Tilt Trailers. Lynn., HoY, Wingham. 23rrb 'FOR SALF.,--9 pc. oak dining room suite; .5 pe. chrome kit- chen set; Moffat electric stove, almost new;. Frigidaire refrig. • Phone 3.57-2465- ( 23b VACUUM CLEANER Sales & • ,Service for all makes. R. K. Peck, Varna, d - 350. D29rrb EAVESTROUGHING a n d • metal flashing, material and tabor. For free estimate call Morrison Bros., at Murdie's • Hardware, Lucknow, phone 5.28-2906. Ap20rrb ALWAYS IN- STOCK 6 and 8 cyl. motors, transmissions and all other parts for all makes of cars. Listowel Auto Wreck- ers, phone 291-4849, •beside Drive In Theatre, Listowel. f•-_.- . 23-30-6b • FOR SALE --= Poodles, silver and platinum, small mini- atures, seven weeks, purebred quality, registered stock. Three litters, all puppies, im- munized, wormed and tattoo- • ed. Terms if desired. Glen- reid Kennels, Kippen, 262- 5052, Y . 23b READ— MAN'S BOND + MADE - TQ -MEASURE 2 pee. suit sale `is"' now in progress. Latest styles and fabrics..Sale priced at $75.00 and $82.00. All meas- urements, taken under super- ' ision of qualified tailor.' Sale vends February, 1st. Readman Cleaners and Men's We.'r. 1.6-23-30b ° `7 LUCKS FOR SALE TENDERS WANTED TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received by the undersigned for supplying -magas, diesel oil and furnace oil for the Township of Turn - berry. Tenders will close January • 30. at 6 p.m. For further in- formation contact the road superintendent, J. Alex. Mac- Tavish. • Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. J. Alex. MacTavish, Road Superintendent, R. R. 1 Bluevale. 1965 1/2 -ton truck ..for sale, fleetline box.. Just like new.' IPhone 5W'1, Wroxeter; Earl23 Thompson. • LIVESTOCK FOR- SALE,,. HOLSTEIN .CALF • for sale. Cgptact Alvin Procter, 357- 3159. 57 3159. • ,, 23b 19. GRADE , HOLSTEIN cows for sale, in full flow df milk with subsidy quota of 4922 lbs. butterfat: Scott McLennan, -R: R. 2 Bluevale, phone Brus- Sels 448W4 after 6 p.m. 23p 40' PIGS for sale, weaned two ,'weeks. Phone 357-2319. 23p �-FOR RENT 'HOUSE FOR RENT in Blue - Vale. Phone 392-6501 or 357- '11.17. . ' ' 23-30p WANTED WANTED° DEAD STOCK Fresh dead stock; cows dead, $12. each; dead horses, $20. each, over 500 pounds, accord- ing to size. Collect 369-2410, Durham. Lorenz Removal. EMPLOYMENT WANTED 'UPSTAIRS apartment for rent, 1 bedroom; centrally located. Heated. Available immediate- ly. Phone 357-3461. 16rrb SALES HELP WANTED ' AT ONCE Rawleigh Dealer is needed in rural area of , Wingham or Grand Bend. L•Write Rawleigh Dept. A-453- 400, 4005 Richelieu St., Mon- • treal 207, Que. 23b y_.Mw MALE- HELP WANTED CARETAKER REQUIRED FOR COUNTY OF HURON s Full-time employment; duties t to commence at 4:00 p.m. each day. Good Working condition% and excellent benefits. Appli- a .cant must have driver's licence. h Apply in writting to the under- . signed no later than Friday, • January 31st. JOHN G. BERRY. Clerk-Treas., r County of Huron. Court House, Goderich, Ontario. 23b i O FEMALE HELP WANTED HOUSEKEEPER WANTED for ti home with modern* conven- fences. Write Leonard'Hunter, . '24 Erie Street, Clinton, Ont. 23-30p SINGLE GIRL, age 16 to 30 years, for full/ time employ- ment in photo finishing plant' Witng' color and black and te, print. Experience not neeessary: ' Jervis Studio, Clin- ,• ,,,, , '4824006.' - 23b CUSTOM SEWING pONE Contact Mrs. C. 3: Brewer; ph. 357 - 1639, Wingham; .1531, Wroxeter. 23b PERSONAL IN REFERENCE TO HOSPITAL BEDS If those who have beds, please contact the Wingham . Kinsmen Club. We would. like to refinish same. 23b IN MEMORIAM TTFFIN—In loving . memory of our parents, Mrs. -Mary Jane Tiffin, who passed' away January 25, 1964, and Reu- ben Tiffin, who passed away March 30, 1942. - Those whom we love go out of sight, But never out of mind. They are cherished in. + the -hearts Of those they leave behind. —Ever remembered by their family. • 23p MISCELLANEOUS THE DECOR+SHOPPE Floor Covering - Sales - Instal- lation - Harding Carpets - • Draperies Murray Gerrie . 357-2002, Wingham L.' G. BRYCE Auctioneer We handle sales, large or small, anytime or anyplace. Phone 357-2339, Wingham. LLOYD W. WALKER Custom Backhoe and loading and hauling. service All types of excavating, bury- ing stones, ditching Septic tanks and, weeping beds Phone 35771359 R. R. 1, Wingham, Ont: 4 . ° NOTICE. TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF MARTHA JANE BAKES - ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above-mentioned, late of he Town of Wingham in the 4, ounty of Huron, Housewife, ho died on the 21st day of December, v 1968, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the 25th day of Janttary, 1969. After that date the Execu- tors will proceed 'to distribute. the estate .having regard only t� the claims of which they shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham.' this 6th day of January, A.D. 1069 CRAWFORD, SHEPHERD & MILL Wingham, Ontario. Solicitors for the Executors. YODER + AND YODER. Auctioneers We handle all types of sales, large ind small. : Complete Sales ` Service. , Phone 21J2, Wroxeter. John Stafford. ' 16rrb FOR YOUR. Insurance Needs in Automo- bile, Farm Liability, Accident and Sickness. Home Protection Call your Co -Op 'Agent — LLOYD MONTGOMERY 53 Maple. Street, Wingham Dial 357-3739 NOTICE TO CREDITORS • IN THE ESTATE OF - MARILYN JEAN CAMPBELL. ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above-mentioned, late of the Township of East Wawa- wanosh, in the County of Hur- on, Housewife, who died on December 11th, 1968, are re- quired to file proof of same - With the undersigned on or be- , fore e•,fore the 29th day of January, 1969.• After that date the Execu- tor Willproceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have had notice. . DATED at Wingham this 6th day of January, A.D. 1969 CRAWFORD, SHEPHERD & MILL Wingham, Ontario: Solicitors for the Executor. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF WILLIAM HAROLD, KEIL. ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of -. the above-mentioned, "late of the Township of Howick, in the County of Huron, Farmer, who died on . December 24th, .1968, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the 29th day of January, .1969. After that date the Adminis- trator will proceed to distri- bute the estate having regard only to the ,claims, of which , he shall then have had notice. DATED . at Wingham, this 6th day' of January, A.D. 1969, CRAWFORD, SHEPHERD & . ' MILL, Ontario. Solicitors for the Adminis- . trator. 9-16-23b . SEE GEORGE BROOKS at Stratford Cemetery Memorial$ • Ltd. for Memorials of Distinction Lowest prices in the area - 38 Avondale Avenue Stratford Phone 271-6736 Collect DEAD STOCK REMOVAL for fresh dead, disabled cows and' horses. For the most prompt and courteous service in this dis- trict PLEASE CALL COLLECT MARLA'TT. BROS. Phone 133 - Brussels, Ont. 24-hour service -7 days a week - License No. 390-C-65 "CAR 'INSURANCE DUE? I'll get you the best car insurance- value • from the world's largest car insurance compiny. Let's talk)" W. D. "Bill" MAY Dial 357-3280 State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company Canadian Head Office: Scarborough, Ontario P6721 C127rrb 111111.111111101110111111., The family of • the late, Thomas Carl Lott wish tp exp press their sincere apprept. - ation to friends, neighbors and staff of the Wingham and. District , Hospital for all the kindness shown before and ..during their recent bereave* ment. • 23p The Pengelly and Campbell families would like to say a sincere 'thanks to friends and' neighbors for all the kindness shown them at the time of their recent bereavement. 23p We would like to expre: our sincere thanks for the'' many acts of kindness shown us at the time of Art's death and during his illness. Special thanks to Dr. Leahy, the nuns- ing staff on 2nd floor of Wing - ham and District Hospital, Rev. Passmore, Unit. 3 of the UCW and the S. J. Walker funeral home. — The Edgar. family. 23p NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN TILE ESTATE. OF, FRED= • ERICK HENRY LANGRIDGE. ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above-mentioned, late of the Town of Wingham, in the County of Huron, ' Retired Farmer, who died on Decem- ber 19th, 1969, ' are required to file proof of ' same . with the undersigned on -or before- the 31st day -of January, '1969. ' After that date the Execu- tors will proceed to distribute the estatehaving regard only to the claims of which they ' shall then. havehad notice. DATED at .. Wingham this 13th day of January,- A.D. 1969. " CRAWFORD, SHEPHERD & MILL, - Wingham, Ontario. 'Solicitors for the Executors. 16-23-30b 'NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF MARY LOUISE TAYLOR. ALL PERSONS having. claims against- the- estate of the above-mentioned, late of -the Township -of East Wawa- wanosh, in the County. of Hur- on, Student, who died on July 8th, 1968, are required' to file proof of same with the. under- signed on or before the 29th day of January, 1969. ' After that date the Adminis- trator will proceed to. distri- bute the 'estate having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham. this 6th 'day : of January, A.D: 1969 CRAWFORD, SHEPHERD & MILL, ' Wingham, Otario. Solicitors for the Adminis- trator. 9-16-23b We wish to thank all our - relatives, friends and neigh- bors , for their many acts o' kindness and messages of svm= pathv. Special thanks to Rev. H. Hamilton. the pallbearers,. Huronview, Clinton, and Walk- er funeral home.—The Saint. family. 23b The family of the late Sam- uel H. Webber wish to sin- cerely thank their Mends, relatives and neighbors for the kindness shown them at the time , of their recent bereave- ment. We wish to thank all those who sent expressions of sympathy • and _floral tributes and those who assisted in •any way at the time of the funeral. Special thanks also to . Rev. C: B. Carr, Dr. `Creighton, the nurses and staff of the Bruce County Hospital, Walkerton, and Mr. and Mrs.' Rolufs. 23p I wish to express thanks and appreciation ' to everyone for the many thoughtful acts of . kindness shown to me while in the Wingham and District Hos- pital and on my return home. -Mrs. Safra Wade: 23b I would like to thank my friends and 'neighbors for the cards, flowers and treats and the .many kindnesses done for me while a patient in the hos-, pital. Thanks to. Dr. J. K. McGregor, Rev. H. Hamilton and the nurses in ICU and 2nd West.—Wilfrid Henry. ' 23p I . wish to thank everyone for their kindness shown to me by way of cards, visits . and treats . which I received- since coming 'home and during my stay in the Wingham'•and-;Drs- . trict Hospital: Especially to doctor's, nurses, orderlies' and the housekeeping staff, all who played a .part in the everyday comfortableness,' a sincere thank you. Robert 'Stobo. 23p Mr. and Mrs. James Vittie would like to. take this oppor- tunity to. thank all those . who called on Sunday afternoon and for the lovely cards and gifts, which they received on the occasipri of their 50th 'wed- ding anniversary, and would ' especially thank their two . daughters for making this pos- Bible- and to St Anne's Guild . , for the lovely lunch which, was" provided. '23b., NOTICE0'O CREDITORS AND OTHERS LIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE QF JOHN TRACEY WALKER, late of the Town of Wingham, in the County of Huron, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to 'The Trustee Act that all creditors and others having claims against the Es- tate of the late John Tracey Walker are requir,cd to send particulars of their claims, duly verified, to J. T. GOOD - ALL, Solicitor for the Execu- tor of the said Estate, on or before the 8th day of Febru- ary. A.D. 1969, and that after such date the Executor will. proceed to distribute the as- ,; sets of the said Estate, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, On- • tario. this 20th day of Janu- ary, A.D. 1969. Gordon. Walker, Executor of the Estate, By his Solicitor, J. T. GOODALL, • Box 730, Wingham. Otit. 23-30-6b. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE EDTARO A. ELLIOTT REAL, ESTATE BROKER Telephones: Bus. 357-1590; Res. 357-1555 Two bedroom frame eottage with attached ° garage. Very reasonably priced. 3'bedroom stucco cottage on North Street, in immaculate shape. All modern convenien- ces. $8,500.00 full price, with low down payment. Possession 30 days. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE WILFRED McINTEE. 'A CO. LIMITED Realtor, Walkerton, Ontario BUSINESS established over 50 years. Butcher •shop ' with living quarters. Income fromIncome from extra apartment, brick con- struction. Also an abattoir building of solid masonry In excellent condition kvithn�5 acres choice' pasture Good water supply. Located in a highly productive agricultur- al Huron County town. Down payment $16,000 with terms available. Equipment included valued at over $3,000. Pos- session arranged. 100 -ACRE cash crop or ex- cellent- grass farm. 85 work- able medium loam acres. Bal- ance bush and spring creek. Also spring -fed well. Located north-west of Wingham. Full price $12,000 with $7,000 down navment. Terms available for balance. Possession 30 days. FOR SALE New attractive brick ranch style home, electrically heat- ed, fully modern, ' spacious living room, 3 bedrooms, 4 pc,. bath, full basement, close t'` schools. Immediate possession with terms. "Multiple Listing Service" Contact: FRANK J. CASKANETTE Box 167 or Dial 357.1702 . Wingham 2 - bedroom cottage, living room, dining room, kitchen with built-in cupboards, full basement, oil furnace, situated 2 blocks from main street, ideal for retired couple: ' - 11/2 storey, 3 bedroom brick home,, large living room, din- ing room, fully modern kitch- en. 'I'his well' kept home has finished floors throughout, ex- ' cellent location. Priced'reason- able. '3 -bedroom 1 -storey home in excellent condition,, large living room with wall to wall broadloom, 4`pc, bath, oil fur- nace. ' Moderately priced for quick sale. FOR RE_,NT r5Y 11/2 storey 3 bedroom house, oil heated, close to schools. Immediate possession. WILLIAM S. REED ReatEstate Broker and • General Insurance A Wingham, Phone 304174 16-23b Gibson luughby l.imil('cl HOMES FOR SALE For country living at its best, investigate these two country estates. WROXETER: Situated on a large double lot with plenty of maple .trees is this 9 -room, 5 -bedroom, 2 -storey. red brick house in excellent shape. Bath, oil furnace, water softener, • pressure system; hot water tank, drilled well, all have been installed . within last few years. Imagine—priced . at only $8,500. Act fast! , FORDWICH:��iLocated on 4 acres. of land s this. compact, 5 -room home with Modern kit- chen and bath. Large frame barn suitable" for pigs or chickens. Another good bar-' gain at only. $9,500. Terms. CONTACT C. G. Cooke, Gorrie, phone Wroxeter 285W. GIBSON WILOUGHBY LIMITED —19REALTOR Former Morris resident dies Archibald NelSO4 Hagg Of Rip, R 'Bru selS stied 4auuu y. 16, in Winghanrm..ana Disttict Hospital. He wain .. 80th His parents were thO, late Elijah Mai= and Frances Mc- Michael, He was born, in Ttun. burry Township where he, re- ceived his elementary school . education; later attendingthe Wingham High S ch oo l and Stratford Teachers' College. He taught school for 12 years and then took up farming on, Con- cession 3, Morris Township. He was treasurer of the taw hip until he retired only a few years ago. Mr. Higgins was a members - of Belgrave United Church and the Canadian Order of Foresters. He is survived by his wife, the former Lena Wheeler, whom he married in 1914 at the Meth- odist parsonage in Belgrave. Funeral service for Hugh Kerr, 72 , of Moose, Jaw,. Sask. , was '* held in the W. J. Jones chapel on Monday, January 13th. Mr. Kerr, ..a_ long time resi- ' dent of 'T"uxforddistrict, passed away in Regina Hospital. He had been in failing health for some months. Born at Wingham, he had served with the Canadian Arm- ed Forces overseas during. the• First World War. After he re- turned to Canada he went west 'to the.Tuxford district to farm with his father on the farm he still maintained, but he had,re- sided in Moose Jaw since last April. lie was predeceased by hiss parents, two sisters and one' brother/1.Alex, . who passed away one year ago. He is survived by his wife Effie, one son Al- lan of Edmonton, and.a grand- son Douglas. S. Bricker was Fordwch drove He leaves five daughters and three sons, aporothy at home, Mrs. Carm(Ferrol) Farrier of: - Toronto, Mrs. .R. J.. (Carrie) .McLeod of Toronto, Mrs. Lloyd (Mildred) McDonald . o f ,puelph. Mrs. Thomas (Edna) Pletch of Brussels, Charles, Norman and Ross, all of Morris Township. One child died in infancy. There are iS grandchildren and one great-grandchild; two ' brothers , ,Robert of Belgrave and Gordon of Morris Township; and three sisters, Mrs. A. (Ef.- .fie) Fitch of ,Belmore, Mrs. G. (Lou) Warwick of Bluevale and .Mrs.' Gordon (Leita) Walken-3f Wingharn. Service -was conducted Jain-• nary 19 at the S. J. Walker • Eimer arhome-iin-W arrrr4y-r - . Rev. John Roberts. Temporary entombment was in the Wing- ham Cemetery chapel and '- burial will be .in, Brandon Cem- etery, ,Belgrave. , Pallbearers were Alvin Hig- gins, Jack Higgins, Alvin Fitch, Ross Anderson, Ken Wheeler and Stewart Procter. 'Three grandsons, Don Pletch, Brian Farrier and Paul McLeod were flower bearers. - • Attending from a distance were relatives and friends from Weston, Toronto, Guelph, • Long Branch, London, ' Mitchel]. Wroxeter, Gorrie and Listowel FORDWICH--Sheldon Brick' er, , a resident of Heritage House, St. Jacobs, died follow- ing a lengthy illness on Janu- ary '15. Mr. Bricker was 93. Born in Roseville, August 10, 1874, he was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Bricker. He. married Florence Laird, who predeceased him in 1959. Mr. Bricker was a livestock drover in Fordwich and also ° owned the coal yard here for a number of years. He retired to Kitchener in 1947. He was predeceased by his son John who died in May, 1968, five brothers and foot. sisters. Two grandchildren are the only survivers. „ Mr. Bricker was a member of Bethany United Missionary Church. Rev. C. R. Husking con- du'dled sery„ice at the Ratz- Bechtel.;,funeral home, Kitchen- er, on Saturday. Burial was in Woodland Cemetery. warissragrimillallassial PHONE 357.2320 FOR WANT AD SERVICE ammiammommaamassio Mother dies in Mt. Forest FORDWICH--Mrs. William R. Duncan; 68, mother of Mrs. John Brown of Fordwich, died at the home of Mrs. Oliver Tebbey, Mount Forest, on Mon- day of last week. The former Bertha Alice Perry, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. George Perry, was born at Conn. Following her marriage ,to Mr. Duncan they moved to Toronto, returning to Arthur 25 years ago. Her . , husband predeceased her March 1, 1968. Mrs. Duncan 'is survived by two sons, Kenneth of Goderich andJohn of Peterborough;. one stepson, David of Kamloops, B.C. ; two daughters, Mrs. Ivan (Marion) Lowry of Arthur and Mrs. John (Kay) Brown of Ford- wich; a step -daughter, Mrs. Edgar (Annie) Merkley of Cor- betton; 25 grandchildren and 15 great-grandchildren. Besides her r husband she was pred& -eased by two children, W illialzi and Doreen, and a brother. Roy Perry. . Rev. A. F. Gardner of the United Church conducted serv- ice at the Goulding funeral _ home last Wednesday., Temp- orary entombment was in Green- field Cemetery Vault, Arthur. Burial will be in Mount Forest Cemetery. CLOSING I 43` Dr. P. :., •Teeswater- 'day Sat! p EUCHRE Council Chambers, Satur- day, January 25, at 8 o'Cloek. Sponsoredby the Women's Institute. Admission 5Oc. 23b EUCHRE Sacred January Parisht Hall, Tuesday uary , 8:15 p.m. Good prizes. Lunch. Ev: eryune welcome. cgel7rrb HORTICULTURAL ANNUAL Will Jbe held Tuesday, Janu- ary 28, in Council Chambers. Election of officers, usual an- nual business and showing of colored slides of Wingham gardens. This is your society and it can only serve the town in the measure to which it is supported. Please plan to at- tend. 23p EUCHRE In Oddfellows Hall on Mon - SpoJanuary 27, at 8:30. nsored by the liebekah Lodge. Everyone welcome. 23b HOWICK AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY ANNUAL Will be held in the 'Gorrie Orange Hall, Thursday, Jam- ' ary 30, 1:30 p.m. Usual annual business and a possible vote re Permanent site for the fair. Members please plan to at- tend. 23b MARCH 28, 1969 IOOF and Rebekah 'sponsor' ed . speaking contest, . studdnts 16-18, for. two week all ex- pense trip 'to United 'N'ations Youth Pilgrimage to New York. Information «from Eng- lish Department ,of Secondary Schools in Huron County. 9„23b imumnimir• G. A. WILLIAMS;- Q.D. . Optometrist e' 9 PATRICK STREET W. WINGHAM Phone 357-1282 41 • , t � ' +' nal the. Wingham, and ldiM ► djim;� Amoy. at will 2 30 , In *Me welcome. 231) LIVING FAITH r�, "Challenge to Youth be the theme of the te�l5ec Saturday, January to 0:30 ----,p.m., over CKNX•T'V, Ch* 8. Watch for it! 23p i,,,.test y,Nposits R4i!fmmommisMI ar i1N4yoi. BIRTHa.. HOUG ON -- To Cpl. and Mrs. Frank (Red) Houghton. at S.M. 'Hospital, Middleton, • N'.5., Saturday, )'december 28 1968, a° daughter, Cheryl Ann a sister for Wanda,. Debbie and Bob. on Thursday, J n a y10, capital, HUNTER—In Milto ar10 1969, to Mr. d - Thomas Hunter" ' (Frances Walker), of Mittoz a son, Paul Thomas. . BURT—In Wingham and Dis trict Hospital, on Friday January 17, 1969, to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Burt, Lucknow, a daughter. LEWIS -- Fred and Sheila Lewis of Kincardine, an- nounce the arrival of their son, Frederick William, in Kincardine Hospital, on Sat- urday, January ' 18, 1969. SMYTH -- In Wirrgbam. and District Hospital on Sunday. January 19, 1969, to Mr. and Mrs. George Smyth, R. R. 2 Auburn, a daughter.' McFARLAN In Wingham and District Hospital, on Mon- day, January 20, 1969, to Mr. and Mrs. Elmer McFarlan, Wingham, a daughter. ENGAGEMENT. Mr. and Mrs. William Henry McArthur' of Wingham wish to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter; Susan 'Elizabeth, to Mr. Wil- iiam Bernard Grant, - son of Mr. and Mrs. William Arthur Grant of Calgary. The, mar- riage will take place on ' Sat- urday, January 25, 1989, at 4 p.m: in Riverview United Church, Calgary, by the Rev- erend Douglas Carr. 23p ubtu TOWN OF MINORil� Jotitt WINGHAM ,.. , ... .D...g, . • &wi WHEREAS,the week of January 25th is being observed througout Canada as a period to . focus public at- tention on the physical, character -building and other benefits of hockey for our youth, and WHEREAS, the ; aline ;f hockey is recognized as Ca- nada's N*ti:ol name which teaches our youth to ,de-. velop acompetitive.. spirit, cooperation' with others, body-building," slid respect for_ authority, and WHEREAS, itis the hope of every municipality to de- velop 'one or more players capable of representing ' o -Canada a's a - member of Canada's National , Team, . WHEREAS theMinor Hockey Association in this com- munity has earned the commendation and support of every citizen, and WHEREAS ;Minor Hockey is the " foundation from Which accomplished hockey players develop, , NOW THEREFORE, I, as Mayor. of Wingham, do; hereby- declare the week commencing January 25th be ob- served as 'MINOR ' I/ -HOCKEY WEEK ' IN CANADA' and request that all parents and others support this ob- servance by attending games during Minor Hackey"Week andothereafter until the minor hockey season ends. D. MILLER, Mayor. Dated January 23,. 1969. • DON'T SEND ....TAKE YOUR. BOY TO THE ARENA! • Bluevale jvir. Colin Fingland, ,of Wing . ham, preached' in the United Church on Sunday morning, . • owing to the Ulnas of the min- ister, Mr. Michael Rods. Business and Professional Directory " C.W. CASLICK]50 Patrick Street East LIFE- HEALTHBUSINESS INSURANCE Wingham ReP resenting IMPERIAL LIFE A27-1y CAVILLER & COMPANY -, Chartered -Accountants Resident Partner J: p. Kennedy, C.A. Dial 881-3471 - Walkerton Crawford, Shepherd and Mill Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. J. Harley Crawford, Q.C. Norman A, Shepherd, M.A., ,LLB. Alan ' R. Mill, B.A., LLB. WINGHAM, ONTARIO "Dial 357.3630 impolimaraworwormswoma Chiropractor R. BRAY; D.C. 256 Centre Street Phone 357-1224 Wingham WINGHAM MEMORIALS GUARANTEED GRANITES CEMETERY LETTERING REASONABLE ' PRICES Buy Direct and Save Bus. Ph. 357-1910 Res. Ph. 357-1015 Frederick F. 'Homuth Phrn,Br, R.O. Carol E. Homuth, RO Mrs..Viola H. Homuth, RO OPTOMETRISTS • Phone ,338-2712 HARRISTON - ONTARIO T. GOODALL BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY, ETC. ,ti Office ---- Meyer. Block WINGHAM DIAL" 357.1990 A 1110111111... • C