The Exeter Times, 1888-11-8, Page 1PRACTICAL. Wto1i-1\a1e & Jeweller For the Finest Stock ancl Cheapest Goods to be found in Outarid call on C Reichenbach Wateh -mak or, 'Jeweller te Ontiman, Parkhill. A. rine A esort nient of Sil- verware. Re pairing of all kind promptly ifc satisfa e to r ily done, No work sent to the °Mee, but all exe mita in his own establishment, under his Personal super- vision. Spectacles of alt sizes to suit all sights Atriallsoliaited. 0. REI CHEN ft A CH, , , LEGAL . H. DIOKSON, Barrister, Soli J • OitO2 cf Supreme Court,NotaryPublie Conveyancer Commissioner, &o. Money to Loan.. Offloe in Fauson's Block, :Exeter. , R H. COLLINS, Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Eto., )1KETER, .ONT. 0 ill cocianiwell'sBlock Ball's olcl office.) ARMOUR W. FORD, Solicitor in Mao Supreme Court of Ontario, Conveyaneer,Commissioneri &o., &o. Special attention given to the oolleotion of cilaims the United States: Patents proeurek money to loan at lovrest rates. Office : opeTa,House Mock, St,Marys, Ont. ' ELLIOT & ELLIOT, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Conveyancers Sze, &c. IarMoney to Loan at Lowest Rata of interest. OFFICE, - MAIN - STREET, EXETER. B. Y. ELLIOT. ' 1. midoT, DENTAL. 11L.BILLINGS, • Dmimg-TxsT, OFFICE: oveI07.1rEIVSEtank Nitrous OXide Gas for Painles% Extiaotion. HKINSMAN ,DENTIST.L.D.S • &unwell's Block, Main -St, Exeter, Extracts Teeth without pain, by giving Vegetable Vapor. (*old 'fillings and all other dental work the best possible. Goes GO Kronen on last Thursday in each month. MEDICAL — LUTZ , M. , V • Offloeat hisresidence Exeter T W. BROWNING M. D., M. • P. Scluate ViotorlaUniversity.Office tudiresidenoe,DonnionLaboratoz v. Exe ber T)R. HYNDMA.N, coroner for the • _kJ County of Huron. Office, opposite lir. . Carling's store,Exeter. . DR. J. A.ROLTAINri, M.O. P. S o. o Bine , Main S..Exeter,Ont .Residen e houserecently occupied by P. MoPhillips, Esq. : • AUCTIONEERS. a TTENRY EILBER, Licensed tioneer for Kay, S tephen, and MeGilli- vray;Townships sales o on ducted at moderate fates. Office -At Po a t-oftlo e ,Crediton , Ont. JoaN GILL, Auctioneer for the Townships of Stephen, Hay and *Osborne and the Village of Exeter. All sales promotly attended, and satisfaction guaranteed. Sales arranged atthis office. VETERINARY. Tennent & -Ferment VETERINARY SURGE ONS, Graduates of the Ontario Veterinary College. OoFron : One aoor South of Town Hall. 1••••••.... MONEY TO LOAN. :AND .1-TURaN & MIDDLESEX !LIZETTE. "HEW TO THE LINE, LET THE CHIPS FALL. WHERE THE4 1\Y," VOL. XVI. NO, 9. EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, N; 8th 1888. ONE/ TO LOAN IT 6 AND 61 per cent, 825,000 Private Funds. Best Loaning Companies represented. L.H. DICKSON, Berrister.lfixeter, INSURANCE. 1.......nntiesaininicausalx.c.a.ammenmemovaa JOHN WHITE & SONS Publisher sandProprietors InWeiteleeinete ecientleamenneettEintree rree.k. 16 grand Love Stories, a package "" of goods worth two dollars to man- ufnot ure, and a largo 100p picture book. that will surely out you on the road to a handsome fort uno. 'Write quickly, and send ao, silver to help DEP Postage. A, W. KINNEY, Yarmouth, N S. Dress -Making. --- Mrs. Dickey, of Crediton, begs to inform the Public. that she has moved her business, and will now be found one door -west of Mitchell's Store. Dress-maing done in the very latest styles: Outtingand Fitting by the now tailor system. MRS. DICK/IY, Creation. Lsis S r et, Wishes to inform the ladiesof Exeter and vicinity that she intends continuing the Dress and Mantle Making up -stairs, Ranton's Old Stand. Mantles and Dolmans out by the now tailor system. APPRENTICES WANTED. APPLY dT ONCE. .Tkfl Wts.TERLOO ,IVIU TU AL 1 FIRE INSURANCE 00. Established in 1803. 'HEAD OFFICE - - WATERLOO,ONT. This comr.a.nv has been over Eighteen yearn in Auctoessful operation in Western On- tario,andJontiunes to insure agn.instloss or damage b7 Wire,Buildings,Illerenandise,Ma'n- ufactories,a,nd otherdesoriptiounofiinsur- able property. Cntending insurers have the option of insuring on the Premium Note or a.sh Sys tore . During the past ten years tbis Company has issued 57,000 Policies. eoverin g property o themnount of:440,873,033 ; and paid inloss- es alone$700,752,00 A.ssetS, 8170,100.00, consisting of Cash n A atilt, Government Deposit, am d the unites - aimed Premium Notoson bandandin force. 3, W WALDEN M D. Prosidei.t. 0.X.TYXOB, Secretary. 3.15. Htfenats,Inspector. CHAS. NELL Agontfor 'Exeter and vicinity. The Great English Pretteriptiosi. A succesnful Medicine used over 30 years in thousands of cases. Cures Spermatorrloa, Nervous Weakness, Emissions, Impotency and all diseases caused by abuse. fisavoral indiscretion, or over-exertion. [Arran] Six packages Guaranteedto Cleve when all others Pail, oak your Druggist for The Great EttgLittb. Preset:100n, take no substitute. One package $1. Six $5, by mail. Write for Pamphlet. Address Iraireicat Oben:deal Co.. Detroit. Ditch. CENTRAL arbor Shop 9 FANSON'S BLOCK, A. Hastings, Prop Shaving and Hair cutting in the I Oat styles of the art. • Eveyyattootion paid to cutting Ladies and Children' s Hair. To Advertisers. A List of 1000 newspapers divided into States and sections -will be sent on appliontion-FREH. To those who want their advertising to pay, we can offer no better medium for thorough and effective work than the various sections of our Select Local List. GEO P. ROWELL Jr 00, Newspaper Adv. Bureau, 10 Spruoe-st. New YOrk. Young MEM you can't invest money better than by getting a thorough business education and you can't find a course elsewhere in On- tario equal to that of the Forest City Business College. London, Ont., which has a special course for those who intend to remain on the farm. Catalogues free. 'Westervelt & York Alma Ladies' College. ST. THOMAS, - ONT. 17 Professors and Teachers. Nearly 200 Students. -GRADITATIING COURSES IN -- Literature, Languages, Music, Fine Arts, Coinmercial Science, Elocution. New Building, V,20,000, ready in Septem- ber. Sixty -page calender free. Addres : PRINCIPAL AUSTIN, B. D. Eyes Taste FREE —BY -- A. S. NECTRIZA.Y., Practical Optician, Graitate Optic School N.Y. Eyes tested ; defective sight restored by th aid of fine glassns. Large assortment of th finest glasses on hand. A call solicited. • _A.. S. a‘cCT77tXt.A.-2", 41.9 112.xcx=taecolq-m-sm, London NE FIR Davidson. Eros., Builders ct Contractor Shop one door east of Parsons' Black smith Shop. Manufacturers of Sashes, Door and Blinds. Buildings contracted for. Plans estimates and specifications furnished if re quired, From their past experience in tho buildin lino they guarantee satisfaction. -All wor done with promptness and dispatch. Season ed lumber always on hand. WM. DAVIDSON. ()TIN DAVIDSON • SsonugtiolEte for 85008500un- 1 tll laty. Boat $ watch ellathe world. Per- DOLDWATCTI fret time. -o. iooplr Warrante.. Heav Solid Gold Hunting Cns Magma and ningnilIcen Itnnt .c1 get ta'sis with works end cnees equal valoo.01•121 PEES°, blench locality eau secure , , • EASEE. now la this possIbi ttiE We nuswer-we want Mat pe son 10 each locality, to keep 1 v • their homely...anon to those who colt, a complete line of 00 valuable:mil very maul 24011.1NE050Las 24/11I0,trILE These samples,as 00 11.0 waloltiwe send (mould after yo neve kept them In your home for tr. months anti shown the tothose who may haVO citlierl,they 1000000 70111' awIt propert ft is possioth to make this great oiTer, sending 11:0 ri• OSA 000,5) watch and COST'S' samples free, as the showing the oftmploo la nay locality, always results in largo trade f U0 ; otter our wimples have been in n locality fora month or t 'WO ONUally get front $11000 to 80000 in trade from 11, surrounding country. This, the roost won:Wren ofrer ov known,Istneao In order tile t our samples mny be placed at on where they can be peen, all maw Americo. Write nt once, no tenhanure of thee:mire. 'tender It will be hardly any troub for you to sbow thealniples to those who may call at your ho And your reward will be most BallaraCtory. A ;metal card which to write us Ceti, telt 1 Cent end after g00t:110W Myr). do oat core to go further, why no harm is done. Dot If you send your addresS 01 01100 you co:mecum ESSE ono 01 111 best solid gold watches fn the world nue our Intim Ilne COSTLY SAMPLES. We pay all express, freight, et Wrest OHO:STINSON & C0., 800,812, PORTLAND, ALAIN ensal 1 Jewelry Stor You will find the best assortment of Gold and Silver Watches, Alarm, House and Office clocks, Solid and Plated Gold and Silv Soott's Emulsion of Pure Ood Liver Oil, with Hypophosphitee, in con- sumption and wasting dieeases, seems to possess remedial powers of great efficacy. It heals the irritation of the throat and lungs. Makes pure blood and builds up and fortifies the system against further inroads by disease. Take no ether. General The lie that WINTER A full Those find spect Highest Market Square Store pub - • and line will and in But- undersigned weuld inform the he has just received his Par, STOCK -IN CLUDING- • line of Dry -Goods, Hate ct Caps, Crockery, Boots and Shoes. wishing anything in my it to their advantage to oall my goods and prices. prices paid for ter and Eggs snd all • 6 kinds of produce. elr. I iss. If • Doupe See See See See See See See See See See * 5 you want the Best and the Most Goods Money, Eggs and -GO TO _ & KIR KT for Butter, Co's, ON cents. 50 cents. cents. per pound. pound. 25 cents. 1 Value your . Nar- their Ladies hats at 25 their Fancy 'Velvets at their Fancy Plush at 75 their Mantle Cloth. their Shirtings. their Dress -Goods. their Silks and Satins. their Tea, at 25 Cents their tea at 10 cents per their 4 -bladed knives at • - e the t ondmiful gam pr vc outtqfpli Ckgerr). . To Let. STATION Apply June — 1 Three ' don _ HOTEL TO LET, Easy Terms. to the undersigned. 14.- I. CARLING. For Sale. first-class farms -l00 acres each -Lon. Road, within one. mile of Exeter. Apply to ELLIOT & ELLIOT, Solicitors, &o., Exeter. a , Well Digging. _ The undersigned wishes to inform thepub- 5 iia that he is now engaged in well digging. C Re will dig, brick up and hot e 25 feet for - 815; 25 cents raise on every additional ton feet. Atrial solicited. . THOS. MALE. Elinivilte P. 0. 1 e‘'IVI E N.-%; Our SpeciliCi7 0,23 permanently restore t .3,. :EXHAUSTED VITALITY, LOST MANHOOD i. and 0 ENERAL DEBILITY when other troat 4 mutt fails . Send 6 carts in slumps for OU1 ,1 Tree tise an il Directions for borne cure. To - ii BONTO MEDICINE CO., en Si -indium Ave., To 8 roar). tint. a .,, LE ' a n l c : 'r The 1 to • stock • and 11 can : notice. • A L BIS 1. 1 Exeter, -THE-- i 9 Cr ill t ,_ en wooden by the very announci hand a larg pumps which lu shortes KNOWN foot for 31 toot. Street. • subscriber would respectfully the public that he hns now of the various kinds of that he hes added facilities, supply ordered work on PUMPS ARE WELT. AND PAVORABLY AND REQUIRE WO LAUDIN (if HEIM • ---- Well-di gging for fifty cents a foot, 25 cents for every extra ten , .A eall solicited. GEO. OUBMORE, July,1888. Huron ) THE INTERCOLONIAL AiLw A y -.Tewelery, consisting of - Charms, Lockets, Bracelets; Chains, Brooehes, Ear -rings, Finger Rings, all of which ate of The Veil/ Latest Styles — -ALSO---- Full lines of the Latest Artioles in 511- -verware, of the most 'beautiful- - •Patterns & designs. Violin- -Strings, Violins, and- -Musical Instru- -ments suitable for presents,' at_ STONEMAN'ST , Ilis Goods have boon bought for Cash, and Will he Sold at a eloae margin. If your witteli or dock Vequires repairing you dm have it properly doec by taking it to 61, Stonotattrai, SWITOIIES MADE TO ORDEIR main -sr Rensall, OF CANADA, 'ROUND THE COUNTRY., By 0 ur own oorreepondents, _- Biddulph. At Deloraino Manitoba, somewhat re. dandy, Mrs, liobert Rollins, formerly of this township, died of heart disease, while fighting a prairre fire. Mr. Bollina bad made everything safe, as he thought, and left the premises to attend to work eke. where. She,itnagined the fire was getting the better of them and, in the excitement dropped dead, as her body was found by Afr. Rollins, upon his early return, lying on the ground near the fire break, entirely anipjured by fire. The old lady was high- ly respected, and her sudden death is re. gretted by all. They went to Manitoba about eight yearshgo. Ciro_mar_ty. On Sunday evening a young horse be- longing to Mr. John Scott, of Cronearty, brokethrough the covering of a well on Mr. Barr's farm, where he had been pas- turing..and the unfortunate beast was let down to the bottom of the well to a depth o128 feet. The well was stoned and the poonemitual was wedged in between the side4 at times on his downward journey, but 4is own weight finally brought him to the bottom. About 30 . of the neighbors Aere;aoon on hand to make an effort to get him out, but their efforts were futile. In about half an hour he breathed his lass breath. Cousiderable labor was necessary . to retnove his body, The horse was rising three years old and was valued at $125. ar 4 Ribbert. Pi,10wpm Maxcn.-For several years the Ueborne and"Hibberteocieties held a union Match but at the close of the match last year the union was dissolved and each negotiation is running a match of its own this year. Th Er match under the auspines of the Hibbert association took place on the farm of Mr. John Drake, near Staffa, on Wednesday last. The weather was delightful and farmers took advadage of the favorable opportunity for gathering their root does, consequently the plow- ing match was not as well attended as it might have been. The field selected was level but the sod was brittle thus operating somewhat against the plowmen. The competition, especially in the classes for inen was verY light, there being only one plowman in each class, while there were no entries, in one of the bora classes,. al- thongh there were four in the other. This hitt& class, therefore, oreated the most in- tereat for the spectators ot whom there was 4.'fair crowd present. The prizes . were awerded as follows: extra class, open to all comers, James Hogarth, Munroe plow; first class, for men who never won a prize, Ames Connolly, Munroe y low. Boys under 18 years with iron plows, 1st, John Harbourn, Munroe plow; 2n5, Alex. Mill- ar, Munroe plow: 3rd, George Hunter, IVIunroe plow ; 4th, James Campbell, Yeandell plow. Messrs. Robert Barbour. Seaforth, and J. L. Courtice, Goderich thwnship. acted as judges. C1andebove. • --- , 'A 003IPLICATED RACKET. -One day last week Eli Bice of this neighborhood was arrested by London police on a charge uf stealing two chests of tea from the Grand Trunk Company's warehouse at this point. A nearch was instituted, and besides find- ing a lot of buggy clovers and horse fur- nishings, said to be the property of Mr. Blackwell, on the farm of Artemissa Bice, the father of Eli, various other stolen ar- ticles were found iu different places. The elder Bice was then arrested, but upon bail being offered he was released to appear on the Oth hist. Ho then preferred d °barge against yonng Gilmour of having oommitted an unnatural crime on the first of April last, Young Gilmour was theu arrested and remanded to jail till the 91h inst. Gilmour Is Bice's son-irolaw, and the hero of the runaway marriage and cele- brated abduction and perjury cases. He is aleo calm ofthe priuoipalwitnesses against tbe .Bice family, in the robbery charges, and it is openly state& iu some quarters thathis arrest was bronght about se a kind. of retalintory measure. The fight gives promise of being a lively one. The Bice family are wealthy people, owing property to the extent of $20,000. That they should have a desire to steal is a mystery, M (RIDDEN BO -INSTATED.- The 001.1rt Of gents:ell sessione of Middiesex 0o. was oc- cupied on Saturday morning considering the application of James F. McFadden, of this place, for rminstatement as a °aunty constable. McFadden was dismissed some time ago on a charOe of cruelly treating a cripple named C. Cassia, an hotel keeper of Ailsa Craig, by driying him to London from his home en a frosty night with the eturnps of his legs unprotected, and pretty nearly causing his death. judge Elliott presided over the court, of about 45 magis. tratee. The magistrates were pretty even- ly divided as to McFadden's re -instatement and a lively disouesion was coil tinned fcr goine time. Dilate the diseuseion a Mr. Bs. O'Neil of Lunn, presented a petition, largely signed, protesting against Mr Mo - Fadden again becoming a constable setting forth that his conduct when an official being odious to the majority in the ueigh• borhood, and totally unbecoming to a honest °Moist ; and that other end better men could bo pot to fill the 'netlike, A motion was made to have McFadden re -in- stated, mid an arnendineet to file the pa - them aeltIng for Ins re -appointment, v 98 offered, A. vote took plasm, which resulted n favor of .McFadden being re-inateted by by a majority M 23 to 20, and aleFeddeu now fills the office. • P-6-114-4 Pr &IMOD t Cleveland has nopoin tat Thuile day, Nov, 20t1i, as a natinnel thnialrgiviug. Mr. 3, W. Chili, of Mitchell, left for a trio to Bermuda, whore he interacts spend- ing the Winter, Lord Saukville will go to Kngland ho. inctibasiy on )eave of itbene, It is un. derstood Rid the Government will allow his ease to rest until niter the Presidential election, — -------- The direct route between the west aorl .1) points on the low°. St. Lotion:leo and Bate de Chaleur, Province of Quebec, also for New Brunswick, Nova Scotia. Prince Edward and Cape Breton /gland s, Newfoundland and St. Pierre. All the popitlar summer sea bathing and fishing resorts are along this line, New and eldgant Bullet Sleeping and Day Cars rnn on through Express trains, be- tween Montreal, Halifitx mud St. johr. C 0.11 can an •IstropEta1i Mali and .P:18513nger Route. PasammersforTtreat Britain orthe Conti - tient by leaving Montreal on Thursday, will join orttward mall stormier at Itintouski the sainh evening, The attention of shippern fo direeted to the superior facilities ofrored by thil route for transport of Mini. and word merchan. dine intended for the Eastern Provinces and Newfoundland,also for shipments of prain and produco intended for the European market. Tickets maybe obtained and all informs, - Moo about the route, freight and passenger eaters on tpplioation to tort %Iry 13.1,1a0M, Weotor 15 Pr eight &Par:a•origet IS:gamt 031tossintIouso 131tielt,l'ork ct. To Me POTTINGTial, Chief 8uperintehdoet. Brucefield. Bnines.-Mr, P. McGregor arrived home last week from Kentucky ; he brought with him a fine specimen of a year old roadster stallion. -Mr. Thos. Champion returned home from Cass Couuty, Daaota, a few days ago ; he reports the crops a fel:etre in that part. -Mies Marko is at preaent p1511 - login Wingham.-P. McGregor intends putting a large addition to the rear end of his stables this fall. -Hallowe'en passed off very quietly here, ouly a few minor Woks being played. -The Rev. Dr. Mof- fat, agent of the Upper Canada Tract So- ciety, delivered a lecture in this place, 013 Friday, Nov. 2nd, his subject beings "The Life of Garfield.' A. collodion was taken up at the olose.-Mr. D. Cautelon, of Clin• ton, still continues to ship large quantities of apples from this stetion. Woodham. RESOLUTION or CONDOLENCE. -At the of- ficial meeting of the Woodham Methodist circuit on the 5th of November, it was moved by David Creighton, Esq., and sec- onded by Samuel Ford, Esq, "That it is with feelings of the deepest sorrow that the quarterly board has learned of the death of Mrs. Jas. T. Johnston, and we desire to ex- press our sympathy with our esteemed friend and brother an the trying cirournstan- oes through which ho has recently been oalled to pass, and we pray that the Great Head of the church may gra3iously sastain him in Ins tiuse of bereavement, and that he may be long spared to. his family, the ohuroh and the country. The Rev. David A, Moir has been unan- imously invited to return, as pastor, tp the Woodham circuit for the ensuing year. It has beeh decided to improve and, en- large the Woodham Methodist Church. A committee has been appointed to secure estimates of cost. Varna. BRIEFS. -The farmers in this section are busy hauling out their apples. They le - port having large quantities of culls this seasou.-Mr. David Hays, our worthy stage driver, has concluded to remove from Bay- field, and take up his quarters in our vil- lage. We wish Davy a good time with M. -Mr. Harry Lyon, of Grandin, Dakota, is paying us a visit at present. Harry looks as if the wild west agrees with him -Tho Turns is kainiug ground in this viduity.- There is a rumour around town'that a fash- ionable wedding will take place in a few days. A ball and supper to take place in the evening. -Quite a number of the Or- ange Brethren and friends met at the house of Mr. J no. Johnston, of the Front Road, 053 the evening of the 5th1einete, to celebrate the anniversary of the gulinotader. plot. After satisfying the inner man with the good things prepared by the hostest, the young people enjoyed themselves with games and dances, until early morning, when they wended their way to their homes. . Stephen Council. Council met Nov. 3rd. 1888. All mem• bers present. Minutesprevions meetingreact and signed. C Eilber and D French to attend to j Maddens' water claim. 0 Prouty to attend McGillivray council. After palming the following orders the council adjourned to meet again 181 Mon- day in December. Repairing culverts on 4th con. grading, $S.00; repairing bridge Exeter S. 31. and nail spikes, 63.80 ; W Lawson culverts 0 R. $10.50; T Godsave Exeter S R, $1.00 ; J'Pace, Taeson El B. $1. ; W Zimmerman rep tools, $2.25 ; J J McPhee, lumber, $4 03 ; G Tapar,n, bal on contract, G B R, $17.66 ; G Tapson Credi- ton road centred, S10.00; G Lovie rep 22, 0 Finkbiner rep culvert 12th oral $4.00; Jos Lawson, 3 culvert% C R. $17; M Winer, 2 oulvert C 11, 00.00 ; A McCer- wick 12th con work, $2.60; Mrs. Lingard charity, 05.00 ; Thnes ad by-law and registration of by-law, $60 47 ; G Maw - honey rep M 0 D, 1.00 ; J Allister, ditch- ing S 3 $11 50 ; G Orange rep culvert 14th con $1.00 ; W White rep Misery bridge $1.00 ; 0 Pronty, selecting jurors 400 ; Rowsell and Hutchinson, 60o; 3 Coad, engineering, $100 ; 3 Hedging rep tools $1.05. C. PEOLITY, Clerk. . 11-44114-4 • Usborne Council. The Molsons Bank (011A.RTE1'IED BY PA RLIAMEN T, '1533) Paicl up Capital o. 88,000,00 Itest ?wad .„ 1,000,000 Head Office, Montreal, WOLFHRSTAN THOMAS, Ifisq., GENERAL MANAGER 20 branch °niece in the Dominion. Agencies in the Dominion, U.S.A. era Europe. Exeter Branch, Open OVOPY lawful day, from 10 0.10. to 3 xi. m SATURDAYS, 10 am,to p.m. 8 PerCent.por annum allowed for money on Deposit Receipts and Savings,Bank. R. H. ARCHER, • Manager. samoomaaawmaammax=xmaxmanatossecomo 41.0111 COMMUNICATIONS.. -- Wo do not hold ourselves responsible for the vibws set forth by our correspondents in this column. Mr. Greenway and Stephen Township. , ".3 !se Editor of the Exeter Times. Sta.-That reminiscence of the Green- way regime in our township, in the columns of the Times last week, was read with in- terest, and the cirourestances connected therewith are readily remembered, and the eonsequences are experienced with adyer- sity by the ratepayers of to -day. The lig- gures as you gave them are quite correct, but some are diaposed to question the as e sertion that misappropriation of money was made. That the money was not ju- diciously spent is a patent fad, which can be verified by a simple comparison of the affairs of Hay township with those of the township of Stephen, both of wnioh are identical. When the distribution of the &infield Macdonald surplus was made,gay townehip got au equal sum with our town- ship. Hay township had no better roads ,than we had (and have far better to -day) yet the authorities were not found spend- ing enormous BUMS improving the high- ways, hut exhibited good judgment in creating a sinking fund, sintdosethich was .placed pearly the tptal gratt •tmpay off the railway debt, using current funds for road and bridge purposes. What has been the result? A farmer vrlio owns a hundred acres of land on the 2nd ooncellsion of Hay township pays taxes to the amount of $30; while a farmer on the same concession in Stephen township, with no better buildings nays $50, and the high taxation of the Stephen farmer is due to the mal admin- istration of Hon. Thos. Greenway. Let ns trust he will not use the Manitobans in a similar way. Thanking you for this space, lam The counoil met on the 3rd of November All the members present. Tee minutes of the previous meeting were rend and ap- proved. -A letter from Mr. N. J. Clark of Butte City, Cal, was read, introducing to the council Mr. Alfred Levvis, late of Butte Oily, who is at present visiting friends in McGillivray township. The members cf the council expressed themselves as pleased to see Mr. Lewis, and after a short conversation relative to the ex -clerk and his future prospects in that far country, each member expressed a desire to be kindly remembered to Mr, Clark and fanaPy.-Movecl by 3 Mille, seconded by W Kydd, that Mr. W Miner's account of 050.61 for labor and material rcerepairing town hall, be paid.-Moved.by T. Cameron •aeoonded by J. Shier, that G. Ferguson be paid $1350 for 9 weeks' board of T Ben - not, and that T .Brirumstosoinbe receive $7 for keep of A Carmichael.-Carriecl. On motion of W Kydd, seconded by Halls, the folio king orders were granted, viz ;- NI Barnwell, 013 ; 8 Irvine, $34 ; 3 Hasto- wood. $4 ; 1 Westeott, 52 50 ; .1 Kelly, $313 90 ; T Brinamacombe, $7 ; 0 Wash- burn. $1 ; D Richards, 020 ; G Fergeeon, $1.3 50 ; 8 Clarke, $10 ; J Gardiner, $15 ; R Alexander, $8 ; J Daimon, $20; •T Har- ris 010 ; J Rutherford, $8 ; W Minas, $50 61; J Ashton $10 ; S Campbell, $15 ; Stewert, $10 ; B Monteith, 610 ; Polon 02 ; J Heaney. $1; Mrs A Itunkin, $4 ; T Ce4rnoth,420 50 ; 11 Hewitt, $3:; ,T Hewitt. 03 50 ; G 'Webber, $12 ; D Me. Nicol, $1 26 : Kerniek, 540 ; G Mon- teith, $1.0 ; W Moo teith, $211 ; W Keolay, 6.25 ; L Hunter 67 50 ; J Batten, $27 50 ; Bentley, $6 W Kirk, $17 00 ; 1 -Tonkin, $10 Felward Stone. $25 ; J Beer $12 16 ; T :Matt, $16 er2. On motion of J Shior, seconded by 't Oen) Ornn tile Mill- en IN40111110l1 1.0 Met EirE1Y1 on Satnrday, the 15th of December, at 11 a. re. . Children Cry for Pitohees Castorlo . • A STEPHEN FARISIEB. Nov. 5, 1888. Bermrs.-Most of the fermate' have suc- ceeded in gathering a very fair tarop of tur- nips. Fall grass has been very scarce, and some of the farmers have already housed their stook. -The Elimville choir are ex- pected to disoourse sweet music at Bethany tett ou Doc. 17th. -The Quarterly official board met on Monday afternoon at Ellin- ville chureh.-Miss Bessie Coatea has ar- rived home from Seaforth. where she spent a few weeks visiting friends --Mr. Smith has had his house newly shingled. This, with the fixing up of the town hall, adds greatly to the appearance of the town. - Many of the plans laid out by the boya for Hallowe'en were frustrated, but several •Psankaetverp *weed,Mr. T, Steals had his chimney stopped and gates carried away, while several of the village gates were examined, and a few of those small but indispensible buildings were overturn- wede.a-Mr. Thos. Tail has been ailing for SOMb weeks. -Mr. Wm. Veal moved into Mr. Elford's house on the 6th con. last k. Orechton. HYmeNeAL-On Wednesday, October 25th. at the residence of the bride's father. Lydia, daughter of Gottfried Wein, was joined in the holy bonds of matrimony to Mr. Fred Gaiser. The ceremony was per formed by Rev. Mr. Staebler, after which the young folks took a drive to Dashwood. in the evening they were serenaded by the charivari boys and also by tbe band. The bride was dressed handsomely in a seal brown suite, and many of the young men present tended Fred's spouse. We wish them success. PERSONAL.-Miss Hattie Mitchell is in town visiting friends. -Mrs. C. Kibler is away on a visit up north.. --Mr. Wes. Trevethick has gone to London to hire a situation in a store. -Mr. Chas. Fritz has secured employment with Mr. F. Kibler of Zurich and leaves this week. -Mr. F. Hussey has left town rather unexpectedly. Anyone Sorry ?-MI. Martin Link has returned from a visit to Detroit. -Mr. A. Hill has moved in the hotel lately occupied by Mr. 3.. W. Grant and promises to be a genial lendlord. Mr. Grant has moved into Mr. M. Morlock's house. We are to have a week of speoial service' in the Methodist church hero, commencing on Sabbath Evening, Nov. lIth. Services at 2.30 and 7.30 p. m. each day, excepting Thursday, when there will be a union thanksgiving service at 10 a. m in the German church, conducted by the looal pastors ; and service in the evening in the Meth. church at which Rev. Mr. Staebler will preach. On Monday at the hours mentioned, Rev. Mr. Wilson, M. A., of Exeter, will preach. On Tuesday Rev. Mr. Staebler will preach. On Wed- nesday Rev. Hr. Clement, chairman Exe- ter district. For Friday announcements will be made. To all these services the Res. Mr. Thompson will occupy the pulpit peole are cordially invitedl.astIta issholoiktienlgy m0nallSettalFira‘lvt.alsOlhinetilld.TibTA1213:. .7arnea Edwards and considerable fowl was disposed of. - 'Mr. Geo. Motz, ae.. farmer and briokinaker has made an assignment for the benefit of his creditors to Mr. J. Eilber. A :meeting of the oreditors will be held here on Tues- day, Oct. 13th. Moat of our business men are heavily involvd, --Messrs. V. Ratz, H. Eilber and C. Beaver left on Monday for Muskoka, on it bunting tour. They are WOI anpplied ntul if they don't get plenty Orlagmaina: istawyisilhboelontagetItieruglamohf .toThgoe with the boys, and it almost 'brake his heart to see them go, knowing ini could not go with them , -Mr. F. Hess, jr., of Zurich, intemis tunning a branch shop in Crediton and will be ehle to do ony kind of repairing to watchee, c1oks, cam -Mr. Straith hes completed n fine hicyole and indulges ITt RIl occasional atter-dinner ex. 0110150 .-& great deal of intereat wee roma. irate(' bare over the presidential eleetionn, and the result waited for with impatient:ie. The crowning t.naolt put mum Lord' • Sackville was the effort of a Washington dime unworn monger to hire hin.v.;us freak, After this war nhould come somewhere.