HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1969-01-09, Page 6'hu>taday. J 'B. W69
The WOrIc. of Womon
syinboi and role
arch of Dim�s
The March of Dimes opens
Us annual January campaign
> funds with a news, symbol
and a changing role in the re-
trti)fTitation of disabled adults.
�..:, Mrs. W, Haaua, chief
marchin mother in Wingham
laid she hoped that the new -
look of tlte• organization would
el the-camvas se s in the area
to;eRR. need last year's campaign
tal of $SSQ. 00
'Igo need the money, " said
" Makes
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SOE ail popular ° makes
and' Models
xn...,: 'AUTHORIZED'
radio 4 " -Electric
I 401 -since 1935.
Mrs. Hanula, "ro do a good
job for disabled adults in this
area as well as throughout the
province. Through its parent
organization, the Rehabilita-
tionou dat on for the.. isable
F.n i d
the Match of Dimes assesses the
abilities of the physically han-
dicapped, operates workshops ,
in which new skills are taught,
and helps the disabled to find
employment when they are
physically and psychologically
ready for it. "
Sponsored by the Wingham
Kinette' Club, the pampaign
runs through the month of Jan- ,
wary; ending with a one-hour
blitz of homes between 7 and
8 p. m. °on Monday, January
27, Volunteers are needed for
thin project. All residents wlio •
can spend an hour to call on -
ten or 15• horses. in their neigh-
borhood are asked to call 357-
2405. -
Mrs. Hanula explained that
different departments of. govern-
ment had taken over thecase-
work services of the Foundation,
but it was still responsible for
physically disabled adults who -
were unable to leave their.
homes to work.
"we supply these people with -
various appliances such as
wheelchairs, crutches and
special lifts, " she said., "and'
when we feel it will help their
rehabilitation, we try to find
work for them to do at home".
The . government take-over
of casewprk, she said, made
it possible for the organization
to devote more time and effort
to findingsuitable employ
ment for those able to work.
"And this is our 'ruain interest, "
said MIs. Hanula; "because
there is no better. wa to feel
rg part of the community
than to be .able to• do =work and
to be paid for it. " •
There are incidental bene-
fits: the disabled who go to
work e lad to co•pe off the
eClf�' {l� d'the onet
rbeyr ea recicYrrl >n0y, n
. r' T tr t t' �n r r T Y .�... •
ing power 'in tiie community.
y ,
on seasonable seer 'l" '+rise .with
generous 'reductions' on
FROM 20% TO 50%
(Wingham) Limited
Prizes pal, r et
for Winos
.Patients aod..viai*tor to the
..Wingham and Diatrtct'i ospital
all noted with pleaall4 the
beautifully decorated windows
over the Yule seas, 'Almost
all windows in ipom¢ and pub-
lic areas were declared by
staff member. _Thi Judges;
Mrs: F. E. Madill .and E. M.
Stuckey, had a,h•sfd k to
select the winners of the$25.00
prizes donated by the Hospital
Auxiliary. ;, •
First prize went to Mica Mur-
dean McLeod, 13414. A. , for a
ppinsetta greeting second,
street lamps and ChristmaS
scene in the operatg,.roorn
area, Mrs.. Ivoperiief and- Mrs.
Skins; third, carollers., Miss W.
Doerr; fourth,: black si.•lhouette,
"Miss P. S ►itzitg; fifth', wrgath,
Mrs. C. Harrf ep.;. si*th, .stain
ed glass window a, 44.4. 'M.• Ben"
nett and Mrs. §.; tsidsoa;
seventh, house, tre.evandsnow.
Mrs. Skinn and *vii 'cowing.
Those recefving;horaurable
mention were done` by Mrs.
MacKenzie, MrS. Sangster,
Miss J. Sholdice, Miss. Hopwood
Miss, DeBruynind Mit; Lee.
C.W.L. euchre
There were 7 tables in play
at the euchre held in'Sacred
Heart Parish Hall Tuesday even-
ing. High lady, Mrs. °0,
.grove; high high man. Alex'Spreal;
low lady, Mrs. Alyin'Orvts;
low man, Lloyd Montgomery.
•The door draw wast' wbp by.
MIS. Lloyd Mantgsrtiety'..
The• hostesses. were'Mrs. F.
Caskanette and .George -
Skinn Jr.
--Mr. and, Mrs. Robert°..
1 _ .
namon of G1enn Road aped
New Years aft ,the hen* -so; he
sister. Mr. and ,Mrs, Murra y
Musty of Listowel, •
--Mrs. Elizabeth Jot p t
was able to re.turri bo -1 -1
Saturday after spending eleven
weeks in Victoria •Hospital,,,,
London, and Winghanl. and Vs"
trict Hospital. •
--Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mao
• Donald, Tracy and lviarilyn
visited onthe week -end with,
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Refd1 t
Oakville and Mr. and !
;Dale Mitchell of Scarbotpn,;,
' --Calvin Nixon of'Se1grvui
visited with. Carey and Stephen
MacDonald for a •couple: Qf day
in the holidays.- Stephen
turned home with him. Carey *
Ind Stephen also visited ti1h .
Mr. Harold Keating of Beltraile
during the holidays,
--Mr. and Mrs.. Wallace
Morland and family of GQorie L
and Miss Diana of Londo rviSit-
ed on Friday with Mr. and Mg.
Reuben Appleby. Mr. Glenn'.
Appleby of Oro Station visited rt
with his parents en Saturday.:'-
--Mrs. Robert Powell spent;
the pats two weeks at the )tome
of her daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph Seddon • at1 Kitchener.
--Karen and Kevin Wild of.
Willowdale spent the`Chritimas •
holidays with their grandparents,
Mr. and, Mrs. Harold Wild! Mr.
and Mrs. Wild returned helm
with them on Saturday and at-
tended the hockey game hi •. i
Maple Leaf Gardens in the even-
Seaman- Michael
•Fieury has! returned to. Stada4
cona, Halifax.: after spending
the Christmas holidays with Mr.
and Mrs: Roger West. .
--Mr. and Mrs George
„Guest are in' Toronto tilts week
attending the At niture Show,
--Mr, and Mfrs. Gilbert
Fraser of Niagara Falls, N.'Y..
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fraser sof
Lewiston, N.Y.. Mr. and Mr*.
Malcolm McCammon. and dau
daughter, Judith, Miss Ruth Lock-
ridge and Capt. and Mrs. Doug"
las Lockridge of Toronto, Mr. '
and Mrs. Keith. Dunbar afStrat-
ford, Bud'Lockridge'of Watford,
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Scott of -•
$eaforth, Sister Marie Christine
of Sarnia .and'Seman Michael
Fleury of Halifax attended the
funeral of Mrs,, John Lockridge
on Monday. ,
--Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Aitch-
- isodof Kingston- and Mr. and
Mrs. M.. Gaughier of Pembroke
spent Christmas week with Mrs.
H. Aitchison.
,-Mr. and Mrs. Howard
Fuller visited with Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Fuller at Mitchell
Christmas Day. Last Sunday •
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fuller
spent the day in Wingham with
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Fuller.
-=Mrs. A. Hastings returned
home Thursday after spending
four days with her sin; Mr. and
Mrsa Norman Hastings and fam-
ily at Willowdale. •
--Mr. Elmer Farish of Gorrie,
Les Fortune and James H. Cur-
rie are leaving today (Thursday)
on a tour of Africa.
-=Mr. and lvlzs. Frank How -
celebsratina the'lolidays
with Mr, and Mrs. Bob Hu.tchi
son were Mr. and' Mrs, Mack
Hutchison of Winghaxn, Mr.
and Ma. Wolfgang Boelke of
Fergus, Mr. and Mit, Roy -Daw-
son and fam#ly. °
Quite a number ofhigh
school students .gfrom yth local- .
ity were on'the honor list in
tie school; report'. Congratula*
dens to these students and also
tothose who passed.
Mr, and Mrs.. Elroy Laidlaw
and Clifford Laidlaw .attended
the funeral of their uncle, Mr.
Oliver McBrian bn Tuesday at
Goderich where Elroy was a
pallbearer and Clifford,a flower,.
Ch ur. c services
,BELMORE--Robert Campbell
was guest speaker aft,Knox Pres-
byterian Church, Belmore, en
Sunday, 'December 29th. Last
Sunday Rev. Hawkes•was again
in charge', . with music by die •
junior choir. In the- 'LJ n i t e d
Church, special communion
service . was held with Rev. West,.
laufer in -charge. Lavonne Bal-
lagh sang a solo.
..son left Sunday for Daytona
Beach, Florida.
--Mr. Clifford Courltes of
Flesherton Secondary School
staff spent a few days last week,
with Mi, Hugh Sinnamon, Min-
nie Street.• •
• - - Mr,, and „Mrs. Herbert
Dainty and Linda .of Petawawa -
spent wfew days last week at
the home of her mother, Mrs.
J. C. Robinson, of Shuter Street.
Mr. and Mrs , coal Ax m-
strong o Thornda i µ, f . and
'Mrs. Jack Armstrong of Harsh -
ten. Mrs and Mrs. Glbaon Aral"
strong of London, Mr. and Mrs,
Harold Roberts and'Mri. Kilda
Roberts, of Listowel, Mr, and
Mrs. Gary Leith: of London,
Mr, and, 'Mrs, Robert Gratby
and Mary and Mrs# Dave, Arnm-
s.. att�lde,d..the..;;t'unal�d f _
,�'oAg .. .
Waldo Gibson, h Mr. Gibson
was chief superintendent' a the
in Oakville, The fun-
eral was held 'Thtirs a'y De -
Comber 26, in Usto e .
Obriitrrlas vlsttori if,
Herb Pled were ,, 'G ,
Pletch of Sangudo,. Aborta;
M and rL
and'faM y of Tees
daughter, .a 444,140,7
eros,. fullarron of Pa4yr Mr.
and Mrs, Gilbey Bauve,. ,
and; Mxi•,., C, f let ; and Mr.
and :Mrs. wry: PletchR,` 1►1 Qf
Toronto; Mr.' and Mrs; lack
Co vin and family of •Tee#►wa-
ter;. Rev„ 'Earl, and Mrs 'Shill*"
• day a d --pini o a
h , fa • ���arnl• . ,� Mrg,
and Mrs!.. Ernest Pletch and;'
famly,i+!Ix. and Mrs. Thorir;a#''
Pletch and family of Bruise's
and. Mr, and Mrd. Sam Pletch
and faMily.
oriphten up your
Inter Wardrobe
and go his sna*.ai d
cold with that f rri ,
bright, colourf u t. look..
Just count 004,0!
Fast, Depends* Dry
Cleaning Servkci for
the great care your
clothes. deserve' "
Annuai conc
at Unite -
{.}v..... ..+_ - •: -tit
BELG RAVE'-,Onj.pece tuber. -~
30. the United Gh.q.eh .Sun.day
School held its annual. concert
yin the Sunday' School room.' .
Rev. John Roberts was chairman• :
for the eventp .' •
o e
The program commenced
with a chorus by the primary,.
classes, followed' by finger'
play exercises by the:.kinder-
garten. The Cou'ltes sisters,
Janice, Joanne, Karen .,,and An- ..
drea sang, "Thea Bnnable Bee"
,and "Christmas" -Kan Coul
tes recited "Our Chris) mas'tree",.
A dialogue, "nry's'Str'ange-
Ailment", was pr aen>ed by
the junior girls. Sheila Ander-
son sang "Rudolph *oiled Nosed
Reindeer" and the Junior boys
dramatized "The Battles of New
Orleans". Vocal numbers by
Brenda Johnston; Dlae Free-
thy, Nancy and Doreen -Ander-
son were follewed%y ri skit,'
."The Birthday Cako"-by the
senior .primary pia*S.
. The, dialogue by- the inter -
''mediate bogs, "Like 'Mother •
Made", provedaniusitig. The
gis quartet rendered a second
group ofvocal numbers;; after.
which Clifford. Gouftea'ater`
tained with a -readintj.'
"What's aChristinas Family?"
was presented by the intermed-
iate girls. Mrs. John Nilson •
gave two accor Ii0nAselections.
A skit, . "TheOperatidn", by a
group of adults brou4ht a .pleas-
ant evening to a, close...
" jAKE mill
CI1ICKEN s2.95
f •!::,;fix:••,•� ••:�:•:.:
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