HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1969-01-09, Page 2Ara AdVence-kTimeS. Mud
Jaa. 9. 1969
rrie NelAis Horns
Mr. and Goerge,iliown
alld.lean spent New Year's with
Ur. and.Vini. Hugh Switzer of
A. Ls Stephens has re-
fteravisiting Mr. and
Mis Ware Stevens of Fairport
EcilakLawtence of To-'
..toritO•Spent several days with
C114104 Lawrence and
bill-0'104th* -
Brian Edgar of Georgetown
Spent the hOlidays with Mr. and
1440. Alex Edgar.
Sunday guests at the home of
.Mr. and lAts_.. John Thornton
were Mr. and Mrs, William
McInnes and family, Mr. and
MIS. Allan Morrison of Tees -
water and Mr. and Mrs. Daniel
.14clnnes'of liolyrood.
Mr. and Mrs, Robert Season
• Waited Sunday with Mr. and
• Mrs. Lloyd Mitchell of Brussel,.
Mr. and MrS, Thomas
.$11; Kitchener, visited Mr.
and MP. Ernest Harris.
and; Misp Laverne Schenk
' 'Vent Sunday. with Mr, and Mrs..
Dolkald. Berman ofWalkerton.
Mr. -4110.1411. Thomas. p•-
1<raf4at 40, Barry, Bidet/ale and
and Mrs; Claus 01Krafita
re..Thintday visitors with Mr.
• •
Harry, flastie. •
. Mr.Anson Wolfe and Grant
of Melbourne visitooemr. and
MrS. Bert Hubbard on Saturday. ,
Mr,' and Mrs. Cameron Cars -
ell,' flarriston, and Mr. and
lrs.' Al,ex Petrie visited Mr.
arid'Mrs. Wes Trimble recently.
Mr. and Mrs. 'Ernest David
and family of Neustadt, Mr. and
Frank David of Harriston,
Mr, Frank Howes of Guelph
were visitOrs on Sunday with
-Mr. anclwirs. Edward David.
• Mrs. Mac Steurnol.• Glenys
and•Peter visited Christmas with •
Mr, and Mrs. David Draper of
Windsor. •
Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Hastie
• and Douglas, Agincourt, spent '
the New Tear with M. and Mo.
Robert Haute.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Simpson,
Dale and Darlene. Larry Stair'
son and Miss .Sue Banning of
Guelph returned Thursday from
holidaying at Miami, Floridal
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Edgar,'
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Edgar,
Dale and Diane, M. John
HatehiSon. Mr. -Hugh. flutchiSon,
Larry and Kenneth, and Mr.
Mac Hutchison, Toronto, were •
guests over the New Year with ,
Mr. and Mrs. JOhn Edgar. of
Rev. and Mrs. John,Neilson,
y, Susan and Jamie of Nor-
d visited recently with Mr.
and Mrs. David Neilson.,
• New Year's guests at the .
home of NIL and Mrs. Clifton,
Coulter were Mr. .and Mn. Mel-
vin Qmand,and family of Listo-
wel, Mr: and Mrs. HaroldCoul-
-ter and family of R. R. 3, Listo-
wel. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony
Brenner and family and Mr.,
Kenneth Coulter, Kitchener,
Mx. and Mrs. Gordon Coulter
and Mr. Fred Coulter.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Tem-
plernan, Sandra and Barbara
and Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hunt
spent New Year's with Mr. and
Mrs. Lloyd Hunt of Guelph.
Mrs. Jack Ross and family
of Preston visited Thursday and
Friday witlyiVir. arid Mrs. Mor-
ley Bell and other relatives.
Mr. and Mrs, Russell Powell
and Carol and Miss Kathy Pow-
ell of Kitbhener spent the WU- ,
days in Florida.
Mrs. Ewart Whitfield has re-
turned from visiting Mr. and
'Mrs. Douglas Whitfield in Cal-
gary, Alta. .
Miss Chureb Tompkins visit-
ed. Mrst. David?eiger of Listo-
Mr. and Mrs. John Rohlig of
Guelph visited at the home of
Mrs. Olive May and other rela-
tives t
hitechurch News
Holiday viSitors with Mr., and
Mrs. John 'Jamieson and ..family
were•Mr,Pand Mrs. Bob Whittle,
Mr. and Mrs. ,Stan Hanley,
Stephen, -Stott and Donna Lee,•
all of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs.
Hank Eckert• Gordon Debbie
, ,
* d ,TimMy .of Connecticut and
ratnicsOn of Or. •
We are sorry to report,that
Bill Brown of Lucknow is a pa-
tient in Wingham and District
'1•106nitaI. :Mrs. Brown is stay-
ing with her _daughter. Mrs.,
Charles Tiffin, of Wingham.
The many relatives of Harry
Hayes 'Sr. will be sorry to learn
that on Saturday, Decenther -
28, he had the misfortune to
• fall, breaking his hip. He is
in Providence Hospital„ South-
field, Michigan. .
Mrand itirs.IElroy L4idlaw
and Paul were Sunday visitors
with Mr and Mrs. Clayton ,
Scholtz of Goderich.
Mr. and Mrs. John Jamieson,
Lynda,. Judy, FranIWGeorge
and Robert spent New Years
• with their relatives in Toronto.
e• specialize in a complete line of
Sales and Service
• Phone 365.W.6
• Brussels
,or 527-0245
ring opwdthroi11:::cigar/ lihOad say at rds :M
.Ve wthikls. bags upder my
*Wen," 6.00,14$0 .;91104.•
ars the way 8014 to
„i 35, let'sfprg�t #4,.
CHOIRB9YS—Twenty-four boys., ranging inages from •
eight to 14 years; sang at two sp;ecial carol services .held
in the Gorrie and Fordwich Anglican Churches on Sunday.
Capacity crowds enjoyed the music of the spcial- choir at
both services. The choir is sponsored* by St. _Paul's An-
glicpn Cathedral of, London, and the boys are from six
different communities.
—Banner Photo.
Peronat N tesFrQm .FordNigkh
. Mr. and Md. Jack Brown
and family were Christmas
guests with Mr. and Mrs. Ivan
LOwry at Arthur. .
• Christmas visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. Clare Harris were Mr.
.and MIS. Clayton Carswell and
Mr. and -Mrs. Cameron Cars-
well of Harriston, Mr. and Mrs.
Dori Carswell and family of
Clifford and Mi. 2 and Mrs. How-
ard Harris and Jim.
Mr. and Mrs. Wellington
Hargrave, Doug and DaVid,
spent New YO.Ar's with Mr: and
Mrs. Alex:Reid. _
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Hogg
of Acton spent a• few days last
Week with Mr. and Mrs. .Nor:'
than Raman. , •
• Miss Pat Harris returned to
• Toronto over the week -end
after spending the holidays with
her parents. •
• Mrsp Charles Verschoor left
last week for Florida.where she
will spend the winter'. ,
Mr.' and Mrs. Keith Duncan
and Stephen spent New Years
with Mr. and Mrs. RobensCon-
• Wends of Mrs: Torn MC--
ClernentAill be pleased: to
know s1 was Able to return
home FFS514 from ListoWei
• .Mr; and Mrs. Mel Allan and
• family were Sunday guests a;
• thelhome of Mi. and Mrs. Fred .
St Helens
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Mc-
Quillan and son, Mr. and Mrs.
Joe Murphy and family, Sheila
and Sandy McQuillan were hol-
iday visitors with their parents;
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred McQuil-
lan, ,
CORNISH --In St, Thomas Hos-
pital, to Mr. and Mrs. lialph
Cornish, (Gwen Cooper) on
January 1•, 1969, a son, a
New -Year's baby.
Howick Lions'
McEachren in Conn. •
Visitors over the holiday
with Miss Louise Matthews wer4,
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton EdwardS,
of Listowel, Misses Kim and
chrisSie Hardy of Kitchener.
Mr, andMrs. Bill Scott and
Stephen of Kitchener visited on
Sunday with Mr.' and Mrs.
Rache Sullivan. Miss Cheryl
'Scott returned home with them
after spending several days at
the Sullivan home.
• Mrs. Ruby Forster, Mrs.
Charles Verschoor, Mrs. Walter
Flainstock and Mr. Albert Hail
of Wingham were New:Years
• guests with Mr. and Mrs. Rob-
ert Connell,
• Mr. John Winters sperit sev- •
eral days recently with relatives
in Collingwood.
• Mr. and f•Ars. Jim Doig and
family of,Harriston spent Christ-
nias with Mr. and Mrs. Arnold
Doig. 1, -
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Millar
and family attended the funeral
-of a sister-in-law, Mrs. Victor
• Stumpf, last Week irr Elora.
Mr,, and Mrs. Stanley Bride:„
were holiday guests with Mr.
and Mrs. -Bob -Bride in Londono:
Mr,andk4ro. Gordon Angst
-And f.amily werei New Year's
Day visitors with Mr. *and Mrs.
• Anson Ruttan. '•
Mr. and Mrs. Doug.Wild- ^
fang, Paul and Brian of Cooks-
ville spent a few days last' week
With Mr. and Mts. Roy Sim-
• M. and 'Mrs. John Tudan
• and family of Porttredit spent
the week -end at their home
, Regular game.1: Miss Jean
Dewar, • Atwood and Mrs. Wil-
liam Upper, Listowel; Tony, •
St. Marie, Bluevale; Mrs, Bob.
Montgomery, Wingham and
MIS. Harvey Reidt, Wroxeter;
Mrs. Sarah Anstett, Wingham;
Mrs.- Lloyd Montgomery, Wing -
ham and Tony St. Marie, Blue -
vale; IVIrs. -Roy Stevens, Harris -
ton; Mrs. Sakah Anstett, Wing -
ham; Doug 'Felker, Listowel;
Mrs. Lloyd Montgomery, Wing -
ham and Tony St. Marie, Blue-
• vale; Mrs. Bob- Montgomery,,
Wingham and MIS. Toman,
Wroieter; Mrs. William Elliott,
Bluevale; Mrs. Harry Adams,
Wroxeter, ivIrs. S. Anstett, . •
Wingham and Mrs. Bruce Mont-
gomery, Wroxeter.
Sharelhe Wealth: 1. MIS.
°bright, Wingham; 2. ,lvIrs.•Wil-
liam Elliott. •BlueVale.
• $25 Special: . Mrs. George,
Strauss; Mildmay 'and Mrs.
BrUce 'Montgomery, Wroxeter. -
Jackpot consolation plus bon-
us: Mrs, Joe Schneider, Wing -
Door prizes: Miss Emma
Wahl; Listowel, Mrs. Riehl,
Wingharn, Mrs. Gordon Hislop;"(,
WroXeter and Mist Dolly Felker,
Listowel. •
Game Warden: • "You can't
catch flsh,without a permit."
Fisherman: I'm doing very,
well with Just a worm, dank
Farm Record
Book Clinic
A meeting will be held Jan-
uary 15th from 2:00 to 4:00 _
p. m. in the Department of Ag-
riculture board room, Clinton,
for farmers interested in learn-
ing how to do the Ontario Farm
Record Book. Anyone with
problems in completing the
1968 book is welcome to attend.
Those who have completed
a record book for 1968 may
take it to the agricultural of-
fice or mail it. The books will
' be checked there and a sum-
mary card forwarded to the
computor at the University of
Guelph for analysis. '
For further information about
this special 'meeting contact
"the Department of Agriculture
Office, Clinton.
Beef Improvement
Association tour
A Beef Improvement tour ,
will be held on January 15th
leaving -the Belgrave W.I. Hall
by 'bus.at 1:00 p. m. to visit
beef feed lots of Murray Card-
iff, Eldred Cathers, and Bob
The tour will last until 5:00
p. m. at which time the bus
will return to the hall, when a
blnquet will beginf at 5:30,Jol-
lowed by'iwo speakersiand dig-
cussion. The speakers. aie G. •
S. "Moggach, P. Ag., Ag. Eng.,
• Huron, Perth l ahd John A. Wil-
ey„ lecietary-manager, Ontar-
io Beel.Improvem'ent, Associa-"
The tickets. are $8.00 iaer
person, Which includes the ban-
quet -and WS fare, and, may be
obtilned from Wallace Wilson,
W. Wawanosh; Carman Craig, -
•Morris; itckWillitS, Turnberry;
Albert Bieman, E. Wawanosh; ,
Eldred Cathe:rs, Howick.'
Miss Sandra Allan returned
Sunday to Teachers' College at
Stratford after spending the
Cluistmasholidays, with her par-
Miss Hanna Klaassen of Wa-
terloo spent several days last
week with her parents.
•Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wil-
son cif TOronto spent the week-
end with Mr. and Mrs, Cecil
• Wilson.
Mr. and Mrs. Cla L9 Harris;
Miss Pat Harris and John spent
. New Years with' Mr. and Mrs.
Lang Vogan, near Molesworth.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Doig
• of Toronto spent the Week -end
• with Mr. and ma. Harold Doig.
Miss Mintrie McElwain and
John and Bill McElwain moved
their household effectslast
, week tsi the new' home they
built recently in the village. 4,
Mr. and Mrs. Don Seablook
and Wayne of St. Catharides,
.Mr. and,Mrs. Donald Doig and
family of GlenmOrris were SIM -
day visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
,Ross Doig:
-Christmas guests with Mr.
and Mrs. Robeftllibbefd were
Mr. and Mrs;,ir Ken -14,0hty of
Milverton, Mr. and,MrsvRob-
en Campbell .and family of
• Winthrop, Mr. and Mrs. Warren
• Zurbrigg of Clifford and lvliss
Valerie Hesch of Kitchener.
• Mr. and Mrs. Ken Jordan of
Woodstock were guests over the
holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Curt-
• is Jordan. •
• Mr. and Mrs. 14orne Siefert
and family of Fordwich, Mr.
and Mrs. Glenn Cober and fam-
ily, Mr. anclMrs. Earl Cober
• and three children, Mr, and
• Ms. Lloyd Cober and Heather,
Mr. Clayton Cober and Miss
Phyllis Cober attended the 60th
wedding anniversary of their
maternal ,grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. Alvin Winger of Gormley,
on 'December 28tht. •
Best Wishes to.Mrs. Ida Gall-
agher who on Saturday ce1et,
brated her 83rd birthday. She
was pleasantly surprised to re-
ceive a phone call from. lief
son, Addisson Jacques of Sum-
rnerland, B. C. . She also spoke
briefly to her granddaughter,
Miss Janette Jacques and to Mrs.
Jacques' mother, Mrs. Tessie
Zimmerman„ who is spending.
the winter there; Mrs. Gana.,
glier resides with her daughter
and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Tom McClement.
• Mr, and Mis. Robert Hibberd
• and Ronald Hibberd, William
Boehler, Mr. and Mrs. Warren
Zurbrigg of Clifford and Mr.
and Mrs. Bob Campbell and
family of Winthrop were Sun-
• day visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Ken Lichty at Milverton.
• Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wendt,
Cheryl and David and Miss
Catherine Reid of Toronto. spent
Christmas with Mr. and Mrs.
Wardle Schaefer.
Christmas visitors with Mr.-
• and Mrs. Anson Ruttan were Mx.
and Mrs. Robert Montgomery,
Mr. and Mrs. Keith'. Montgom-
• ery and family, Mr. • and Mrs.
Johnny Jamieson and family of
Wingham, Mr. and Mrs. Don
Fraser and family of Brussels,
Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Gibson
• and two children 'and Miss Helen-
4 In
staff —
Ionia* or: . Y
Mrs. Gordon Goldrich, Grant .
and Paula of Guelph and Mrs..• . '
Ada Schenbein of Listowel •
were Christmas guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Anson Demerling.
Mr; and Mrs. Lloyd Nickel
• and family spent Boxing Day
with Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Hall-
Misses Marjorie and Jean
• Foster of Toronto were Christ-
mas.Day visitors with their
mother, Mrs. Ruby Foster. •
• Mr. arid Mrs. Del Grahani
and &hilly, who have resided.
• the past' few months in the vil-
lage, moved last week to the
new home they recently pur-
chased in Listowel. Mr.* Gra-
ham is on the staff of the Lis-
towel High School.
Mr. and MIS. Willoughby
Patterson and children," Mr. -and
Mrs. Jim Patterson and boys,
Miss Leslie Campbell were
Christmas visitors with Mrs.
Pearl Patterson.
• • •
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beef feeds