HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1969-01-02, Page 8. fano 2
4 0C
As the clock
ticks in
a New Y
we wish Q
customers much
happi ess. Many
you a11!
fl Happy Nein Year
to .each and
every vatted customer
PHONE 357-1230
May` this New Year be
a year of smooth sailing, -
• `b► nging tidings of happiness,
health, and pirospelfit
y rat�fu
I d .„41e ler �o
This message means a ,New Year
arrived .. • one , that
,will bring happiness,
prosperity, and well-being
to you and, yours,.
Now, we add our - appreciation!
Williarn S. Reed .t
Real, Estate. and Business Broker
• •
Soaring your way, dear customers,
our very best wishes for a -happy New
''Year a(uf a bright'future -
Week -end and Christmas
visitors, with ?AV, and Mrs. Ress
Doig were Mr.0 and Mrs. 'Jack
Doig and Mr. and.Mrs. Glenn
Doig and son of St. Catharines.
Christmas `Visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. George Pittend,eigh ,
were Mr. and Mrs. Bob Mc-
Elwain, Brian and Gary of To-
rclnto., Miss MinnieMcElwain,
-John and Bill McElwain.
Mr: and Mrs. Clarence Trim-
ble and Helen, Mr. and Mrs.
William Trirnble'of Orange-
range-ville, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hors-
ley, Keith and Kim of Shel-
hel-burne, Mr. George Inglis and
Miss Francis Inglis of Belmore.
Friends of Mrs. Torn Mc -
Clement will be sorry to' know
that at present she is confined
to. Listowel Memorial Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Rache Sullivan
and Curt spent Wednesday and
Thursday at Williamsford.
Mr. Barry D'Arcey of Ottawa
spent several days last Week
with his parents, Mr,. and Mrs.
Ernie D'Arcey.
Mr. and Mrs. Les Loughran
and family and the latter's par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rolls
of W allaceville , spent., Christ-
mas with Mr. and. Mrs. Lloyd
Mannell,at Dorchester.
Miss Helen Johnston of Owen
Sound is spending a couple of
weeks with her parents, Mr.
and Mrt* Glenn to
and Mrs. Sam Johnstgn ,
Ruth Jol1140on and Mr. 0,ri Mrs.
Jim Douglas and cbfldt'niwere
Christmas Day, -v fsitors'`at the
same home. . �, , -
Miss Sandra Allen of'"Teach-
res' Collegge, Stratfortl, s.. Spend"
Ing the-Cfiristmas halidayq ; 'i th
her parent? Mr. and. Mrs. MeI
Holiday visitors at the home.
of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Cars-
well were Mr. and Mrs. D ve
Inglis of 'thedlbrd , MISS ; ren
Carswell -of Walkerton, Jot n
and Bill Carswell of Kitplienner.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry partons,
Susie and Ken spent a few 1days
last week whit -relatives in': '
Knowlton, Quebec.-
Mr. and Mrs.' Glenn Matin
and family and Mr.. and Mrs:
Gerald Martin and family spent
Christmas with relatives in Lis
towel. '
Mr. and Mrs. David Stent;
acker and family .of Orange*
vilie spent the holidays with
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Steinlick-
Mr. , and Mrs. Doug Wldfang,
Paul and' Brian of Cooksville,
spent Christmas with Mr. and,
Mrs. Roy Simmons and with -
Mr. and -Mrs. Ken Elliott' in,
. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Doig , '
of TOMO', of O, Mrs ' d MO. l aat'K'"►
ey 'Dadeam; two, chi1dre 4 aft .
Don. Mina spent several clays
at the home of ,Mr,' and VD;
itargld P g.. . ►
Mr, and Ivirs.. CarXt Stewart* '-
Doug, Greg, Mr, ' and :Mrs. Jim
Stewart and family. Mu and.
Mrs. Cliff Stewart and baby
spent Chuistrnas with Mr. ,and
• Mrs. Oliver Stewart, ,near Cor-
rie. .
Mr. and,'Mrs. Cecil Lynn.
Karen and Judy of Orillia were
Christmas guests with .lrr%r.• and
Mrs;, Earl Radley. .•
Mr. and Mrs. Morley John-
son and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Carroll Johnson and Mr. and
•Mrs: Wayne Johno>i were Christ-
mas visitors with Mr. and Mrs.`
Cliff Johnson in Listowel.
Mr.. and Mrs. Robert Connell
spent a couple days last week
with Mr. and Mrs.• Keith Dun-
can at Brampton.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Gal-
braith of Guelph spent Christ-
mas with. Mrs. Verna Galbraith
and' Mrs. Elsie Strong.
Mr. and Mrs. David•Schneid-
er of Kitchener,spent a couple
of days last week with Mr. and
-Mrs.. Bruce 4rrnstong.
Mr. and' Mrs. Bill Dernerling
and children of Dundalk spent•'
a few days last week with their.
; -r
Wroxeter Persanal_NQtes
Sundayguests with Mrs. A1-
• lam Munro were Mr. and Mrs.
Grant Palmer, (Winnie 'lvlunrcd)
'and Leigh -Andra, London, Mr.
and Mrs. Gordon Greig, Palmer
ston, Mist Hilda•Grelg, Guelph,
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Greig,
Goderich, Mr. and Mrs.""illan
Campbell and family, Bluevale,
Mr. and Mrs. William. Lowe,
Mr. and Mrs. Earl (Heather
Lowe) 011son, Gravenhurst,,
Miss Bonnie Lowe, Guelph, Mr.
and Mrs. William' Wright, Mr:
and Mrs. Leslie Douglas, Wrox-
eter, and Miss Anne Douglas
of Ottawa.
• Master, Howard Nixon, Camp
Borden,. is spending the Chris't-
mas vacation with Master John •
Mr.. nd Mrs. Lyle Reidt, ay.
Stephanie and Brian of Oakville,'
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Mowbray,
Danny and Bradley of London
-were Christinas-•visitbrs • with
their parents, Mr. `and Id's: = -�
Harvey. Reidt. „ .
Miss Margaret Lockwood,'.
2nd year student at ,Stratford
General Hospital and Mr. and
Mrs. Russell Lockwood' are
spending 'a: day this week -end,
with Mrs. Stanley. Lockwood.;
Mr.• Jimmy Wheeler of Sarn-
ia spent the holiday with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs._ Art,
Wheeler. a
. Mrs. Allan Munro, accom-
panied Mr, and Mrs. Grant
Palmer and daughter to Peter-
borough on Thursday where
they visited his parents, Mr..
aid Mrs. -Grant Palmer.
Mr. and Mrs; Stewart Hi:g-
gins spent. Christmas Day with
Mr.. and, Mrs. Ron Higgins and •
family in Stratford. •- Mr; Bill
1iiggins is vacationing in Flor-
Christmas guests with Mr.
and 'Mrs. • Gordon Gibson were -
1%/I4r:,r,and Mrs. oRonald MacDoug-
all (Bonnie Gibson) of Boston,
Mass. Mr. and -Mrs. Gary Gib-
• Son, and family, Wingham, Mr.
and Mrs. Crawford Gibson and
family of Wroxeter.
Holidayguests•with Mr. and
Mrs. Norman Deyell were .Mr.
and Mrs. John Howes, Toronto,
Mrs. George Deyell, Wingham.
Mr. and Mrs. Scott. Hunter
and family of Missauga, Mr.
and Mrs. Murray Mulvey and`
family, Belmore, • spent' Th"u'rs-
day with Mr. and Mrs. Vernon
Mr. and Mrs. Bud DietriC h
and Bradley of St. Agatha,; lvIr.
and Mrs. Hugh Johnston and
,Shirley Anne of Walton were
Christmas visitors with -Mr.-. and'
Mrs: Dave Kaster. ' • , •
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Higgins
spent the holiday with her r
•'encs , Mr. and Mrs. John . Bolt';
Richard's Landing.
• Mr. and Mrs: r„torley,lv'ld'
Michael and Mr. Andy McMi-
chael spent Christmasiwi i'Mr.
and Mrs. Bill S,teielec (A1naa
McMichael) 9f G'uel h. We -
are pleased to hear Morley re-
turned home from Victoria
Hospital., Lenda . a$tVek
.:.after a number -est iOegks` httispi- ' -
talization. He 'is improving
satisfactorily.- Y i? . :j :
ani :Mss„ ciggq114.1 of l -
er'�. and; 4 Mfa0,Aw 1
Dan Walkoin, -Norwich!, asp0
Sunday, with Mr.; ,.anld.M.U.•"Ruler;,
sell Walker..
Mr. anq Mrs. Walter; M'o re,
Linda, Richardand. Cindy spent
,Thursday with Mr. and Mrs.
Gary Johnston, Mildmay: •
Mr. and Mtn. Art Gibson•i
Arthur, Ronald, Marcia and
Louise spent Christmas -with Mfrs..
E. -Carson, Gorrie.
- Mr. and .Mrs. John McGee,'
and'Curtis of'Londonspent a
few days over Christmas with r.'
Mr. and leirs. Lloyd McGee,.
Mr. and Mrs. Murray MaoFdr.lk,
lane of Bluevale also spent ��-
Boxing Day at the same honest'
Christmas visftors with. Mr:x'
_ John Hupfer.were Mr. arid MrS;
` Vernon Hupfer, Mr; ' and Mrs, t,
Lloyd Hupfer, _ Mr.. and Mrs.
,Oliver Riley, ,Doreen Sharon;•
Ronnie, Marybeth and Linda •
Lee, Mrs.. Kate Griffith and
Mr. Allan Griffith, Miss Evelyn
Hupfer, Wingham, Mr. and
MrS. Ch axles- IvlcCutcheon ,
Iver., and Mrs. Gordon Heath
and Paul ati:d •Mr. and Mrs. ,
Jack Lucas', 'Listowel. were
Christmas visitors with Mr, and
Mrs. Ross Coates. "' •. • 2:•
Misses Elsie and Marion
Gibson visited,,at the home oft
their brother, •Mr. and Mrs. ,,o.
The Observation Pot
-been cleaning up''the Battery
orderly room -and assisting on'
the Artilleryiman course. The
• are now able to see their desks.
• 0---0--0
Bonmhardicr Burry -MacLean
has been granted leave from
his firm, I:lodgins-McDonald.
Umber Ltd. , to attend the •
Sen'k'irrNCO Part 2 Course being
run at CF13 thio in Mahitoha,
commencing in February.' 'Nye
21st Field Rcgt; t,Itanks•this •
firfn for their most wonderful '
co-operation in, permitting
Barry time off to attend this (,°
cout c. Firms shit' as this are •
keeping The Canadian Forc Zs
(Reserve) alive. The country .
and gevernnment owe them a
debt of gratitude.
• 0-0-+•0
.r\Vcll , dear readers,' at this
festive scastsn news is inclined
to fie a hit sc arcex• We o'f 21
Field Rcgt,, wish all a happy
prosperous and peaceful New
year. ” ,
The following ex 90 Bty
rncnmbcrs are home for the:lioli-•
day season from CFB Cornwallis
Pte. B. A. Morin and Pte. J.
S. Welwood who' are,now with
the Canadian Forces...(Regu;lar).
They report back into Cornwal-
lis on thc 5th of January.
r 0--0--0
Capt. D. U. I3irtwhistle, OC
99 Bty has,.just announced thc
birth of a.future Gunner .on, the
21st of T)eceinber,i No further •
.details. of weight "Ur size arc
aailablc"at this;tinmc, .however,
if the grows as big as his Dad he
will be.a ry big Gunner. •
Lt. C61, Ritter has taken
some well earned leave and
gone to La Belle Province for a •
holiday with time family and he
took his skis with him. Major '
J, L: B. *Melarison is filing in
for him at Reginnental- HQ's.,
n--0--0 .
•I.ts. Morris and Reedhave
Edward Gibson, Gormley.
Christmas guests with. Mr.
and Mrs. Walter Charles were
Mr, and Mrs. Ken Charles, and
family; Cistowel, . Mrs. William
Longstaff and Miss. Joy Long -
staff of Wroxeter. -
Visitors on Christmas with
Mr. and' Mrs. George Hislop Sr.
were Mr. and Mrs. Ron Jamie-
son and family, Mrs. Evelyn •
Stephens and. Tracy of Listowel,*
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Leek and
ofamily, Mr. and Mrs; Gordon
Mrs, Thomas Hayden, Moles-
worth, Bob Hayden of Toronto
and Dan -Hayden of Sudbury
spent Christmas with Mr. and
Mrs. ' Russell. Hayden. •
• The Ross Tomans were Christ-
mas guests -with Mr.. and Mrs.
Boyne Sage, 3rd. Line Wallace.
Mrs: S,am-Ovington and Mr.
Tony Ovington Spent Christmas
with Mr. and'Mrs. Clarence
White and ianiiily44+ltilssels.
• =Mr, 'and' lairs. Fraser 'Haugh
eptertained• members of their '
'family, Mr. and Mrs. James
' Darling and family of Belmore:,
Mr. • and Mrs. Carman Nixon
and family of London, Mr. and
Mrs. Arnold Noble and family
of Maryhill ,' Mr. and" Mrs. Mike
•Newton and Michael,''Wingharn
° and MisS Eileen Haugh, . in Bel
more Community Centre on
Christmas. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Charles,
Mr. -"Don Charles' and Kenny of,
Corrie,, Mr. --and Mrs, Ken -
,Charles and family of Listowel,
visj;` ed last Sunday with "Mrs.
William Longstaff and MissJoy
Mr. and Mrs. Mel Sanborn,
Bluevale , .Mr. and Mrs. Jack .
Sanburn and family,
worth,_ Mr. Mr. and Mrs. •Leslie
Jacklin-and family, Wingharn,
and Miss Lorinda Sanburn of
Wingham.• spent Christmas with
Mr. and Mrs. ,George C. His=
lop. -
•-Mr;,. and Mrs. Russell Hayden_
spelnt.Thursday with 'Mrs; Nor-
man Hayden, Palmerston and
. Mr. and Mrs; George- Hayden,
Gorrie. •
' Mr. and Mrs, Fraser Pollock.,.
of Brockville and Mr. Terry' -
Clark of Windsor, were.Chi•ist-
mas visitors with_ thea. parents
Mr, and Mrs. Vern Clark. They
also visited their grandfather,
Mr., H. George Clark in.Hien-
Stra Nursing Home, Listowel.
Mr. and Mrs. George Gib- .
son, Murray and Glenis, Mrs.
W. Weir and Miss Gertrude
i r t
,r4ttilas pcoy.
Kurtzvfm'cot unftyCentre
M' �
was the letting fin "fie Howick
ion>C," Christmas party, held on
onday'eventrig,:i .December
16th This: evert was
tended. rwith. 74 tions and guests
'doing down to, a turkey dinner,
fore <whi, h eu, `
e � � �r�. Fatotx+ of
Fordwich Unied Church asked
the blessing, :president Alex 1
Graham presided and extended
greetings to all present.
Rev. G. W, Saeh, of Gorrie
United Church, presideddat the
piano for the'singing of "Q, ,
Canada" and ''The Q>ueFn
Toasts" were proposed to the
Queen and :to the ladies,' the
latter, proposed -by Lion' Ben
Villiimsen, which was respond-
ed to by Mrs. Jack Clarke.
Instead the usual draw, a
feVggarnes of bingo- were play-
ed while, still at the -table, fol-
lowed by a variety program
conducted by the club's tail
twister, Ken Edgar, in which -
the audience was invited to par-
•Following this_ dancing was
enjoyed to the music of Sarn
Timm's Orchestra, from Listo»
wet , while some of the -gue sts
enjoyed a game of cards..
• Santa paid his usual visiat •and
presented each of the ladies
with a gift from the Christmas
tree.. '
Howick Lions
bingo winners
Regular games: Mrs. Harry
Adams, Wroxeter; Mrs. Mc-
Lennan, Lochalsh; Mrs. Gordon
Gannett and Mrs. Bob MQnt-
gomery„of. Wingham. and Mrs.
Bill Schill, Formosa; Simon
Huber, Mildniay and Mrs. Sarah
Anstett, Wingham; Miss Eliza-
beth Stinson, LiStowel;'+Mrs. W,
Henry, Wingham; Miss Jean -
Dewar, Atwood; Mr.s. Joe
Schneider, Wingham; Mrs. War-
ren Zurbrigg, Clifford and Jim
Cornish. Kincardine; Mr s.
Lloyd Montgomery, Wingham*
Mrs. Joe ,Schneider,' Wirighain;
Simeon Huber, Mildmay and . '
Mrs. Ed Scott, Listowel.
Share the wealth, L Miss
E. Stinson, Listowell 2. Mrs.
Ed Scott, Listowel;- $2b Special,
Mrs. Obr ght, Wingham; Tack -
pot consolation plus bones, Mrs.
Sinion Huber, Mildmay, Miss.
J-01, Dewar, dAscwopd and l'dis , '
E. tinson, Listowel„ ,
l5oor prizes, Mrs. Willi iii`
Elliott, Bluevale, Mrs. G. Gan-
nett, Wingham, William Up-
per,* Listowel and Mrs. Irene
Leitch, :Kincardine. Special
door prizes, Mrs. Harvey Reidt,
Wroxeter, Mrs. George Day,'
Mrs. °bright, and Mrs. J o e
Schneider, Wingham. •
Bush spent Christmas ,with Mr.
and Mrs. Allister Green, God-
erich. . - ,.y
Mr. and Mrs.• George Hislop
-Jr. and.family spent Thursday
with Mr. and Mrs..George ;
Hislop Sr. '
Mrs.. -George Griffith, Miss,
Maggie Griffith; Mr. Jack.
.G . -
riffith, Mr. and Mrs. Clark
Sharpiii 'and Linda, of Wroxe-
ter,.. Mr, and Mrs. Allan Mc-,
Kercher; Jamestown,,Mr. and
Md..Wallace Nixon,M Norman
and Howard of Camp Borden
were Christmas guests with Mr.
and Mrs. Glenn McKercher and
family), Jainestown. ' ' '
Mr. _.and Mrs. George C ibson,
Murray and Glenis visited Mrs.'
J. D, McG illy ary at Walkerton
on Thursday. -
Visitors Christn►as Day with
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McMi-
chael were Mr. and 'Mrs. Roh
McMichael, Janice, Karen,-
Judith and•IRhorjda, Mr, and, ,
Mrs: Glenn McMi.ch'ael *Mark:,
Lorie . Ann and =David„ Mr. anal
Mrs., .1 leyd Lamont, Brenda Lee �.
and M,�urray of.:Teeswater.
Mr. ,,and Mrs. James Alcorn,
Rick,' Heather and `Geoffrey
s the old year goes tut and
the. Never Year comes in' we
• pause to express our heart-
felt thanks to all our wondgrful ,
customers for their, kind patronage
Mt' mp t'p' :sathank
•you ?ito our frienyads ;o�nd
. Customers, for continued
-royalty and . good will, •
-Have a,xgrand New Year!.
• RO5.$ ANDER$�
that' this New Year will find us
continuing to •serve our patrons r s'%
to the • best of our ability. `•��
Thanks 'for" your loyalty to us.
...• •
i. •
appy Nei;at
to you and r�;
family. OurrAitailtit
thanks for your god''will °
. 4
• And with• aur greetings, a 'sincere
• expression of gratitude to our customers:
Stedman Store.
BLUEV!ALE; ONT. . Dii I Winghsn, 357.3029
, .p ,
• 4,