The Wingham Advance-Times, 1969-01-02, Page 5The teachers are lined up an4 ready to go at ;the starting bell for the tri-
cycle race, with Mr, Farnell, centre, riding a fourwheeler. They .are from
the left: Mr. Fleming, Mr. Campbell, Mr. Wood, Mr. Stuckey, Mr. Farnell,
Mr, McLennan, Mrs Willis, Mr. Bakelaar and Mr. Hey., The race was won
by Mr. Stuckey, Mr. Campbell, second, and Mr. Mathwich, who didn't
manage to get in the pictur,.e; was third.
We celebrate the New'
Year with hest wishes
for all the customers
whom we re been
privileged to serve.
A brand New Year.Is is about to begin
and so we pause in our day-to-day business
to wish all yoir wonderful people good luck!
Your good highly valued.
, Continued From Page. Four
Mary Teresa; Kasebenko Rath-
• leen; Harris Melanie; Turvey
John; • Irwin Nancy, 'Wilbee
Ruth. (eq.); Malick Donna; Jer-
myn Gladys; Forster Donna;
Tiffin Robert; Taylor Ronald;.
Conron Barrie; Eadie David.
MacIntyre Marilyn (eo.); Hewitt
Brenda, O'Malley. Patricia lea.);
Dickison Kenneth. •Grant Cath-
erine, Reid Marion. Vallance
G'Porge (ea.): MacKinnon Dong
aid: Mundell Donna; Ritchie
Donna; Laidlaw Joanne; Carter
Elaine; ,King Diane; Miller
Thomas. •
Third. Class Honours- McDon-
ald Susanne, Morrison; Murray
- (eq.); Fear Rhonda; Coultes
Audrey; France Sheila; Huether
Joyce; Miller Robert; Richard-
son Newton; Anderson Malcolmv
Gowing Neil, Hunter Wanda
(eq.); Elliott - Douglas, °Field
David (eq.); MacKay Brian,
Martyn Peter (eq.); Fleury Paul,
Stark 'Prank (eq.); Crewson
Sheila; Cruickshank Mary Ann ,
WO: :.VaQthAnne;
Mein V Ger=s
`t i le (+std ; `Broolis TLS; �' Giaci
"'Donald Beverly (eq.); Farnell
William, Hueston Heather (eq.).
Pass — Jacques John; . Scott
Ian; MacLeod Malcolm; Cam-
eron Douglas, Langridge David
(eq.); Chamney Diane; Beard
Bernard; Scott John; De Vos
Aart, ' Henderson James (eq.);
Currie Grant; Lizmore Jon,
Simpson Dale (eq.); Snow Peter;,
McDougall David;„ Eadie Char-
les; Smith Margery; ' Adams
Jane: Hogan Raymond; Halla-_ .
flan Margaret; McKague Phyllis;
Armstrong Robert.
Not Ranked—Jeffray 'Margar-
et; Skinn Kenneth; Stuckey
Kerry; Workman .Lynne.
*Mrs. Tiffin tells Santa flat she would like for .Crhris.tmas
Mr. Fleming
with Mr. McLennan :right behind in the
teachers' tricycle race •
Sorry, , but due to lack of
space_ the report on Students' ,
Council elections has been held
until next week.
last day of school .turned
out to'be quite :a deal. It be-
gan with° regular classes for the
grades,nine and ten until :atout
10:30. During this'time the
-senior grades -watched _a film:,
• "War Games". After the film.
we returned to class, and the
Junior 'grades assembled .in: the °
auditorium for 'the, picture.
At 1:06 the. entire,schooiwas
dismissed to join in the pro-
gramme which had been plan,- '
ned for the afternoon. 'There
was a record -hop in operation
,in the girls' gym during the en-
afternoon. The auditorium
was appropriately decorated for
the season with a Christmas
tree and coloured lights around
the room.
At 1:30 Santa Claus arrived
in the old girls` gyni with his
bag 'of goodies. Since the
teachers had all been excep-
tionally good during the past
year, Saint Niok felt heshould,
read us a few .of the prize let-
ters he hadleceived from them.
We certainly learned a bit
about our "scholarly superiors"
that we -didn't Itnow before.
As reward for their excellent ,,•
behavior each receiveda bag
of candies (leftoyer from the
candy -drive, I believe)) and
some managed to nab a kiss •
from the elderly gent. How-
ever, by2:,00 he had to be on
his way, to other commitments,
which made room for the stu-
dent -teacher volleyballL,game
in the. gym. The teachers seem-.
ed - to be in high spirits after.
Santa's visit because, unless
the reports I've heard were
wrong, they walloped the stu-
dents. They weren't quite as
fortunate in the seat soccer
game which• took place in the ,.
double gym, because there the
-students: were -die victors.
Not losing any of their en-
thusiasrn, the more stalwart
of the teachers .went on, to par-
•iipjpate i.,•a tricycle race.
They, seemed to think thlk wap
a bit much for the students ,' as .
the only competitors were staff
erlibers. Mr. Stuckey Jr. 's •
y' short legs proved to be an asset
'on a tricycle and he _came .
whizzing into first place. I'll •
bet our hallowed halls haven't
witnessed excitement quite
equal to that for a. long, time!
Due •to the lack of"snow,
we were trilabe to hold our
snow sculpturing contest. How-
ever ,
ow -ever, perhaps that can be a .
first fornext„year's Christmas -
Party! M
The food lovers .were well ,
taken 'care of also.. Each stu-
dent was supplied with a •
voucher worth' 20¢ which could°
Santa reads .Mrs, . Sruter'a ,requests
be spent anytime .during Vie:
afternoon, and a free bottle of
tokF was distributed to"every-
one., The cafeteria•was bustlingr a �
with business throughout the `
In general, the big dayseenr
ed to be quite a success.:Fromi F. NN S l
what I've Beard, the students
believe that this year's .Christ-
mas party topped our annual
class parties ofthe •the past. Many
rs �'
thanks to the Students' Council
for coming up with such a ter-
rifle ideas
Beginning .at they troll
of. twelve, a
of health. happiness,:at
mutual friendship.
a member of the: students'
team in . the student -teacher
volleyball game
• • Mr. Dennis, born and educa-
'ted in Listowel, went on to
Waterloo Lutheran where he re-
ceived his general B.A. He .
has been teaching in Luckriow
for the' past seven years and
came to F. E, MadillSecondary
School this year. He is pees-
eptly teaching Latin to Grade
12, physical education to 10 and
11 and math to Grade 10.
Mr. Dennis has few objec-
tions to today's students o'r\their
fashions. He likes long flair on
boys and girls so long as it is
kept neat and clean. ” He likes
turtlenecks and Nehru collars
but considers -himself a rather
conservative dresser. He feels
that generally, the girls in
school dress better than the boys,
but he objects to girls who
wear slacks to dances.
His biggest complaint is that
many students ,get the idea that
if they greet a teacher in any °
way (smile or grunt) , itis apple
polishing. He has found this to
be very true since he started .
here this September and Misses
. the friendliness of the students
with him that, he knew
greater extent in the Lu tiow'4,7
school.• •
He is very much against a .
'first -name relationship between
students and teachers in school, •
but does nal mind it outside
• school. . • • °
' He feels the students could
be better mannered and -could .
co-operate more' with teachers'
to smooth -out the•systern.
I asked him the question
Many students ask themselves,
o r
May . the next year bring forth all the
good things in life.
Wannest thanks to loyal friends.
een a good girl
The horror of a third world
war was made clear to us when
we watched the British produc
tion of "War G ames ". ' The
subject of the film was: The
results of a nuclear war in Eng-
land.' t
In Caniada, today, it•very
easy to forget that nuclear
missiles are ready 'constantly to
be launched into the U. S. A.
and possibly the industrial and
opower complexes of Ontario.
At -this time, th,reaction
of such a war here would be
very similar to that of the Brit-
ish people in the film as most •
people have no idea what-nu-
hat-nu-•clear war does.
s ,
This film proved valuable as
• for for us. Is not the
public entitled to such knowl-
edge -despite the fact that many,
wouldn't use it?
Our apologies to Grade 13
Jim for -inserting the picture of
Grade 12 Jim in the Meet the
Tenni featureNon this page two
weeks ago. No; 3 orf the bask-
etball team, seen here, is from
Wirigba n: the other Jim is a
uckgow boy. Now' drat we
have corrected the error per-
• haps the team will -forgive us;,.
before taking Latin: "Of what
value is it?" He points out
that because Latin is one of the
basic origins of the; .Eng 1 i s h
language, it c -an, be of immense
value in speaking and gran -mat
Also it will develop the mind
as does math: ' .
• Mr. Dennis is 'an ail -round °
sportsman and very much en-
joys the teacher sports after ,
Presently, only if a better
position opened for him would
he leave this area. He is mar-
ried with two sons, 4 and 6.: -
I would°'like now to extend
to hint a kelated welcome t�
our staff; and -kids give.him a
big smile,,and 'Hi' in the hall,.
he, appreciates it.
-�. end of 'the
wishbone to. you
_and yours in the. New
^ Year . and may it
f i~� mean much
health and,happinessf
Your got d will has been truly appreciated.
w 7 {
.1\115 YEA
May health and good
fortune light the way for you and ''
your. family in• the brandNewYear ahead.
To have you as customers is a real pleasure.
NEW : YEAR'S --- • '