The Exeter Times, 1888-11-1, Page 5nt1,. DISTRICT" DOII'GS. Occurrences of the Past week 'rliroueli out the lV'eighborheod in a Concise Mr, .lames Wallis, of the S, l3, 131an- sharcl, has this year grown over 6000 bushels of inangolds. The Stratford Water Supply Qom. - patty have decided to Groot a stand- pipe costing between $10,000 and $17,000, T. E. Booth, of 11 itched, was tined, the ether day, $1 and costs for viola. ting the early closing act. Everest's Cough Syrup is the best in the counti'y,--Duncan Pursell, For- est. Mr, E. Topping, of Woodstock, re ceived throu h the p os -o#Sias on. 1ri . day morning, a box containing four ohn .plates Mr, 'Popping is at a loss to 141count for the present. 'Elia farm of 77 acres belonging to the John Beitt's estate, in the Town. shipof liosanquet, has been sold to Mr. Heber. Bawlfngs for $4,1I0. We are pleased to learn that James" White, son of El. A. L. White, St, M.ai s who has been attending e 3 til. medical college, Toronto, is reoover- ing from his late attack of typhoid fever, which he contracted in Toronto. Mr. W. CI. Graham of St. Marys, has sold his celebrated (:lydeadale stallion, Lowland Chief, (4548), im. ported during the past summer, to Mr. Samuel Ankernian, of Fairview, for the handsome sum of $2,000. As Mrs, Wilson, Lieury, a daughter of Mr. Moses Rawson, and another lady from London, were driving home- ward along the 8th concession, the horse they were driving began to kick,. breaking both shafts of the buggy, and throwing the occupants out. Mr. Wm. Durn,n, late treasurer of West 4Vawanosh, is at present in a very critical condition. A short time ago he fell from an apple tree, and a few days later paralysis set in. Ile is unable to speak, and .hut little hopes are entertained of his recovery. Mr, James O'Shea, of Lucan, nar- rowly escaped a fatal wound the other morning. He was 'splitting wood and the axe while 'on the swing carne in contact with a clothes line, the result to him being an ugly gash on the fore- head. Three stitches were required to close the cut. Mrs. E. Elall, an old lady, 74 years of age, of Granton, undertook the rather difficult task of cleaning her own chimney one day lately. One of the bricks giving way she lost her hold and fell backwards over the end or the house and was seriously injur; ed. I had tried many doctors and was given up by them as far gone into con- sulnption, but was permanently cured by using Everest's Cough Syrup.—Jas. Simpson, A berarder. Mr. James Kyle, an old and res- rpected resident of Seaforth, died on Tuesday Iast after a long illness, aged 43 years. Deceased was a Presbyter- ian in religion and a Conservative in politics, but was unobtrusive and un- demonstrative, hence made few ene- mies; while his friends are a numer- Y' ous body indeed. Rev. Mark Turnbull, of Listowel, has tendered his resignation as incum- bent of Christchurch, having neeept- ed an invitation to Kincardine. From a financial standpoint the change will insure a considerable increase of salary the Kincardine rectory and mission yielding $1,150 her annum and a free parsonage. About three weeks ago Mrs. J. J. Manning, residing two miles north of Belmont, gave birth to an infant that was somewhat delicate in health and required medicine, which was procur- ed for it. On Saturday the mother while giving it some, by mistake gave medicine out of a bottle that was pre- pared for herself, which caused the infant to go h to convulsions, and it died in a few hours. Mr.. and i\frs. Jas. Hoo 'er, of Turn - berry, patrons of the Bluevale:Cheese Factory, were charged with having on the evening of Oct. 4th last, diluted the milk with water, and with having skimmed the milk. Mr. J. E. f3op- kins, Government Tnspeotor, in his evidence, stated that on examining one pail of mills he found it contained seventeen per Dent. of water. Fined $lir on each case. On Friday morning last, at half past seven o'clock, fire was discovered ed in Mr. Isaac Cockburn's saw m111,Graven- hurst, and before anything could be done the mill was entirely consumed, Two of the four boilers exploded. Half of one boiler was thrown 200 yards. Loss about $20,000 ; partly covered by insurance. The untimely accident is a severe loss to the town, about 60 men being thrown out of em- ployment. A MILLION BUSHELS.-- People talk glibly about a million bushels of wheat, but very few of them realize what a vast amount that is. A wheat broker says'+(that if a million bushels were loaded on freight. oars, 500 bushels to a oar, it would fill a train over 15 miles long. If transported by waggon, 54 hnahels on a waggon, it would make aline of teams 142 cities Iong. If made into bread, reckoning a bushel to every sixty pounds of flour, sit would give each man, woman and 01111(1 in the United States a two pound loaf of bread," At last the town of Mitchell is to have electric light. Eight lights (2,- 000 candle power) are to be put In, at $70 per month fro.ii Sept, let to May let. Lights to be run every night except moonlight nights, —and $10 per month from lst of May to Ist of Sept., light to be run only on Saturday nights, The lamps will be lighted from sunset to 12 on Saturdays and only to 11 o'clock on other nights, At a meeting of the St, Marys t on. serviitive association, held last week, the following others were :elected President, Geo, F. l-obbins ; let vice president, John 'antral )•secl'etary- treasurer, (deo. Moir i, Executive dem- mitts, James Thorapson, Jennie Spear. in, J, A. Bussell, Relef. Stewart, 1-ly, Won', W. II. Ilunt, Clinye White, IIy, O'Dett, Eobt l3arbour, Ui. Mulvey, Jno Clark, George Lysis, leyley, Wni. Wm. Moyes, John Bartlett, T. Chal- 111ot's, Jr. l uhiliirerr Cry for Pitcho;r's' Castoria BORN. Bnotit itsuciiivi.—In'Sts hell, on the 2(ith Oct., the wife of Mr, Frank 13rolcenshire, of a son, BRI11At&onrdp1 —I11 ..xeter, ou the' 29th Oct., the wife of Thos,. Brirntnacaube, of a (laughter. DAyIDsoN,—In Exeter, on the 20th Ont„ tee wife of Jolin'Davidson, of a son. .., MARRIED SAretr-Benc,i, — In Fullartou, on the 20th ult,, at the residence of the bride's uncle; Wm. Heal, Esq., Mr. W. II. Smile; of Lindsay, to Miss Alice 11. Ridge,. of Loudon, England. eeeree.--_Baena,—At the residence of the bride's father, Exeter on the 17th inst by the Rev; B. Dement, Mr. Abram C. Dear•iu;1 of Stephen to Miss Maris, Baker of Exeter. ►+o+a DIED. Menem—In Usborne, on the pith of Ootoher, Catharine, beloved wife of Frank Morley, ape 80 years, 11 mos, 14 days. Mmes.—In Usborue, en the 28th ult., Richard Ernest, infant son of Frank and Catharine Morley, aged 3 inns., 27 days. Sosrsns.—In Blanshard on the 18th inst., Maud L,; eldest daughter of William Somers, aged 15 years 3 months, F0BD.-In Stephen, on the 271h roar , Ann Ford, aged 79 years and 7 days. BRowxnt.ic.—In Exeter, on 25th tilt, Wm. Brownlee, aged 65 years. SALE REGISTER. WEDNESDAY, Nov.14.—Farm, Farm Stock Implements, tee. Lot 3, Con. 3, Us - borne. Sale at one o'clock. Jas, Oen, Auc. FRIDAY, Nov, 2,—Farm Stock, the prop. erty of August Deitrich, Lot 16, sou 11, Stephen. Sale at one o'clock. H. EILBER, AUC. General News. The genius of the sea does not smoke, but we have heard of Nop chewin. A HARE COMBINATION. There is no other remedy or combina- tion of medicines that meets so many re- quirements, as does &nee k Blood Bitters in its wide range of power over such Chron- le diseases as Dyspepsia, Liver and Kidney Complaint, Scrofula and all humors of the blood. Surveyors certainly ought to have 'level' heads. Hundreds of persons who have used Ayer's Hair Vigor attest its value, as a stimulant and tonic, for preventing and curing baldness, cleansing the scalp; and restoring the youthful color to faded and gray Lair. When a milkman goes back ou the ob- ject of his proteuded love it is now referred tows a milk shake. - A QUARTER OF A. CENTURY, For more than 25 years has Hagyard'e Yellow OR been sold by druggists, and it has never yet failed to give satisfaction as a housohold remedy ;for pain, lameness and soreness of the flesh, for external and in ternal use iu all painful complaints. It is mean to client the landlord, for even the poorest .man can have a rent in his trousers. THE MODUS OPERANDI, The mode of operating of Burdock Blood. Bitters is that it acts at once and the same time upon the Stomach. Liver, (towels, Kidneys and the Blood, to cleanse, rogu- lale and streugthen. .Hance its almost universal valve in Chronic Complaints. Some mon go West and get covered with honor, while 'others got covered with a pistol. AMONG THE INDIANS. "While my husbaad was tradiug in fare he Dame across an Indian who was taken to his lodge to die. He hacl iuward pains and pains in all his Limbs, He gave some Yellow Oil internally and applied it eater nally, and cured Lim. It also cured my husband of rheumatism, and I find it valuable for coughs and colds, sore throat, etc." Mrs, A. Besaw, Cook's Mills Ser- pent River, Ont. She miser's heart mast indeed be made of marble, there is so little give to it. VALUABLE TO KNOW. (consumption may be more easily pre- vented than cured. The irritating and harassing Dough will be greatly relieved by the use of Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam that cures coughs, colds, bronchitis and all Pulmonary troubles. The Irish naturally sympathize with a deaf man because he's an exile of ',caring. Skin diseases oanuot be successfully treated by ;external applications. Tho proper way to cure such complaints is to purify the blood with Ayers Sarsaparilla. Under the vitaliziug influences of this medicine all the functions.of the body are brought into healthy action. CURED BY B. B. 13. WREN ALL ELSE FAILED. Mr. Samuel Allan, of Lisle, Ont., states locality at he trioti all the doctors in his l L Y while suffering for years with Liver and ICiclney trouble ; nothing benefitted lriin until he took Burdock Blood Bitters, four bottles of which cured him. There are canaries that sing and eau- naries that don't sing.: CONSUMPTION SURELY CURED. TO Tmi EDITOR Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named dis ease. By its timely use thousands of hopeless oases have been permanently cured. I shall bo glad to send two bottles of my remade mums to any of your readers who have consumption if they will send me their Express and P. 0, address. Respectfully, Da. T, A. SLOCUM, Toronto, Ont. 87 Yonge Street Anvior 'ro Morar Bs.—Are you disturbed a1 night and broken of your rest by a seek child sulfuring and crying with pain of Cuttine Tooth? If so send at once and get a bottle of"mlrs.Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Chil- dren Teothi ag. Its value is incalculable. It .will relieve the pour little Sufferer im mediately Jieoondupon it, mothers there is no mistake about it. Itoiiros Dysentery and Dfarrhnia, regulates the Stomach told 13owels,euree Wind Collo, cottons the Clams. reduces renomination; and gives tone and onergyto the whole system. Mrs, Winslow's Soothing, Syrup" for children teething i.s pleasant to the taste and le tho proscription Of one of the oldest and best female pbysieiaes and nurses in the United Stator, and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world, Pride twenty-five Dents a bottio. ]3e sure and ask for'•dlns, WYNSI,ow'e u"OTiUNa senile "cud take no other kind, CONSUMPTION CUit'IED: An old physician, retired from practice; having hadplaoodin his hands by•an Bast Iridian missionary the formula of a.simile vegetable remedy for the speedy and perme- tient euro fof Consumption, Won chi Ca- tarrh, Asthma andall throat and lung affections, also a positive and radiaal cure for Nervous Dohiiityaudail Norvous Com- plaints, actor havrrig tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands oteases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his Suffering fellows, Aotuatedby tilts ir.otivo arida desire to relieve hum ser sruferie e, I a:,lsone free of charge, to all who desirolt, this reoipe,iu' C orhian,Freh,ell or hnglieh, with fulldirections for preparing and unfree ;gent by mail by adriress.ng w lth stamp naming ttiinnaper,W, 1,Novec 1•.10 Po+ear's Proof 71 tehostot Messrs. ;Hugh Leonard, John. Took- er anti John MoDonaid , of Parkhill have left for Florida, where they will spend the winter lumbering, ";Everest's Bxtract of Wild Black- berry never fails to curl-) , diarrhoea, dysentery, coo, —the statements of socres who bave tried it, 25o per bot for sale by all druggisst Mr, and Mrs, •J`::tliri Hodgin, tlibbert and Mr. and ells. George Dean, Slit- clell, Have gone to England, The latter do not intend returning to Oan-_ ada, Mr. Chas. Currie, athlete, of. Park- hill, is matched for a oontest at put- ting weights with McPherson, of Sault sie. Marie The contest is for $200 a side and the world's championship. and will take place in'l.'oronto in about two weeks. The farms of a Mr. Carrigan and son, near Granton, have been seized at the instance of „the Ontario invest- ment association. One night recently while the bailiff was in oharge, some one stole from the granary about. 100 bushels of•wheat. Detectives are in- vestigating. The .death is auicouneed in 'Toronto, in her 84th year, of Mrs. Macdougall. mother of Hon, Wm, Macdougall, and Mr. Alfred Macdougall formerly of St, Marys. In 1858 deceased was a resi- dent of St. Marys, and removed some years ago, after the death of her bus band, t0 Toronto where she oontinued to reside for the remainder of her life. JOHN BRAWN, NDERTAItER & CABINEr-M1KER, Walnut & Rosewood Caskets ALSO COFFIN& OF EVERT DESCRIPTION, A Complete Stook of Robes & Trimmings Always on hand. FUNERALS FURNISHED CON- DUCTED AT Low RATES. My stock of Furniture is un- excelled. GIVE ME A CALL .itKKBT BEPORTS, A$ETrat (Corrootocdat5o ciookp.m, Wednesday. Fa11S'Vhea i 1 12 to 1 18 Spring Wheat,.. ., 1 00 to 1 10 Barley „ . 45 to 60 cJats ... 0 82 to 84 ()lover.8 )oa ,„ ... 4 00 10 4 00 Timothy •4 ... , 2 00 Go 8 06 Seas .., ... 050to0ea 001.0 .,, „ 0 40 to 0 00` eggs .'. 0 17 to 0 17 • 10 Goo 20 li'iourperlib1 ,.. 00 to 5 85 Potatoos,par bushel ,.. 20 to 25. Apploe;porbag1,1 CO bo 0 50 Dried A.pplaspr b ... .. .0 04 to 0 00 CWese poi, lb, ... 0 05 to 0 05. TU per 0 07 to Q8 Clunks per pr „ 0 40 to 0 50 0bickensper er -,. , 0'20 to 0`30 acme o ,., .., 6 80 t o 7 00.. Seel ,., 400 (5O0 HIdesroubg, ,,. .,, 5 00 to 5 50 dressed .. , 6 00 to 0 00 Sheepskins each .., 0 70 to 1 CC ialfskins „ 0 50 to 0 70 Wool perlb ... . 0 18 to 0 20 Haypertou.. 1000 to10 50 Onionsuerbush .., . 0 50 to 0.78 Woodier eord ' ,,, ,,, 2 3 to 8 oo 100 ST: 1t.rtre Pall Wheat 1 12 to 133 Suring Wb oat,,,.. 1 00 1 10 Bar, ey • .„ ......................,55 08 Oats... R.,, .,....,„............ 80 35 Clover Seed 400 500 Timothy ...150 2 00 Peas 58 00 P',gEi,s ................. ...... . 17 17 Butter 18 20 Potatoes per bag . , 50 60 Apples per bush...—. ...... ..... 25 80 colperib Ray ho+'ton,,,.,,...,,, „ Bran per ton Shorts ' Oatmeal per bbl.• . , ,.,.... ... 000 1000 14 00 14 00 20 00 20 00 ... . ,.. 6 00 700 Cheap excursions by the Canadian Pae Railway to the ,,Canadian North- west a:Id return. Good to return till 21st of November from Exeter for $28. Apply to W. J. Carling, Agent. WORTSPOWDER Are pleasant to t :1:n Crntr in !heir own Purgative. Is a r•fr'. r•::.•. ttud ,:ih:utuat yep of uotrin 10 C0ildreciat. Adults WILL CURE OR RELIEVE BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, DYSPEPSIA DROPSY INDIGESTION, FLUTTERING JAUNDICE OF THE HEART, ERYSIPELAS, ACIDITY OF SALT RHEUM, THE•BTOMACH, HEARTBURN, DRYNESS HEADACHE, OF THE SKIN, And every species of disease arising' from disordered LIVER, KIDNEY STOMACH, BOWELI ' '• .BLOOD. 'o, M1LBURN & CO -motors, TP,2oNTQ. tl +Sr' , atwPs thio dig! feet nal e.i + Dr. CHASE Has a world-wide reputation as a physician and author.-1isMandrake Dandelion Livei Cure is a triumph of medical skill, curing all diseasesolthe liindey and Liver, SYMPTOM'S OF Kidney Cam lal t Distressing 3 p D > eclat and r. sins in the back ; a dn]1 pain or weigh t in 'lie bladder or base of the abdomen; scald- ing urine often obstructed ; frequent desire to urinate, especially at night, among aged persons ; hot, dry skin, pale complexion red and white deposits, drop dizziness, sour stomach, constipation, piles, liver sisal swellings, &e. SYMPTOMS OF Liver Complaint Pain under the f shoulder blades, j aundioe, sallow complexion, a weary, tired feeling, no life or enercy.headache, .dyspep si a, indigestion, spots, pimples &c. HOW CUBED : Mnndrakeand Daudelionarenatua•e'sliyer cures, and whet. combined with kidney rem- edies, as in Dr. Chase's Liver Cure, will most positively cure all kidney -livor troubles. It acts like a charm, stimulating the clogged ]iver,strengthoning the kidneysan iinvigor- '.tingtbewhole body. Sold by all dealers at edollar.with roeeiptbook, which alone is \h the money. due Dr. Chase's Pills are the ouly y Kidney -Liver Pills made ; they Liver act gently yetoffeetua]ly. May bo taken during any leniploy- Pillsment. They cure kidney -livor trou blee, heaclache,b'tonen ese costiveness &c. One Pill a close Sold by all dealers. Price 25 cents. T. i`DMANSON Bradfo Ont., Manfs. VVhen I say CURE I do not mean merely to stop them for a time, and then have them re- turn again. I a2Eezr A RADICAL CURE;'. I have made the disease of rims, =PUMPS:70r FALLING SICEItTESS9 Alibe long study. E wAniaairrmyremedyto Chiu the worst Oases. Because others have failed is no reason for not now receiving a euro. Send at onceforatreatise and,,Ens bBoma of my IrFatLInLIC IiaMEDY. Give Express and ?ost Office. It costs you nothing for a ,trial, and it will cube you. Address Dr, IfG. ROOT. 37 Yonygo St, Toronto One eeerreereeeeeeeleeee- -FALL AND -- Holiday Goods Corning In. The following aro a few of the lines in t Toy Books, Christmas Books, People's Edition Standard Fiction, Poets, Photograph Albums, Autograph Albums, Photograph Albums, Stamp Albums, Playing Cards, Checkers, Dominoes, Anthems, Combination Games, Chess, Wallets, Pocket Books, and the finest assortment of all the Very Latest Styles of Ladies' Parses over shown in Exeter, BIBLES AND- -PRAYER BOOKS IN ENDLESS VARIETY, And a Full List of Miscellaneous Books, Writing Papers, Envelopes, ,lith, Pens, Pencils, Mucilage, Rubber J3nuds, Memo. l3ootrs, &c., &c, -And ell kinds of— Stationer's Sundries —AT— TRE ..AT-.-TiII. DOMINION - LABORATORY, J, W. BROWNING, Prop.' z 0 n 0 THE 1-.1 i -BE STC YET' 1 r.PHE CHEAPEST 'YET THE BIGGEST YET OverCoetings at any price ; Stilt- ii a at any price ; Pantings at any price. Best Ordered Clothing plodneed in Exeter Gentlemen 1 leave your orders early, for with the best staff of Tailors ; the best stook of Fine Trimmings, and the best Clotting iu Town, you aro sure of setisfac. tion. .latl E tL. sefeNeeteekleee.a\Ni:etieellv,sei a.. for Infants and Children. "'t]Aetorfaissowell adapted*0children that Ossterfa cures colic, Constipation, 1recommend itassuperior toany prescription Sour Stomach, Diarrhma, Eructation, kuowu lo inc.” ID Sills -.Wo Q. Alicssa ill. D Naha,gives else and promotes di- 111 sf pr e r 0 n 111 80.0 g Oxford St, Brooklyn, x Yn N. Y. , drip ' W ut uijurious medication. 'hilt CENTAUR C'onPARy, 77 Murray Street, N. Y. eieactTH'" +.,'--eiMMIVE4azlA xeter ard The Underslg ted wishes to infol'ln the public in general the, . be keeps —constant! in stock - A!! Kinds of BUILDING MATERIAL DRESSED OR UNDRESSED. Bell Stuff, Flooring, Siding, dressed—inch, inch=and-a-quarter, inch -and -a half and two inch. Sash Doers, Blinds, Mouldings and all Finishing Material Lath, &o. SHINGLES A SPECIALTY.—Competition challenged. The hest and the largest stock, and at lowest prices. Shingles A 1. All dressed lumber thoroughly seasoned and ready for use. No shrinkage assured, A call will bear out the above. THE OLD ESTABLISHED. l! oo'.b. Willis, 1 lY:. ,in,st. re rmi ou oo in —710 — The cheapest spot in to n for Hardware, Stoves and Tinware, Paints, Oils and Glass, &c., See., if you are, - t call °,at BISSETT B ROS. We aro now offering the balauoe of our stock of Axes, Cross -cut saws, Lamps and Tubular Lanterns, at cost fo 30 , Y I T We would call your attention to a few of our specialties A Handsome Brass Library Lamp, A Large Glass Stand Lamp, new design A Good Tubular Lantern - A Good • Axe and Haudle An A 1 Manure Iferk • And everyttiiug at Rock Bottom Prices for Cash. $2 50 $1 00 $0 50 $1 00 40 80• A fall stook of the following lines always on Lauda—Barb wire, Plain Galvanized, An-' talent and Viled wire, and Buckthorn Fencing, Having purchased our supply of Binder Twine early we are now in a position to sepply at the lowest possible price. : - A full stove of tinware of all kinds alva n stook. Eavetroughing and roofing a spec- ialty. Agents for the B & R Metalie Shin Roofing. Ask for prises. Agents for the celebrated Raymond Sewing Machine. 13ISSETT EROS., Exeter, `5 ,,.e.;, re: rb ,c{z s� 'C � e ti'r'e O��fi _ea, ca. ` . {.a °a. �� 'o�e,<, 45 o C,0 4,7a �,te y�e,4 '���1°fi ,�a�ti e�S° roc `ye wo e v ro� ooh, • tits � 5 � . ti'`'. fi �' iy a'� y�4 to � e; roe 'A' e< &u$ .S tbp ,y .,4,.„.0°�c ,, ,b • t+• 6- 'tg Reye �° five o e; tio �•,00 Manufactured only by Thomas Holloway, 78 New Oxford Street, `1 late 585, Oxford Strict, London. to- Purchasers should look to the Label on the Boxes and Pots J If the address is not 533, Oxford Street, London, they are Evelio' us. FA1.L 1888 1HA.LL Carpets. Curtains. . Now that House -Cleaning time is near, we invite your in- spection to our BIG stock of Garrets, Curtains, and those Fancy Window Blinds, cs. When buying Wall Paper don't forget that the old Establiithed carries the i3i.g wst Stock and Latest Am- erican Patterns. Lots of Fancy O iii.n:g Papers with Corners to match„ Winolow all.,Paper JAMES P1C,ARD Exeter.,