HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1968-12-24, Page 16m dvauee*Times, Tuesday. Dec. 24,. 196
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5 JOHN Sr. W. WINGHAM ;PH.. 357-2636
happy hone that is our wish for you
and your family at this very
s aeciaj time of year., Arid for the real
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pleasure of serving you, our thanks!
176 Diagonal Rd., Wtngham, Ph. 357-1117
ALL I WANT for Christmas is a TV set was
the theme of the performance by Marjorie
Carter, Darlene Thompson, Anna Haugh,
Judy Malda and Charlene Krohn. The
short skit was a recital of Betty's letter to
Santa Claus. Apparently Betty knew what
she wanted for Christmas and. it wasn't
candy, clothes or toys. The skit was per-
formed at the :t'ur•nberry. Central School
last Tuesday evening.. _ A -T Photo.
How Many Wise Men? A nszvers Are Many!
Three wise men?
In New Testament stories
of the Nativity, only St. Mat-
thew tells of "wise amen from
the east" — and how many
wise men followed the star
to the manger is not stated.
The tradition that there
were three probably comes
from St. Matthew's descrip-
tion of three gifts — gold, .
frankincense and myrrh.
Another explanation for
the number three i§ the leg-
end that thevwise men sym-
bolized all humanity, in turn
represented .by the races of
Shem, Ham and Japhet, ac-
cording to the editors of The
New Book of .Knowledge..
Early traditionls mention.
varying numbers of wise.
men. Tvielve was the number
traditional in the Eastern
church, while in the West,
mosaics•and paintings show-
ed sometimes two, sometmes
,three, four or more wise men.
During the sixth. century,
the idea that there were
three came to . be generally
accepted. In legends, the wise
-men were given names ,TtMel-
hior, Gasper, Baltasar.
A FULL. HOUSE crowd of parents .beamed with pride as
they listened to their youngsters in concert, The occasion
was the Christmas festivities concert held at Turberry
.Although St. Mathew did
not use `the name "Magi," he
implied it when he wrote of
"wise 'men," for "magi" was
commonly used in Palestine
to mean "great, illustrious."
Today, Nativity scenes
show three wide men or Magi
present at -the manger along
with the shepherds, who
hastened to Bethlehexn on
the night Christ was .born..
Some historians, however,
believe that.. the II visit of the
Magi didn't takes place until
much later perhaps a year
or even • two years -after the
birth . of Christ. .
Central School last Tuesday evening. ,The junior choir
gave a well rehearsed rendition of "Do You Hear and
"The Jolly Holly Christmas. —A -T Photo.
). C C T
SBLMORE'The ,Beim+
Bluevale Presbyterian YOun►g
People's Society pre -tented an
ashforted_: hri tmsx_CT'
cert in the Belmore !ball
Thursday evening. The group
was assisted in planning the
concert brei-eounfeliers, Mr. and
Mrs, Bruce Darling, The prem
seated dialogues, an all male
squared ce`, group singing
and clod the concert with a
Nativity seen.
Jim McKague was the chair-
nian four the eveni ; Th con,.
cert will, be presented Fridray iu
Bluevale..e Young Peoples`
Society 'has a membership of
lWith Larry Elliott of Bluevale
as president.
Mrs. James Dickson isspend-
ing. some time with her. Baugh►-
ter, Mos. Jokes Douglas, near
Friends will, be interested to
know that \Mrs. James Darling,
a former resident of this area
now residing near Mildmay, is
hospitalized in Walkerton. We
hope her condition improves.
Mrs. Herb Busby was trans- .
ferred to. ai Kitchener Hospital
early last week.
Mrs. Jim Rae returned home
frp m Bruce County Hospital,
yalkerton, last week. Baby
Shona remained in hospital and
will be there a few weeks.
,At a Hi -C meeting at the
McIntosh United Church it was
agreed that the group wouldgo
carolling on Monday evening,
December 23rd. Homes visited
will be in the McIntosh .com-
A number of parents from
thisareA a9ended the annual'
Christmas concert presented by
pupils of Howick Central School
on Thursday afternoon,
With 1 aPPMCiatiort.
of your loyalty end
good will, we're
wishing you aU the
pleasures of a
line oid.fashion ed
Yule. Se menyI
ay r i✓s be
radiant with the light of peace,
joy and blessings for you cmd yours.
We lift our voices in song . to wish you and
yours the many joys .of ` the Yuletide season.
May your holidays be truly "merry.
Joan Rintoul
Ann Marie Liddy
Meat Dept.
• Terry Markley
Grocery Dept,
Gary Bauer
<tr oc!y Dept.
Raymond Markley
Meat Dept.
Irvine Storey
Produce Dept.
Min iitrker
Grocery Depti
Jack i otVIn
Pr oduc• Dept.
Bili Hotchkiss
Grocery Dept.
Me ' 1, Deept.
Don Montgomery
Meat Dept.