HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1968-12-24, Page 15• Wis.= Adessios.TLJI*�, T 4 24. 11141 • • • ct, Striks EMPINJCH 14,1/4NES The bowlers of Fordwich Mixed League report the follow» umpolpiemommietionommor -7; Tiik•V, ' • ' 11! SHOW TIMES Friday and Saturday it 7:15 9:15. All Other days, on, s, ixeirot where noged 'on the program. DEC. 26.27.28 "THE ONE .8e ONLY, GENUINE, °MIN- :.rANIILY BAND". Colour - Starring: WaItr Brennan - Janet Blair • ° John Davidson This is a musical comedy for the. whole family from the • studies of Walt Disney. +^""'"ww4 SATURDAY MAT. DEC. 28 "The Oneiland Only, Genuine, Fam- ily Band" nd COMING NEXT: TAUR.-FRI.-SAT. JAN. 244 "YOURS, MINE and OURS" Onamitontiniinuilimminffitin pa res, ing Keret: lacj), King 220, 201 Esther King 201, 211; Lorne ,Larnbkin 235; Earle ang 218; Mabel Gibson 233; Jack Beiki°- nett 263, 212; Pat Stewart 222,. 214; Nellie Allan 227; try Sothern 210, 212; Genie Lamb,,, kin 211; Leone Foerter 205, Mex Reed 218; Mary Bridge 230; Jim Vitae 253; Lynn. EU4er, 262; Jack Hotson 202. ' 0-0-r0 WEbNESDAY NIGHT MIXED LEAGUE (Late for last weekl Spirits were high but sore* were low on our annual Christ- mas turkey roll. Some of the higher scores were expedited to Edna May Artnstrongt 258, Marlene' Foxton, 214, 210, 2'77, Bruce Machan, 2 71, Kaye Swan, 269, and Gord Sutcliffe 244. 245, 2 54. Fun was had by all, and siX turkeys were given away, one to each team on hidden scores. The surprised winners werejoan Henry, Ken Duchanne, Linda Hollenback, Tom Robinson;, ' Cheryl Adams, and MargKing. I guess we all know were we can go for Christmas turkey: The two top place ten= each gave up 7 points to draw the league standings even tiOtt- er. Reavie's Drillers took 7 points off Strong's Sexy Six pat- • • I • hriscfmca The bells ring out • with joy -1, ful notes 4iicL merrily echo. - their song:Merry , Christmas to all! CAMERON BILLIARDS CAMERON SUNOCO. 44 • , 4 t 1 • THE' fiARMONAIIIES will provicie entertainment et the' STATION HOTEL MILDMAY, ONT. NEW YEAR'S EVE, EEC3i • ntertainment at the Station Hotel, Mildmay FRIDAY NIGHT Helen and Evelyn MEMBERS OF THE' W.6.AA. championship Pee Wee 'ball team, who were presented with a banquet and trophies Wednesday night. Front row, from the left: Roger Tiffin, Bob Johnston, Bill Brown, Steve Caslick, Benny 'Blackwell; ° tially because of their bowling and Gary Reavie's luck. Very • seliziotn you see a head pin - spared but Gary has the oidea now. Team standings: Swan's Swingers,: 53, Layton 's Leaders, 48. post 's Yippies , 53, Strong's Sexy Six, 53, Reavie's 55, Lunn's Wild Cats, 53. Turkeys were also won by the high, bowlers: Ladiee high single, Nancy Gillespie, 299; ladies' high triple, Marlene Foxton, 701; men's high single. Gay Templeman, 300; men's high triple, Gord- Sutcliffe, 743. Our thanks to the .spares this week for an exceilent job, OrPrkotTeiipe - THURSDAYNIGHT MIXED BOWLING Gwen MkLaurin and her mother, Hilda Brown, just ex-, changed placesithis week from last. Hilda captured the ladies' high single with 267 and Gwen bowled a 687 -to take the ladies' high triple. A 323 game gave. Wayne Brown' the high. single for the night. Bill Hotchkiss bowled a 772 for the men's high triple. The above _all won turkeys for 'their excellent bowl- , ing. Other turkey winners were Sheila Rintoul, Mildred Taylor, Pat Fry, Murray Gerrie, Keith. Moffat and Betty Belanger. A door prize donated by president Perry was won by Barry. rry. The team standings are as follows: Perry's Prowlers 65; George's Gamblers 59; Paul's Disciples 52; Bob's Bouncers 50; Monty's Mods 45; Keith's Kool Kars 44. A special thanks to spares, Joan Henry, Marilyn Ritchie and Keith McClure. A Christmas party was en- joyed after the bowling. This completes the bowling for 1968. Merry Christmas everyone. • back row: Ivan Gardner, coach; Gerald $kinn, TOM Lee, Bruce Skinn, Stephen Tiffin, Jim .SteW9Tt; Charlie Lee, coach. Missingwhenthe picture was taken were Jeff Lock ridge, Doug Leitch and Len Sangster. -A -T Photo. Gordon Pinsent is another of our young Canadian talents who is makingit big these days. He is seen regularly on CBC -TV, as the star of "Quentin Durgens M.P. ", and last week was seen • away from the cameras, for a personal glitppse, on "Tele- scope,. At.tia=.44is life -and careerlrforn the, time he was a young boy in Grand Falls, Nelk- foundland, to the time he be- gan his acring career in the Manitoba Theatre Centre in Winnipeg, to the present-day success of 'Durgens'. Pinsent, his wife, actress Charmion Xing, and their young daughter Leah, now living in Hollywood where hels doing extensive movie work. (He can now be seen in "The Thom- as Crown Affair", which stars Faye Dunaway and Steve Mc- Queen, and is currently making another film.) He has also been asked to do a pilot for a prospective TV series. So • 'Durgens' has done great things for him. A CBC cohort, Joint Vernon, who gained fame as city coron- er "Wojeck", is also deluged with offers. A week ago you saw him in a current role on "Ilonanza". He has also made other television appearances .and is now starring in a big Hollywood film, "Justine'. His co-stars are French actress Anouk Aimee and English act0r Dirk Bogarde, and the film'is being filmed in Tunis. Ed Sullivan introduced the new comedy team of Rossi and Ross to the audience last week. By Vonni Lee Steve Rossi Is no stranger to -us but this is the fi.mt time he has worked with Joe, E. Ross. Steve has for years been straight- mai4 to Marty Allen, who was the life of their act; by himself, - Steve is like nothingsvi lle Now. • Maty h4 left, presumably to InakejtStibtli,SIP.wnc d9ubt' Rossi itaS.,14tgh011.? onto,Ross and is now feeding him lits. But they will do well -to InEdte Ole hit the earlier team • If Ross looked familiar to you: he is the former star of "Car 54, Where Are You?"that was shown on TV a few.seasons ago. 0--0--0 There will be much special prograrnming on CBC -TV durr • ing Christmas week, among it being newt flashes on the AiSol- lo 8 Lunar Orbit Flight by the astronauts. In addition, Christ- touttiesettuomponew. • mss Day telecasting begins at., 9.30 with "Singalong Jubilee" with Bi11. Langstroth and the Jubilee Si.u.gers'from Halifax. . Following that, Her majesty the Queen and Prime.Mipister. Trudeau .will present their Christmas messages. Speeding through to the •. evening, 8 p..rn. will see a special show entitled "The Thirteen. Clocks" , musical version of the fairy -tale by James Thurber, starring, among .others, lack Creley, Bruncfer- • utsi and Barbara ;Hamilton This ikfollowed at 0, by a • - special with the ,famous King generaicins, con- ; siSting of thenicAllatXtlig Sisters, their.husband and fanl- ilies,, and their farnilies' farni: _ilieS.L Yeti will see among them Tina Cole, the 'Kay' from "My Three Sons", who is a daughter of a King Sister. On Thursday evening, the 0 26th, on "Telescope" at 8 ou\will see again, after a long absence from show the fabulous Gracie Fields. Now '10 years old, slie will be visited on the Isle of Capri • where she now lives. r • sikTuRDiky NIGHT' Doriand UoVd an ..sparadibs, Sauerkraut d barl)ecuol n Chicken lervadfilday and Saturday Nights. •• e Thanks to the su pport of friends old and. . . •A • new, everyday business ss a specialpleasnre. Best wishes far * holiday season. VVfngharn Cab 24 - HOUR SERVICE • CIARY ZUBER, Proprietor COMPLETE PASSENGER' INSURANCE. J.; ay happiness ani contentment feaIyoss ag th 16° Star Id the Aien to 1h Aallger. off thanhg for your continue" goo,/ will. MANAGEMENT AND STAFF THE OLD MILL BAINTON LIMITED CHRISTMAS MAKESsome kids dreamy -eyed, Or perhaps Craig Burgess is just deep in tlrught. No matter, his message got through to Santa arid there's, bound to be something he asked for under the tree on Christmas morning.—A-T Photo. 1.1100., Silent jlil Waythe spirit of that night, on which the Saviour was tom', shine upon you in this Christmas season. All of the parts that go into a Merry Christmas. grand gifts,... good cheer... warm friendship... youthful exciterment of these we now wish for you and your family. We have greatly appreciated your patronage. Many thanks, and a Happy Holiday!