HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1968-12-24, Page 12• Advance -Times, Tuesday, Dee. 24, 19 FOR SALE VACUUM CLEANER Sales & Service for all makes. R. K. Peck, Varna, dial 1-262-5350. D26rrb MILK FILTERS for sale, plain, rapid flo, 6%" --- 85ca hox. Alexander's Hardware, phone 357-3631. rrb SEE THE 1969, .Polaris Snow- mobiles on display at Wing - ham Lawn and Garden Centre. Earl Jenkins, • 257 Shuter St. l0rrb EAVESTROUGHING a n. d metal flashing, material and labor. For free estimate call Morrison Bros., at Murdie's Hardware, Lucltnow, phone 528-2906. Ap2Orrb SKIDOOS — New models. on dispay in our showrooms; some used models also avail- able. Full line of accessories and clothing at Danny's Res- taurant. • 03rrb SAVE ON PAINT — 10% off 1 regular - prices on Kem Glo Enamel, Super Kem Tone and Martin-Senour. Your headquar- ters for Kem lines. Alexan- der's Hardware. rrb REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE — Immediate pos- session situated in Wingham: Beautiful brick home close to schools and hospital; 3 bed- rooms, 2 full bathrooms and .large kitchen and dining area. Full, basement, situated on a large landscaped lot. Call Walkerton 881-1609. 21rrb FOR SALE EDIVARD A. ELLIOTT REAL ESTATE BROKER Telephones: Bus. 357-1590; Res. 357-1555 Two bedroom frame home, with finished basement. Low monthly pay . ents including taxes. Possessi n Jan. 1, 1969. Two bedroom frame cottage with attached garage. Very' reasonably priced. 3 bedrool stucco cottage on North Street, in immaculate (shape. All modern convenien- ces. $8,500.00 fall price, with low down payment. possession 30' days. FOR RENT --1% storey three • bedroom brick,, veneer with garage. January 1, 1969. 1 / s. . Applicants must be registered and graduated nurses, , with several years' industrial or hospital experience. MONDAY TO FRIDAY WORK WEEK, DAY SHIFT • 0 ONLY. 1 Attractive salary and 4idtnprehensive employee insur- ance program. Applications will be held in strict confidence and ° should be addressed to the PLANT PERSONNEL OFFICE. FOR RENT 6 -ROOM' UPSTAIRS apartment for rent, heated. 38 North St. Phone 357-2776. 19-26b TO RENT—In Harriston, new 2 and 3 bedroom apartments, electrically heated, immediate possession. Phone 5W1, Wrox- eter. 19-26b MODERN one -bedroom apart- ment for rent, equipped with . new refrig and stove, Hanover kitchen; one block from main street. Available immediately. Phone 357-2750 after 6 p.m. 26p MALE HELP WANTED ONTARIO HYDRO requires FORESTER TRAINEE ' Walkerton Area Outdoor type of work requir- ing agility and good physical condition, preferably between the ages of 18 and 22 with GradeXII education or equiv, „ alent. rNo previous experience necessary. Employees are 'ro- tated very -six months during the first two years of eM loy- ment. Apply in writing stating qualifications to ONTARIO HYDRO, attention Personnel Officer. 84 COLLIER 'STREET. BARRIE, ONTARIO. 26b LEGAL TOWN 'OF WINGHAM. Take notice that: 1. The council of the Corpor- ation of the Town of Wingham intends to construct a sanitary sewer on Water and Industrial Streets between the pump house on Lot 13 and the south end of Industrial as a local improvement `and intends to specially assessc, a part .of the cost upon the land aiutting directly on the work. • 2. -The estimated cost of the work is • $15,000.000 of which $9,075.00 is to be paid by the ,Corporation, and the estimated cost per foot frontage is $5.00.1 The special assessment is to be paid in (15) fifteen annual. instalments. 3. Persons desiring to .peti- tion against undertaking the work must do so on or before 12th day of January, 1969. Dated: December 4, 1968. WILLIAM RENWICK, Clerk. 12-19-26-2b CAMPBELL SOUP CO. of Listowel Industrial Nurse Required Int Campbell Soup Co. " Ltd., Listowel, Ontario. ►All1..a411111a.M.4111.1...41111..►.r...M r01111N,41..ruini..4110..411110.111me. o+t,.oi.4111110. NIS. Business Administrator is required by THE HURON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION Poles eaeea°moo° oea00000 oosaioo 000e000eHO0000AlRIN EUCHRE AND DANCE Belgrave Hall, Friday, Dec- ember 27. Euchre from 8-10, Dance 10-1 a.m. Music by Don Robertson and the Ranch Boys. Admission at popular price. 26b RESPONSIBILITIES: To organize and be responsible for the business op- eration of the Board. QUALIFICATIONS: (1) Accounting degree, or (2) Degree in Business Administration (3) Experience in school business administration. Salary is negotiable and will be dependent upon qualifications arid experience. Apply giving full particulars of education, training, experience, at least two references and stating date onwhich available for commencement of duties to: THE CHAIRMAN HURON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION COUNTY COURT HOUSE GODERICH, ONTARIO Applications will be\,recefived until 5:OO4p.m. on January 4, 1969. Coming Events COME. TO THE NEW YEAR'S EVE DANCE In the Bluevale Hall. Danc- ing 10-1, to Tiffin's orchestra. Hats and horns. Lunch booth in hall. Admission $1.50 per person. 19-26b A SERIES OF, PRENATAL CLASSES Will begin Wednesday, January 8, 1969, at 2:00 p.m., in the former Nurses' Resi- dence. Wingham and District Hospital. and at 8:00 p.m.. at the Health Unit Office, Medi- cal and Dental Centre, Brus- sels. These will be held at A tA 44 Almi; weekly intervals for ° nine weeks. Those interested are invited to attend on the above date or write to the Health Unit, Goderich. • 26.2b DEAD STOCK REMOVAL Q for fresh dead, disabled Cows and horses. For ' the most prompt ` and courteous service in this dis- trict PLEASE CALL COLLECT MARLATT BRCS. • Phone 133 (• Brussels Ont. 24-hour service -7 days I week License No. 390-C-65 17, AGENTS OR DEALERS WANTED to take orders -for Stewarts "EARLY HYBRID" for Seed Corns Alex. M. Stewart & Son Limited "SEED GRAIN SPECIALISTS" at AILSA CRAIG, Ontario Excellentopportunity and commissions to sell "Early Hybrids" in your area—during the' next six months. If interested, please contact us at once by letter, - stating exact address, lot and concession, township and county, distance and direction from closest town or advise if you live in - a village or named community. 19-26b p Campbeii. So. LISTOWEL, ONTARIO REQUIRES THE SERVICES OF A RGISTfRED } :NURSING ASISTAtIT r4-1: Applicants must be graduates of an approved hospita`I` and must be .registered with. the provincial 'authority. PERMANENT AFTERNOON SHIFT WORK, MONDAY TO FRIDAY WORK SCHEDULE.' Comprehensive employee insurance benefits and attractive salary , available. rs Applications in person or by mail should be made to THE PLANT PERSONNEL OFFICE. Campbell S�p Co. Ltd. LISTOWEL, ONTARIO REQUIRES THE SEftVICES OF A STENOGRAPHER IN THEIR PURCHASING DEPARTMENT Applicants should have, Grade XII commercial edu-} cation, be competent shorthand typist, some busi- ness office experience preferred. Attractive pay scale and employee' insurance available. Applications by mail or in Ipers, should be made to THE PERSONNEL OFFICE. AAS .MISCELLANEOUS TIH.R .DRCOR SHOPPE Floor Coffering.- Sales Instal- lation - Hardin Carpets Draperies Murray Gerrie 357.2002, Wingham • L. G. BRYCE Auctioneer We handle sales, large or small, anytime or anyplace. Phone 357-2339, -Wingham. LLOYD W. WkLKER Custom Backhoe and loading and hauling service. All types of excavating, bury - mg stones, ditching Septie tanks and weeping beds phone 357.1359 R. R;;.1, Wingham, Ont. • FOR YOUR Insurance: Needs in Automo- bile, Farm Liability, Accident and • Sickness Home Protection CaII your Co -Op 'Agent — LLOYD MONTGOMERY 53 Maple Street, Wingham Dial 357-3739 SEE GEORGE BROOKS at Stratford Cemetery Memorials Ltd. for Memorials of Distinction Lowest prices in the area 38 Avondale Avenue Stratford Phone 271-6736 Collect .CARS FQR SALE 1962 CORVAIR for sale, . dr., bucket seats, red leather in- terior, , priced reasonably. Ph. 357-3482. 19-26b F. H. Langridge funeral Saturday Frederick Henry Langridge of 205 Leopold Street, died Thursday morning.'December 19, at Huronview it Clinton, following a long illness. Funer- al seivice was held Saturday afternoon. He was 'a native of England. Born 80 years ago at Ramsgate in Kent, his parents were the late Mr. and Mrs. Frederick James Langridge. He served with the British Army during the four ydatS o`f World War I 1914 to 1918.., On January 21,' 1918, • Mr.. Langridge married Florence Day. He was purchasing agent for a firm in England and later operated a store. Mr. Lang - ridge retired from business in 1948 when the family moved to Canada. They lived on a farm in the Belgrave area until Ap- ril, 1966. At that time they moved to Wingham and Mr. Langridge had spent much of his time since in Wingham and District Hospital. He is survived by his wife; three sons, John and Denis of Wingham, and Tony of Brock- ville; and six grandchildren. Rev. H. W. Hamilton of St. Paul's Anglican Church conduc- ted service at the R. A. Currie & Son funeral horne and burial service at Wingham Cemetery _on Saturday afternoon. Pallbearers were Clarence Yuill, Rae Crawford, Bill Har- ris, Alex Skinn, Clarence Der Becker and Barry Wenger. Flow- er bearers were two of his grand- sons, David and Steven Lang - ridge. ponop,„„„„„„,„„„,„„„.19111 P . KE LLY 11 SPRINGFIELD TIRES ��������Illllllulrniuhuurinulllllllll�����lli "POLYESTER" for Sure -Grip Winter Confidence WHITE WALLS 8.25 x 14 $27.80 8.55 x 14 $29.85 BLACK WALLS 8.25 x 14. $25.80 8.55 x 14 $26.50 THE KELLY SPRINGFIELD "POLYESTER" LINE of SNO1{VTIRES gives you the best performance in v4inter — and that something e4ctra. EXCLUSIVELY FROM . KEN'S ALIGNMENT DIAGONAL RD. children how Gene Treat Santa to Asacertain white -bearded, - Jolly old, gentleman snakes his rounds on Christmas Eve, delivering happy surprises. to children the world over, he may look forward to be* ing, in turn, surprised. In the legend and lore of Christmas, giving to Santa is a time-honored tradition, with the -gifts usually taking the form of food or beverage. Today, Many families en- courage children to be gen- erous,, by observing the cus- tom of setting out treats' for Santa — per. haps some can- dy, a dish of cookies, • a glass of milk, . Through the ages, the gift- giver ift4giver now known as. Santa Claus has been called by many different names, but ' Santa's predecessors, , like Santa ' himself, were often greeted with special treats. Filling Pockets In Italy, Befana is the gift - giver who preceded Santa. She took her name from the ' name for Twelfth Night — Epiphania, or' Epiphany -- and and broughther gifts on Epiphany Eve, January 5th. To make ready for Befana, tradition says, Italian chil= dren,empty their pockets and hang up their clothes, Then, into each pocket goes a sur- prise - something good to eat. rprises the holiday giving and .re- arrives early on ,S , Nir ho eetving. 1aa Eve, December 5th .d In .Rolland, for instance, ing a white donkey. legend says that. St. Nicholas After taking out the treats, Befana refills each pocket with gifts for. the •children. Guarding the Home , Sweden has , an unusual _ gift -giver it's a goat! Ac- cording to tradition, the Yul- bock or Yule goat comes to the door of Swedish homes on -Christmas Eve and tosses the family's gifts through the doorway. Another. Legendary guest at Swedish holiday celebra- tions is Tomte,' a kind-heart- ed elfwho guards the home. A dish of food is placed in a quiet corner, so. that TOmte may feast as he secretly ob- serves the family fun. ' Enjoying rudding • • In Denmalrk and . Norway the legendary good spirit of the house is Nisse., who watches over home and farm and is sometimes said to be- . the gift -bringer, too. , His, Christmas • treat, the rice pudding` traditional at. Scandinavian holiday feasts, is placed beside the kitchen door or, on farms, in the hay- loft. (40 DEDICATE GIDEON BIBLES AS A CONTINUING MEMORIAL May be donated through your local funeral director Placed in Hotels, Schools, Hospitals, Prisons "CAR INSURANCE DUE? I'll get you the best car insurance value from the world's largest car Insurance company. Let's talk!" W. D. "Bill" MAY Dial 357-3280 State Farm Mutual Automobile insurance Company- Canadian ompany,Canadian Head Office: Scarborough, Ontario P6?21 Cl2'frrb Treating the ,.. y Today's : Santa relies on his reindeer for transport, but the gift bringers of yester- year had other animal help- ers, who usually shared, in Robert- Michie dies in hospital. r {,o REV. H. W. HAMILTCON, Dip. Th, Racfor. Organist: MRS. GORDON 'DAVIDSON , . CHRISTMAS SERVICES • Dec. 24, 11:00 [ .m. -Carol Service' and Midnight Holy Communion. Dec. 25, 9:00 a.m.—Holy- Communion' without Ser. neon. Dec. 29, 11:00 a.m. Holy Cornmunion and Sermon: toist1130,100susiamploiit A SUNDAY, DECEM 11:00 a.m. 8:00 p.m. ,s CHRISTMAS' DA R 10:30 a.m, .mity Worship Carol Sing TUESDAY, DECE ER 31st 8:30.pam. 12:30 a.m. ii WATCHNISERVICE 1 fellows refreshments, : worship ist Captain and Mrs atunity td wish y 2. Year and to t Army in so man liteteeeeetseatetetesetete THE 14. - rt . g nation Arm 1 . i 110 � AY SERVICES R A A pple would like to take this oppor- Merry Christmas .and a I-Iappy New you for supporting The Salvation ays throughout the year. 19-26b A tctim[M:KteKKKteiscwitasectinRtttcKKKKKK u 'WINGMIAM CORPS 22nd ---» mily Worship NDLELIGHT. SERVICE, Robert Michie of Belgrave died Tuesday, . December 17th. in Wingham and District Hos- pital in his 78th year. He had been ill only a short time. Born and raised in Morris Township he attended S.S. 'No. 3, Morris and later farmed in the township. He retired to 1966. He was the son of the late William and Elizabeth Michie. Mr. .Michie is survived by a brother Ernest of Belgrave and qne sist4r, Mrs. Lorne (Margar- et) Nichol of. Morris Township. He was a member of the 'Belgrave United Church and the Canadian Order of Foresters. Funeral service was held at the D. A. Rann funeral home •in Brussels on Thursday with Rev. John Roberts in charge. Burial was in Brussels Cemetery. The pallbearers were Ross, Nichol, William Grasby, George Michie, Ross Anderson, Robert Grasby and Gordon Martin. The flower bearers were How a r d Clark and Elmer Young. Those from a distance who attended the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. Everett Kirton of Po- wassan, John Michie of Sagin- aw, Mrs. Wilfred McDonald and Mr. and Mrs, Harold Coul- son of Milton, and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Martin of Orangeville. TABLISHED IN 1936. We sp lize in a complete line . of RM ,EQUIPMENT McG Sales an 'Phone 3 Bru N'S FARM EOUIPMENT. 1r ervice • I --- WALT -ON, ONT. 6' ` or 527-0245 Seaforth Sl9rrb Busines nd Profes al Cis W LIFE BUSINE 50 Patti R. IMP SLICK LTH reet, East LIFE GAyj.ER & Char4ccountants j'RCOr6eApdaNr:nYe.r % Walkerton Dial 88 Cra Shepherd Mill olicltors, Etc. Shepherd, M, ONTARIO , 357-3630 Barri No Ala Chiropractor R. BRAY, D.C. 256 Caitre Street Phone 3574224 Wingham WINGHAM MEMORIALS GUARANTEED GRANITES CEMETERY LETTERING REASONABLE PRICES Buy Direct and Save , Bus. Ph. 357-1910 Res. Ph. 357-1015 Frederick F. Homuth Carol E. Homuth, RO Mrs. Viola H. Homuth, RO OPTOMETRISTS Phone 338.2712 . J. T. GOODALL I BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY, ETC. Office — Meyer Block WINGHAM DIAL 357-1990 11 pRO MATION At the request of a uusef citizens I hereby PROCLAIM Thursday,itember 26, 1968 BONG DAy ' As a Put; Civic liFiolida;y FOR THIpN OF ININGHAM rod I hereby call geed Mimes to Omens the tuft. DEIVIrr MILLER, Meyer.