HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1968-12-24, Page 9• :wminimemrw Ammispor Gia Tidin At Christmas, greetings and wishes. for the gift of happiness during the holiday season. Thanks for the past patronage! 0 ERNIE ME LEY B. A. PETROLEUM .ODUCTS THG ACC 511115 WITH UGH THE East meets West with Chinese food • "East Meets WeAt" in style and' convenience by serving eas)e'to-prepare PeeChopSuey, Egg Rolls and piquant Pin rn • Sane (ready in 10 Minutes>. These canned anti frozen Or - ental convenience foods are now available in stores across Canada, Egg rolls, like pizza, have skyrocketed in popularity as a snack faforite on Canadian ta- bles in recent years. They are available with shrimp or pork and shrimp fillings and come in assorted sizes. Serve bite -size egg rolls as hors d'oeuvres. •Keep them warm in a chafing dish orserve crisp from the oven. Or, if you wish tb spend a little more time in preparation, here are some .tempting recipes that will score with your guests. BEEF WITH BEAN SPROUTS 4 cups cooked beef 8 tbsp. cooking oil 1 clove garlic, minced 2 tsps. salt 1 tsp, pepper 2 tbsp. powdered ginger 2 tbsp. soya sauce 1 tsp. sugar 2 cans (14 ozs,) bean splroufs 2 tbsp. corn starch cup water 4 or 5 green onions, cut into " lengths The rarer the meat for this dish the better. 'Ctit it into thin slivers and set aside. Heat the cooking oil, garlic, salt, pep= ' per and ginger together over medium high. Wherr hot, add the beef and cook for about 5 min.utes. Drain ithe canned bean sprouts, freshen with cold water, drain again and add to the pan. Cook for 3 minutes. Mix the cornstarch with told water, 'pour over the mixture and, stirring censtantly, cook until. the sauce is thickened. Sprinkle with the chopped greeri. onions and serve immediately. Serves 8. • CHICKEN CHOW WIN OAHU 1 Chicken Chow Mein divider/ pak (43 oz.) I cup ialad oil 1 green pepper-, cut up' 1 .onion , sliced 1 can (8 oz.) green beans i'pound mushrooms, sliced 4 cup soy.sauce cup Red. Hawaiian Punch 1 cups Chicken Broth 2 tablespoons cornstarch cup cold water, 1 can water chestnuts , Drain vegetables from di- vider/pak and add to hot oil. . Stir in pepper; onion, green beans 'and mushrooms. Saute about 5 minutes. Add soy sauq,e, punch and chicken broth. Mix well. Dissolve cornstarch in cold water and stir into hot mixture. Cook over low heat, stirringgently, about.7-8 min- utes. Add remainder of divid- er/pak (the sauce and chicken), mix .well. and heat through. Garnish with sliced or di c e d water chestnuts. Makes 6 gen- erous servinsgs. WHITE WINE PUNCH 1 bottle (26 -ounces) whiten wine I can (24 -ounce) Rosy Red Ha- waiian Punch 1 bottle (28 -ounce) lemon -lime carbonated beverage (Wink, Sprite or Presca) • Combine all ingredients, add ice and serve immediately. Yield: about 20 - 4 -ounce servings. ' SPICED PUNCH 4 sticks cinnamon 12 whole cloves 2 inches ginger root (or cup prelerved•or candied ginger) 1 craft (48 -ounce) Rosy Red Ha- 3_sraiian Punch 24 ounees pineapple juice 2 cans, (6 -ounce) frozen pink lerbOnade concentrate in saucepan, add spices to _punch. Simmer 10-16 mins. train and cool., Stir in pine- apple juice and lemonade con- centrate. Chill. Before serv- ,ing, add ice, garnish (Pineap- ple chunks pr lemon slices stud- ded with whole cloves). Yield: about 25 - 4 -ounce servings, WHITE RUM PUNCH 12 to 10 Minces white rum 1 can (48w0rnice). Orangeflawai- Ian Punch 2rgans (0 -ounce) frozen lime- • ade or lemonade concen- trate 1 bottle (28 -ounce) sparkling soda Combine rum, Hawaiian. Punch and limeade concentrate. Add soda just before serving. Yield: about 25 - 4 -ounce servings, • ORANOE PtiI 1 ealitVatOputinneceb) Orange Ha- wa 2 cans (6 -ounce) frozen lemon- ade concentrate 2 Cans (6 -ounce) frozen orange juice concentrate 1 large bottle (28 -ounce) ginger ale Combine Hawaiian Punch. lemonade and orange juice cond. centrates, just!before serving, add ginger 'aie and ice. Yield: about 25 - 4 -ounce servings. Winghain Advance-Tiinek TueSday, Dec. 24,Pa hristmas carols fill the air with jay. - We echo their mess,age,„ ERR)/ RISTMAS With warmest thank for your patronage and your friendship, • ''''',405121102eLs. A Joyous Chustmas Take these flowers, genun'd with dew -drops. As a lovins gift from me: May thy heart reflect their brishtness And thy Christmas joyous bel Flowers Speak Language of Love In Modern or. Victorian Era Like holly, ivy and mistle- toe, flowers share in the leg- end and lore of Christmas. In terms of the Victorian era, the floral legend is an, espe- cially meaningful one. A Victorian lady who re- ceived a bouquet from her admirer could either smell it or read it as if it were a let- ter. Often, it was a letter. Young engaged couples, strictly chaperoned, found a way, to communicate words of affectiqn Via flowers. Each flower had a special meaning. Flowers in sequence could be used/ to spell out a fervent pledge of love. To help in composing, — and translat- ing — these messages, there were numerous tiny diction- aries listing flowers and their meanings. The flowering honeysuckle,, for instance, spoke of "bonds of love." A red rosebud told a lady that she was "pure and lovely." •Red double pink meant "woman's. love." And heliotropecarried a bold message, "I love you." This Victorian language of flowers. greatly influenced the design of Christmas cards ,of the time witness the • card illustrated .here, from the Norcross Historical Col- lection of antique cards. The lush surnmer blooms are typical of the Victorian admiration of flowers, re- gardless of the season. Though sentiments may be expressed differently, flowers still bloom on modern Christ- mas cards. A current card offers one example. Poinset- tias flower on a background of Mistletoe, and the message read, "Just- for you, honey, all my love at Christmas." 4s children watch and children walk, we all of you the true joys of Christmas ti YOU DON'T HAVE to worry about hot grease splattering on the wallcovering in this kitchen — it's protected by a solid sheet of vinyl that makei k greas6-proof water -proof and "kid -proof." AVailable in three fresh colour combinations, it shows various kitchen motifs that are framed by unduleiting daisy garlands. Treasured Today In the preparation of illu- minated manuscripts, a mas- ter artist often set the style for copyists and assistants to follow, since even- the deco- ration of an initial letter could be a major project. A single letter might occu- py an entire page, and 'a complete scene or miniature painting might be contained within the boundaries of, for instance, an initial "C" or tint, Some manuscripts, in fact, represent the work not only, of more than one artist but of more than one generation of artists. Today, illuminated manu- scripts are treasures of li- braries and museums, and rightly so, for throughout a thousand years of Christian, history, the art of alumina - tion brought an extra dimen- sion* of beauty to manu- scripts that are, in them- selves, precious works of art. NO -STOPPING LAW? LET THE ROMANS SHOW YOU HOW Drivers who feel that no - stopping regulations in cities are rough. might think about this historical note. In ancient Ninevah, where roads were sacred, posts were pladed along the processional way, inscribed: "Royal Road. Let no man lessen it. " It was decreed, for this Way, that anyone who parked a chariot or 'ether vehicle along the road should be slain and his bodyimpaled on a stake before his house. With that in view, look again at the $6.00 penalty for blocking traffic at rush hour! -- Highway Safety News. IT'S TOO COMMON In most of the United States, the' poinsettia is a prized Christmas flovfer. In Hawaii, however, it grows so profusely that it is conMd- ered too common for such an important holiday. Potted or- chids, anthurium or the or, ange-and-blue flower &ailed "bird of paradise" are Ha- waiian holiday favorites. • ONTARI WINGHA HYDRO OFFICE Christmas is made of snowflakes and churchlbells and laughter and' dreams . play all of yours vome true. Have a \Ierry Christmas. wish hearty, 'and most Sincere, with • greetingi-glad to you and yours, from all of us, FOR A dayous, h ri mo• ifIernt Christmas May you be gifted with the precious gifts .of love, peace and understanding during the Holy Season of Christmas.' Currie's Furniture R. A. CU '\RIE & SON DOUG LAYTON BILL DAUPHIN JOHN and Rt4TH