The Exeter Times, 1888-11-1, Page 41.,: 0 u. a. 11,o have made arrangements with the pub- lishers of the Cottage, Hearth, Boston, Mass„ to offertheExurait Tunas with their Maga- zine this veal:, Tile Cottage Hearth Is i1 well-known I1emtlyMamtuo, now in its ldtlr. y••oar. and as a favorite whereverintrotluo- ed. It bas each >month a; MOW Floral and Health Departments, Latest Palley \i'ork, Sab- bath Readings Domorest s Patterns, Approved Reeeints, Ilousehold flints, unit Prize i'nzzlos for children, P1118 BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED Monthly Magazine has among its many coir tributory ifdwiarclEverett Hale. 'Duey Lnr- oom, CetinThexter, Louise Chandler Moulton, Geo MaoDunald, Margaret Deland, Augusta !Moore, hose' Terry, Cook.' It'is a large 14 -page, elegantly printed mag mine, and has attained 'a large eiroulatiolt solely on its merits as a family magazine. ,Its Price, $1.50 a Year is 'very low for such a desirable home maga- zine, but we offer to send it and Tun Tiaras for one year to any one who will send us 231.50. Sample copies sent free, on application to F. P.Shurnlvay, jr., Boston, Mass, For any further particulars address. Tau T•1it`s, Exeter e Mu ;� 1 0�1�> 1�� ° Elmo. THURSDAY, November' 1st, ISM EDITORIAL NOTES. ATTORNEY GENERAL MOWAT em- phatically denies that there is any foundation for the rumar that Hon. S. H. Blake, Q. C., is to enter the Administration as Attorney -Gen- eral. He has not the slightest intention of resigning that port- folio. TIE latest statistical informa- tion places the population of Brit- ish India at 207,754,578, as against 198,790,853 in 1882. The popula- lion of the native States at pres- ent is 60,882,466, giving a total population for all India of 268,137 o.q.. In the whole of India there are six millions more males than females. The increase in the num ber of natives under British do minion is due to the natural yearly increment and to the incorpora- tion of Burmah within our Indian Empire. THE New York Herald admits that Canada holds the whip han die in the matter of retaliation. The St. Clair flats canal is entire ly within the boundary of the Do minion, and should the non•inter- course act go into operation irre- parable iujury would occur to the States by the t toppage of all their Take commerce passing through the canal, and the joke of the affair is that this canal was constructed with Yankee money. Brother Jonathan was so sharp that he cut himself. ON Monday last Judge Killam delivered judgment in Winnipeg, contlnviug the i -junction against the crossing of the C. P. R. track by the local government, until such time as the decision of the supreme court at Ottawa had given upon the constitutional fight of the Manitoba gov- ernment to charter the R. R. V. railroad. It is thought posFil,le that this decision will cause a sus pension of,, hostilities for some days. Mr. Greenway would have displayed better judgment had he waited till the decision of the su- preme court to "which!h, the whole matter had been referred, was rendered. instead of rushing in to seize the property of others, while. his right so to do, was in doubt.. DR. WILLOUGHBY, Conservative, was declared elected for East Northumberland, for the Legisla- tive Asselrbly, on Wednesday of last week, six days atter the time prescribed by law, his majority being six. ' ,On the 18th ult seyeral of the Reform papers stated that after the sheriff had summed up the ballots he found the vote a tie; and that he had given the casting vote` in favor of Mallory, and there fore declared him elected. There appears to have been some under- handed work with a view to cheat the doctor out of the seat to which. he was legally entitled, and the electors of East Northumberland out of the man of their choice. The plot, whatever it might have been, appears not to have been effective. SOME information may be ob tained showing the operation of a tariff, from the ` experience lately in Canada from their cheese mark- et. "Tile price prevailing at Liv- erpool, England, is the guide alike to the cheese exporters of the Uni- ted States and Canada.” When the Cal,adians levied no duty on cheese the home market was flood- ed with American cheese. That sold' at every country grocery, as well as in large towns, was made in the United States. Canada made' vety little and exported none, Then a tariff was put on and cheese making was' started in Canada on a large scale, The h.omt market was soon supplied, by the home' product, and gradually there was cheese for ex- port also. They began to send their surplus to England, and in 1887 t of only supplied the home market with all it wat,ted, but ex - \ported $7,000,000'worth, All this qre from prohibiting Alrleloan ese with a tail,. MR' Tl_ras. Gnu NWAY as Pre. mier of Manitoba. is' Goutinually i boiling ehis n b ng, water, legislative abilities `n his older la I t . l 1 4 c ys,:'rlol bein ' much in adetalloe of the days when he endeavored to control tile lrlilehiuerr. of the township of Ste p hen ; and if his career. in Mani toba be not marked with greater suooess than When in thi s lxegll• borboocl,--and the lll'.e':ent looks ,discouraging, --we pity the ratepay- ers of the prairie province. Some thirteen or fourteen years ago, Mr. Greenway held the honored posi- tion of reeve of Stephen township, and at that time the township was totally free of debt. When the L. H. & B. railway, was being built through this neighborhood, and bonuses were being asked from the various municipalities, the rate payers at Stephen were loath to render assistauce, feeling that' the road. would be of no benefit to them, running, as it does, along one side of the township but Mr.. Y. Y Greenway, actuated b a spirit of progressive zeal, was resolved that the municipality should give a bonus, and for weeks drove through the township, it is said, feeding the ratepayers well on crackers and cheese, .until at last his purpose was accomplished, and the town- ship voted $17,500 as a bonus to elle railway. Shortly after grant- ing the bonus the township receiv• ed its share--$19,000--of.the divi- sion of the surplus, created by the Sau.dfield Macdonald government, and so detestable did this amount appear in the eves of Mr. Green- way that he was wont to expend it as soon as possible. A meeting of the ratepayers of the township was held with a view of dt•ciding the better way of applying the money, aud the feeling was unani- mous that $f, lo,000 should be ap- propriated as s sinking fund'to liquidate the railway debt, the balance to be expended in im- proving the roads of the munici• pality. This did not satisfy Mr. Greenway, apparently, for instead of putting aside the '$u io,000 for railway purposes, the entire $19,- 000 was squandered on roads, be. sides which debentures to the amount of $1o,000 were issued for the improyement of roads. Ha the $ro,000 been applied to th liquidation of the railway debt, th actual debt of Stephen township would have been $7,500 ; but Mr, Greenway, having an eye to th convenience aud pleasure of the traveller, and it is said, a pensio tor squandering money, by mal administration 10 wrongfully spen ing the $lg,000 and the borrowin of $ro,000 additional, increase the debt $27,500. The townshi hasc,ever since felt:the consequence of Mr. Greenway's reign as reeve and, we are told, the question a to whether this money was reall all spent for road repairs, very of ten crops up in the minds of th thoughtful ratepayer ; but we ar pleased to relate that by the eco nomical administration of the re cent council Boards, the debt i being rapidly wiped out. News Notes. Mr John Bine of Duart, who is now 10 years of age, dug one day recently, 15 bus hers -of potatoes with a spade. He lives half mile from church, and walks ther every Sabbath in the year. A little daughter of Thomas O'Neill, a St. Catherines motwith a fatal acciden on Thursday last. While her mother wa absent for •a few minutes the child go some paper, set it on fire, and in brandis ing it about set fire to her clothing, wit fatal results, as the child died this morn Extensive fightiug occurred on Thurs day last at Messre. Hurdrnan & Co.'s sal mills on the Chaudiere, between the En lish speaking, ; and French mill hands Over 100 men participated in the fraca and quite a number of them were injure by being struck over the head with stick and stones. A scheme is on foot to have the 'Tole to and Niagara conferences of the Met odist church united. It is thought th by increasing the field from which fro which congregations may invite lniniste much of the friction and unpleasantne that have occurred lately between th laity and the conference authorities wi he obviated. Itis also proposed to joi the Guelph and London conferences, an make one out of the (-astern bodies. Complaint haying been made that combination had been entered „into b wholesale millinery and dry goods hour of Montreal not to sell to small dealers, wholesale merchant stated yesterday th; a request was made to the who'esale tra not to sell indiscriminately to people wh call themselves dress and mantlemaker to which they had agreed. They wool sell to all persona in the trade who wet recognized and who had stores. TI Movement was designed to prevent a<mai tle-mn.ker or milliner from buying gooc for their friends at wholesale prides, an also to prevent employes in retail stone else where , e friends. �1 ere bu i1 ) y g for A young men named James Quinn Orilla lost his life while crossing fro Port Severn to waubanshene in a ro boat, with two companions, beton ing Orilla. They had been on ' a hunting e pedition up the Severn ;[Livery and we returningiliotuo with their boat heavrl laden. When about half' way ,betwe Pott Severn and Waubanshone a stor• came up suddenly and swamped the 'boa precipitating thorn into the water. Th clang to trio boat, but two hetlr1ds, pvhi belonged to young Quinn, kept elimbit on top of him, and at Inst, owin1'to ]t exhausted eenditioit,; forced MA to let Ills hold and he sank. 1318 ts10 comps, ions hung on for several hours, trnd vre fnal!y rescued by a trig When o opt gi ing up all, hope, Children Co/ for pitcher's Castor IN Nl \Y AI)\TL+'1 TISEI ENTS. d e e d-ALSO-- d y e e h- f1 i t,. h-, at rs ss es 1t d: 1e is or to to en. Ch g in- 11 ."`moi da 10 grand Love Stories, a tlaellage of goods worth two dollars to luau- ufaet ore, sed a large 100p picture book, that will. Barely put you ou the road to a handsome fort uno, Write quickly, and send so silver to Iola Pay Postage. A, W. KIl\'N1EY, Yarmouth, N S, .r'ess (ap.. m Mrs. Bioko', of °refit ton, begs to inform the public) that she has named her business, and will now bo found ono door west of Mitchell'sStore. Dress-nutkingdone an the very latest styles: Cuttingand Pitting by the now 'tailor system. MRS. DICKEY, Crediton. -- NEWF • Demiclson Eros., Builders tidders d Contractors Shop one door east of Parsons' Black- smith Shop. Manufacturers of Sashes, Doors and Blinds. Buildings contracted for. Plans, estimates and speoifioations furnished if ro- quired. Froin their past experience in the building lino they guarantee satisfaction. A.11 work. clone with promptness and dispatch. Season- ed lumber always on hand. WIT. DAVIDSON. IOEtN DAVIDSON, Noticeto Creditors In the matter of GEORGE MOTZ, the elder., of the Township of Steph- en in the County of Huron, Farmer and Brickmaker, an Insolvent. Notice is hereby given that the above named Geo Mots, the older, has made an assignment to woof all his estate and effect': in trust for the benefit of his creditors A mooting of the creditors will be hold at the town hall in the Village of Crediton, in the said County of Huron, on the 13th da November, 1888, at 2 o'clock p, m., for the ap- pointment of Insneetors and for giving direc- tions as to the disposal of the estate. Creditors aro required to filo heir eleims duly proven with me or my solicitor On or before the day of sr/Min-meting. After December 1st, 1886 I. shall proceed to distribute the said estate, having regard only to such claims as I shall then have notice of and I shall not he responsible for the assets of the said estate or any part thereof to any per- son 0rpersons whose claims shall not then have been filed. JACOB EILBEa, Trustee, R. II. COLLINS, Crediton P. 0., Ont. Solicitor for Trustee, Exeter. Ont. Dated at Exeter this 31st Oe`•ober, 1888. 11ensal I Jewelry__Store You will find the bust assortment of Gold and Silver Watches, Alarm, House and Office clocks, Solid and Plated Gold and Silver =Jewelory, consisting of - Charms, Lockets, Bracelets, Chains, Brooches, Ear -rings, Finder Rings, all of which are of The Very Latest StylAs Full lines of the Latest Articles in Sit .—verware, of the most beautiful- - -Patterns & designs. Violin -- I -Strings, Violins, arid- ; -Musical Iristru--- , -ments suitable for presents, at - STONE MAN'S ' His Goode have been bought for Cash, an, will be sold at a close margin. If your watch or clock requires repair in, you can hare it properly clone by takin - it to ' S a. 0, Stone an, Main-st., Hensel! AUCTION SALE 0 —0r— -VALUABLE- e Farm Ve°c a,9e .'ty t s Under and by virtue of a power of sale con tained in a registered mortgage, which will bi t produced at time of sale, there will be sold bl Public Auction at Hodgins' Hotel, Centralia by John Gill. Auctioneer, on the .7Oth day of tVrove'nabe7 At TWO O'clock P. 51., v The following valuable lands and premises : ," Being the east half of lot number Six, in th • Fourth Concession of the Township of Us s borne, in the County of Huron, containing b a admeasnrement Fifty acres of land, be th same more or less. This is a valuable proper 8 ty, and within easy reach of leading local mar kets. TERMS The property will be sold subject to a resery ed bid, and also subject to a mortgage. Onc m third of the purchase money must bo pard o ' the day of sale,, and the balance in one mint' thereafter. Other usual „"conditions will b produced at time of sale, 'For particp e lars apply to 11 1t. II. COLLINS,. Or to n Vendor's Solicitor. JOHN GILL,' d Auctionoe Dated at Exeter this 23rd of Oetober„1888. a AUCTION Y SALE -0E— Valuable Village PropertI S, -e Under and by virtue of the power of sal in a certain registered mortgage, which will b produced at time of stile, there will bo sol by Public Auction at the Market house, Exe ter, by John Gill, Auctioneer,, on d MON DAY, r •ii l2 C�CL7, o'JV r�, 0 18b< J f 1 of At TWO O'clock P. M., w The following vnlua l free -101i property: Being composed of, lots Sizty-ono, Sixty-tv x- hand Sixty-three. OD the southside of Mark, '2 Street, called! rancistown village Su; y' voy,) There is erected on tho'premises a gee storeyand-a-hale .frame house, with goe m brick cellar. and good kitchen addition. Thai t, aro also en the premises a large number c es fruit trees, CO , also a good stable. Good�. hail! ar soft water en the premises. Lg Terms of Sale. ig One-third of the iturchasemoney turret 1 o paid on the claw of sale.andthe balance in of month thereaftor,ot seemed bymortgage c the premises. Perferther particulars app v to It, II. (IOLrAN • or to .ionisi GILL, V'etldor's Sohoitor, Auctioftoe • Dated at Jf Teter 6etblier 28rd, t8g8 , 7 ISTRAY BEEP, Cama . into :1 the pr0tlioes. of the un 1 t h dorsiguocl on lot 13'1.'13 •t, .LO Ir 0I 1 1 b o i u r r' t 0 o wll4 the is of b September, one ewe and two lambs. The own- or can havo the same by proving propert}' end paying expenses, JOHNIIi ] (1 . Kirkton P, o. iss pct Wishes to inform the ladies of Exeter and 010101ty that She intends eontinuiug the Drees and,Mantle Making' til) -stairs, Rauton's. Olcl Stand, Sfantlos and Dolmans out by thenow tailor systole, Ave:a (rens WANTED. A pz' .v -n ' Oxon. To Advertisers: A List of 1000 newspapers divided into'.; States and sections will be sent on application -VIM. To those who want thou advertising' to pay, WO can offer no better medium for , thorough and effective work than the various seetlons of 0111 Meet Local List.- Gao P. Rowi:L1, ,C Co', Nowspaper•Ado. Bureau, 10''Sprueo-st, Now York, e 0 1 0 0 S1• d: e f cl 0 �o. 31 r Young mans yeti can't inyost money better than by getting a thorough business education and you can't find a course elsewhere in On- tario equal to that of the Forest City Business College, tendon Ont.,which hes a special course for those who itend to remain on te farm. Catalogues free. Westervelt R York Alma Ladies' College. ST. THOMAS, - ONT. 17 Professors and Teachers. Nearly 200 Students. -GRADUATING COURSES IN- Literature, Languages, Music, Fine Arts, Commercial Science, Elocution. New 13uilcling, $30,000, ready in Septem- ber. • bar. Slit' an e taloa ler free � Addres : PRINCIPAL AUSTIN, B. P. Eyes Tested FREE -40 Practical Optician, Graduate Optic School 1\(''i''• Eyes tested ; defective sight restored by the aid of fine glass •s. Largo assortment of the finest glasses on hand. A cull solicited. A. S_ MUieme A.X, X19 xCS3 0 O T o -ST, Loudon. THIS YEARS Inyrr ., le ! GUI and PLUG Smoking Tobacco FINER THAN EVER. See 'ommarcial �nio�, I care nothing about Coiiimer- ciai Union with the U. S' but I do desire union with, the citi- zens ofx E et@Y'E1;11dS11.YrOl1ilC.lii'rg country. Owing to the great depression of the mar- kets I have been able to purchase mystook muelibelow the regular jvholesalo prices and will give my custo� ers' the benefit of -AMY STOOK CONSISTS OF -- Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Sazons, Cnocx:leRs, GLASSWARE, &,, Tho prices of which are in uc wayyinfluenc- ed by customs duties or "other tax impo- sitions. I do not give my goods away, but sell them at the lowest figure consistent with good business principles, Parties in want of goods will consult their own interests by examining my stock before purchasing else- where. Remember this a new 810011. No trouble to show goods. Farm produce taken at market prices. One door north of Town Hall, Elxeter. J. Parkinson, She Trades With DULMAGE And is a well know customer. The following is only a few of entries to date MISS FORTUNE. --Large and wealthy cus- tomer of Dnlnrage's. Miss Oirnu' --Big Injun in society -Buys her millinery of Dulmage. 11IIss OGAarr.-Old Maid. -Has wept for many a year in Dulmage's handkerchiefs.' Miss OxLLAnnv.-Au accomplished lady. Great judge of Dulmage's dress -goods, Alms Sim -Roble matron -Buys .Fancy Wool Shawls at Dulmage's. Mise FRITz--Remnrlcable Figure -Wears Dultnage's corsets. D HODD RS” IN BRONZE, On -each PLUG and PACTZ AGE. Confidential ? Dir. Gladstone's wife says that ,Mrs. Church hill told her that she heard Sir Roper's•wife say that Mrs. ilarcourt told her that Mrs. Frith said it was no doubt true that Mrs. Salis- bury said that Mrs Bright thought that Capt. Northcott's wife believed that Mrs. Morley reckoned 'positively that Mr. Balfour's wife had told Mrs. Dodson that her aunt declared to the whole world that it was generally be- lieved that Mrs, Granville had said in plain terms that she heard Mrs. Bradlaugh say that her sister Polly !lad said that it was well- known in the neighborhood that Mrs. Argyll made no bonds in saying that in her opinion it was a matter of fact of great public interest that Mrs. Oi1'on had said that Mrs.Derby had told her that Indy Lymington did say that it was hardly safe for any gentleman to trust his hair or face to anyone's care but at 'Ia811'S Hair Cutting 8 Shaving Saloon, 3 -Doors North of Post-Oface.-3. Everest's Laugh Syrup CANNOT BE BEATEN. Try it and be convinced of its wonderful curative properties. Pries 28 cts• (Trade Mark,) Try Everest's LIVER . REGUL4101I, Por Diseases of the Liver, Kidneys &•o., and purifying of the Blood. Price 51. Six bottles, 55. For Rale by all drug- gists. Manufactured only by. Cr. M. EVEItU,"ST Chemist, Forest A New System It will pity you to try my. BliiiA1i 11 --MAW) 15)(1111 TrIS-- tin roved System cnof bread Mak- ing. ak-in . The Bread is sweeter and will retain, its moisture longer than any other in Luso. A trial solicited, You will always find the 'Largest and Finest Aasbrtment of Pastry, Confectionery,Cakes, y.O. a11ge8, Lertooliss, Sbc,. =Iv 3aimt w 16. E. E A TCLLIC1 S, itirhl l�.ST.5 :3/cE c.gl1. CURES Liver Complaint Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Sick Headache Kidney trouble Rheumatism, Skin Diseases, And all im- purities of the blood from what ever cause aris- ing. The Great Spring Medicine PRICE 75 Cts. (with Pills $1) ---TRY-- �i. login,® 's Little Liver - Pills, Very Small and Easy to Take. NO GRIPING. NO NAUSEA. Sold everywhere ; price 25 cts. Union MVredicine Co. Toronto, Can., Props DR. 'Washington, Throat & Lung Surgeon, Of Toronto, will be at the Central Ho- tel, Exeter, ENVELIP eas � ,ble -o a. Prices R at Times 1 510101)151(15 can get their hill !leads, 'Letter 1ioads.,he, &0„'prnlnt011 at Tunas Oliliee for very little more than they; generally pay for the paper, and it helps to advertise their busi- ness. See samples and got prieos, F Good work is cion(! at TIM _ M3T.70ATIO1•T. f` Preparesoung mon and women to support themselves eml l0mnutnte wealth, Send for facts to DETROIT -BUSINESS esovsasirR, Detroit, allot!, This is a College of eu,inoss, !drool of Shorthand, School of Penmanship, and English Train t's Scheel, Elegant Catalogue free to applieauts. Tatrxts Nov. 22nd A11 day. Catarrh, Bronchitis,.4stha, Consumption, etc, permanently and effectually cured. A few Prominent Testimonials of Permanent Cures : Mrs. John MoKay, Kingston, Ont., Catarrh and Consumption. John McKelvy, Kingston, Ont., catarrh; Mrs. A. Hopping, Kingston, Ont., Broncho Contumption. Mr. E. Scott, hingston, Ont„ Catarrh, head and throat. Itoad W. II. Storey's Original Testimonial. Catarrh Throat Cured. Listen tow II Storey, Esq � , of tho;Tiirnl of W II Storey St Son, Acton, Glove Manufactur- ers, also President Manufacturers' Association. of Canada. Dn, WASHINGTON, 215 Yon2e-$t.,Toronto, DannSta.—I assn re you 1 feel gratofulfor the radical curd you have effected in my throat trouble, and though I dislike having my name appear in connection with the testlmorninl•bus- iness,yet,having regard for those who are similarly affected, as well as having a desire to reeognizo 1herose Its a your troatmont.Imake a departure in this tat frier to myacquaint- ance with you, I id suffered for two years from repeated , ;mks of catarrhal core throat each succeedie i•ttacic being more prolonged and violent' hi r, the former. At these times I bad violent tats of coughing, and would dis- ohargn large quantities of mucous, Peelingin g alarmed,1 sought tl r est medical ski lavail- able, i -able, including is much -noted Specialist,, and tool( almost everything known to medicine without oxperieneingaparticlo of relief: Last spring I wentte Morale). The ebangge did 111e hcod. but on my return' the old trottblowas)•e- ewed. Seeing 3t031 advertised to visit this piece, Ithought lwonideon Sal ty2U although Iconfess with not much lore ofre" viligany benefit. Ifowever, i yeas fnVora b? M11125504 with your candor. and rosolved give your treatinent a trial. 'l he retail1, nappy to inform you, 1s.a eomt:,lete e ,i ;IA ono so marked in its charaotol est Ise bout ray self and niy friends. Jfroir tee',tstyenr nteti- s a enn Ave r'a ioine etitned adapted to ur•,v�ans d g t lief. to two 1no5.1 wnronIIIOIY Wen otedbaye so dontintted through the most unfavorable' season of year,, You aro at liberty to make what use you please of Chia! etter,nrrdaf shalt be pleased to answer any ongliirieor clef *e to my base. Yotrrevery 1'rnilr W, 1 .S'TOREY Acton ,Jan,10th,18s7. Il °COI1SOLTA'TION !Clue olllgt ,OIlo. Reniocty that is posltiuely guaranteed to stare Catarrh. IMES a Cold in the Bead ha 12 hours, U1IES ordinary Oata1rrh in a few days. PE ' Chronic Catarrh in few eoks. U SCho w w w TESTIMONIAL EXTRACTS. A. R. Fawcett, Pub., Flesherton-" Tho most wonderful and effective remedy ever introduced; cured in six applications," Alex. Mohturchie, Ins. Agent, Barrie—" fhted throe preparations but was finally cured With y 25e.box ofO.C.C." W. Martin, Sutton West-" So much ingproved, expect another will cure ane." Miss Broyors, Alliston-" Invaluable fce a Cold' in the Head, it cured rue in 12 hours." J. Rogers, Clerk Div. Court, Beeton-"Paid s large sum to a Specialist on Catarrh, but got no bolleflt u11t11 I used your remedy." Jas. 1Tollgate,I3o land Landing-" Cured' Ja.130v 1 after trying' severl physicians," g EllE ®131 your, GUA.B.D. Don't allow a Cold iu the Head to slowiy aud surely run into Catarrh when you can be cured for 25e, SOLD nY ALL Dicarmns. T. EDMANSON & CO., Bole Agents, - - Bradford. Ont. One Door South of Post °face --HE HAS— A, NEW AND COMPLETE' STOCK OF--- oois Shses. Sewed work a speciality. Repairing promptly attended to. GEO. MANSON, CENTRAL Dria.4 Store A full stock of all kinds of Dye- stuffs and package Dyes, constantly on hand. Winan's Condition Powd- ers the best in the mark- et and always fresh. Family recip- es carefully prepared at Central Drug Store Exeter. C YOU. CAN GET 20 POUNDS -OF- Raw : -: Sugar FOR $1.00. Tabs; While Sugar FOR $1,00. --AT-- t ltAvoritiV7 -AT- 7 M'MIA POST OPI+1ICE STORE Exeter North.