HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1968-12-19, Page 12By Vonni Lee For the first time this season, kx Barris' Saturday night show had Sonne lifer Eartha Kitt was there and she is the gal who has told off a number of famous people. Lady Bird Johnson among them.. Miss. Kitt does not mince words' and when Barris got a bit mouthy, she promptly told him to "shut up", She has had a hard life and many times. has had to speak for her rights, and no one can change her ideas or, I suppose, her ideals, in a world where she has had to claw and struggle to get to die - top. She is not looking as lovely as she once did, Tut she still po- ssesses that magic something and inimitable singing style that inade her a star in the 50s. 0--0--o As I told you last week, Alex Barris is losing his show: hbw- ever, not at the end of Decem- ber .as I then said, but at the enc4of January,_ as the ".replace- ment cannot begin until then. His replacement is a'comedy. variety show entitled "Comedy Cafe", which originates in • Mcntreal and is now being shown there on a Monthly basis. It will star Barrie Baldaro,' Dave Broadfoot, Peter. Cullen, Joan Stuart and Ted Zeigler, some of these names familiar to us from Canadian revue -type shows in which they have starred in previous years. We will have to wait until February, to see if ' 'these kids have anything to of - 0 --0--0 The American musicians' strike paralyzed a few things on Americantelevision. Ed Sul- livan, for instance, did not present a show at all during the time of the strike, October • 31st to near the end of Novem- ber. (His shows during` that time were filmed repeats. )But those id charge of Alan King's: special (seen a weekago on "Showof the Week"). wanted to, prove to the musicians that they' were not all that indispen- sable.. There wasn't a note from one instrument during the whole hour; instead, a group of 31 high %school kict called the "By George Singers", .provided all the musical background, And I'll bet you wouldn't have even ltnown, if youhadn't been told, would you? Maybe it was shows like that that made the musi- dans go back to work. Now they know they can be replaced at anytime. Just to snake all musicians feel better, though, I must admit one sure does milk. the soutld of brass and percuss- ion, in those productions. Just between you and me, and Little Orphan Annie, don't yolk - sometimes wonder how Mrs. Muir ("The Ghost and Mrs. Muir) on a poor, struggling writer's salary, can afford to dress like a fashion plate and keep a maid? I have reached a con- clusion-=either Mr. Muir left a tidy sum or the Ghost is tossing l' something into the Kitty! Ser..,°� iously, though, if you were choosing the most beautiful new television star this season it would be a toss-up between her who is Hope Lang in real life, and •Diahann Carroll on "Julia". Each of the ladies strongly re- s bles a dream walking! 0--0--0 For your viewing information and pleasure this., week you may find interesting: "The Public Eye"; Wednesday, the 18th at 9 p. rn. --a one-hour documen- tary 'on Czechoslavak refugees in Canada; Bob Hope' Christ- ' mas Special on'hursday at 8, with guest Carol Lawrence; and on Sunday, the 22nd at 7:30, a 90 -minute production of "Cin- derella" presentedby the Na- tional Ballet of Canada, and starring ballerina Veronica Ten- nant in the title role, with Lois Smith dancing the part of the Fairy Godmother. MEMBERS OF THE FIRST Wingham Scout Troop formed a horseshoe as they opened their meeting at the public school audi- torium on Wednesday evening. This was a special occasion; when they were visited by District Commissioner George John- ston of Durham. —Advance -Times Photo. Local man promoted to Chief Warrant Officer, 21st Regt. Master Warrant Officer Rob- ert L. Sinnamon, the battery sergeant major of 99th Field Artillery Battery RCA(M), Wing - ham, has been promoted to the rank of chief warrant officer (regimental sergeant' major) of the 21st Field Artillery Regi- ment. Mr. Sinnamon is factory su- perintendent of Stanley -Berry Limited here in Wingham. He is a . member of the Wingham Baptist Church and until recent- ly, , a member of the W inghaml ,Volunteer Fire Department. He has been with the 99th 'Bty since May, -1950 add has nil I= Strikes and SparesL MEN'S LEAGUE This week's action found the first place Penguins losing all/ points to the bottom place North Stars. Flyers and Seals remaaneci tied for second place as they each took 4 -points. The Kings and Blues each took 3 points. Standings as of December 16 are Penguins 57, Flyers 51, Seals 51, °Kings 46, -N, Stars 3 5, and the Blues 33. ` High single and a turkey' went to Ken Saxton Jr;, with 318 and: 738 triple. The high triple bird was won by Gar y Storey with: a 768, irtcludirg a 310 single. Other good games were bowled by Ted English, 30 5 and 735, and by°•Bill Johnson with a 715. Winners of turkeys by hidden scores were Ted English, Jim Bain, Terry Merkley, Crawford Douglas, Neil Edgar and Jim Steffier. Wayne Brown won the draw, also for a turk- ey. Better luck next year, Brucel Maybe you should try table tennis. LADIES' WEDNESDAY Louise Welwood captured the high single with a 285. Shirley Storey won the high triple with a 723. Team standings: Janet's Javelins 66 points, Maud's Mus- tangs 49, Betty's Buicks. 46, Judy's Jaguars 45, Jean's Jeeps 37, Shirley's. Sunbeams 30. The lucky people winning. turkeys this year: High single, Louise Welwood; high triple, Shirley Storey; hidden scores, Jean King, Ruby, McLennan, Janet Rodgers, Jean McKay, Sharon Sangster and Joyce Hod- gins: lucky draw , Marg Ma- chan. Bowling over 225: Jean 'M - Kay 237, Sharon. Skint' 257, Shirley Storey 2 57 and 2 54, Jean .King 250 , Dorothy. Bain 235, Louise Welwood 285, Maud Schiestel 228. worked his way up from gunner to his present rank. He was made bombardier in 1952 , serg- eant in 1953, warrant officer' class 2 (now master warrant 'of- flcer) in 19.55. _ "Mr" Sinnamon (all chief =warrant officers ;are , addressed -as "Mr") comes to this rank and position well qual- ified for the job. He is a quali- fied signaller, driver, artillery- man; Senior NCO and other. subjects. CWO Sinnamonmarried the former miss Arlene Rock of West' Monkton. They have three children (all boys) and live at 544 Glen Road, Wingham. Mr. Sinnamon has been a definite asset to the 99th Bat- tery as battery sergeant major and will be very hard to replace in that position. He has a quiet firm nature and no doubt will give excellent leadership, to the_. • Junior and Senior NCO's of the! 21st Field Regiment RCA(M). rikes Nest cite you've to wheel tAmway'ww1"r11 hit Tsacasrr %tat Tit jrreef 'rbAt's 11M clitad isn't expected. Spares r THURSDAY MOND , Gw ,n Maclraurin got the high single for the evening with a 295, Ile rMother, Hilda Brown, , beat hear out in. the triple with a 752,: Nice to see Murray Gerrie bawl a 2/8 game for the urea's MO single. Warne Brown got the high triple with a 751. Team standings are as fo1- lows: Perry's' Prowlers 63,, George's + atnbleras 54;- Paul's li1sciples 50; Bob's Bouncers 45; Moon}t�y's' Mods 48; Kelth'z l<091 Kats 39. Next week is the turkey roll. Please remember that bowling stars at 8.00 o'clock. COMMERCIAL LEAGUE • After two,games of bowling we all went to the Legion for ' our Christmas party. After cards were played a delicious lunch was served by the Legion Ladies' Auxiliary. Many thanks, girls, we all enjoyed it. • We were glad to see so many ex -bowlers out to our party. ' Also glad to have Joe Schneider back bowl - nig again. , Team standings; Don 26, Eric 66, Fred 73, Harold 38, John 25, Row 42, i,adiee' high single, Joyce Gaunt 2 58; high triple, Hilda Brown 446; men's high single and triple weretaken by Harley Gaunt, It was really the Gaunts' night to bowl. Thanks to spare Harold Mc- Kittric}k. There will be no bowling now until January 7th. • Merry Christmas everyone. FORD WICH LANES, The bowlers of the Fordwich. Mixed League recorded the fol- lowing scores: Nellie Allan 293, Ben Gibson 210, Earle King 203, Don Bridge 215, Doug Bunker 231, Edith Gibson 203, Jack King 204 and 2 57, Blake Gibson 209, Lorne Lambkin219, Jack Bennett 200 and 202, Phyllis Bolander 200, Pat Ste- wart 248 and 214, Carroll John- son 214, Jim Stewart 219 and 219. "Now children, " said the , teacher,, "let's get to work and make this the best Christmas ever. " "Gete teacher, " said the small tot, "I don't see how we can improve one the first one! " ILII�ifwdl ��,'.9yNMwIa�P� ,'n�reWy �C �,",Mil�la�� i A ,'POLYESTER" Siulrrip 'Winter COnfidinClik (�. WHITS TS WWALLS- 8.25. A �! 4 ♦/. .55 'x 14,. • 1..4 2945 BLACK WAI,#IS 8.25 x 14 .R.... ........ 425.80 8,55 x 1 .............;. i E1.�Q THE KELLY SPRING FIEIoI.xI��TI�� LINE SPRINGFIELD"POLYESTER" SNOWTIRES gives you cho best performance in winter, . . end that something extra. EXCLUSIVELY •RRQMI -- ALIGNMEIIT .DIAGONAL RD. • • csl:�tc ndminich:tion 11 Our professional counsel can quickly put your affairs in good order. There is no obligation -to investigate this prompt, confidential service with us. • viessiir rr�Are,oYT STERLINGPOI.R-USTS . COR giuppo TORONTO 372•Bay Street BARRIE — 35 Dunlop Street ORILLIA - 73 Mississaga. Street,, East 4 .,. Member. Caneda' Deposit insurance'Cgrporation .:1 0 I a • Delight her this Christmas with a box of Chocolates from our Targe selection. Choose from such famous •brands as Moir, Jenny Lind, Neilson or Rowntrees, Black Magic and Dairy Box; or Turtles and Miniatures by Smiles 'n' Chef ckles. Give her CHOCOX.ATES — the gift she can't resist. — THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS — Famous Alice Macray's Deluxe BISCUIT ASSORTMENT in attractive tin, reg. $1.59 for 77C,,,, Tom Scott Salted MIXED NUTS 13yoz. tin, Special -. REMEMBER HER WITH .FRAGRANT GIFTS by Yardley, Desert Flower, Tabu, Ambush, Maja, Prince Matchebelli, Evening in Paris and On the Wind. SCENT YOUR CHRISTMAS MALE with Old Spice, Brut,•. British Sterling, Yardley,. Citation or Hai Karate. .-....opEN Daily 9 a.m. to 9 p.m Sunday Noon to Six—Closed Christmas Eve at 6 p.m. •° open Boxing Day from noon to 6 p.m. P47/ 4,17 411.0/r/a/ S * ros /E-Z''.z • M49.4(CDs The Qbservatio'n Post BY THE OLD GUNNER This week we received a phone call from Capt "Marg- ret" Graves, CWA 'our adju- tant. Capt Graves has had to move to Ottawa as her husband, Major Graves who is an officer with the Regular Force, was posted to that city. Until re- cently Major Graves was sta- tioned at CFB Clinton. So therein lies the tale. Marg has moved to Ottawa and will shortly be taken off our strength and go on with her service in the Militia with the Ottawa Service Battalion. Capt Graves is a real "old soldier". She has been serving either in the Ac- tive Force (wartime) or 'the Mil- Itia since 1943. This unit will sorely miss a soldier of her ex- perience. Good luck Capt Graves, 0--0--0 There is a strong rumor that there will be a buffet lunch sefved after pay parade. Mrs. Lloyd Elliott seems to have things in hand. 0--0--0 • Speaking of pay, it is defin- ite that the new pay raise will be paid early in March. 0--0--0 The Artilleryman course is stili. functioning and is about to go into the' last concentrated phase, which will consist of eight whole days during the I Christmas school break. pro- viding we can get the extra Man Day Quota. "Man Day Quota" What is that? Well the Militia from one side of Canada to the other has just so much money buget- • ed from Ottawa for paying M - iiia personnel. It is decided quarterly at CF 1Q, Ottawa and is dependant On ghat is left in the kitty. There are many fac- tors which enter into this deci- sion. unit Strength7 of effective personnel is one of the major items, the units task is the event, of emergency and so on. 0-0--0 L/Bdr "Red" Elliott has been on the sick list. We, really do not know what is wrong with our "Red". ' .maybe it is because of Christmas at the post office. We understand the Posties really go all out at this time of year. New to our unit and in the Documentation Stream are Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Cardinal of Wroxeter. Dan is the account- ant with the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce in Wroxe- ter. They hail from Sudbury. Dan was a corporal with the 33rd Technical Squadron RCEME and is a weapons technician. A most welcomed addition to our CWAC (Women clerks) is Mrs. Susan Cardinal. This reminds us of a former husband and wife team belonging to the unit some tfme ago, Barbara and Lloyd "Digger" Dawson. We sincere- ly hope their service to 21 Field Regiment will be as illustrious as the Dawson's. . 0-6n--0 Speaking of family members in the Regiment we have anoth- er family unit affair in Listowel at 100 Bty. The Dixon family. Father is Sergeant "Bud" Dixon; mother is L/Cpl J. A. "Jean" Dixon; son is Bombarder EE "Earl" Dixon. "Bud" Dixon is our transport man and a very knowledgeable one. "Jean" is the t.'/Cpl clerk in 104Bty. • Young earl has Just completed Part I of the Snfor NCO course. Upon suoceled cotnpletion of • the Part II ,c omit he,wili be in line for promotion to sergeant. The Dixon family is a real asset to 100 Pty,, and the 21st Field Artillery Regiment. THE AMAZING IIOOVER WASHER AND 'SPIN DRYER FREE NOME TRIAL AND DEMON$TRATION (NO OBLIGATION) FAST—Washes, rinses and dries average family wash in just 30 minutes. Spin dries one load as another washes. EFFICIENT --.-Uses less than nine gallons of hot water. ECONOMICAL—Uses less soap; saves suds. COMPACT—Rolls anywhere on ballbearing casters. QUALITY—Stainless steel tub, two ' powerful motors, •single pump empties both water and spin dryer, separate covers. EXCLUSIVE—Washer impeller never 'touches the clothes. Also available in Coppertone. ONLY 4 - FREE ONE YEAR'S SUPPLY OF BOLD DETERGENT 0Y0 DISCOUNT ON • LL CHRISTMAS UGH ING, ARTIFICIAL TREES A D DECORATIONS kottott 9S — EASY `TERMS $10.00 DOWN --- NO FURTHER PAYMENTS UNTIL FEBRUARY 1969 BuRKE EL c ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS and ,REPAIRS Industrial • Commercial Domestic APPLIANCE SALES and SERVICE Motor Rewind and Repair PONE 357.2450 WIN HAM. 01041Z au PA d Na w �s a a n 0 . 14,1A 1P�q q q 114 u IS C n 5 41 n NIA ",a 4a a , a u a MP • • a a