HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1888-11-1, Page 3. HO USEHOL D. Note e For:a0usekeepere. RICE SN'O'Cr Bs. -BU one half pint of Moe Until, Bac, in a quart of weter ; add one-half temapoortful of salt. Make Et boiled custard of the yellte of 3 egge, 1 tiat of eweet milk and one teaspoonful of corn- starch ; ilevor with lemon. Put the rice in srnall cups, and when pezfectly cold the rioe balls in a dish, pour over the tard and serve. GoOD VIEEGAR --Melones, one pert ; yeast, one pint; warm rain water, three gallons. Bat into a jug or keg and tie a piece of gauzs over the bung to keep out flies and let in elm 1n hot weather sob in sun ; in cold weather sets ib by the stove: in three weeks you will hawk good vinegar. When part of this has been eased fill up with the eame preps:tem tiod. DELICATE Si'ONCE BISCUIT.--TA0 a half pound of flour, three-fourthe panda :sifted auger. Batt the whites of six eggs by the selves, add the beaten yolk.a and tom th together. Put in them a little grated lern peel, then the sugar, and filet well with egg whiek. Stir in the flour with a wood moon, and put the mixture in small pat pans to bake, wi el sifted sugar to gla eprinkled over the top, aftzgaiMiggiWOMMieinsuseatkatiare=1490Staligi=11Mag* `-=12;44esteMcientgiunguntasamatimstra various and countless ways. An amueing WrATISTICS. 1 California. story heel been told in :print of a lady who, - I .Aek for bickete vie the old qatablished and , : taking tea with a neighbor one night re, The war wave has MOO oven imatmoriami. 1 favorieo Overhaul route comprising the marked fier military budget which woe 11,C09,000 ; (Mien° mid North Weetern Union an! "How nice your ginger -bread looks and francs ten years ago, la now over 20,000,000, ' segment weeliee weita,egg mem fate eata„ Mites ; 1 ueed to have it for mapper (-mho and an extra credit) of 20 000 000 hes jtust regulaely, but at lest decided that it was a needless expense with my large family, eo RS matter of emnomy etopped making "Well," replied her hostess, "I've often Pi" thought of that, for our femily is •quite as 118' large as yours, but as all eeemed to enjoy the ginger -bread so much when supper time came, ave kept on makiog M." The next night when the femily of the lady who had invited, gathered about the tea table, there was a plate of beautiful, tempting ginger -bread. To the remarks of setters:anion, which were expremed, she re. pli,e4e11, I .find our neighbor over the way thinke she can afferd to have gingembreael for supper, and if elle can, I don't see why we con't also." But at the neighbor's over the way, there m- Was to &Leger -bread on the table When the em on au en inn 3, anu y assembled for the evening meal. To the diesatiefied looks and worde to which the look gave rise, Vac mother replied : 14 Well, Mrs. So-end•So across the streee ba3 gingembread for supper, as she thinks it a needlese expenee, and if it such for her 1 am sure it must be for us alam" COLD SLAW, -An exoellent dish for hot weather. Cut the cabbiwe very fiae, For a quart of cabbage take the yolks of three eggs, beat them well; one and one half oup of vinegar; two larg,e spoon -fills of auger, one cup of thick cream, a teaspoonful of rometard, salt and pepper. Mix this with the eggs. When hot add the cabbage; cover and stew until ie thoroughly hot. Let it cool before bringing to the liable. SAVE BREAD CRMAIDS -With a little owe every part of the bread oan be utilized. All the odde and ends of crusts should bo spread evenly on a pen and allowed to dry in a warm oven, When vita dry pub them in sznall bag made of tioking or canvas and pound them fine with a menet. Sift them and put them in empty fruit wens. They will keep for months, and can be used for breading meats, fiela, croquettes, omelettes and making clreasing for fowls. Oil of bays (Male laurier) is extensively used in S witzsrland by butclaere to keep their shops free from fleee, and after a coat of this oil has been applied to the walls none of these troublesome pests venture to put in an appearance. Thai remedy has been tried and found effectuel in the south of France in preserving gilt. &mum, chandeliers etc. from becoming nitwit. It is even remarked that flies soon avoid the rooms where this application has been employed. CRICKEN` RD:ISMER -Take cold belted chicken left from dinner, free the meat from the bones mad chop fiao. Rub a little dried bread into fine crumbs, and t ) this add any heated liquor of cbicken or hot water, and raoiaten the bread thoroughly. Te a pint bowl -full of crumbs and meat -the propor- tion may be as nom -silty makes it -allow 1 teaspoonful of salt, 1 of pepper, 1 of sifted sage and 1 heaping teaep000ful ef butter. Make int) Itttle calms, dust with flour, and fry to a light: brown.. eContr STARCH PIE. -Pub one pint of sweet Milk on the stove and when boiling hot stir into it the yolks of two egge and one Miele - spoonful corn starch; after having stirred them smoothly put in a little cold milk ; stir briskly ; when it has boiled remove from the fire, add one h.eaping talespoc dui white sugar and one tablespoonful lenma extract. Star well and then pour this custard into a baked pie crust. Beat the two white e to a seelff froth and add two heaping tablespoon. fuls white sugar ; epread over the pies, put in the oven and brown the frosIng delicate- ly. Set away to cool; the colder its is the name. Home idle:Mime If a mother dem not lay aside her cormeesy with her cemp.any dross, if a father is as re- filled in speech when the door has closed after the emest as he was when they convers- ed together, the cbild will learn to be habit - wally pollee and modest. For good manners are bettenaught by example than by pre- cept. The women who wrote the "Practical Thoughts of a Metter, says she haa often noticed that girls who have grown up in 'Mcleod setting forth the advantages of gum chewing to the American constitution. Ib retirement and simplicity, have shown when reada : placed in the .great world, euch elegant tact, and behavior es to asbonish high-born ladies. "Where has the little one learned it?" exclaims some one of them. "She behaves like a queen • and my ds,ughter, .nho has been eduaated'in Paris, only just look at her! there she shade and turns her back to that lady ; how improper 1" The mother cloes not reflect that her daughter has beau ta.ught many rules of behavior, but retains very few. Bat "the little one" has imbibed courtesy with the air of her home. Her mether has taught her few rules of politeness, but has set an ex- ample of high -bred courtesy. The girl has acquired so uneoneolously the art of polite behavior that she feels what is and what is not "good form." cave G liotteo daily with uerwallea accent been demanded to re -arm her infaetrY with modeitione for limb and second class ea•i. the new smallbore rape/Minardo. sengers, &Mee no higher than Mt other Speaking of rich miners the "Mining Re. ;lines. Beggage checked through. Pull iu view has this to my of tb!ree of tam :-Se- formation, covering rates, etc,, with time nator Hemet of California, iethe best miner tables mid ratipi given by J. If IVIORLE n America. He began in the mountains as Canathen Paisect ger Ag Int, 09 Yonge Se., a day labourer. To -day be is the richest Toronto, Out. man in tho "United States. There is not a Briele red or Vonetiao red ebotlee are in mining State or Territory in whieh he le not favor. owning and working /nines. Jinn W itoh- latch sold hie mine near Clatoavdle, Mont., for $1,800,000, and lost all that money in My lore vr ts like a lily fa; r, low d q ,p1m; in the ssltry air, My heart w 41 rent wi,h este! ani awe, Wall knew He went twice M Leeeiville, I loved her well. and in six months made $124,000. He losrm .. , every cent of this by the failure of Grant & te' n Illuttl„erle,aTt warelerifrowe an i growl ; Ward in 1883. He now has a new fortune _it Om brighns h r fecal wil'i)Ir blenisflinelows, of $150,000. Ten 3 ears ago Joe Stauley was 1 dere um ten prospecting In Gilpin county, Col, His wife To3 wanisrinr be want stop te sip, took in washing while he dug his way Tim ikect sr of her perfect lip. through 700 feet of Waren rock. Ile had no 'awe,: Dr. Sleroe's Fav nrite Preserip- money, aud cauldnit hire help. At the end Ton wrought the spell, of 700 feet he struck pay ore, and nomad it the California Mine. A party of E tglish- The Emperor of China evidently does nob think that merriege le a failure. He is men on a tour thiaugh the Stale g we hixn about to spend 0,500,000 on his wedding. $1,000,000 oash for it, and have received $5 e 000,000 in dividends since. Joe is now one of the liohest men in Denver, and Vice-Pm- eident of the Denver City Naeional Beak. Whether this particular case is true er not An elaborate article recently appeared in there are myriads of like oases tianspiring in the Economks Praucais on the public: ,debt very truth every day. Our words and deeds of France. The most usual estimate of the are indeed like the pebble droned into the capitol of the debt is said to be £1,3,30,000, - pond, their influence is felt to the uttermost 000, Eoglish money, but the meat moderate bound of the sensibive medium, until there can estimates place it ab a few millions lower. be no estimate of the amount of infiaenoe M. Paul Leroy:Beaulieu places it tet Z1,250, - wielded either for good or for ill, neither can 000,003; but M. Stemma, the writor in the there be any recall. Economists, puts it at £1,180 000,00. The As to personal responsibility in the matter lather, however, mita £86,000,000 of life of inflaence, that query has been mot and an- annuities, which other economist:: have treat. swered away back in the earlychapters of the ed as part of the cepital of the debt. The Bible. When ono men dared to ask "Ain I annual charge for interest end. sinking fund my brother's keeper r the stern voice of on the entire debt, including the life aneui- God replied that that brother's blood was ties, is £51,000,000, Of the funded debt, crying to him from the ground. Elude' and about £600,000,000 are perpetusl three per evade the emesbionnone ae to the importanoe cents., £271,500,000 perpetual four and a of our example over others as we may, the half per cente , and £193,00000 redeemable melees fact of the being a great reemonsi- bonds of varioue descriptions. Annnuities bility in this respect, of which we oughts at to divers companies and corporations of least to be aware f400 each one of us 000,000 and £40,000,000 of fl ating debt sooner or Iter, aware, a consolenitioue man make up the balance of M. Stroum's toted. and woman has refrained from participmion This is by far the heavieat burden borne by in pleasures, or el:gegen:ones they felt con- any nation on the globe. The ne.areet ip- vinced would be powerlem to harm them, for proaoh to it is the debt of 'Russia, which is fear of the inflame° they might exert over stated no £721,000000. Eagland is next, others, were their exempla followed. How with a national debt proper of Z71.3,000,000, many thousands have been led to the Saviour a.nd Italy nexe among European natiena and into church throngh the example of with 4445,000,000. The debt of Auetria is others only the judgments dem will reveal. about £370,000,000 and of Hangery £127,- Alas 11hat there must be a reverse side to 000,000, The debt of Spain is, in round this consIderetion, that there musk be those numbers, £241,500,000, and that of Prussia who will have to realize then, that through £200,000,000. England and Prueela are the their lox, indifferent example, there were only nationa which rale° sufficient revenue those who regarded religion as an unimpor- to guarantee a permanetib equilibrium of the toast, meaningless thing 1 It often needs but budget. -[London Times. ta, a word epoken in season to open the eyes Te New York "Herald" cent tins somo wide, and to stir the heart to a sense of the valuable facto, taken from the census and deeps °elides andreapensibilitiesreeting upon other reports, reepeoting the importance of each oue of the Lerd's true followers. In agriculture in the LTnited States. Accordiug following the hest and highest exemple ever to the census their are twice as many far - known, thet of our Pettern and Redeemer, mere and farm laborers as there are mochan- our own example will become worthy of imi- Mal and industrial labourers in Mlle country. tation, and the influence we exert will be For instance, their are for good. Engaged in farming 7,670493 Por Both -Belem am told that gain chewing has been in vogue for many years ; but it was never brought to my doe until three years ago, when I became a resident of Celifornie. There I saw it its worst phases. Old men and matrons, young men and :maidens, and children of both eexee walked a,nd chewed, read. and chewed and talked and chewed until 1 wondered what kind of people I had been thrown amongst. It was not confined to the lower classes although the habit, or vice seemed to me to be on a per with the snufclipping of the poor whibes of the South. The fashionable young lady carries a dainty little silver box in which to keep her chewing gum, and the very " fly " young man considers it a necessary item in his courtship to keep the object of his affentions in the liaesb and most attractive and newest thing in gum. &Oh of these packages le aestheti- cally tied with ribbons, and a card is at - In her home she has never known a word, a look, an act that differs from the acts, words and lecke used in polite society. wrinkles, arid brine deep lines around once When she first stepped from her father's beautiful eyes. He says : house into an s.ssernbly room where well- ." The constant exertion of the =meter bred people had gathered, she simply muscle hardens it and removes the fatty transferred herself to larger but not differ- gtgt-tatoo wtteg ao.otgoos to goong000g ent sphere. Not only is the fullness of the cheek des - Her requests are entreaties, favors are teemed, but there is a greet tendency to returned by thatks, little acts of service wrinkling of the skin, a eatural result of are:done quietly as a matter of course, and the felling imam of the parts beneath it." a epirt ot k inclnese and consideration ie And now, girls, if you will peeitivelygive associated with all elle says and does because up grim chewing -such of you as are addict. their father end mother were kind, polite, ea to the habit -I will let you into a secret, ooneiderate at home. and if you have freckles, teli you how to If her mother mid almthing to her &ugh. get rid of them. II you don't have any fiterrstasi,eahretyw,aitis wleaasvitz ptillye, h‘oitigejlitaevgo.:.ty..,th_e_ yourself, try it on a younger brother. Wash a .1"'r ita your face with the rind of a eveteimelon if ouf were at home." t no 'nether can bo thee lemmas Wli se home good behavior and Mc are not emaciated with the ever' -day life the family. " Despepsim which is so prevalent in America, is caused solely by a lack of saliva assimilated with the food, due to the fact thatAmericans eat too much and too rapidly. The act of ()hewing guna stimulates the salt. vary glands, and, by giving to the food tale - en its proper quota of saliva., greatly aids digestion and pesitivel3aprevents dyspepsia." Some body ia this great American civili- zation is going to have a good deal to an. swer for. -and not lead among theme "some- bodies "are the manufacturers of:cigarettes ancl ohowing gum -for popularizing habits which are destroying our youths of both sexes. A distingniehed professor leoturing to young people, begins his address ith : "Girls, if you would have plump and rosy cheeks, don't chew gum." Ho aeserte that it is almost: as great an evil to womankind as rune is to mankind. It =kiwi rosy cheeks hollow and sallow, transforms dimples into Example and Infinence, The first thing a child attempts to do iS allnost invariably something it has aeOn some one else do; and all the way up from earliest infancy, Inman beings aro creatures �f itnitatiom Hello the truth of the ofb re- peated assertion 0104 children become taut What their parents see fit to make them. Consciously or rumortecienely, an example is constantly being enacted sure to be followed by the little folio, and a bad or pm:ea:jowl exernple will he copted quite as readily no a good and beneficial one. Tempetance opal - era are fond of repeetieg the little kids:lent of a bey, who, on fatting down with h le !ether to dinnee et a hotel, was artleed by the waiter what he wottid lio.ve to drink, and replied, " Whatever father has." Any euspicion bhat his father could oder anything herm- NI never entered the boy's mind. DM the power d example is by uo moans eonfined to elfildren or young people. Men and women are constantly midueneing one another In from which the meat has been taken. Do this several times a day for a week and you have the word of a Southern girl, writ. ing to the Globe.Democrat, that you won't have a freckle remaining. 1 haven't any my self, and so can't vouoli for it. The writer says, "No matter what hi wrong with the face wetermelon rind will reotify it and produce a clear skin." Dame Experience Hee convitmed many that to use any of the substituteoffered for the only sure -pop and painless corn mire ie at. tended with clanger, Get always and use none other teem Putnamas Corn Extractor, ab dtuggisbs. The Ileeson Why. Small 'Boy No J (LO Mall boy Nan q, who is strutting around With his hen& in his pockets): COMO over mid play with me, J ohnny 1 " Go aek your mother if you can't." Can't ask her; she is out eomewheree looking for the." Professional and pereonal ler- vice 4.074.238 Traffic and transportation 1.810,256 Manufacturing, mechanical, mining 3,837,112 "Ile most livee who thielre the most, .49;"" mese the nolam feels the beet, And he whose heart beats qelokest Lives the longeeti, liree in one hour ; Moro thatifo year3 do some whose blood 849eps a9 teips aZolg Mete veins." The lines describe that oeudition of per- fect health which all men and women vita to euj iy. To be able to think clearly, to incline to do noble aate, to livo long and joyously, we must be free from the domine- tion of diseese, By teking Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery we arm, by puri- fying the blood, escape coneumption, goner- ' el debility, and weakness, and all blood and skiu diseases and verify the truth of poetry as well as fact. st. chair of tempera:me:in the Catholic Uni- versity at Washington, D. 0,, will be en- dowed by the Cetholic totalabitiraence societies. , The only reliable euro for citerrh is Dr. Soge's Cetarrh Rem.scly. • '5He that loees his conscience has nothing left that is worth keeping. If a nv3,32 is deterinineel to do the best he can, whether he drives a cart, conduots badness of n million dollars, or preaches the goepol, he cannot ,temeseeseemm.....e. em.............-menmeteeseeme-rese=wees PURITY AIM STRELVCTII C014TDINED r: rmi A GENTS I UNEMPLOYED I We handle onl la. at tertari -pled Ales, of which no etherfl cm be A 0(401 to sell in Canada. Write us. Tarbox Bros. Toronto, Ont. 15 40C1 JO' ese 441 e.4 ACTS AT THE CAME TIME, ON TiE NERVES, THE LIVER, THE WOWELS, andtheKODNEYS This combined Action gives it won- derful power to cure all diseases. Why Ave e Sick? Because we allow the nerves to remain weakened and irritated, and these great organs to become clogged or torpid, and poisonous humors are there ore forced into the blood that should be expelled naturally, PAINE'S CELERY COMPOUND mu. CURE BILIOUI3VESS, PILES, CONSTIPATION, KIDNEY COM- PLAINTS, URINARY DISEASES, FEMALE WEAKNESS,RHEUMA. TISM, NEURALGIA., AND ALL NERVOUS DISORDERS, By quieting and strengthening the nerves and causing free action of the liver, bowels, and kidneys, and restor- ing their power to throw off disease. Wby euffer Bilious Nina and Ache Why tormented with Pilo,, Constipation? Whe frightened over DisorderedKidneysl Why endure nervous or sick headaches} Why have sleoplece nighteI Use 1>Anta's CHLTurr COAIPOUND and rejoice in health, It is an entirely vegeta- ble remedy, harmless in all cases. Sold' by Drusrists. .Price $1.00. Six for 000. WELLS, RICHARDSON &CO.,Proprietelat LIONTEBAL, 13. Q. mwwwwwwag 4,4 '41 152' i0l 1'U T010.834 on Far.ms. noweat Rates, eke1 Ne de*V. Correemoadence eolicited, fig E j,151O521, Financial Agt., E.,Itablished 1860. 52 Winged. E., Toronto, I: A MU Q FOR SKIM or RENT. Ano state, 1 /MIMS KIND8 and Penes. some special bargains, H. S. MITCRELL, DRAYTON, oar. A TV517410:71 AGENTS 1-nerues or gent'emen t girls or boys, The hest ese senine article in the world. Something new Rad needed in every honsehold. sells like hot cakes, s maple by mail, post pail, with full particular, on receipt of 16 °ante. Address, 0, W DENNIS, 'Yonee Street Arcade, Toronto, Ont, ANAD IA It NES BESS CNIVERSITP. ‘./Public Library. Brtildinge,Toronto. Students from British Columbia, California, Kansa% Illinois, and quite a number of other States and Provinees, non in attendance. Write for Descriptive Circulars. TKOS. .SENCOUGH, 01142. IL Bo0KS, President. See'v Manager. ANADA 6lifiti09PIIN17, CO. -Beaver Line of Steamships, waling, weekly between Montreal and Liverpool. Saloon tickets, Montreal to Liverpool, etn, 850 and en. Return tickete, 580, 890 and 5130 according to tearner and accommodation, later. mediate, ese ; Round trip tickete, 500. Steerage, 820; Total earning livelihoods... 17.392 099 a_ Round trip tickets, am, For further particulars and Number of farms 4 008 U'd 1 to enure births, apply to 11. F, MURRAY, Genera. Value of farms $10,200,000,000 manager, 1 Custom Dome Square, Montreal, or to the While capital invested in mem- Local Amato in the different Towns and Cities. factures is only about 28 per LeatherBe'tin cena of this, or.... $ 2,790,272,606 Showing value in farms over and induetriee or every kind. It is estimab- le the manufactures are included trades value in manufactures... $ 7409,727,394 F.EDIXON &CO, MAKERS, 70 KING ST. E. TORONTF BEST VALUE IN TEE DOMINION. ed that of the 3,837,00.3 peraons engaged in Bend for Prioe Lists and Discounts. manufacturing, etc., not more than 700,000 0 n 0 MIDS. For ehe areaacturtlly dependent upon or advantage- TMare addrees ously affeeted by the tariff. The " Herald" mai& tailleaa . MJ. DOAN &, SON, Toronto, Ont deals in detail with the dutioe. It says: "Taking the whole liet through, seaming every article whioh the fanner or his family must buy, and there you fiod the , baron, nANUFACTUREAS AND plIATAIREI IN with his open hand and his tariff pistol, call- ing upon the consumer to stand and deliver." The enormous taxes levied upon the Ameri- can farmer by the tariff barons represent so much "protection" given to the wheat: pro- ducers of Russia and India against American CANADA. PERMANENT grain, inasmuch as those taxes increase the I cost of American production. a the -.American nd to thsa ex• cl a - , - tent handicap e -.American faomer in the Joan&Savillgo ompally keen competition now exiating, H.WILLIAMS CO. sanipd.t.r:t i ROOFERS Roofing Felt, Slaters' Felt, Deafening Felt, Carpet Paper, Building Paper, Roodng Pi tab. Coal Tar, Lake G el& : 4 Adelaide St. East, Toroute INCORPORATED ISM. se Landlord (mountain resort house) - Head Office! Toronto St., Toronto, "Well, sir, I trust that inhailing our moun- tain air will enable you to return to the city with renewed strength and vig- or." Gnest-" Can't tall; it all depends on the bill." Goff No More,. 'Wattion's dough drope are the best In the world Mr the throat and chest, for the voice unequalled. See that the letters R. & T. W. are stamped on each drop. AEure for Drunkenness. The opluni habit, deposninuirt, the morphine habit, Subeeribed Capita; • $ C380,000 Paid tip Catlitat '4340,00 Total Assets I0,0t 0,000 Tho enlarged capital and resources of this Company, together with the moreaeed facilities h has recently acquired for supplying land ownere with cheap money, enable the Directors to meet with promptness and eh the lowest current rate of interest all requiremente for loans upon satisfactory real estate eecurita.. Applicetion may be made to either of the [Com. panes local Appraisers, or m J. HERBERT MASON, MinagegDirector, Toronto, nervous prostration caused by the use of Tobacco, wakefulness, mental depression, eof !ening of the brain, eta, premature old age loss of OPality cansed by over exertion of the ban, andloes of natusaletrengte from env came whatever. met -young, old 00 0016. dle-aged-who ars broken down from any of the abeve camas, or any cause net 9n ntioned above, Bend - your *dareand 10 cents in stamps for Lebon's • Treatise, la book term, of Diseases of mare Booke p CONSUMPTION sent sealed and secure from observation. Address M. V. LIMN, 47 We linton stmet East, Toronto, Ont, i. 00 6 A. 1'. 420. M.—.11:=71.117611,..,...rmonvutrnonnznonnannstesztsrerinrnq r ANTED111111111EDIATEM ACTIVE fit; Mass It gE to sell tho 'Reliable Nnro r Stock of the wen -known Bt. nett:armee 2ur- /140, series. Liberal tering and steady work, ;Ad. ee9 de 0 arm TIM a W. I3EADLE NURSERY 00., Ted, 1111.....m. Bt. Catharines, Ont. FREE . KE — RewDeOLIn 001.015e3) SILK HAND- W/DIU, and a sample of the Wonder, ful Needle I requires no threading 1 to all who Bend ua:10 cents Oliver for postage, etc. We make this great offer to introduce our goode intoevery home. Address at once, WfurOX MANPiG CO., 661 queen St W., Toronto, Ont SCROFULA. BRONO HITTh 0OUGE1' GOLDS Wastbg DIt.'easezt Wonderful Nosh Producer. F.' nth's Emulelon ir not a secret remedy. Containing lho Wimulatiegt Hypophos- phithe and Pure Nam mgian Cod Lirer 011, 1110 potency of both beim;. largely creased. It is used by 1'1y:delta's all over ROT C T ION FROM EIRE. - A OOOD the world. TITING.-thensars 6tAnlc Axiito,x5a A5D DRAM on StovPALAT OABLE AS MILK. CIMINN,-Wor 10ktl Oipes1111 , 1+toke, eta. City and County Itighte, or IfIntlee Canadian Patent , Sozi by menespem, ,e0c, and 8/.00. for Sale. W, J. USSERY, Noawtoir, Ont.. _ _ SUNDAY SOH001. LIBRARIES. Schools desiring to tep'enteh theft &reit phouhl smd for our Catalogues of S. S. tibrar,V Med Prize Monte. We eupply all Icincle of S. le, remit:458t81 oo the must ativantageoua terna9„ Ath dress A. G. WATSON, Menage: Toronto Willard Trot Depository, Toronto, . 11"8 '"".11v* Constriting tngineers and Solicitors of I -Vents, 0, 0, Rom Chief Magi:leer, A, E'll'osna Moe/Minuet Young Men atieVErillad trona the effects at early evit latWtor the result of ignorertee and folly, who find thetneolves weak, lierVoue and etbeizated ; also eflemaiMene oat Oen Mee, who are broken down from ths offsets of :Muse oe over.wotk, end in eclvarteed lite feel the coneememeee of youthful emote, send for Mel t'eatil M. V; falbenve Treatree on the Disomm et Ron, The boek will be bent etaled to bay &chillies on secelpt of tvo 80. stentee, Addtesa 10 V. tallIOX, Wellineten St. g., T konta, Ont. Nervous Debility; DR, GRAY'S Speeitio has been need ler tlie pal t fifteen yew With geeat stieeess, In the treattnent of Nervous Debility, and all diseatee arising front ex. mesee, oveamorked brain, toes of vitality, ringing in the eare, palpitation, etc. For ark by all rletigglate PrICO 51 per box, Or 0 bOxeS for 50, or will be tent 13' mall reonipt Viet!. PaMphld 011 A•PrillOatIOD. TISI GRAY MaIntattqm 00,, ,,20,,nt),. -wta ai GNtr itrr Manufactured by EMS C% " Tolonta, Stained Glass FOR CHURCHES, DWELLINGS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS. FirCAUSLAND & SON 76 King St, W., Toronto, Merchants Butchers arid 'Tradersgonerolly, livo woi,1 e0000 alAN In your loomity to pit& up CALF SKINS For us. Cash aurniehed .04 $ntiB1A0tOrY'g5ar0litY Addreo, Urea Pias. Vermont, U. S. H P. DAVIE8, Successor to CELLS. ROBINSON & GO. NOCE 8: COLUMBIA BICYCLES Dove' l'ocip 'es, 131;2:44rd Toboggans, showshoes Etc, at red...old peeee Footballs, Je0eey3, Phdd 50 °lobe at opecial cliecounts. SECOND frielD 9.0fILNZS AT RE DITORD VETOES 2 CHURCH ST., TORONTO. Allan Lino Royal Nail Stoamenipg I Sailing dating winter from Rortlend every TtoursdaY , and fialifax even seturday reverpoel.a,nct lo 81101. aim' from Quebec every Saturday to LiverpooLeelling at Londonderry to land matte and parieengere foe Scotland and Ireland ; aleo front B eitlincre, via Kali fax and St. Johne, 51,0'., to Liverpool fortnighbly durizer summer month,. The eteamers of she Gies- genv .dnee Flail during winter to and wore lialLfan Poraland, Boston and ohilea eIphie ;anti during e'sm- 11101 between Giaegow and Mantrap,' we4tlY Gina, gow and Botdon weekly, and Glasgow and Phticedel, pith; fortnightly. For freight, passage or other inforriastion apply fie A. Sehumaciher0 00., Balthnore ; S. Canard it Co., Halifax; Shea a co., St. John's, lidd„ Wm Tbomp eon & CO., St. Mho, W. B.; Allen 0 Co., Clbleago Love is Alden, Xew York; 16. Boruller, Tovonte ; Allane, Rae ra Ce„ Q iebeo ; Wm. Bcookle, Philealed- plain ; 11. A. Alien Portland, Baton, Montreal, MSC 1 r• LmatEs. Lame and,III,mtie On%t.ng by this new and iceprovod TAILORS' SQUARE. San:Motion guaranteed to teach:lacliee the full lot of cutting all .garmente worn by lanes and children. PROF. StUTEI, 040,} Queen Bt. W., Toroeto. weents Wanted. THE TORONTO SILVER PLATE CO Manufacturers of the wighera Gredee SILVER-PLATED viARES v MARK, 1) TRADE FACTORIES AND SALESROOM : 420 to 426 King St, West, TORONTO E. G. GOODERKAM, J. 0. OOPP, tanager. - 84(a...0:ea% ?Ye are children who cheerpgy join in the chorus. - When Breadmaker's Yeast Is the salyect before :es- - Mamma tried all the rest, s So she knows it's the best, razhiest, 'Came her bread is the whitest, ker buns are the And we eat ithe "awakes she dare set beforens. BUY THE DREADMAKER'S YEAST. PRICE 5 -CENTS. WHAT IS IT IN MEAT THAT STRENGTHNES? The ALBVAISK it contains this etbstance beyond all queetion is the nice* important constituent of Flesh OUR NERVE TISSUES are tit rely dependent upon Album( n s ir their repair arid our blood in order to be healtny muet contain it n no lese than soven per cent. SCIRNTIFiC ANALYSIS lies clearly demonstrated 'bait JOHNSTON'S vte' 40iiNSTONs Falik.REEF Contains' all the eleniente-vetheu a single exception-necesevy for the forma:tem 01 FLESH, MUSCLE ANC BONE. 56 per ceet of organic 'natter of Soh f waling einferial. 30 per cent. et mineral *alto or phnephates It moot Its evident therefore to the intelligent public thatJohnetoe'eFinidDeef has the first olefin 08 3. NITIBITIOLte and STRENGTII-OIVING FOODfor old and youtig, sick androbuste ?END BEEF SOLD WITH OR WITH- OUT TEE BAGGER. Cli A. 'THAR/ lirtJAIWEL.", =MaN.Y....t... .1NIN ILLS OVER 2000 ALREADY SOLD THIS SEASON, Einrpasses all other Fanning llatiIS hi the navket. Do not buy until you got my Calendars and haforma. don, merour ratios, Bagg,lig Apparatus saves time and labor, Will bag 80 to SO lanshele; per hem., and can be attashed to any of the machines nutie be usduring the last font. yoars.: forigON cAMPRELli, rkla-auf'or ClIATHATtri. Ont. There ars many MUTTONS Of ivIAIIHINE but none equal le inbricetleg properties. Falai • nee, 1.1:010e45K, eta, find nom, acme'. to the comatee Peariects made by RD0ERS.1 CO TOR0NT1 oold by'rlealers eiervultere, Capital and Vands now over $300011.1000.1 iLJioFFIcE, IX Toll.f.r4T4.;) sT„ TOlitOICT A. 'Home Company, Established' October 1871. To this Pate, Ooteber 84 1587, there hal been returned To the heire of Polley holdere (losetteelatine)..... ...... ....... ... , . . . .. 00 To the holden ot matured Endowniene 110tloils 20,409 08 28 To Policy -holders on surrender of Policlee ,05 00 To eoltemboldere tor Oltfill prOflttl enoludieg those allocated and 'being . .... 422,644 02 To heldem Of Aataity Donde 10,007 84 Loaned to Polity-holdere on the Security of their Poli6es ... ... .„, 85,104 OS 01,800,174. 47 Polities in 'Pante:over Attie,nnt over:SX5,00wi;ve, PRES f.D.ENT-11. Stg W 4, trowtAvp, 0.1e. t VialEtalislilailDENTS-WrrAlAtu 1...111.,trotr, 11157;Illnw4un Brocvm, 311 T4, 111ACT;WOilb,liii0) Pillanaging tHrootori voliolog goototE.Amoo atter 2 Years and tadatamInla after' 8 yeari;, catiaietstatilarralS7Ltars.'ftlAkgagiaiMik .,IiMaritiriaMtantaaVI "A WONDtlit DIgtiVt! TOMO.. A Motliolatat not a Mgt*. Ottro All Diaohato.of the Stood, Llvr,Kidtioyo, Urinary Ortsont,11.01eVOU6tiOtd5 S1ttool,00tolet51.(torriato tlOr41aliitto reaty Savo Your Lifo., $"O 00 tZol,vard paid tor a 000- thew Wild not tot rO682u)-'r