HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1968-12-19, Page 11• , • Miss Comber of Bobcaygeon, a former teacher at the high school here,attended the officialopening of the F. C. Madill S. S. addition. She is seen talking to Rev. H. W. Hamilton, rector of St. Paul's Church. • In Belgrave ,United BELGRAVEg!olabAi Christmas Vesper serViee was held Sunday evening in the United Church with Mrs, George Johnston as (XVIII*, 14ited Candles made the service very. impressive, ' • - The service opened with a, medley of carols, followed by .the 'Choir singing "0 ,Come, 0 Come Eirimanuel"., The two readers were Iviarion Armstrong and Marian McGee With EVelyn Biemani acting as candlelighter, Two anthems were Sung, • * "Shepherds Shake Off Tour Drowsy Sleep" and "Every Star • Shall Sing hymns were "Angels from the - Realm* of Glory", ."SilentNight" and "0 Come.All Ye Faithful". Alice Beecroft and Gisii May- berry received the offering.' .; 'During the last hymn, '26Y to the World", the: gkis*: .t • their candle* and reeeSsed — down the aisles.: Rev.' John • RObertapronounced•the bene - CHRISTMAS CONCERT T East Wawanosh Public SChQO tined Monday afternoon by twenty-two children from the, Regionai Children's Center in The grOuP sang a. Medley of p4plis 4f were enter, - choir of Midwestern Palmerston. Christmas songs for an iudience of East Wawanosh pupils and' parents. The choir was ec-, id CPMPaniid by Rev. Mr. Patterson, Director of the Centre, and Dr. Graham, the Cen- tre's Superintendent.. • --Advance-Times Ph00. $"'""""4"1""""""4"4""(°40."4"*""P"..8044.40'0041N•MI/40.1e,MilThatillo011atill!WOUss'isomproomiaW101111prom.11111 e loutuotiliimmipmowswomme,...1640,.. , IJCW meeting follows vesper service GORME- - Twenty-four .Ca- Faules, presented then ,vesper nadian"Girls in Training, under service iU the.Gorrie Unite d Church on Sunday evening and also formed the choir. • Colleen Carson and Linda Robinson were in charge with the candlelighters, Jean Brown, Janice Elschner, Susan Temple- man, Elizabeth Neilson and Joyce Hamilton. They sang • the leadership of Mrs, liorrnall AlltatireMAgalikaitiAlleAtMeMailegiNt MICAIMICAttatitAVACMOVICAV A rand G ift for Eve-ryone r SNOW BOOTS 7.!.8 three anthems, "0 COme, O. Come, Emmanuel", "Shep- herds Shake Off Your Drowsy A Sleep" and' "Every Star Shall Sing a'Carol". Unit 4 served lunch ,to the C.G.I. T. , Hi -C and U.C. W.. members., Following this Mrs. George Brown presided for the United Church Women's meet- ing, Mrs. Gordon Edgar gave , i the report of the Christian Citizenthip and Social Action Committed. Mrs, W. W. Strong greported 400 lbs had been sent to overseas mis.sion and ago gparcels to Fred VictoriMisSion, 9. MrS. Lorne Robinson gave the manse report, -andIvirs.• Robert Strong read the treasurer's re- port. Mrs. Elmer Farrish read the slate of nominations and Rev. Slippers to 'suit everyone , on your , list Uncertain About Size? GIVE A GIFT CERTIFICATE — "The Gift t'hat " Always Fits" $1.98 t�$5,98 FOAMTREADS For tbe Family SAMSONITE AND CARSON A full range Of Children's Attache Cases 13.9510 $24.95 LUGGAGE LADIES' and MEN'S SILHOUETTE COMPANION CASE YOU WILL FIND THE PERFECT UNDER-THE.TREE GIFT FOR EVERY MEMBER OF THE FAMILY NOW 014 DISPLAY IN THE WINDOW AND IN THE STORE. AVA Buy blankets for overseas relief SLUEVALE--The postponed general meeting ,ef the u. C. W. 4was heickinithe..UnitedPeirurelt Ton Monday' evening -oftlast•week with the president, 'Mrs. Jack • Wickstead in charge. The roll call was answered by quoting -a Christmas verse. Mrs.' Harold Johnston conduc- ted the worship service and read • the story of the birth of Christ from Luke. Mrs. Michael Ross ' and Mrs. Ross Nicholson gave readings appropriate to the sea- son and Christmas carols were , sung. Mrs. Bert Garniss discussed ,China, quoting_from the study book. She also exhibited art- icles -that had formerly come from China,and wore a Chinese dress. China has a huge population, , a very ancient culture and a history of revolution. Mao's communists revolution has so changed the life of the people that now all religious are rid- iculed and restricted, their buildings destroyed and mission- aries sent away. Political propi aganda is continuously fed to the people from infancy. We do not know whether there are still devout Christians in China. Ca- nada has a large export trade • %dill her but has no reltoresenta- • tives there. The treasurer, Mrs. Walter Willits, gave a very satisfactory report, noticing a large bal- ance. It was decided to do- nate $100 to be used to buy blankets for overseas relief. Unit 3 served refreshments at the close of the meeting. George Sach conducted the election, of officers as fono'ws; 'Honorary president, 1%.44. George .Sach; president; ' Mrs. A.L. Stephens; 1st vice presi- dent, Mrs. Alex Taylor; record- ing Secretary, Mrs. 'Robert Strong ; assistant, Mrs. Lyle , Watson; treasurer, )1Mrs. Robert ELschner; corresponding secre- eary, Mrs. Thomas McInnes; flower 4ind.cheet, IVIrs. Wesley Trimble; press repor.ter, Mrs. • George Brown; community friendship and visitation, Mrs. Glad Edgar, Mrs. Ken Hastie; Christian citizenship and social actiOn, Mrs. Clifford P yfce ; stewardship and recruiting, Mrs. DeWitt Adams; manse commit- tee, Mrs. Lionel Johnstbn, Mrs.", Lorne Robinsch, Mrs. Harry' Hastie, Mrs. Cloyne Michel; representative to OfficialBoard, Mts. A. L. Steithens, Mrs. Alex Taylor; representative to board of Stewards, Mrs. Lionel John- • ston, Md. C. Michel; program planning, Mxs. George Handl- ton,' Mrs. Lorne Robinson, Mrs. • Hector Hamilton, M.rs. Ewart -Whitfield; supply and social assistance, Mrs. W. W. Strong, ,Mrs. John Strong, Mrs. Gordon Edgar, Mrs. Alex Edgar, WS.. Cecil -Grainger; nominating, Mrs. Elmer Farrish, Mrs. Henry' Gowdy; auditors, Mrs. Everard Carson, Mrs. Wilford King. Wm A Ti Auxiliery m several donations IVRDWICH--The' Legion Auxiliary of 13raneh $07 met at die home of Mrs, Jack Clarke. The 'seeretary gave a report of the Christmas party for dila, indrestnalredd.a new' member s''''ras Ten dollars was VOted for a Christmas gift for the adopted Veteran and a cash donation was Made to the Christmas Tree Fund at Westminster flospitat, Candy bags were sent to the wingitam corps of the Sawa - tion Army for distribution. A donation, was also even to the branch to purchase a gilt far a veteran. The mystery prize was wort by Mrs. Jim Vittie, donated this month by Mrs. Stan Lod( wood, . TwQ Special% were woe ivits. TOM Nickel and Mina Harold Bradshaw. The identity of Secret Pals was discovered and each re- ceived a gift. Lunch- was serv ed — t is vilit leader BELGRAVE.--Mrs. George Michie was hostess for the Christmas Meeting of the even- ing unit of the U. C. W. Regular business was conducted by Mrs. William Coultes and election of officers resulted as follows: Leader, Mrs. 'James Coultes; assistant leader, Mrs. Harold Vincent; secretary, Mrs. Laura Johnston; assistant secretary,, Mrs. Sam Pletch; treasurer, Mrs. Kenneth Wheeler; program convener, Mrs. Ross Anderson; Christian citizenship and com- munity friendship, Mrs. Coultes; press reporter, Mrs. Laura Johnston; supply , secretary, Miss Annie Cook; social convener, Mrs. George Johnston; group leaders, Mrs. Norman Cook,- Miss Annie Cook and Mrs. Lloyd Freethy. , "Angels from the Realms of Glory" was sung and Scripture ,was read by Mrs. Norman Cook Mrs. James Coultes. read a • poem and Mrs. Laura Johnston gave the meditation. Carols were sung and Miss Barbara • Muilwyk favoured with a solo, "What Child Is This." Mrs. Harold Vincent gave a story, "Tell Me of Christrrias" and Mrs. Clarence White read '"Message of Christmas," • "0 Little Town of Bethelem" and lunch served by Mrs. Cliff Logan's group brought the meet- ing to a close. 0 by W. -A. Campbell. your teloOkine manager V • r • • / ,:••• • „ :Somehow the 'last few clays, Were Christmas often s'..tUrn out to be. the 'busitrit of the year. What with child.' !fen home on holidays, pre-Chriettnasentertairiinit.and :the : inevitable cloeleYS, caused by 'winter weather, you May find ..' your telephoitiiren. indispensable step -sayer. , It can heist you Order things for ihe hOus,a, find out which store has . • what you want,;keep tabs onthe.youngstere whereabouts,' plan and schedule the •family's holiday activities. And, _for a break in .a busy day, what's ; more ..pleasant than taking time, out for .a telephone chat with a friend across town 4- maybe share a few Christmas zlicoratint tips' in the bargain. • . " • , So keep iour! telephone. In Wad 'When YoUsra Pied** Ping how' best to get everything done by December 25. • While. a heavy tineWfill may create a winter seen.' to etiballany you'll find on a ,,Christmas card, it's 'best ay.- predated if yov.happen to be indoOrs roiled:up:in front ofthe fireplace,: If you're (Ibid., you'll be 'too' busy ropingwith y1 roads and sidewalks, blinding inn*, sleet.. and treacherouS. *king conditions to enjoy fully th. splendor all ir66nd you. • Whether on foot or in a car, winter -weather -requires caution when moving.' about outdoors. But for the torist its particularly hazardous. Her. are a few remind.. ers'for,, safe motoring that many experienced drivers fellow. Keep your car in top rnethanical:order. Drive smoothly, avoiding sudden stops, starts and ahingt turns. Keep More than the usual distance between Your car and . the vehicle ahead.. "Pumiki4brakes.lightly.-on icY or wet streets te'brii(g your car to a gradual' stop. If you should • skid; let. VP' on the gas ,pedal and steer into 'the Watch, for thawing ice—you need twice as much stopping distance on. slush :as on :glare ice. Turn your headlights on low beam cliorhig a snow storm o.ti.fiii; .wateb for icy patches on street and and frosty bridge *Wits. 'Kiel,: ' 'dews clear- and. Clioan.ind, above all, slow down, . iIve fog, Aver wondered why the wt.:pit Chr.ishitaS isleein'XinaiU the Greek 4ifter "Cliii"iifilftitn"lesitif "chi" Is the Initial titterof the.Greek word- for Christ. 21 Or • • - * * Names make news they. NY and if 'that's the 'cask One of the newsiest items of the, year has Wit 'arrived. it's your --new telephone ',directory. Although . the Cover is outstanding from a design point of view, if's 'the new listings, that are . most important to you We have; a handy new Personal Directory to*halii. you make and keep a list of thole nuica, bers you call inost often. Just ' call our •Businest..Offiee and we'll send you one free of .Charge. • * * * MERRY. gOlftlStMAS AND A..H1PPY NEW YEAR.. A.1221MDIANZMNDM*323ZINNIMUNDMNIINDilt)i)32434q120421)*Mailltatilies • a A A Were gi , MADE FOR OTHER.. AS A A A A Rev, George Ball of Lucknow, acco4anied his wife, a 'teacher at the F. E. Madill Secondary School, to the open- ing lett Tuesday night. nn nn • n: • . . OUR CLOTHES and YOUR MAN. Hell 'sport the look of style and comfort with pride. You knew how he feels about his trousers. They must be fashionable, care -free And comfortable to please him. We know hit type. We know his taste. We have what he wants in Christmas clothing. We also have %,hat he wants in Dry Cleaning care for his clothes — TRY U51 A 1. Readman Cletirs r - A ' Aril) 1011111,1% WEAR A DIAL 30.1242 ;itattetticontamtiettiottett•eantattevestfotattothiotattotstatiotatene WI WHAM