HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1968-12-19, Page 590f- Christmas 0► 1r Christmas program highlight of Women's Institufe meeting IORI WICH--The Christina % Meeting of•the FQrdWiCh Wo# amen'* Institute wa,s, held at the home Of Mrs. "Williaan Wilson. The rooms were beautifully decorated for Christmas with a tree and coloured Lights, The branch directors, Mrs, Elmer iurding and Mrs, Scott Clark- U convened the program.. ' Clarence Carswell presid- ed and welcomed members and Pelma The devotiOnS were taken by Mrs. Harrold Doig. She spoke on the legends. of Christmas, the lIttl,e spider's web and then Ave point star. Carols were Ong, Roll call, was answered' with a Christina* quotation. Mrs.. Carswel1,thanited the 441 leaders and annouflc ed the " new -4-41 project "Meat in the. Menu" with Mrs, Elsner Hard - ng and Mrs. Douglas bunker as leaders. A thapk you note. w* t04$$#$1}N,0„yjN,tNA11I#)F""n„g1Hu.n"1,u0O"r11OO Oto"11,11/0u1N1t1On)O".ApMu1 11OO Or$11$101"NHNN LangsI.de W,M.S. meets WHITECHURCH--The Lang- side W. M.S. Christmas meet - sing was held last 'Thursday at the borne 'of Mrs. Wesley Young Mr& Charles Tiffin presided for the Meeting and gave the call to 'worship. Mrs. Gordon Wall read the Scripture. A , Christmas meditation was given by Mrs. George Young and Mrs. Eldon Welsh led in prayer. A reading, "Are We Cele- brating Christmas?" was given by Mrs. Bill Evans. The roll canvas answered with a..verse of Scripture with .word "glory", iteports from the secretaries and treasurer were given. The treasurer was happy to report that the givings had exceeded that of the previous year. The supply secretary said a bale valued at $25 had been sent. Mrs: Tiffin thanked Mrs. Conley and Mrs. Huffman for preparing the program. An ex- change of gifts was held among .• the nine members, three visit- ors and three children. The hostess served lunch. Christmas supper at unit meeting WROXETER--Eighteen mem- bers were present for the Christ - mat meeting of the Friendship . Unit of the United Church Wo,- men, o*men, held in the church ,base- ment. Mrs. Wearying and Mrs. Ste- wart Higgins conducted the de- votional period. Mrs. Wearring, gave the opening message and prayer, and the Scripture lesson and the meditation on it were read by Mrs. Higgins. Mrs. Coulter and Mrs. Ackerman ' sang "Let the Lower Lights Be Burning" as a duet. Members answered the roll call with a verse containing the word 'gift' and each member contributed a Christmas thought The president, Mrs. K. Ed- gar, conducted the business and closed the meeting with prayer. Mrs. Sach, at the pi- ano, led the group in carol singing. A Christmas' supper , arrang- ed and served by Mrs. Wearr- ing and Mrs. Higgins was thoroughly enjoyed. eve, Peff hoe INFANT'S AND CHILDREN'S ; WEAR if/Pi/GI,'. w MIT IN THE GURNEY BLOCK \btir(!ntario..., Hospital Insurance would like to hear from you • f r ,1% t beforeit's too late) When you are newly wed the "family” Hospital Insurance premium must be paid to coyer husband and wife. If you belong ' to a group notify your group without,.; delay or if you both "••-•<.'-1 pay premiums direct,;-- notify irect, notify H.I.R.B. When you move to a new job you can keep insured by fol- lowing the instruc- tions on the Hospital Insurance "Certifi- cate of Payment Form 104" that your present employer is required to give you on leaving. When you turn 21 you are no longer covered by your. parents' Hospital Insurance. You must take out individual - membership within . 30 days. Get your ap- plication form at a bank, or a hospital, or from H.I.R.B. When• you have a new address notify your group. If you don't belong to a 'group, write H.I.R.B. Health Insurance Registration Board, 2195 Yonge Street, Toronto 7. Set.% mg Ontario s Health Insurance Plans. read *OM Mrs, Eine Demerrling and a Christmas card signed for one'of the oldest members, l Roil Doig, A reading, "A Christmas' Wilt" was given by Mrs. Elmer Harding,, A sing -song, of favor- ite Christmas carols was led by Miss Minnie McElwain and Miss Marian Yarding,,. A unique feature was "Silent Night" sung to ,German. by Mrs« Anson Dem- s%tiing. in Dutch by Mrs, G, Winkel and in Danish by Mrs. Rasmussen., A Christmas story, "A De- . center Night Long Ago" was • read by Mrs, Scott Clarkson. Miss Marian Harding sang "Q Holy light, " A humorous reading was given by Mrs. M. Penny, A- duet, ."Belis,are • Ringing" was sung by Miss Min- nie McElwain and Miss .Marian Harding. A craft, the making .of a Christmas bell from a plastic'• cup and odds and ends, direct- ed by Mrs. Elmer Harding and Mrrs. Scott Clarkson, was great ly enjoyed. . A pot luck lunch was served at the close by Mrs, William Wilson and her assistants. Wroxeter Mr. Bill Higgins of Bruce Mines spent the week -end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ste- wart Higgins, Sunday guests at the same home were Mr. and Mrs. Ron Higgins and family of Stratford, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Higgins and Michael of Turn - berry. Mr. Ken McMichael and Mrs. Morley McMichael visited Mr. Morley McMichael in Vic- toria :Hospital, London, on Sun- day. His many friends will be pleased to learn he is progress- ing favorably and hopes to be home for Christmas. Miss Hazel Spading visited Mr. and Mrs. Walter Eaton, Seaforth , one day last -week. Personals --Mr. Russell MacKlersie of Nepawin, Sask. , who has been visiting with his sister, Mrs. 5, A. Halliday of'Shuter Street, for the past few weeks left at the week -end to visit friends in Philadelphia, Pa. --Mr. John Kilpatrick of Arkona, who has been a patient in Wingham and District Hos- pital for some weeks, was taken by ambulance to Victoria Hos- pital, London on Tuesday of 14St week. Mrs. Kilpatrick, who stayed at the home of her daughter,' Mr. and Mrs. John Gnay of Belgrave, is now at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Meaden of London. --The Salvation Army •Christmas concert was well at- tended on Saturday evening and the children presented a fine program of Chrlstmas numbers. Santa came and gave out Christ- mas treats. --Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wild attended the wedding of his nephew, Douglas Wild, son of Mrs. Kay Wild and the late James Earl Wild, to Miss Joyce Freeman in petrolia Anglican Church 'last !Saturday evening. aostigittgitagsivisgiagmxtvAgiagagAigitesta aglitm °I-Dvv",,tx....0 Creator of Two World Renowned Fragrances `Tabu' and `Ambush, featunts from World *mon THE CHRISTMAS theme was interestingly, 'carried out in this window painting at the Wingbam & District Hospital. 'The artists Mrs. Bill Evans hosts Christnas meeting of WMS WHITECHURCH- -Chalmers W. M.S. met at the home of Mrs. Bill Evans. last Wednesday for the Christmas meeting. The president, Mrs, Wallace Conn, , presided and gave the call to worship. arols' were sung. Mrs. Ear k read the Scripture and Mrs. Dawson Craig gave the meditation. Prayer was -given by Mrs. Al-- bent' McQuillan. A reading, "Crimson for Christmas", was' given by Mrs., Bill Evans. A poem, "Follow the Star" was ready by Mrs.. Frank Coulter. The topic, A Season for Peace, was .'given by Mrs, Wal- lace Conn who stressed that peacemakers are called the children of God. As such we should set an example of right- eousness. Men of good will enjoy peace of mind. At Christ -i rnas time there is a prevailing feeling of peace. In this world' of tribulations God reminds all to be o ggoti cheer and the diffiicu i wil ever r amine.. The toll callwas answer by 20 giving a verse of Scrip - tura.' The. minutes and. certeS4 pondence were read by. Mrs. Russell Ross. Mrs: Bill Purd9n gave the Friendship and Service report. Mrs. Johnston Conn gave the financial report which showed that givings of.other years had been exceeded. The collection was received and dedicated by Mrs. Robert Ross. A letter from Rev. and Mrs. Derwyn Hill of Carleton Place was read. Mrs. Emerson told of a recent letter received from Mrs. Donald Watt and of the birth of their baby girl in Octo- ber at Skeena Crossing, where Mr. Watt is teaching school. Mrs. James Meint1 �' read a poem, "Christmas Giving. " Mrs. Johnston Conn gave a reading, "Symbols of the Great Miracle. " The president closed the meeting with prayer in uni- son. The ladies decided to give the Sunday school treasurer, Mrs. John G atint , $5.00 to bu y material for the bags of home- made° candy donated by the congregation. were Mss. Barbara Doig and Mrs; M. L. Thompson. N",NH,tN„.1111,1„” N,,,/11(1 Dear Ann Landers: The t+ about . the fellow • who his girl a.uhandful of dirt from the London airport and called' it :a..,i" ". SaVe ine courage to ' rtes . CA I've . ' been going with < 011ie, for : three years. f always buy him thoughtful gilts for h3is birthday, . Christina* and Valen tine's Day, but he has,neve bought me ar, real gift;. ,He al ways comes up with #came gim wick or:♦ joke, Sample:. L Christmas he sent ;a bandwrit ten card. 'saying, "Your gift •" selected by Mr. Oliver I•l---•� was burned ' in the fire. So sorry." .It was' signed.. -";Tei- man ;;Marcus." I pretended to .be amused but I was awfully hurt. Yesterday. was my birthday; 011ie came over all excited — with, his "gift"-,- i cardboard box punch- ed full of.small holes. I almost fainted ' when I 'saw two white mice with pink eyes. ' He told me a buddy of 'his who works' in a lab gave them to him. I don't want: to be ungracious Ann, but I don't care for Mice: Furthermore, I'm fed up on 011ie using imagination as,' a substitute . for money What should 'I do?—TEXAS TILLIE,. Dear 'Texas•,' Ask ollia .to come and got, the mica and re- turn them to tete' • lab. And from now on use .your imrtginatlon instead of money. at gift -time. * * *- Dear Ann Landers: *hen our first child was bora, ' My' ,aunt gave - me a beautiful baby buggy. I Used it for . my second child, too. We put the.. buggy in the storage room . four years ago and forgot about .it: Lastweek I went, tb.' the stor- age oom and. there was the buggy—still in beautiful condi- tion. I decided it was foolish to . et . it sit there so - I ran an ad :in the paper to sell'it. My cousin (the aunt's daugh- ter) recognized our phone num- ber and called. me. Her ' opening volley was, "How cheap can. you get? •If neves;,ddreame4 ;You'4 be so petty as to SELL my moth,-, er's gift!" At first I. was _dumb- founded, then I got mad and called my husband and r'oeat- ed` the conversation. He didn't say she was- wrong. Now.I don't know what to think. I need tyour opinion.-NATALIE. Candles lit at meePtin. t r L 01111$110118111114 , ANOTHER .Ct RISTMAS piece done by Miss Murdean Mac- Leod lends a cheery atmosphere at the`Wingham & District Hospital. FORDWICIi=•-The afternoon unit of Fordwich U. C. W. held its Christmas meeting in the Sunday School room which was decorated with a lighted Christ- mas- tree and Christmas garland$ The worship centre depicted the manger scene of the Infant Jesus, surrounded by 12 white chandles, symbols of the 12 apostles. The worship service was taken by Mrs. Wray Cooper on the theme • "Christmas Joy". Scripture was read by Mrs. Clar- ence larence Carswell.. A solo, "0 Holy Night", was sung by Miss Minnie McElwain. Mrs. Parker Eurig read the Christmas legends of plants and flowers, including the story of the Christmas tree, the holly, the hawthorne, the mistletoe, cherry tree and poinsettia. Mrs. Wray Cooper led in a Dear Natalie: I fel it is in poor taste to slr11 a gift which you can no longer use. Far better to give It to a needy Per- on .or to a charitable 'organa. tion. Christmas Litany. A story, "How Far to Your Bethlehem?” $ was read by Mrs. Jack Wilson. a A candlelighting service follow- ed led by'Mrs. Cooper when the twelve candies on the wor- ,ship centre were lighted. Miss Violet Beswitherick played Christmas music and Christmas carold were sung. . Mrs. Cooper, unit president, presided for a brief business period. The roll call was an- swered with "Joy". It was de- cided to buy new blinds to darken the Sunday Schoolrooms so films can be used in Sunday School. It was reported that 300 recipe Christmas cards had been prepared. At the close a pot luck sup- per was enjoyed by the ladies. * * Dear Ann Landers: My moth- er died when I was 15. M future mother-in-law feels that snce' I ' have no mother she should take over plans for my wedding. T have always wanted • a beautiful wedding and have been saving for it for three years. My fiance's mother says it is foolish to spend money on . a church wedding and a. dinner with flowers and 'music "just to impress a few people." She says that when the memory of the wedding. fades I'll wish ' I had better . furniture. Last night we had a big argu- ment and her husband backed her up. She said when THEY get �'%ed O had hot dots and beer :. back yard and ane dont hot dogs beer in the 'back yard. I ...-_a beautiful wedding. Am ' I w iand fmarical?-TA' ED . Tom. Dear Tat S* you are frog. for If .and Sine* your •ng, have what you want l your M.L.L.` Chart your l- ls mod, uas and lh, go tj another subiaet.. !!. , Unsure of 'yourself on da What's - right? What's Should 'you? ' Shouldn't Send for the'booklet "D Dos and, Don'ts." Write to, Landers- in : care of this w paper. enclosing 35e, in plUs' 6c for postage and .It lo self-addressed, unsstamped .velope. • All letters or requests s he addressed to 'Ann LIM c/o Advanee-Times, T1iey. are 'forwarded front 't" a office unopened. Be sure ;i close * .long, sell -,addressed stamped° envelope and 00 postage, and the necessary :1 age /or the 'boo'klet reque {Nillmg' or hold meetins WROXETER--xs. Doris 4 , ams and Mrs, George Chaos; were in charge when the W ing Workers 'met 1ecer Mrs. H.; McMichael watt: piano for the singing of Mas ,carols and hymns. - Mrs. G. touttit offered er and poems were read by. Gattis: Bush, Mrs.Ross San son C r, Mrs, , Mr D. Mr# nett Adams, � .Gibson and Mrs.. H. Adarhs. 'e Christmas stories. Each'inel. ber of the unit contributed :some• way to the. program. Mrs. R. Sanderson reporte for the nominating commit, Officers for 1969 are as fo1jo : • Leader, Mrs. K. B.ennettr'. assist ant , Mrs. R. Louttit;'seer retary, Mrs. George Gibson,,,, treasurer,. Mrs. Doris Adan*; assistant. Mrs. Harry Adal pianist, Mrs. Harvey McMitsy, chael; buying committee,I. Rae Louttit and Mr*. John ,er; nominating, Mrs. Ross . - derson and Mrs, Rae Louttit,, Three members had pert attendance in.1968, Mfrs O0. Bush, Mrs. Ken Bennett and Mrs. G. Gibson. Roll call was a verse frog - the first Christmas card recek. ed by each Member. Dona". tions were made to charity tath- er than a gift -exchange. Mrs. Bennett thanked the Members for their help to *her .- as leader and lunch was served. • TRIANGLE 101113COU ,041f,V) ,1/D/t /4' r - CO S ve m.. S ' 7084a() DANA GIFT SET Contains Ambush Co- logne, 1 ounce o n d Tabu Cologne 1 ounce, both colognes are on a marble like base with o gold brocade case/cov- ,v. er. 3.75 OPIN 9 A.M. TO , P.M. SAY NOON TO SIX ti9 INVITATIONS e ANNOUNCEMENTS INFORMALS *ACCESSORIES LET US ASSIST YOU WITH VoUR W1bDINO PLANS COME IN AND ASK FOR YOUR FREE BRIDAL GIFT REGISTER Beautiful rad and white carnations artistically arrangledi in earthenware "goofer" bowls' make a perfect Christmas decoration, These +' fifer" t tir Mier) bowls, made in Western Canada,are suspended from the ceiling by a slim leather' throng. V WINGHAM